Article Mark Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article PRESENTATION TO BRO. J. BOWES P.M., P.Z., PROV. G. REG., &c, OF, WARRINGTON. Page 1 of 2 Article PRESENTATION TO BRO. J. BOWES P.M., P.Z., PROV. G. REG., &c, OF, WARRINGTON. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
well chosen and sensible remarks , he observed that the appointment of Grand Officers was not in the hands of a clique , that merit alone was considered , and that he could not but remark upon the admirable manner in which the affairs
of Grand Mark Lo Ige were conducted . The health of the W . M ., Bro . Dorling , the newlyadvanced brethren , and others , were all given , and responded to with great cordiality . Several contributed to the harmony of the evening , and the brethren separated at a late hour .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —linioii and Crown Lodge ( No . 103 ) , met on Monday , February 23 , Bro . A . M . Wright , R . W . M ., presiding , J . Martin , S . M . ; l-Muir , S . W . ; J . Thomas , J . W . ; f . Gilles , P . M . Sec ; J . Cochran , T . Minnie , S . D . ; and a large attendance of members and visitors . The
work consisted of one initiaton and a passing , both ceremonies being performed by the R . W . M ., in a way that is seldom surpassed . The lodge having been called to refreshment , the Master , in proposing " The Provincial Grand Lodge , " said that though every ledge in the
province always heartily responded to that sentiment , still it had peculiar claims on the Lodge Union and Crown , for she had the honour of having two of their P . M . ' s as Prov . Grand Officers , neither could he forget the kindness of Bro . F . A . Barrow , at their festival last week .
Bro . Gilles a P . M . of the lodge , and P . G . S . B ., in reply , spoke of the harmony subsisting not only in the Prov . G . L . itself , but also between it and the daughter lodges , he also gave some interesting particulars relative to P . G . L . Benevolent Fund , stating they had now £ 400 at interest ,
and yet at the meeting last week they had passed grants to five deserving cases , in each instance voting mow than double the amount that was formerly considered the maximum grant . The S . W . gave " The Visiting Brethren . " The Lodge Union had always maintained a name for
welcoming visitors , he was pleased to see so many there to night , he welcomed them all , but would particularly name Bro . G . Weston , R . W . M . of 73 ; and Bro . G . W . Wheeler . Bro . Weston gracefully acknowledged the compliment , as well as the kind services of their Master in working
the 2 nd degree for him at his last lodge meeting . He would be glad to see the officers and brethren at 73 . Bro . Wheeler also replied , and proposed "Prosperity to the Unionand Crown Lodge , " this had a list of illustrious P . M . ' s the glory of whom he was sure would be equalled if not eclipsed by
their present Master . Bro . Wright , on behalf of himself and the lodge , thanked Bro . Wheeler for his flattering remarks , and would endeavour to earn the praise now given . He then gave the final toast of the evening . GLASGOW . —Athol Lodge ( No . , 413 ) met on
Thursday , February 24 th , Bro . J . Wallace , R . W . M ., in the chair . There was a good attendance of members and visitors . Three brethren were passed to the second degree , the work being excellently performed by Bro . John Miller , I . P . M . Arrangements were then made
for holding the annual festival on the 27 th prox . GLASGOW . —Cathedral Chapter ( No . 67 ) met on the 24 th February , at 22 , Struthers-street . Ihere was only a small attendance of the members , but the work was well performed by Comps . Duthie , Taylor , and Pearce .
EDINBURGH . —Lodge Caledonian ( No . 392 ) . — The regular monthl y meeting of this lodge was held within their own lodge room , in the Freemasons' Hall , George-street , Edinburgh , on the evening of Thursday , 2 , 5 th February , 1874 . Bro . Donald Swanson , R . W . Master , occupied the chair
, and the Wardens in their places , Bro C . I . Paton acting as Secretary . The minutes of the meeting were deferred being read in consequence of the Secretary ' s absence , until the next regular monthly meeting . The lodge having heen opened , a petition was read by the acting O * . l - « - «« "J ***** UV . btlJg
secretary , signed and recommended in regular ^ der from Mr . W . Wells , merchant , Glasgow , craving to be received a member of the ancient Order . The ballot having been taken and lound unanimous , the first degree was then contored on Mr . Wells . Amongst the Past
Masters present were Bro . T . H . Douglas , Chalmers , I . Paton , and W . Wotherspoon . The visitors were Bro . J . Macpherson , No . 8 , and Bro . J . Ford , R . W . M . 506 " . The R . W . M . asked in the east , west , and south if there were any further business , sayinsr . that as he intended visiting the Lodge St . Clair ball , he would not
call the Lodge to refreshment that evening . The brethren agreeing to this , and there being no further business , the lodge was closed in due and ample form . The regular meetings of this lodge arc held on the second and fourth Thursdays of the months of January , I'ebruary , March , April , September , October , November , and December , and emergencies when required .
Presentation To Bro. J. Bowes P.M., P.Z., Prov. G. Reg., &C, Of, Warrington.
Bro . Bowes has long been known as an active working Mason in both West Lancashire and the more northern province of Cumberland and Westmoreland , and for the past dozen years he has held the office of Hon . Sec . of the Lodge of Lights , No . 48 . Some months since Bro .
Bowes addressed a circular ( which we published at the time ) to the members , referring to his long services , and seeking official relief . The brethren reluctantly complied with his request , and the lodge voted him a handsome jewel as a small acknowledgement of its obligations . This ,
however , was not deemed a sufficient recognition by many , and it was determined to supplement it with an address and purse of gold . The matter was taken up warmly by the W . M . of No . 148 , Bro . John Harding , and Bro . D . W . Finney , P . M ., etc ., and on Tuesday , 3 rd . inst .,
those two brethren , representing the subscribers , made the presentation . The address , which is artistically inscribed on vellum , richl y illuminated , and handsomely framed , was read , at the request of the W . M ., by Bro . Finney , and . ran as follows : —
"To Bro . John Bowes , P . M ., P . Z ., kc , Warrington . " Dear Sir and Brother , '' On behalf of a number of brethren of our ancient and noble Craft , resident in Warrington , and the neighbourhood , we beg your
acceptance of this purse of fifty sovereigns , as a slight mark of their appreciation of your great Masonic worth . " Your services , freely rendered , to Freemasonry in this part of the province of West Lancashire , have been greatly appreciated and have
tended in no small degree to raise its character and tone among us . " Several brethren from distant provinces have likewise expressed the pleasure they felt in being allowed to subscribe to this testimonial . Trusting that T . G . A . O . T . U . may abundantly
bless both you and yours , " We are dear sir , and brother , on behalf of the subscribers , yours very fraternally , " J HARDING , W . M . 148 . " D . W . FINNEY , P . M . 148 . " Bro . Finney then said : Bro . Bowes—Bro .
Harding and myself have been deputed by a number of brethren resident in Warrington and the neighbourhood to wait upon you , and to ask your acceptance of a purse of fifty sovereigns , together with this address , as a slig ht mark of their appreciation of your great Masonic worth .
As to the purse , I can only wish it had contained £ 500 instead of sSfyO . As to the address , I am sure you will at least greatly admire the taste displayed in its artistic and exquisite design . Personally , T regard it as a great compliment to be associated with our excellent W . M ., Bro .
Harding , in the presentation of this little memento of our regard for you as Freemason , and when I say I entertain for both you and also your family a sincere and affectionate regard , I feel I speak not onl y my own and Bro . Harding ' s sentiments , but at the same time express the
feelings of those brethren with whom you have been Masonically associated for the last 12 or 13 years . I have myself known you a good many years , and have entertained for you the same high feeling of respect and regard . ' When you look upon that beautiful picture , for it is really a beautiful work of art , it will remind you
Presentation To Bro. J. Bowes P.M., P.Z., Prov. G. Reg., &C, Of, Warrington.
of your many Masonic friends , among the first and foremost of whom you may very truly reckon Bro . John Harding , the W . M . of 148 . It was not my intention at first to have said more than these few words , but 1 feel I cannot refrain from reverting briefly to your history as
a Mason , and perhaps the reflection may not be altogether out of place . For more than eleven years you held the office of Hon . Sec . to the Lodge of Lights , 148 , a lodge which stands high in the province of West Lancashire and deservedly so , and I am bold to affirm tha
to you m no small degree is due its prosperity and efficiency ; indeed this ¦ is invariably acknowledged by the Craft in Warrington . Your services , too , to the Gilbert Greenall Lodge , J 2 5 , must not be forgotten . When that lodge was founded some five or six
years ago , and named at your suggestion after the worthy and distinguished Bro . Greenall , P . S . G . W . of England , you become its first Acting Master , acting for Bro . Greenall in his unavoidable absence . Those services were freely given , and I venture to think they were performed
in a manner such as reflected honour upon yourself and credit to the lodge . You were likewise one of the founders and are now the senior member of the Chapter of Elias Aslnv . ole , in connection with the Lodge of Lights , and very great praise must be awarded to you for the . able manner you
filled all the offices of the Chapter . As Installing Master yo . ir services have frequently been called into requisition , not only in our own lodges , but also in those of other provinces , and in that capacity' there are found very few to equal and fewer still to excel you . I cannot forget , too ,
that you have held high office in Prov . Grand Chapter , as well as in Prov . Grand Lodge , and in each and in all the various offices you have been called upon to fill you have invariably acquitted yourself in such a manner as to bring down upon yourself the highest possible credit . In
fine your efforts to promote the good of Freemasonry in general , and of the Craft in Warrington in particular , have tended greatly to raise its character and tone among us , and I cordially endorse every word contained in that beautitul address which I have just read to you .
I might say much more , but as Bro . Harding will have something to say , I shall conclude byexpressing , in the words of the address , a wish that the G . A . O . T . U . may abundantly bless both Mrs . Bowes and yourself , and that you may live aiany many years to enjoy the affection aud
esteem of your brethren in Freemasonry I now invite the W . M . to address you . Bro . John Harding said : —Dear Bro . Bowes , it is at all times a pleasing task to do honour to those whom we esteem , and especially so when that esteem is largely shared by others , and as the
pleasure is increased so also is the difficulty one feels when called upon to be the exponent of the sentiments of others . I could have wished the duty of presenting this testimonial had fallen into more able hands than my own , but I yield to no brother in my high estimation of your
character and the many valuable services you have rendered to Masonry in general and to my lodge in particular . It is well known that that you have sacrificed much time and laboured most assidously for a long time in the furtherance of Masonry , and it is hoped you will continue
your valuable services . To mark their sense of your high merits as a Mason , a Iriend and neighbour , the brethren have generously subscribed this testimonial . I will only add that I cordially endorse all that Bro . Finney has so well said , and that I experience extreme pleasure in conducting
this well deserved presentation . That the Most High may abundantly bless you and yours is the fervent desire of every subscriber to this testimonial . Bro . Bowes said , W . M . and Bro . Past Master Finney . My tongue will fail to express in adequate terms my heartfelt gratitude for this
proof of the fraternal regard of my brethren . It has been my privilege to be an active officer of No . J 48 for a long time . Indeed I have been accustomed for years to regard the lodge as a home in which I could always calculate upon a warm and hearty reception as a brother . For a long time , too , most of my hours of recreation have been spent in and about its concerns . In
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
well chosen and sensible remarks , he observed that the appointment of Grand Officers was not in the hands of a clique , that merit alone was considered , and that he could not but remark upon the admirable manner in which the affairs
of Grand Mark Lo Ige were conducted . The health of the W . M ., Bro . Dorling , the newlyadvanced brethren , and others , were all given , and responded to with great cordiality . Several contributed to the harmony of the evening , and the brethren separated at a late hour .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —linioii and Crown Lodge ( No . 103 ) , met on Monday , February 23 , Bro . A . M . Wright , R . W . M ., presiding , J . Martin , S . M . ; l-Muir , S . W . ; J . Thomas , J . W . ; f . Gilles , P . M . Sec ; J . Cochran , T . Minnie , S . D . ; and a large attendance of members and visitors . The
work consisted of one initiaton and a passing , both ceremonies being performed by the R . W . M ., in a way that is seldom surpassed . The lodge having been called to refreshment , the Master , in proposing " The Provincial Grand Lodge , " said that though every ledge in the
province always heartily responded to that sentiment , still it had peculiar claims on the Lodge Union and Crown , for she had the honour of having two of their P . M . ' s as Prov . Grand Officers , neither could he forget the kindness of Bro . F . A . Barrow , at their festival last week .
Bro . Gilles a P . M . of the lodge , and P . G . S . B ., in reply , spoke of the harmony subsisting not only in the Prov . G . L . itself , but also between it and the daughter lodges , he also gave some interesting particulars relative to P . G . L . Benevolent Fund , stating they had now £ 400 at interest ,
and yet at the meeting last week they had passed grants to five deserving cases , in each instance voting mow than double the amount that was formerly considered the maximum grant . The S . W . gave " The Visiting Brethren . " The Lodge Union had always maintained a name for
welcoming visitors , he was pleased to see so many there to night , he welcomed them all , but would particularly name Bro . G . Weston , R . W . M . of 73 ; and Bro . G . W . Wheeler . Bro . Weston gracefully acknowledged the compliment , as well as the kind services of their Master in working
the 2 nd degree for him at his last lodge meeting . He would be glad to see the officers and brethren at 73 . Bro . Wheeler also replied , and proposed "Prosperity to the Unionand Crown Lodge , " this had a list of illustrious P . M . ' s the glory of whom he was sure would be equalled if not eclipsed by
their present Master . Bro . Wright , on behalf of himself and the lodge , thanked Bro . Wheeler for his flattering remarks , and would endeavour to earn the praise now given . He then gave the final toast of the evening . GLASGOW . —Athol Lodge ( No . , 413 ) met on
Thursday , February 24 th , Bro . J . Wallace , R . W . M ., in the chair . There was a good attendance of members and visitors . Three brethren were passed to the second degree , the work being excellently performed by Bro . John Miller , I . P . M . Arrangements were then made
for holding the annual festival on the 27 th prox . GLASGOW . —Cathedral Chapter ( No . 67 ) met on the 24 th February , at 22 , Struthers-street . Ihere was only a small attendance of the members , but the work was well performed by Comps . Duthie , Taylor , and Pearce .
EDINBURGH . —Lodge Caledonian ( No . 392 ) . — The regular monthl y meeting of this lodge was held within their own lodge room , in the Freemasons' Hall , George-street , Edinburgh , on the evening of Thursday , 2 , 5 th February , 1874 . Bro . Donald Swanson , R . W . Master , occupied the chair
, and the Wardens in their places , Bro C . I . Paton acting as Secretary . The minutes of the meeting were deferred being read in consequence of the Secretary ' s absence , until the next regular monthly meeting . The lodge having heen opened , a petition was read by the acting O * . l - « - «« "J ***** UV . btlJg
secretary , signed and recommended in regular ^ der from Mr . W . Wells , merchant , Glasgow , craving to be received a member of the ancient Order . The ballot having been taken and lound unanimous , the first degree was then contored on Mr . Wells . Amongst the Past
Masters present were Bro . T . H . Douglas , Chalmers , I . Paton , and W . Wotherspoon . The visitors were Bro . J . Macpherson , No . 8 , and Bro . J . Ford , R . W . M . 506 " . The R . W . M . asked in the east , west , and south if there were any further business , sayinsr . that as he intended visiting the Lodge St . Clair ball , he would not
call the Lodge to refreshment that evening . The brethren agreeing to this , and there being no further business , the lodge was closed in due and ample form . The regular meetings of this lodge arc held on the second and fourth Thursdays of the months of January , I'ebruary , March , April , September , October , November , and December , and emergencies when required .
Presentation To Bro. J. Bowes P.M., P.Z., Prov. G. Reg., &C, Of, Warrington.
Bro . Bowes has long been known as an active working Mason in both West Lancashire and the more northern province of Cumberland and Westmoreland , and for the past dozen years he has held the office of Hon . Sec . of the Lodge of Lights , No . 48 . Some months since Bro .
Bowes addressed a circular ( which we published at the time ) to the members , referring to his long services , and seeking official relief . The brethren reluctantly complied with his request , and the lodge voted him a handsome jewel as a small acknowledgement of its obligations . This ,
however , was not deemed a sufficient recognition by many , and it was determined to supplement it with an address and purse of gold . The matter was taken up warmly by the W . M . of No . 148 , Bro . John Harding , and Bro . D . W . Finney , P . M ., etc ., and on Tuesday , 3 rd . inst .,
those two brethren , representing the subscribers , made the presentation . The address , which is artistically inscribed on vellum , richl y illuminated , and handsomely framed , was read , at the request of the W . M ., by Bro . Finney , and . ran as follows : —
"To Bro . John Bowes , P . M ., P . Z ., kc , Warrington . " Dear Sir and Brother , '' On behalf of a number of brethren of our ancient and noble Craft , resident in Warrington , and the neighbourhood , we beg your
acceptance of this purse of fifty sovereigns , as a slight mark of their appreciation of your great Masonic worth . " Your services , freely rendered , to Freemasonry in this part of the province of West Lancashire , have been greatly appreciated and have
tended in no small degree to raise its character and tone among us . " Several brethren from distant provinces have likewise expressed the pleasure they felt in being allowed to subscribe to this testimonial . Trusting that T . G . A . O . T . U . may abundantly
bless both you and yours , " We are dear sir , and brother , on behalf of the subscribers , yours very fraternally , " J HARDING , W . M . 148 . " D . W . FINNEY , P . M . 148 . " Bro . Finney then said : Bro . Bowes—Bro .
Harding and myself have been deputed by a number of brethren resident in Warrington and the neighbourhood to wait upon you , and to ask your acceptance of a purse of fifty sovereigns , together with this address , as a slig ht mark of their appreciation of your great Masonic worth .
As to the purse , I can only wish it had contained £ 500 instead of sSfyO . As to the address , I am sure you will at least greatly admire the taste displayed in its artistic and exquisite design . Personally , T regard it as a great compliment to be associated with our excellent W . M ., Bro .
Harding , in the presentation of this little memento of our regard for you as Freemason , and when I say I entertain for both you and also your family a sincere and affectionate regard , I feel I speak not onl y my own and Bro . Harding ' s sentiments , but at the same time express the
feelings of those brethren with whom you have been Masonically associated for the last 12 or 13 years . I have myself known you a good many years , and have entertained for you the same high feeling of respect and regard . ' When you look upon that beautiful picture , for it is really a beautiful work of art , it will remind you
Presentation To Bro. J. Bowes P.M., P.Z., Prov. G. Reg., &C, Of, Warrington.
of your many Masonic friends , among the first and foremost of whom you may very truly reckon Bro . John Harding , the W . M . of 148 . It was not my intention at first to have said more than these few words , but 1 feel I cannot refrain from reverting briefly to your history as
a Mason , and perhaps the reflection may not be altogether out of place . For more than eleven years you held the office of Hon . Sec . to the Lodge of Lights , 148 , a lodge which stands high in the province of West Lancashire and deservedly so , and I am bold to affirm tha
to you m no small degree is due its prosperity and efficiency ; indeed this ¦ is invariably acknowledged by the Craft in Warrington . Your services , too , to the Gilbert Greenall Lodge , J 2 5 , must not be forgotten . When that lodge was founded some five or six
years ago , and named at your suggestion after the worthy and distinguished Bro . Greenall , P . S . G . W . of England , you become its first Acting Master , acting for Bro . Greenall in his unavoidable absence . Those services were freely given , and I venture to think they were performed
in a manner such as reflected honour upon yourself and credit to the lodge . You were likewise one of the founders and are now the senior member of the Chapter of Elias Aslnv . ole , in connection with the Lodge of Lights , and very great praise must be awarded to you for the . able manner you
filled all the offices of the Chapter . As Installing Master yo . ir services have frequently been called into requisition , not only in our own lodges , but also in those of other provinces , and in that capacity' there are found very few to equal and fewer still to excel you . I cannot forget , too ,
that you have held high office in Prov . Grand Chapter , as well as in Prov . Grand Lodge , and in each and in all the various offices you have been called upon to fill you have invariably acquitted yourself in such a manner as to bring down upon yourself the highest possible credit . In
fine your efforts to promote the good of Freemasonry in general , and of the Craft in Warrington in particular , have tended greatly to raise its character and tone among us , and I cordially endorse every word contained in that beautitul address which I have just read to you .
I might say much more , but as Bro . Harding will have something to say , I shall conclude byexpressing , in the words of the address , a wish that the G . A . O . T . U . may abundantly bless both Mrs . Bowes and yourself , and that you may live aiany many years to enjoy the affection aud
esteem of your brethren in Freemasonry I now invite the W . M . to address you . Bro . John Harding said : —Dear Bro . Bowes , it is at all times a pleasing task to do honour to those whom we esteem , and especially so when that esteem is largely shared by others , and as the
pleasure is increased so also is the difficulty one feels when called upon to be the exponent of the sentiments of others . I could have wished the duty of presenting this testimonial had fallen into more able hands than my own , but I yield to no brother in my high estimation of your
character and the many valuable services you have rendered to Masonry in general and to my lodge in particular . It is well known that that you have sacrificed much time and laboured most assidously for a long time in the furtherance of Masonry , and it is hoped you will continue
your valuable services . To mark their sense of your high merits as a Mason , a Iriend and neighbour , the brethren have generously subscribed this testimonial . I will only add that I cordially endorse all that Bro . Finney has so well said , and that I experience extreme pleasure in conducting
this well deserved presentation . That the Most High may abundantly bless you and yours is the fervent desire of every subscriber to this testimonial . Bro . Bowes said , W . M . and Bro . Past Master Finney . My tongue will fail to express in adequate terms my heartfelt gratitude for this
proof of the fraternal regard of my brethren . It has been my privilege to be an active officer of No . J 48 for a long time . Indeed I have been accustomed for years to regard the lodge as a home in which I could always calculate upon a warm and hearty reception as a brother . For a long time , too , most of my hours of recreation have been spent in and about its concerns . In