Article Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article In Memoriam. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 4 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 4 →
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Correspondence .
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents but wc wiab , in a spirit of fair play to all , to permit—within certain necessary limits—Iree discussion .
CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES . To the Editor of the '' Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , In reply to " D . C . ' s " letter in your issue of the 23 rd ult ., I beg to say we have a form of clearance certificate which is used when occasion requires . This form is rather ancient , as tbe word Master is spelt thus—Matter . There are
not many of these forms left , but have spared one , which I enclose , and ask you to forward it to the brother ' s address , together with a form of summons , also enclosed , which , I think , is rather unique , and which is also regularly used , as you will see . This form we have the copper plate of . Trusting they will be interesting to " D . C . " —I remain , yours fraternally , W . FLINT , W . M . 311 . November 3 rd .
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
H . R . H . MARY ADELAIDE , DUCHESS OF TECK , "THE LADY OF WHITE LODGE , " Richmond , Died 27 th October , 18 97 . * Pallida Mors trquo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas Regumque turres . Horace Lib . i , Carmen 4 .
She stretcheth out her hands to the poor ; Her children arise up and call her blessed . " Prov ., Chap . 31 , Vs . 20 and 28 . Impartial Death again his shaft has cast At Royal kindred—snapt the golden chain Linking the mournful present with the
past—Another shadow o er our Sovereign s reign . Daughter of England , cousin of our Queen , Together joined in pure Affection's tie , True , loyal subject she has ever been , Though less in rank , equal in sympathy . Beloved by husband , to her daughter dear , She well fulfilled her duty as a wife , Trained up each son in holy faith and fear ,
For England ' s service to devote his life . Retired from the glitt ' ring pomp of Court , In sweet simplicity content to dwell , Domestic joys and rural scenes she sought , In beauteous Richmond , which she loved so well . " Lady of White Lodge , " known to one and all ,
To rich and poor , to youth and hoary age , Oft will fond memory her voice recall , Her kindly sympath y sad thoughts engage . Where suffering sorrow helplessly is laid , There was the Royal lady constant found Sustained by pity and of nought afraid ,
The sunshine of her presence shed around . Prompt in her counsel evil to redress , Wise was her bounty , timely was her aid ; " Dear Princess Mary " they did ever bless , Their grateful love the country people paid . As a good steward of the worldly wealth
Which Providence entrusted to her care , Oft did her generous hand do good by stealth , Heartfelt her wishes , sanctified by prayer . All Britain mourns thy dear familiar face—Partaker of the harvest of the blest—Wafted on blessings to thy heavenly place ,
Oh ! may thy spirit find eternal rest I F . W . DRIVER , M . A ., Prof . 62 , Lancaster-road , Nolting Hill , W . * Pale Death with equal step expectant waits At cottage door , and regal palace gates .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Moira Lodge , No . 92 . 'Ihe first meeting of this lodge after the summer recess was held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , E . C , on Tuesday , the 2 ( 5 th ult ., when there were present Bros . Rev . R . I . Woodhouse , W . M . j Wickham I- ' . Noakes , S . W . ; John Webb , J . W . ; T . L . Wilkinson , P . M ., P . D G . Reg ., Treas . j R . F . Gould , P . M ., P . G . D ., Sec ; CE . Russell , S . D . ; A . W . Smith , j . D . ; Russell Ardagh , I . G . ; Harold Carter , P . M . ; G . Gieiner , P . M . ; E . Greiner , P . M . ; and J . P . Murrough . Bros .
T . Id . Gardiner , P . A . G . D . C , and C T . Micher , P . P . G . D . Kent , were visitors . 'Ihe minutes of the preceding meeting having been confirmed , the W . M . said i Before we proceed to any further business , it is my sad duty to remind the brethren what a loss this lodge has sustained , and the Masonic Craft generally , in the death of our esteemed and distinguished brother , Sir Ntruian Pringle . He was born on April 17 th , 1 S 37 , and passed away on July 21 st , at the comparatively early age of Go years . During over 30 years of his life he was engaged in active service in defence of his country ,
having entered the Army as an ensign in the , ; Sth Foot ( now the isl Battalion , South Staffordshire Regiment ) on September 10 th , 1 S 5 S , when he was 21 years of age , and having retired as a colonel in 18 . SS . Sir Norman served through the Egyptian War of 1 SS 2 , commanding the outposts duringihe reconnaissance from Alexandria , and received the medal and Khedive ' s star . In 1 SS 5 he was with the Soudan Frontier Field Force , being commandant of the base at Wady Haifa , and in i 8 Sf > he took part in the
operations on the I pper Nile , and in bis bearing , punctuality , and love of order , he showed in all his undertakings the highest character of a British officer . It is not , however , in his distinguished career as one of her Majesty ' s Army that we feel his loss to-night ; it is rather as an efficient , earnest student of the deep science ol our Craft , and a brother beloved by all for his kindness , courtesy , and urbanity , that we mourn his departure from the Moira Lodge and Chapter . Sir Norman was initiated on October iSth , 1 SS 0 , and passed and raised io this lodge . He took office as I . G ., and went on to S . D ., after
Craft Masonry.
which he was ordered on foreign service ; but he always remained a member of his mother lodge , and directly he returned to England to reside , he gladly re-accepted office in the Moira Lodge , and how ably he filled the post of Worshipful Master no one knows better than I do , for he occupied that important position , both at my initiation and raising , so that my grief is enhanced tonight in mourning a father in Masonry and brother in the Craft . Directly Bro . Gould acquainted me with the loss , I wrote a letter of condolence to the family , but I _ feel certain the brethren would like to express in lodge a vote of sympathy to Lady Pringle
and her family in the irreparable sorrow they sustain . I therefore move that the secretary of the Moira Lodge be asked to send to Lady Pringle a letter expressing the lodge ' s sympathy and condolence in her sad bereavement . The following resolution was then proposed from the chair , seconded by the Treasurer , and carried unanimously : " That the lodge desires to place upon record its deep sorrow for the death of Bro . Colonel Sir N . VV . D . Pringle , Bart ., P . M ., its high appreciation of his distinguished services to his country and trie Craft , and its sense of his devotion to the well-being of this lodee , and
the skill , assiduity , urbanity , andbrotherly kindness with which he dischargedall his Masonic duties . Ballots were then taken for the offices of W . M . and Treasurer , and declared to be unanimously in favour of Bros . W . F . Noakes , S . W ., and T . L . Wilkinson , P . M ., respectively . Bro . George Couchman was reelected Tyler by a show of hands . Bros . J . P . Murrou < di , R . A . Gubbay , C . E . Russell , A . W . Smith , and Russell Ardagh were
elected members of the Committee of Finance . It was moved by the Treasurer , seconded by the Secretary , and resolved " That the lodge desires to place upon record its yery great gratification at her Majesty the Queen having been graciously pleased to recogriis ; the eminent , public , and philanthropic labours of Bro . Sir Henry Harben , P . M ., by cjnferring upon him the honour of knighthood . " A former member of the lodge was proposed for re-joining , after which , there being no further business , the lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards dined together , and the usual toasts followed .
Isaac Newton University Lodge , No . 859 . The installation meeting of this lodge ( which was established in 1 S 61 ) was held on the 26 th ult ., when a large amount of work was got through . The lodee having been opened , the installation ceremony was proceeded with , and Bro . VV . J . Fernie , P . G . S . B ., the stroke oarsman of the light blue crew , was placed in the chair of K . S . by Bro . W . H . Francis , P . PJ . G . D . The address to the brethren was delivered by Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . J . G . W . Eng . The officers for the year
are as follows : Bros . W . J . Fernie , Trinity Hall , P . G . S . B ., W . M . ; T . B . Hope , B . A ., Trinity Hall , PJ . G . D ., I . P . M . ; 1 . Bland , B . A ., Cains College , P . P . G . S ., S . W . ; W . Pollard , M . A ., Caius College , J . W . ; the Rev . A . L . Brown , M . A ., Selwyn College , Chap . ; W . G . Bell , M . A ., Trinity College , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., Treas . ; the Rev . Denis Hall , M . A ., Non-Coil ., P . M ., P . P . G . C , Sec . ; A . S . Bell , Trinity Hall , S . D . ; S . W . Burgess , Jesus College , J . D . ; G . T . Bullard , Trinity Hall , D . C . ; G . A . Crane , Trinity College , I . G . ; W . J . Armitage , Emanuel College , Org . ; J . H . C
Dalton , M . A ., M . D ., Trinity College , H . G . Comber , M . A ., Pembroke College , B . H . Howell , Trinity Hall , R . L . V . Foster , B . A ., King's College , W . Briggs , M . A ., Jesus College , C . H . Miller , Trinity College , H . H . Riddle , Peterhouse , and S . J . A . Troyte , Trinity Hall , Stwds . ; and C . H . Ellis and G . Allen , Tylers . About So brethren attended the banquet , and the visitors included ( in ad lition to Bro . Sir John Monckton ) Bros , the Rev . J . H . Gray , P . G . Chap . Eng ., Dep . Prov . G . M . ; E . M . Money , P . G . Stwd . Eng . ; and others .
The newly-installed VV . M ., Bro . W . J . Fernie , appropriately proposed the customary toasts . In responding for "The Grand Lodge Officers , " Bro . Sir John Monckton mentioned the attendance of Grand Lodge Officers at the laying of the foundation-stone of the new Christ ' s Hospital building at Horsham in the previous week as an illustration of the zeal with which they performed their duties , sometimes under trying circumstances . He could not help thinking on that occasion of a similar event which occurred in connection
with their Masonic Hall at Cambridge , when the laying of the foundation-stone was followed by a sort of financial crisis—the stone being removed and the coins extracted ; but he trusted that a similar fate would not befall the coins placed in the foundation-stone at Horsham . He assured the Isaac Newton Lodge that he wis proud to have the honout of being elected an honorary member , and he wished success to the W . M . The W . M . of No . 10 , in responding for " The Sister Lodges , " spoke of the desirability of brethren of the Isaac Newton Lodge joining the London lodge J and alluding to
the cheerful evening he had spent , said that it was not every day that one hid one ' s health proposed by the stroke of the University Boat—an event which he should consider worth remembering . Bro . W . P . Spalding , P . M . 88 , speakingto the toast of " The Visitors , " submitted that Masonry amongst the town lodges in Cambridge did that for the people of the borough that nothing else could do so well ; and the hospitality which the town visitors received at the University Lodge prompted good feeling between town and University , which , perhaps , could not be so well effected in any other way .
Burgoyne Lodge , No . 902 . There was a large gathering at the installation meeting of this lodge , held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C , on the . 15 th ult . The members present included Bros . E . W . Pillinger , W . M . ; C . Butcher , S . W . ; W . Bean , J . W . ; G . Gabb , P . M ., Treas . ; S . J . Byng , P . M ., Sec . ; C . S . White , P . M ., D . C ; J . J . Fifield , S . D . ; G . Brown , J . D . ; C . Morton , I . G . ; S . Rashleigh , P . M . ; H . Norrington , P . M . ; John Mason , P . G . S . B . ; and others . Visitors : Bros . W . S . Dunkley , P . M . 177 ;
R . J . Taylor , P . M . I < J 2 < J ; Buckingham Bird , jun ., W . M . 22 G ; D . G . George , W . M . 574 ; D . Harlow , P . M . ; S . C . Bateman , W . M . 1707 ; A . Hallowes , 25 S 1 ; A . G . Dodson , P . M . 177 ; H . J . Gabb , P . M ., Treas S 13 ; A . Woods , 1 S 53 ; T . Moore , 1541 ; F . J . Ruse , P . M . 65 ; J . Coffer ; G . Smith , W . M . 554 ; A . Tisley , P . G . Steward ; L . von Hill , J . W . 1441 ; D . McMasters , 2562 ; VV . Martin , A . G . Purst . ; J . A . Shelton , P . M . ; W . W . Lee , P . P . G . D . ; and others . The lodge was opened at an early hour in the afternoon , and the minutes were
confirmed , Bro . Mayston being afterwards passed to the Second Degree . Bro . Charles Butcher was next presented as W . M . elect , and was duly installed into the chair by Bro . PiUinger , the retiring W . M . The officers appointed and invested were Bros . W . Bean , S . W . ; J . J . Fifield , J . W . ; G . Gabb , P . M ., Treas . ; S . J . Byng , P . M ., Sec . ; G . J . Brown , Sil ) . ; F . Richmond , J . D . ; W . Merrett , I . G . j E . S . White , P . M ., D . C . ; J . Oscroft and A . VJenkins , Stwds . ; H . R . H . Haycraft , A . D . C ; Crumbleholme , Org . ; and Gilbert , Tyler . A letter was read acknowledging the receipt of a congratulatory telegram to her Majesty on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee . Messrs .
H . E . Fifield , F . G . Saunders , R . Butler , and T . Turner were ably initiated into Freemasonry by the newly-installed Master . Other items of business were transacted and the lodge was closed . The banquet was followed by the usual toast list and a lengthy programme of music , which , owing to the lateness of the hour , had to be somewhat curtailed . Bro . John Mason , P . G . S . B ., who replied for "The Grand Officers , " said there were three classes of Grand Officers—those useful brethren like the Pro G . M ., Dep . G . M ., and others , the ornamental Grand Officers , and those like himselt who were neither useful nor ornamental .
Bro . Walter Martin , A . G . P . as a present Grand Officer responded also , and expressed his pleasure at seeing his old friend , Bro . Butcher , installed in the chair ol that lodge . In congratulating the W . M . he also congratulated the lodge on having such an excellent Matter , who he hoped would have health , strength , and wisdom to carry out his duties . Bro . E . W . Pillinger , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " and said that Bro . Butcher had started his Mastership in a very plsasant and generous way . He felt
sure that in the W . M . they possessed one who would carry the Burgoyne Lodge on the road to progress . Their lodge—judging by what it was when he ( the I . P . M ., began his year—was a lodge of progress , for great strides had been made in the last few years . The path of progress was safe in the Worshipful Master ' s hands , and at the end of his term they would heartily congratulate him and also the lodge on the successful results . Bro . C Butcher , W . M ., brielly returned thanks . If the members would support him , and bring him good men and true to be initiated , he would endeavour to do his best to please the members .
" The Initiates " was next givan , and replied to by Bros . Fifield , Saunders , Butler , and Turner . The W . M . proposed "The I . P . M ., " and said the mem ' jers all felt lha ' . Bro . Pillinger , 1 , P . M ., had done his duty . He would avail himsctf of this oppoittt uty Ol
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Correspondence .
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents but wc wiab , in a spirit of fair play to all , to permit—within certain necessary limits—Iree discussion .
CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES . To the Editor of the '' Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , In reply to " D . C . ' s " letter in your issue of the 23 rd ult ., I beg to say we have a form of clearance certificate which is used when occasion requires . This form is rather ancient , as tbe word Master is spelt thus—Matter . There are
not many of these forms left , but have spared one , which I enclose , and ask you to forward it to the brother ' s address , together with a form of summons , also enclosed , which , I think , is rather unique , and which is also regularly used , as you will see . This form we have the copper plate of . Trusting they will be interesting to " D . C . " —I remain , yours fraternally , W . FLINT , W . M . 311 . November 3 rd .
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
H . R . H . MARY ADELAIDE , DUCHESS OF TECK , "THE LADY OF WHITE LODGE , " Richmond , Died 27 th October , 18 97 . * Pallida Mors trquo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas Regumque turres . Horace Lib . i , Carmen 4 .
She stretcheth out her hands to the poor ; Her children arise up and call her blessed . " Prov ., Chap . 31 , Vs . 20 and 28 . Impartial Death again his shaft has cast At Royal kindred—snapt the golden chain Linking the mournful present with the
past—Another shadow o er our Sovereign s reign . Daughter of England , cousin of our Queen , Together joined in pure Affection's tie , True , loyal subject she has ever been , Though less in rank , equal in sympathy . Beloved by husband , to her daughter dear , She well fulfilled her duty as a wife , Trained up each son in holy faith and fear ,
For England ' s service to devote his life . Retired from the glitt ' ring pomp of Court , In sweet simplicity content to dwell , Domestic joys and rural scenes she sought , In beauteous Richmond , which she loved so well . " Lady of White Lodge , " known to one and all ,
To rich and poor , to youth and hoary age , Oft will fond memory her voice recall , Her kindly sympath y sad thoughts engage . Where suffering sorrow helplessly is laid , There was the Royal lady constant found Sustained by pity and of nought afraid ,
The sunshine of her presence shed around . Prompt in her counsel evil to redress , Wise was her bounty , timely was her aid ; " Dear Princess Mary " they did ever bless , Their grateful love the country people paid . As a good steward of the worldly wealth
Which Providence entrusted to her care , Oft did her generous hand do good by stealth , Heartfelt her wishes , sanctified by prayer . All Britain mourns thy dear familiar face—Partaker of the harvest of the blest—Wafted on blessings to thy heavenly place ,
Oh ! may thy spirit find eternal rest I F . W . DRIVER , M . A ., Prof . 62 , Lancaster-road , Nolting Hill , W . * Pale Death with equal step expectant waits At cottage door , and regal palace gates .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Moira Lodge , No . 92 . 'Ihe first meeting of this lodge after the summer recess was held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , E . C , on Tuesday , the 2 ( 5 th ult ., when there were present Bros . Rev . R . I . Woodhouse , W . M . j Wickham I- ' . Noakes , S . W . ; John Webb , J . W . ; T . L . Wilkinson , P . M ., P . D G . Reg ., Treas . j R . F . Gould , P . M ., P . G . D ., Sec ; CE . Russell , S . D . ; A . W . Smith , j . D . ; Russell Ardagh , I . G . ; Harold Carter , P . M . ; G . Gieiner , P . M . ; E . Greiner , P . M . ; and J . P . Murrough . Bros .
T . Id . Gardiner , P . A . G . D . C , and C T . Micher , P . P . G . D . Kent , were visitors . 'Ihe minutes of the preceding meeting having been confirmed , the W . M . said i Before we proceed to any further business , it is my sad duty to remind the brethren what a loss this lodge has sustained , and the Masonic Craft generally , in the death of our esteemed and distinguished brother , Sir Ntruian Pringle . He was born on April 17 th , 1 S 37 , and passed away on July 21 st , at the comparatively early age of Go years . During over 30 years of his life he was engaged in active service in defence of his country ,
having entered the Army as an ensign in the , ; Sth Foot ( now the isl Battalion , South Staffordshire Regiment ) on September 10 th , 1 S 5 S , when he was 21 years of age , and having retired as a colonel in 18 . SS . Sir Norman served through the Egyptian War of 1 SS 2 , commanding the outposts duringihe reconnaissance from Alexandria , and received the medal and Khedive ' s star . In 1 SS 5 he was with the Soudan Frontier Field Force , being commandant of the base at Wady Haifa , and in i 8 Sf > he took part in the
operations on the I pper Nile , and in bis bearing , punctuality , and love of order , he showed in all his undertakings the highest character of a British officer . It is not , however , in his distinguished career as one of her Majesty ' s Army that we feel his loss to-night ; it is rather as an efficient , earnest student of the deep science ol our Craft , and a brother beloved by all for his kindness , courtesy , and urbanity , that we mourn his departure from the Moira Lodge and Chapter . Sir Norman was initiated on October iSth , 1 SS 0 , and passed and raised io this lodge . He took office as I . G ., and went on to S . D ., after
Craft Masonry.
which he was ordered on foreign service ; but he always remained a member of his mother lodge , and directly he returned to England to reside , he gladly re-accepted office in the Moira Lodge , and how ably he filled the post of Worshipful Master no one knows better than I do , for he occupied that important position , both at my initiation and raising , so that my grief is enhanced tonight in mourning a father in Masonry and brother in the Craft . Directly Bro . Gould acquainted me with the loss , I wrote a letter of condolence to the family , but I _ feel certain the brethren would like to express in lodge a vote of sympathy to Lady Pringle
and her family in the irreparable sorrow they sustain . I therefore move that the secretary of the Moira Lodge be asked to send to Lady Pringle a letter expressing the lodge ' s sympathy and condolence in her sad bereavement . The following resolution was then proposed from the chair , seconded by the Treasurer , and carried unanimously : " That the lodge desires to place upon record its deep sorrow for the death of Bro . Colonel Sir N . VV . D . Pringle , Bart ., P . M ., its high appreciation of his distinguished services to his country and trie Craft , and its sense of his devotion to the well-being of this lodee , and
the skill , assiduity , urbanity , andbrotherly kindness with which he dischargedall his Masonic duties . Ballots were then taken for the offices of W . M . and Treasurer , and declared to be unanimously in favour of Bros . W . F . Noakes , S . W ., and T . L . Wilkinson , P . M ., respectively . Bro . George Couchman was reelected Tyler by a show of hands . Bros . J . P . Murrou < di , R . A . Gubbay , C . E . Russell , A . W . Smith , and Russell Ardagh were
elected members of the Committee of Finance . It was moved by the Treasurer , seconded by the Secretary , and resolved " That the lodge desires to place upon record its yery great gratification at her Majesty the Queen having been graciously pleased to recogriis ; the eminent , public , and philanthropic labours of Bro . Sir Henry Harben , P . M ., by cjnferring upon him the honour of knighthood . " A former member of the lodge was proposed for re-joining , after which , there being no further business , the lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards dined together , and the usual toasts followed .
Isaac Newton University Lodge , No . 859 . The installation meeting of this lodge ( which was established in 1 S 61 ) was held on the 26 th ult ., when a large amount of work was got through . The lodee having been opened , the installation ceremony was proceeded with , and Bro . VV . J . Fernie , P . G . S . B ., the stroke oarsman of the light blue crew , was placed in the chair of K . S . by Bro . W . H . Francis , P . PJ . G . D . The address to the brethren was delivered by Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . J . G . W . Eng . The officers for the year
are as follows : Bros . W . J . Fernie , Trinity Hall , P . G . S . B ., W . M . ; T . B . Hope , B . A ., Trinity Hall , PJ . G . D ., I . P . M . ; 1 . Bland , B . A ., Cains College , P . P . G . S ., S . W . ; W . Pollard , M . A ., Caius College , J . W . ; the Rev . A . L . Brown , M . A ., Selwyn College , Chap . ; W . G . Bell , M . A ., Trinity College , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., Treas . ; the Rev . Denis Hall , M . A ., Non-Coil ., P . M ., P . P . G . C , Sec . ; A . S . Bell , Trinity Hall , S . D . ; S . W . Burgess , Jesus College , J . D . ; G . T . Bullard , Trinity Hall , D . C . ; G . A . Crane , Trinity College , I . G . ; W . J . Armitage , Emanuel College , Org . ; J . H . C
Dalton , M . A ., M . D ., Trinity College , H . G . Comber , M . A ., Pembroke College , B . H . Howell , Trinity Hall , R . L . V . Foster , B . A ., King's College , W . Briggs , M . A ., Jesus College , C . H . Miller , Trinity College , H . H . Riddle , Peterhouse , and S . J . A . Troyte , Trinity Hall , Stwds . ; and C . H . Ellis and G . Allen , Tylers . About So brethren attended the banquet , and the visitors included ( in ad lition to Bro . Sir John Monckton ) Bros , the Rev . J . H . Gray , P . G . Chap . Eng ., Dep . Prov . G . M . ; E . M . Money , P . G . Stwd . Eng . ; and others .
The newly-installed VV . M ., Bro . W . J . Fernie , appropriately proposed the customary toasts . In responding for "The Grand Lodge Officers , " Bro . Sir John Monckton mentioned the attendance of Grand Lodge Officers at the laying of the foundation-stone of the new Christ ' s Hospital building at Horsham in the previous week as an illustration of the zeal with which they performed their duties , sometimes under trying circumstances . He could not help thinking on that occasion of a similar event which occurred in connection
with their Masonic Hall at Cambridge , when the laying of the foundation-stone was followed by a sort of financial crisis—the stone being removed and the coins extracted ; but he trusted that a similar fate would not befall the coins placed in the foundation-stone at Horsham . He assured the Isaac Newton Lodge that he wis proud to have the honout of being elected an honorary member , and he wished success to the W . M . The W . M . of No . 10 , in responding for " The Sister Lodges , " spoke of the desirability of brethren of the Isaac Newton Lodge joining the London lodge J and alluding to
the cheerful evening he had spent , said that it was not every day that one hid one ' s health proposed by the stroke of the University Boat—an event which he should consider worth remembering . Bro . W . P . Spalding , P . M . 88 , speakingto the toast of " The Visitors , " submitted that Masonry amongst the town lodges in Cambridge did that for the people of the borough that nothing else could do so well ; and the hospitality which the town visitors received at the University Lodge prompted good feeling between town and University , which , perhaps , could not be so well effected in any other way .
Burgoyne Lodge , No . 902 . There was a large gathering at the installation meeting of this lodge , held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C , on the . 15 th ult . The members present included Bros . E . W . Pillinger , W . M . ; C . Butcher , S . W . ; W . Bean , J . W . ; G . Gabb , P . M ., Treas . ; S . J . Byng , P . M ., Sec . ; C . S . White , P . M ., D . C ; J . J . Fifield , S . D . ; G . Brown , J . D . ; C . Morton , I . G . ; S . Rashleigh , P . M . ; H . Norrington , P . M . ; John Mason , P . G . S . B . ; and others . Visitors : Bros . W . S . Dunkley , P . M . 177 ;
R . J . Taylor , P . M . I < J 2 < J ; Buckingham Bird , jun ., W . M . 22 G ; D . G . George , W . M . 574 ; D . Harlow , P . M . ; S . C . Bateman , W . M . 1707 ; A . Hallowes , 25 S 1 ; A . G . Dodson , P . M . 177 ; H . J . Gabb , P . M ., Treas S 13 ; A . Woods , 1 S 53 ; T . Moore , 1541 ; F . J . Ruse , P . M . 65 ; J . Coffer ; G . Smith , W . M . 554 ; A . Tisley , P . G . Steward ; L . von Hill , J . W . 1441 ; D . McMasters , 2562 ; VV . Martin , A . G . Purst . ; J . A . Shelton , P . M . ; W . W . Lee , P . P . G . D . ; and others . The lodge was opened at an early hour in the afternoon , and the minutes were
confirmed , Bro . Mayston being afterwards passed to the Second Degree . Bro . Charles Butcher was next presented as W . M . elect , and was duly installed into the chair by Bro . PiUinger , the retiring W . M . The officers appointed and invested were Bros . W . Bean , S . W . ; J . J . Fifield , J . W . ; G . Gabb , P . M ., Treas . ; S . J . Byng , P . M ., Sec . ; G . J . Brown , Sil ) . ; F . Richmond , J . D . ; W . Merrett , I . G . j E . S . White , P . M ., D . C . ; J . Oscroft and A . VJenkins , Stwds . ; H . R . H . Haycraft , A . D . C ; Crumbleholme , Org . ; and Gilbert , Tyler . A letter was read acknowledging the receipt of a congratulatory telegram to her Majesty on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee . Messrs .
H . E . Fifield , F . G . Saunders , R . Butler , and T . Turner were ably initiated into Freemasonry by the newly-installed Master . Other items of business were transacted and the lodge was closed . The banquet was followed by the usual toast list and a lengthy programme of music , which , owing to the lateness of the hour , had to be somewhat curtailed . Bro . John Mason , P . G . S . B ., who replied for "The Grand Officers , " said there were three classes of Grand Officers—those useful brethren like the Pro G . M ., Dep . G . M ., and others , the ornamental Grand Officers , and those like himselt who were neither useful nor ornamental .
Bro . Walter Martin , A . G . P . as a present Grand Officer responded also , and expressed his pleasure at seeing his old friend , Bro . Butcher , installed in the chair ol that lodge . In congratulating the W . M . he also congratulated the lodge on having such an excellent Matter , who he hoped would have health , strength , and wisdom to carry out his duties . Bro . E . W . Pillinger , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " and said that Bro . Butcher had started his Mastership in a very plsasant and generous way . He felt
sure that in the W . M . they possessed one who would carry the Burgoyne Lodge on the road to progress . Their lodge—judging by what it was when he ( the I . P . M ., began his year—was a lodge of progress , for great strides had been made in the last few years . The path of progress was safe in the Worshipful Master ' s hands , and at the end of his term they would heartily congratulate him and also the lodge on the successful results . Bro . C Butcher , W . M ., brielly returned thanks . If the members would support him , and bring him good men and true to be initiated , he would endeavour to do his best to please the members .
" The Initiates " was next givan , and replied to by Bros . Fifield , Saunders , Butler , and Turner . The W . M . proposed "The I . P . M ., " and said the mem ' jers all felt lha ' . Bro . Pillinger , 1 , P . M ., had done his duty . He would avail himsctf of this oppoittt uty Ol