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Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
Bro . E . G . HARWOOD , P . P . G . W ., Chairman of the Charity Committee , moved , in accordance with notice , that ioo guineas be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , one-half in the name of each P . G . W . He further moved , with the permission of the Prov . G . M ., that 50 guineas be given to the Institution for Girls , and 50 guineas to the Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and the widows of Freemasons .
Bro . J . H . SILLITOE , P . P . G . W ., in seconding the motion , said that , as a rule , he considered in voting the money of the province they should serve all the Institutions , and not make a favourite of one particular Institution . In that instance , however , they had a good reason for making the exception , as it was well known that the Rig ht Hon . the Earl of Lathom , D ^ . G . M . of England and P . G . M . of the neighbouring province of West Lancashire , was going to preside at the next
Festival of the Boys' School , and , as Lancashire Masons , they were anxious to give him their hearty support on that occasion . It might be interesting to many of those present to know that their own province had , according to the last printed report , 14 aged men and nine aged women on the funds of the Benevolent Institution , their maintenance being equivalent to . £ 84 8 per annum . In the Masonic
Boys' and Girls' Schools they had 17 children receiving education equivalent , as near as can be estimated , to an annual sum of about i . 770 , so that in voting these g ifts they were helping Institutions from which the province was receiving great benefit . Their last balance-sheet showed that the proposed donations could well be spared .
The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER said it was with the greatest pleasure that he heard the proposition . They had their own local charitable institution in the province to look after , but it was gratifying to find that they could yet help those great Institutions which belonged to the Order generally . The proposition was carried with applause . Bros . Rigby , W . Forrest , and Wrigley were appointed Auditors of Provincial Grand Lodge accounts .
The lodges of Bolton expressed through Bro . Harwood a strong desire that the next annual meeting should be held in that town , and their invitation was accepted from the chair . A letter subsequently read by the PROV . G . SECRETARY contained from Bro . C . R . N . Beswicke-Royds , P . P . G . W ., an acknowledgment of the vote of condolence passed by Provincial Grand Lodge at its Burnley meeting touching the death of his father , the late Bro . A . Hudson Royds .
Bro . W . Jaffery afterwards handed over to the Treasurer a cheque for . £ 150 , the sum realised for the Charities by the garden party held in the summer at the Royal Botanical Gardens , Old Trafford . Bro . Colonel STARKIE accepted the gift , and tendered his own personal thanks and the thanks of the province to all the brethren who had helped to secure the success of the party .
A further donation of 30 guineas was handed over by Bro . Sillitoe to the Charities as surplus from the Starkie Portrait Fund . After a vote expressing a deep sense of the loss sustained by Masonry in the death of the late Earl of Carnarvon had been passed , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed .
Subsequently there was a Court of Governors of the East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution . A report as to the financial position and general working of the institution was submitted , and other business transacted .
Consecration Of The Royal Hay Lodge, No. 2382.
The second lodge in South Wales ( E . D . ) for the constitution of which H . R . H . the M . W . G . M . has issued his warrant during the present year was duly consecrated at the Masonic Hall , Hay , on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., the ceremony being performed , in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Sir George Elliot , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . Grand Master , by his greatly respected Deputy , Bro . Marmaduke Tennant , Past A . G . D . C . England . Hay , which has thus become a home for the Craft , is a
quaint old town , engirt by some of the prettiest scenery in South Wales . Situated only a few miles from it is Maeslhvch Castle , which some years since the Prince of Wales selected for his shooting quarters , and which there is reason to believe he would have occupied as such but for the death of his sister , the Princess Alice , Grand Duchess of Hesse Darmstadt . Be this as it may , the town and its environs look charming even at this inclement season , and though the hills
were covered with snow and the trees were bare of foliage , there were to be seen here and there in the neighbouring orchards piles upon piles of apples that were awaiting preparation for conversion into cider . Our South Wales brethren , too , of this division are to be complimented on the zeal which impelled them at this time of the year to travel long distances from the various towns in thc province in order to witness the establishment of a new lodge . However , from what we
know of the members composing the Royal Hay Lodge , and from what we hear of the class of candidates who are already announced for initiation into the mysteries of Freemasonry under its auspices , there is every reason to hope that the lodge will amply repay the zeal and interest exhibited at its foundation , and that as soon as it has had time to settle itself thoroughly in harness ancl has enrolled
some of its more influential recruits , it will prove one of the most active and diligent of our South Wales lodges . It has certainl y done well by securing quarters of its own at the outset of its career , and from the manner in which its inaugu' al meeting on Tuesday of last week passed off there is little doubt that it will emerge successfully from the most critical period of its existence .
The hour of noon had been fixed for the commencement of the proceedings , and by that time a very considerable number of brethren had arrived from all parts of the province , but more particularly from Brecon , the nearest lodge-town , the members of the Brecknock , No . 651 , having taken a special interest in the
constitution of the Royal Hay , whose Worshipful Master is a Past Master of the former and indebted to it for the majority of his officers . Thus with commendable punctuality the lodge was opened by Bro . Tennant , D . P . G . Master , and the impressive ceremony of consecration most ably carried out by him ancl the several Prov . Grand Officers who gave their services on the occasion .
Bro . the Rev . Canon WALTERS , Prov . G . Chap ., delivered an eloquent oration on the nature and principles of Freemasonry , and tbis portion of the day ' s proceedings having been brought to a conclusion , the W . M . designate , Bro . John Tudor , P . M . 651 , was presented and installed in office as VV . M . Bro . Col . John Morgan having been unanimously elected Treasurer , and Bro . James Evans appointed by show of hands as Tyler , the following were invested as officers for the ensuing
year : Bros . Hamilton T . Baillie and F . W . Goldsworthy , as designated in the warrant , S . W . and J . W . respectively ; Col . John Morgan , Treas . ( elected ) ; J . H . Tutton , Sec . ; C . T . Evans , S . D . ; T . T . Evans , J . D . ; J . H . Edwards , I . G . ; the Hon . R . C . Devereux , D . C ; Charles Griffiths , Almoner ; R . G . Rees and T . Marston , Stewards ; and James Evans , Tyler ( appointed ) . A Committee was also appointed for the purpose of framing the by-laws .
A vote of thanks to Bro . Tennant and the Provincial Grand Officers who had assisted him in his labours having been unanimously passed , and about 15 or 18 gentlemen having been proposed for initiation , the lodge was closed with the customary formalities , and the brethren sat down to dinner , and spent a most agreeable evening , the pleasure of which was marred by the solitary fact that Bro . Tennant and the numerous visitors , owing to the long distances they or most of
Consecration Of The Royal Hay Lodge, No. 2382.
them had to travel to reach home , were compelled to leave at an earl y hour before the toast list had been fully honoured . However , the day ended as such days generally do , in a complete spirit of harmony , and nothing remains but that we should congratulate the members of the new lodge on the complete success of the meeting , and express the hope that the future which awaits them will prove as
satisfactory as their beginning . They rank as the junior in an influential province of 18 lodges , but there is nothing to prevent them standing on a footing of perfect equality with their seniors in the performance of their duties . They are a young lodge , but youth is a defect—if indeed it be a defect—which the lapse of time very speedily remedies . The lodge was furnished by Bro . George Kenning .
Consecration Of The William Shurmur Lodge, No. 2374.
A lodge , named after Bro . William Shurmur , the Provincial Grand Treasurer who is the first Worshipful Master , was added to the roll of lodges in the Province of Essex on Monday , the 24 th ult ., when the consecration ceremony was performed at the Forest Hotel , Chingford , by Bro . Lord Brooke , Prov . Grand Master . The new lodge will prove a large addition to the numerical strength of
members in the province , as the founders consist of 70 brethren , who , together with the visitors , made a total attendance of 300 at the inaugural meeting . The Prov . Grand Master was assisted by Bros . R . T . Clowes , P . P . G . W . as S W ¦ 1 M Scarlett , P . J . G . W ., as J . W . ; Rev . W . Quennell , P . G . Chap ., as Chaplain- T l ' Railing , P . A . G . D . C , P . G . Sec . ; A . Lucking , P . G . P ., P . G . D . C , as D . C ; and Heagarty , P . G . D ., as I . G .
Amongst the founders present were Bros . W . Shurmur , W . M . designate D P . Holness , S . W . designate ; H . F . Bromhead , J . W . designate ; H . J . Hallows M . Rees , N . Fortescue , J . Pinder , J . Speller , R . Kershaw , D . Campbell , W . P Allen , A . Ritchie , F . Taylor , W . S . Wright , C . H . Bestow , S . C . Kaufman ' J Holland , B . Nicholson , C . Horst , G . W . Knight , Courtenay Warner , G . Chamber lain , W . Goulding , W . Alcock , W . D . Church , W . Blenkinsop , and others .
The large number of visitors present included Bros . J . Terry , P . G . S . B E C Sparrow , I . P . M . 1134 ; H . J . Day , VV . M . 1457 ; J . P . Britton , P . P . G . C ; A . Welsh ! P . P . G . W . ; W . Bridgland , VV . M . 1000 ; M . H . Page , P . G . Stwd . ; I . F . Roach W . M . 1579 ; F . Hallard , I . P . M . 1613 ; T . Berg , P . M . 1613 ; T . Hastings Miller , P . M . 907 ; T . C . Edmonds , P . M . 1507 ; J . Rymer Jarvis , VV . M . ' 76 VV B Heagerty , Prov . G . Reg . ; F . Jackett , P . P . S . G . D . ; T . Lloyd , P . P . G . C . Staffordshire ;
A . J . Ward , P . P . G . Reg . ; E . M . Money , G . Std . ; Geo . Everett , P . M . 177- G I Westfield , P . P . G . S . B . ; Hy . Sadler , G . Tyler ; A . VV . Weston , I . P . M . 1378 I M McLeod , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys ; F . Wheeler , P . P . G . Reg . Staffordshire , ' G . H Greenwood , P . P . G . Supt . of Wks . Suffolk ; J . Tickle , P . P . G . Reg . Middx G Gregory , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; J . Petch , VV . M . 227 S ; C . M . Coxon , S . D . 1471 ; H Stevenson , P . M . 1613 ; B . Groner , P . M . 10 * 13 ; VV . D . Church , VV . M . 136 5 C I Edwards , P . M . 1457 ; J . Sadler Wood , P . M . 2005 ; R . Poore , P . M . icuo ; T . S Jackson , P . S . G . D . ; E . T . Moore , W . M . 2077 ; W . M . Foxcroft , P . M . 177 EH
Baily , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . S . Whitaker , P . M . 1572 ; C . T . Lacoit , P . P . G . S . B . ; S . G . Vaughan , I . P . M . 2005 ; W . Nicholson . I . P . M . ig ; VV . Beasley , VV . M . is * " > 4- Rev Dr Dunbar , G . H . Finch , P . P . J . G . W . ; H . F . Elliot , J . D . 49 ; H . Finer , P . P . A . G . P . ; VV . E . Sutton , J . W . 1 799 ; C . E . Barnes , P . P . G . C ; C . H . Canning , VV . M . 21 S 4 ; G . B . Gilbery , W . M . 1437 ; F . C . Dixie , W . M . 453 ; J . Elhvood , P . M . 179 ; I . Barnett ! jun ., VV . M . 2192 ; C . H . Fisher , P . M . 14 S 9 ; A . G . Buck , P . P . S . G . W .- A . 1 Manning , P . P . G . D . ; G . Graveley , P . P . G . D . ; J . Bunker , P . M . u S ; H . Cox , P . P . G . Supt . of Works Kent ; VV . VV . Lee , S . W . 23 S 1 ; and many others .
Ihe Provincial Grand Master having taken the chair and appointed his officers pro tem ., was saluted in the usual manner , and the lodge was opened . The hymn " Hail , Eternal by whose aid " was sung , and The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER then addressed the brethren . He said it gave him the greatest pleasure to meet such a large and distinguished body of Freemasons as he savy assembled that day . It was perhaps needless for him to
explain to them the purpose for which they had met . He must congratulate Bro . Shurmur and the other founders of that new lodge on the very auspicious manner in which the first portion of the proceedings had commenced . . It was the largest attendance he had ever seen at a consecration , and it was with great pleasure that he had attended , because , as they were aware , he took a deep interest in Freemasonry in the province . He was naturall y alarmed at times
at the enormous and rapidly increasing nun \ ber of his children , and so long as the lodges were well able to support themselves as heretofore , he should regard such ceremonies as they were about to perform that ni ght with pleasure . That would be the 13 th lodge he had consecrated , and the 32 nd in tbe province , and he was sure from the great interest shown that he had not done wrong in recommending
the petition to the M . W . G . M . He was very sorry his excellent Deputy , Bro . Philbrick , was not able to be present , and in the absence of that distinguished brother , Bro . Lucking had kindly consented to perform the installation ceremony . The founders signified their approval of the officers desi gnated in the warrant after which Bro . Rev . W . QUENNELL , Prov . G . Chap ., delivered an eloquent oration on the nature and principles of Freemasonry .
The ceremony was then proceeded with , and the Prov . Grand Master dedicated and constituted the new lodge with the usual solemn and impressive formalities . Bro . A . Lucking , Prov . G . D . C , assumed the chair , and installed the W . M . designate , Bro . William Shurmur , Prov . G . Treas ., Bro . James Terry , P . G . S . B . officiating as D . C . The choice of the brethren fell unanimousl y upon Bro . M . ' Fortescue for the post of Treasurer , and the officers for the year were invested as
follows : Bros . H . J . Hallows , acting I . P . M . ; D . P . Holness , S . W . ; H . F . Bromhead , J . W . ; Matthew Rees , Chap . ; Nathaniel Fortescue , Treas . ; James Pinder , Sec . ; James Speller , S . D . ; Richard Kershaw , J . D . ; W . P . Allen , D . C . Alex . Ritchie , A . D . C . ; F . Taylor , Org . ; D . Campbell , I . G . ; XV . S . Wright ! C . H . Bestow , S . C . Kaufman , J . Holland , B . Nicholson , and C . Horst , Stwds . and Ives , Tyler .
The addresses were rendered ii an effective manner by the Installing Master Bro . LUCKING . ' Bro . Wilson , P . M ., was elected to represent the lodge on the Essex Provincial Charity Committee , and the W . M . was selected to represent the lodge at the next Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and the sum of 10 guineas was voted to be placed on his list .
On the motion of the WORSHIPFUL MASTER , the Consecrating Officers were awarded a hearty vote of thanks , elected honorary members of the lod ge and were each asked to accept a founder ' s jewel as a souvenir of the occasion . The PROV . GRAND MASTER returned thanks , and wished the W . M . a pleasant reign during the ensuing year .
A long list of propositions for initiation and joining having been read the lodge was closed , and the brethren present had an opportunity of admiring a handsome lodge banner , presented by the W . M ., bearing his monogram , and an excellent painting of Old Chingford Church . After an excellent banquet , served in the pavilion , which was suitabl y decorated the usual toasts were duly honoured .
¦ ' The Queen and the Craft , " "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M and " Tho Grand Officers " were briefly given by the WORSHIPFUL MASTER and heartily received . The WORSHIPFUL MASTER then said the next toast on the list was "The Health of their dearly beloved Provincial Grand Master , Lord Brooke , " to whom they were all under a deep debt of gratitude for having so abl y presided at the glorious and solemn function of the consecration of the lod ge . If the Provincial Grand Master would allow him to say so , he would remark that that distinguished
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
Bro . E . G . HARWOOD , P . P . G . W ., Chairman of the Charity Committee , moved , in accordance with notice , that ioo guineas be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , one-half in the name of each P . G . W . He further moved , with the permission of the Prov . G . M ., that 50 guineas be given to the Institution for Girls , and 50 guineas to the Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and the widows of Freemasons .
Bro . J . H . SILLITOE , P . P . G . W ., in seconding the motion , said that , as a rule , he considered in voting the money of the province they should serve all the Institutions , and not make a favourite of one particular Institution . In that instance , however , they had a good reason for making the exception , as it was well known that the Rig ht Hon . the Earl of Lathom , D ^ . G . M . of England and P . G . M . of the neighbouring province of West Lancashire , was going to preside at the next
Festival of the Boys' School , and , as Lancashire Masons , they were anxious to give him their hearty support on that occasion . It might be interesting to many of those present to know that their own province had , according to the last printed report , 14 aged men and nine aged women on the funds of the Benevolent Institution , their maintenance being equivalent to . £ 84 8 per annum . In the Masonic
Boys' and Girls' Schools they had 17 children receiving education equivalent , as near as can be estimated , to an annual sum of about i . 770 , so that in voting these g ifts they were helping Institutions from which the province was receiving great benefit . Their last balance-sheet showed that the proposed donations could well be spared .
The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER said it was with the greatest pleasure that he heard the proposition . They had their own local charitable institution in the province to look after , but it was gratifying to find that they could yet help those great Institutions which belonged to the Order generally . The proposition was carried with applause . Bros . Rigby , W . Forrest , and Wrigley were appointed Auditors of Provincial Grand Lodge accounts .
The lodges of Bolton expressed through Bro . Harwood a strong desire that the next annual meeting should be held in that town , and their invitation was accepted from the chair . A letter subsequently read by the PROV . G . SECRETARY contained from Bro . C . R . N . Beswicke-Royds , P . P . G . W ., an acknowledgment of the vote of condolence passed by Provincial Grand Lodge at its Burnley meeting touching the death of his father , the late Bro . A . Hudson Royds .
Bro . W . Jaffery afterwards handed over to the Treasurer a cheque for . £ 150 , the sum realised for the Charities by the garden party held in the summer at the Royal Botanical Gardens , Old Trafford . Bro . Colonel STARKIE accepted the gift , and tendered his own personal thanks and the thanks of the province to all the brethren who had helped to secure the success of the party .
A further donation of 30 guineas was handed over by Bro . Sillitoe to the Charities as surplus from the Starkie Portrait Fund . After a vote expressing a deep sense of the loss sustained by Masonry in the death of the late Earl of Carnarvon had been passed , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed .
Subsequently there was a Court of Governors of the East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution . A report as to the financial position and general working of the institution was submitted , and other business transacted .
Consecration Of The Royal Hay Lodge, No. 2382.
The second lodge in South Wales ( E . D . ) for the constitution of which H . R . H . the M . W . G . M . has issued his warrant during the present year was duly consecrated at the Masonic Hall , Hay , on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., the ceremony being performed , in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Sir George Elliot , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . Grand Master , by his greatly respected Deputy , Bro . Marmaduke Tennant , Past A . G . D . C . England . Hay , which has thus become a home for the Craft , is a
quaint old town , engirt by some of the prettiest scenery in South Wales . Situated only a few miles from it is Maeslhvch Castle , which some years since the Prince of Wales selected for his shooting quarters , and which there is reason to believe he would have occupied as such but for the death of his sister , the Princess Alice , Grand Duchess of Hesse Darmstadt . Be this as it may , the town and its environs look charming even at this inclement season , and though the hills
were covered with snow and the trees were bare of foliage , there were to be seen here and there in the neighbouring orchards piles upon piles of apples that were awaiting preparation for conversion into cider . Our South Wales brethren , too , of this division are to be complimented on the zeal which impelled them at this time of the year to travel long distances from the various towns in thc province in order to witness the establishment of a new lodge . However , from what we
know of the members composing the Royal Hay Lodge , and from what we hear of the class of candidates who are already announced for initiation into the mysteries of Freemasonry under its auspices , there is every reason to hope that the lodge will amply repay the zeal and interest exhibited at its foundation , and that as soon as it has had time to settle itself thoroughly in harness ancl has enrolled
some of its more influential recruits , it will prove one of the most active and diligent of our South Wales lodges . It has certainl y done well by securing quarters of its own at the outset of its career , and from the manner in which its inaugu' al meeting on Tuesday of last week passed off there is little doubt that it will emerge successfully from the most critical period of its existence .
The hour of noon had been fixed for the commencement of the proceedings , and by that time a very considerable number of brethren had arrived from all parts of the province , but more particularly from Brecon , the nearest lodge-town , the members of the Brecknock , No . 651 , having taken a special interest in the
constitution of the Royal Hay , whose Worshipful Master is a Past Master of the former and indebted to it for the majority of his officers . Thus with commendable punctuality the lodge was opened by Bro . Tennant , D . P . G . Master , and the impressive ceremony of consecration most ably carried out by him ancl the several Prov . Grand Officers who gave their services on the occasion .
Bro . the Rev . Canon WALTERS , Prov . G . Chap ., delivered an eloquent oration on the nature and principles of Freemasonry , and tbis portion of the day ' s proceedings having been brought to a conclusion , the W . M . designate , Bro . John Tudor , P . M . 651 , was presented and installed in office as VV . M . Bro . Col . John Morgan having been unanimously elected Treasurer , and Bro . James Evans appointed by show of hands as Tyler , the following were invested as officers for the ensuing
year : Bros . Hamilton T . Baillie and F . W . Goldsworthy , as designated in the warrant , S . W . and J . W . respectively ; Col . John Morgan , Treas . ( elected ) ; J . H . Tutton , Sec . ; C . T . Evans , S . D . ; T . T . Evans , J . D . ; J . H . Edwards , I . G . ; the Hon . R . C . Devereux , D . C ; Charles Griffiths , Almoner ; R . G . Rees and T . Marston , Stewards ; and James Evans , Tyler ( appointed ) . A Committee was also appointed for the purpose of framing the by-laws .
A vote of thanks to Bro . Tennant and the Provincial Grand Officers who had assisted him in his labours having been unanimously passed , and about 15 or 18 gentlemen having been proposed for initiation , the lodge was closed with the customary formalities , and the brethren sat down to dinner , and spent a most agreeable evening , the pleasure of which was marred by the solitary fact that Bro . Tennant and the numerous visitors , owing to the long distances they or most of
Consecration Of The Royal Hay Lodge, No. 2382.
them had to travel to reach home , were compelled to leave at an earl y hour before the toast list had been fully honoured . However , the day ended as such days generally do , in a complete spirit of harmony , and nothing remains but that we should congratulate the members of the new lodge on the complete success of the meeting , and express the hope that the future which awaits them will prove as
satisfactory as their beginning . They rank as the junior in an influential province of 18 lodges , but there is nothing to prevent them standing on a footing of perfect equality with their seniors in the performance of their duties . They are a young lodge , but youth is a defect—if indeed it be a defect—which the lapse of time very speedily remedies . The lodge was furnished by Bro . George Kenning .
Consecration Of The William Shurmur Lodge, No. 2374.
A lodge , named after Bro . William Shurmur , the Provincial Grand Treasurer who is the first Worshipful Master , was added to the roll of lodges in the Province of Essex on Monday , the 24 th ult ., when the consecration ceremony was performed at the Forest Hotel , Chingford , by Bro . Lord Brooke , Prov . Grand Master . The new lodge will prove a large addition to the numerical strength of
members in the province , as the founders consist of 70 brethren , who , together with the visitors , made a total attendance of 300 at the inaugural meeting . The Prov . Grand Master was assisted by Bros . R . T . Clowes , P . P . G . W . as S W ¦ 1 M Scarlett , P . J . G . W ., as J . W . ; Rev . W . Quennell , P . G . Chap ., as Chaplain- T l ' Railing , P . A . G . D . C , P . G . Sec . ; A . Lucking , P . G . P ., P . G . D . C , as D . C ; and Heagarty , P . G . D ., as I . G .
Amongst the founders present were Bros . W . Shurmur , W . M . designate D P . Holness , S . W . designate ; H . F . Bromhead , J . W . designate ; H . J . Hallows M . Rees , N . Fortescue , J . Pinder , J . Speller , R . Kershaw , D . Campbell , W . P Allen , A . Ritchie , F . Taylor , W . S . Wright , C . H . Bestow , S . C . Kaufman ' J Holland , B . Nicholson , C . Horst , G . W . Knight , Courtenay Warner , G . Chamber lain , W . Goulding , W . Alcock , W . D . Church , W . Blenkinsop , and others .
The large number of visitors present included Bros . J . Terry , P . G . S . B E C Sparrow , I . P . M . 1134 ; H . J . Day , VV . M . 1457 ; J . P . Britton , P . P . G . C ; A . Welsh ! P . P . G . W . ; W . Bridgland , VV . M . 1000 ; M . H . Page , P . G . Stwd . ; I . F . Roach W . M . 1579 ; F . Hallard , I . P . M . 1613 ; T . Berg , P . M . 1613 ; T . Hastings Miller , P . M . 907 ; T . C . Edmonds , P . M . 1507 ; J . Rymer Jarvis , VV . M . ' 76 VV B Heagerty , Prov . G . Reg . ; F . Jackett , P . P . S . G . D . ; T . Lloyd , P . P . G . C . Staffordshire ;
A . J . Ward , P . P . G . Reg . ; E . M . Money , G . Std . ; Geo . Everett , P . M . 177- G I Westfield , P . P . G . S . B . ; Hy . Sadler , G . Tyler ; A . VV . Weston , I . P . M . 1378 I M McLeod , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys ; F . Wheeler , P . P . G . Reg . Staffordshire , ' G . H Greenwood , P . P . G . Supt . of Wks . Suffolk ; J . Tickle , P . P . G . Reg . Middx G Gregory , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; J . Petch , VV . M . 227 S ; C . M . Coxon , S . D . 1471 ; H Stevenson , P . M . 1613 ; B . Groner , P . M . 10 * 13 ; VV . D . Church , VV . M . 136 5 C I Edwards , P . M . 1457 ; J . Sadler Wood , P . M . 2005 ; R . Poore , P . M . icuo ; T . S Jackson , P . S . G . D . ; E . T . Moore , W . M . 2077 ; W . M . Foxcroft , P . M . 177 EH
Baily , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . S . Whitaker , P . M . 1572 ; C . T . Lacoit , P . P . G . S . B . ; S . G . Vaughan , I . P . M . 2005 ; W . Nicholson . I . P . M . ig ; VV . Beasley , VV . M . is * " > 4- Rev Dr Dunbar , G . H . Finch , P . P . J . G . W . ; H . F . Elliot , J . D . 49 ; H . Finer , P . P . A . G . P . ; VV . E . Sutton , J . W . 1 799 ; C . E . Barnes , P . P . G . C ; C . H . Canning , VV . M . 21 S 4 ; G . B . Gilbery , W . M . 1437 ; F . C . Dixie , W . M . 453 ; J . Elhvood , P . M . 179 ; I . Barnett ! jun ., VV . M . 2192 ; C . H . Fisher , P . M . 14 S 9 ; A . G . Buck , P . P . S . G . W .- A . 1 Manning , P . P . G . D . ; G . Graveley , P . P . G . D . ; J . Bunker , P . M . u S ; H . Cox , P . P . G . Supt . of Works Kent ; VV . VV . Lee , S . W . 23 S 1 ; and many others .
Ihe Provincial Grand Master having taken the chair and appointed his officers pro tem ., was saluted in the usual manner , and the lodge was opened . The hymn " Hail , Eternal by whose aid " was sung , and The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER then addressed the brethren . He said it gave him the greatest pleasure to meet such a large and distinguished body of Freemasons as he savy assembled that day . It was perhaps needless for him to
explain to them the purpose for which they had met . He must congratulate Bro . Shurmur and the other founders of that new lodge on the very auspicious manner in which the first portion of the proceedings had commenced . . It was the largest attendance he had ever seen at a consecration , and it was with great pleasure that he had attended , because , as they were aware , he took a deep interest in Freemasonry in the province . He was naturall y alarmed at times
at the enormous and rapidly increasing nun \ ber of his children , and so long as the lodges were well able to support themselves as heretofore , he should regard such ceremonies as they were about to perform that ni ght with pleasure . That would be the 13 th lodge he had consecrated , and the 32 nd in tbe province , and he was sure from the great interest shown that he had not done wrong in recommending
the petition to the M . W . G . M . He was very sorry his excellent Deputy , Bro . Philbrick , was not able to be present , and in the absence of that distinguished brother , Bro . Lucking had kindly consented to perform the installation ceremony . The founders signified their approval of the officers desi gnated in the warrant after which Bro . Rev . W . QUENNELL , Prov . G . Chap ., delivered an eloquent oration on the nature and principles of Freemasonry .
The ceremony was then proceeded with , and the Prov . Grand Master dedicated and constituted the new lodge with the usual solemn and impressive formalities . Bro . A . Lucking , Prov . G . D . C , assumed the chair , and installed the W . M . designate , Bro . William Shurmur , Prov . G . Treas ., Bro . James Terry , P . G . S . B . officiating as D . C . The choice of the brethren fell unanimousl y upon Bro . M . ' Fortescue for the post of Treasurer , and the officers for the year were invested as
follows : Bros . H . J . Hallows , acting I . P . M . ; D . P . Holness , S . W . ; H . F . Bromhead , J . W . ; Matthew Rees , Chap . ; Nathaniel Fortescue , Treas . ; James Pinder , Sec . ; James Speller , S . D . ; Richard Kershaw , J . D . ; W . P . Allen , D . C . Alex . Ritchie , A . D . C . ; F . Taylor , Org . ; D . Campbell , I . G . ; XV . S . Wright ! C . H . Bestow , S . C . Kaufman , J . Holland , B . Nicholson , and C . Horst , Stwds . and Ives , Tyler .
The addresses were rendered ii an effective manner by the Installing Master Bro . LUCKING . ' Bro . Wilson , P . M ., was elected to represent the lodge on the Essex Provincial Charity Committee , and the W . M . was selected to represent the lodge at the next Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and the sum of 10 guineas was voted to be placed on his list .
On the motion of the WORSHIPFUL MASTER , the Consecrating Officers were awarded a hearty vote of thanks , elected honorary members of the lod ge and were each asked to accept a founder ' s jewel as a souvenir of the occasion . The PROV . GRAND MASTER returned thanks , and wished the W . M . a pleasant reign during the ensuing year .
A long list of propositions for initiation and joining having been read the lodge was closed , and the brethren present had an opportunity of admiring a handsome lodge banner , presented by the W . M ., bearing his monogram , and an excellent painting of Old Chingford Church . After an excellent banquet , served in the pavilion , which was suitabl y decorated the usual toasts were duly honoured .
¦ ' The Queen and the Craft , " "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M and " Tho Grand Officers " were briefly given by the WORSHIPFUL MASTER and heartily received . The WORSHIPFUL MASTER then said the next toast on the list was "The Health of their dearly beloved Provincial Grand Master , Lord Brooke , " to whom they were all under a deep debt of gratitude for having so abl y presided at the glorious and solemn function of the consecration of the lod ge . If the Provincial Grand Master would allow him to say so , he would remark that that distinguished