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NOVELTY THEATRE , GREAT QUEEN ST ., HOLBORN . Open all the year round . Miss V . Sr . LAWRENCE AND POWERFUL COMPANY . This Theatre is closed for decorations and repairs , and will re-open at an earl } ' date . PRICES 3 d . TO A GUINEA . Manager , Mr . WALTER TYRRELL .
CROSSLEY BROS ., FURNI SI 11 NO UN I ) ERTA KERS , Funeral Carriage Masters and Monumental Masons . Valuations for probate . 469 , GREEN LANES , HARRINGAY , LONDON , N . ( Two minutes from Harringay Park Station ) . No extra charge within six miles .
A NDERTON'S HOTEL & TAVERN fY FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In connection with the Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of Anderton's is unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations , Sic . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of Hotel Fntrance is open to the public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for Breakfasts , Luncheons , Teas , and Dinners . The 2 s . Hot Luncheon , from 1 p . m . to 3 p . m ., in Coffee Room , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams : — CLEMOW , LONDON .
BKEE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY Healthiest situation in St . Helier . 20 degrees cooler than the sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 6 / - FULL BOARD , ROOMS & SERVICE , 8 / 6 & 9 / per day . Telegraphic Address— "BRHHS . JBRSKV . "
BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR MACHINE FOR 1897 , INSPECT THE " HOLBORN . " Guaranteed to be a First CUss Machine at a Moderate Puce . ' IHE HOLBORN CYCLE COMPANY , 39 , GNEAT Qut-EN S'IKKKT , HOLBORN . ( Nearly oppraire the Freemasons' Hall )
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION . BRO . JOHN MAYO . MASONIC TEMPLE . Accommodation in the new wing for Banquets foe any number up to 120 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Five Lodges meet here , and reference may be made to the respective Mastprs as to the catering , & c .
CHARLE S JOSEPHS & Co ., MANUFACTURE & SUPPLY AT LOW PRICES , SHOP FITTINGS , SHOW CASES of every description , MINIATURE CASES , & c , for all Trades . Fsl ' mates free . 5 , NEW OXFORD STREET , LONDON
Telephone No . 6 S 79 . Established 1808 . MATTHEWS , DREW , & CO . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS , PRINTERS , LITHOGRAPHERS ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS . KSTIMATKS SUBMITKD , " THE PROFESSIONAL NOTE , " A High-class Vellum Paper , with Rough or Satin Surface SAMPLES ON APPLICATION . Send for Illustrated Price List Free . MATTHEWS , DREW , & COMPANY , 37 & 38 , HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . ( Opposite Chancery Lane ) . Law Writing Department—io , GRAY ' INN PLACB , W . C .
NEXT ELECT . 'ON . To the Subscribers of the BRITISH ORPHAN ASYLUM , SLOUGH . The favour of your Votes and Interest are solicited on behalf of ANNIE NUTTING , Aged 7 i years , Whose father only recently started in business as a Gold Laceman , became paralysed and died alter a few weeks ' illness , leaving a widow and three children , aged 5 . j \ , and y years , unprovided for . One child was admitted into the Institution in January , iSg 7 . The case is strongly recommended by—COOPER TRESS , Esq ., Stamford-street , and Clapham Park . C . LLOYD J ONES , Esq ., M . A ., M . D ., 174 , Blackfriarsroad , S . E . Prof . G . B . HOWES , F . L . S ., Roy . Coll . of Science . N . N . SHERWOOD , Esq ., Dunedin , Streatham-hill , S . W . ED . KNIGHTS , Esq ., 39 , Effra-road , Brixton , S . W . J . E . PONDER , Esq ., of Sevenoaks , and 101 , Aldersgatestreet , E . C . Messrs . GEORGE KENNING & SON , Little Britain , E . C . J OHNSON BROOKS , Esq , Sec . United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution , i , Adelaideplace , London Bridge , E . C , and CHAS . E . STANTON , Esq ., 15 . Eastdown Park , Lewisham , S . E ., by whom Proxies wiil be thankfully received , and by the Widow , Mrs . NUTTING , 50 , Sandmere-road , Clapham , S . W .
THE SHIP HOTEL , HALLIFORD-ON-THAMES , SHEPPERVON . Bro . F . J . THAYRE , Proprietor . ( Many years at the Savoy Hotel ) . The above old-establi . hcd and famous Hostelry is most pleasantly situated on the banks of the Thames at one of its most charming reaches . There is a large Coffee Room with a grand uninterrupted view . Superior accommodation for Masonic gatherings , Families , Anglers , & c , Fish abound in the immediate vicinity of the Hotel , and experienced Fishermen arc always available , Billiards , Boating , Punting , Posting , & c .
HEATH MOUNT , HAMPSTEAD PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND THE ROYAL NAVY . ( Situated on the summit of the Heath , near the Flagstaff . ) J . S . GRANVILLE GRENEELL , M . A . ( Sheiborne School and St . John ' s College , Cambridge . ) Special preparation f jr Candidates fjr Public School Scholarships and Naval Cadetships . School Prospectus and Personal References of the Headmaster to be had on application to him at Hsath M > unt . Private Gymnasium , Classes fjr Dancing , Singing , Carpentering and Swimming . The Playground and Fives Court adj / in the Sch ool Buildings . The Cricket and Football Field is a short distance from the house , and is reserved solely for the boys . Mr . GRENKELI . personally superintends the Games . The Sanitary Arrangements of Heath M > unt have be ^ n remodelled on the mojt approved modern principles . Next Term commences on Wednesday , September 22 nd .
FOR ECONOMICAL AND RESPECTABLE FUNERALS at stated charges . To cover all expenses , exclusive of cemetery fees . BRO . C . G . HATT , FUNERAL FURNISHER , APPRAISER AND MONUMENTAL MASON , 82 , HIGH STREET , KENSINGTON , W . CREMATION AND EMBALMING . Distance no object . Orders by post or telegrams promptly attended to . Price Lists free on application . Telegraphic Address— " ORPHANHOOD , " LONDON .
HASTINGS . — GILDERSLEEVE'S PRIVATE HOTEL . STANTON HOUSE ROYAL . Every accommodation . 50 Spacious Rooms , Private and Public . Best situation on Sea Front . Most shtlured for Winter . Strictly moderate . Club of Instruction held . Proprietors , Mr . and Mrs . GILDERSLEEVK .
THE SHIP AND TURTLE , Proprietor , Bro . C . J . PAINTER . Best and oldest house in London for recherche ' Masonic Banquets , Private Parties , and Dinners . ASSEMBLY ROOMS FOR COMPANIES , & C . OUR TURTLE "THE ELIXIR OF LIFE , " Wide faculty . Purveyors to H , R . H . Prince of Wales , tl . I . M . Emperor of Russia , Dukes of Saxe Gotha , Connaught , Cambridge , tnd most ot Crowned Heads of Europe . Manager , Bro . E , ASHBY .
LJOME OF ST . BARNABAS . For Aged , Disabled , and Incurable Home and Colonial Clergy . Founded in 1 S 05 by Bro . Canon W . H . COOPER , P . M ., P . Dist . G . Chaplain Canterbiry , N . Z ., P . Prov . G . Chaplain Sussex , to provide permanent Homes for Destitute and Disabled Clergymen of unblemished character . The temporary Home is situated in a beautiful locality on the borders of Sussex and Surrey . The proposed new buudings ate to consist ot tout wards for incurables , and 20 small almshouses . Two of these houses will be for the reception of two poor Clergymen who are Masons , and will be built as memorials to their late Royal Highnesses TUB DUKE OF ALUANY and THE DUKE OF CLARENCE . Received with thanks— £ s . d . Bro . Canon Tristram , D . D ., D . P . G . M . Durham 550 Bro . Bishop i f Barrow-in-Furness , P . G . Chap .... 100 Bro . Rev . Lord 1 heobald Butler 100 Bro . Rev . Warrington Stock 100 Ermine Lodge , Lincoln 1 1 o Friendship Lodge , Gt . Yarmouth 1 1 o Old Globe Lodge , Scarborough on o Defence Lo lge , Leeds 110 Pfcueiix Lodge , Portsmouth 1 1 o Mctham Lodge , E . Storehouse 1 1 o Duke of Lancas'er , Lancaster o 10 o Uarltsien Lodge , Hirlesden 1 1 o Two Brethren are now inmates of the temporary home—Bio . Rev . W . D , aged , incurable , was admitted January , iSjfi . He has been an inmate for iS months . As there is no provision in the temporary home f ir the reception of ladies , he is separated from his aged wife . This Brother will be an applicant for election to the Clerical Masonic Almshouses when built . Bro . Rev . C W , London Curate broken "down from the effects of hard work , has had 12 months' care aud nursing . An earnest appeal is made to the Craft to support this woik of Charity . W . H ENRY C OOPER , P . M ., East Grinstead . P . P . G . C . Sussex .
FISH , POULTRY , GAME , OYSTERS . IOHN GOW , LIMITED ° 17 , NEW BROAD STREET , E . C , i a , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPS 1 DE , E . C , 23 , LONDON STREET , MARK LANE , E . C , 03 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C , AND 86 , HIGH STREET , PECKHAM , S . E , JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Urge t S'oclt in London of the Very Beit Quality at Lowest Price ..
ANTED BY RESPECTABLE WIDOW ( MASON'S ) SITUATION as Housekeeper to Business Gentleman , Officer ' s Caretaker , or place of trust . Plain Cook . Good references . Speaks some French and Spanish . —MRS . COOPER , 14 , Earlsmeadroad , Kensal Rise , N . W .
CLARK'S CIVIL SERVICE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , 2 AND 3 , CHANCERY LANE .. ( Branches at 401 , Holloway Road ; 119 , S-. John ' s Hill , Clapham j 7 , Fitzroy Square , W . ; and Cork ) . FOUNDER & PRINCIPAL—BRO . GEO . E . CLARK , Late H . M . C . S ., Member 0 / London Chamber of Commerce ; Chief of Civil Service and Commercial Section at Royal Masonic School for Girls , Battersea Rise . The College offers special facilities in preparation for THE CIVIL SERVICE , University Matriculation , Local College of Preceptors , Society of Arts , and Professional Exams . ALL COMMERCIAL APPOINTMENTS , Scholarship Exams ., & c , & c Classes and Private Lessons in All Languages , Correspondence , Bojk-keeping , Shorthand , Typewriting , & c , & c . Write fir particulars , or apply personally any day between 9 a . m . and 9 p . m . Over 4500 Students of Clark's College have been successful in Civil Service Exams . 2 and 3 , CHANCERY LANE , W . C .
GE O . J . COCKERELL & Co ., COAL MERCHANTS TO THE QUEEN AND IHE PRINCE OF WALES . Cockercll ' s Best Coals , viz .: Best Wallsend , 23 s . ; of Best Inland , 23 s . ; Cockerell's Silkrtone , 223 . ; Derby Brights , 21 s .,- Cockerell's Best Kitchen , 20 s . ; Nuts , 19 s . ; Kitchen Cobbles ( Bright or Hard ) , iSs . ; Coke , per chaldron , 11 s . GEO . J . COCKERELL & Co . Established 1 S 33 . Incorporated with WM . CORY & SON , Ltd ., of 52 , Mark Lane , 189 ( 1 ; 13 , Cornhill , E . C . ; Eaton and New Wharves , Pimlico ; 100 , Westbourne-grove ; Wandsworth ; Peckham ; also at Crystal Palace ; Chistehurst , Wimbledon : Brighton ; and Croydon : at local prices .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOVELTY THEATRE , GREAT QUEEN ST ., HOLBORN . Open all the year round . Miss V . Sr . LAWRENCE AND POWERFUL COMPANY . This Theatre is closed for decorations and repairs , and will re-open at an earl } ' date . PRICES 3 d . TO A GUINEA . Manager , Mr . WALTER TYRRELL .
CROSSLEY BROS ., FURNI SI 11 NO UN I ) ERTA KERS , Funeral Carriage Masters and Monumental Masons . Valuations for probate . 469 , GREEN LANES , HARRINGAY , LONDON , N . ( Two minutes from Harringay Park Station ) . No extra charge within six miles .
A NDERTON'S HOTEL & TAVERN fY FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In connection with the Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of Anderton's is unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations , Sic . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of Hotel Fntrance is open to the public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for Breakfasts , Luncheons , Teas , and Dinners . The 2 s . Hot Luncheon , from 1 p . m . to 3 p . m ., in Coffee Room , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams : — CLEMOW , LONDON .
BKEE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY Healthiest situation in St . Helier . 20 degrees cooler than the sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 6 / - FULL BOARD , ROOMS & SERVICE , 8 / 6 & 9 / per day . Telegraphic Address— "BRHHS . JBRSKV . "
BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR MACHINE FOR 1897 , INSPECT THE " HOLBORN . " Guaranteed to be a First CUss Machine at a Moderate Puce . ' IHE HOLBORN CYCLE COMPANY , 39 , GNEAT Qut-EN S'IKKKT , HOLBORN . ( Nearly oppraire the Freemasons' Hall )
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION . BRO . JOHN MAYO . MASONIC TEMPLE . Accommodation in the new wing for Banquets foe any number up to 120 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Five Lodges meet here , and reference may be made to the respective Mastprs as to the catering , & c .
CHARLE S JOSEPHS & Co ., MANUFACTURE & SUPPLY AT LOW PRICES , SHOP FITTINGS , SHOW CASES of every description , MINIATURE CASES , & c , for all Trades . Fsl ' mates free . 5 , NEW OXFORD STREET , LONDON
Telephone No . 6 S 79 . Established 1808 . MATTHEWS , DREW , & CO . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS , PRINTERS , LITHOGRAPHERS ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS . KSTIMATKS SUBMITKD , " THE PROFESSIONAL NOTE , " A High-class Vellum Paper , with Rough or Satin Surface SAMPLES ON APPLICATION . Send for Illustrated Price List Free . MATTHEWS , DREW , & COMPANY , 37 & 38 , HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . ( Opposite Chancery Lane ) . Law Writing Department—io , GRAY ' INN PLACB , W . C .
NEXT ELECT . 'ON . To the Subscribers of the BRITISH ORPHAN ASYLUM , SLOUGH . The favour of your Votes and Interest are solicited on behalf of ANNIE NUTTING , Aged 7 i years , Whose father only recently started in business as a Gold Laceman , became paralysed and died alter a few weeks ' illness , leaving a widow and three children , aged 5 . j \ , and y years , unprovided for . One child was admitted into the Institution in January , iSg 7 . The case is strongly recommended by—COOPER TRESS , Esq ., Stamford-street , and Clapham Park . C . LLOYD J ONES , Esq ., M . A ., M . D ., 174 , Blackfriarsroad , S . E . Prof . G . B . HOWES , F . L . S ., Roy . Coll . of Science . N . N . SHERWOOD , Esq ., Dunedin , Streatham-hill , S . W . ED . KNIGHTS , Esq ., 39 , Effra-road , Brixton , S . W . J . E . PONDER , Esq ., of Sevenoaks , and 101 , Aldersgatestreet , E . C . Messrs . GEORGE KENNING & SON , Little Britain , E . C . J OHNSON BROOKS , Esq , Sec . United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution , i , Adelaideplace , London Bridge , E . C , and CHAS . E . STANTON , Esq ., 15 . Eastdown Park , Lewisham , S . E ., by whom Proxies wiil be thankfully received , and by the Widow , Mrs . NUTTING , 50 , Sandmere-road , Clapham , S . W .
THE SHIP HOTEL , HALLIFORD-ON-THAMES , SHEPPERVON . Bro . F . J . THAYRE , Proprietor . ( Many years at the Savoy Hotel ) . The above old-establi . hcd and famous Hostelry is most pleasantly situated on the banks of the Thames at one of its most charming reaches . There is a large Coffee Room with a grand uninterrupted view . Superior accommodation for Masonic gatherings , Families , Anglers , & c , Fish abound in the immediate vicinity of the Hotel , and experienced Fishermen arc always available , Billiards , Boating , Punting , Posting , & c .
HEATH MOUNT , HAMPSTEAD PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND THE ROYAL NAVY . ( Situated on the summit of the Heath , near the Flagstaff . ) J . S . GRANVILLE GRENEELL , M . A . ( Sheiborne School and St . John ' s College , Cambridge . ) Special preparation f jr Candidates fjr Public School Scholarships and Naval Cadetships . School Prospectus and Personal References of the Headmaster to be had on application to him at Hsath M > unt . Private Gymnasium , Classes fjr Dancing , Singing , Carpentering and Swimming . The Playground and Fives Court adj / in the Sch ool Buildings . The Cricket and Football Field is a short distance from the house , and is reserved solely for the boys . Mr . GRENKELI . personally superintends the Games . The Sanitary Arrangements of Heath M > unt have be ^ n remodelled on the mojt approved modern principles . Next Term commences on Wednesday , September 22 nd .
FOR ECONOMICAL AND RESPECTABLE FUNERALS at stated charges . To cover all expenses , exclusive of cemetery fees . BRO . C . G . HATT , FUNERAL FURNISHER , APPRAISER AND MONUMENTAL MASON , 82 , HIGH STREET , KENSINGTON , W . CREMATION AND EMBALMING . Distance no object . Orders by post or telegrams promptly attended to . Price Lists free on application . Telegraphic Address— " ORPHANHOOD , " LONDON .
HASTINGS . — GILDERSLEEVE'S PRIVATE HOTEL . STANTON HOUSE ROYAL . Every accommodation . 50 Spacious Rooms , Private and Public . Best situation on Sea Front . Most shtlured for Winter . Strictly moderate . Club of Instruction held . Proprietors , Mr . and Mrs . GILDERSLEEVK .
THE SHIP AND TURTLE , Proprietor , Bro . C . J . PAINTER . Best and oldest house in London for recherche ' Masonic Banquets , Private Parties , and Dinners . ASSEMBLY ROOMS FOR COMPANIES , & C . OUR TURTLE "THE ELIXIR OF LIFE , " Wide faculty . Purveyors to H , R . H . Prince of Wales , tl . I . M . Emperor of Russia , Dukes of Saxe Gotha , Connaught , Cambridge , tnd most ot Crowned Heads of Europe . Manager , Bro . E , ASHBY .
LJOME OF ST . BARNABAS . For Aged , Disabled , and Incurable Home and Colonial Clergy . Founded in 1 S 05 by Bro . Canon W . H . COOPER , P . M ., P . Dist . G . Chaplain Canterbiry , N . Z ., P . Prov . G . Chaplain Sussex , to provide permanent Homes for Destitute and Disabled Clergymen of unblemished character . The temporary Home is situated in a beautiful locality on the borders of Sussex and Surrey . The proposed new buudings ate to consist ot tout wards for incurables , and 20 small almshouses . Two of these houses will be for the reception of two poor Clergymen who are Masons , and will be built as memorials to their late Royal Highnesses TUB DUKE OF ALUANY and THE DUKE OF CLARENCE . Received with thanks— £ s . d . Bro . Canon Tristram , D . D ., D . P . G . M . Durham 550 Bro . Bishop i f Barrow-in-Furness , P . G . Chap .... 100 Bro . Rev . Lord 1 heobald Butler 100 Bro . Rev . Warrington Stock 100 Ermine Lodge , Lincoln 1 1 o Friendship Lodge , Gt . Yarmouth 1 1 o Old Globe Lodge , Scarborough on o Defence Lo lge , Leeds 110 Pfcueiix Lodge , Portsmouth 1 1 o Mctham Lodge , E . Storehouse 1 1 o Duke of Lancas'er , Lancaster o 10 o Uarltsien Lodge , Hirlesden 1 1 o Two Brethren are now inmates of the temporary home—Bio . Rev . W . D , aged , incurable , was admitted January , iSjfi . He has been an inmate for iS months . As there is no provision in the temporary home f ir the reception of ladies , he is separated from his aged wife . This Brother will be an applicant for election to the Clerical Masonic Almshouses when built . Bro . Rev . C W , London Curate broken "down from the effects of hard work , has had 12 months' care aud nursing . An earnest appeal is made to the Craft to support this woik of Charity . W . H ENRY C OOPER , P . M ., East Grinstead . P . P . G . C . Sussex .
FISH , POULTRY , GAME , OYSTERS . IOHN GOW , LIMITED ° 17 , NEW BROAD STREET , E . C , i a , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPS 1 DE , E . C , 23 , LONDON STREET , MARK LANE , E . C , 03 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C , AND 86 , HIGH STREET , PECKHAM , S . E , JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Urge t S'oclt in London of the Very Beit Quality at Lowest Price ..
ANTED BY RESPECTABLE WIDOW ( MASON'S ) SITUATION as Housekeeper to Business Gentleman , Officer ' s Caretaker , or place of trust . Plain Cook . Good references . Speaks some French and Spanish . —MRS . COOPER , 14 , Earlsmeadroad , Kensal Rise , N . W .
CLARK'S CIVIL SERVICE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , 2 AND 3 , CHANCERY LANE .. ( Branches at 401 , Holloway Road ; 119 , S-. John ' s Hill , Clapham j 7 , Fitzroy Square , W . ; and Cork ) . FOUNDER & PRINCIPAL—BRO . GEO . E . CLARK , Late H . M . C . S ., Member 0 / London Chamber of Commerce ; Chief of Civil Service and Commercial Section at Royal Masonic School for Girls , Battersea Rise . The College offers special facilities in preparation for THE CIVIL SERVICE , University Matriculation , Local College of Preceptors , Society of Arts , and Professional Exams . ALL COMMERCIAL APPOINTMENTS , Scholarship Exams ., & c , & c Classes and Private Lessons in All Languages , Correspondence , Bojk-keeping , Shorthand , Typewriting , & c , & c . Write fir particulars , or apply personally any day between 9 a . m . and 9 p . m . Over 4500 Students of Clark's College have been successful in Civil Service Exams . 2 and 3 , CHANCERY LANE , W . C .
GE O . J . COCKERELL & Co ., COAL MERCHANTS TO THE QUEEN AND IHE PRINCE OF WALES . Cockercll ' s Best Coals , viz .: Best Wallsend , 23 s . ; of Best Inland , 23 s . ; Cockerell's Silkrtone , 223 . ; Derby Brights , 21 s .,- Cockerell's Best Kitchen , 20 s . ; Nuts , 19 s . ; Kitchen Cobbles ( Bright or Hard ) , iSs . ; Coke , per chaldron , 11 s . GEO . J . COCKERELL & Co . Established 1 S 33 . Incorporated with WM . CORY & SON , Ltd ., of 52 , Mark Lane , 189 ( 1 ; 13 , Cornhill , E . C . ; Eaton and New Wharves , Pimlico ; 100 , Westbourne-grove ; Wandsworth ; Peckham ; also at Crystal Palace ; Chistehurst , Wimbledon : Brighton ; and Croydon : at local prices .