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Freemasonry In North Wales.
Now this , though very fine writing , is simply in truth , an utter absurdity . Freemasons do not hold all religious doctrines as indifferent , neither do they frame a useless
kind of relig ion , which merely is the " residuum , ' after all relig ious doctrines are rejected , winch any of the members " may choose to reject . ' Freemasonry has taken up , as it appears to usa very simple , and a very consistent position .
It is a great philanthropic sodality , based on the one great truth of the acceptance of the one Universal Father and Creator of mankind .
Were Freemasons , as in times of old , to limit their reception of members to those professing Christianity , they must shut out at once all who are not Christians .
But keeping before their memory ever the fact startling in itself , that , Jewish and Tyrian Masons ( who were idolators ) , worked together at the building of the Temple , Freemasonry
since the beginning of the century , has un . doubtedly been , universal and cosmopolitan , embracing in her wide fold all who acknowledge tbe one great Creator , Benefactor , and Preserver of all men .
This view is not palatable to many , and we do not deny that the Roman Catholic Church , has a right , to say to the members of their church , " such a view is opposed to the teaching of
the Roman Catholic Church , and if you uphold it , you must leave us . " But what the Church of Rome has no right to do , is , to anathematize all who are Freemasons , and then refuse , simply on
the " obiter dictum" of some foolish person like Mr . Cuff ' e , to bury a devout Roman Catholic wlio happens to be a Freemason . Indeed , in our opinion , if the Roman Church were
enlightened , which she won t be , and tolerant , which she never is , she would leave the Freemasons alone , and allow them to go on their
way , without "let or hindrance , " intent as they truly are alone on their kindly labours of peace and goodwill .
The Masonic Body everywhere repudiates , with indignation , the name of" Infidels , " and " Illumines , " and " Socialists , " all views and
teaching most contrary to their " formulae " of simple moral duty and obedience , but they wir never surrender their great characteristic "
toleration , " which leads them ever to avoid the narrow limits of national differences , and even the " arena " of religious contentions , and to regard all men as brethren of the dust .
Indifferent to religion they certainl y are not , and never have been , and never will be , but most opposed they always will be found , to the
intolerance of sectarianism , and the virulence of controversy , and resolute in their protest against , and their resistance to unhol y "anathemas , " and debasing persecution .
The next point of objection is what the Roman Catholic champion calls the " terrible oath , " and the " frightful or atrocious penalties , " which belong to the " Masonic profession of memben ship , " and " rules of association . "
Upon this point as the writer of the Allocution , knows evidently very little , we mean to say less , as we are of opinion that we , as Freemasons , are perfectly competent to manage our
Freemasonry In North Wales.
own affairs , and practice our own ceremonies ' and that we neither require , nor do we need any opinion on the subject from the unenlightened
outer world . Another point is our" Secrecy , " and the popular fallacy that , because our proceedings are " secret" they must therefore be ipso facto bad .
We need hardly point out the illogical argument thus made use of , to demonstrate that the result of the Papal assertion is simply a case of " non sequitive . "
1 tine was , tor instance , in the history ot Christianity , when the "diseiplina arcani" was " secret . " Was it therefore , in consequence , bad ?
Time was , when the " mensa mystica" was zealously guarded against the eyes and even the knowledge of the profane . Was it therefore
necessarily wrong ? Secrecy may as a rule be objectionable as regards the association of persons for some unknown end . Secrecy may be objected to by the state , especially if the state
has reason to believe that such secrecy is a veil for seditious practices or treasonable councils . But the laws of this country allow expressly the Masonic body to meet together , though they are
in one respect a secret order , and we contend that we have nothing to do with any other lawgiver , and we utterly repudiate the right of a spiritual authority , above all , to interfere with our undoubted right as English citizens .
As , therefore , theoretically the argument is bad , practically the secrecy of Freemasonry is alike harmless and defensible . The last point
contains a sweeping accusation indeed , which , if true , ought to settle the question , now and for ever .
Freemasonry is said to teach what is contrary to divinely revealed truth ; to be " hostile to Christianity , " and " to the peace of the Church" and "dangerous to the safety of kingdoms . "
We have already pointed out how utterly unfounded is the charge that Freemasonry and Freemasons are " indifferent" to " religion" and
certainly they teach nothing " contrary to divinely revealed truth , " nor are they ever " hostile to Christianity , " or " to the peace of the Church . "
It fe undoubtedly true , as we have previously stated , that , whether rightly or wrongly Freemasonry does endorse and embrace a wide platform on which its members can act together .
But though to some it may seem to be " without religion , " and to others even to antagonize the received dogmas of Christianity , yet it is by no means the intention or the consequence of the
attitude which , as Freemasons , we take as regards the great truths of Christian doctrine and discipleship . All that we do , ( we may be wrong in doing so ,
but we are inclined to think we are ri ght ) , all that we do or say is , we do not concern ourselves with denominational differences and special controversies .
Indeed , were we to do so , our utility and our existence must soon cease ! We therefore are friendly to all , hostile to none , glad to aid all in
common works of good will and sympathy , not interfering with other people ' s consciences or acting as the inquisition of old ; but we leave every
Freemasonry In North Wales.
one of our members to stand or fall to his own Maker and Judge . We do not indeed allow the open atheist or
the avowed libertine to be welcomed into our Order , but beyond this our interference ceasesand tolerating others , we ask onl y for toleration ourselves .
As regards the ridiculous charge that Freemasonry is "dangerous to the safety of kingdoms , " in England the assertion is too absurd to
need refutation , as no more orderly , peaceable , or loyal body of men exists anywhere , we make bold to say , than our " brethren in Freemasonry . "
That in some foreign countries , Freemasonry and political societies may have banded together , we do not deny , but we in Great Britain have always openly regretted , and as openly repudiated any such alliance .
One more charge is made against us , namely , that our " morality , " such as it is , " may be traced back to the institutions of Pythagoras or
some other Pagan fountain . " A more mistaken theory never was pro pounded .
Our Masonic Morality is built up solely and simply on the " divine law , " delivered on Mount Sina ^ and still as binding now as when it was first miraculously given to Moses and though it
may" be veiled in allegory and illustrated b y symbols , " it is both simple and truthful , because
based upon the inspired Word of God . Surel y then the time has arrived when any unworthy jealousy or unwise persecution of Freemasons should come to an end .
We live in an age of great tolera tion and greater cultivation , and without laying too much stress upon the latter , we would say this , that in most cases the feelings of the age in which we
live are right , as the product alike of the individual , and the aggregate conviction . Even the able defender of his church , who claims for his infallible Pontiff a right to condemn Freemasonry ,
must feel , we think , that the days of anathemas interdicts , and excommunications are over ; that the Sword of St . Dominic is sheathed for ever , that the fires of the Inquisition can be kindled no
more . No , thank God , with all our faults , we in this free , and happy England , ' at any rate , having rejected the intoleiance of the part , and the
" odium , theologicum" of controversy , are only anxious , nay resolved , to stand fast in the golden liberty of peace and toleration , of charity and consideration , of fraternal sympathy , and
fraternal goodwill , as the members one and all of the great family of the human race . We do not quarrel with those who earnestly contend for the faith they prize , the
denomination which they love . All honour to the faithful and true of all religious bodies , but , we do ask once for all , that , we as Freemasons may be left alone by those who have no province to interfere
with our proceedings , or to anathematise our principles , left alone to enjoy our undoubted right as peaceable and loyal English citizens ,
left alone to proclaim to others in all of genuine gentleness and love , our unchanged and unchanging principles , as Freemasons , of "Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In North Wales.
Now this , though very fine writing , is simply in truth , an utter absurdity . Freemasons do not hold all religious doctrines as indifferent , neither do they frame a useless
kind of relig ion , which merely is the " residuum , ' after all relig ious doctrines are rejected , winch any of the members " may choose to reject . ' Freemasonry has taken up , as it appears to usa very simple , and a very consistent position .
It is a great philanthropic sodality , based on the one great truth of the acceptance of the one Universal Father and Creator of mankind .
Were Freemasons , as in times of old , to limit their reception of members to those professing Christianity , they must shut out at once all who are not Christians .
But keeping before their memory ever the fact startling in itself , that , Jewish and Tyrian Masons ( who were idolators ) , worked together at the building of the Temple , Freemasonry
since the beginning of the century , has un . doubtedly been , universal and cosmopolitan , embracing in her wide fold all who acknowledge tbe one great Creator , Benefactor , and Preserver of all men .
This view is not palatable to many , and we do not deny that the Roman Catholic Church , has a right , to say to the members of their church , " such a view is opposed to the teaching of
the Roman Catholic Church , and if you uphold it , you must leave us . " But what the Church of Rome has no right to do , is , to anathematize all who are Freemasons , and then refuse , simply on
the " obiter dictum" of some foolish person like Mr . Cuff ' e , to bury a devout Roman Catholic wlio happens to be a Freemason . Indeed , in our opinion , if the Roman Church were
enlightened , which she won t be , and tolerant , which she never is , she would leave the Freemasons alone , and allow them to go on their
way , without "let or hindrance , " intent as they truly are alone on their kindly labours of peace and goodwill .
The Masonic Body everywhere repudiates , with indignation , the name of" Infidels , " and " Illumines , " and " Socialists , " all views and
teaching most contrary to their " formulae " of simple moral duty and obedience , but they wir never surrender their great characteristic "
toleration , " which leads them ever to avoid the narrow limits of national differences , and even the " arena " of religious contentions , and to regard all men as brethren of the dust .
Indifferent to religion they certainl y are not , and never have been , and never will be , but most opposed they always will be found , to the
intolerance of sectarianism , and the virulence of controversy , and resolute in their protest against , and their resistance to unhol y "anathemas , " and debasing persecution .
The next point of objection is what the Roman Catholic champion calls the " terrible oath , " and the " frightful or atrocious penalties , " which belong to the " Masonic profession of memben ship , " and " rules of association . "
Upon this point as the writer of the Allocution , knows evidently very little , we mean to say less , as we are of opinion that we , as Freemasons , are perfectly competent to manage our
Freemasonry In North Wales.
own affairs , and practice our own ceremonies ' and that we neither require , nor do we need any opinion on the subject from the unenlightened
outer world . Another point is our" Secrecy , " and the popular fallacy that , because our proceedings are " secret" they must therefore be ipso facto bad .
We need hardly point out the illogical argument thus made use of , to demonstrate that the result of the Papal assertion is simply a case of " non sequitive . "
1 tine was , tor instance , in the history ot Christianity , when the "diseiplina arcani" was " secret . " Was it therefore , in consequence , bad ?
Time was , when the " mensa mystica" was zealously guarded against the eyes and even the knowledge of the profane . Was it therefore
necessarily wrong ? Secrecy may as a rule be objectionable as regards the association of persons for some unknown end . Secrecy may be objected to by the state , especially if the state
has reason to believe that such secrecy is a veil for seditious practices or treasonable councils . But the laws of this country allow expressly the Masonic body to meet together , though they are
in one respect a secret order , and we contend that we have nothing to do with any other lawgiver , and we utterly repudiate the right of a spiritual authority , above all , to interfere with our undoubted right as English citizens .
As , therefore , theoretically the argument is bad , practically the secrecy of Freemasonry is alike harmless and defensible . The last point
contains a sweeping accusation indeed , which , if true , ought to settle the question , now and for ever .
Freemasonry is said to teach what is contrary to divinely revealed truth ; to be " hostile to Christianity , " and " to the peace of the Church" and "dangerous to the safety of kingdoms . "
We have already pointed out how utterly unfounded is the charge that Freemasonry and Freemasons are " indifferent" to " religion" and
certainly they teach nothing " contrary to divinely revealed truth , " nor are they ever " hostile to Christianity , " or " to the peace of the Church . "
It fe undoubtedly true , as we have previously stated , that , whether rightly or wrongly Freemasonry does endorse and embrace a wide platform on which its members can act together .
But though to some it may seem to be " without religion , " and to others even to antagonize the received dogmas of Christianity , yet it is by no means the intention or the consequence of the
attitude which , as Freemasons , we take as regards the great truths of Christian doctrine and discipleship . All that we do , ( we may be wrong in doing so ,
but we are inclined to think we are ri ght ) , all that we do or say is , we do not concern ourselves with denominational differences and special controversies .
Indeed , were we to do so , our utility and our existence must soon cease ! We therefore are friendly to all , hostile to none , glad to aid all in
common works of good will and sympathy , not interfering with other people ' s consciences or acting as the inquisition of old ; but we leave every
Freemasonry In North Wales.
one of our members to stand or fall to his own Maker and Judge . We do not indeed allow the open atheist or
the avowed libertine to be welcomed into our Order , but beyond this our interference ceasesand tolerating others , we ask onl y for toleration ourselves .
As regards the ridiculous charge that Freemasonry is "dangerous to the safety of kingdoms , " in England the assertion is too absurd to
need refutation , as no more orderly , peaceable , or loyal body of men exists anywhere , we make bold to say , than our " brethren in Freemasonry . "
That in some foreign countries , Freemasonry and political societies may have banded together , we do not deny , but we in Great Britain have always openly regretted , and as openly repudiated any such alliance .
One more charge is made against us , namely , that our " morality , " such as it is , " may be traced back to the institutions of Pythagoras or
some other Pagan fountain . " A more mistaken theory never was pro pounded .
Our Masonic Morality is built up solely and simply on the " divine law , " delivered on Mount Sina ^ and still as binding now as when it was first miraculously given to Moses and though it
may" be veiled in allegory and illustrated b y symbols , " it is both simple and truthful , because
based upon the inspired Word of God . Surel y then the time has arrived when any unworthy jealousy or unwise persecution of Freemasons should come to an end .
We live in an age of great tolera tion and greater cultivation , and without laying too much stress upon the latter , we would say this , that in most cases the feelings of the age in which we
live are right , as the product alike of the individual , and the aggregate conviction . Even the able defender of his church , who claims for his infallible Pontiff a right to condemn Freemasonry ,
must feel , we think , that the days of anathemas interdicts , and excommunications are over ; that the Sword of St . Dominic is sheathed for ever , that the fires of the Inquisition can be kindled no
more . No , thank God , with all our faults , we in this free , and happy England , ' at any rate , having rejected the intoleiance of the part , and the
" odium , theologicum" of controversy , are only anxious , nay resolved , to stand fast in the golden liberty of peace and toleration , of charity and consideration , of fraternal sympathy , and
fraternal goodwill , as the members one and all of the great family of the human race . We do not quarrel with those who earnestly contend for the faith they prize , the
denomination which they love . All honour to the faithful and true of all religious bodies , but , we do ask once for all , that , we as Freemasons may be left alone by those who have no province to interfere
with our proceedings , or to anathematise our principles , left alone to enjoy our undoubted right as peaceable and loyal English citizens ,
left alone to proclaim to others in all of genuine gentleness and love , our unchanged and unchanging principles , as Freemasons , of "Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth . "