Article THE RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN NORTH WALES. Page 1 of 2 Article FREEMASONRY IN NORTH WALES. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Red Cross Of Constantine.
for there was no brother in the Kingdom who had rendered more assistance to Freemasonry than Brother Little . He believed that through his untiring exertions , this
order had been restored , and he therefore had great p leasure in proposing the past and present members of the Grand Council . ( Enthusiastic cheering ) .
Sir Knt . Little , in responding , said he should adopt the salutary rule which had been laid down by making as brief a speech as he could in responding to the toast which had been coupled with his name , and
on behalf of those who had borne the heat and burden of the day . This Order had been but recently revived , but they put their shoulders to the wheel , and they saw the state of prosperity to which it had now
arrived . They must excuse him if he was a little egotistical when he said he might congratulate himself upon the position at which it had now arrived . From the mustard seed had come the enormous
results they had heard from Sir Knt . Woodman , for 116 conclaves had been established in about eight years , which was an event that spoke volumes for the Order and Masonry in general . He was satisfied that
the more they rallied round the Red Cross Order the more they would find that it embodied and carried out all those precepts which were taught in Freemasonry .
It was to him ( Sir Knt . Little ) a great p leasure to congratulate Sir Frederick Williams on that day becoming the Sovereign of the order , and he was satisfied that the more that he saw of the order the more
he would appreciate the high position in which he was placed . The order had extended to India , America , Canada , and wherever the English language was spoken , and he trusted to see it further extended
and multiplied in every part of the world Hintil time should be no more . ( Cheers . ) The Grand Sovereign gave " The Illustrious Intcndants General of the Order , " coupling with the toast the name of Sir Knight Percy Leith .
Song , Bro . Elmore , "As I'd nothing else to do . " Sir Knt . Percy Leith said : he rose with particular gratification to return thanks for
coupling Ins name with the Intendants General of the order , and he felt flattered that his name should have been so coupled when he saw so many distinguished
members of the order who knew more about it than he did . He had seen how it was carried out in England , and he hoped to do better when he returned to India .
The Grand Sovereign proposed " The Very Eminent Grand Preceptor and the rest of the Grand Senate . " Sir Knight White returned thanks , and
said although there had been a general shift he hoped that in a short time they should shake down and all would go on in a satisfactory manner .
" The Sovereigns and Viceroys of the several Conclaves" for which Sir Knight Moss returned thanks .
The Grand Soverei gn gave " The Board of Stewards and Prosperity to the Order " for which Sir Knight Woodman responded .
The Sentinel ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close , which throughout had been marked with unanimity and the utmost cordiality and harmony .
The Tuames Valley Lodgj , No . i 5 o , was consecrated at the Shi p Hotel , Shepperton , on Saturday , the 28 th instant , at half-past 3 o'clock , p . m , precisely , by the Provincial Grand Secretary , assisted by W . Bro . T . W . White . G . Steward of England as D . C .
Freemasonry In North Wales.
CONSECRATION OF A L ODGE AT MOLD . ( From our Special Reporter in Liverpool . J Within the last few years Freemasonry has progressed in a remarkable degree in the Principality , and nowhere more than in the combined province of North Wales and Shropshire ,
governed by Bro . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., the Rig ht Worshipful Provincial Grand Master . This vitality was clearly evinced on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., by a very large and most influential gathering at the County Hall , Mold , when and where the consecration took
place of the " Sir Watkin Lodge , No . 1 , 477—named after the popular head of the provincewill supply a want hitherto felt in the prosperous assize / own of Mold . Up to this time there has been no lodge in the place , and as about 20 brethren of influence have already enrolled
themselves under the "Sir Watkin" banner there is every reason to anticipate that it will be highly successful as well as a great convenience to those to whom Masonry is not a mere name , but a bond of true brotherhood . The announcement that the consecration proceedings would
be graced by the presence of Bro . Sir Watkin W . Wynn was in itself sufficient to guarantee a large attendance , and , therefore , it was no matter for wonder that brethren attended from nearly every part of the extensive province , taxing the capacity of the hall in which the ceremony took
place to its utmost . The weather from early morning was about as unpleasant as a strong wind , incessant rain , and cutting cold could make it , but even with this to detract from the pleasure of the " out" at Mold , there was a strong contingent of brethren from distant
places—even from Birkenhead " the city of the ( very distant ) future . " The imposing array of the brethren was thus not only a satisfactory feature of the day ' s proceedings to the brethren who had had all the hard work of organisation , but a worthy honour to the lodge which bore the honoured household name of " Sir Watkin , "
whose zeal for Masonry is so well known and greatly valued . It is worthy of note that , during the last few years consecrations have taken place at Wrexham , Bala , Carnarvon , and other places in the Principality , but in none of these places has any lodge been opened with greater cchi f than that which formed the centre of
attraction on this occasion , at which were present representatives from the provinces of West Lancashire , Cheshire , Herefordshire , South Wales , & c . Amongst the most distinguished of the brethren present were Bros . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . M . ; Dr . J . W . J .
Goldsborough . P . P . G . S . W . ; W . H . Spaull , P . G . Secretary ; John Peters , P . G . S . D . ; George Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , West Lancashire ; and J . B . Boucher , P . G . O . Amongst the visitors were Bros . D . Thomas , P . M . 721 ; Edward Friend , P . P . ] . G . D . Cheshire ; T . P .
Piatt , P . P . S . G . W . Cheshire : Charles Dutton , P . S . G . W ., Cheshire ; W . Taylor , 425 ; John Hannah , J . W , 721 ; Leigh Howell , 425 ; Thomas L . Cottingham , ' 425 ; Thomas Knowles , 721 ; J . M . Radcliffe , P . M . 605 ; Edward Jones , J . D .. 605 ; M . M'Xemey , J . W . 605 ; John
Hughes , 1380 ; E . h . Seller , 721 ; William Wasley , 721 ; J . C . Davis , 721 ; W . H . Warner , P . M . 120 , P . P . G . W . Herefordshire ; J . N . Davis 721 ; Ellis Davies , W . M . 605 ; John Dennis , W . M . 721 : J . S . Lloyd , J . W . 597 ; W . Scott , P . M . 102 : D . C . Jones , 721 ; J . C .
Denton , 425 ; Dr . S . Spratley , S . G . D . Cheshire ; Francis Smith , P . M ., 201 ; John Williams , 421 ; R . W . Worrall , P . M ., 721 ; J . S . Gerrard , P . P . J . D . Cheshire ; Edward Mellon , P . M ., 597 ; J . S . Pierce , S . W . 597 ; David W . Davies , 721 ; J . Sydney Da well , P . M . 10 S ; George Boydell , 42 s ; W . Price , 1126 : Thomas M . Lockwood ,
J . D . 425 ; J . B . Mackenzie , 1182 and 349 ; J . S . Pye , 425 ; F . W . Best , P . M . 704 ; R . J . Sisson , W . M 1143 , Denbigh ; T . Sleight , J . . rr 43 ; W . D . Holbrook , rr 2 o ; Ceorge Tibbitts , P . M . 721 ; James Knox , I . G . 425 ; John M'Hattie , J . W . 425 ; E . Sutton , J ones , " J S . 1143 . Amongst the members of the new lodge present were Bros . J . S . Salmon , P . M . 425 ,
Freemasonry In North Wales.
W . M . designate ; A . J . Brereton , John E . Birch , C . J . Trevor , — Roper , T . Shimmin , D . Edwards , Rowland Morgan , S . Beresford , Algerdon Potts , John Williams , William Jones , J . D . Rowlands , R . Roberts , John Lear , A . F . Jones , J . L . Williams , A . J . Barrett , and Albert G . Smith .
The brethren assembled in the anteroom shortly after three o ' clock , and , having clothed , entered the lodge , held in the grand jury room , when the craft lodge was duly and solemnly opened in the three degress by Bro . R . W . Worrall , P . M . 721 ; Bro . D . Thomas , P . M .
721 , acting as S . W . ; and Bro . J . Dennis , W . M . 721 , acting as J . W ., the brethren of the new lodge being ranged in proper order , the Provincial Grand Lodge of North Wales and Shropshire , the most distin guished representatives being Bro . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . P . G . M .,
entered the lodge room , and when the P . G . M . had taken his seat on the throne the usual honours were given . Bro . George Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , West Lancashire , acted as M . C . at the reception , as well as during the whole of the ceremony , and the manner in which he fulfilled his duties elicited general admiration .
The R . W . P . G . M . then opened the Provincial Grand Lodge , Bro . C . Dutton , P . S . G . W ., Cheshire , acting as S . G . W . ; Bro . E . Friend , P . P . J . G . D , Cheshire , acting as T . G . W . ; and Bro . J . P . Piatt , P . P . S . G . W ., acting as P . G . Pursuivant .
Bro . Sir W . W . Wynn , P . G . M ., as presiding officer , addressed the brethren , and said they were met together to consecrate that lodge at Mold . He had a strong hope that , from the manner in which it had been inaugurated , and the spirit displayed by all the brethren , it would
prove an honour to Masonry and a great good to the order generally . After Bro . Spaull , P . G . Sec . for the province of North Wales and Shropshire , had read the petition and warrant of constitution of the new lodge , Bro . Dr . J . W . J . Goldsburough , P . P . G . S . W ., proceeded to
consecrate the lodge in solemn form , according to the approved ritual . The R . W . P . G . M ., as presiding officer , then inquired of the brethren if they approved of the officers named in the warrant , and this having been signified unanimously , a solemn piece of music was sung . The
consecration ceremony was then proceeded with in a most effective manner , Bro . Dr . Spratley , P . G . S . D ., Cheshire , bearing the corn ; Bro . Sisson , W . M . 1143 , carrying the wine , Bro . G . Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , W . L , the oil ; and Bro . the Rev . D . Edwards , senior curate of Mold , the censor . The musical portion cf the
ceremony was rendered with impressive effect by Bro . Halliday , 721 ( presiding also as organist ); Bro . Conway , 425 ; Bro . J . Knowles , 721 ; and Bro . T . J . Hughes , 216 ( Liverpool ) . Himmell ' s anthem , "Incline thine ear , " was given with splendid effect by the musical brethren , Bro . T . J . Hughes' solo being especially noticeable .
The position of installing master was then taken by Bro . J . P . Piatt , P . P . S . G . W ., Cheshire , and he proceeded to induct Bro . J . Salmon into the chair of the W . M ., with all the ceremonial peculiar to the occasion . After a board of installed masters had been held , and the brethren
generally had saluted in the several degrees , the following officers were invested for the ensuing year : —Bros . A . J . Brereton , S . W . ; J . Corbett , J . W . ; Rev . D . Edwards , chaplain ; R . W . Lewis , treasurer ; J . Beresford , secretary ; A . Potts , S . D ; J . Williams , J . D , and J . E . Birch ,
I . G . Bro . J . Williams was unanimously elected tyler of the lodge . After the investiture of the officers , the newly-installed W . M . proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Sir Watkin W . Wynn , P . G . M ., for his great kindness in attending the consecration that day . The motion , which was seconded by the S . W ., was carried by
acclamation . The R . W . P . G . M ., in acknowledging the compliment , expressed a hearty desire for the prosperity of Lodge 1477 . —Votes of thanks were also cordially passed to Bro . Dr . Goldsborough ( consecrating officer ) and Bro . Piatt , ( installing master ) , who were elected honorary members of the new lodge . , ( To be continued in our next . )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Red Cross Of Constantine.
for there was no brother in the Kingdom who had rendered more assistance to Freemasonry than Brother Little . He believed that through his untiring exertions , this
order had been restored , and he therefore had great p leasure in proposing the past and present members of the Grand Council . ( Enthusiastic cheering ) .
Sir Knt . Little , in responding , said he should adopt the salutary rule which had been laid down by making as brief a speech as he could in responding to the toast which had been coupled with his name , and
on behalf of those who had borne the heat and burden of the day . This Order had been but recently revived , but they put their shoulders to the wheel , and they saw the state of prosperity to which it had now
arrived . They must excuse him if he was a little egotistical when he said he might congratulate himself upon the position at which it had now arrived . From the mustard seed had come the enormous
results they had heard from Sir Knt . Woodman , for 116 conclaves had been established in about eight years , which was an event that spoke volumes for the Order and Masonry in general . He was satisfied that
the more they rallied round the Red Cross Order the more they would find that it embodied and carried out all those precepts which were taught in Freemasonry .
It was to him ( Sir Knt . Little ) a great p leasure to congratulate Sir Frederick Williams on that day becoming the Sovereign of the order , and he was satisfied that the more that he saw of the order the more
he would appreciate the high position in which he was placed . The order had extended to India , America , Canada , and wherever the English language was spoken , and he trusted to see it further extended
and multiplied in every part of the world Hintil time should be no more . ( Cheers . ) The Grand Sovereign gave " The Illustrious Intcndants General of the Order , " coupling with the toast the name of Sir Knight Percy Leith .
Song , Bro . Elmore , "As I'd nothing else to do . " Sir Knt . Percy Leith said : he rose with particular gratification to return thanks for
coupling Ins name with the Intendants General of the order , and he felt flattered that his name should have been so coupled when he saw so many distinguished
members of the order who knew more about it than he did . He had seen how it was carried out in England , and he hoped to do better when he returned to India .
The Grand Sovereign proposed " The Very Eminent Grand Preceptor and the rest of the Grand Senate . " Sir Knight White returned thanks , and
said although there had been a general shift he hoped that in a short time they should shake down and all would go on in a satisfactory manner .
" The Sovereigns and Viceroys of the several Conclaves" for which Sir Knight Moss returned thanks .
The Grand Soverei gn gave " The Board of Stewards and Prosperity to the Order " for which Sir Knight Woodman responded .
The Sentinel ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close , which throughout had been marked with unanimity and the utmost cordiality and harmony .
The Tuames Valley Lodgj , No . i 5 o , was consecrated at the Shi p Hotel , Shepperton , on Saturday , the 28 th instant , at half-past 3 o'clock , p . m , precisely , by the Provincial Grand Secretary , assisted by W . Bro . T . W . White . G . Steward of England as D . C .
Freemasonry In North Wales.
CONSECRATION OF A L ODGE AT MOLD . ( From our Special Reporter in Liverpool . J Within the last few years Freemasonry has progressed in a remarkable degree in the Principality , and nowhere more than in the combined province of North Wales and Shropshire ,
governed by Bro . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., the Rig ht Worshipful Provincial Grand Master . This vitality was clearly evinced on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., by a very large and most influential gathering at the County Hall , Mold , when and where the consecration took
place of the " Sir Watkin Lodge , No . 1 , 477—named after the popular head of the provincewill supply a want hitherto felt in the prosperous assize / own of Mold . Up to this time there has been no lodge in the place , and as about 20 brethren of influence have already enrolled
themselves under the "Sir Watkin" banner there is every reason to anticipate that it will be highly successful as well as a great convenience to those to whom Masonry is not a mere name , but a bond of true brotherhood . The announcement that the consecration proceedings would
be graced by the presence of Bro . Sir Watkin W . Wynn was in itself sufficient to guarantee a large attendance , and , therefore , it was no matter for wonder that brethren attended from nearly every part of the extensive province , taxing the capacity of the hall in which the ceremony took
place to its utmost . The weather from early morning was about as unpleasant as a strong wind , incessant rain , and cutting cold could make it , but even with this to detract from the pleasure of the " out" at Mold , there was a strong contingent of brethren from distant
places—even from Birkenhead " the city of the ( very distant ) future . " The imposing array of the brethren was thus not only a satisfactory feature of the day ' s proceedings to the brethren who had had all the hard work of organisation , but a worthy honour to the lodge which bore the honoured household name of " Sir Watkin , "
whose zeal for Masonry is so well known and greatly valued . It is worthy of note that , during the last few years consecrations have taken place at Wrexham , Bala , Carnarvon , and other places in the Principality , but in none of these places has any lodge been opened with greater cchi f than that which formed the centre of
attraction on this occasion , at which were present representatives from the provinces of West Lancashire , Cheshire , Herefordshire , South Wales , & c . Amongst the most distinguished of the brethren present were Bros . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . M . ; Dr . J . W . J .
Goldsborough . P . P . G . S . W . ; W . H . Spaull , P . G . Secretary ; John Peters , P . G . S . D . ; George Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , West Lancashire ; and J . B . Boucher , P . G . O . Amongst the visitors were Bros . D . Thomas , P . M . 721 ; Edward Friend , P . P . ] . G . D . Cheshire ; T . P .
Piatt , P . P . S . G . W . Cheshire : Charles Dutton , P . S . G . W ., Cheshire ; W . Taylor , 425 ; John Hannah , J . W , 721 ; Leigh Howell , 425 ; Thomas L . Cottingham , ' 425 ; Thomas Knowles , 721 ; J . M . Radcliffe , P . M . 605 ; Edward Jones , J . D .. 605 ; M . M'Xemey , J . W . 605 ; John
Hughes , 1380 ; E . h . Seller , 721 ; William Wasley , 721 ; J . C . Davis , 721 ; W . H . Warner , P . M . 120 , P . P . G . W . Herefordshire ; J . N . Davis 721 ; Ellis Davies , W . M . 605 ; John Dennis , W . M . 721 : J . S . Lloyd , J . W . 597 ; W . Scott , P . M . 102 : D . C . Jones , 721 ; J . C .
Denton , 425 ; Dr . S . Spratley , S . G . D . Cheshire ; Francis Smith , P . M ., 201 ; John Williams , 421 ; R . W . Worrall , P . M ., 721 ; J . S . Gerrard , P . P . J . D . Cheshire ; Edward Mellon , P . M ., 597 ; J . S . Pierce , S . W . 597 ; David W . Davies , 721 ; J . Sydney Da well , P . M . 10 S ; George Boydell , 42 s ; W . Price , 1126 : Thomas M . Lockwood ,
J . D . 425 ; J . B . Mackenzie , 1182 and 349 ; J . S . Pye , 425 ; F . W . Best , P . M . 704 ; R . J . Sisson , W . M 1143 , Denbigh ; T . Sleight , J . . rr 43 ; W . D . Holbrook , rr 2 o ; Ceorge Tibbitts , P . M . 721 ; James Knox , I . G . 425 ; John M'Hattie , J . W . 425 ; E . Sutton , J ones , " J S . 1143 . Amongst the members of the new lodge present were Bros . J . S . Salmon , P . M . 425 ,
Freemasonry In North Wales.
W . M . designate ; A . J . Brereton , John E . Birch , C . J . Trevor , — Roper , T . Shimmin , D . Edwards , Rowland Morgan , S . Beresford , Algerdon Potts , John Williams , William Jones , J . D . Rowlands , R . Roberts , John Lear , A . F . Jones , J . L . Williams , A . J . Barrett , and Albert G . Smith .
The brethren assembled in the anteroom shortly after three o ' clock , and , having clothed , entered the lodge , held in the grand jury room , when the craft lodge was duly and solemnly opened in the three degress by Bro . R . W . Worrall , P . M . 721 ; Bro . D . Thomas , P . M .
721 , acting as S . W . ; and Bro . J . Dennis , W . M . 721 , acting as J . W ., the brethren of the new lodge being ranged in proper order , the Provincial Grand Lodge of North Wales and Shropshire , the most distin guished representatives being Bro . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . P . G . M .,
entered the lodge room , and when the P . G . M . had taken his seat on the throne the usual honours were given . Bro . George Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , West Lancashire , acted as M . C . at the reception , as well as during the whole of the ceremony , and the manner in which he fulfilled his duties elicited general admiration .
The R . W . P . G . M . then opened the Provincial Grand Lodge , Bro . C . Dutton , P . S . G . W ., Cheshire , acting as S . G . W . ; Bro . E . Friend , P . P . J . G . D , Cheshire , acting as T . G . W . ; and Bro . J . P . Piatt , P . P . S . G . W ., acting as P . G . Pursuivant .
Bro . Sir W . W . Wynn , P . G . M ., as presiding officer , addressed the brethren , and said they were met together to consecrate that lodge at Mold . He had a strong hope that , from the manner in which it had been inaugurated , and the spirit displayed by all the brethren , it would
prove an honour to Masonry and a great good to the order generally . After Bro . Spaull , P . G . Sec . for the province of North Wales and Shropshire , had read the petition and warrant of constitution of the new lodge , Bro . Dr . J . W . J . Goldsburough , P . P . G . S . W ., proceeded to
consecrate the lodge in solemn form , according to the approved ritual . The R . W . P . G . M ., as presiding officer , then inquired of the brethren if they approved of the officers named in the warrant , and this having been signified unanimously , a solemn piece of music was sung . The
consecration ceremony was then proceeded with in a most effective manner , Bro . Dr . Spratley , P . G . S . D ., Cheshire , bearing the corn ; Bro . Sisson , W . M . 1143 , carrying the wine , Bro . G . Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , W . L , the oil ; and Bro . the Rev . D . Edwards , senior curate of Mold , the censor . The musical portion cf the
ceremony was rendered with impressive effect by Bro . Halliday , 721 ( presiding also as organist ); Bro . Conway , 425 ; Bro . J . Knowles , 721 ; and Bro . T . J . Hughes , 216 ( Liverpool ) . Himmell ' s anthem , "Incline thine ear , " was given with splendid effect by the musical brethren , Bro . T . J . Hughes' solo being especially noticeable .
The position of installing master was then taken by Bro . J . P . Piatt , P . P . S . G . W ., Cheshire , and he proceeded to induct Bro . J . Salmon into the chair of the W . M ., with all the ceremonial peculiar to the occasion . After a board of installed masters had been held , and the brethren
generally had saluted in the several degrees , the following officers were invested for the ensuing year : —Bros . A . J . Brereton , S . W . ; J . Corbett , J . W . ; Rev . D . Edwards , chaplain ; R . W . Lewis , treasurer ; J . Beresford , secretary ; A . Potts , S . D ; J . Williams , J . D , and J . E . Birch ,
I . G . Bro . J . Williams was unanimously elected tyler of the lodge . After the investiture of the officers , the newly-installed W . M . proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Sir Watkin W . Wynn , P . G . M ., for his great kindness in attending the consecration that day . The motion , which was seconded by the S . W ., was carried by
acclamation . The R . W . P . G . M ., in acknowledging the compliment , expressed a hearty desire for the prosperity of Lodge 1477 . —Votes of thanks were also cordially passed to Bro . Dr . Goldsborough ( consecrating officer ) and Bro . Piatt , ( installing master ) , who were elected honorary members of the new lodge . , ( To be continued in our next . )