Article CONSECRATION OF THE EMBLEMATIC CHAPTER, No. 1321. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of The Emblematic Chapter, No. 1321.
honour would be borne by this new chapter he felt sure , and in that sense , and on behalf of the Grand Officers , he expressed the best wishes for the success and prosperity of the chapter . The M . E . Z . next gave "The Consecrating Officers . " Both to the companions who were united with him in founding the chapter and the companions who were present , and to those who had seen a consecration before , it must have been a
supplement to the grand ritual and an especial treat . He had himself appreciated it , although he was rather nervous , being installed in two chairs . He felt the honour keenly , while he was afraid he was disposed to be a little conceited b y being installed in two chairs by the distinguished Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke . The kind and genial way in which everything was done would not allow the most nervous man to lose himself entirely , or he would entirely have lost himself . It had
been the great ambition of the Royal Arch members of the Emblematic Lodge to have a Royal Arch chapter attacheel to it , and that ni ght they had arrived at the summit of their desire . It was a great pride to them that the ceremony had been so splendidly worked by the Grand Officers , and they must consider themselves most fortunate in that respect . He coupled with the toast the name of Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke .
Comp . Col . SHADWELL H . CLERKE , G . S . E ., in reply , said that , as the Consecrating Principal , he for himself and the colleagues who assisted him , thanked the M . E . Z . and the companions for the fraternal and kindl y way in which their services had been acknowledged . It had been a privilege and a sincere pleasure to the Grand Officers to consecrate their chapter , because as old and veteran soldiers in Masonry , it must be remembered that they were always too delighted to do what
they could to further the interests of the Order , and in this Degree in particular . Royal Arch Masons as they were , they felt pleasure in seeing the Order progress , and its beautiful tenets diffused and disseminated as widely as possible . Comp . Philbrick had somewhat taken out of his mouth many things he would have said , but as the chief executive officer he ( Col . Shadwell Clerke ) could say that he ' took a deep interest in the promotion of the Order , and he was only too glad
to see it advancing as it did . It did not always answer for Royal Arch chapters to be established ; they had not always sufficient ground to work upon , but with the Emblematic Chapter it was evident from the list of candidates they had heard read out that night that there were enough members of the lodge to support the chapter . They asked for a charter because it was wanted , and no doubt they mig ht anticipate continued success . He could not leave the toast without
acknowledging the great services of his assistants , without which it would have been impossible for him to carry out the work so thoroughly and successfully , and especially he wished to mention Comps . Brownri gg and Richardson . He then proposed " The Health of the M . E . Z ., " and said it was a great compliment to any companion to be chosen the First Princi pal of a new chapter . Comp . Price was not
an old Mason , and his being chosen as the First Princi pal of the new chapter showed that he was an enthusiastic Mason . As a rule a Mason was many years before he became a Principal of a chapter , but Comp . Price had worked so hard in the cause of Masonry that his companions considered him entitled to be their first M . E . Z . of the new chapter . He congratulated him on the distinction , and was sure that his government of the chapter would justif y the companions choice .
The M . E . Z . replied , and thanked the companions for the position in which they had placed him . It would be his earnest endeavour to work for the chapter as he had for the lodge and to make it as great a success . They were all earnest in what they did , and they tried to be perfect . He felt very deeply the remarks of Col . Shadwell Clerke , and he felt very much honoured in receiving from him the kind and courteous observations he had made .
The M . E . Z . next proposed " The Visitors . " Comp . TERRY , responding , said the visitors appreciated the compliment paid them exceedingly in having been privileged to be present on such an occasion , and they desired to congratulate the M . E . Z . on being installed as first Z . of a new chapter , and also to wish him and his companions success in the future for that chapter . If it only attained the distinction of the lodge it would be one of the most flourishing chapters in the Order .
Comp . GEORGE GARDNER also replied . Comps . FENDICK and ESLING replied to the toast of " H . and J ., " and Comps COOPER and GREENWAY to that of " The Officers , " and the Janitor ' s toast closed the proceedings . The music with which the toasts were interspersed was admirably performed by Comps . Kenningham , Bevan , and Dalzell , and Bro . Tames Brown .
Grand Mark Lodge.
The Half-yearly Communication of Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown was held on Tuesday evening at Mark Masons' Hall , Great Oueen-street , when there was a very good attendance of the brethren , and the procession of Grand Officers when it entered the hall was a long one . Lord Egerton of Tatton
Past Pro Grand Master , assumed the throne , having the Deputy Grand Master the Earl of Euston , on his right , and the Marquess of Hertford , M . W . Pro Grand Master , on his left . Bro . Thomas Fenn took the S . G . W . ' s chair , and Sir Lionel Darrell that of J . G . W . There was a numerous attendance of brethren
After Grand Lodge had been opened in ample form , Lord EGERTON OF TATTON said he was occupying the chair for the purpose of giving the obligation of Pro Grand Master to the Marquess of Hertford , who , as they were aware , was unable at the last June meeting to be present when he was appointed by the Prince of Wales . He would now proceed to obligate him .
The Marquess of HERTFORD then took the obli gation of Pro Grand Master , and was invested . He was afterwards inducted by Lord Egerton of Tatton in the chair amidst loud applause . He was then proclaimed andsaluted according to ancient form . 'Ihe Marquess of HERTFORD then rose and said : Brethren , I beg to acknowledge with all heartiness trulfraternal salutations
your y , and I verily say that I most highly appreciate the great honour that his Royal Highness the Grand Master has conferred on me . I sincerel y trust that during the time I may occupy the position of Pro Grand Master I may always do my very best to secure the interests of Mark Masonry in every possible way . ( Applause ) .
Bro . C . F . MATIER , G . S ., then read the minutes of the Half-yearly Communication of June 3 rd , 1890 , which were afterwards put and confirmed . On the motion of Bro . A . BOTT COOK , seconded by Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , the following report of the General Board was taken as read , and ordered to be received and entered on the minutes ¦
During the six months ending 30 th September last there have been issued—Mark certificates , 6 71 ; total number registered , 27 , 358 ; warrants for new lodges , 11 , viz . : — No . 412 , Moira , Victoria , Australia . » 4 ' 3 > St . Nicholas , Harwich . „ 414 . St . Martin , Alfreton . » 4 t 5 > Grafton , London .
„ 410 , Royal Oak , Deptford . > , 4 * 7- Mount Edgcumbe , Camborne . „ 41 S , Camden , London . „ 419 , United , Hong Kong . „ 420 , Pulney Andy , Madras . „ 421 , Sewell , Egremont . . „ 422 , Fairtlough , Sierra Leone .
Grand Mark Lodge.
Royal Ark Mariners Certificates , gt ; total number regist ered , 3140 . One warrant for a new Ark Mariner lodge has been issued . The Collin Lodge to be attached to Whitwell , No . 151 .. The Right Worshipful Bro . Frederick William Edmund Dawson has been reappointed District Grand Master of Auckland , New Zealand , for a further term of three years .
The Board have to report that the alterations and additions to Mark Masons ' Hall have now been completed , and the premises furnished at an expense altogether of £ 7237 4 s . 4 d . The lessors have contributed £ 750 towards this , being the amount received by them from Spiers and Pond , Limited , for dilapidations .
The General Fund not being sufficient to meet the balance the sum of £ 2500 has been temporarily transferred from the other funds . The Board recommend to Grand Lodge that this amount should be re-transferred by instalments out of the accruing surplus of the General Fund , and that in the meantime the other funds should be credited with interest at the rate of ^ 4 per cent , per annum .
The Board having carefully considered the regulations for the government of the Orderof Mark Master Masons , are of opinion that it is necessary that some of them should be revised . They have accordingly drafted the amendments they consider requisite , and will submit them for the approval of Grand Lodge .
The Board would desire to remind Provincial Grand Secretaries of the necessity of forwarding to the Grand Secretary a copy of every summons issued by them , and a certified copy of the minutes of each meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge . The regulation to this effect has sometimes been neglected , which has occasioned much confusion in the office . The Board acknowledge with thanks Reports of Proceedings of the Grand Chapters of Delaware , New York , Pennsylvania , and Missouri .
FUND OF BENEVOLENCE . The 22 nd Annual Festival was held at Freemasons' Tavern on the 23 rd July , under the presidency of the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Euston , when the sum of £ 2354 is . was announced . The Board have elected , without a poll , the whole of the candidates as follows : Mabel E . Collinson , Albert Edward Plattin , Jane Adele Vaughan Thomas , and William Russell H . Hickman .
The Committee have carefully considered the Annual Reports of the Head Masters and Mistresses of the schools at which the various pupils on the Fund are being educated , and have awarded the silver medal for proficiency in studies and general excellence to Gertrude Audrey Thompson , educated at Manor Mount Girls ' Collegiate School , Forest Hill , and Harold Miller , educated at The Hulme Grammar School . Manchester .
The total invested funds , including the before-named loans to the General Fund , are—Benevolent Branch ... ... ... ... £ 2500 o 0 Educational „ ... ... ... ... 2400 o o Annuity ,, ... ... ... ... 3 S 00 o o
The Board have relieved the following cases : Mrs . S . N ., No . 6 9 ... ... ... ... £ 10 o 0 Bro . F . G . R ., No . 10 ... ... ... 20 0 o „ W . W . L ., No . 15 ... ... ... 1000 ( Signed ) A . B . COOK , P . G . M . O ., President . F . RICHARDSON , P . G . W ., Vice-President . C . F . MATIER , P . G . W ., Grand . Secretary .
After a short discussion , the report was adopted . The Rev . J OSEPH CATOR : M . W . Pro Grand Master . The next business is very easily disposed of , —I risej to nominate his Royal Hig hness the Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master , as Most Worshipful Grand Master for the ensuing year . ( Applause . )
Bro . GILLIES , G . Treas ., nominated Bro . Gordon Miller for Grand Treasurer . He said Bro . Gordon Miller had a very good record in Masonry . He was advanced in Mark Masonry in March , 1881 , in Portsmouth Lodge , No . 17 , of which he filled the chair in 188 4 . He was Grand Steward in 1888 , and served
Steward of the Mark Benevolent Fund on three different occasions . He was also a member of the Royal Naval College Lodge , the Phcenix Lodge , and the Grand Master ' s Lodge . He was of good standing in society , and of good credit . The Marquis of HERTFORD enquired whether there was any other nomination for the office of Grand Treasurer .
No response was given to the enquiry . Bro . MATIER said that now was the time to distribute the Charity jewels and bars to those- who were entitled to receive them , but they would be given from the Grand Secretary ' s office to those who applied for them . Those who did not apply for them would have them sent by post on Wednesday or Thursday .
The Marquis of HERTFORD : Brethren , before we close the Grand Lodge I have a very pleasing duty to perform on your behalf . I have to ask the M . W . Past Pro Grand Master , Lord Egerton of Tatton , to accept this jewel at the hands of Grand Lodge ( holding up an elegant Past Pro Grand Master ' s jewel ) . I feel sure that every member of Grand Mark Lodge has great pleasure in seeing this jewel presented to Lord Egerton , and I hope that in accepting it he will feel it is a
mark of the sincere respect and esteem of Grand Mark Lodge towards his lordship . We know that Lord Egerton has always had the good of Mark Masonry at heart ; he has attended whenever it was possible for him to do so , and , although once or twice he has not been able to attend on account of his health not being so good as we could wish it be , yet at every other time he has attended during his term of office . Lord Egerton , I ask you to accept this jewel ( fastening it to Lord Egerton ' s
breast ) . ( Applause . ) Lord EGERTON OF TATTON : Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master and Brethren , —I can assure you that I receive with unfeigned and sincere thanks this unexpected mark of your pleasure and goodwill towards me . I shall value this jewel as a record of a time—a very happy and interesting time—that I have passed ( the last three years ) as Pro Grand Master of Mark Masons , and I feel sure that
during that time whenever we have been associated this jewel will remind me of that time . If I may be permitted to say so , I think it is a subject of congratulation to myself that I had the high office of Pro Grand Master during a time which is more especiall y interesting to Mark Masons . During my tenure of office the arrangements were made which resulted in the building of this magnificent hall , which I trust may long be the abode of Mark Masonry ; and also during those
three years we had the interesting occasion of the silver wedding of our Most Worshipful Grand Master and the marriage of his eldest daughter . Both those events were welcomed b y Mark Masons , as I tell you , with the greatest joy , and I was happy to have been the mouthpiece of the address which was presented to his Royal Highness on those two several occasions . I trust that the welfare and honour of Mark Masonry did not altogether suffer during the time I had the honour to be Pro Grand Master . I assure you that I endeavoured to do my best
for Mark Masonry , and , although during the last year of office I was prevented attending by a very long and serious illness , I still looked after Mark Masonry to the best of my ability . I thank you all for this mark of your favour . It will be an incentive to me to do the best I can for Grand Mark Lodge and Mark Masonry in general . I thank you , Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master , for the kind way in which you have presented this jewel to me , and for your kind observations with regard to myself . ( Applause . ) Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , and the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant to banquet .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Emblematic Chapter, No. 1321.
honour would be borne by this new chapter he felt sure , and in that sense , and on behalf of the Grand Officers , he expressed the best wishes for the success and prosperity of the chapter . The M . E . Z . next gave "The Consecrating Officers . " Both to the companions who were united with him in founding the chapter and the companions who were present , and to those who had seen a consecration before , it must have been a
supplement to the grand ritual and an especial treat . He had himself appreciated it , although he was rather nervous , being installed in two chairs . He felt the honour keenly , while he was afraid he was disposed to be a little conceited b y being installed in two chairs by the distinguished Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke . The kind and genial way in which everything was done would not allow the most nervous man to lose himself entirely , or he would entirely have lost himself . It had
been the great ambition of the Royal Arch members of the Emblematic Lodge to have a Royal Arch chapter attacheel to it , and that ni ght they had arrived at the summit of their desire . It was a great pride to them that the ceremony had been so splendidly worked by the Grand Officers , and they must consider themselves most fortunate in that respect . He coupled with the toast the name of Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke .
Comp . Col . SHADWELL H . CLERKE , G . S . E ., in reply , said that , as the Consecrating Principal , he for himself and the colleagues who assisted him , thanked the M . E . Z . and the companions for the fraternal and kindl y way in which their services had been acknowledged . It had been a privilege and a sincere pleasure to the Grand Officers to consecrate their chapter , because as old and veteran soldiers in Masonry , it must be remembered that they were always too delighted to do what
they could to further the interests of the Order , and in this Degree in particular . Royal Arch Masons as they were , they felt pleasure in seeing the Order progress , and its beautiful tenets diffused and disseminated as widely as possible . Comp . Philbrick had somewhat taken out of his mouth many things he would have said , but as the chief executive officer he ( Col . Shadwell Clerke ) could say that he ' took a deep interest in the promotion of the Order , and he was only too glad
to see it advancing as it did . It did not always answer for Royal Arch chapters to be established ; they had not always sufficient ground to work upon , but with the Emblematic Chapter it was evident from the list of candidates they had heard read out that night that there were enough members of the lodge to support the chapter . They asked for a charter because it was wanted , and no doubt they mig ht anticipate continued success . He could not leave the toast without
acknowledging the great services of his assistants , without which it would have been impossible for him to carry out the work so thoroughly and successfully , and especially he wished to mention Comps . Brownri gg and Richardson . He then proposed " The Health of the M . E . Z ., " and said it was a great compliment to any companion to be chosen the First Princi pal of a new chapter . Comp . Price was not
an old Mason , and his being chosen as the First Princi pal of the new chapter showed that he was an enthusiastic Mason . As a rule a Mason was many years before he became a Principal of a chapter , but Comp . Price had worked so hard in the cause of Masonry that his companions considered him entitled to be their first M . E . Z . of the new chapter . He congratulated him on the distinction , and was sure that his government of the chapter would justif y the companions choice .
The M . E . Z . replied , and thanked the companions for the position in which they had placed him . It would be his earnest endeavour to work for the chapter as he had for the lodge and to make it as great a success . They were all earnest in what they did , and they tried to be perfect . He felt very deeply the remarks of Col . Shadwell Clerke , and he felt very much honoured in receiving from him the kind and courteous observations he had made .
The M . E . Z . next proposed " The Visitors . " Comp . TERRY , responding , said the visitors appreciated the compliment paid them exceedingly in having been privileged to be present on such an occasion , and they desired to congratulate the M . E . Z . on being installed as first Z . of a new chapter , and also to wish him and his companions success in the future for that chapter . If it only attained the distinction of the lodge it would be one of the most flourishing chapters in the Order .
Comp . GEORGE GARDNER also replied . Comps . FENDICK and ESLING replied to the toast of " H . and J ., " and Comps COOPER and GREENWAY to that of " The Officers , " and the Janitor ' s toast closed the proceedings . The music with which the toasts were interspersed was admirably performed by Comps . Kenningham , Bevan , and Dalzell , and Bro . Tames Brown .
Grand Mark Lodge.
The Half-yearly Communication of Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown was held on Tuesday evening at Mark Masons' Hall , Great Oueen-street , when there was a very good attendance of the brethren , and the procession of Grand Officers when it entered the hall was a long one . Lord Egerton of Tatton
Past Pro Grand Master , assumed the throne , having the Deputy Grand Master the Earl of Euston , on his right , and the Marquess of Hertford , M . W . Pro Grand Master , on his left . Bro . Thomas Fenn took the S . G . W . ' s chair , and Sir Lionel Darrell that of J . G . W . There was a numerous attendance of brethren
After Grand Lodge had been opened in ample form , Lord EGERTON OF TATTON said he was occupying the chair for the purpose of giving the obligation of Pro Grand Master to the Marquess of Hertford , who , as they were aware , was unable at the last June meeting to be present when he was appointed by the Prince of Wales . He would now proceed to obligate him .
The Marquess of HERTFORD then took the obli gation of Pro Grand Master , and was invested . He was afterwards inducted by Lord Egerton of Tatton in the chair amidst loud applause . He was then proclaimed andsaluted according to ancient form . 'Ihe Marquess of HERTFORD then rose and said : Brethren , I beg to acknowledge with all heartiness trulfraternal salutations
your y , and I verily say that I most highly appreciate the great honour that his Royal Highness the Grand Master has conferred on me . I sincerel y trust that during the time I may occupy the position of Pro Grand Master I may always do my very best to secure the interests of Mark Masonry in every possible way . ( Applause ) .
Bro . C . F . MATIER , G . S ., then read the minutes of the Half-yearly Communication of June 3 rd , 1890 , which were afterwards put and confirmed . On the motion of Bro . A . BOTT COOK , seconded by Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , the following report of the General Board was taken as read , and ordered to be received and entered on the minutes ¦
During the six months ending 30 th September last there have been issued—Mark certificates , 6 71 ; total number registered , 27 , 358 ; warrants for new lodges , 11 , viz . : — No . 412 , Moira , Victoria , Australia . » 4 ' 3 > St . Nicholas , Harwich . „ 414 . St . Martin , Alfreton . » 4 t 5 > Grafton , London .
„ 410 , Royal Oak , Deptford . > , 4 * 7- Mount Edgcumbe , Camborne . „ 41 S , Camden , London . „ 419 , United , Hong Kong . „ 420 , Pulney Andy , Madras . „ 421 , Sewell , Egremont . . „ 422 , Fairtlough , Sierra Leone .
Grand Mark Lodge.
Royal Ark Mariners Certificates , gt ; total number regist ered , 3140 . One warrant for a new Ark Mariner lodge has been issued . The Collin Lodge to be attached to Whitwell , No . 151 .. The Right Worshipful Bro . Frederick William Edmund Dawson has been reappointed District Grand Master of Auckland , New Zealand , for a further term of three years .
The Board have to report that the alterations and additions to Mark Masons ' Hall have now been completed , and the premises furnished at an expense altogether of £ 7237 4 s . 4 d . The lessors have contributed £ 750 towards this , being the amount received by them from Spiers and Pond , Limited , for dilapidations .
The General Fund not being sufficient to meet the balance the sum of £ 2500 has been temporarily transferred from the other funds . The Board recommend to Grand Lodge that this amount should be re-transferred by instalments out of the accruing surplus of the General Fund , and that in the meantime the other funds should be credited with interest at the rate of ^ 4 per cent , per annum .
The Board having carefully considered the regulations for the government of the Orderof Mark Master Masons , are of opinion that it is necessary that some of them should be revised . They have accordingly drafted the amendments they consider requisite , and will submit them for the approval of Grand Lodge .
The Board would desire to remind Provincial Grand Secretaries of the necessity of forwarding to the Grand Secretary a copy of every summons issued by them , and a certified copy of the minutes of each meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge . The regulation to this effect has sometimes been neglected , which has occasioned much confusion in the office . The Board acknowledge with thanks Reports of Proceedings of the Grand Chapters of Delaware , New York , Pennsylvania , and Missouri .
FUND OF BENEVOLENCE . The 22 nd Annual Festival was held at Freemasons' Tavern on the 23 rd July , under the presidency of the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Euston , when the sum of £ 2354 is . was announced . The Board have elected , without a poll , the whole of the candidates as follows : Mabel E . Collinson , Albert Edward Plattin , Jane Adele Vaughan Thomas , and William Russell H . Hickman .
The Committee have carefully considered the Annual Reports of the Head Masters and Mistresses of the schools at which the various pupils on the Fund are being educated , and have awarded the silver medal for proficiency in studies and general excellence to Gertrude Audrey Thompson , educated at Manor Mount Girls ' Collegiate School , Forest Hill , and Harold Miller , educated at The Hulme Grammar School . Manchester .
The total invested funds , including the before-named loans to the General Fund , are—Benevolent Branch ... ... ... ... £ 2500 o 0 Educational „ ... ... ... ... 2400 o o Annuity ,, ... ... ... ... 3 S 00 o o
The Board have relieved the following cases : Mrs . S . N ., No . 6 9 ... ... ... ... £ 10 o 0 Bro . F . G . R ., No . 10 ... ... ... 20 0 o „ W . W . L ., No . 15 ... ... ... 1000 ( Signed ) A . B . COOK , P . G . M . O ., President . F . RICHARDSON , P . G . W ., Vice-President . C . F . MATIER , P . G . W ., Grand . Secretary .
After a short discussion , the report was adopted . The Rev . J OSEPH CATOR : M . W . Pro Grand Master . The next business is very easily disposed of , —I risej to nominate his Royal Hig hness the Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master , as Most Worshipful Grand Master for the ensuing year . ( Applause . )
Bro . GILLIES , G . Treas ., nominated Bro . Gordon Miller for Grand Treasurer . He said Bro . Gordon Miller had a very good record in Masonry . He was advanced in Mark Masonry in March , 1881 , in Portsmouth Lodge , No . 17 , of which he filled the chair in 188 4 . He was Grand Steward in 1888 , and served
Steward of the Mark Benevolent Fund on three different occasions . He was also a member of the Royal Naval College Lodge , the Phcenix Lodge , and the Grand Master ' s Lodge . He was of good standing in society , and of good credit . The Marquis of HERTFORD enquired whether there was any other nomination for the office of Grand Treasurer .
No response was given to the enquiry . Bro . MATIER said that now was the time to distribute the Charity jewels and bars to those- who were entitled to receive them , but they would be given from the Grand Secretary ' s office to those who applied for them . Those who did not apply for them would have them sent by post on Wednesday or Thursday .
The Marquis of HERTFORD : Brethren , before we close the Grand Lodge I have a very pleasing duty to perform on your behalf . I have to ask the M . W . Past Pro Grand Master , Lord Egerton of Tatton , to accept this jewel at the hands of Grand Lodge ( holding up an elegant Past Pro Grand Master ' s jewel ) . I feel sure that every member of Grand Mark Lodge has great pleasure in seeing this jewel presented to Lord Egerton , and I hope that in accepting it he will feel it is a
mark of the sincere respect and esteem of Grand Mark Lodge towards his lordship . We know that Lord Egerton has always had the good of Mark Masonry at heart ; he has attended whenever it was possible for him to do so , and , although once or twice he has not been able to attend on account of his health not being so good as we could wish it be , yet at every other time he has attended during his term of office . Lord Egerton , I ask you to accept this jewel ( fastening it to Lord Egerton ' s
breast ) . ( Applause . ) Lord EGERTON OF TATTON : Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master and Brethren , —I can assure you that I receive with unfeigned and sincere thanks this unexpected mark of your pleasure and goodwill towards me . I shall value this jewel as a record of a time—a very happy and interesting time—that I have passed ( the last three years ) as Pro Grand Master of Mark Masons , and I feel sure that
during that time whenever we have been associated this jewel will remind me of that time . If I may be permitted to say so , I think it is a subject of congratulation to myself that I had the high office of Pro Grand Master during a time which is more especiall y interesting to Mark Masons . During my tenure of office the arrangements were made which resulted in the building of this magnificent hall , which I trust may long be the abode of Mark Masonry ; and also during those
three years we had the interesting occasion of the silver wedding of our Most Worshipful Grand Master and the marriage of his eldest daughter . Both those events were welcomed b y Mark Masons , as I tell you , with the greatest joy , and I was happy to have been the mouthpiece of the address which was presented to his Royal Highness on those two several occasions . I trust that the welfare and honour of Mark Masonry did not altogether suffer during the time I had the honour to be Pro Grand Master . I assure you that I endeavoured to do my best
for Mark Masonry , and , although during the last year of office I was prevented attending by a very long and serious illness , I still looked after Mark Masonry to the best of my ability . I thank you all for this mark of your favour . It will be an incentive to me to do the best I can for Grand Mark Lodge and Mark Masonry in general . I thank you , Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master , for the kind way in which you have presented this jewel to me , and for your kind observations with regard to myself . ( Applause . ) Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , and the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant to banquet .