Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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Provincial Meetings.
Middx ., & c , be elected an honorary member . " Communications from Bros . W . Fisher , J . W . ; A . Bushell , S . D . ; and J . Smith , J . D ., regretting their absence , were read . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was well served by Bro . Mella . The usual toasts were honoured .
Bro . Tucker , P . P . A . G . D . C , responded on behalf of "The Provincial Grand Officers . " Bro . Stiles , in replying to "The Health of the Visitors , " made an excellent and eloquent speech . The toast of " The Master Elect" was warmly received , and Bro . Scholding duly expressed his acknowledgments . Several of the members vocally entertained the brethren , and the proceedings , which were throughout most enjoyable , terminated at an early hour .
LANDPORT . Landport Lodge ( No . 1776 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 20 th ult ., when there were an unusually large attendance of Provincial Grand Officers and visitors from all parts of the province to witness the installation of Bro . Edwin Izod at the Freemasons' Hall , Commercial-road . Amongst those
present were Bros . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . ; Col . J . W . Crease , P . S . G . W . ; G . F . Lancaster , P . P . G . Reg ., P . A . G . Sec . ; E . Goble . P . G . Sec . ; Rev . J . H . Anderson , P . G . C . ; T . H . King , P . S . G . D . ; G . Aylward , P . J . G . D . ; A . J . Brown , P . J . G . D . ; W . Bates , P . G . Steward ; A . Dashwood , P . M ., P . G . Reg . ; Tenison Smith , P . A . G . D . ofC ; W . T . Dupree , P . G . S . B . ; J . E . Buck , P . P .
G . S . of W . ; M . E . Frost , P . P . S . G . W . ; W . H Matthews , P . D . G . S . B . Malta ; A . W . Hewitt , P . M . ; W M . Leamy , W . M . 342 ; E . Austin , W . M . 1903 ; A . R Holbrook , P . M . 309 , P . P . G . Reg . ; E . Sprigings , W . M 304 ; J . Hathaway , W . M . 903 ; P . H . Emanuel , W . M 206 S ; J . P . Wicken , W . M . 2074 ; W . Miller , W . M 142 S ; Dr . Mumby , W . M . 1069 ; T . W . Haydon , W . M
309 ; J . W . Gardner , W . M . 1834 ; A . J . Dunn , 4 S 7 ; W . H . Bolitho , Sec . 342 ; J . T . Skinner , 1426 ; J . H . Lyon , 309 ; G . C . Inkpen , P . M . ; J . Hamilton Bridle ; J . Jenkins , P . M . 4 S 7 ; T . P . Hall , " P . M . S 04 ; A . Dancaster , P . M . S 04 ; and others . The members of the lodge present included Bros . VV . F . Westerman , W . M . ; Edwin Izod , S . W . ; J . Howarth , J . W . ; W . Learmouth , Treas . ;
J . Guyatt , Sec ; H . Izod , J . D . ; E . P . Ouinton , I . G . ; T . F . Wilton , P . P . G . Org . ; E . Godwin , Steward ; R . E . Buckle , P . M . ; W . Mills , P . M ., P . P . G . Org . ; E , Naylor , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; W . R . Fowler , P . M . ; F . Sanders , P . M . ; S . R . Ellis , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; E . S , Marr , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ; S . Thomas , R . Farthing , J . T . Buckle , H . E . Windsor , T . E . Baskett , J . T . Clark , W .
R . Beach , A . Grant , S . Kerwood , G . Fox , J . Biden , W . J . White , L . J . Howell , G . Frampton , J . E . VV . Guyatt , H . Gardner , W . Harvey , S . W . Kerwood , G . Grossmith , and others . The lodge was opened , and the Provincial Grand Master and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge were duly saluted . Bro . Edwin Izod , S . W ., having been
introduced , Bro . W . F . Westerman performed the ceremony of installation in a most impressive manner , and after the usualsalutes to the chair the VV . M . appointed and invested the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year : Bros . W . F . Westerman , I . P . M . ; J . Howarth , S . VV . ; H . H . Izod , J . W . ; W . Learmouth , Treas . ; J . Guyatt , Sec ; E . Quinton , S . D . ; VV . Harvey , J . D . ; E . Godwin ,
I . G . ; VV . Miles , P . M ., D . of C ; W . J . Wilton , Org . ; W . J . White , Assist . Org . ; S . F . Thomas and H . E . Windsor , Stwds . The addresses were then given by the Installing Master , and , on the proposition of the W . M ., a vote of thanks was enthusiastically accorded him . The W . M . next presented , in the name of the lodge , a handsome Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Westerman , the Immediate
Past Master , _ in recognition of the faithful and zealous manner in which he had discharged his duties in the chair of K . S . during the year . He also presented a beautifully chased gold Secretary's jewel to Bro . John Guyatt , who had already held the office of Secretary during three years , and who was warmly thanked for accepting it a fourth time . Both of the brethren responded , and assured the
brethren they would do ali that they could to promote the welfare of the lodge . A vote of thanks was also recorded to the P . G . M . and officers for their attendance , and the P . G . M . briefly responded . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall , where a most elaborate banquet was partaken of , remarkably well served by Bro . Hinton .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , and Bro . Goble responded for " The Grand Lodge , " and assured the brethren of the pleasure it gave him in rising amidst so many distinguished Masons to reply . He congratulated the Installing Master upon the way he performed the ceremony that day , and also the lodge upon having such a prosperous balance-sheet . He was pleased to see what a
lot of voting power they had , both in the London and Provincial Charities . If amongst the numerous lodges in the province they all possessed the same voting power his heart would not beat so much when he went up to elect one of their candidates . He regretted that the province in general did not have larger voting powers , but with energy and consort with one another he hoped to be able to carry the
many cases coming forward . He hoped they would one and all do their best for the whole of the Charities , including their pet , the Provincial Educational and Benevolent Institution , The W . M ., in proposing the toast of "The P . G . M ., D . P . G . M ., and Officers of the Province , " again thanked them for their presence , and remarked that 15 or 16 years
ago he had the great honour of riding in the Yeomanry Cavalry when Bro . Beach , P . G . M ., was in command of the squadron which he led , and that inspired the W . M . to write and ask him to be present that evening . Bro . W . W . B . Beach , P . G . M ., who was remarkably well received , expressed the great pleasure it afforded him to be present , and to see the lodge in such a flourishing
condition . The brethren had grown in numbers , and had made such progress as to establish a chapter . One need not ask a second question as to the working when they see such an array of past Masters as they had . Portsmouth was increasing immensely , and Freemasonry was keeping
pace with it , and he hoped that happy condition of things would continue , and that the position and influence of their beloved Order would always keep pace with the rapid development of Portsmouth . There never was a time when Freemasonry exercised so powerful an influence for good throughout the civilised world , and so far from there being
Provincial Meetings.
any indication that that influence was on the wane , the signs were all the other way , and pointed to a progressive period of usefulness in the cause of charity , benevolence , and loving brotherhood . No society was more capable of exercising good influence over one ; it induces kind feeling of harmony . He warmly congratulated the members of the Landport Lodge on having elected Bro . Izod as their Master . He
had known him for some years in another capacity , and was perfectly sure that he would fully maintain the honour and dignity of the exalted position to which he had been elevated . Bro . Miles , P . M ., proposed " The Health of the VV . M ., " and remarked of the pleasure it gave him in doing so , as he had known the W . M . 21 years ov move . He could speak of him in connection with the Landport Lodge , and
had fully qualified himself for the proud position he occupied that evening . It was a great advantage to the lodge in having him at its head , and was a credit to the Craft . As a citizen , he was always found actively associating himself with every description of movement having for its object the relief of the needy , and the amelioration of the condition of those who suffered . Bro . Izod had been decorated ,
and had many honours conferred upon him , and most deservedly too . There was not the slightest reason for doubting that the ensuing year would , under the happy auspices of Bro . Izod , he a most prosperous and satisfactory one for the Landport Lodge . Bro . E . Izod , who was received with great enthusiasm , assured the brethren how proud he felt at his position -that
day , and he would do his best during his year of office , and afterwards to promote the further prosperity of the lodge . He knew how necessary it was to stick to the work as W . M ., and would take to heart all he had undertaken , and carry it out as impressively and sincerely as he possibly could , and try to make the candidates understand what a great Institution Freemasonry was . Hewas about 16 years a Mason , and
had a little experience , which would now be of some value to him . It was 14 years ago when he was J . W ., and since then had performed several other offices . He felt sure of the ready assistance of the officers appointed , and sincerely trusted that his year of office would be a happy one . Bro . Izod , W . M ., proposed "The Health of Bro . Westerman , I . P . M . and Installing Master , and the Past
Masters of the Lodge . " Bros . Westerman , I . P . M ., and Buckle responded . "The Masonic Charities" was proposed by Bro . E . Main , P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Aylward , P . M . " The Worshipful Masters of Neighbouring Lodges " was proposed by Bro . E . Nayler , P . M ., and replied to by Bros . Leamy , 342 , and Wickins , 2074 .
" The Visitors " and " Officers " brought a most enjoyable entertainment to a close . . The proceedings of the evening were rendered additionally enjoyable by the performance of a well-selected programme of instrumental music by Bro . T . F . Wilton's orchestral band , and by several vocal contributions from the brethren present . The National Anthem was sung soon after 11 o ' clock .
LEEDS . Zetland Lodge ( No . 1311 ) . —The installation meeting of this influential and prosperous lodge took place on the 2 ist ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Great George-street , when the wide popularity ofthe incoming W . M . wasevidenced by the fact that he was supported by Masons from all parts , there being about 70 guests present . VVhen Bro . J . Arthur Godwin , W . M ., assumed the gavel , the lodge room
presented an imposing appearance . , Among the many distinguished brethren present were Bros . Henry Smith , Deputy P . G . M . ; the Rev . Dr . Smyth , D . D ., LL . D ., P . G . C . ; H . Green , Prov . G . Sec ; Malcolm , P . P . G . R . ; C . L . Mason , VV . M . elect 306 , P . P . G . Treas . ; Crossley , P . M ., Prov . J . G . W . I ; Hargreaves , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; Beck , P . M . ; the W . M . ' s of the seven sister lodges , and many others .
The lodge having been opened , the S . W ., Bro . W . VV . Clayton , was presented for installation by the D . P . G . M ., anddulyobligated . ABoardof InstalledMasterswasopened , and the ceremony was proceeded with . The retiring W . M ., Bro . J . A . Godwin , gave the beautiful ritual in a manner which elicited the heartiest encomiums of all who were privileged to be present . He was assisted by Bro . Dr . Smyth ,
and rarely has the beautiful ceremony been more effectually worked . Bro . Clayton having been duly installed and proclaimed , he invested his officevs as follows : Bvos . G . H . demons , S . VV . ; H . S . Blackburn , J . W . ; C . Anderson , P . M ., Treas . ; J . W . Smith , P . M ., Sec ; Postlethwaite , S . D . ; the Rev " . P . W . N . Bourne , D . D ., J . D . ; Brigg , I . G . ; Blackburn , P . M ., D . C ; F . Long , Org . ; and
Barrand , Prov . G . Tyler , Tyler . Bros . Godwin and Blackburn were appointed to serve on the Committee of Management of the lodge ; Bro . Crossley , P . M ., Prov . J . G . W ., was elected to represent the lodge on the Provincial Charity Committee , and the two Wardens were elected to the Local
Charity Committee . The business having been disposed of , the D . P . G . M . paid a graceful and well-deserved tribute to the manner in which the Installing Master , Bro . J . Arthur Godwin , had discharged his onerous duties , and complimented the lodge on its new W . M . and his selection of officers .
An adjournment was then made to the banqueting hall , where a recherche repast was served . The tables were beautifully decorated . After dinner a long toast list was gone through , interspersed with songs , and thus was brought to a close one of the most successful gatherings in the history of the Zetland Lodge . NEW MILLS .
Peveril of the Peak Lodge ( No . 654 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Crown Hotel on Wednesday , the 26 th ult ., Bro . II . Salisbury , VVorshipful Master , presiding * . There was a large assembly of brethren present , amongst whom were the following : Bros . VV . Campbell , I . P . M . ; F . Rowbottom , S . VV . ; R . Thornily , J . W . ; J . A . Nichols , Sec ; R . Broom , F .
Higgmbottom , J . Marsden , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C ; J . H Jackson , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C ; Samuel Whitehead , P . M . " P . P . J . G . D . ; A . T . McGregor , P . M . ; S . Taylor , P . P G . Reg . ; Geo . Walker , P . M . ; J . VV . Wyatt , P . M . P . P . G . S . B . ; R . Goble , J . T . Gee , G . Higginbottom , 1 . J Clarke , F . Garside , J . J . Jackson , J . Smith , VV . Jones , J
Pollett , P . P . G . S . ; VV . Wild , J . Hibert , J . Shaw , J . Hampson , J . Johnson , and T . Livesley . Visitors : Bros . R . S . Woolt ' enden , 210 ; T . Morvell , 1052 ; M . Preston , 2109 ; and Geo . S . Smith , P . M ., W . M . 2359 . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The brethren duly elected Bro . F . Rowbottom , S . VV ., as W . M .
Provincial Meetings.
for the ensuing year . Bro . Fielding was elected as Treasurer . During the evening , and previous to the lodge being closed , Bro . H . Salisbury , VV . M ., presented a lodge banner , and in a few well-chosen remarks said he should be glad if the brethren would accept it from him as a mark of his appreciation of the great assistance he had had from his officers during his year of office , more especially
he must mention the names of Bro . Campbell , I . P . M ., and Bro . A . T . McGregor , P . M ., for all their kindnesses and assistance . Whenever he had called upon them they had been most willing to comply with his request . It had been his intention for a long time past when he occupied the chair that he would present a banner to the lodge . It might be a little bit superstitious on his
part , but he had felt it keenly when he had visited the Prov . Grand Lodge at Derby and seen all the beautiful banners over the respective lodges represented there . He was determined , even at personal sacrifice , that there should not be a blank as regards No . 654 this year , and instead of the usual large ticket with the number of his lodge on , that should be replaced by that very beautiful banner , which he
again asked them to accept . This was received with great acclamation . Bro . Rowbottom , S . W ., W . M . elect , proposed that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . H . Salisbury , VV . M ., for the handsome gift , and that he might be spared long to enjoy it by seeing it proudly at the head of the lodge , and more especially at the next Prov . Grand Lodge . Bro . A . T . McGregor gracefully supplemented these remarks .
All business being at an end , the lodge was closed by the W . M ., and the members and friends adjourned to the festive board , in the course of which the VV . M . remarked he did not wish to overlook the fact that the representative of the firm of Bro . Geo . Kenning was present who had designed and manufactured the banner they had before them , and expressed great satisfaction at the results attained .
NEWPORT , SALOP . Auclley Lodge ( No . 18 9 6 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Assembly Room of the Royal Victoria Hotel on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., when there were present Bros . T . Collins , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W .. D . C ; T . C . Bird , P . G . S . B . ; C E . Baddeley , S . W . ; G . J . Muirhead , J . W . ; J . Bodenham , P . M . P . P . G . W .
, , P . A . G . D . C , Treas . ; Jas . Smart , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Sec ; R . VVilliams , S . D . ; J . G . Brereton , J . D ; J . Barlow , I . G . ; C . W . Watkins , P . M . 1941 , P . P . G . Std . Br . Staffordshire ; H . Taylor , W . M . 726 ; H . P . Smith , J . Ellingham , W . Bromfield , J . Ashmore , Stwd . ; VV . J . Massey , G . H . Paddock , and J . Cartwright , Tyler . Two candidates were initiated , Mr . C . W . Peake by
Bro . 1 . Collms , and Mr . C . W . Smallman by Bro . T . C . Bird , the charge being delivered by Bro . Muirhead . After the remaining business had been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , Bro . T . Collins presiding . _ The customary toasts were briefly given , and enthusiastically received . Sympathetic reference was made by Bro . Bodenham to
the loss Freemasonry has sustained in the lamented death of the Pro G . M ., the late Earl of Carnarvon . In the course of the evening Bro . Collins , on behalf of the Audley Lodge , presented Bro . Bodenham with a handsomely designed silver inkstand as a small acknowledgment of the services he has rendered not onl y the Audley Lodge but Freemasonry generally . In an able speech , Bro .
Collins traced Bro . Bodenham ' s connection with the Audley Lodge since its formation , and described him as the "father of ihe lodge , " showing how deeply it was indebted to him . He also referred to Bro . Bodenham ' s services to Freemasonry generally , and said it was the unanimous desire of the brethren that advantage should be taken of his marriage to give expressions to their deep
feeling of gratitude . Bro . Watkins , who had gone to much trouble in the matter , would tell them that the desire to contribute was general . Bro . Watkins then read several letters of apology for non-attendance , among others , from Bros . F . A . Bird , W . M . ; Col . R . T . Masefield , C . Lewis , H . G . U . Elliott , and J . Stanley Till , Chap . Telearrams of reszret for not
being able to attend , and congratulations with Bro . Bodenham were also received , and Bro . Taylor conveyed to him the hearty congratulations of the Staffordshire Knot Lodge . The inkstand bore the following inscription : " Presented to Bro . Bodenham , P . A . G . D . C , P . S . G . W . Staffs and North Wales and Shropshire , and P . G . R . Herefordby
, the members of the Audley Lodge , 1 S 96 , on the occasion of his marriage , in remembrance of his many great services . 15 th October , 1 S 90 . " Bro . Bodenham returned thanks in fitting terms , giving a brief and most interesting resume of the history of the Audley Lodge since its formation in 1 SS 1 , and of the
representations from Masons residing in the district which led to its formation . For anything he had done forthe lodge , its present flourishing condition repaid him more than anything else could . He also explained that Bro . Collins was the first candidate initiated after the formation of the lodge , and , in conclusion , cordially thanked the subscribers to the inkstand .
f he Tyler ' s toast brought an enjoyable evening to a close . The proceedings were enlivened by several excellent songs and recitations .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Albion Chapter ( No . 9 ) . —This chapter held its installation meeting at the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhallstreet , on Thursday , the 20 th ult ., when Comp . L . W . Harvey was installed M . E . Z . ; Comp . William Holroyd , H . ; and Comp . U . S . Friend , J . The other offices were Idled bv Comps . S . Vallentine , P . Z . ; E . H . Bradley , Treas . ; VV . Poupard , S . E . ; A . G . Pritchard , S . N . ; Win . Bramham , P . S . ; and Drew , ist A . S . Amongst the
visitors present were Comps . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S . E . ; James Terry , P . G . Std . Br . ; F . A . White , P . Z . 907 ; J . A . Main , 1716 * ; A . J . Oliver , 1 549 ; H . B . Forbes , 1716 ; C . H . Meiter , 1 O 17 ; J . Brandon , P . Z . S 90 ; Nelson Prower , 1 745 ; and E . C . Massey . After the closing of the chapter , the members and their visitors adjourned to the banquet room , where a dinner was served that did full justice to the hi gh reputation of the Ship and Turtle , and at its conclusion the customary toasts
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Provincial Meetings.
Middx ., & c , be elected an honorary member . " Communications from Bros . W . Fisher , J . W . ; A . Bushell , S . D . ; and J . Smith , J . D ., regretting their absence , were read . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was well served by Bro . Mella . The usual toasts were honoured .
Bro . Tucker , P . P . A . G . D . C , responded on behalf of "The Provincial Grand Officers . " Bro . Stiles , in replying to "The Health of the Visitors , " made an excellent and eloquent speech . The toast of " The Master Elect" was warmly received , and Bro . Scholding duly expressed his acknowledgments . Several of the members vocally entertained the brethren , and the proceedings , which were throughout most enjoyable , terminated at an early hour .
LANDPORT . Landport Lodge ( No . 1776 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 20 th ult ., when there were an unusually large attendance of Provincial Grand Officers and visitors from all parts of the province to witness the installation of Bro . Edwin Izod at the Freemasons' Hall , Commercial-road . Amongst those
present were Bros . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . ; Col . J . W . Crease , P . S . G . W . ; G . F . Lancaster , P . P . G . Reg ., P . A . G . Sec . ; E . Goble . P . G . Sec . ; Rev . J . H . Anderson , P . G . C . ; T . H . King , P . S . G . D . ; G . Aylward , P . J . G . D . ; A . J . Brown , P . J . G . D . ; W . Bates , P . G . Steward ; A . Dashwood , P . M ., P . G . Reg . ; Tenison Smith , P . A . G . D . ofC ; W . T . Dupree , P . G . S . B . ; J . E . Buck , P . P .
G . S . of W . ; M . E . Frost , P . P . S . G . W . ; W . H Matthews , P . D . G . S . B . Malta ; A . W . Hewitt , P . M . ; W M . Leamy , W . M . 342 ; E . Austin , W . M . 1903 ; A . R Holbrook , P . M . 309 , P . P . G . Reg . ; E . Sprigings , W . M 304 ; J . Hathaway , W . M . 903 ; P . H . Emanuel , W . M 206 S ; J . P . Wicken , W . M . 2074 ; W . Miller , W . M 142 S ; Dr . Mumby , W . M . 1069 ; T . W . Haydon , W . M
309 ; J . W . Gardner , W . M . 1834 ; A . J . Dunn , 4 S 7 ; W . H . Bolitho , Sec . 342 ; J . T . Skinner , 1426 ; J . H . Lyon , 309 ; G . C . Inkpen , P . M . ; J . Hamilton Bridle ; J . Jenkins , P . M . 4 S 7 ; T . P . Hall , " P . M . S 04 ; A . Dancaster , P . M . S 04 ; and others . The members of the lodge present included Bros . VV . F . Westerman , W . M . ; Edwin Izod , S . W . ; J . Howarth , J . W . ; W . Learmouth , Treas . ;
J . Guyatt , Sec ; H . Izod , J . D . ; E . P . Ouinton , I . G . ; T . F . Wilton , P . P . G . Org . ; E . Godwin , Steward ; R . E . Buckle , P . M . ; W . Mills , P . M ., P . P . G . Org . ; E , Naylor , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; W . R . Fowler , P . M . ; F . Sanders , P . M . ; S . R . Ellis , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; E . S , Marr , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ; S . Thomas , R . Farthing , J . T . Buckle , H . E . Windsor , T . E . Baskett , J . T . Clark , W .
R . Beach , A . Grant , S . Kerwood , G . Fox , J . Biden , W . J . White , L . J . Howell , G . Frampton , J . E . VV . Guyatt , H . Gardner , W . Harvey , S . W . Kerwood , G . Grossmith , and others . The lodge was opened , and the Provincial Grand Master and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge were duly saluted . Bro . Edwin Izod , S . W ., having been
introduced , Bro . W . F . Westerman performed the ceremony of installation in a most impressive manner , and after the usualsalutes to the chair the VV . M . appointed and invested the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year : Bros . W . F . Westerman , I . P . M . ; J . Howarth , S . VV . ; H . H . Izod , J . W . ; W . Learmouth , Treas . ; J . Guyatt , Sec ; E . Quinton , S . D . ; VV . Harvey , J . D . ; E . Godwin ,
I . G . ; VV . Miles , P . M ., D . of C ; W . J . Wilton , Org . ; W . J . White , Assist . Org . ; S . F . Thomas and H . E . Windsor , Stwds . The addresses were then given by the Installing Master , and , on the proposition of the W . M ., a vote of thanks was enthusiastically accorded him . The W . M . next presented , in the name of the lodge , a handsome Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Westerman , the Immediate
Past Master , _ in recognition of the faithful and zealous manner in which he had discharged his duties in the chair of K . S . during the year . He also presented a beautifully chased gold Secretary's jewel to Bro . John Guyatt , who had already held the office of Secretary during three years , and who was warmly thanked for accepting it a fourth time . Both of the brethren responded , and assured the
brethren they would do ali that they could to promote the welfare of the lodge . A vote of thanks was also recorded to the P . G . M . and officers for their attendance , and the P . G . M . briefly responded . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall , where a most elaborate banquet was partaken of , remarkably well served by Bro . Hinton .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , and Bro . Goble responded for " The Grand Lodge , " and assured the brethren of the pleasure it gave him in rising amidst so many distinguished Masons to reply . He congratulated the Installing Master upon the way he performed the ceremony that day , and also the lodge upon having such a prosperous balance-sheet . He was pleased to see what a
lot of voting power they had , both in the London and Provincial Charities . If amongst the numerous lodges in the province they all possessed the same voting power his heart would not beat so much when he went up to elect one of their candidates . He regretted that the province in general did not have larger voting powers , but with energy and consort with one another he hoped to be able to carry the
many cases coming forward . He hoped they would one and all do their best for the whole of the Charities , including their pet , the Provincial Educational and Benevolent Institution , The W . M ., in proposing the toast of "The P . G . M ., D . P . G . M ., and Officers of the Province , " again thanked them for their presence , and remarked that 15 or 16 years
ago he had the great honour of riding in the Yeomanry Cavalry when Bro . Beach , P . G . M ., was in command of the squadron which he led , and that inspired the W . M . to write and ask him to be present that evening . Bro . W . W . B . Beach , P . G . M ., who was remarkably well received , expressed the great pleasure it afforded him to be present , and to see the lodge in such a flourishing
condition . The brethren had grown in numbers , and had made such progress as to establish a chapter . One need not ask a second question as to the working when they see such an array of past Masters as they had . Portsmouth was increasing immensely , and Freemasonry was keeping
pace with it , and he hoped that happy condition of things would continue , and that the position and influence of their beloved Order would always keep pace with the rapid development of Portsmouth . There never was a time when Freemasonry exercised so powerful an influence for good throughout the civilised world , and so far from there being
Provincial Meetings.
any indication that that influence was on the wane , the signs were all the other way , and pointed to a progressive period of usefulness in the cause of charity , benevolence , and loving brotherhood . No society was more capable of exercising good influence over one ; it induces kind feeling of harmony . He warmly congratulated the members of the Landport Lodge on having elected Bro . Izod as their Master . He
had known him for some years in another capacity , and was perfectly sure that he would fully maintain the honour and dignity of the exalted position to which he had been elevated . Bro . Miles , P . M ., proposed " The Health of the VV . M ., " and remarked of the pleasure it gave him in doing so , as he had known the W . M . 21 years ov move . He could speak of him in connection with the Landport Lodge , and
had fully qualified himself for the proud position he occupied that evening . It was a great advantage to the lodge in having him at its head , and was a credit to the Craft . As a citizen , he was always found actively associating himself with every description of movement having for its object the relief of the needy , and the amelioration of the condition of those who suffered . Bro . Izod had been decorated ,
and had many honours conferred upon him , and most deservedly too . There was not the slightest reason for doubting that the ensuing year would , under the happy auspices of Bro . Izod , he a most prosperous and satisfactory one for the Landport Lodge . Bro . E . Izod , who was received with great enthusiasm , assured the brethren how proud he felt at his position -that
day , and he would do his best during his year of office , and afterwards to promote the further prosperity of the lodge . He knew how necessary it was to stick to the work as W . M ., and would take to heart all he had undertaken , and carry it out as impressively and sincerely as he possibly could , and try to make the candidates understand what a great Institution Freemasonry was . Hewas about 16 years a Mason , and
had a little experience , which would now be of some value to him . It was 14 years ago when he was J . W ., and since then had performed several other offices . He felt sure of the ready assistance of the officers appointed , and sincerely trusted that his year of office would be a happy one . Bro . Izod , W . M ., proposed "The Health of Bro . Westerman , I . P . M . and Installing Master , and the Past
Masters of the Lodge . " Bros . Westerman , I . P . M ., and Buckle responded . "The Masonic Charities" was proposed by Bro . E . Main , P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Aylward , P . M . " The Worshipful Masters of Neighbouring Lodges " was proposed by Bro . E . Nayler , P . M ., and replied to by Bros . Leamy , 342 , and Wickins , 2074 .
" The Visitors " and " Officers " brought a most enjoyable entertainment to a close . . The proceedings of the evening were rendered additionally enjoyable by the performance of a well-selected programme of instrumental music by Bro . T . F . Wilton's orchestral band , and by several vocal contributions from the brethren present . The National Anthem was sung soon after 11 o ' clock .
LEEDS . Zetland Lodge ( No . 1311 ) . —The installation meeting of this influential and prosperous lodge took place on the 2 ist ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Great George-street , when the wide popularity ofthe incoming W . M . wasevidenced by the fact that he was supported by Masons from all parts , there being about 70 guests present . VVhen Bro . J . Arthur Godwin , W . M ., assumed the gavel , the lodge room
presented an imposing appearance . , Among the many distinguished brethren present were Bros . Henry Smith , Deputy P . G . M . ; the Rev . Dr . Smyth , D . D ., LL . D ., P . G . C . ; H . Green , Prov . G . Sec ; Malcolm , P . P . G . R . ; C . L . Mason , VV . M . elect 306 , P . P . G . Treas . ; Crossley , P . M ., Prov . J . G . W . I ; Hargreaves , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; Beck , P . M . ; the W . M . ' s of the seven sister lodges , and many others .
The lodge having been opened , the S . W ., Bro . W . VV . Clayton , was presented for installation by the D . P . G . M ., anddulyobligated . ABoardof InstalledMasterswasopened , and the ceremony was proceeded with . The retiring W . M ., Bro . J . A . Godwin , gave the beautiful ritual in a manner which elicited the heartiest encomiums of all who were privileged to be present . He was assisted by Bro . Dr . Smyth ,
and rarely has the beautiful ceremony been more effectually worked . Bro . Clayton having been duly installed and proclaimed , he invested his officevs as follows : Bvos . G . H . demons , S . VV . ; H . S . Blackburn , J . W . ; C . Anderson , P . M ., Treas . ; J . W . Smith , P . M ., Sec ; Postlethwaite , S . D . ; the Rev " . P . W . N . Bourne , D . D ., J . D . ; Brigg , I . G . ; Blackburn , P . M ., D . C ; F . Long , Org . ; and
Barrand , Prov . G . Tyler , Tyler . Bros . Godwin and Blackburn were appointed to serve on the Committee of Management of the lodge ; Bro . Crossley , P . M ., Prov . J . G . W ., was elected to represent the lodge on the Provincial Charity Committee , and the two Wardens were elected to the Local
Charity Committee . The business having been disposed of , the D . P . G . M . paid a graceful and well-deserved tribute to the manner in which the Installing Master , Bro . J . Arthur Godwin , had discharged his onerous duties , and complimented the lodge on its new W . M . and his selection of officers .
An adjournment was then made to the banqueting hall , where a recherche repast was served . The tables were beautifully decorated . After dinner a long toast list was gone through , interspersed with songs , and thus was brought to a close one of the most successful gatherings in the history of the Zetland Lodge . NEW MILLS .
Peveril of the Peak Lodge ( No . 654 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Crown Hotel on Wednesday , the 26 th ult ., Bro . II . Salisbury , VVorshipful Master , presiding * . There was a large assembly of brethren present , amongst whom were the following : Bros . VV . Campbell , I . P . M . ; F . Rowbottom , S . VV . ; R . Thornily , J . W . ; J . A . Nichols , Sec ; R . Broom , F .
Higgmbottom , J . Marsden , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C ; J . H Jackson , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C ; Samuel Whitehead , P . M . " P . P . J . G . D . ; A . T . McGregor , P . M . ; S . Taylor , P . P G . Reg . ; Geo . Walker , P . M . ; J . VV . Wyatt , P . M . P . P . G . S . B . ; R . Goble , J . T . Gee , G . Higginbottom , 1 . J Clarke , F . Garside , J . J . Jackson , J . Smith , VV . Jones , J
Pollett , P . P . G . S . ; VV . Wild , J . Hibert , J . Shaw , J . Hampson , J . Johnson , and T . Livesley . Visitors : Bros . R . S . Woolt ' enden , 210 ; T . Morvell , 1052 ; M . Preston , 2109 ; and Geo . S . Smith , P . M ., W . M . 2359 . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The brethren duly elected Bro . F . Rowbottom , S . VV ., as W . M .
Provincial Meetings.
for the ensuing year . Bro . Fielding was elected as Treasurer . During the evening , and previous to the lodge being closed , Bro . H . Salisbury , VV . M ., presented a lodge banner , and in a few well-chosen remarks said he should be glad if the brethren would accept it from him as a mark of his appreciation of the great assistance he had had from his officers during his year of office , more especially
he must mention the names of Bro . Campbell , I . P . M ., and Bro . A . T . McGregor , P . M ., for all their kindnesses and assistance . Whenever he had called upon them they had been most willing to comply with his request . It had been his intention for a long time past when he occupied the chair that he would present a banner to the lodge . It might be a little bit superstitious on his
part , but he had felt it keenly when he had visited the Prov . Grand Lodge at Derby and seen all the beautiful banners over the respective lodges represented there . He was determined , even at personal sacrifice , that there should not be a blank as regards No . 654 this year , and instead of the usual large ticket with the number of his lodge on , that should be replaced by that very beautiful banner , which he
again asked them to accept . This was received with great acclamation . Bro . Rowbottom , S . W ., W . M . elect , proposed that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . H . Salisbury , VV . M ., for the handsome gift , and that he might be spared long to enjoy it by seeing it proudly at the head of the lodge , and more especially at the next Prov . Grand Lodge . Bro . A . T . McGregor gracefully supplemented these remarks .
All business being at an end , the lodge was closed by the W . M ., and the members and friends adjourned to the festive board , in the course of which the VV . M . remarked he did not wish to overlook the fact that the representative of the firm of Bro . Geo . Kenning was present who had designed and manufactured the banner they had before them , and expressed great satisfaction at the results attained .
NEWPORT , SALOP . Auclley Lodge ( No . 18 9 6 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Assembly Room of the Royal Victoria Hotel on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., when there were present Bros . T . Collins , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W .. D . C ; T . C . Bird , P . G . S . B . ; C E . Baddeley , S . W . ; G . J . Muirhead , J . W . ; J . Bodenham , P . M . P . P . G . W .
, , P . A . G . D . C , Treas . ; Jas . Smart , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Sec ; R . VVilliams , S . D . ; J . G . Brereton , J . D ; J . Barlow , I . G . ; C . W . Watkins , P . M . 1941 , P . P . G . Std . Br . Staffordshire ; H . Taylor , W . M . 726 ; H . P . Smith , J . Ellingham , W . Bromfield , J . Ashmore , Stwd . ; VV . J . Massey , G . H . Paddock , and J . Cartwright , Tyler . Two candidates were initiated , Mr . C . W . Peake by
Bro . 1 . Collms , and Mr . C . W . Smallman by Bro . T . C . Bird , the charge being delivered by Bro . Muirhead . After the remaining business had been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , Bro . T . Collins presiding . _ The customary toasts were briefly given , and enthusiastically received . Sympathetic reference was made by Bro . Bodenham to
the loss Freemasonry has sustained in the lamented death of the Pro G . M ., the late Earl of Carnarvon . In the course of the evening Bro . Collins , on behalf of the Audley Lodge , presented Bro . Bodenham with a handsomely designed silver inkstand as a small acknowledgment of the services he has rendered not onl y the Audley Lodge but Freemasonry generally . In an able speech , Bro .
Collins traced Bro . Bodenham ' s connection with the Audley Lodge since its formation , and described him as the "father of ihe lodge , " showing how deeply it was indebted to him . He also referred to Bro . Bodenham ' s services to Freemasonry generally , and said it was the unanimous desire of the brethren that advantage should be taken of his marriage to give expressions to their deep
feeling of gratitude . Bro . Watkins , who had gone to much trouble in the matter , would tell them that the desire to contribute was general . Bro . Watkins then read several letters of apology for non-attendance , among others , from Bros . F . A . Bird , W . M . ; Col . R . T . Masefield , C . Lewis , H . G . U . Elliott , and J . Stanley Till , Chap . Telearrams of reszret for not
being able to attend , and congratulations with Bro . Bodenham were also received , and Bro . Taylor conveyed to him the hearty congratulations of the Staffordshire Knot Lodge . The inkstand bore the following inscription : " Presented to Bro . Bodenham , P . A . G . D . C , P . S . G . W . Staffs and North Wales and Shropshire , and P . G . R . Herefordby
, the members of the Audley Lodge , 1 S 96 , on the occasion of his marriage , in remembrance of his many great services . 15 th October , 1 S 90 . " Bro . Bodenham returned thanks in fitting terms , giving a brief and most interesting resume of the history of the Audley Lodge since its formation in 1 SS 1 , and of the
representations from Masons residing in the district which led to its formation . For anything he had done forthe lodge , its present flourishing condition repaid him more than anything else could . He also explained that Bro . Collins was the first candidate initiated after the formation of the lodge , and , in conclusion , cordially thanked the subscribers to the inkstand .
f he Tyler ' s toast brought an enjoyable evening to a close . The proceedings were enlivened by several excellent songs and recitations .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Albion Chapter ( No . 9 ) . —This chapter held its installation meeting at the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhallstreet , on Thursday , the 20 th ult ., when Comp . L . W . Harvey was installed M . E . Z . ; Comp . William Holroyd , H . ; and Comp . U . S . Friend , J . The other offices were Idled bv Comps . S . Vallentine , P . Z . ; E . H . Bradley , Treas . ; VV . Poupard , S . E . ; A . G . Pritchard , S . N . ; Win . Bramham , P . S . ; and Drew , ist A . S . Amongst the
visitors present were Comps . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S . E . ; James Terry , P . G . Std . Br . ; F . A . White , P . Z . 907 ; J . A . Main , 1716 * ; A . J . Oliver , 1 549 ; H . B . Forbes , 1716 ; C . H . Meiter , 1 O 17 ; J . Brandon , P . Z . S 90 ; Nelson Prower , 1 745 ; and E . C . Massey . After the closing of the chapter , the members and their visitors adjourned to the banquet room , where a dinner was served that did full justice to the hi gh reputation of the Ship and Turtle , and at its conclusion the customary toasts