Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
more they knew of Bro . Worrell the more perfectly were they satisfied with all he did . He was having a very favourable year of office , and it was not at all unlikely that the William Preston Lodge would complete its mission as far as its numbers were concerned ( it is limited to fifty
members ) before he vacated the chair . In conclusion Bio . Newman wished the W . M . a happy and prosperous Stewardship to the Boys' School . In replv the W . M . thanked Bro . Newman and the brethren present for the kind manner in which his health had been proposed and drunk ,
and for the kindness and good feeling which was being extended to him on all sides during his year of office . He trusted that when he retired from the chair he would be able to reflect that he had done his duty to the best of his ability . lira . Newman had alluded to the number of
initiates present , and he would add that for some time past such a thing as the full number of initiates had not been known in that lodge . He might say , for the information of the initiates , that , without a dispensation from Grand Lodge , that was the greatest number that could be initiated
upon one occasion . He had not a personal knowledge of all of the initiates , but he was very much pleased with the attention they had paid to the ceremonies that evening ; he trusted that they would continue the work as well as they commenced it , and he hoped that some at
least of them would in due time rise to be W . M . ' s of the William Preston Lodge . He concluded by proposing " The Health of the Initiates" This toast having been responded to by the Initiates , the W . M . rose and proposed "The Health of the Visitors" in doing which
he remarked that they were always honoured by several ; aud he was happy to say that when their visitors had been once , they often came again , the sentiment " I have been there and still would go" which prompted their visitors the William Preston Lodge to be as a great
compliment , because it proved that their brethren were gratified by a visit to the William Preston Lodge . The health of the Past Masters and that of the officers were also proposed by Bro . Worrell , in doing which he acknowledged the obligation the . Master was always under to those who had
preceded him in the chair . He believed that Masons had no conception of the amount of assistance rendered by the Past Masters until they had been through the chair . As regards the officers he said that however good a Master a lodge niicht possess the work could not be
properly executed unless the efforts of the Master were heartily and efficiently seconded by his officers . He was happy to say that he was assisted by an excellent staff of officers , who knew their duties and had the interest of the lodge at
heart . The Past Masters and officers bavin " returned thanks the brethren separated after a remarkably satisfactory evening , memorable alike for excellent working in the lodge , and for the very pleasant social gathering which followed it .
Ki'NMxcrroN LOIHIK ( NO . 1 , 381 . ) —A meeting of this lodge was held at tlie Surrey Club House on Tuesday last . The officers of this lodge for the year are—Bros . Koch , W . M . ; Eurett , S . W . ; Gardner , J . W . ; Hunt , S . D Painter , | . D . ; Keeve , I . G . ; Webb , W . S . ¦ IVe
I .. M . I ic-i ' iirer ; and Stuart , P . M ., Secretary ; all of whom were present with the exception ol Bro . Hunt . The minutes of the previous meeting ha \ ing been passed , 15 ros . Moore , Farr , and Calrhpool wi re raised to the sublime degree of M . M . and liros . I'liillpott , Walls , and JJylield
passi ( 1 as F . C . 'I here were five gentlemen on the fusincss paper lo be initiated , but only one attended , viz ., Mr . Bates , who was duly admitted : \ number ol the Craft . The \< hole of the proceedings were carried out with c < nsiderable ability , the W . M . having the assistance of Bro
Piilsford , P . M . ; and Uro . Mann , P . M . The W . M . then gave notice of motion that at the next meeting lie should bring forward a scheme for the establishment of ,-i benevolent fund in eoniuelii . n vith the lodge , which he said was a
thing gnatly to be desired . There being no other business the lodge was duly closed . The banquet which followed was held in the commodious room adjoining the Club House and was ol a / v < 7 /( 7 < ¦ /(< . •' . description . The usual Loyal
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and Craft toasts were given by the W . M . and responded to with great fire and spirit by the brethren assembled . " The Health of the Past Masters" present at the banquet , namely , Bros . Pulsford , Page , Mann , Pope , and Stuart , was well received , and responded to by Bro . Mann
for the whole . The " Visitors toast was proposed , duly acknowledged and replied to by Bro . Myers . Between the toasts the lodge was enlivened by the harmony of Bros . T . C . Walls , Phillpott , Webb , Gardner , and the tenor singing
of the first named brother in the popular ballads "Tom Bowling" and "Love ' s Request" appearing to g ive great satisfaction to the lodge . The Ty ler ' s toast completed the proceedings , which were thoroughly successful .
LEICESTER . — Commercial Lodge ( No . 1 , 391 ) . The second Masonic ball in connection with this
enterprising and prosperous lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Halford-street , on Monday evening , the 2 , 3 rd ult , in aid of the Masonic Institution for Girls , under the most distinguished patronage . There was a numerous attendance of the brethren , and the various insignia of the
different degrees , from the humble Fellow Craft to the exalted Rose Croix , contrasted with the rich dresses of the ladies , presented a gay and brilliant effect . Among those present were Bros . J . Halford , W . M . ; J . B . Hall , I . P . M . j A . Palmer , W . M . 270 ; F . T . Baines , W . M .
523 ; C . Strctton , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; W . Weare , W . M ., Fowkc Lodge ; J . M . McAllister , W . M . elect , Fowke Lodge ; J . Thorpe , J . W . ^ 2 . 3 ; L . L . Attwood , S . lebbutt , B . Moore , G . Brown , J . G . Crofts , Dr . Meadows , C . Wilkinson , O . Law , J . S . Tomlin , W . R . Tomlin , J .
Hunter , J . W . Quin , — Roberts , and others . The ladies present were Mrs . Wilkinson , Mrs . J . S . Tomlin , Mrs . Weare , Mrs . Moore , Mrs . Tebbutt , Mrs , Law , Miss Hewlings , Miss Hunter , Miss E . Hunter , Miss Weare , Miss Attwood , Miss Chamberlain , Misses Church ,
Miss Wade , Miss Winks , Miss Healey , & c . Dancing commenced at nine o ' clock , to the stirring strains of Bro . H . Nicholson ' s celebrated uad rille band , and the enjoyment of the guests was promoted in a very high degree by the affability and brotherl y courtesey of Bro . Halford , W . M ., and Bro . J . B . Hall , I . P . M . Th =
arrangements for the refreshment department were equal to the requirements , and fancy of the most fastidious taste , and reflected great credit on the care and forethought of the Stewards , ami Mr . Fox deserved the especial thanks for the abundance , and excellence of the wines and other dainties supplied on the occasion .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LIVERPOOL . —Evcrton C / ia / iler ( No . 823 . )—The companions of this chapter were summoned to attend its duties at the Masonic Hall , Hopestreet , on Tuesday , the 24 th ult ., when there was a very large and successful meeting . The chief items of business were the installation of
Principals and investiture of officers . The following is a complete list of those present : — Comps . Samunl Haynes , Z . ; Thomas Ash more , P . Z . ; A . C . Mott , P . Z . ; Jesse Banning , H . ; Joseph Holland , J . ; J . Goodman , Ii . ; T . Moulding , P . S . ; T . Bloomfield ; T . Tuft , J . W . ;
Cave-Browne-Cave , T . H . Carefull , W . Boulton , W . J . Lunt , P . Z . 24 . 3 ; G . T . II . Lyall , | . Hamer , P . Z . ; S . Millikin , J . Hamer , W . 11 . Cooper , J . W . Newman , W . Cottrell , A . Stothcr , and W . II . Thompson . The visitois present were Comps . I-I . Burrows , 67 . ); Joseph Wood , Treas .
2 ^ 9 ; W . Shortis , II . 1024 ; J . T . Callow , II . ¦ ' 7 , 5 ; 1 ' . Joins , 241 ; | . Lunt , P . Z . 1086 , and Z . 241 ; ) . Pemberton , P . Z . 1094 ; 11 . Nelson , Z . 67 , 3 ; C . II . Hill , H . 241 ; R . W . Holt , 220 : J . Parsons , II . 203 ; S . J . MacGeorge . P . Z ' 241 ; and C . Leedhnm , P . Z . 220 . 'Ihe chapter
was duly ami solemnly openened at five o ' clock , Comp . Captain Mott , acting as Z . ; Comp . Jesse . Banning , as II . ; and Comp . J . Holland , J . The minutes of the previous chapter were read and confirmed , and five candidates and one
joining member were balloted for . All below the rank of P . Z ., then retired , and Comp . Samuel Haynes , M . E . Z ., then took the throne , Comp . Ashmore P . Z ., acting as H „ and Comp . Mott , P . Z ., as J ., and proceeded to instal Comp .
Royal Arch.
Jesse Banning , as First Principal . Comp . Ashmore installed Comp . Holland , as H . ; and Comp . Mott , installed Comp . W . J . Lunt , P . Z ., as J . The work of installation was performed with an efficiency scarcely ever excelled in this division . The newly installed Principals were
then saluted in the usual form , and the M . E . Z ., subsequently invested the following as his officers : —Comps . Shaw , S . E . ; Ballard , S . N . ; Boultcn , P . S . ; T . Ashmore , P . Z ., Treas . ; Petet Ball , was re-elected and invested as Janitor . The accounts of the retiring Treasurer ( Come Shaw )
were read and passed , and a vote of thanks to him was ordered to be recorded on the minutes for the very flourishing state in which he had left the funds of the Chapter . The M . E . Z . then in a very complimentary speech , presented a beautiful P . Z . jewel to Comp . Haynes , I . P . Z .,
who acknowledged the gift in a neat speech . He thanked the companions of the chapter for the very handsome present , and hoped tliey might have broods of P . Z . ' s , superior to all that had gone before . Wishing even increased prosperity to the chapter , and again thanking the companions
for their present , Comp . Haynes concluded in a very happy manner . The P . S . then appointed Comp . Millikin , as Senior A . S ., and Comp . Careful , as Junior A . S . Three brethren were proposed for installation , and after hearty good wishes had been given from several chapters , the
business was brought to a close . The companions at once proceeded to a most substantial banquet , and after the cloth had been drawn , Comp . Jesse Banning , M . E . Z ., in proposing " The Queen" spoke as follows : —Companions , We have the happiness to reside in a country where
law is supreme and loyalty is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people , but companions , we have the additional privilege of membership in a society wherein reverence for those princi ples is inculcated in an eminent degree . It is therefore unnecessary for me to
expatiate on the many excellent qualities , social and domestic virtues of the object of my toast , all I need to do is to ask you to unite with me in drinking to " The Health , long life and con . tinued happiness of Her Majesty the Queen . " The usual Masonic toasts were afterwards
proposed , and a very pleasant evening was spent . THE WHITTINGTON CHATTER ( No . 862 ) held a convocation at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Friday , February 27 th . Present , Comps . J . Weaver , M . E . Z . ; J . Brett as H . ; W . Q . H . Janes , J . W . ; F . Smith , N . ; — Bingstan , P . S .:
G . Pntchard , 1 st A . S . ; W . A . Tinney , 2 nd A . S . ; and F . Pritchard . Visitor , Companion E . S . Q ., M . E . Z . Joppa Chapter . The chapter was opened in solemn form . Letters of apology were read from the candidates for exaltation for their non-attendance ; the bye-laws were submitted ,
approved , and resolved that they be printed in the form of a book . Proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that the exaltation fee be raised after the next convocation in May . The chapter was then closed in solemn form , and the Companions adjourned to the banquet-room , where a very pleasant evening was spent .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
IPSWICH . —Albert Victor Mark Lodge . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , 2 , 3 rd ult ., for the purpose of advancing several brethren , when there were present . Bros . Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . M . M ., P . G . Chap , of England ; C . T . Townsend , P . M . M ., P . G . D . ;
Emra Holmes , P . M . M ., Grand Inspector of Works ; E . ] . Robertson , W . M . ; G . Cresswell , S . W . ; | . ; . Dorling ; J . Townsend , J . W . ; W . Cuckow ; Chinnock ; J . A . Pettit ; W . T . Westgate ; Bennett , kc , & c . The lodge having been opened in due form , Bro . Robertson resigned the gavel into the hands of Bro . Sanderson , and the
ballot having been taken for Bros . Frederick William Garnham , and Thomas Osmond , of the Prince of Wales Lodge ; and Walter G . Walford and William Randefl , of 43 , 3 , they were duly elected , obligated , and advanced in the honourable degree of Mark Master Mason . After other pro positions had been received , the lodge was closed " and the brethren retired for refreshment . The '
usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , Bro . Sanderson responding to that of ' the Grand Officers . '' In he course of a few
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
more they knew of Bro . Worrell the more perfectly were they satisfied with all he did . He was having a very favourable year of office , and it was not at all unlikely that the William Preston Lodge would complete its mission as far as its numbers were concerned ( it is limited to fifty
members ) before he vacated the chair . In conclusion Bio . Newman wished the W . M . a happy and prosperous Stewardship to the Boys' School . In replv the W . M . thanked Bro . Newman and the brethren present for the kind manner in which his health had been proposed and drunk ,
and for the kindness and good feeling which was being extended to him on all sides during his year of office . He trusted that when he retired from the chair he would be able to reflect that he had done his duty to the best of his ability . lira . Newman had alluded to the number of
initiates present , and he would add that for some time past such a thing as the full number of initiates had not been known in that lodge . He might say , for the information of the initiates , that , without a dispensation from Grand Lodge , that was the greatest number that could be initiated
upon one occasion . He had not a personal knowledge of all of the initiates , but he was very much pleased with the attention they had paid to the ceremonies that evening ; he trusted that they would continue the work as well as they commenced it , and he hoped that some at
least of them would in due time rise to be W . M . ' s of the William Preston Lodge . He concluded by proposing " The Health of the Initiates" This toast having been responded to by the Initiates , the W . M . rose and proposed "The Health of the Visitors" in doing which
he remarked that they were always honoured by several ; aud he was happy to say that when their visitors had been once , they often came again , the sentiment " I have been there and still would go" which prompted their visitors the William Preston Lodge to be as a great
compliment , because it proved that their brethren were gratified by a visit to the William Preston Lodge . The health of the Past Masters and that of the officers were also proposed by Bro . Worrell , in doing which he acknowledged the obligation the . Master was always under to those who had
preceded him in the chair . He believed that Masons had no conception of the amount of assistance rendered by the Past Masters until they had been through the chair . As regards the officers he said that however good a Master a lodge niicht possess the work could not be
properly executed unless the efforts of the Master were heartily and efficiently seconded by his officers . He was happy to say that he was assisted by an excellent staff of officers , who knew their duties and had the interest of the lodge at
heart . The Past Masters and officers bavin " returned thanks the brethren separated after a remarkably satisfactory evening , memorable alike for excellent working in the lodge , and for the very pleasant social gathering which followed it .
Ki'NMxcrroN LOIHIK ( NO . 1 , 381 . ) —A meeting of this lodge was held at tlie Surrey Club House on Tuesday last . The officers of this lodge for the year are—Bros . Koch , W . M . ; Eurett , S . W . ; Gardner , J . W . ; Hunt , S . D Painter , | . D . ; Keeve , I . G . ; Webb , W . S . ¦ IVe
I .. M . I ic-i ' iirer ; and Stuart , P . M ., Secretary ; all of whom were present with the exception ol Bro . Hunt . The minutes of the previous meeting ha \ ing been passed , 15 ros . Moore , Farr , and Calrhpool wi re raised to the sublime degree of M . M . and liros . I'liillpott , Walls , and JJylield
passi ( 1 as F . C . 'I here were five gentlemen on the fusincss paper lo be initiated , but only one attended , viz ., Mr . Bates , who was duly admitted : \ number ol the Craft . The \< hole of the proceedings were carried out with c < nsiderable ability , the W . M . having the assistance of Bro
Piilsford , P . M . ; and Uro . Mann , P . M . The W . M . then gave notice of motion that at the next meeting lie should bring forward a scheme for the establishment of ,-i benevolent fund in eoniuelii . n vith the lodge , which he said was a
thing gnatly to be desired . There being no other business the lodge was duly closed . The banquet which followed was held in the commodious room adjoining the Club House and was ol a / v < 7 /( 7 < ¦ /(< . •' . description . The usual Loyal
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and Craft toasts were given by the W . M . and responded to with great fire and spirit by the brethren assembled . " The Health of the Past Masters" present at the banquet , namely , Bros . Pulsford , Page , Mann , Pope , and Stuart , was well received , and responded to by Bro . Mann
for the whole . The " Visitors toast was proposed , duly acknowledged and replied to by Bro . Myers . Between the toasts the lodge was enlivened by the harmony of Bros . T . C . Walls , Phillpott , Webb , Gardner , and the tenor singing
of the first named brother in the popular ballads "Tom Bowling" and "Love ' s Request" appearing to g ive great satisfaction to the lodge . The Ty ler ' s toast completed the proceedings , which were thoroughly successful .
LEICESTER . — Commercial Lodge ( No . 1 , 391 ) . The second Masonic ball in connection with this
enterprising and prosperous lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Halford-street , on Monday evening , the 2 , 3 rd ult , in aid of the Masonic Institution for Girls , under the most distinguished patronage . There was a numerous attendance of the brethren , and the various insignia of the
different degrees , from the humble Fellow Craft to the exalted Rose Croix , contrasted with the rich dresses of the ladies , presented a gay and brilliant effect . Among those present were Bros . J . Halford , W . M . ; J . B . Hall , I . P . M . j A . Palmer , W . M . 270 ; F . T . Baines , W . M .
523 ; C . Strctton , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; W . Weare , W . M ., Fowkc Lodge ; J . M . McAllister , W . M . elect , Fowke Lodge ; J . Thorpe , J . W . ^ 2 . 3 ; L . L . Attwood , S . lebbutt , B . Moore , G . Brown , J . G . Crofts , Dr . Meadows , C . Wilkinson , O . Law , J . S . Tomlin , W . R . Tomlin , J .
Hunter , J . W . Quin , — Roberts , and others . The ladies present were Mrs . Wilkinson , Mrs . J . S . Tomlin , Mrs . Weare , Mrs . Moore , Mrs . Tebbutt , Mrs , Law , Miss Hewlings , Miss Hunter , Miss E . Hunter , Miss Weare , Miss Attwood , Miss Chamberlain , Misses Church ,
Miss Wade , Miss Winks , Miss Healey , & c . Dancing commenced at nine o ' clock , to the stirring strains of Bro . H . Nicholson ' s celebrated uad rille band , and the enjoyment of the guests was promoted in a very high degree by the affability and brotherl y courtesey of Bro . Halford , W . M ., and Bro . J . B . Hall , I . P . M . Th =
arrangements for the refreshment department were equal to the requirements , and fancy of the most fastidious taste , and reflected great credit on the care and forethought of the Stewards , ami Mr . Fox deserved the especial thanks for the abundance , and excellence of the wines and other dainties supplied on the occasion .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LIVERPOOL . —Evcrton C / ia / iler ( No . 823 . )—The companions of this chapter were summoned to attend its duties at the Masonic Hall , Hopestreet , on Tuesday , the 24 th ult ., when there was a very large and successful meeting . The chief items of business were the installation of
Principals and investiture of officers . The following is a complete list of those present : — Comps . Samunl Haynes , Z . ; Thomas Ash more , P . Z . ; A . C . Mott , P . Z . ; Jesse Banning , H . ; Joseph Holland , J . ; J . Goodman , Ii . ; T . Moulding , P . S . ; T . Bloomfield ; T . Tuft , J . W . ;
Cave-Browne-Cave , T . H . Carefull , W . Boulton , W . J . Lunt , P . Z . 24 . 3 ; G . T . II . Lyall , | . Hamer , P . Z . ; S . Millikin , J . Hamer , W . 11 . Cooper , J . W . Newman , W . Cottrell , A . Stothcr , and W . II . Thompson . The visitois present were Comps . I-I . Burrows , 67 . ); Joseph Wood , Treas .
2 ^ 9 ; W . Shortis , II . 1024 ; J . T . Callow , II . ¦ ' 7 , 5 ; 1 ' . Joins , 241 ; | . Lunt , P . Z . 1086 , and Z . 241 ; ) . Pemberton , P . Z . 1094 ; 11 . Nelson , Z . 67 , 3 ; C . II . Hill , H . 241 ; R . W . Holt , 220 : J . Parsons , II . 203 ; S . J . MacGeorge . P . Z ' 241 ; and C . Leedhnm , P . Z . 220 . 'Ihe chapter
was duly ami solemnly openened at five o ' clock , Comp . Captain Mott , acting as Z . ; Comp . Jesse . Banning , as II . ; and Comp . J . Holland , J . The minutes of the previous chapter were read and confirmed , and five candidates and one
joining member were balloted for . All below the rank of P . Z ., then retired , and Comp . Samuel Haynes , M . E . Z ., then took the throne , Comp . Ashmore P . Z ., acting as H „ and Comp . Mott , P . Z ., as J ., and proceeded to instal Comp .
Royal Arch.
Jesse Banning , as First Principal . Comp . Ashmore installed Comp . Holland , as H . ; and Comp . Mott , installed Comp . W . J . Lunt , P . Z ., as J . The work of installation was performed with an efficiency scarcely ever excelled in this division . The newly installed Principals were
then saluted in the usual form , and the M . E . Z ., subsequently invested the following as his officers : —Comps . Shaw , S . E . ; Ballard , S . N . ; Boultcn , P . S . ; T . Ashmore , P . Z ., Treas . ; Petet Ball , was re-elected and invested as Janitor . The accounts of the retiring Treasurer ( Come Shaw )
were read and passed , and a vote of thanks to him was ordered to be recorded on the minutes for the very flourishing state in which he had left the funds of the Chapter . The M . E . Z . then in a very complimentary speech , presented a beautiful P . Z . jewel to Comp . Haynes , I . P . Z .,
who acknowledged the gift in a neat speech . He thanked the companions of the chapter for the very handsome present , and hoped tliey might have broods of P . Z . ' s , superior to all that had gone before . Wishing even increased prosperity to the chapter , and again thanking the companions
for their present , Comp . Haynes concluded in a very happy manner . The P . S . then appointed Comp . Millikin , as Senior A . S ., and Comp . Careful , as Junior A . S . Three brethren were proposed for installation , and after hearty good wishes had been given from several chapters , the
business was brought to a close . The companions at once proceeded to a most substantial banquet , and after the cloth had been drawn , Comp . Jesse Banning , M . E . Z ., in proposing " The Queen" spoke as follows : —Companions , We have the happiness to reside in a country where
law is supreme and loyalty is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people , but companions , we have the additional privilege of membership in a society wherein reverence for those princi ples is inculcated in an eminent degree . It is therefore unnecessary for me to
expatiate on the many excellent qualities , social and domestic virtues of the object of my toast , all I need to do is to ask you to unite with me in drinking to " The Health , long life and con . tinued happiness of Her Majesty the Queen . " The usual Masonic toasts were afterwards
proposed , and a very pleasant evening was spent . THE WHITTINGTON CHATTER ( No . 862 ) held a convocation at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Friday , February 27 th . Present , Comps . J . Weaver , M . E . Z . ; J . Brett as H . ; W . Q . H . Janes , J . W . ; F . Smith , N . ; — Bingstan , P . S .:
G . Pntchard , 1 st A . S . ; W . A . Tinney , 2 nd A . S . ; and F . Pritchard . Visitor , Companion E . S . Q ., M . E . Z . Joppa Chapter . The chapter was opened in solemn form . Letters of apology were read from the candidates for exaltation for their non-attendance ; the bye-laws were submitted ,
approved , and resolved that they be printed in the form of a book . Proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that the exaltation fee be raised after the next convocation in May . The chapter was then closed in solemn form , and the Companions adjourned to the banquet-room , where a very pleasant evening was spent .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
IPSWICH . —Albert Victor Mark Lodge . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , 2 , 3 rd ult ., for the purpose of advancing several brethren , when there were present . Bros . Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . M . M ., P . G . Chap , of England ; C . T . Townsend , P . M . M ., P . G . D . ;
Emra Holmes , P . M . M ., Grand Inspector of Works ; E . ] . Robertson , W . M . ; G . Cresswell , S . W . ; | . ; . Dorling ; J . Townsend , J . W . ; W . Cuckow ; Chinnock ; J . A . Pettit ; W . T . Westgate ; Bennett , kc , & c . The lodge having been opened in due form , Bro . Robertson resigned the gavel into the hands of Bro . Sanderson , and the
ballot having been taken for Bros . Frederick William Garnham , and Thomas Osmond , of the Prince of Wales Lodge ; and Walter G . Walford and William Randefl , of 43 , 3 , they were duly elected , obligated , and advanced in the honourable degree of Mark Master Mason . After other pro positions had been received , the lodge was closed " and the brethren retired for refreshment . The '
usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , Bro . Sanderson responding to that of ' the Grand Officers . '' In he course of a few