Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MUSIC IN STOCK. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
APRIL ELECTION , 1874 . X ? OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FO & XV GIRLS . The Votes and Interest of the Governors and Suhscribers are earncstlv solicited on behalf of GliORGlNA . KATE DALY , AfiEn EIGHT YEARS . Eldest Daughter of the late tiro . Robert Only , who was a Pianoforte Dealer , and died of disease of tlie heait in January , iSjo , leaving a widow and four children . Hro-Daly was initiated in the "Joppa" Lodge , No . iSS , ^ in JKG 3 ; also joined tV : c Chapter , and was "W . M . of the "New Wandsworth " Lodge , No , 1044 , at the time of his death . The Case is strongly recommended by * I 3 ro . T . S . Howell , " M . R . C . S ., Vice-President , Hon . Surgeon , Wandsworth , S . W . „ G . Kenning , Vice-Patron , P . 1 \ L , P . Z ., P . G . Deacon , Middlesex , Upper Svdenham . [* „ R- Grey , P . M ., P ' . G ., Std ., 222 , 259 , 41 , Russell Square „ T . IJrankstonc , P . M ., P . G ., Std ., fig , 71 , and 73 , Carlev-lane , City . * „ E . Spooner , W . M . 1420 , P . M . ioi , 10 ^ 4 , P . Z . 22 , 2 , Spencerroad , New Wandsworth , S . W . * „ G . Pymm , P . M . 549 , 1010 , P . Z . ^ 9 , S . W . 1175 , 232 , Kennin ' gton-road , S . E . * „ E . V \ Albert , P . M . iSS , 101 7 , P . Z . 18 S , 446 , Oxford-street , W . * „ D . S . Bayfield , P . M . 115 S Kennington-cros . s , S . E . * „ T . H . l ' ulsfovd , P . M ., 115 S , 75 , Princes-street , Leicestersjpiare , W . C * „ H . M . Lew , P . M . iSS , 24 , Southampton-row , W . C . * ,, J . Smith , P . M . 157 , 39 , Bow-street , W . C . * 0 . Roberts , W . M ., iSS , $ S , Tottenham Court-road . „ G . Howick , W . M . 1044 , High-street , Wandsworth , S . W . * „ T . R . Darke , W . M ., 1275 , 31 . ^ Strand , W . C . * ,, V . Harrison , XV . Ah , 27 , 3 , Piazza , Corent Garden , W . C . * » 1- . 1 * Scott , W . M . 749 , 34 , Hun-street , St . James ' s . * „ C . Martin , J . W : 23 , 27 , Earl * s Court Gardens , South Kensington . * ,, W . 11 . Waghorn , S . W . 94 6 , 10 , Vincgar-vard , Covent Garden , W . C \ * „ IL Swallow , S . W . 3 S 3 , 3 , King-street , St . James ' s , S . W . * „ W . T ravers , S . D . 7 S 0 , 30 , Wellington-stieet , Strand , W . C . * ,, W . Dutl ' m , 73-S 34 , 39 , Broadway , Hammersmith . * „ 11 , Godson , 889 , Station Master , Turnham Green , W . * A . W . Catmur , 7 ^ 9 , 4 , Northumberland-court , Charing Cross , W . C . * T , Strip , 749 , 20 , Warwick-street , Cockspnr-slreet , Charing Cross , S . W . * „ G . Hudson , 12 , 4 $ Strand , W . C . * » 'I * - Walkley , 132 O , Bridge-road , Hammersmith . I |„ R . H . l . oiuh , E , 473 , Grand Royal Arch Chapter Dublin f > , 36 , Broadway , Hammersmith ' . ,, H . K . Isaac , i . SS , Prospect House , i < , Browns wood Park , S . Hornsey , N . Proxies will be thankfully receiveil by those of the above marked * or by the Widow , Mrs . G . E . Daly , 7 , ' Overstone Road , Hammersmith .
Masonic Music In Stock.
AT Bro . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS . The Red Cross Knight ; composetl by Bro . H . Parker , words by Bro . It . W . Little 3 ( 0 What Better Theme than Masonry ? words by Bro . lames Stevens ; music by Bro . Wilhelm Ganz ... 4 ) 0
Brotherly Love , ltelief and Truth ; written by Bro . Sew ell ; composed by Bro . J . Rhodes ... ... 4 / 0 The final Toast ; written by 1 ) . L . Richardson ; music by Bro . Edwin J . Crow ... ... ... 3 / 0 The E . A . Soncf ; arranged by the late Bro . Parry ,
ot the" Lodgeof Antiquity , " No . 2 Oil . Masonic Harmonia ... ... ... ... ... 7 / 0 Masonic Music , compiled for the use of the " Merchant Lodge , " No . 241 , by Bro . J . II . VoungliusbaiKljl ' . M ., P . Z , P . E . C , and P . Prov . J . G . W . VVest Lancashire Gil . The Freemason ( Tell me the Sign J ohn ); written by
George Palmer ... ... ... ... ... 3 / 0 Three Times Three ; composed by Bro . Ilarroway , " Koyal York Lodge , " Brighton 3 / 0 The Shake of the Hand ( in G & B flat ); composed by J ohn Blockley 3 / 0 Tlie Freemasons' Festival March and Masonic Hymn ,
by Bio . W . IS . Tolpull ( P . ibt Maslei of the "Temple Lodge , " No . 816 , Folkestone ) 3 / 0 The freemason Quadrilles ; inscribed ( by pel mission ) to the Hig h ; Hon . the Earl de Grey and Hipon , K . G . ; by Bro . Joshua Marshall ( P . G . O ., West Yorkshire ) ,
Solo or Duct . 4 / 0 M'isic for the Ceremony of Advancement to tlie Mark Degree ; composed by Bro . Edwin J . Crow , dedicated to the Grand Master , Bro . ltev . G . Poital 3 / 0 Here's to His Health in a Song ; written b y J . J . Bcaley ; composed by J . M . Bentley 4 / 0
Kird's Masonic Quadrille , by C . T . I lird 4 / 0 So Mote it Be , by Bro . J no . P . Nunn 2 / 0 Masonic Mischief , the iisiv Masonic Sony , by (/ . Giant 3 JO Men of the Trowel , answer to Masonic Misehiel ... 3 / 0 The Myotic Tie , song with quailrit chorus , written
by Wm . Carpenter , Esi [ ., coii !; 'i » ed b y Jas . C . Baker , Mus . D 4 / 0 " Wclci . mc , " a Masonic so-ig , wiitten by Bio . Win . Carpenter , con p isid . by Bro r ' , ns . C . B i ! : ei . Piice ... 4 / 0 All tht : at-uu Ilttlf-l'rke .
Dr . Spark's Freemasons' Liber Musicus—Parts 1 to S ( each ) S / ° The Freemasons' March , for the Pianoforte , composed by Sehnar Kahienbcvg ... ... ... ... 2 / 6 Masonic Ode , wiitten by Bro . G . Passenger ;
composed b y Uro . Ii . Sharpc S / o The Masonic Minstrel ; being a complete collection of upwards of 200 Masonic Songs , Odes , Anthems , cVc , with a list of Toasts aud Sentiments . 3 s . Gd .
cloth , 4 s . roan , gilt edges ... Melodia Masonica : Five Songs and a Trio , set 10 Music and arranged by Bio . C . H . Purdey , new edition ... ... ... ... ... 3 / 0
Two Chants and an Anthem , set to music and composed b y Bro . G . F . Taylor , for tlie ute of Mark Masters' Lodges 2 / 0 M isonie Musical Service , by Dr . J . C . Baker , No .
2 + 1 I / O Jil i .-ic for the Masonic Ceieninnies ; by Bros E . J . Crow mid Richard Limpus , Pints I ., II ., & 11 ' . Od ,
LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER . Is htebest , safest , anil cheapest . It restores the former colour to grey hair in a few days , is quite harmless , and the best hair-dressing that can he used . Large bottles , is . ( id-each . Sold by all Chemists and Hairdressers everywhere , and J . PKPFER , 237 , TOTTF . N ' - HAM-COL 7 RT-KO . AD , ' LONDON , whose name and address are on the label , or it is spurious Cases ' of three bottles , packed for countvv , sent on receipt on 54 stamps .
HKALTO , " STRKNGTVI , KNEKGY . PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC . Strengthens the nerves , enriches , purifies , anil greatly improves the blood , and vital secretions , gives a good appetite , overcomes in digestion , animates the spirits , counteracts the elVccts of weakness , and restores perfect robust health . Be sure Pepper ' s Quinine and Iron Tonic is supplied , its ingredients being chemicallv pure . Bottles , 4 s . 6 d ; next si / . e , 11 s . ; stone jars , 22 s . Order it from anv Chemist , or get direct bom J * PEPPER , 237 , TOTTEXHAM-COUET-ROAD , LONDON . Forwarded , safely packed , on receipt o ' f stamps or P . O . O ,
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES FOR CRAFT LODGES , Ionic , Doric and Corinthian , EMBLEMATICALLY ARRANGED FOR THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER , SENIOR AND JUNIOR WARDENS- 6 s . 6 d . PER SET OF 3 ONE POUND I CANDLES . j Packing Cases 6 d . each . j DITTO FOR ; ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS , j ios . 6 d . PER SET OF 6 CANDLES 1 Packing Cases is . i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bro . GEORGE KENNING'S Masonic Depots , LONDON : —2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , and 198 Fleet-street . LIVERPOOL : —a , Monument-place . GLASGOW : —145 , Argyle-street .
W . FIGES , , 80 , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . C , MANUFACTURER Ol' THE ] NEW JEGIS UMBRELLA , Combining increased shelter with increased strength , an ! elegant shape , and a convenient walking length . RIDING AND DRIVING 'WHIPS , & c . Royal Polytechnic . ' NOTICK . —The IM . \ . \ A (;[ . \ ' ( J illKLCrOK alleiuls his office j daily , from Four until luill-past Five o ' clock . Letters rcquiiing j answers niuslcontain rLiinly ii . MicJjcd envelopes . Royal Polytechnic . J NOTICE . —Tllli KNCUANTK 1 > Ol . F . N ( written by ft . CKOIT ) , r . otwithsl . -uulini ; its great popularity , cannot lie River after November Sth , in consequence of tlie ' eniine , emcnt of Mh . rlOWAKD PAUL . This week 315 th representation . Mn . H . \ IC : \ YU . I .. —New Lectures hv l'non : ssou GAKHNI ' . K . —1 , THE SII . HKU I . KillT . —2 . SL'llAK ' ; from the lane lo tlie Teacup . — IIO . MH KLECTUKITY , by Mil . Kisu . —Oilier Novelties . —Open daily , 0111 12 to 5 , & 7 to 10 . Admission is .
AROMATIC TINCTURE OF QUINOI x ' - DISK \ u , r the prevemioii of M-VJ-K , AGVli . an r-ll ' ectsol MAI . AKIA . An Unf . iiliiij ; Keiuedr . 'l'liose who during tlie campaign in the Crimea , daily tof > k a small inianliiy , passed unharmed ( hrouiih ihe l- ' cver and Dvsentery , thai thinned ihe ranks . In Hall , ijuarler and Tint Liu ' iUcs . I ' repaved only hv " * THOMAS WILKINSON , 270 , Recent Street , London , W . Mav- be had ol all leadinj ; I- 'irms in India and Colonies .
WILKINSON'S J' . RONCHIO-THOKACIC > v I . O / . I :. \(; I : S . Prepared lr <; m the receipt ul an Kinincnt Hivs ' ic ' ian ; c : \ pcrieticehas 'Vilv jn-titk-il their n-ceiiitiicnd . itinii as the mo .-t speedy remedy in j , j ;" triiifjii ol' the Throat , la'ariha Coughs , Llomhilis , Incipient Const . illation , Spitting of lilood , & c . 'Jo pulih ' c . speakers and vocalists tin . "; ' are invaluable , a .- ;! icy impair a clear ami lieautilui tone to tlie voice . l ' iee from o * , . ; : i . i , an < l of : in avjreeable taste hi bullies ol one uiulovni si / . e .
\\ 7 HJTMORK'S STOMACI 1 IC and LIVEK rll . l . , composed ol the Kxtracls of Dandelion , Turkey Rhubarb , anil Jamaica ( jin ;; er . _ No l'ill is so cKicacious in p ' . omotin 1 ! Dna'ption . strengthening the Stomndi , correcting Acidity , la ' eveinin ^ or removing Headache , Oiddincx- ' , & c , aiisi'i ;; fioin t ' oslivciicss , Debilitated Stomach , or Torpid Liver . Tl . ey rci | uirc no change of Diet , and the must delicate mav lake tliem with rifely . Taken as an adiuml with WILKINSON'S SAKSAI'AUil . l . A Willi tlie ( , 'rcalcst stlcvess , hi hollies Small , Medium ami Lnre /; . Prepared only by THOMAS WILKINSON , 270 , Reernt Street , l . ciulon , \ V . May be had of all leading iinns in India and Colonies .
THE STEIAWD TURKISH BATHS , 33 V , oi'i'iiMTK SOMKKsKT IIOUSK . Open ila ' ilV for ( ientlemen . Tcinis : from o a . m . lill b ji . m , js . ( ul . l- ' toi ' ii l > p . m . lill i ) p . " ' .., is . ( ul . One dozen tickets , Inst class , £ 1 = s . ; second class , l = s Warm , cold , shower , and douche baths . Open on Sunilavs liom toa . m . lill . ( p . m . Ladies : nioini : i . « , Mon . lavs , Wediiesdavb , anil l-riiiays , attended by Mis . Smith . ' ' i ' vopvieioi—Mr . II . SMITH , From the llauseinaiii , leniij u-street
THE BIRKBECK Is ttve only Building Society whose ; Annual Receipts exceeds ONE MILLION ! How to Purchase a House for Ttuo Guineas per Month , With immediate possession ami no Rent to pay . Apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 19 & 30 Sonthamjiton-bnildings , Chancery-lane . Hoiv to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possession , eithcr for ^ niluingorGardening purposes , apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 215 & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chanccry-iane , Hoiv to Invest Money with safety at £ ; per cent Interest , Apply to the Office of the I 3 U < KBECK BANK . All sums under £$ 0 repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays I ' rom 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 3 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager .
RYDE , ISLE OF WIGHT . TJOPGOOD & CO . 'S NUTRITIVE and XX SEDATIVE HAIR CREAM . is supplied to the Trade bv all Patent Medicine Houses and Whole Perfumers . This Cream ' has the testimony of EMINENT PHYSICIANS to its " surprising" and " unfailing ; success . " Also SEDATIVE COLO CREAM . Sold be all Chemists and Perfumers .
JOHN GOSNELL & COTS ' " CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth , price is . 6 d . per pot . " AGUA AMARELLA" restore the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age , price 3 s . per bottle . "TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifully perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNELL & CO 'S , And sec that you have none other than tueir genuine Articles . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Perfumers . Wholesale , Angel-passage , 93 , Upper Thamcs-strcct ( London .
TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electro * plate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 43 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH . OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY ^ " ^ GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an * ' Immense Stock , " hut sullicienlly large for any person to select from , lie does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " lint quite as cheap as any . A visit will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
/ £ &** J $ fo \ ~ V 0 V ^ G'S ARX 1 CATED r *_ V l ^\ ) - * - CORN AND JUNION \ 5 < a £ ~ i ^ ' PLAISTEI 1 S am tlio best ever invented for piving immediato capo , and rcmorinfr tlioso painful oxcrcFccnces . Trie ? fid . and Is . per box . Any Chemist not having them In Rtock can procure them . Olisorvo rlio Trado Mark—H . Y—without which nono are genuine . Bo euro and ask lor YQO . NU ' S .
| ust pulilislied , e ' rec Edition , nUIDETO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND ^ INSTRUCTIONS for THE CUKE of NERVOUS , MENTAL , aud PHYSICAL DEBILITY , Indigestion , and all diseases of tlie Nervous Svstcin , resulting from exhaustion of Nerve Power . Bv DR . HENRY " SMITH . ' GIVES INSTRUCTIONS for ilie Development and Strengthenini ; the Human Bodv , how to Acquire Health and Strength , Secure Lone . Life , and Avoid lhc Inlumities of Old Age . Illustrated wilh Testimonials , with means of Cure used in each case The pamphlet will he sent free by post to any address on receipt o two nennv stamps . Address , Dr . 11 . SMITH , 8 , Bnrlon-cTcscent , London , W . C . KT E RVOUS D E 131 LI T Y . —GRATIS ] L * a MEDICAL WORK , showing sufferers how they may be cured without the aid of quacks . Eiee on receipt of postage stamp . Address , Sccrctaiy , Instituted Anatomy Hirrningham . HINNEFOKD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — X - The Best Remedy for ACIDITY of 'h ; STOMACH , HEARTBURN , HEADACHE , GOUT , AND INDIGESTION , and the best mild aperient for delicate constitutions , especially adapted for LADIES , CHILDREN , and INFANTS . DINNEfOKU & CO . 172 , New Rnnd Street , London , and of all Chemists .
( J-LliNFlliLD STARCH is the only kind used in 11 er Majesty ' s Laundry . I Those I-aiHes who Iwive not yet used the Gleiilield Starch , are K-siK'clluliy solicited lo give it a trial , and carefully faMou * out 1 the directions printed on everv p ; i'Ua ;; e . U is rather vnoveuijiicult 1 to ijj ; iketl ) . 'ii ) nlhcr Starches , but when this is overcome , they will Miy , like tlie Ouccn ' s Laundress , that it is ( he finest Starch ihev ever u > ed- " When > uuat . kfur tlie Cilcnliehl , sec that you yet it . ' * IMPROVED and ECONOMIC COOKERY . 1 Use LIKBICJ COMPANV ' o liXTKACT Ol' MEAT as " stock" for beef tea , soups , made dishes , and sauces . Gives fine rlavoui and great strength . Invariably adopted in households when fairly tiied . Cauion . —Genuine only with IJaron Liebie ' s facsimile across label .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
APRIL ELECTION , 1874 . X ? OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FO & XV GIRLS . The Votes and Interest of the Governors and Suhscribers are earncstlv solicited on behalf of GliORGlNA . KATE DALY , AfiEn EIGHT YEARS . Eldest Daughter of the late tiro . Robert Only , who was a Pianoforte Dealer , and died of disease of tlie heait in January , iSjo , leaving a widow and four children . Hro-Daly was initiated in the "Joppa" Lodge , No . iSS , ^ in JKG 3 ; also joined tV : c Chapter , and was "W . M . of the "New Wandsworth " Lodge , No , 1044 , at the time of his death . The Case is strongly recommended by * I 3 ro . T . S . Howell , " M . R . C . S ., Vice-President , Hon . Surgeon , Wandsworth , S . W . „ G . Kenning , Vice-Patron , P . 1 \ L , P . Z ., P . G . Deacon , Middlesex , Upper Svdenham . [* „ R- Grey , P . M ., P ' . G ., Std ., 222 , 259 , 41 , Russell Square „ T . IJrankstonc , P . M ., P . G ., Std ., fig , 71 , and 73 , Carlev-lane , City . * „ E . Spooner , W . M . 1420 , P . M . ioi , 10 ^ 4 , P . Z . 22 , 2 , Spencerroad , New Wandsworth , S . W . * „ G . Pymm , P . M . 549 , 1010 , P . Z . ^ 9 , S . W . 1175 , 232 , Kennin ' gton-road , S . E . * „ E . V \ Albert , P . M . iSS , 101 7 , P . Z . 18 S , 446 , Oxford-street , W . * „ D . S . Bayfield , P . M . 115 S Kennington-cros . s , S . E . * „ T . H . l ' ulsfovd , P . M ., 115 S , 75 , Princes-street , Leicestersjpiare , W . C * „ H . M . Lew , P . M . iSS , 24 , Southampton-row , W . C . * ,, J . Smith , P . M . 157 , 39 , Bow-street , W . C . * 0 . Roberts , W . M ., iSS , $ S , Tottenham Court-road . „ G . Howick , W . M . 1044 , High-street , Wandsworth , S . W . * „ T . R . Darke , W . M ., 1275 , 31 . ^ Strand , W . C . * ,, V . Harrison , XV . Ah , 27 , 3 , Piazza , Corent Garden , W . C . * » 1- . 1 * Scott , W . M . 749 , 34 , Hun-street , St . James ' s . * „ C . Martin , J . W : 23 , 27 , Earl * s Court Gardens , South Kensington . * ,, W . 11 . Waghorn , S . W . 94 6 , 10 , Vincgar-vard , Covent Garden , W . C \ * „ IL Swallow , S . W . 3 S 3 , 3 , King-street , St . James ' s , S . W . * „ W . T ravers , S . D . 7 S 0 , 30 , Wellington-stieet , Strand , W . C . * ,, W . Dutl ' m , 73-S 34 , 39 , Broadway , Hammersmith . * „ 11 , Godson , 889 , Station Master , Turnham Green , W . * A . W . Catmur , 7 ^ 9 , 4 , Northumberland-court , Charing Cross , W . C . * T , Strip , 749 , 20 , Warwick-street , Cockspnr-slreet , Charing Cross , S . W . * „ G . Hudson , 12 , 4 $ Strand , W . C . * » 'I * - Walkley , 132 O , Bridge-road , Hammersmith . I |„ R . H . l . oiuh , E , 473 , Grand Royal Arch Chapter Dublin f > , 36 , Broadway , Hammersmith ' . ,, H . K . Isaac , i . SS , Prospect House , i < , Browns wood Park , S . Hornsey , N . Proxies will be thankfully receiveil by those of the above marked * or by the Widow , Mrs . G . E . Daly , 7 , ' Overstone Road , Hammersmith .
Masonic Music In Stock.
AT Bro . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS . The Red Cross Knight ; composetl by Bro . H . Parker , words by Bro . It . W . Little 3 ( 0 What Better Theme than Masonry ? words by Bro . lames Stevens ; music by Bro . Wilhelm Ganz ... 4 ) 0
Brotherly Love , ltelief and Truth ; written by Bro . Sew ell ; composed by Bro . J . Rhodes ... ... 4 / 0 The final Toast ; written by 1 ) . L . Richardson ; music by Bro . Edwin J . Crow ... ... ... 3 / 0 The E . A . Soncf ; arranged by the late Bro . Parry ,
ot the" Lodgeof Antiquity , " No . 2 Oil . Masonic Harmonia ... ... ... ... ... 7 / 0 Masonic Music , compiled for the use of the " Merchant Lodge , " No . 241 , by Bro . J . II . VoungliusbaiKljl ' . M ., P . Z , P . E . C , and P . Prov . J . G . W . VVest Lancashire Gil . The Freemason ( Tell me the Sign J ohn ); written by
George Palmer ... ... ... ... ... 3 / 0 Three Times Three ; composed by Bro . Ilarroway , " Koyal York Lodge , " Brighton 3 / 0 The Shake of the Hand ( in G & B flat ); composed by J ohn Blockley 3 / 0 Tlie Freemasons' Festival March and Masonic Hymn ,
by Bio . W . IS . Tolpull ( P . ibt Maslei of the "Temple Lodge , " No . 816 , Folkestone ) 3 / 0 The freemason Quadrilles ; inscribed ( by pel mission ) to the Hig h ; Hon . the Earl de Grey and Hipon , K . G . ; by Bro . Joshua Marshall ( P . G . O ., West Yorkshire ) ,
Solo or Duct . 4 / 0 M'isic for the Ceremony of Advancement to tlie Mark Degree ; composed by Bro . Edwin J . Crow , dedicated to the Grand Master , Bro . ltev . G . Poital 3 / 0 Here's to His Health in a Song ; written b y J . J . Bcaley ; composed by J . M . Bentley 4 / 0
Kird's Masonic Quadrille , by C . T . I lird 4 / 0 So Mote it Be , by Bro . J no . P . Nunn 2 / 0 Masonic Mischief , the iisiv Masonic Sony , by (/ . Giant 3 JO Men of the Trowel , answer to Masonic Misehiel ... 3 / 0 The Myotic Tie , song with quailrit chorus , written
by Wm . Carpenter , Esi [ ., coii !; 'i » ed b y Jas . C . Baker , Mus . D 4 / 0 " Wclci . mc , " a Masonic so-ig , wiitten by Bio . Win . Carpenter , con p isid . by Bro r ' , ns . C . B i ! : ei . Piice ... 4 / 0 All tht : at-uu Ilttlf-l'rke .
Dr . Spark's Freemasons' Liber Musicus—Parts 1 to S ( each ) S / ° The Freemasons' March , for the Pianoforte , composed by Sehnar Kahienbcvg ... ... ... ... 2 / 6 Masonic Ode , wiitten by Bro . G . Passenger ;
composed b y Uro . Ii . Sharpc S / o The Masonic Minstrel ; being a complete collection of upwards of 200 Masonic Songs , Odes , Anthems , cVc , with a list of Toasts aud Sentiments . 3 s . Gd .
cloth , 4 s . roan , gilt edges ... Melodia Masonica : Five Songs and a Trio , set 10 Music and arranged by Bio . C . H . Purdey , new edition ... ... ... ... ... 3 / 0
Two Chants and an Anthem , set to music and composed b y Bro . G . F . Taylor , for tlie ute of Mark Masters' Lodges 2 / 0 M isonie Musical Service , by Dr . J . C . Baker , No .
2 + 1 I / O Jil i .-ic for the Masonic Ceieninnies ; by Bros E . J . Crow mid Richard Limpus , Pints I ., II ., & 11 ' . Od ,
LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER . Is htebest , safest , anil cheapest . It restores the former colour to grey hair in a few days , is quite harmless , and the best hair-dressing that can he used . Large bottles , is . ( id-each . Sold by all Chemists and Hairdressers everywhere , and J . PKPFER , 237 , TOTTF . N ' - HAM-COL 7 RT-KO . AD , ' LONDON , whose name and address are on the label , or it is spurious Cases ' of three bottles , packed for countvv , sent on receipt on 54 stamps .
HKALTO , " STRKNGTVI , KNEKGY . PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC . Strengthens the nerves , enriches , purifies , anil greatly improves the blood , and vital secretions , gives a good appetite , overcomes in digestion , animates the spirits , counteracts the elVccts of weakness , and restores perfect robust health . Be sure Pepper ' s Quinine and Iron Tonic is supplied , its ingredients being chemicallv pure . Bottles , 4 s . 6 d ; next si / . e , 11 s . ; stone jars , 22 s . Order it from anv Chemist , or get direct bom J * PEPPER , 237 , TOTTEXHAM-COUET-ROAD , LONDON . Forwarded , safely packed , on receipt o ' f stamps or P . O . O ,
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES FOR CRAFT LODGES , Ionic , Doric and Corinthian , EMBLEMATICALLY ARRANGED FOR THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER , SENIOR AND JUNIOR WARDENS- 6 s . 6 d . PER SET OF 3 ONE POUND I CANDLES . j Packing Cases 6 d . each . j DITTO FOR ; ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS , j ios . 6 d . PER SET OF 6 CANDLES 1 Packing Cases is . i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bro . GEORGE KENNING'S Masonic Depots , LONDON : —2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , and 198 Fleet-street . LIVERPOOL : —a , Monument-place . GLASGOW : —145 , Argyle-street .
W . FIGES , , 80 , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . C , MANUFACTURER Ol' THE ] NEW JEGIS UMBRELLA , Combining increased shelter with increased strength , an ! elegant shape , and a convenient walking length . RIDING AND DRIVING 'WHIPS , & c . Royal Polytechnic . ' NOTICK . —The IM . \ . \ A (;[ . \ ' ( J illKLCrOK alleiuls his office j daily , from Four until luill-past Five o ' clock . Letters rcquiiing j answers niuslcontain rLiinly ii . MicJjcd envelopes . Royal Polytechnic . J NOTICE . —Tllli KNCUANTK 1 > Ol . F . N ( written by ft . CKOIT ) , r . otwithsl . -uulini ; its great popularity , cannot lie River after November Sth , in consequence of tlie ' eniine , emcnt of Mh . rlOWAKD PAUL . This week 315 th representation . Mn . H . \ IC : \ YU . I .. —New Lectures hv l'non : ssou GAKHNI ' . K . —1 , THE SII . HKU I . KillT . —2 . SL'llAK ' ; from the lane lo tlie Teacup . — IIO . MH KLECTUKITY , by Mil . Kisu . —Oilier Novelties . —Open daily , 0111 12 to 5 , & 7 to 10 . Admission is .
AROMATIC TINCTURE OF QUINOI x ' - DISK \ u , r the prevemioii of M-VJ-K , AGVli . an r-ll ' ectsol MAI . AKIA . An Unf . iiliiij ; Keiuedr . 'l'liose who during tlie campaign in the Crimea , daily tof > k a small inianliiy , passed unharmed ( hrouiih ihe l- ' cver and Dvsentery , thai thinned ihe ranks . In Hall , ijuarler and Tint Liu ' iUcs . I ' repaved only hv " * THOMAS WILKINSON , 270 , Recent Street , London , W . Mav- be had ol all leadinj ; I- 'irms in India and Colonies .
WILKINSON'S J' . RONCHIO-THOKACIC > v I . O / . I :. \(; I : S . Prepared lr <; m the receipt ul an Kinincnt Hivs ' ic ' ian ; c : \ pcrieticehas 'Vilv jn-titk-il their n-ceiiitiicnd . itinii as the mo .-t speedy remedy in j , j ;" triiifjii ol' the Throat , la'ariha Coughs , Llomhilis , Incipient Const . illation , Spitting of lilood , & c . 'Jo pulih ' c . speakers and vocalists tin . "; ' are invaluable , a .- ;! icy impair a clear ami lieautilui tone to tlie voice . l ' iee from o * , . ; : i . i , an < l of : in avjreeable taste hi bullies ol one uiulovni si / . e .
\\ 7 HJTMORK'S STOMACI 1 IC and LIVEK rll . l . , composed ol the Kxtracls of Dandelion , Turkey Rhubarb , anil Jamaica ( jin ;; er . _ No l'ill is so cKicacious in p ' . omotin 1 ! Dna'ption . strengthening the Stomndi , correcting Acidity , la ' eveinin ^ or removing Headache , Oiddincx- ' , & c , aiisi'i ;; fioin t ' oslivciicss , Debilitated Stomach , or Torpid Liver . Tl . ey rci | uirc no change of Diet , and the must delicate mav lake tliem with rifely . Taken as an adiuml with WILKINSON'S SAKSAI'AUil . l . A Willi tlie ( , 'rcalcst stlcvess , hi hollies Small , Medium ami Lnre /; . Prepared only by THOMAS WILKINSON , 270 , Reernt Street , l . ciulon , \ V . May be had of all leading iinns in India and Colonies .
THE STEIAWD TURKISH BATHS , 33 V , oi'i'iiMTK SOMKKsKT IIOUSK . Open ila ' ilV for ( ientlemen . Tcinis : from o a . m . lill b ji . m , js . ( ul . l- ' toi ' ii l > p . m . lill i ) p . " ' .., is . ( ul . One dozen tickets , Inst class , £ 1 = s . ; second class , l = s Warm , cold , shower , and douche baths . Open on Sunilavs liom toa . m . lill . ( p . m . Ladies : nioini : i . « , Mon . lavs , Wediiesdavb , anil l-riiiays , attended by Mis . Smith . ' ' i ' vopvieioi—Mr . II . SMITH , From the llauseinaiii , leniij u-street
THE BIRKBECK Is ttve only Building Society whose ; Annual Receipts exceeds ONE MILLION ! How to Purchase a House for Ttuo Guineas per Month , With immediate possession ami no Rent to pay . Apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 19 & 30 Sonthamjiton-bnildings , Chancery-lane . Hoiv to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possession , eithcr for ^ niluingorGardening purposes , apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 215 & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chanccry-iane , Hoiv to Invest Money with safety at £ ; per cent Interest , Apply to the Office of the I 3 U < KBECK BANK . All sums under £$ 0 repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays I ' rom 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 3 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager .
RYDE , ISLE OF WIGHT . TJOPGOOD & CO . 'S NUTRITIVE and XX SEDATIVE HAIR CREAM . is supplied to the Trade bv all Patent Medicine Houses and Whole Perfumers . This Cream ' has the testimony of EMINENT PHYSICIANS to its " surprising" and " unfailing ; success . " Also SEDATIVE COLO CREAM . Sold be all Chemists and Perfumers .
JOHN GOSNELL & COTS ' " CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth , price is . 6 d . per pot . " AGUA AMARELLA" restore the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age , price 3 s . per bottle . "TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifully perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNELL & CO 'S , And sec that you have none other than tueir genuine Articles . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Perfumers . Wholesale , Angel-passage , 93 , Upper Thamcs-strcct ( London .
TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electro * plate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 43 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH . OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY ^ " ^ GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an * ' Immense Stock , " hut sullicienlly large for any person to select from , lie does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " lint quite as cheap as any . A visit will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
/ £ &** J $ fo \ ~ V 0 V ^ G'S ARX 1 CATED r *_ V l ^\ ) - * - CORN AND JUNION \ 5 < a £ ~ i ^ ' PLAISTEI 1 S am tlio best ever invented for piving immediato capo , and rcmorinfr tlioso painful oxcrcFccnces . Trie ? fid . and Is . per box . Any Chemist not having them In Rtock can procure them . Olisorvo rlio Trado Mark—H . Y—without which nono are genuine . Bo euro and ask lor YQO . NU ' S .
| ust pulilislied , e ' rec Edition , nUIDETO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND ^ INSTRUCTIONS for THE CUKE of NERVOUS , MENTAL , aud PHYSICAL DEBILITY , Indigestion , and all diseases of tlie Nervous Svstcin , resulting from exhaustion of Nerve Power . Bv DR . HENRY " SMITH . ' GIVES INSTRUCTIONS for ilie Development and Strengthenini ; the Human Bodv , how to Acquire Health and Strength , Secure Lone . Life , and Avoid lhc Inlumities of Old Age . Illustrated wilh Testimonials , with means of Cure used in each case The pamphlet will he sent free by post to any address on receipt o two nennv stamps . Address , Dr . 11 . SMITH , 8 , Bnrlon-cTcscent , London , W . C . KT E RVOUS D E 131 LI T Y . —GRATIS ] L * a MEDICAL WORK , showing sufferers how they may be cured without the aid of quacks . Eiee on receipt of postage stamp . Address , Sccrctaiy , Instituted Anatomy Hirrningham . HINNEFOKD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — X - The Best Remedy for ACIDITY of 'h ; STOMACH , HEARTBURN , HEADACHE , GOUT , AND INDIGESTION , and the best mild aperient for delicate constitutions , especially adapted for LADIES , CHILDREN , and INFANTS . DINNEfOKU & CO . 172 , New Rnnd Street , London , and of all Chemists .
( J-LliNFlliLD STARCH is the only kind used in 11 er Majesty ' s Laundry . I Those I-aiHes who Iwive not yet used the Gleiilield Starch , are K-siK'clluliy solicited lo give it a trial , and carefully faMou * out 1 the directions printed on everv p ; i'Ua ;; e . U is rather vnoveuijiicult 1 to ijj ; iketl ) . 'ii ) nlhcr Starches , but when this is overcome , they will Miy , like tlie Ouccn ' s Laundress , that it is ( he finest Starch ihev ever u > ed- " When > uuat . kfur tlie Cilcnliehl , sec that you yet it . ' * IMPROVED and ECONOMIC COOKERY . 1 Use LIKBICJ COMPANV ' o liXTKACT Ol' MEAT as " stock" for beef tea , soups , made dishes , and sauces . Gives fine rlavoui and great strength . Invariably adopted in households when fairly tiied . Cauion . —Genuine only with IJaron Liebie ' s facsimile across label .