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United Grand Lodge Of England.
The Earl of LATHOM : Brethren , by command of H . R . H . the M . W . G . M ., I beg to move the recommendation that stands on the agenda paper in his name , viz : " That the rank of Past Grand Master be conferred on Lieutenant-General his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn , K . G ., Provincial Grand Master of Sussex and District Grand Master of Bombay , on the occasion of . his recent return from the East Indies , after completion of his term of service
there as Commander-in-Chief of the Bombay Army . " I may say , brethren , that it is . needless to mention to you that this is not done without precedent ; in fact , there are several precedents . In 1767 , H . R . H . Edward Augustus , Duke of York , brother of George the Third , was made Past Grand Master . On the same day Henry Frederick , Duke of Cumberland , a brother of King George , was made a Past Grand Master . On the same day H . R . H . the Duke of Gloucester was made
a Past Grand Master . In 1805 , H . R . H . Augustus Frederick , Duke of Sussex , a son of George the Third , was also made a Past Grand Master , and in 18 70 H . R . H . the present Grand Master was made a Past Grand Master , after his initiation in Sweden . Therefore , it will be seen we are not acting without precedent , and I hope the recommendation of his Royal Hig hness will be well received by you all . ( Applause . )
Bro . Col . DE CARTERET : I beg leave to second the motion made by the Grand Master in the chair . I can only say , on behalf of myself , that I hope his Royal Highness will live many years to enjoy this position , and continue to rule his province with zeal , ability , and discretion . The motion was carried unanimously amidst cheers .
The Earl of LATHOM : I will now propose , brethren , that Grand Lodge do present the clothing of a Past Grand Master to H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , in continuation of the resolution you have just passed . The motion was seconded by Bro . Col DE CARTERET , and carried . The Earl of LATHOM : Brethren , by command of H . R . H . the Grand Master ,
I beg to move the second recommendation , viz .: " That the sum of 100 guineas be voted from the funds of Grand Lodge and added to the national subscription now being raised in aid of the families of the crew of her Majesty ' s late ship Serpent , recentl y lost with all hands , except three , off the coast of Spain . " Bro . Col . DE CARTERET : 1 beg to second it . The motion was carried .
Bro . AUGUSTUS HARRIS , G . T .: M . W . G . M . in the chair , —I beg leave to say for the information of Grand Lodge , that I will send my cheque immediately , and send it before the motion is confirmed . ( Cheers . )
Bro . J AIRD , M . P ., W . M . No . 259 : M . W . G . M . in the chair , —I feel very proud in Grand Lodge to have the opportunity to be thought worthy to nominate H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Grand Master for the . coming year . With great confidence I put this nomination before you as I know it will command the sympathy and attention not only of every Masonic brother but of everyone
associated with our Kingdom and our Craft . In Masonry the desire of men is to do all that is possible to create brotherly love and promote charity , and we all know—we know well—how our efforts are aided by the support our Grand Bod y has always received from H . R . H . the Grand Master . I beg therefore to nominate H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Grand Master for the coming year .
Bro . J GLASS , P . M . No . 453 , Past Prov . Grand Supt . of Wks . Essex M . W . G . M ., —In order that Grand Lodge may discharge its obligation to elect a Treasurer for the ensuing year , I beg leave to nominate for that office Bro . George Everett , of the Domatie Lodge , No . 177 . ( Applause . ) Brother George Everett was initiated into Freemasonry on the 19 th August , 1858 . He isa Past Master and the Treasurer of the Domatie Lodge , No . 177 , a founder , P . M ., and Treasurer of the
Kennington Lodge , No . 1381 , a P . M . of the Kilburn Lodge , No . 1608 , and was for seven years its Treasurer ; founder and P . M . of the Chiswick Lodge , No . 2012 , founder and I . P . M . of the Duke of Fife Lodge , No . 2345 . He is also a P . Z . of the Domatie Chapter , P . Z . of the Rose of Denmark Chapter , and a P . Z ., founder , and the Treasurer of the Kennington Chapter , No . 1381 , and is a subscribing member to them all . Bro . Everett was a special Steward at the installation of
the M . W . G . M . at the Royal Albert Hall , in April , 18 75 . I venture to say , M . W . Grand Master , that this is a record which merits the favourable consideration of Grand Lodge in dealing with the election of Grand Treasurer . It will be observed that in consequence of Bro . Everett restricting his membership to Metropolitan lodges , he has been excluded from obtaining Provincial Grand honours . Bro . Everett ' s work in connection with Freemasonry has extended
over thirty years . He nas been foremost in promoting the practical benefits and extending the active charity of our Order . He has served a number of Stewardships at the Festivals of the three Institutions , of each of which he is a Vice-President . He has promoted several Charity Associations , which have furnished considerable sums of money to the Institutions . I can personally testify to Bro . Everett ' s good work as a member of the Provisional Management Committee of
the Boys' School . He has proved himself a painstaking and able administrator of the affairs of that Institution , and in matters connected with the amusements and out-door games of the School he has taken a keen interest , and contributed valuable advice and liberal donations . This has tended to promote health and happiness among the boys . I will not delay Grand Lodge by dwelling upon the qualifications that , in my opinion , pre-eminently fit
Bro . Everett tor the post of Grand Treasurer . At the same time I hold strong convictions that in this appointment Grand Lodge is bound to examine very closely the claims and antecedents of every candidate . Bro . Everett ' s labours have been continuous , and his work has proved enduring . He may be described as a serious Freemason , and , unlike some meteors , would occasionally illuminate the pathway of Freemasonry and suddenly depart to electrify other spheres in
their brilliancy and wonderful vanishing power . I hope I may be forgiven if I for one moment allude to the magnificent Committee who have undertaken to support and if necessary to do their utmost to ensure the election of Bro . Everett . This signed list of over 1700 members of Grand Lodge include brethren of all ranks in London and the provinces from Provincial Grand Master down to worth y Junior Wardens , who to-night for the first time have the privilege of attending Grand
Lodge . In conclusion , I earnestly assuie , with profound respect , those brethren who enjoy the honour of sitting about your throne , M . W . G . M ., that in Bro . Everett they will find an honourable colleague ready and willing to discharge his duty . I can confidently venture to say to the brethren below the dais that they can trust Bro . Everett to safeguard their privileges , and never to be ungrateful for the confidence they place in him by electing him to the office of Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . ( Applause . )
The Earl of LATHOM enquired if there was any other nomination ; but there was no response . Bro . Robert Grey , President of the Board of Benevolence , having been reappointed by the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of LATHOM re-invested and congratulated him , amidst cheers .
The Earl of LATHOM next declared Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., duly elected Senior Vice-President , and Bro . Charles A . Cottebrune , Junior Vice-President of the Board of Benevolence . The following brethren were declared dul y elected Past Masters to serve on the Board of Benevolence : Bros . W . P . Brown , 90 ; J . Bunker , 1158 ; G . B . Chapman , 27 ; C . Dairy , 141 ; S . H . Goldschmidt , 1329 ; J . B . Grieve , 1351 ; L . C . Haslip 813 ; G . R . Langley , 183 ; G . Read , 511 ; E . Shedd , 276 ; R . J . Taylor , 144 ; and A . C . Woodward , 153 8 .
On the motion of Bro . ROBERT GREY , President , seconded by Bro . J AMES BRETT , Senior Vice-President , the report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter was adopted containing the following grants :
United Grand Lodge Of England.
The widow of a brother of the Lodge of Israel , No . 205 , London £ 50 o o A brother of the Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 , London ... 50 o o A brotherof the St . James' Union Lodge , No . 180 , London ... 50 o o A brother of the Tuscan Lodge , No . 14 , London 100 o o And a resolution of a vote of thanks to the President , Bro . Robert Grey , for the courteous and able manner in which he has , during the past year , presided over the meetings of the Board .
On the motion of Sir J . B . MONCKTON , seconded by Bro . ROBERT GREY , the following report of the Board of General Purposes was taken as read , agreed to be received , adopted and entered on the minutes :
REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to submit a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts , at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the 14 th day of November instant , showing a balance in the Bank of England ( Western
Branch ) of £ 4094 5 s . nd ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash ^ 100 , and for servants' wages ^ 100 , and balance of annual allowance for library ^ 3 6 13 s . 1 id . ( Signed ) THOMAS FENN , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . 18 th November , 1890 .
Bro . THOMAS HASTINGS MILLER , Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , brought forward the following motion : — A portrait of Bro . Thomas Fenn , President of the Board of General Purposes , having , at the desire of several of his friends in the Craft , been painted by Bro . B . S . Marks as a companion picture to the one by the same artist of Bro . Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W . and Past President of the Board of General Purposes , which was recently presented by him to Grand Lodge , and now hangs in the Board Room of Freemasons' Hall ,
These brethren request that Grand Lodge will accept the portrait of Bro . Fenn , and will authorise its being also placed in the Board Room as a memento of the invaluable services rendered b y him to English Freemasonry for very many years past . He said he had been permitted by the kindness of several brethren to ask the Grand Lodge to accept the portrait of a brother who , he ventured to say , had by his courtesy and kindness endeared himself to the hearts of every Freemason in
England . ( Hear , hear . ) The brother to whom he alluded was Bro . Fenn , the President of the Board of General Purposes . For a period of 26 years Bro . Fenn had been an honoured and respected officer of Grand Lodge , and he ventured to say that during that time there was no brother in Freemasonry who had done more good service in the cause of Masonry . Bro . Fenn had been first and foremost in everything in Freemasonry , and had watched with a careful eye over the Craft and
its relations . There was a matter he should like to lay before the meeting , which was that Bro . Fenn had spread the knowledge of Freemasonry through the Lodge of Emulation . No doubt there were many members of Grand Lodge who knew that grand and glorious lodge of instruction—the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . Bro . Fenn was looked up to there as a father and a great power . But coming a little nearer home , at the Board of General Purposes , to which he had been attached for years , Bro . Fenn had discharged his duties as President with
courtesy , firmness , and impartiality . If it had not been for Bro . Fenn the Board of General Purposes would have been different . The portrait which they were now asked to accept had been painted by Bro . Marks at the desire of several of Bro . Fenn ' s friends in the Craft , and on their behalf he begged to move that it be accepted . He hoped that Bro . Fenn would live many years yet to be a guiding star in Freemasonry , and that when he mig ht be summoned to the Grand Lodge above the verdict on him mio-ht be " Well done , thou good and faithful servant . "
Bro . Sir ALBERT W . WOODS { Garter ) , G . D . C , in seconding the motion , said he had known Bro . Fenn a vast number of years in Freemasonry , especially in those ceremonials of the Order which they had both conducted for some years . The proposition before the brethren was one which was entertained heart and soul by every member of Grand Lodge . They all wished to accept the portrait
of Bro . Fenn in a truly Masonic spirit . Bro . Fenn , who had now been an intimate friend of his for very , very many years had always acted well with him ; they had worked together without a murmur , without a question . Whatever he had said Bro . Fenn agreed to , and whatever Bro . Fenn had said he had agreed to , ( Applause . )
The Earl of LATHOM said he had one word to add , to endorse everything that had fallen from the last two speakers . He had had the acquaintance of Bro . Fenn some 20 years or more , and he could say that a more uprig ht man or a Mason more up to his work he had not met . He thought the Grand Lodge ought to accept the motion with great heartiness and pleasure . ( Cheers . ) The motion was agreed to , and Grand Lodge was closed .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
HALF-YEARLY MEETING IN MANCHESTER . The half-yearly meeting of the above Provincial Grand Lodge was held recently in the Central Hall , Oldham-street , Manchester . Bro . Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , Prov . Grand Master , presided , supported by Bros . George Mellor ,
D . P . G . M . ; J . O . S . Thursby , Prov . S . G . W . ; Capt . E . G . Lingard , Prov . J . G . W . ; and a numerous attendance of Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past , including Bros . Geo . Hunt , P . G . Treas ., and John Chadwick , P . G . S . B . England , P . G . Sec . Altogether the gathering numbered over 200 , and there were only four lodges unrepresented .
In accordance with notice , Bro . J . HEELIS , P . P . G . W ., brought forward his motion— " That the trustees of Provincial Grand Lodge be authorised to pay the income of the annuity funds standing in their name to the East Lancashire Systematic Institution , upon such terms as may be agreed upon between the brethren and lodges entitled to vote for an annuitant and the Systematic Institution , but
only so long as that Institution maintains an annuitant at the cost of the annual income of the funds . " He said that a sum of about ^ 700 was at present in the hands of the trustees of Provincial Grand Lodge . The object for which the money was originally subscribed was the sustentation of an annuitant appointed by Provincial Grand Lodge . For some time past no such annuitant had been
appointed , and as since the money was subscribed the administration of the Charities of the province had to a very large extent been placed in the hands of the Systematic Institution , the motion sought to place the income of the fund spoken of into the hands of that institution on condition that the institution undertook to appoint an annuitant who should receive the income from the fund . Bro . W . FORREST , W . M . 221 , one of the lodges entitled to vote as referred to , seconded the motion , and it was agreed to .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge Of England.
The Earl of LATHOM : Brethren , by command of H . R . H . the M . W . G . M ., I beg to move the recommendation that stands on the agenda paper in his name , viz : " That the rank of Past Grand Master be conferred on Lieutenant-General his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn , K . G ., Provincial Grand Master of Sussex and District Grand Master of Bombay , on the occasion of . his recent return from the East Indies , after completion of his term of service
there as Commander-in-Chief of the Bombay Army . " I may say , brethren , that it is . needless to mention to you that this is not done without precedent ; in fact , there are several precedents . In 1767 , H . R . H . Edward Augustus , Duke of York , brother of George the Third , was made Past Grand Master . On the same day Henry Frederick , Duke of Cumberland , a brother of King George , was made a Past Grand Master . On the same day H . R . H . the Duke of Gloucester was made
a Past Grand Master . In 1805 , H . R . H . Augustus Frederick , Duke of Sussex , a son of George the Third , was also made a Past Grand Master , and in 18 70 H . R . H . the present Grand Master was made a Past Grand Master , after his initiation in Sweden . Therefore , it will be seen we are not acting without precedent , and I hope the recommendation of his Royal Hig hness will be well received by you all . ( Applause . )
Bro . Col . DE CARTERET : I beg leave to second the motion made by the Grand Master in the chair . I can only say , on behalf of myself , that I hope his Royal Highness will live many years to enjoy this position , and continue to rule his province with zeal , ability , and discretion . The motion was carried unanimously amidst cheers .
The Earl of LATHOM : I will now propose , brethren , that Grand Lodge do present the clothing of a Past Grand Master to H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , in continuation of the resolution you have just passed . The motion was seconded by Bro . Col DE CARTERET , and carried . The Earl of LATHOM : Brethren , by command of H . R . H . the Grand Master ,
I beg to move the second recommendation , viz .: " That the sum of 100 guineas be voted from the funds of Grand Lodge and added to the national subscription now being raised in aid of the families of the crew of her Majesty ' s late ship Serpent , recentl y lost with all hands , except three , off the coast of Spain . " Bro . Col . DE CARTERET : 1 beg to second it . The motion was carried .
Bro . AUGUSTUS HARRIS , G . T .: M . W . G . M . in the chair , —I beg leave to say for the information of Grand Lodge , that I will send my cheque immediately , and send it before the motion is confirmed . ( Cheers . )
Bro . J AIRD , M . P ., W . M . No . 259 : M . W . G . M . in the chair , —I feel very proud in Grand Lodge to have the opportunity to be thought worthy to nominate H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Grand Master for the . coming year . With great confidence I put this nomination before you as I know it will command the sympathy and attention not only of every Masonic brother but of everyone
associated with our Kingdom and our Craft . In Masonry the desire of men is to do all that is possible to create brotherly love and promote charity , and we all know—we know well—how our efforts are aided by the support our Grand Bod y has always received from H . R . H . the Grand Master . I beg therefore to nominate H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Grand Master for the coming year .
Bro . J GLASS , P . M . No . 453 , Past Prov . Grand Supt . of Wks . Essex M . W . G . M ., —In order that Grand Lodge may discharge its obligation to elect a Treasurer for the ensuing year , I beg leave to nominate for that office Bro . George Everett , of the Domatie Lodge , No . 177 . ( Applause . ) Brother George Everett was initiated into Freemasonry on the 19 th August , 1858 . He isa Past Master and the Treasurer of the Domatie Lodge , No . 177 , a founder , P . M ., and Treasurer of the
Kennington Lodge , No . 1381 , a P . M . of the Kilburn Lodge , No . 1608 , and was for seven years its Treasurer ; founder and P . M . of the Chiswick Lodge , No . 2012 , founder and I . P . M . of the Duke of Fife Lodge , No . 2345 . He is also a P . Z . of the Domatie Chapter , P . Z . of the Rose of Denmark Chapter , and a P . Z ., founder , and the Treasurer of the Kennington Chapter , No . 1381 , and is a subscribing member to them all . Bro . Everett was a special Steward at the installation of
the M . W . G . M . at the Royal Albert Hall , in April , 18 75 . I venture to say , M . W . Grand Master , that this is a record which merits the favourable consideration of Grand Lodge in dealing with the election of Grand Treasurer . It will be observed that in consequence of Bro . Everett restricting his membership to Metropolitan lodges , he has been excluded from obtaining Provincial Grand honours . Bro . Everett ' s work in connection with Freemasonry has extended
over thirty years . He nas been foremost in promoting the practical benefits and extending the active charity of our Order . He has served a number of Stewardships at the Festivals of the three Institutions , of each of which he is a Vice-President . He has promoted several Charity Associations , which have furnished considerable sums of money to the Institutions . I can personally testify to Bro . Everett ' s good work as a member of the Provisional Management Committee of
the Boys' School . He has proved himself a painstaking and able administrator of the affairs of that Institution , and in matters connected with the amusements and out-door games of the School he has taken a keen interest , and contributed valuable advice and liberal donations . This has tended to promote health and happiness among the boys . I will not delay Grand Lodge by dwelling upon the qualifications that , in my opinion , pre-eminently fit
Bro . Everett tor the post of Grand Treasurer . At the same time I hold strong convictions that in this appointment Grand Lodge is bound to examine very closely the claims and antecedents of every candidate . Bro . Everett ' s labours have been continuous , and his work has proved enduring . He may be described as a serious Freemason , and , unlike some meteors , would occasionally illuminate the pathway of Freemasonry and suddenly depart to electrify other spheres in
their brilliancy and wonderful vanishing power . I hope I may be forgiven if I for one moment allude to the magnificent Committee who have undertaken to support and if necessary to do their utmost to ensure the election of Bro . Everett . This signed list of over 1700 members of Grand Lodge include brethren of all ranks in London and the provinces from Provincial Grand Master down to worth y Junior Wardens , who to-night for the first time have the privilege of attending Grand
Lodge . In conclusion , I earnestly assuie , with profound respect , those brethren who enjoy the honour of sitting about your throne , M . W . G . M ., that in Bro . Everett they will find an honourable colleague ready and willing to discharge his duty . I can confidently venture to say to the brethren below the dais that they can trust Bro . Everett to safeguard their privileges , and never to be ungrateful for the confidence they place in him by electing him to the office of Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . ( Applause . )
The Earl of LATHOM enquired if there was any other nomination ; but there was no response . Bro . Robert Grey , President of the Board of Benevolence , having been reappointed by the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of LATHOM re-invested and congratulated him , amidst cheers .
The Earl of LATHOM next declared Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., duly elected Senior Vice-President , and Bro . Charles A . Cottebrune , Junior Vice-President of the Board of Benevolence . The following brethren were declared dul y elected Past Masters to serve on the Board of Benevolence : Bros . W . P . Brown , 90 ; J . Bunker , 1158 ; G . B . Chapman , 27 ; C . Dairy , 141 ; S . H . Goldschmidt , 1329 ; J . B . Grieve , 1351 ; L . C . Haslip 813 ; G . R . Langley , 183 ; G . Read , 511 ; E . Shedd , 276 ; R . J . Taylor , 144 ; and A . C . Woodward , 153 8 .
On the motion of Bro . ROBERT GREY , President , seconded by Bro . J AMES BRETT , Senior Vice-President , the report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter was adopted containing the following grants :
United Grand Lodge Of England.
The widow of a brother of the Lodge of Israel , No . 205 , London £ 50 o o A brother of the Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 , London ... 50 o o A brotherof the St . James' Union Lodge , No . 180 , London ... 50 o o A brother of the Tuscan Lodge , No . 14 , London 100 o o And a resolution of a vote of thanks to the President , Bro . Robert Grey , for the courteous and able manner in which he has , during the past year , presided over the meetings of the Board .
On the motion of Sir J . B . MONCKTON , seconded by Bro . ROBERT GREY , the following report of the Board of General Purposes was taken as read , agreed to be received , adopted and entered on the minutes :
REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to submit a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts , at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the 14 th day of November instant , showing a balance in the Bank of England ( Western
Branch ) of £ 4094 5 s . nd ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash ^ 100 , and for servants' wages ^ 100 , and balance of annual allowance for library ^ 3 6 13 s . 1 id . ( Signed ) THOMAS FENN , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . 18 th November , 1890 .
Bro . THOMAS HASTINGS MILLER , Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , brought forward the following motion : — A portrait of Bro . Thomas Fenn , President of the Board of General Purposes , having , at the desire of several of his friends in the Craft , been painted by Bro . B . S . Marks as a companion picture to the one by the same artist of Bro . Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W . and Past President of the Board of General Purposes , which was recently presented by him to Grand Lodge , and now hangs in the Board Room of Freemasons' Hall ,
These brethren request that Grand Lodge will accept the portrait of Bro . Fenn , and will authorise its being also placed in the Board Room as a memento of the invaluable services rendered b y him to English Freemasonry for very many years past . He said he had been permitted by the kindness of several brethren to ask the Grand Lodge to accept the portrait of a brother who , he ventured to say , had by his courtesy and kindness endeared himself to the hearts of every Freemason in
England . ( Hear , hear . ) The brother to whom he alluded was Bro . Fenn , the President of the Board of General Purposes . For a period of 26 years Bro . Fenn had been an honoured and respected officer of Grand Lodge , and he ventured to say that during that time there was no brother in Freemasonry who had done more good service in the cause of Masonry . Bro . Fenn had been first and foremost in everything in Freemasonry , and had watched with a careful eye over the Craft and
its relations . There was a matter he should like to lay before the meeting , which was that Bro . Fenn had spread the knowledge of Freemasonry through the Lodge of Emulation . No doubt there were many members of Grand Lodge who knew that grand and glorious lodge of instruction—the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . Bro . Fenn was looked up to there as a father and a great power . But coming a little nearer home , at the Board of General Purposes , to which he had been attached for years , Bro . Fenn had discharged his duties as President with
courtesy , firmness , and impartiality . If it had not been for Bro . Fenn the Board of General Purposes would have been different . The portrait which they were now asked to accept had been painted by Bro . Marks at the desire of several of Bro . Fenn ' s friends in the Craft , and on their behalf he begged to move that it be accepted . He hoped that Bro . Fenn would live many years yet to be a guiding star in Freemasonry , and that when he mig ht be summoned to the Grand Lodge above the verdict on him mio-ht be " Well done , thou good and faithful servant . "
Bro . Sir ALBERT W . WOODS { Garter ) , G . D . C , in seconding the motion , said he had known Bro . Fenn a vast number of years in Freemasonry , especially in those ceremonials of the Order which they had both conducted for some years . The proposition before the brethren was one which was entertained heart and soul by every member of Grand Lodge . They all wished to accept the portrait
of Bro . Fenn in a truly Masonic spirit . Bro . Fenn , who had now been an intimate friend of his for very , very many years had always acted well with him ; they had worked together without a murmur , without a question . Whatever he had said Bro . Fenn agreed to , and whatever Bro . Fenn had said he had agreed to , ( Applause . )
The Earl of LATHOM said he had one word to add , to endorse everything that had fallen from the last two speakers . He had had the acquaintance of Bro . Fenn some 20 years or more , and he could say that a more uprig ht man or a Mason more up to his work he had not met . He thought the Grand Lodge ought to accept the motion with great heartiness and pleasure . ( Cheers . ) The motion was agreed to , and Grand Lodge was closed .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
HALF-YEARLY MEETING IN MANCHESTER . The half-yearly meeting of the above Provincial Grand Lodge was held recently in the Central Hall , Oldham-street , Manchester . Bro . Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , Prov . Grand Master , presided , supported by Bros . George Mellor ,
D . P . G . M . ; J . O . S . Thursby , Prov . S . G . W . ; Capt . E . G . Lingard , Prov . J . G . W . ; and a numerous attendance of Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past , including Bros . Geo . Hunt , P . G . Treas ., and John Chadwick , P . G . S . B . England , P . G . Sec . Altogether the gathering numbered over 200 , and there were only four lodges unrepresented .
In accordance with notice , Bro . J . HEELIS , P . P . G . W ., brought forward his motion— " That the trustees of Provincial Grand Lodge be authorised to pay the income of the annuity funds standing in their name to the East Lancashire Systematic Institution , upon such terms as may be agreed upon between the brethren and lodges entitled to vote for an annuitant and the Systematic Institution , but
only so long as that Institution maintains an annuitant at the cost of the annual income of the funds . " He said that a sum of about ^ 700 was at present in the hands of the trustees of Provincial Grand Lodge . The object for which the money was originally subscribed was the sustentation of an annuitant appointed by Provincial Grand Lodge . For some time past no such annuitant had been
appointed , and as since the money was subscribed the administration of the Charities of the province had to a very large extent been placed in the hands of the Systematic Institution , the motion sought to place the income of the fund spoken of into the hands of that institution on condition that the institution undertook to appoint an annuitant who should receive the income from the fund . Bro . W . FORREST , W . M . 221 , one of the lodges entitled to vote as referred to , seconded the motion , and it was agreed to .