Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodges and Chapters of Instruction. Page 1 of 2 Article Lodges and Chapters of Instruction. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
were proposed by Comp . Harvey and other office bearers , and were all heartily received and responded to . A striking feature of the evening's entertainment was the music which was performed in the intervals between the speeches . This was provided by the family of Comp . Meiter , whose name will be found in the list of visitors . The "Meiter Septette" consists of Mrs . Meiter , Miss
Meiter , and the Misses Grace , Helen , Florence , Alice , and Harris Meiter , and the family instrument is the violin , Mrs . Meiter acting as accompanist on the piano . The thanks of all present are due to these talented ladies for the entrancing music they provided . It would be invidious to draw comparisons between the different performers , and would require more musical knowledge than the reporter possesses to do so . It will be sufficient to say that from the comments
heard upon all sides it was evident that their performances were highly appreciated , and , perhaps , it may be added that their last effort , " Irish Airs , " raised appreciation to enthusiasm . Miss Helen Meiter also sang some songs very sweetly . Other contributors to the harmony of the evening were Comps . Poupard and Gammon , both of whom are general favourites , Comp . Pritchard accompanying them at the piano .
GOOLE . Aire and Calcler Chapter ( No . 458 ) . —On Monday , the 24 th ult ., a meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Rooms , Boothferry-road , Comp . J . A . Bray , Z ., opening the proceedings as First Principal . Amongst the companions present were represntatives of Wakefield and Hull chapters , including Comps . M . C . Peck , P . Z .,
P . A . G . D . C . Eng ., P . G . S . E . North and East Yorks ; D . J . O'Donoghue , P . Z . <* 7 G . Wilson , P . Z . 57 , P . P . G . S . N . North and East Yorks ; E . Corris , P . Z . 57 , P . P . G . S . N . North and East Yorks ; R . Beevers , P . Z . 57 , P . P . G . P . S . North and East Yorks ; and S . Slack , P . S . 495 , P . P . G . D . C . ; and otheis . Comp . O'Donoghue very ably installed the Principals for
the coming year , viz .: Comps . W . Brooke , P . H ., Z . ; E . Gooderidge , P . Z ., H . ; and R . Dayson , P . P . G . O ., J . The following officers were then invested : Comps . Amos Gooderidge , S . E . ; T . Coulson , S . N . ; C . Grant , P . S . ; and Jos . Robinson , Janitor . On the motion of Comp . Gardiner , P . G . S ., seconded by Comp . Everatt , P . Z ., a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Comp . O'Donoghue for his services as Installing Principal .
The proceedings closed with a ' meat tea , after which the usual toasts were proposed . The newly-installed Z . presided , and gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . He especially alluded to the very valuable services rendered to the Order by Comp . M . C . Peck , and he spoke of his researches into the history of Freemasonry in Yorkshire .
To the toast of "The Grand and , Provincial Grand Rulers , " Comps . Peck , Wilson , and Gardiner replied . That of " The Installing Principal , Comp . O'Donoghue , " was given by Comp . Everatt , and in reply , Comp . O'Donoghue referred to the strong bond of sympathy that existed between the North and East Yorks and the West Yorks Provinces .
"The Newly-Installed Principals" was given by Comp . Corris , and Comp . Brooke , in his reply , spoke in grateful terms of his unanimous election in his unavoidable absence from Goole . Comp . Cawthorn gave "The Visiting Companions , " for whom Comps . Beevers and Corris replied .
" The Health of the Retiring Past Principal , Comp . J . A . Bray , " was heartily received and suitably replied to . So ended one of the pleasantest evenings in the history of the Aire and Calder Chapter , songs being contributed by Comps . Ezra Gooderidge and Jos . Robinson , and recitations by Comps . Corris and Amos Gooderidge .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Prince Leopold Lodge ( No . 238 ) . —This lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the iSth ult . Among those present were Bros . Nelson Prower , M . A ., W . M . ; Chauifourier , S . W . ; T . O . Harding , M . A ., P . M ., J . W . ; Drew , M . O . ; F . Farrington , P . M ., Treas . ; Capt . T . C Walls , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., " Sec ; and VV . E . Farr ngton , P . M . Among the visitors were Bros . F . W .
Driver , M . A ., P . G . S ., P . M . ; and Roberts . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for three brethren for advancement aud one brother for joining . The W . M . invested Bro . A . Clemow with the collar of S . O . Bro . Chauffourier , S . W ., was elected to represent the lodge at the
next Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund . Apologies for non-attendance from several membevs having been read , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The customary loyal and Mark toasts were honoured . The W . M . was most original and eloquent in his speeches .
BRIGHTON . Royal Connaught Lodge ( No . 409 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Pavilion on the nth ultimo , when the W . M ., Bro . Richard Clowes , P . P . G . M . O . East Anglia , Prov . G . Treas ., presided , and was supported by the following officers : Bros . Alfred King , S . W . ; E . G . Whittle , S . O . ; J . Turton , J . O . ; R .
Willard , R . of M . ; F . J . Sawyer , J . D . ; H . Langton , D . of C . ; Chapman Marshall , Org . ; and H . H . Hughes , Tyler . The members of the lodge and the visiting brethren present included Bros . C . F . Matier , P . G . W ., G . Sec . ; J . P . Slingsby Roberts , Prov . G . Sec ; VV . A . Tooth , VV . M . Southdown Lodge , P . P . G . C ; H . W . G . Abell , G . Std . Br . ; F . E . Sawyer ; E . M . Money , P . G . Stwd . ;
W . Wright , S . O . 391 , Prov . G . I . G . ; A . F . Lamette , J . W . 75 ; R . Gresham Bacon , 75 ; G . Cole , and S . R . Legg , Prov . J . G . W . The chief businessof the meeting comprised the advancement of Bros . S . H . Soper , Mayor of Brighton , Alderman A . J . Hawkes , and VV . F . Booth . The lodge having been closed , the brethren sat down to
a banquet , served in excellent style by Bro . D . Mutton . The customary loyal toasts were duly honoured . The Worshipful Master then proposed "The Officers of Grand Lodge , Present and Past . " Bro . C . F . Matier , Grand Secretary , responded . He was gratified , he said , to find Mark Masonry so prosperous in Sussex , and especially pleased to find that the Mayor of Brighton had been , that evening , advanced to that Degree .
Mark Masonry.
He spoke in eulogistic terms of the enthusiastic manner in which Bro . H . VV . G . Abell had worked in Mark Masonry , and the great assistance given to the province by the Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . J . P . Slingsby Roberts . The VV . M . next proposed "The Officers of Prov . Grand Lodge , Present and Past . " Early next year the brethren would , he hoped , see H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught installed as their Prov . G . Master , and he was sure his Royal
Highness would meet with a cordial reception at their hands . On that occasion he would be met by the Mayor of Brighton as a Mark Master Mason . He regretted the absence of their Deputy Prov . Grand Master , the Very Rev . Bro . the Dean of Battle , who , they were aware , had many duties to attend to in a distant part of the county . Bro . W . A . Tooth responded , remarking that the Prov . Grand Officers took great interest in their work , and were always ready to do their best to advance the welfare of the
province . Bro . J . P . Slingsby Roberts also acknowledged the toast . He had great pleasure , he said , in visiting the lodge , and also in carrying out the duties of his office . His great aim was to secure the approbation of the brethren of the province , and his best efforts would be devoted to advancing Mark Masonry .
Bro . Matier then proposed "The Worshipful Master . " As Consecrating and Installing Master he had , he said , taken great interest in the lodge , and believed that Bro . Clowes had fulfilled all the promises he made at his installation . He ( Bro . Clowes ) had carried out his duties admirably , and , on his retirement , would take with him the approbation of the brethren and the testimony of his own
conscience that he had worthily carried out a good work . Bro . Clowes , who met with a hearty reception , thanked Bro . Matier for the generous terms in which he had spoken of him , and the brethren forthe kindly manner in which they had received the toast . He had , he said , endeavoured to do his best for the Royal Connaught Lodge . He had striven to follow in the footsteps of their lamented
brother—the late Crawford Pocock—and should continue to do his utmost to gain their kind regard and good wishes . Inproposing "The Advancees , " the W . M . said thelodge had been honoured by the advancement of the Mayor of Brighton that evening . Bro . Soper had worked zealously in Freemasonry , and would , he hoped , at no distant date , occupy the chair of the Royal Connaught Lodge . They had
enrolled another good Mason in Bro . Hawkes , and also Bro . VV . F . Booth , one of the worthiest Masons in Brighton . He regretted the circumstances which prevented Bro . Booth from sitting down with them , and was sure that brother had the heartfelt sympathy of all present . The Mayor of Brighton , in responding , said he had great pleasure in being amongst them , and had been deeply
impressed with the ceremony of advancement . In view of the approaching visit of his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught , he felt it his duty to become a Mark Master Mason , and had been honoured by being permitted to join the Royal Connaught Lodge . During his Mayoralty Freemasons might confidently rely upon his assistance , and he should feel it a great and high privilege to join them in
receiving H . R . H . the Dukeof Connaught , their Provincial Grand Master . Bro . A . J . Hawkes also acknowledged the toast . The remaining toasts were "The Visitors , " acknowledged by Bro . R . Gresham Bacon ; " The New Lodgethe Brighton , " to which the VV . M . elect , Bro . R . Willard .
responded ; "The Officers , " to which Bro . Alfred King replied ; and the Tyler's toast . During the evening pleasing songs were sung by Bros . S . H . Soper , R . Willard , and J . P . Slingsby " Roberts to Bro . F . J . Sawyer ' s accompaniment , a pianoforte solo being also given by Bro . Chapman Marshall .
TWICKENHAM . Sir Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . 1 S 1 ) . — This prosperous lodge met at the Albany Hotel on the 19 th ult ., and among those present were Bros . W . Porter , W . M . j Simmonds , S . W . ; H . Higgins , P . M ., acting J . W . ; Davis , M . O . ; Woodruff , S . O . ; VV . Fisher , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Treas . ; Captain T . C . Walls , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., Sec ; C .
H . Kohler , P . M . ; and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , a vote of condolence was passed to Bro . D . P . Cama , P . M ., & c , on the loss he has sustained by the death of his wife . Bro . Simmonds was elected VV . M . ; Bro . W . Fisher , Treas . ; and Bro . Harrison , Tyler . A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to the VV . M .
The Audit Committee was appointed to audit the accounts half an hour before the installation meeting . Among those who sent apologies for non-attendance were Bros . W . Bailey , P . M . ; George Everett , W . W . Westley , and Bonny . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The usual toasts followed .
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapters of Instruction .
ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( No . 25 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., at Tupp ' s Restaurant , 8 , Tottenham Court-road , VV ., when there were present Bros . VV . Densham , VV . M . ; R . Blum , S . W . ; F . Klein , J . W . ; F . Marx , P . M ., Preceptor ; F . J . Bonham , P . M ., Sec ; R . E . Cursons , S . D . ; C . Grove , J . D . ; W . Shales , I . G . ; and W . Hewett . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of
the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The 2 nd Section of the Lecture was worked by the Preceptor . Bro . Densham vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Hewett . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Densham being candidate . Bro . Densham answered the questions leading to the Second Degree , and was entrusted . The S . VV . was unanimously elected VV . M . for the ensuing week —officers to be in rotation . The lodge was then closed .
ST . LUKE'S LODGE ( No . 144 ) . —A meeting was held on the 17 th ult ., at the Somerset Arms , when there were present Bros . L . Nathan , W . M . ; F . Thomas , S . W . ; VV . E . Macey , J . W . ; W . H . Tucker , S . W . 144 , Sec ; P . Coughlan , P . M . 144 , S . D . ; E . Witts , P . M . 144 , J . D . ; Carlo Manzoni , I . G . ; A . Carlstrom , 733 ; R . O . Moody , J . W . 1 S 53 ; J . Metherell , R . Ambler , C C . Barber , and T . VV . Lightfoot . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Barber being the candidate . Bro . Lightfoot answered the questions leading- to the Second Degree , and was entrusted . Bro . F . Thomas was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed .
CLARENCE LODGE ( No . 263 ) . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Thursday , the 20 th ult ., at Tupp ' s Restaurant , 8 , Tottenham Court-road . There were present Bros . J . T . Ashby , VV . M . ; H . H . Nuding , S . W . ; D . G . Imlay , J . W . ; VV . H . Kirby , Preceptor ; W . Baker , acting Sec ; J . B . Corpe , S . D . ; H . S . Wellcome , J : D . ; J . Corpe , I . G . j H . Wilks , C . F . Cox , F . Jennings , B . Levy ,
H . Cubitt , W . Rowley , D . D . West , and J . lhompson . The lodge being duly opened , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Cubitt volunteered as candidate , and was examined , entrusted , and retired , when the lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing ably rehearsed . The W . M . also delivered the explanation of the tracing board . The lodge was
opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . Nuding , S . W ., assisted by working the ist Section of the Third Lecture . The lodge was closed down . On the W . M . rising for the first time , Bro . Kirby announced that the lodge was indebted to Bro . Cubitt for a very handsome poinard , which the latter brother had that evening brought with him , and now
formally presented to the lodge . A vote of thanks was cordially extended Bro . Cubitt for this donation . Bro . Nuding was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting , and appointed his officers , and announced that the work would be the ceremony of raising and the 2 nd and 3 rd Sections of the First Lecture . All business being ended , the lodge was closed .
ZETLAND LODGE ( No . 511 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 24 th ult ., at the York and Albany , Regent ' s Park , N . W ., when there were present Bros . J . R . Harnell , W . M . j H . Hazel , S . W . ; Hunt , J . W . j G . Wood , P . M ., acting Preceptor j J . P . Pointer , Sec ; E . Styles , S . D . ; O . Friedheim , J . D . ; Phillips , I . G . j E . J . Gittens , H . J . Ahern , Heilbrun , T . E .
Davis , T . J . Patrick , L . Simon , W . J . Ward , H . Hempel , S . Stretch , C . Itter , and T . Casely , P . M . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . H . Hempel acting as
candidate . The W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . E . J . Gittens , who rehearsed the ceremony of installation , and gave the three addresses in a very able and efficient manner , Bro . J . R . Harnell acting as candidate . Bro . H . Hempel was elected a joining member of the lodge AH Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
PRINCE FREDERICK WILLIAM LODGE ( No . 753 ) . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., at the Eagle Tavern ,. Clifton-road , Maida Vale . Present : Bros . W . Matthews , VV . M . ; S . Stretch , S . W . j R . T . Redfearn , J . W . ; G . Wood , P . M ., Preceptor ; W . J . Stratton , Treas . and acting Sec . ; W . Chappie , S . D . ; E . Wehrle , J . D . ; A . W . Thomson , I . G . ; R . H . Dillon , P . M . 1567 ;
J . W . Cuff , P . M . 511 ; VV . J . Mason , W . M . 2246 ; A . E . Carter , VV . M . 1423 ; T . Devin , W . H . Reddrop , W . H . Wilcox , VV . E . Stone , J . R . Hill , and W . H . Hunt . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Hunt having answered the usual questions , was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the
ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . Hunt candidate . Bro . Matthews then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Dillon , who rehearsed the ceremony of installation . Bro . Matthews was duly presented and obligated . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree . A Board of Installed Masters was then opened , and Bro . Matthews duly installed into the
chair of K . S . according to ancient custom , and the brethren re-admitted . Bro . Mason delivered the three addresses in a most impressive manner . Bro . Stretch was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed .
RANELAGH LODGE ( No . 834 ) . —A meeting was held on the 29 th ult ., at the Six Bells Hotel , Queen-street , Hammersmith , when there were present Bros . D . S . Long , VV . M . ; F . Craggs , S . VV . ; A . Williams , J . W . j H . Foreman , S . D . ; R . Reid , J . D . ; , H . Blackman , I . G . ; G . Nash , H . Dyne , and H . P . Gilbert . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of
the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro . Reid offering himself as a candidate for raising , was questioned and entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , arid the ceremony rehearsed . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Dyne offering himself as . a candidate for passing , was questioned and entrusted . The lodge was resumed to the Second Degree , and the ceremony
rehearsed . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and Bro . Dyne worked the 2 nd Section of the Lecture , under the direction of the VV . M . The VV . M . having risen Bro . Craggs was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting . The Secretary was directed to write Bro . J . Sims , and express their deep sympathy with him in his affliction , trusting the Great Architect ot the Universe would be pleased soon to restore him to his wonted health . The lodg * e was then closed .
EMBLEMATIC LODGE ( No . 1331 * 1 . — The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held for the first time at St . James ' s Hall Restaurant , Piccadilly , W ., on Tuesday , the iSth ult ., when there were present Bros . J . H . Price , VV . M . ; VV . B . Fendick , S . W . ; F . VV . Buxton , J . W . ; J . Greenway , Preceptor ; G . F . Swan , Sec ; W . O . Welsford , S . D . ; R . VV . Bowers , J . D . j Robert Shaw ,
I . G . j E . J . D . Bromley , j . Patrickson , j . S . Hinton , E . Beeson , C . Weeden , E . L . Berry , R . Kirk , H . Matthews , VV . Hadden , J . Paul , J . Hemming , VV . Brindley , A . J . Dixie , J . H . Pasmore , E . Angel , J . B . Grieves , R . Stebbing , VV . F . Bates , VV . H . Rice , and Geo . Lane . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Thelodge
was opened in the Second Degree . The 1 st Section of the Second Lecture was worked by the Preceptor , Bro . Greenway , the questions being answered by the brethren in rotation . Bros . Patrickson and Bromley having offered themselves as candidates to be raised to the Third Degree , were examined and entrusted . The lodge was opened in thc 'Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising was re-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
were proposed by Comp . Harvey and other office bearers , and were all heartily received and responded to . A striking feature of the evening's entertainment was the music which was performed in the intervals between the speeches . This was provided by the family of Comp . Meiter , whose name will be found in the list of visitors . The "Meiter Septette" consists of Mrs . Meiter , Miss
Meiter , and the Misses Grace , Helen , Florence , Alice , and Harris Meiter , and the family instrument is the violin , Mrs . Meiter acting as accompanist on the piano . The thanks of all present are due to these talented ladies for the entrancing music they provided . It would be invidious to draw comparisons between the different performers , and would require more musical knowledge than the reporter possesses to do so . It will be sufficient to say that from the comments
heard upon all sides it was evident that their performances were highly appreciated , and , perhaps , it may be added that their last effort , " Irish Airs , " raised appreciation to enthusiasm . Miss Helen Meiter also sang some songs very sweetly . Other contributors to the harmony of the evening were Comps . Poupard and Gammon , both of whom are general favourites , Comp . Pritchard accompanying them at the piano .
GOOLE . Aire and Calcler Chapter ( No . 458 ) . —On Monday , the 24 th ult ., a meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Rooms , Boothferry-road , Comp . J . A . Bray , Z ., opening the proceedings as First Principal . Amongst the companions present were represntatives of Wakefield and Hull chapters , including Comps . M . C . Peck , P . Z .,
P . A . G . D . C . Eng ., P . G . S . E . North and East Yorks ; D . J . O'Donoghue , P . Z . <* 7 G . Wilson , P . Z . 57 , P . P . G . S . N . North and East Yorks ; E . Corris , P . Z . 57 , P . P . G . S . N . North and East Yorks ; R . Beevers , P . Z . 57 , P . P . G . P . S . North and East Yorks ; and S . Slack , P . S . 495 , P . P . G . D . C . ; and otheis . Comp . O'Donoghue very ably installed the Principals for
the coming year , viz .: Comps . W . Brooke , P . H ., Z . ; E . Gooderidge , P . Z ., H . ; and R . Dayson , P . P . G . O ., J . The following officers were then invested : Comps . Amos Gooderidge , S . E . ; T . Coulson , S . N . ; C . Grant , P . S . ; and Jos . Robinson , Janitor . On the motion of Comp . Gardiner , P . G . S ., seconded by Comp . Everatt , P . Z ., a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Comp . O'Donoghue for his services as Installing Principal .
The proceedings closed with a ' meat tea , after which the usual toasts were proposed . The newly-installed Z . presided , and gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . He especially alluded to the very valuable services rendered to the Order by Comp . M . C . Peck , and he spoke of his researches into the history of Freemasonry in Yorkshire .
To the toast of "The Grand and , Provincial Grand Rulers , " Comps . Peck , Wilson , and Gardiner replied . That of " The Installing Principal , Comp . O'Donoghue , " was given by Comp . Everatt , and in reply , Comp . O'Donoghue referred to the strong bond of sympathy that existed between the North and East Yorks and the West Yorks Provinces .
"The Newly-Installed Principals" was given by Comp . Corris , and Comp . Brooke , in his reply , spoke in grateful terms of his unanimous election in his unavoidable absence from Goole . Comp . Cawthorn gave "The Visiting Companions , " for whom Comps . Beevers and Corris replied .
" The Health of the Retiring Past Principal , Comp . J . A . Bray , " was heartily received and suitably replied to . So ended one of the pleasantest evenings in the history of the Aire and Calder Chapter , songs being contributed by Comps . Ezra Gooderidge and Jos . Robinson , and recitations by Comps . Corris and Amos Gooderidge .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Prince Leopold Lodge ( No . 238 ) . —This lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the iSth ult . Among those present were Bros . Nelson Prower , M . A ., W . M . ; Chauifourier , S . W . ; T . O . Harding , M . A ., P . M ., J . W . ; Drew , M . O . ; F . Farrington , P . M ., Treas . ; Capt . T . C Walls , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., " Sec ; and VV . E . Farr ngton , P . M . Among the visitors were Bros . F . W .
Driver , M . A ., P . G . S ., P . M . ; and Roberts . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for three brethren for advancement aud one brother for joining . The W . M . invested Bro . A . Clemow with the collar of S . O . Bro . Chauffourier , S . W ., was elected to represent the lodge at the
next Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund . Apologies for non-attendance from several membevs having been read , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The customary loyal and Mark toasts were honoured . The W . M . was most original and eloquent in his speeches .
BRIGHTON . Royal Connaught Lodge ( No . 409 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Pavilion on the nth ultimo , when the W . M ., Bro . Richard Clowes , P . P . G . M . O . East Anglia , Prov . G . Treas ., presided , and was supported by the following officers : Bros . Alfred King , S . W . ; E . G . Whittle , S . O . ; J . Turton , J . O . ; R .
Willard , R . of M . ; F . J . Sawyer , J . D . ; H . Langton , D . of C . ; Chapman Marshall , Org . ; and H . H . Hughes , Tyler . The members of the lodge and the visiting brethren present included Bros . C . F . Matier , P . G . W ., G . Sec . ; J . P . Slingsby Roberts , Prov . G . Sec ; VV . A . Tooth , VV . M . Southdown Lodge , P . P . G . C ; H . W . G . Abell , G . Std . Br . ; F . E . Sawyer ; E . M . Money , P . G . Stwd . ;
W . Wright , S . O . 391 , Prov . G . I . G . ; A . F . Lamette , J . W . 75 ; R . Gresham Bacon , 75 ; G . Cole , and S . R . Legg , Prov . J . G . W . The chief businessof the meeting comprised the advancement of Bros . S . H . Soper , Mayor of Brighton , Alderman A . J . Hawkes , and VV . F . Booth . The lodge having been closed , the brethren sat down to
a banquet , served in excellent style by Bro . D . Mutton . The customary loyal toasts were duly honoured . The Worshipful Master then proposed "The Officers of Grand Lodge , Present and Past . " Bro . C . F . Matier , Grand Secretary , responded . He was gratified , he said , to find Mark Masonry so prosperous in Sussex , and especially pleased to find that the Mayor of Brighton had been , that evening , advanced to that Degree .
Mark Masonry.
He spoke in eulogistic terms of the enthusiastic manner in which Bro . H . VV . G . Abell had worked in Mark Masonry , and the great assistance given to the province by the Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . J . P . Slingsby Roberts . The VV . M . next proposed "The Officers of Prov . Grand Lodge , Present and Past . " Early next year the brethren would , he hoped , see H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught installed as their Prov . G . Master , and he was sure his Royal
Highness would meet with a cordial reception at their hands . On that occasion he would be met by the Mayor of Brighton as a Mark Master Mason . He regretted the absence of their Deputy Prov . Grand Master , the Very Rev . Bro . the Dean of Battle , who , they were aware , had many duties to attend to in a distant part of the county . Bro . W . A . Tooth responded , remarking that the Prov . Grand Officers took great interest in their work , and were always ready to do their best to advance the welfare of the
province . Bro . J . P . Slingsby Roberts also acknowledged the toast . He had great pleasure , he said , in visiting the lodge , and also in carrying out the duties of his office . His great aim was to secure the approbation of the brethren of the province , and his best efforts would be devoted to advancing Mark Masonry .
Bro . Matier then proposed "The Worshipful Master . " As Consecrating and Installing Master he had , he said , taken great interest in the lodge , and believed that Bro . Clowes had fulfilled all the promises he made at his installation . He ( Bro . Clowes ) had carried out his duties admirably , and , on his retirement , would take with him the approbation of the brethren and the testimony of his own
conscience that he had worthily carried out a good work . Bro . Clowes , who met with a hearty reception , thanked Bro . Matier for the generous terms in which he had spoken of him , and the brethren forthe kindly manner in which they had received the toast . He had , he said , endeavoured to do his best for the Royal Connaught Lodge . He had striven to follow in the footsteps of their lamented
brother—the late Crawford Pocock—and should continue to do his utmost to gain their kind regard and good wishes . Inproposing "The Advancees , " the W . M . said thelodge had been honoured by the advancement of the Mayor of Brighton that evening . Bro . Soper had worked zealously in Freemasonry , and would , he hoped , at no distant date , occupy the chair of the Royal Connaught Lodge . They had
enrolled another good Mason in Bro . Hawkes , and also Bro . VV . F . Booth , one of the worthiest Masons in Brighton . He regretted the circumstances which prevented Bro . Booth from sitting down with them , and was sure that brother had the heartfelt sympathy of all present . The Mayor of Brighton , in responding , said he had great pleasure in being amongst them , and had been deeply
impressed with the ceremony of advancement . In view of the approaching visit of his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught , he felt it his duty to become a Mark Master Mason , and had been honoured by being permitted to join the Royal Connaught Lodge . During his Mayoralty Freemasons might confidently rely upon his assistance , and he should feel it a great and high privilege to join them in
receiving H . R . H . the Dukeof Connaught , their Provincial Grand Master . Bro . A . J . Hawkes also acknowledged the toast . The remaining toasts were "The Visitors , " acknowledged by Bro . R . Gresham Bacon ; " The New Lodgethe Brighton , " to which the VV . M . elect , Bro . R . Willard .
responded ; "The Officers , " to which Bro . Alfred King replied ; and the Tyler's toast . During the evening pleasing songs were sung by Bros . S . H . Soper , R . Willard , and J . P . Slingsby " Roberts to Bro . F . J . Sawyer ' s accompaniment , a pianoforte solo being also given by Bro . Chapman Marshall .
TWICKENHAM . Sir Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . 1 S 1 ) . — This prosperous lodge met at the Albany Hotel on the 19 th ult ., and among those present were Bros . W . Porter , W . M . j Simmonds , S . W . ; H . Higgins , P . M ., acting J . W . ; Davis , M . O . ; Woodruff , S . O . ; VV . Fisher , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Treas . ; Captain T . C . Walls , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., Sec ; C .
H . Kohler , P . M . ; and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , a vote of condolence was passed to Bro . D . P . Cama , P . M ., & c , on the loss he has sustained by the death of his wife . Bro . Simmonds was elected VV . M . ; Bro . W . Fisher , Treas . ; and Bro . Harrison , Tyler . A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to the VV . M .
The Audit Committee was appointed to audit the accounts half an hour before the installation meeting . Among those who sent apologies for non-attendance were Bros . W . Bailey , P . M . ; George Everett , W . W . Westley , and Bonny . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The usual toasts followed .
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapters of Instruction .
ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( No . 25 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., at Tupp ' s Restaurant , 8 , Tottenham Court-road , VV ., when there were present Bros . VV . Densham , VV . M . ; R . Blum , S . W . ; F . Klein , J . W . ; F . Marx , P . M ., Preceptor ; F . J . Bonham , P . M ., Sec ; R . E . Cursons , S . D . ; C . Grove , J . D . ; W . Shales , I . G . ; and W . Hewett . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of
the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The 2 nd Section of the Lecture was worked by the Preceptor . Bro . Densham vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Hewett . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Densham being candidate . Bro . Densham answered the questions leading to the Second Degree , and was entrusted . The S . VV . was unanimously elected VV . M . for the ensuing week —officers to be in rotation . The lodge was then closed .
ST . LUKE'S LODGE ( No . 144 ) . —A meeting was held on the 17 th ult ., at the Somerset Arms , when there were present Bros . L . Nathan , W . M . ; F . Thomas , S . W . ; VV . E . Macey , J . W . ; W . H . Tucker , S . W . 144 , Sec ; P . Coughlan , P . M . 144 , S . D . ; E . Witts , P . M . 144 , J . D . ; Carlo Manzoni , I . G . ; A . Carlstrom , 733 ; R . O . Moody , J . W . 1 S 53 ; J . Metherell , R . Ambler , C C . Barber , and T . VV . Lightfoot . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Barber being the candidate . Bro . Lightfoot answered the questions leading- to the Second Degree , and was entrusted . Bro . F . Thomas was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed .
CLARENCE LODGE ( No . 263 ) . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Thursday , the 20 th ult ., at Tupp ' s Restaurant , 8 , Tottenham Court-road . There were present Bros . J . T . Ashby , VV . M . ; H . H . Nuding , S . W . ; D . G . Imlay , J . W . ; VV . H . Kirby , Preceptor ; W . Baker , acting Sec ; J . B . Corpe , S . D . ; H . S . Wellcome , J : D . ; J . Corpe , I . G . j H . Wilks , C . F . Cox , F . Jennings , B . Levy ,
H . Cubitt , W . Rowley , D . D . West , and J . lhompson . The lodge being duly opened , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Cubitt volunteered as candidate , and was examined , entrusted , and retired , when the lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing ably rehearsed . The W . M . also delivered the explanation of the tracing board . The lodge was
opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . Nuding , S . W ., assisted by working the ist Section of the Third Lecture . The lodge was closed down . On the W . M . rising for the first time , Bro . Kirby announced that the lodge was indebted to Bro . Cubitt for a very handsome poinard , which the latter brother had that evening brought with him , and now
formally presented to the lodge . A vote of thanks was cordially extended Bro . Cubitt for this donation . Bro . Nuding was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting , and appointed his officers , and announced that the work would be the ceremony of raising and the 2 nd and 3 rd Sections of the First Lecture . All business being ended , the lodge was closed .
ZETLAND LODGE ( No . 511 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 24 th ult ., at the York and Albany , Regent ' s Park , N . W ., when there were present Bros . J . R . Harnell , W . M . j H . Hazel , S . W . ; Hunt , J . W . j G . Wood , P . M ., acting Preceptor j J . P . Pointer , Sec ; E . Styles , S . D . ; O . Friedheim , J . D . ; Phillips , I . G . j E . J . Gittens , H . J . Ahern , Heilbrun , T . E .
Davis , T . J . Patrick , L . Simon , W . J . Ward , H . Hempel , S . Stretch , C . Itter , and T . Casely , P . M . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . H . Hempel acting as
candidate . The W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . E . J . Gittens , who rehearsed the ceremony of installation , and gave the three addresses in a very able and efficient manner , Bro . J . R . Harnell acting as candidate . Bro . H . Hempel was elected a joining member of the lodge AH Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
PRINCE FREDERICK WILLIAM LODGE ( No . 753 ) . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., at the Eagle Tavern ,. Clifton-road , Maida Vale . Present : Bros . W . Matthews , VV . M . ; S . Stretch , S . W . j R . T . Redfearn , J . W . ; G . Wood , P . M ., Preceptor ; W . J . Stratton , Treas . and acting Sec . ; W . Chappie , S . D . ; E . Wehrle , J . D . ; A . W . Thomson , I . G . ; R . H . Dillon , P . M . 1567 ;
J . W . Cuff , P . M . 511 ; VV . J . Mason , W . M . 2246 ; A . E . Carter , VV . M . 1423 ; T . Devin , W . H . Reddrop , W . H . Wilcox , VV . E . Stone , J . R . Hill , and W . H . Hunt . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Hunt having answered the usual questions , was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the
ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . Hunt candidate . Bro . Matthews then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Dillon , who rehearsed the ceremony of installation . Bro . Matthews was duly presented and obligated . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree . A Board of Installed Masters was then opened , and Bro . Matthews duly installed into the
chair of K . S . according to ancient custom , and the brethren re-admitted . Bro . Mason delivered the three addresses in a most impressive manner . Bro . Stretch was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed .
RANELAGH LODGE ( No . 834 ) . —A meeting was held on the 29 th ult ., at the Six Bells Hotel , Queen-street , Hammersmith , when there were present Bros . D . S . Long , VV . M . ; F . Craggs , S . VV . ; A . Williams , J . W . j H . Foreman , S . D . ; R . Reid , J . D . ; , H . Blackman , I . G . ; G . Nash , H . Dyne , and H . P . Gilbert . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of
the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro . Reid offering himself as a candidate for raising , was questioned and entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , arid the ceremony rehearsed . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Dyne offering himself as . a candidate for passing , was questioned and entrusted . The lodge was resumed to the Second Degree , and the ceremony
rehearsed . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and Bro . Dyne worked the 2 nd Section of the Lecture , under the direction of the VV . M . The VV . M . having risen Bro . Craggs was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting . The Secretary was directed to write Bro . J . Sims , and express their deep sympathy with him in his affliction , trusting the Great Architect ot the Universe would be pleased soon to restore him to his wonted health . The lodg * e was then closed .
EMBLEMATIC LODGE ( No . 1331 * 1 . — The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held for the first time at St . James ' s Hall Restaurant , Piccadilly , W ., on Tuesday , the iSth ult ., when there were present Bros . J . H . Price , VV . M . ; VV . B . Fendick , S . W . ; F . VV . Buxton , J . W . ; J . Greenway , Preceptor ; G . F . Swan , Sec ; W . O . Welsford , S . D . ; R . VV . Bowers , J . D . j Robert Shaw ,
I . G . j E . J . D . Bromley , j . Patrickson , j . S . Hinton , E . Beeson , C . Weeden , E . L . Berry , R . Kirk , H . Matthews , VV . Hadden , J . Paul , J . Hemming , VV . Brindley , A . J . Dixie , J . H . Pasmore , E . Angel , J . B . Grieves , R . Stebbing , VV . F . Bates , VV . H . Rice , and Geo . Lane . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Thelodge
was opened in the Second Degree . The 1 st Section of the Second Lecture was worked by the Preceptor , Bro . Greenway , the questions being answered by the brethren in rotation . Bros . Patrickson and Bromley having offered themselves as candidates to be raised to the Third Degree , were examined and entrusted . The lodge was opened in thc 'Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising was re-