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New Year's Entertainment At The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
grant of £ Soo a y ; ar from Grand Lolge . From the very moment he first heard of the Girls' School , that Institution had been , ancl always would be , the very centre that appealed to the softer feelings of the brethren . He hoped that Institution would ever be maintained in prideand prosperity , and he thanked God that there was not onc of the Institutions that would ever
lack the support it deserved if they only convinced their friends at large that the Institutions were managed with no other object than that their recipients should receive the g . eatest possible benefit . Bro . J CONSTABLE proposed "The House Committee , ' and
congratulated those brethren on having succeeded so admirably in adapting the building to the requirements of these periodical entertainments . Bro . RAYXHAM W . STEWART replied , and explained the different alterations that had been mide . Hc concluded by thanking thc brethren who had founded the feast for the repetion of their hospitality .
In the evening an entertainment was given by the Royal Criterion Hand Bell Ringers and Glee Singers , under the direction of Mr . Harry Tipper , the corps consisting of Messrs . F . James , J . Wise , H . Sidney , and C . M . Fletcher . The eniertainment , was greatly relished by both annuitants and visitors . Bro . Binkesalso gave " Othello's address lo thc Senate , " and Miss Strong , Miss Stewart , and Miss Terry , with other friends of the Institution , performed some beautiful music and sang some delightful songs .
In the interval between the parts lhe company were regaled with refreshments , and at the conclusion thanks were proposed to Bro . Terry , who responded , and again advocated the claims of lhe Institution , and to the House Committee , to which Bro . Raynham Stewart replied . During tiic evening the following telegram was received from Manchester , and read by Bro . Terry to thc company : — " Hooper and Co ., Manchester , to James Terry , Freemasons' Institute , Croydon . The old folks thank you for your message , and are now drinking good health to you all , wishing you a Happy New Year . "
The visitors returned to town—after shaking hands wilh and wishing "A Happy New Year " to all the residents at thc Asylum individually—in the special saloons attached to the 10 . 36 p . m . train , South Eastern Railway-
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Norfolk.
The Provincial Grand Chapter of Norfolk held its annual meeting on Thursday , thc Sth ult ., at the Masonic Club , No . 23 , St , Giles-street , Norwich , under thc presidency of the M . E . Z ., the Rt . Hon . Lord Suffield , K . C . B ., Z . Unanimity Chapter , No . 102 , Prov . G . Superintendent ; E . Comp . Col . Bignold , P . Z . 52 , Prov . G . H . ; and E . Comp . Ham ; . 11 le Strange , 32 , P . Z . 10 , Prov . G . J . They were assisted by thc officers , as follows : E . Comps . Edwin Baldwin , P . Z . 213 , Prov . G . S . E . ; Geo . Baxter , H . 213 ,
acting Prov . G . S . N . ; Richard Martins , P . Z . loo , acting Prov . G . P . Soj . ; Geo . Smith , P . Z . 102 , Prov . G . 1 st Asst . Soj . ; W . J . Pole , P . Z . 102 , Prov . G . 2 nd Asst . Soj . * , William Pattrick , P . Z . 102 , Prov . G . Treas . ; Geo . S . Woodwark , P . Z . 107 , Prov . G . Rcgi-trar ; C . T . Ives , P . Z . 107 , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; A . J . Berry , H . 807 , acting Prov . G . Swd . Br . ; James Dunsford , P . Z . 213 , P .-ov . G . D . of C . ; S . N . Berry , P . Z . 807 , Prov . G . Org . ; J . B . Bridgman , J . 807 , acting Prov . G . Steward ; Comps . George Green , N . S 07 ,
acting Prov . G . Steward ; R . Baldrey , E . 213 , acting Prov . G . Steward ; James E . H . Watson , J . 213 , acting Piov . G . Steward . Among those present , in addition to the above , were Comps . H . J . Barwell , Z . ; G . B . Kennett , I ., P . E . Hansell . II . C . Riches , Sir F . G . M . Boileau , Bart ., and Qtr .-Master F . Mills , of Ro ) al George Chapter , No . ^ 2 . ; C . W . Morris , Z ., G . W . Page , H „ and Henry Green , of Philanthropic
Chapter , No . 107 ; Joseph Stanley , L ., fhos . Isley , G . \ V . G . Barnard , J . J . Hosken , and II . Burgess , of Perseverance Chapter , No . 213 ; H . A . W . Reeves , Henry Rosling , Jefferson Holt , G . J . Berry , II . Thouless , Jesse Weyer , J . Hoborough , M . I . Bailey , Joseph Guyton , and John W . Browne ( Freemason ) , of Cabbell Chapter , No . S 07 .
Among the visitors were : the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . Z ., Prov . G . Superintendent Suffolk , Major Oakcs , Z ., Prov . G . H . Suffolk , George Thompson , P . Z ., of the White Rose Chapter , No . 1008 j F . C . Atkinson ( Organist Norwich Cathedral ) , of Charity Chapter , No . 302 ; and Dr . S . F . Cresswell . P . K . of Chapter 620 ( Dublin ) .
His Lordship , with hij officers and all Comps . holding the oflice of Z . and P . Z ., entered the lodge room about four o ' clock , and opened Prov . Grand duple ; in antient form , 'fhe companions below the chairs then entered the lodge room , and the minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed . Thc roll of chapters was called , and every chapter in the province proved to be represented .
Comp . WM . PATTRICK then read the account of P . G . Chapter , which showed a satisfactory state of finances . Comp . G . S . WOODWARK , thc Prov . G . Registrar , read his report of Royal Arch Masonry , and which showed a great increase of exaltations during the past year , and thc province declared to be in a prosperous condition .
Comp . W . Pattrick was then unanimously elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . Thc PROV . G . SL ' PERINTEXDLXT then declared the offices of Prov . G . Chapter vacant , and proceeded to appoint his oflicers , who were duly elected amidst the plaudits of the companions .
E . Comp . H . 1 . Barwell being duly obligated , the oflicers appointed were as follows : — Comp . H . 'le Strange Prov . G . H . „ H . G . Barwell ... Prov . G . J . „ Edwin Baldwin Prov . G . S . E . „ George Baxter Prov . G . S . N .
,, Richard Marlins ... Prov . G . Prin . Soj . „ C . W . Morriss .., Prov . G . ist Ass . Soj . W . J . Pole ... Prov . G . 2 ndAss . Soj . ,, W . Pattrick ... ... ... Prov . G . Treasurer . ,, J . Stanley Prov . G . Registrar .
,, John Bayer Prov . G . Swd . Br . „ A . J . Berry Prov . G . Std . Br . „ J . Dunsford ... ... ... ... ... Prov . G . D . C . ,, S . N . Berry Prov . G . Organist . ,, J . B . Bridgman ... I ,, Geo . Green ... ... . . ... ... I ,-, ,- c , 1 „ R . Baldcy Prov . G . Stewards . ; , J . E . H . Watson !
His LORDSHIP , before closing the chapter , expressed himself highly satisfied with the success of the prov . nce , and thanked the Comps . for thc reception they had given him . He also expressed his thanks to Ex , Comp .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Norfolk.
E . Baldwin , P . G . S . L ., for his indefatigable exertion in promoting the welfare of R . A . Masonry in Norfolk , assuring the Comps . that to ills labours must be accredited the success of the meeting as of thc province . M . E . Comp . the Rev . C . J . MARTYN " , in the course of the proceedings , in favour of lhe of the
spoke general success meeting , and invited a friendly intercourse between the Companions of Norfolk and Suffolk , giving a general invitation for thc Comps . of Norfolk to visit Prov . G . Chapter " of Suffolk , who , hc assured them , would be received wilh a warm and hearty welcome . The chapter was then closed in ancient and rolemn form . ,
1 he Comps . then adorned to the banqueting room , where a most recherche banquet had been prepared by die steward of the club , Comp . E . Wilkins , at the conclusion of which the usual Royal Arch , loyal , and Masonic toasts were given and duly acknowledged . His LORDSHIP , in giving the toast of "The Grand Z ., H . R . H . the
Prince of Wiles , " congratulated the Comps . and himself upon the high honour in having al its head so distinguished a personage , observing that inasmuch as it was a fact H . R . H . resided amongst them , he was sure H . R . H . would be pleased to hear of the general success of this mectin **** , which his Lordship promised to communicate to him . a '
Other toasts followed in cue course , and the meeting broke up at about eleven o'clock .
Some pleasing glees were rendered by the comp ^ . of the Cabbell Chapter : Comps . Hy . Thoules , H . A . W . Reeves , J . W . Browne , S . N . Berry , and A . J . Berry , and some excellent songs were given by M . E . Comp . Rev . C . J . Martyn ; Comps . J . S . Olford , 1 \ C . Atkinson , " Robt . Baldry ] G . J . Berry , and others .
We corgratulatc his Lordship on his successful meeting , as evidently showing him to be a general favourite with the Masons ol" Norfolk . Wc have before had occasion to render him a similar tribute , and are assured that his presence at any meeting would bean honour not lightly esfecmed by any lodge or chapter at which hc might be pleased to be present .
We would also congratulate E . Comp . E . Baldwin , P . G . S . E ., on thc general success of his labours , and , looking at his past career in Masonry , assure him hc has the warmest thanks of ail Masons , whether of Roya ! AnJi or in Blue Masonn * .
Consecration Of The United Brethren Lodge, No. 1923, At Malta.
The consecration ceremony of this lodge took place on Friday , the 23 rd ult ., at Beaconsfield House , St . Julian ' s , Malta . Notwithstanding thc inclemency of the weather and thc bad stale of thc roads , a large number of the brethren , including many of thc most distinguished Masons of the district , assembled to witness this interesting ceremony , the first of thc sort that has been seen in Malta since thc consecration of thc Zetland Lodge in the year 1846 .
fhe District Grand Master , R . W . Bro . William Kingston , having arrived , District Grand Lodge was formed in procession , entered the lodge room , and was received in ihc usual manner , under the able direction of Bro . Hewson , a * District Grand Director of Ceremonies . The consecration was then proceeded wilh by R . W . Bro . * Kingston , in the able and impressive manner for which he is so well known ; and District Grand Lod"e
having retired , the lodge was closed , and thc brethren adjourned to the refreshment room lo do amnio justice to a substantial repast , provided under thc management of Bro . Iicwson , S . W . After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts had been dul y given and honoured , Bro . Hun-Sox , S . W ., rose to propose "fhe Health of the D . G . M .. " He confidently predicted a successful full re for the United Brethren—united
not o . ily in n tmc but in fact—founded as thc lod ge was on pure Masonic princip es , without reg .-vd to the external advantages of rank and fortune , Hc could not express ; thc pride and pleasure hc felt at having a Masonic lodge held in his house ; and referring to the somewhat out-ol-thc-way situation of thc house , hc alluded humorously to thc fact of several brethren having made their way into the wrong house when their to of
on way a meeting the lodge . Bro . Hewson then proceeded to speak of thc fact that he had , in the ' absence of hisW . M ., presided over thc lodge and conferred Degrees , and of thc unfavourable comments made on his doing so by many Masons in thc district . He , however , was happy to inform his hearers that thc Grand Lodge of England had * decided that , in the absence of the W . M ., the I . P . M ., or any oilier P . M . of the lodge , thc S . W . should confer Degrees , and that therefore thc Masons
he had made were as regularly and lawfully Masons as any in the Craft , and that , having had the advice ol such experienced P . M . ' sas W . Bros . Roc and Watson , hc believed thc ritual had been faithfull y tendered . To return to the subject of his toast , he wished every success , happiness , and prosperity to the R . W . D . G . M . and his family , and he ( Bro . Hewson ) trusted thai the distinguished subject of his toast would remain a near neighbour , and frequently honour the United Brethren wilh his presence . The R . W . D . G . M ., in reply , thanked Bro . Hewson for his cordial expressions of good will , and trusted lhat the future of the United Brethren Lodge would be as successful as their past . Although he had for twelve years occupied the post of D . G . M ., thc ceremony of consecration was not familiar to him , and hc must , therefore , be excused for any liule imperfections .
Bro . PAULSON proposed "The Health of the Distiict Grand Lodge Officets and thc Visitors Generally ; " and short speeches , in reply , were made by W . Bro . Roe , P . M . 1604 , W . M . 1926 ; W . Bro . Yeoman , W . M . 407 , D . G . Reg . ; Bro . Donovan , 39 S and 1926 ; Bro . Pearse , W . M . elect sis . D . G . S . of W . ; and XV . Bro . Lippcit , W . M . 387 ( I . C . )
Thc S . W . next proposed " The Health of the W . M ., Bro . Crabtree , " congratulating him on his safe return from England . The W . M . briefly replied , thanking the brethren for the cordial way in which they had received him aflcr an absence of several months , and concluded by proposing a vote of thanks lo the caterer for his great and praiseworthy exertions on their behalf that evening .
Bro . HEWSON - , in-reply , caused some amusement by his remarks to the effect that , in thc United Brethren Lodge , the hyper-laudaiory style ol effusion was not encouraged , and that even if occasionall y practised , it was done with a sort of reserve , which seemed to say , " you know it ' s all humbug , old fellow . " However , to speak of the little he had done would be false modisty , for he had done a great deal , and he certainly believed that the brethren all liked him very well —( hear , hear)—even if they did not treat him to highly eulogistic speeches .
After several capital songs from Bros . Titmas , Savin , and others , the brethren separated on good terms with themselves and each other , to find their way by the dark and muddy roads to their respective homes .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Year's Entertainment At The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
grant of £ Soo a y ; ar from Grand Lolge . From the very moment he first heard of the Girls' School , that Institution had been , ancl always would be , the very centre that appealed to the softer feelings of the brethren . He hoped that Institution would ever be maintained in prideand prosperity , and he thanked God that there was not onc of the Institutions that would ever
lack the support it deserved if they only convinced their friends at large that the Institutions were managed with no other object than that their recipients should receive the g . eatest possible benefit . Bro . J CONSTABLE proposed "The House Committee , ' and
congratulated those brethren on having succeeded so admirably in adapting the building to the requirements of these periodical entertainments . Bro . RAYXHAM W . STEWART replied , and explained the different alterations that had been mide . Hc concluded by thanking thc brethren who had founded the feast for the repetion of their hospitality .
In the evening an entertainment was given by the Royal Criterion Hand Bell Ringers and Glee Singers , under the direction of Mr . Harry Tipper , the corps consisting of Messrs . F . James , J . Wise , H . Sidney , and C . M . Fletcher . The eniertainment , was greatly relished by both annuitants and visitors . Bro . Binkesalso gave " Othello's address lo thc Senate , " and Miss Strong , Miss Stewart , and Miss Terry , with other friends of the Institution , performed some beautiful music and sang some delightful songs .
In the interval between the parts lhe company were regaled with refreshments , and at the conclusion thanks were proposed to Bro . Terry , who responded , and again advocated the claims of lhe Institution , and to the House Committee , to which Bro . Raynham Stewart replied . During tiic evening the following telegram was received from Manchester , and read by Bro . Terry to thc company : — " Hooper and Co ., Manchester , to James Terry , Freemasons' Institute , Croydon . The old folks thank you for your message , and are now drinking good health to you all , wishing you a Happy New Year . "
The visitors returned to town—after shaking hands wilh and wishing "A Happy New Year " to all the residents at thc Asylum individually—in the special saloons attached to the 10 . 36 p . m . train , South Eastern Railway-
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Norfolk.
The Provincial Grand Chapter of Norfolk held its annual meeting on Thursday , thc Sth ult ., at the Masonic Club , No . 23 , St , Giles-street , Norwich , under thc presidency of the M . E . Z ., the Rt . Hon . Lord Suffield , K . C . B ., Z . Unanimity Chapter , No . 102 , Prov . G . Superintendent ; E . Comp . Col . Bignold , P . Z . 52 , Prov . G . H . ; and E . Comp . Ham ; . 11 le Strange , 32 , P . Z . 10 , Prov . G . J . They were assisted by thc officers , as follows : E . Comps . Edwin Baldwin , P . Z . 213 , Prov . G . S . E . ; Geo . Baxter , H . 213 ,
acting Prov . G . S . N . ; Richard Martins , P . Z . loo , acting Prov . G . P . Soj . ; Geo . Smith , P . Z . 102 , Prov . G . 1 st Asst . Soj . ; W . J . Pole , P . Z . 102 , Prov . G . 2 nd Asst . Soj . * , William Pattrick , P . Z . 102 , Prov . G . Treas . ; Geo . S . Woodwark , P . Z . 107 , Prov . G . Rcgi-trar ; C . T . Ives , P . Z . 107 , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; A . J . Berry , H . 807 , acting Prov . G . Swd . Br . ; James Dunsford , P . Z . 213 , P .-ov . G . D . of C . ; S . N . Berry , P . Z . 807 , Prov . G . Org . ; J . B . Bridgman , J . 807 , acting Prov . G . Steward ; Comps . George Green , N . S 07 ,
acting Prov . G . Steward ; R . Baldrey , E . 213 , acting Prov . G . Steward ; James E . H . Watson , J . 213 , acting Piov . G . Steward . Among those present , in addition to the above , were Comps . H . J . Barwell , Z . ; G . B . Kennett , I ., P . E . Hansell . II . C . Riches , Sir F . G . M . Boileau , Bart ., and Qtr .-Master F . Mills , of Ro ) al George Chapter , No . ^ 2 . ; C . W . Morris , Z ., G . W . Page , H „ and Henry Green , of Philanthropic
Chapter , No . 107 ; Joseph Stanley , L ., fhos . Isley , G . \ V . G . Barnard , J . J . Hosken , and II . Burgess , of Perseverance Chapter , No . 213 ; H . A . W . Reeves , Henry Rosling , Jefferson Holt , G . J . Berry , II . Thouless , Jesse Weyer , J . Hoborough , M . I . Bailey , Joseph Guyton , and John W . Browne ( Freemason ) , of Cabbell Chapter , No . S 07 .
Among the visitors were : the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . Z ., Prov . G . Superintendent Suffolk , Major Oakcs , Z ., Prov . G . H . Suffolk , George Thompson , P . Z ., of the White Rose Chapter , No . 1008 j F . C . Atkinson ( Organist Norwich Cathedral ) , of Charity Chapter , No . 302 ; and Dr . S . F . Cresswell . P . K . of Chapter 620 ( Dublin ) .
His Lordship , with hij officers and all Comps . holding the oflice of Z . and P . Z ., entered the lodge room about four o ' clock , and opened Prov . Grand duple ; in antient form , 'fhe companions below the chairs then entered the lodge room , and the minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed . Thc roll of chapters was called , and every chapter in the province proved to be represented .
Comp . WM . PATTRICK then read the account of P . G . Chapter , which showed a satisfactory state of finances . Comp . G . S . WOODWARK , thc Prov . G . Registrar , read his report of Royal Arch Masonry , and which showed a great increase of exaltations during the past year , and thc province declared to be in a prosperous condition .
Comp . W . Pattrick was then unanimously elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . Thc PROV . G . SL ' PERINTEXDLXT then declared the offices of Prov . G . Chapter vacant , and proceeded to appoint his oflicers , who were duly elected amidst the plaudits of the companions .
E . Comp . H . 1 . Barwell being duly obligated , the oflicers appointed were as follows : — Comp . H . 'le Strange Prov . G . H . „ H . G . Barwell ... Prov . G . J . „ Edwin Baldwin Prov . G . S . E . „ George Baxter Prov . G . S . N .
,, Richard Marlins ... Prov . G . Prin . Soj . „ C . W . Morriss .., Prov . G . ist Ass . Soj . W . J . Pole ... Prov . G . 2 ndAss . Soj . ,, W . Pattrick ... ... ... Prov . G . Treasurer . ,, J . Stanley Prov . G . Registrar .
,, John Bayer Prov . G . Swd . Br . „ A . J . Berry Prov . G . Std . Br . „ J . Dunsford ... ... ... ... ... Prov . G . D . C . ,, S . N . Berry Prov . G . Organist . ,, J . B . Bridgman ... I ,, Geo . Green ... ... . . ... ... I ,-, ,- c , 1 „ R . Baldcy Prov . G . Stewards . ; , J . E . H . Watson !
His LORDSHIP , before closing the chapter , expressed himself highly satisfied with the success of the prov . nce , and thanked the Comps . for thc reception they had given him . He also expressed his thanks to Ex , Comp .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Norfolk.
E . Baldwin , P . G . S . L ., for his indefatigable exertion in promoting the welfare of R . A . Masonry in Norfolk , assuring the Comps . that to ills labours must be accredited the success of the meeting as of thc province . M . E . Comp . the Rev . C . J . MARTYN " , in the course of the proceedings , in favour of lhe of the
spoke general success meeting , and invited a friendly intercourse between the Companions of Norfolk and Suffolk , giving a general invitation for thc Comps . of Norfolk to visit Prov . G . Chapter " of Suffolk , who , hc assured them , would be received wilh a warm and hearty welcome . The chapter was then closed in ancient and rolemn form . ,
1 he Comps . then adorned to the banqueting room , where a most recherche banquet had been prepared by die steward of the club , Comp . E . Wilkins , at the conclusion of which the usual Royal Arch , loyal , and Masonic toasts were given and duly acknowledged . His LORDSHIP , in giving the toast of "The Grand Z ., H . R . H . the
Prince of Wiles , " congratulated the Comps . and himself upon the high honour in having al its head so distinguished a personage , observing that inasmuch as it was a fact H . R . H . resided amongst them , he was sure H . R . H . would be pleased to hear of the general success of this mectin **** , which his Lordship promised to communicate to him . a '
Other toasts followed in cue course , and the meeting broke up at about eleven o'clock .
Some pleasing glees were rendered by the comp ^ . of the Cabbell Chapter : Comps . Hy . Thoules , H . A . W . Reeves , J . W . Browne , S . N . Berry , and A . J . Berry , and some excellent songs were given by M . E . Comp . Rev . C . J . Martyn ; Comps . J . S . Olford , 1 \ C . Atkinson , " Robt . Baldry ] G . J . Berry , and others .
We corgratulatc his Lordship on his successful meeting , as evidently showing him to be a general favourite with the Masons ol" Norfolk . Wc have before had occasion to render him a similar tribute , and are assured that his presence at any meeting would bean honour not lightly esfecmed by any lodge or chapter at which hc might be pleased to be present .
We would also congratulate E . Comp . E . Baldwin , P . G . S . E ., on thc general success of his labours , and , looking at his past career in Masonry , assure him hc has the warmest thanks of ail Masons , whether of Roya ! AnJi or in Blue Masonn * .
Consecration Of The United Brethren Lodge, No. 1923, At Malta.
The consecration ceremony of this lodge took place on Friday , the 23 rd ult ., at Beaconsfield House , St . Julian ' s , Malta . Notwithstanding thc inclemency of the weather and thc bad stale of thc roads , a large number of the brethren , including many of thc most distinguished Masons of the district , assembled to witness this interesting ceremony , the first of thc sort that has been seen in Malta since thc consecration of thc Zetland Lodge in the year 1846 .
fhe District Grand Master , R . W . Bro . William Kingston , having arrived , District Grand Lodge was formed in procession , entered the lodge room , and was received in ihc usual manner , under the able direction of Bro . Hewson , a * District Grand Director of Ceremonies . The consecration was then proceeded wilh by R . W . Bro . * Kingston , in the able and impressive manner for which he is so well known ; and District Grand Lod"e
having retired , the lodge was closed , and thc brethren adjourned to the refreshment room lo do amnio justice to a substantial repast , provided under thc management of Bro . Iicwson , S . W . After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts had been dul y given and honoured , Bro . Hun-Sox , S . W ., rose to propose "fhe Health of the D . G . M .. " He confidently predicted a successful full re for the United Brethren—united
not o . ily in n tmc but in fact—founded as thc lod ge was on pure Masonic princip es , without reg .-vd to the external advantages of rank and fortune , Hc could not express ; thc pride and pleasure hc felt at having a Masonic lodge held in his house ; and referring to the somewhat out-ol-thc-way situation of thc house , hc alluded humorously to thc fact of several brethren having made their way into the wrong house when their to of
on way a meeting the lodge . Bro . Hewson then proceeded to speak of thc fact that he had , in the ' absence of hisW . M ., presided over thc lodge and conferred Degrees , and of thc unfavourable comments made on his doing so by many Masons in thc district . He , however , was happy to inform his hearers that thc Grand Lodge of England had * decided that , in the absence of the W . M ., the I . P . M ., or any oilier P . M . of the lodge , thc S . W . should confer Degrees , and that therefore thc Masons
he had made were as regularly and lawfully Masons as any in the Craft , and that , having had the advice ol such experienced P . M . ' sas W . Bros . Roc and Watson , hc believed thc ritual had been faithfull y tendered . To return to the subject of his toast , he wished every success , happiness , and prosperity to the R . W . D . G . M . and his family , and he ( Bro . Hewson ) trusted thai the distinguished subject of his toast would remain a near neighbour , and frequently honour the United Brethren wilh his presence . The R . W . D . G . M ., in reply , thanked Bro . Hewson for his cordial expressions of good will , and trusted lhat the future of the United Brethren Lodge would be as successful as their past . Although he had for twelve years occupied the post of D . G . M ., thc ceremony of consecration was not familiar to him , and hc must , therefore , be excused for any liule imperfections .
Bro . PAULSON proposed "The Health of the Distiict Grand Lodge Officets and thc Visitors Generally ; " and short speeches , in reply , were made by W . Bro . Roe , P . M . 1604 , W . M . 1926 ; W . Bro . Yeoman , W . M . 407 , D . G . Reg . ; Bro . Donovan , 39 S and 1926 ; Bro . Pearse , W . M . elect sis . D . G . S . of W . ; and XV . Bro . Lippcit , W . M . 387 ( I . C . )
Thc S . W . next proposed " The Health of the W . M ., Bro . Crabtree , " congratulating him on his safe return from England . The W . M . briefly replied , thanking the brethren for the cordial way in which they had received him aflcr an absence of several months , and concluded by proposing a vote of thanks lo the caterer for his great and praiseworthy exertions on their behalf that evening .
Bro . HEWSON - , in-reply , caused some amusement by his remarks to the effect that , in thc United Brethren Lodge , the hyper-laudaiory style ol effusion was not encouraged , and that even if occasionall y practised , it was done with a sort of reserve , which seemed to say , " you know it ' s all humbug , old fellow . " However , to speak of the little he had done would be false modisty , for he had done a great deal , and he certainly believed that the brethren all liked him very well —( hear , hear)—even if they did not treat him to highly eulogistic speeches .
After several capital songs from Bros . Titmas , Savin , and others , the brethren separated on good terms with themselves and each other , to find their way by the dark and muddy roads to their respective homes .