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Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
This was seconded by Bro . G . H . SMITH , P . M . 61 ( Mayor of Halifax ) , Prov . J . G . W . A debate followed , in which Bro . Rev . BOLTON , P . M . 154 , and others , took part . The resolution was carried by a considerable majority . The remaining proceedings were not of great interest .
Grand Council Of The Allied Masonic Degrees.
The annual meeting of Grand Council was held at Mark Masons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on the 1 st inst . The following brethren attended : Bros , the Earl of Euston , M . W . G . M , ; Viscount Dungarvan , as Dep . G . M . ; C . F . Matier , P . D . G . M ., G . Sec ; Wm . Vincent , G . D . C ; F . Bevan , G . Org . Harry Tipper , G . I . G . ; Baron de Ferrieres , J . Smith , P . G . Stwd . ; Geo . Powell ,
P . A . G . D . C ; A . H . [ efferies , P . G . W . ; J . Balfour Cockburn , P . G . W .,- Rev . V . P . Wyatt , P . G . C . ; C . Belton , P . G . W . ; Geo . Hearn , P . G . S . B . ; F . Richardson , P . D . G . M . ; Rev . C . E . Wright , P . G . Chap . ; S . L . Kilpin , P . G . Stwd . ; F . A . Powell , N . Heywood , J . G . Hamilton , F . Williams , T . E . Worlledge , H . Le Roy Lewis , R . Owen , Geo . Gill , and Col . Byrde .
Grand Council was opened in ample form and Bro . the Earl of EUSTON , M . W . G . M ., at once rose and said that on this occasion , as loyal subjects of their Oueen , they should pass a vote of condolence to the Duke of Teck on the loss of the Princess Mary of Cambridge . He did not think that amongst the whole of the Royal Family there was one who took more interest in charitable work than she did , being always ready to help the poor and
distressed . This was a good reason why they should now pass a vote of condolence on her loss . In these few words he would ask them to consent that it should be left in his hands , and the Grand Secretary , to send a letter jf condolence to H . S . H . the Duke of Teck , for they felt they had lost one of the Royal Family who was always so willing . and anxious to do good to her fellow creatures .
Bro . Viscount DUNGARVAN , P . D . G . M ., in seconding the proposition , which was unanimously carried , said that no further words were necessary or could be found to express their sympathy . The minutes having been confirmed , the Grand Secretary , Bro . C . F . MATIER , read his annual report , which showed that 94 brethren had been received into the Allied Degrees during the past year , making a total
registered number of 1195 . A large number of certificates for the Degrees of " Grand Tyler of K . S . " and " The Secret Monitor" had also been issued . No alteration had taken place in the lamented difference between the Sovereign Grand College of the Allied Degrees for the U . S . A . and the Body staling itself the ' Grand Council or Grand Conclave of the Order of the Secret Monitor for Great Britain , kc . " The mandate prohibiting
Masonic intercourse as Secret Monitors on the part of their members with the said Body must therefore remain in force . A new council had been consecrated at Brighton by the M . W . G . M ., and 17 candidates were admitted 10 the various Degrees , after which Bro . Richd . Clowes was installed as first Master . A new council would shortly be consecrated at Pudsey , Yotkshire . An agreement had been made and entered into between the
G . Council and the G . Council of Knights Grand Cross of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem at Newcastle-on-Tyne , existing from Time Immemorial , in which the Newcastle Castle agreed to join the Allied Degrees in forming a Council of Rites to administer a number of Degrees . For that purpose it transferred and ceded its rig hts to the Allied Degrees . Bro . Loveland Loveland was thanked for his eminent services as D . G . M .
The report as read was received and adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The G . Treasurer ' s accounts , which showed an increased balance in hand of £ 82 2 s . 3 d ., were also received and adopted . The M . W . G . M . appointed Bro . Chas . Belton as D . G . M ., and he was invested and saluted . Bro . Gordon Miller was re-elected G . Treasurer , and the following G . Officers were appointed for the ensuing year :
Bro . T . G . Youll ... ... ... ... G . S . W . „ W . Heywood ... ... ... G . J . W . „ C . F . Matier ... ... ... G . Sec . „ Gordon Miller .. ... ... G . Treas . „ Rev . C . C . Bluett } G . Chaps . „ Rev . R . Peek ... ... ... ) ' „ Walter Simpson ... ... ... G . S . D . „ T . P . Dorman ... ... ... G . J . D . „ W . Vincent ... ... ... ... G . D . C . „ Major C . W . Carrell ... ... ... A . G . D . C . „ Col . H . Byrde ... ... ... G . S . B . „ W . Hickie ... ... ... .. G . Std . Br . „ F . Bevan ... ... ... ... G . Org . „ F . H . Miller ... ... ... ... G . I . G . „ J . R . Ragdale ... ... ... G . Stwd . „ E . ] . Mills ... ... ... ... G . Tyler . The M . W . G . M . appointed Bro . Richird Owen to the rank of Past G
Deacon . The G . S ECRETARY announced the receipt of a large number of apologies , many being absent through illness , and the fact that the municipal elections were being contested that day . Grand Council was closed , and a banquet was subsequently held at the Holborn Restaurant .
Dedication Of A Masonic Hall At Sli Go.
On Thursday , the 21 st ult ., the new Masonic Hall , situated on the Mall , was dedicate ! according to ancient custom , to the uses of Masonry . The Prov .
G . M . of North Connaught , Bro . Lord Harlech , was present , and conducted the imposing ceremonial . About 100 brethren attended the function , including Bros , the Rev . Dr . Clarke , D . P . G . M . ; Rev . L . P . Ledoux , P . G . C ; B . St . G . Harrison , i ' . G . Sec . I Cul . Campbell , George Hewson , W > C . Trimble , R . Smyllic , R . St .
Dedication Of A Masonic Hall At Sli Go.
George Robinson , A . Sim , A . J ackson , J . F . Walker , R . B . M'Neily , F . Nelson , J . J . Nelson , R , Boyers , W . F . Gilchrist , Rev . Dr . Erdill , W . A . Shekleton , Rev . F . O . M . Watters , C . B . Jones , Rev . R . W . Landey , Rev . T . J . Bayley , Rev . W . F . Fitzgerald , Arthur Ward , R . Irvine , J . Chambers , W . M . 165 ; H . Loretto , H . H . Hallowes , H . Boyers , and others .
At the opening of the proceedings , Bro . J ACKSON read an address to the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Lord Harlech , from the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren of Lodge No . , Sligo . At the conclusion of the dedication ceremony an interesting event took place , the brethren of Lodge No . 20 presenting Bro . Jackson with a magnificent silver punch-bowl in recognition of his valuable services in forwarding the scheme for the new hall , and also for his efforts on behalf of Masonry generally . The bowl is a splendid specimen of the silversmith's art .
Masonic Female Orphan School, Dublin.
DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES . No public building of sufficient accommodation being available in Dublin , the fete which takes place annually in connection with the ceremony of the distribution of prizes to the pupils of the Masonic Female Orphan School , and which has been regarded as one of the most interesting and fashionable gatherings
of tbe year in the metropolis , took place at the Institution itself at Ball ' s Bridge , on Saturday , the 23 rd ult . Additional interest was attached to the occasion as it was to be utilised for the purpose of making two presentations—one to Mrs . Neale on her retiring from the position of Matron of the Institution , and the other to Bro . and Mrs . Holdbrook on their retiring from the positions of Head Master and Matron of the Boys' School at Richview , Clonskeagh .
The proceedings were presided over by the Grand Master , the Duke of Abercorn , who was supported by the following Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Ireland : Bros . Dr . J . C . Meredith , D . G . M . ; Sir J . Thomas Banks , J . G . W . ; Rev . B . Gibson , G . Chap . ; William M . Battersby , J . P ., S . G . D . j
William Comyns , G . D . C . ; George Drury , G . Stwd . ; James W . Lowry , G . S . B . ; Thomas G . R . Joze , Mus . Doc , G . Org . ; Dr . Chetwode Crawley , G . Sec . of Grand Lodge of Instruction ; and William M'Gee , J . ., G . I . G . Bro . R . W . Shekleton , Q . C , Past . Dep . G . M ., was present .
The following officers of the Grand Chapter of Ireland attended : Comps . John Fox Goodman , J . P ., Deputy King ; Dr . Hugh Auchinleck , F . R . C . S . I ., High Priest ; Andrew Thompson , Chief Scribe ; Henry Hunt , Capt . of Host ; Francis H . Wayland , Captain of B . Veil ; and Dr . Robert Montgomery , Janitor . Amongst others present were Bros . Lord Justice Fitzgibbon , Sir Charles Cameron , Sir William Findlater , D . L . ; Sir Henry Cochrane , D . L . ; Dr . Harley , and Col . Vesey Davoren .
The proceedings commenced in the Drill Hall at half-past two o ' clock , when the Grand Master and the Duchess of Abercorn were conducted to their places on the dais , on which the Grand Officers , wearing their regalia , were also seated . The Grand Master having been saluted , a musical programme was gone through by the pupils , after which the Duchess distributed the prizes as follows : Lower Forms , I ., IL , and 111 . —Geraldine G . Martin , Gardening . Henrietta
Whiteside , Tagert Prize , Needlework , Forms i . and ii . Mary Atkinson , Cooper-Noblett . Prize for Calisthenics , Juniors ; Tagert Prize , Darning and Mending , Forms i . and ii . Sophia W . Maclenaghan , Cooper-Noblett Prize for Scripture , Forms i . and ii . Annie F . Greer , Astley Second English Prize , Forms i . and ii . Henrietta H . Cherry , Cooper-Noblett Prize for Calisthenics , Juniors ; Shekleton
Prize , Best in Form i . Gertrude H . Connell , Bro . Rev . Hamilton's Second Scripture Prize ; Gardening ; Shekleton Prize , Best in Form ii . Mandeline M . Kane , Tagert Prize , Needlework , Foim iii . Louisa K . Hill , Shekleton Prize , First English Prize in Form iii . Kathleen E . Farrell , Astley Second French Prize ; Shekleton Prize , Best in Form iii .
Upper Forms , IV ., V ., and VI . —Margaret S . M'Comb , Tagert Prize , Needlework , Form iv . Ethel L . B . Lee , Tagert Prize , Darning and Mending ; Mrs . Neale ' s Second Prize for Domestic Duties . Ethel G . Johnston , Tagert Prize , Needlework , Form v .: Gardening First . Nora E . Stewart , Tagert Prize , Second Machine Work . Anita Wilcox , Cooper-Noblett Second Prize for Singing ; Gardening . Edith Scully , Rev . Mr . Campbell ' s Scripture Prize . Clare A .
Colclough , Cooper-Noblett Second Prize for Music . Bessie K . Shaw , Mrs . Harte ' s Second Prize for Singing . Florence K . Kennedy , Mrs . Neale ' s First Prize for Domestic Duties ; Gardening , Third . Georgina J . A . Armstrong , Mr , Norton ' s Second Prize for Shorthand . Georgina F . Bestall , Tagert Prize , First Machine Work ; Astley French Prize , Form iv . Mary M'Menemy , Second Nagle
Prize for General Proficiency , Form iv . Isobel F . Hennessy , Rev . Bro . Hamilton's First Scripture Prize ; Singing . Evelyn M . Nowburn , Florentine Prize , Music and Singing ; Second Hime Prize . Margaret A . H . Henning , Cooper-Noblett Prize for Drawing , Form iv . Mabel W . Calcutt , Miss Woodhouse ' s Silfer Medal for Drawing , Form vi . Millicent C . V . Ryan , Cooper-Noblett Prize for Calisthenics , Seniors ; Miss Woodhouse ' s Bronze Medai for Drawing .
Special Distinctions—Florence A . Dimond ( Intermediate Exhibition ) , Shekleton Prize , Best in Form v . ,- Cooper-Noblett Prize for German . Marion M . Vance ( Intermediate Exhibition and Prizs ) Astley First French and English Prizes ; First Nagle Prize for General Proficiency ; Cooper-Noblett Prize for Mathematics . Preparatory Grade : Music , Eileen M . Cullman ( Intermediate
Exhibition ) Second Cooper-Noblett Prizefor General Proficiency . Junior Grade : " Fair Prize " for Drawing ; Cooper-Noblett Junior Shorlhand Prize ( Ffennell Prize , 18 9 6 ) . Helen M . Vance ( Intermediate Exhibition ) First Cooper-Noblett Prize for General Proficiency , Junior Grade ; First Hime Prize for Proficiency and Good Conduct , Seniors ; Rev . Bvo . Fuller ' s Prize for German ; Mr . Norton's First Prize for Shorthand ; Gardening , Second .
Seniors ~ -rs . ath . enne MacDowell , the Dunboyne Bursary , "for the benefit of the most necessitous and deserving pupil leaving the School in the year . " Kathleen Winifred Browning ( new pupil teacher ) , Cooper-Noblett Prize for Shorthand , Middle Grade ; Mrs . Harte ' s First Prizs for Singing ; the Frennell Prize for the best pupil of the year ( not to be won twice ); Miss Woodhouse ' s Silver Medal for Scripture ; Tagert Prize , Needlework , Form vi .
It was announced also that of the 26 girls who entered for the Intermediate Examination this year 23 passed , two girls obtaining £ 20 exhibitions for three years in the junior grade , and two others obtaining exhibitions of . 620 each in the preparatory grade . , The Dili " . G . MASTUK said it next became his duty on behalf of several
Governors of the Boys' School , to ask her Grace the Duchess of Abercorn to be good enough to make a presentation to Bro . and Mrs . Holdbrook , the late Mister and Matron of the Masonic Boys' School . ( Applause . ) For 14 years their esteemed brother and his wife had discharged with admirable zeal the hi ghly onerous and responsible duties of Head Master and Matron of the Boys' School . He
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
This was seconded by Bro . G . H . SMITH , P . M . 61 ( Mayor of Halifax ) , Prov . J . G . W . A debate followed , in which Bro . Rev . BOLTON , P . M . 154 , and others , took part . The resolution was carried by a considerable majority . The remaining proceedings were not of great interest .
Grand Council Of The Allied Masonic Degrees.
The annual meeting of Grand Council was held at Mark Masons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on the 1 st inst . The following brethren attended : Bros , the Earl of Euston , M . W . G . M , ; Viscount Dungarvan , as Dep . G . M . ; C . F . Matier , P . D . G . M ., G . Sec ; Wm . Vincent , G . D . C ; F . Bevan , G . Org . Harry Tipper , G . I . G . ; Baron de Ferrieres , J . Smith , P . G . Stwd . ; Geo . Powell ,
P . A . G . D . C ; A . H . [ efferies , P . G . W . ; J . Balfour Cockburn , P . G . W .,- Rev . V . P . Wyatt , P . G . C . ; C . Belton , P . G . W . ; Geo . Hearn , P . G . S . B . ; F . Richardson , P . D . G . M . ; Rev . C . E . Wright , P . G . Chap . ; S . L . Kilpin , P . G . Stwd . ; F . A . Powell , N . Heywood , J . G . Hamilton , F . Williams , T . E . Worlledge , H . Le Roy Lewis , R . Owen , Geo . Gill , and Col . Byrde .
Grand Council was opened in ample form and Bro . the Earl of EUSTON , M . W . G . M ., at once rose and said that on this occasion , as loyal subjects of their Oueen , they should pass a vote of condolence to the Duke of Teck on the loss of the Princess Mary of Cambridge . He did not think that amongst the whole of the Royal Family there was one who took more interest in charitable work than she did , being always ready to help the poor and
distressed . This was a good reason why they should now pass a vote of condolence on her loss . In these few words he would ask them to consent that it should be left in his hands , and the Grand Secretary , to send a letter jf condolence to H . S . H . the Duke of Teck , for they felt they had lost one of the Royal Family who was always so willing . and anxious to do good to her fellow creatures .
Bro . Viscount DUNGARVAN , P . D . G . M ., in seconding the proposition , which was unanimously carried , said that no further words were necessary or could be found to express their sympathy . The minutes having been confirmed , the Grand Secretary , Bro . C . F . MATIER , read his annual report , which showed that 94 brethren had been received into the Allied Degrees during the past year , making a total
registered number of 1195 . A large number of certificates for the Degrees of " Grand Tyler of K . S . " and " The Secret Monitor" had also been issued . No alteration had taken place in the lamented difference between the Sovereign Grand College of the Allied Degrees for the U . S . A . and the Body staling itself the ' Grand Council or Grand Conclave of the Order of the Secret Monitor for Great Britain , kc . " The mandate prohibiting
Masonic intercourse as Secret Monitors on the part of their members with the said Body must therefore remain in force . A new council had been consecrated at Brighton by the M . W . G . M ., and 17 candidates were admitted 10 the various Degrees , after which Bro . Richd . Clowes was installed as first Master . A new council would shortly be consecrated at Pudsey , Yotkshire . An agreement had been made and entered into between the
G . Council and the G . Council of Knights Grand Cross of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem at Newcastle-on-Tyne , existing from Time Immemorial , in which the Newcastle Castle agreed to join the Allied Degrees in forming a Council of Rites to administer a number of Degrees . For that purpose it transferred and ceded its rig hts to the Allied Degrees . Bro . Loveland Loveland was thanked for his eminent services as D . G . M .
The report as read was received and adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The G . Treasurer ' s accounts , which showed an increased balance in hand of £ 82 2 s . 3 d ., were also received and adopted . The M . W . G . M . appointed Bro . Chas . Belton as D . G . M ., and he was invested and saluted . Bro . Gordon Miller was re-elected G . Treasurer , and the following G . Officers were appointed for the ensuing year :
Bro . T . G . Youll ... ... ... ... G . S . W . „ W . Heywood ... ... ... G . J . W . „ C . F . Matier ... ... ... G . Sec . „ Gordon Miller .. ... ... G . Treas . „ Rev . C . C . Bluett } G . Chaps . „ Rev . R . Peek ... ... ... ) ' „ Walter Simpson ... ... ... G . S . D . „ T . P . Dorman ... ... ... G . J . D . „ W . Vincent ... ... ... ... G . D . C . „ Major C . W . Carrell ... ... ... A . G . D . C . „ Col . H . Byrde ... ... ... G . S . B . „ W . Hickie ... ... ... .. G . Std . Br . „ F . Bevan ... ... ... ... G . Org . „ F . H . Miller ... ... ... ... G . I . G . „ J . R . Ragdale ... ... ... G . Stwd . „ E . ] . Mills ... ... ... ... G . Tyler . The M . W . G . M . appointed Bro . Richird Owen to the rank of Past G
Deacon . The G . S ECRETARY announced the receipt of a large number of apologies , many being absent through illness , and the fact that the municipal elections were being contested that day . Grand Council was closed , and a banquet was subsequently held at the Holborn Restaurant .
Dedication Of A Masonic Hall At Sli Go.
On Thursday , the 21 st ult ., the new Masonic Hall , situated on the Mall , was dedicate ! according to ancient custom , to the uses of Masonry . The Prov .
G . M . of North Connaught , Bro . Lord Harlech , was present , and conducted the imposing ceremonial . About 100 brethren attended the function , including Bros , the Rev . Dr . Clarke , D . P . G . M . ; Rev . L . P . Ledoux , P . G . C ; B . St . G . Harrison , i ' . G . Sec . I Cul . Campbell , George Hewson , W > C . Trimble , R . Smyllic , R . St .
Dedication Of A Masonic Hall At Sli Go.
George Robinson , A . Sim , A . J ackson , J . F . Walker , R . B . M'Neily , F . Nelson , J . J . Nelson , R , Boyers , W . F . Gilchrist , Rev . Dr . Erdill , W . A . Shekleton , Rev . F . O . M . Watters , C . B . Jones , Rev . R . W . Landey , Rev . T . J . Bayley , Rev . W . F . Fitzgerald , Arthur Ward , R . Irvine , J . Chambers , W . M . 165 ; H . Loretto , H . H . Hallowes , H . Boyers , and others .
At the opening of the proceedings , Bro . J ACKSON read an address to the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Lord Harlech , from the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren of Lodge No . , Sligo . At the conclusion of the dedication ceremony an interesting event took place , the brethren of Lodge No . 20 presenting Bro . Jackson with a magnificent silver punch-bowl in recognition of his valuable services in forwarding the scheme for the new hall , and also for his efforts on behalf of Masonry generally . The bowl is a splendid specimen of the silversmith's art .
Masonic Female Orphan School, Dublin.
DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES . No public building of sufficient accommodation being available in Dublin , the fete which takes place annually in connection with the ceremony of the distribution of prizes to the pupils of the Masonic Female Orphan School , and which has been regarded as one of the most interesting and fashionable gatherings
of tbe year in the metropolis , took place at the Institution itself at Ball ' s Bridge , on Saturday , the 23 rd ult . Additional interest was attached to the occasion as it was to be utilised for the purpose of making two presentations—one to Mrs . Neale on her retiring from the position of Matron of the Institution , and the other to Bro . and Mrs . Holdbrook on their retiring from the positions of Head Master and Matron of the Boys' School at Richview , Clonskeagh .
The proceedings were presided over by the Grand Master , the Duke of Abercorn , who was supported by the following Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Ireland : Bros . Dr . J . C . Meredith , D . G . M . ; Sir J . Thomas Banks , J . G . W . ; Rev . B . Gibson , G . Chap . ; William M . Battersby , J . P ., S . G . D . j
William Comyns , G . D . C . ; George Drury , G . Stwd . ; James W . Lowry , G . S . B . ; Thomas G . R . Joze , Mus . Doc , G . Org . ; Dr . Chetwode Crawley , G . Sec . of Grand Lodge of Instruction ; and William M'Gee , J . ., G . I . G . Bro . R . W . Shekleton , Q . C , Past . Dep . G . M ., was present .
The following officers of the Grand Chapter of Ireland attended : Comps . John Fox Goodman , J . P ., Deputy King ; Dr . Hugh Auchinleck , F . R . C . S . I ., High Priest ; Andrew Thompson , Chief Scribe ; Henry Hunt , Capt . of Host ; Francis H . Wayland , Captain of B . Veil ; and Dr . Robert Montgomery , Janitor . Amongst others present were Bros . Lord Justice Fitzgibbon , Sir Charles Cameron , Sir William Findlater , D . L . ; Sir Henry Cochrane , D . L . ; Dr . Harley , and Col . Vesey Davoren .
The proceedings commenced in the Drill Hall at half-past two o ' clock , when the Grand Master and the Duchess of Abercorn were conducted to their places on the dais , on which the Grand Officers , wearing their regalia , were also seated . The Grand Master having been saluted , a musical programme was gone through by the pupils , after which the Duchess distributed the prizes as follows : Lower Forms , I ., IL , and 111 . —Geraldine G . Martin , Gardening . Henrietta
Whiteside , Tagert Prize , Needlework , Forms i . and ii . Mary Atkinson , Cooper-Noblett . Prize for Calisthenics , Juniors ; Tagert Prize , Darning and Mending , Forms i . and ii . Sophia W . Maclenaghan , Cooper-Noblett Prize for Scripture , Forms i . and ii . Annie F . Greer , Astley Second English Prize , Forms i . and ii . Henrietta H . Cherry , Cooper-Noblett Prize for Calisthenics , Juniors ; Shekleton
Prize , Best in Form i . Gertrude H . Connell , Bro . Rev . Hamilton's Second Scripture Prize ; Gardening ; Shekleton Prize , Best in Form ii . Mandeline M . Kane , Tagert Prize , Needlework , Foim iii . Louisa K . Hill , Shekleton Prize , First English Prize in Form iii . Kathleen E . Farrell , Astley Second French Prize ; Shekleton Prize , Best in Form iii .
Upper Forms , IV ., V ., and VI . —Margaret S . M'Comb , Tagert Prize , Needlework , Form iv . Ethel L . B . Lee , Tagert Prize , Darning and Mending ; Mrs . Neale ' s Second Prize for Domestic Duties . Ethel G . Johnston , Tagert Prize , Needlework , Form v .: Gardening First . Nora E . Stewart , Tagert Prize , Second Machine Work . Anita Wilcox , Cooper-Noblett Second Prize for Singing ; Gardening . Edith Scully , Rev . Mr . Campbell ' s Scripture Prize . Clare A .
Colclough , Cooper-Noblett Second Prize for Music . Bessie K . Shaw , Mrs . Harte ' s Second Prize for Singing . Florence K . Kennedy , Mrs . Neale ' s First Prize for Domestic Duties ; Gardening , Third . Georgina J . A . Armstrong , Mr , Norton ' s Second Prize for Shorthand . Georgina F . Bestall , Tagert Prize , First Machine Work ; Astley French Prize , Form iv . Mary M'Menemy , Second Nagle
Prize for General Proficiency , Form iv . Isobel F . Hennessy , Rev . Bro . Hamilton's First Scripture Prize ; Singing . Evelyn M . Nowburn , Florentine Prize , Music and Singing ; Second Hime Prize . Margaret A . H . Henning , Cooper-Noblett Prize for Drawing , Form iv . Mabel W . Calcutt , Miss Woodhouse ' s Silfer Medal for Drawing , Form vi . Millicent C . V . Ryan , Cooper-Noblett Prize for Calisthenics , Seniors ; Miss Woodhouse ' s Bronze Medai for Drawing .
Special Distinctions—Florence A . Dimond ( Intermediate Exhibition ) , Shekleton Prize , Best in Form v . ,- Cooper-Noblett Prize for German . Marion M . Vance ( Intermediate Exhibition and Prizs ) Astley First French and English Prizes ; First Nagle Prize for General Proficiency ; Cooper-Noblett Prize for Mathematics . Preparatory Grade : Music , Eileen M . Cullman ( Intermediate
Exhibition ) Second Cooper-Noblett Prizefor General Proficiency . Junior Grade : " Fair Prize " for Drawing ; Cooper-Noblett Junior Shorlhand Prize ( Ffennell Prize , 18 9 6 ) . Helen M . Vance ( Intermediate Exhibition ) First Cooper-Noblett Prize for General Proficiency , Junior Grade ; First Hime Prize for Proficiency and Good Conduct , Seniors ; Rev . Bvo . Fuller ' s Prize for German ; Mr . Norton's First Prize for Shorthand ; Gardening , Second .
Seniors ~ -rs . ath . enne MacDowell , the Dunboyne Bursary , "for the benefit of the most necessitous and deserving pupil leaving the School in the year . " Kathleen Winifred Browning ( new pupil teacher ) , Cooper-Noblett Prize for Shorthand , Middle Grade ; Mrs . Harte ' s First Prizs for Singing ; the Frennell Prize for the best pupil of the year ( not to be won twice ); Miss Woodhouse ' s Silver Medal for Scripture ; Tagert Prize , Needlework , Form vi .
It was announced also that of the 26 girls who entered for the Intermediate Examination this year 23 passed , two girls obtaining £ 20 exhibitions for three years in the junior grade , and two others obtaining exhibitions of . 620 each in the preparatory grade . , The Dili " . G . MASTUK said it next became his duty on behalf of several
Governors of the Boys' School , to ask her Grace the Duchess of Abercorn to be good enough to make a presentation to Bro . and Mrs . Holdbrook , the late Mister and Matron of the Masonic Boys' School . ( Applause . ) For 14 years their esteemed brother and his wife had discharged with admirable zeal the hi ghly onerous and responsible duties of Head Master and Matron of the Boys' School . He