Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC M EETINGS : — Craft Masonry J 3 B Royal Arch ! 36 Mark Masonry ' 3 " Scotland * 37 Presentation to Bro . J . Bowes ' 37 Masonic Notes and Queries ' 3 °
Masonic Bibliography 1 39 Masonic Tidings ' 39 Consecration of the Peckham Lodge ' 39 Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic Church 14 ° Hie Masonic Charities r 4 2
Weekly Summary of News ' 4 CORRESPONDENCE : — The Present position of our Masonic Charities ... 143 Roman Catholics and Freemasons 144 Lodge Meetings for next week 144 Advertisements 133 134 140 146 147 148
SUPPLEMENT ( FOUR PAGES . ) The United GrandLodge 149 The Red Cross of Constantine 150 Freemasonry in North Wales 153
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
- ? Craft HfesjmrjT ,
BOLTON . —Anchor and Hope Lodge ( No . 37 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , and March , in Freemasons ' Hall , Church Institute , Bolton . There were present Bros . William Slater , W . M . ; James Walker , S . W . ; W . Horrocks , J . W . ; E , Ainsworth ,
Sec . ; R . K . Freeman , S . D . ; James Brown , J . . Samuel Crowther , I . G . ; G . P . Brockbank , P . Prov . G . Deacon ; Reuben Mitchell , P . Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; J . H . Winder , P . Prov . G . Pursu ivant ; John Robinson ; Samuel Isherwood ; R . W . Knowles ; James Pilkington ; and James
Newton , P . M . ' s ; Walter Pennington , WM . 678 ; and F . Ainsworth . The lodge being opened , the minutes were confirmed , and the W . M . practised his officers by opening up to the third degree and closing down to the first . A committee was appointed to co-operate with the other lodges in the
town , with the view of suitably entertaining the meeting of Prov . G . Lodge , which it is understood will shortly be held in Bolton . A brother was proposed as a joining member , and the lodge was then closed . Irswicn . — British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) . —
The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hal ) , Ipswich , on Wednesday , the 26 th Feb ., when there was a large muster of the brethren present . The St . John ' s Festival and Installation Banquet which had been postponed from December till now , in consequence of
a death in the family of the W . M ., was celebrated on this occasion . Amongst those present were—Bros . Peter de Landc Long , W . M . ; J . Ji . Moncktoii , Town Clerk of London , P . G . D . of England 5 C . F . Long , P . M ,, P . G . D . C . 5 Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . l' . G . C , Chaplain of the
Lodge ; W . Boby , P . S . G . W . ; C . Schulen , P . P . G . D . C . ; Emra Holmes , P . G . Reg ., P . P . G . A . D . C ., M . C . ; P . Cornell , P . P . G . S . D . : A . J . Barber , P . G . O . ; Clemant Cobbold , Chief Secretary of Legation , Lisbon , Knight of the
Brazilian Order of the Rose , 33 of Brazil ; A . D . George , S . W . ; J . J . Burton , J . W . ; Rev . A . G . Moore , J . D . ; Rev . J . B . Tweed , J . G . ; G . Turner , H . Millor , S . D . ; and others . Visiting
Brethren—G . Cresswell , W . M . Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 959 ; A . Gamman , P . G . S . B ., W . M . of the Perfect Friendship Lodge ; and Stephen Burdett King . P . P . G . S . D ., Secretary of the Perfect Friendship Lodge . The lodge having
opened in due form , and the necessary business transacted , a candidate was proposed for initiation , and the lodge was afterwards closed in antient form and with solemn prayer . A very elegant banquet was spread in the adjoining dining hall , to which the brethren adjourned , and
we need hardly add , ample justice was done to the viands . At the conclusion , grace having been said by Bro . Sanderson , the W . M . rose , and in brief but loyal terms , proposed " The Queen and the Craft , " which was given with all due honour .
Bro . Miller singing the solo of the National Anthem , and the brethren joining in with characteristic fervour . In proposing " The Grand Master , the Marquess of Ripon , " the W . M . remarked that the brethren in the provinces had little idea of the vast amount of work the Grand
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Master had to perforin , or how well he performed it . As a London Mason he could tell them how ably Lord Ripon filled his high office . The toast was drunk with due honour . The next toast was " P . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Grand Officers Past
and Present . " Bro . Minckton , Past Grand Deacon of England responded in admirable and vvell chosen language , and in a clear ringing voice it was a pleasure to listen to . Two or three members of Grand Lodge had been expected that evening , but the W . M . announced
that the Grand Secretary , Bro . Hervey was prevented by indisposition , and Bro . Whichcord , Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies , who was also invited , had been unable to honour them . Much regret was expressed at the absence of the amiable and talented Grand Secretarv ,
to whom the brethren would have liked to have shown hospitality . The W . M . stated , however , that during his year of office , Bro . Hervey would certainly make it his duty to visit the British Union , which announcement was received with applause . In proposing the health of "The
R . W . Prov . Grand Master , " the W . M . announced that he had received a letter from Lord Waveney , regretting his inability to attend , in consequence of a prior engagement that evening . His Lordship would have been cordially welcomed had he come amongst the brethren of
the British of which lodge he is a member , and we are sure that we express the sentiments of the brethren when we hope that we may be able ere long to record a visit from the gallant and popular Provincial Grand Master . Next came the " The W . D . P . G . M . and the Provincial Officers . "
Bro . Boby , S . G . W . of Suffolk responded to the toast with his usual eloquence , and afterwards proposed , " The Masonic Charities" in a strain of power which evidently told on the brethren . The W . M . and Bro . Boby both expressed their deep regret and at the very serious illness cf the
Rev . E . J . Lockwood , the D . P . G . M ., which prevented his being present amongst them that evening , and much sympathy was expressed with the venerable and greatly esteemed brother in his great affliction . The name of Bro . A . Gamman , W . M . of 22 rj , " was coupled with the toast of
the Visitors" and Bros . G . Cresswell , W . M . ° f 9 . 59 5 an ( ^ S . B . King also responded . Bro . Clement Cobbold proposed the " Worshipful Master" in happy terms , and the toast was drunk with great cordiality . Bro . Long responded in few sensible and modest words .
Bro . Sanderson responded to the " Officers of the Lodge" and took occasion to remark " that the British Union held confessedly the foremost place in Suffolk , and he believed the success and present proud position of the Lodge was due to the fact that the brethren had never accepted
candidates as members of the lodge who they would not like to sec occupy the position of Worshipful Master . " Other toasts followed , and the evening was enlivened with songs and recitations from Bros . Turner , H . Miller , A . Gamman , A . D . George , Emra Holmes , and
Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Bro . A . G . Barber , P . G . O . presiding with his usual ability at the piano . Owing to the inclemency of the weather several country members were prevented coming . Viscount Million , M . P ., was also expected , but was unable to come at the last ; but in spite of
many disappointments , a most enjoyable evening was spent , and the brethren were loth to separate . FILEY . — Roi / nt Lodge ( No . 64 , 3 . )—The above lodge held its usual installation meeting on the 9 th of February , at Foord's Hotel , Filey , when
there was a good attendance of the brethren and also of visitors from other lodges . After two initiations and the usual bnsiness of the lodge had been concluded , Bro . R . Simpson , J . W ., was introduced , and was duly installed bv Bro . Fletcher , P . M ., Old Globe , 200 , who kindly
officiated 111 the absence ol Bro . W . Mawkes , P . M ., the respected Treasurer of tlie lodge , who is so well qualified efficiently to perform this interesting ceremony . r lhe newl y installed W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers as
follows : —Bios . S . Kimniington , S . W . ; W . Hawkcs , P . M . Treas . ; H . A . Darby , Sec ; C . Reynolds , S . D . ; J . MacFaden , J . D . ; J . Cowton , I . G . ; Rev . N . Blane , P . M ., and P . P . G . C . Chaplain . After the closing of tho
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lodge the brethren adjourned to a bounteous and well-served banquet , provided by Bro . Kilby , of Foord ' s Hotel . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , also several toasts , songs , and recitations by various brethren : On the health of the newly installed W . M .
being drank with due honour , the worthy brother made a very feeling and appropriate reply thereto , and some excellent speeches were delivered by Bros . Blane , the esteemed Chaplain , Taylor , Old Globe , 200 , Armitage P . M ., P . P . G . W ., Fletcher , P . M . 200 , and other brethren . It is
worthy of remark that the newl y installed W . M ., is one of four brothers all of whom are outlying members of the lodges , and residing some miles distance from Filey , and four jollier fellows , or more true-hearted Masons it would be difficult to find in a long day ' s march .
WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE ( No . 7 66 ) . —An emergency meeting of this excellent lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 26 th ultimo , at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , when three hours were fully occupied in getting through the business for which the meeting was
convened . There were present Bros . W . W . Worrell , W . M . ; A . Brawn , S . W . ; J . Pringle , J . W . ; G . J . Kain , P . M ., Secretary ; W . M . Newton , S . D . ; G . Cragg , J . D . ; G . Newman , P . M . j R . H . Whiteman , P . M . ; B . Abbott , P . M . ; E . Kidman , H . F . Partridge , C . Cutmore ,
F . Ince , P . Stemmann , S . Wilkinson , W . E . Newton , J . F . Honey , S . J . Emley , and the following visitors , Bros . G . W . West , 128 /; H . Garrod , P . M ., 749 ; G . W . Lay , 5 69 ; J . H . Broomhall , 569 ; and J . C . Dousing , 108 . The W . M . ' s character as a good workman was
amply tested on this occasion , for the work upon the summons embraced the whole of the three eeremonies , which were performed with great ability and impressiveness by Bro . Worrell . In tlie first place Bro . Honey was raised to the to the sublime degree of M . M .: then Bros .
Stephen John Emley , and Francis Ince were passed to the degree of F . C ., and finally five initiates , viz ., Mr . James Alfred Keen , Mr . James French , Mr . Henry . Reissmann , Mr . George John Paull , and Mr . Robert Lyon were initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the
first degree . The working of the W . M . was , as we have already said , excellent , and we must add that he is fortunate in his officers , who all performed their alloted share in the ruling and working of the lodge with great ability . The work was very accurately measured also , being ,
by the skill and assiduity displayed , completed in exactly the space—from five till ei ght—allotted to it . The work being concluded , the lodge was closed , and the members and their visitors sat down to an excellent supper in one of the commodious rooms adjoining that in which the
lodge was held . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed b y the W . M ., and received the hearty welcome of the brethren present . Bro . Worrell being about to represent this lodge as a Steward at the forthcoming Festival for the Boys' School on the 11 th inst , an excellent
custom for the benefit of the charities , adopted in this lodge , was continued oa this occasion . The custom is this , volunteers are invited to contribute half-guinea shares in a fund of twenty guineas , which is added to the'list of the brother who is to represent the lodge , and this fund is
divided into four / -5 ^ s . life governorships which are ballotted for by the subscribers . We mention this with pleasure , as we think that on learning how successfully it works in the William Preston Lodge , many brethren , belonging to other lodges , may club together in
whatever shares they please for the same object . On the occasion of which we are now writing , Bro . Newman , one of the energetic P . M . ' s of the lodge , announced that there were still live halfguinea shares to be subscribed , and in less I hail five minutes the amount was com
pleted . In proposing the health of the W . M . Bro . Newman said that Bro . Worrell was one of the William Preston ' s own children , and it gave them all great pleasure to reflect that it was a brother initiated in the lodge
who now occupied the chair . They had five initiations present that evening , and to them he would say that five years ago Bro . Worrell occupied the same position . It was quite possible for them to follow on the same road . The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC M EETINGS : — Craft Masonry J 3 B Royal Arch ! 36 Mark Masonry ' 3 " Scotland * 37 Presentation to Bro . J . Bowes ' 37 Masonic Notes and Queries ' 3 °
Masonic Bibliography 1 39 Masonic Tidings ' 39 Consecration of the Peckham Lodge ' 39 Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic Church 14 ° Hie Masonic Charities r 4 2
Weekly Summary of News ' 4 CORRESPONDENCE : — The Present position of our Masonic Charities ... 143 Roman Catholics and Freemasons 144 Lodge Meetings for next week 144 Advertisements 133 134 140 146 147 148
SUPPLEMENT ( FOUR PAGES . ) The United GrandLodge 149 The Red Cross of Constantine 150 Freemasonry in North Wales 153
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
- ? Craft HfesjmrjT ,
BOLTON . —Anchor and Hope Lodge ( No . 37 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , and March , in Freemasons ' Hall , Church Institute , Bolton . There were present Bros . William Slater , W . M . ; James Walker , S . W . ; W . Horrocks , J . W . ; E , Ainsworth ,
Sec . ; R . K . Freeman , S . D . ; James Brown , J . . Samuel Crowther , I . G . ; G . P . Brockbank , P . Prov . G . Deacon ; Reuben Mitchell , P . Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; J . H . Winder , P . Prov . G . Pursu ivant ; John Robinson ; Samuel Isherwood ; R . W . Knowles ; James Pilkington ; and James
Newton , P . M . ' s ; Walter Pennington , WM . 678 ; and F . Ainsworth . The lodge being opened , the minutes were confirmed , and the W . M . practised his officers by opening up to the third degree and closing down to the first . A committee was appointed to co-operate with the other lodges in the
town , with the view of suitably entertaining the meeting of Prov . G . Lodge , which it is understood will shortly be held in Bolton . A brother was proposed as a joining member , and the lodge was then closed . Irswicn . — British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) . —
The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hal ) , Ipswich , on Wednesday , the 26 th Feb ., when there was a large muster of the brethren present . The St . John ' s Festival and Installation Banquet which had been postponed from December till now , in consequence of
a death in the family of the W . M ., was celebrated on this occasion . Amongst those present were—Bros . Peter de Landc Long , W . M . ; J . Ji . Moncktoii , Town Clerk of London , P . G . D . of England 5 C . F . Long , P . M ,, P . G . D . C . 5 Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . l' . G . C , Chaplain of the
Lodge ; W . Boby , P . S . G . W . ; C . Schulen , P . P . G . D . C . ; Emra Holmes , P . G . Reg ., P . P . G . A . D . C ., M . C . ; P . Cornell , P . P . G . S . D . : A . J . Barber , P . G . O . ; Clemant Cobbold , Chief Secretary of Legation , Lisbon , Knight of the
Brazilian Order of the Rose , 33 of Brazil ; A . D . George , S . W . ; J . J . Burton , J . W . ; Rev . A . G . Moore , J . D . ; Rev . J . B . Tweed , J . G . ; G . Turner , H . Millor , S . D . ; and others . Visiting
Brethren—G . Cresswell , W . M . Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 959 ; A . Gamman , P . G . S . B ., W . M . of the Perfect Friendship Lodge ; and Stephen Burdett King . P . P . G . S . D ., Secretary of the Perfect Friendship Lodge . The lodge having
opened in due form , and the necessary business transacted , a candidate was proposed for initiation , and the lodge was afterwards closed in antient form and with solemn prayer . A very elegant banquet was spread in the adjoining dining hall , to which the brethren adjourned , and
we need hardly add , ample justice was done to the viands . At the conclusion , grace having been said by Bro . Sanderson , the W . M . rose , and in brief but loyal terms , proposed " The Queen and the Craft , " which was given with all due honour .
Bro . Miller singing the solo of the National Anthem , and the brethren joining in with characteristic fervour . In proposing " The Grand Master , the Marquess of Ripon , " the W . M . remarked that the brethren in the provinces had little idea of the vast amount of work the Grand
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Master had to perforin , or how well he performed it . As a London Mason he could tell them how ably Lord Ripon filled his high office . The toast was drunk with due honour . The next toast was " P . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Grand Officers Past
and Present . " Bro . Minckton , Past Grand Deacon of England responded in admirable and vvell chosen language , and in a clear ringing voice it was a pleasure to listen to . Two or three members of Grand Lodge had been expected that evening , but the W . M . announced
that the Grand Secretary , Bro . Hervey was prevented by indisposition , and Bro . Whichcord , Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies , who was also invited , had been unable to honour them . Much regret was expressed at the absence of the amiable and talented Grand Secretarv ,
to whom the brethren would have liked to have shown hospitality . The W . M . stated , however , that during his year of office , Bro . Hervey would certainly make it his duty to visit the British Union , which announcement was received with applause . In proposing the health of "The
R . W . Prov . Grand Master , " the W . M . announced that he had received a letter from Lord Waveney , regretting his inability to attend , in consequence of a prior engagement that evening . His Lordship would have been cordially welcomed had he come amongst the brethren of
the British of which lodge he is a member , and we are sure that we express the sentiments of the brethren when we hope that we may be able ere long to record a visit from the gallant and popular Provincial Grand Master . Next came the " The W . D . P . G . M . and the Provincial Officers . "
Bro . Boby , S . G . W . of Suffolk responded to the toast with his usual eloquence , and afterwards proposed , " The Masonic Charities" in a strain of power which evidently told on the brethren . The W . M . and Bro . Boby both expressed their deep regret and at the very serious illness cf the
Rev . E . J . Lockwood , the D . P . G . M ., which prevented his being present amongst them that evening , and much sympathy was expressed with the venerable and greatly esteemed brother in his great affliction . The name of Bro . A . Gamman , W . M . of 22 rj , " was coupled with the toast of
the Visitors" and Bros . G . Cresswell , W . M . ° f 9 . 59 5 an ( ^ S . B . King also responded . Bro . Clement Cobbold proposed the " Worshipful Master" in happy terms , and the toast was drunk with great cordiality . Bro . Long responded in few sensible and modest words .
Bro . Sanderson responded to the " Officers of the Lodge" and took occasion to remark " that the British Union held confessedly the foremost place in Suffolk , and he believed the success and present proud position of the Lodge was due to the fact that the brethren had never accepted
candidates as members of the lodge who they would not like to sec occupy the position of Worshipful Master . " Other toasts followed , and the evening was enlivened with songs and recitations from Bros . Turner , H . Miller , A . Gamman , A . D . George , Emra Holmes , and
Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Bro . A . G . Barber , P . G . O . presiding with his usual ability at the piano . Owing to the inclemency of the weather several country members were prevented coming . Viscount Million , M . P ., was also expected , but was unable to come at the last ; but in spite of
many disappointments , a most enjoyable evening was spent , and the brethren were loth to separate . FILEY . — Roi / nt Lodge ( No . 64 , 3 . )—The above lodge held its usual installation meeting on the 9 th of February , at Foord's Hotel , Filey , when
there was a good attendance of the brethren and also of visitors from other lodges . After two initiations and the usual bnsiness of the lodge had been concluded , Bro . R . Simpson , J . W ., was introduced , and was duly installed bv Bro . Fletcher , P . M ., Old Globe , 200 , who kindly
officiated 111 the absence ol Bro . W . Mawkes , P . M ., the respected Treasurer of tlie lodge , who is so well qualified efficiently to perform this interesting ceremony . r lhe newl y installed W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers as
follows : —Bios . S . Kimniington , S . W . ; W . Hawkcs , P . M . Treas . ; H . A . Darby , Sec ; C . Reynolds , S . D . ; J . MacFaden , J . D . ; J . Cowton , I . G . ; Rev . N . Blane , P . M ., and P . P . G . C . Chaplain . After the closing of tho
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lodge the brethren adjourned to a bounteous and well-served banquet , provided by Bro . Kilby , of Foord ' s Hotel . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , also several toasts , songs , and recitations by various brethren : On the health of the newly installed W . M .
being drank with due honour , the worthy brother made a very feeling and appropriate reply thereto , and some excellent speeches were delivered by Bros . Blane , the esteemed Chaplain , Taylor , Old Globe , 200 , Armitage P . M ., P . P . G . W ., Fletcher , P . M . 200 , and other brethren . It is
worthy of remark that the newl y installed W . M ., is one of four brothers all of whom are outlying members of the lodges , and residing some miles distance from Filey , and four jollier fellows , or more true-hearted Masons it would be difficult to find in a long day ' s march .
WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE ( No . 7 66 ) . —An emergency meeting of this excellent lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 26 th ultimo , at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , when three hours were fully occupied in getting through the business for which the meeting was
convened . There were present Bros . W . W . Worrell , W . M . ; A . Brawn , S . W . ; J . Pringle , J . W . ; G . J . Kain , P . M ., Secretary ; W . M . Newton , S . D . ; G . Cragg , J . D . ; G . Newman , P . M . j R . H . Whiteman , P . M . ; B . Abbott , P . M . ; E . Kidman , H . F . Partridge , C . Cutmore ,
F . Ince , P . Stemmann , S . Wilkinson , W . E . Newton , J . F . Honey , S . J . Emley , and the following visitors , Bros . G . W . West , 128 /; H . Garrod , P . M ., 749 ; G . W . Lay , 5 69 ; J . H . Broomhall , 569 ; and J . C . Dousing , 108 . The W . M . ' s character as a good workman was
amply tested on this occasion , for the work upon the summons embraced the whole of the three eeremonies , which were performed with great ability and impressiveness by Bro . Worrell . In tlie first place Bro . Honey was raised to the to the sublime degree of M . M .: then Bros .
Stephen John Emley , and Francis Ince were passed to the degree of F . C ., and finally five initiates , viz ., Mr . James Alfred Keen , Mr . James French , Mr . Henry . Reissmann , Mr . George John Paull , and Mr . Robert Lyon were initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the
first degree . The working of the W . M . was , as we have already said , excellent , and we must add that he is fortunate in his officers , who all performed their alloted share in the ruling and working of the lodge with great ability . The work was very accurately measured also , being ,
by the skill and assiduity displayed , completed in exactly the space—from five till ei ght—allotted to it . The work being concluded , the lodge was closed , and the members and their visitors sat down to an excellent supper in one of the commodious rooms adjoining that in which the
lodge was held . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed b y the W . M ., and received the hearty welcome of the brethren present . Bro . Worrell being about to represent this lodge as a Steward at the forthcoming Festival for the Boys' School on the 11 th inst , an excellent
custom for the benefit of the charities , adopted in this lodge , was continued oa this occasion . The custom is this , volunteers are invited to contribute half-guinea shares in a fund of twenty guineas , which is added to the'list of the brother who is to represent the lodge , and this fund is
divided into four / -5 ^ s . life governorships which are ballotted for by the subscribers . We mention this with pleasure , as we think that on learning how successfully it works in the William Preston Lodge , many brethren , belonging to other lodges , may club together in
whatever shares they please for the same object . On the occasion of which we are now writing , Bro . Newman , one of the energetic P . M . ' s of the lodge , announced that there were still live halfguinea shares to be subscribed , and in less I hail five minutes the amount was com
pleted . In proposing the health of the W . M . Bro . Newman said that Bro . Worrell was one of the William Preston ' s own children , and it gave them all great pleasure to reflect that it was a brother initiated in the lodge
who now occupied the chair . They had five initiations present that evening , and to them he would say that five years ago Bro . Worrell occupied the same position . It was quite possible for them to follow on the same road . The