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A Hampshire Freemason is sincerely thanked for his donation in stamps . Further donations are begged from the Craft and others for the poor Widow of a Brother , which will be acknowledged by her if sent to Mrs . E . B . S ., care of P . J . Bolton , 4 , Chichester-place , Gray's-inn-road , London , W . C . Senders will oblige by giving their address .
A YOUNG LADY , residing in Clapham , is desirous of obtaining JUNIOR MUSIC PUPILS ( Instrumental ) . Terms , One Guinea per Quarter . Lessons given at her own or Pupil ' s residence . —Address , Office of this Paper .
GARDENER ( Head ) . —A M . M ., first-class experience in some of the finest Gardens in England , nearly four years' highest recommendation from a nobleman , late employer . —Gardener , care Mr . Bentley , No . 6 , Silver-street , Lincoln . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION _ FOR BOYS . OCTOBER ELECTION , 1870 .
THE VOTES and INTEREST of the Governors and Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of HARRY TAPPOLET , AGED 9 YEARS , Son of Bro . RICHARD TAPPOLET , who died of pneumonia in March 1 S 61 , leaving a widow and eight children , two dependent on the widow , with an insufficient for their support . Bro . Richard Tappolet was initiated in the Lodge of Temperance , No . 169 , in 1846 ; joined the Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 ; was a P . M . in both lodges , and a member of the Royal Arch Chapter ; he was also a subscriber to all the Masonic Charities until his death . The case is strongly recommended by the following Brethren : — Ebenezer Roberts , W . M . 192 ; Luton . W . Gooclyer , P . M . and Treasurer 192 ; 2 , Little Chester-street . J . Stanborough , P . M . 192 . ; Bartholomew-close . George Kenning , S . W . 192 , P . G . S . Middlesex , S . W . 1293 , 1194 ; 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain . S . G . Myers , P . M . & Treasurer , 715 ; 33 , Middletonroad . G . Swan , P . M . 201 , S 69 , P . G . D . Herts . W . J . Ruel , P . M . Enoch , 11 ; 175 , High Ilolbom . E . Stillwell , V . P ., W . M . 917 ; 27 , Barbican . J . E . Ponder , J . W . 869 ; 6 . Little Britain . W . Wecdon , P . M . 101 ; Si , Pore-street . W . J . Partridge , P . M . 22 ; Albion-terrace . Proxies will be thankfully received by the Widow , iS , Cttlford-road , Kingsland .
THE FREEMASONS' LIFE BOAT . — Committee Room : Bro . POSTER ' S , Railway Tavern , London Street , E . C . COMMITTER . Bro . A . E . Harris , P . M . Br . C . C . Taylor , J . W . 141 . 141 , President . ,, B . Salmon , 141 . ,, S . Davis , 141 , the Pro- ,, J . S . Mortlock , P . M . 1 74 . moter and Treasurer . ,, Thos . White , W . M . 22 .. „ E . Gottheill , P . M . 141 , ,, Chas . Davis , 22 3 . Hon . See . „ Jas . Wyld , 511 , Prop . „ John Thomas , P . M . 507 , Lie . Vict . Guardian . P . G . D . C . ,, Mann , P . M . and P . Z ., „ Jas . Stevens , P . M . 720 . 1 S 6 , W . M .-designate ,, M . Manns , iSS . 1306 , & c . „ J . Kennelt , 141 . ,, T . flartk-tl , W . M . S 13 . „ I-I . M . Levy , P . M . iSS . „ S . Mellish , 1 S 8 . „ N . Gluckstein , i 4 i ., P . M „ II . P . Isaacs , 18 S . Si , P . P . S . G . W . „ Lacey , P . M . 1 74 . HANKERS . London and Westminster Bank , Eastern Branch . The following Brethren who are not on the Committee have promised their support : —Bro . 1 . R . Stebbing , P . M ., P . G . D . England ; Bro Col . Malet " de Carteret , P . G . M . Channel Islands ; Bro . Prosser , P . M . 244 , Jersey ; Bro . Gardiner , W . M . 84 , Guernsey ; Bro . Ashley , P . M . 254 , Coventry , P . G . J . W . Warwickshire ; Bro . De Grille , Birmingham ; Bro . Woolf , P . M . 223 , Plymouth ; and others . The Committee meet at their Room on the first Thursday in every month , al 8 p . m . All subscriptions , together with the names of the donors , will be acknowledged in THE FREEMASON ' . In order to ensure success , it is hoped hat every Brother will personally interest himself in the movement . Bro . E . GOTTHEIL , P . M . 141 , Hon . Sec , 120 , Mile End Road , E .
, GA LVANISM . —PULVERMACHER'S MONTHLY RECORD of Cures is Nov Readv for the benefit of Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Ones effected by l ' n . VKKM . VCIIER ' IMI'U UVI - . I ) PATENT SEI . I ' -. M'I ' I . ICAIII . I : YOI . TAELECTine CHAIN-HANDS AND 1 ' . ET BATIKUIKS , and may be had on application lo the Sole Inventor and Patentee—J . L . PULVEUMACHKk , 200 , Regentstreet , London , W . A Test on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances being " advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvermacher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disordc-s , & C . & c
BENEVOLENT Institution for Widows of Freemasons , KITTY vVHITE ,
Of Bodmin , aged 56 years , Candidate for Election May 20 th , 1870 . THE late Bro . "VV . J . WHITE , P . M ., initiated A . D . 1832 , in the "One and All" Lodge No . 330 , Bodmin ( Secretary for 34 years , and Subscribing Member for 36 years , of No . 330 , Prov . G . Deacon and Grand Warden of Cornwall ) , died in 1868 , and has left his Widow totally unprovided for . I-Ie brought up a large family , two of whom were partially , and one wholly , dependent upon him at the time of his decease . Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of Mrs . WHITE , who is now in ill health . Proxies , and Voting Papers for Male Annuitants , or for the Royal Masonic Institutions for Boys and Girls , for exchanges , will be thankfully received by PRESTON J . WALLIS , W . M . No . 330 , Solicitor , Bodmin . N . B . —The Prov . Grand Masters , the Deputy Prov . Grand Masters , and many Prov . Grand Officers of Devon and Cornwall strongly recommend Mrs . White for election in May , 1 S 70 .
MAY ELECTION , 1870 . T ^ O the Governors and Subscribers of the ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND THE WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . The favour of your Vote and Interest is respectfully and earnestly solicited on behalf of Mrs . MARY ANN HALTON , AGED 60 YEARS , Widow of the late Bro . WILLIAM HALTON , who was many years in business as an Undertaker in the Essexroad , Islington . He was initiated in the Canonbury Lodge , No . 657 , in 1 S 56 , and continued a member nine years . He joined the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 903 , Ilford , in 1 S 62 , and was W . M .-elect of that Lodge at the time of his death . His Widow is left without any means of support , and is now dependent on friends and her small earnings as a Needlewoman and occasional Nurse . The case is strongly recommended by Bro . Henry Price , W . M . 657 . ,, Charles Roberts , P . M . 657 . „ Edward Cox , V . P ., P . M . 657 . „ John G . Chancellor , P . M . 657 and 463 , P . P . G . D . Surrey . „ David W . Pearse , P . M . 657 . ,, Saml . Hill , P . M . 657 and 157 . ,, Thos . Wcscombe , P . M . 905 . „ Saml . May , V . P ., W . M . 23 , P . M . 101 & 7 S 0 . ,, Benjamin P . Todd , P . M . and Treas . 27 . ,, Henry G . Buss , P . M . and Sec . 27 , 657 , 7 S 0 , and 1293 , Prov . G . Treas . Middlesex . ,, John Coults , P . M . 27 . ,, A . A . Pendlebury , P . M . 1056 and 1194 . N . B . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . TODD , 55 , High-street , Kingsland , E .
THIRD APPLICATION . TO the Governors and Subscribers of the ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT LWSTI STUTION FOR WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . Your sympathy and support are asked at the next Election , MAY 20 th , for CHARLOTTE JACKSON , AGED 6 4 YEARS , Widow of EDWARD J ACKSON , late Relieving Officer , Boston Union . Mrs Jackson , in writing to W . II . Railley , Boston , Secretary to the Charity Committee for the Province of Liuclnshire , says : " 1 am sad , very sad , having no home permanently , my friends are not willing to do any thing for me , indeed , I think my relations arc strangers to the sorrows and straggles of life , or they would have more a heart of pity towards me . " Any Votes for the above Candidate will be received b y Bro . W . II . RADI . EY , Boston , Lincolnshire .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Widows of Freemasons , ELECTION , MAY 1870 . The favour of your Votes and Interest is earnestly solicited 011 behalf of Sarah Ann Thiselton ,
AGED 72 . '"piIE Petitioner ' s late husband AUGUSTUS X UNION THISEI . TON , was Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys thirty-seven years , and was a Life Governor of the Masonic Institution ; he was Initiated in the Vilruvian Lodge , No . S 7 , Lambeth , in 1 S 2 . 5 ; joined the . Lodge of Antiquity , No . 2 , 1 S 37 , and continued a subscribing member until his death . Petitioner resides at 8 , White-post-terrace , near Gravescnd . Bro . E . HARRIS , Collector to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , 75 , Nichols-square , Hackney-road , will thankfully receive Voting Papers .
HALF A MILLION HAS BEEN PAID BY THE Railway Passengers' Asssnrance Company , AS COMPENSATION FOR ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS , ( Riding , Driving , Walking , Hunting , & = c ., ) An annual payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 s . insures ^ 1000 at death , and an allowance at the rate of £ 6 per week for injury . A Bonus to all Policy Holders of five years' standing has been declared , payable in and after 1871 . For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , Cornhill , & 10 , Regent-st ., London . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
THE NEW MUSICAL PITCH , COLLARD MOUTRIE , Patent Pianoforte Manufacturer , HAS successfully shown that practically the musical public can have the French low pitch , as well as the English Philharmonic high pitch both available in one instrument . The facility with which this is effected enables the performer to adopt either at his or her option in an instant . This invention , which is secured by Royal Letters Patent , can be applied to any Pianoforte . On view between the hours of Eleven and Four , at the Manufactory , 77 , SOUTHAMPTON Row , RUSSELL SQUARE , LONDON , and at the principal Musical Instrument Dealers in the country .
COD LIVER OIL . PUREST NEWFOUNDLAND . THE best in the World . —Pale , Tasteless , Odourless . EIGHTEEN PENCE TER PINT BOTTLE . L . SEAMAN & Co ., 116 , LOWER THAMES STREET , LONDON . Send stamp for pamphlet , "Cod Liver Oil : its Varieties and Uses , Test of Purity , Mode of Preparation , & c .
F . BROUGHTON , Builder &• Contractor , House Decorator , Plumber , and Gasfitter , RESPECTFULLY announces that he has REMOVED to more Extensive Premises at 18 , J STREET , MINORIES , CITY , and 11 , GOULD SQUARE , COOPER ' S ROW , E . C , where , from increased facilities , he is now enabled to execute all orders with promptness and dispatch . Old Metal bought &• exchanged . -Old Building Materials knight .
Bro . H . J . W . THOMPSON , Manufacturing Masonic Jeweller TO THE TRADE , 14 , Lower Ashby Street , Clcrhcnwcll , E . C . PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION .
HATS I HATS I HATS I T OLIVER & SON , 14 , Aldersgate-street , E . G ., and 59 , Fulham-road , S . W . Every description of SHOOTING HATS for the season . PARIS HATS , 10 / 6 to 21 / 0 ., of the finest silk makes .
THE CITY HAT COMPANY , X 109 and no , Shoe-lane , Eight doors from Fleet-street . Prices—3 s . Od ., 6 s . Cd ., 9 s ., and 10 s . Cd . each . Felt Hats in every variety for shipping . WALKER & FORTESCUE , Managers .
A RMS , CRESTS , and MONOGRAMS . — r \ MASONIC EMBLEMS Engraved on Seals , Dies , & c . Official Stamps designed and Engraved . — Bro . D . BERRI , Engraver to Her Majesty ' s Post Office , Stationery Office , & c , 36 , High Ilolbom ( opposite Chancery-lane ) , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Hampshire Freemason is sincerely thanked for his donation in stamps . Further donations are begged from the Craft and others for the poor Widow of a Brother , which will be acknowledged by her if sent to Mrs . E . B . S ., care of P . J . Bolton , 4 , Chichester-place , Gray's-inn-road , London , W . C . Senders will oblige by giving their address .
A YOUNG LADY , residing in Clapham , is desirous of obtaining JUNIOR MUSIC PUPILS ( Instrumental ) . Terms , One Guinea per Quarter . Lessons given at her own or Pupil ' s residence . —Address , Office of this Paper .
GARDENER ( Head ) . —A M . M ., first-class experience in some of the finest Gardens in England , nearly four years' highest recommendation from a nobleman , late employer . —Gardener , care Mr . Bentley , No . 6 , Silver-street , Lincoln . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION _ FOR BOYS . OCTOBER ELECTION , 1870 .
THE VOTES and INTEREST of the Governors and Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of HARRY TAPPOLET , AGED 9 YEARS , Son of Bro . RICHARD TAPPOLET , who died of pneumonia in March 1 S 61 , leaving a widow and eight children , two dependent on the widow , with an insufficient for their support . Bro . Richard Tappolet was initiated in the Lodge of Temperance , No . 169 , in 1846 ; joined the Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 ; was a P . M . in both lodges , and a member of the Royal Arch Chapter ; he was also a subscriber to all the Masonic Charities until his death . The case is strongly recommended by the following Brethren : — Ebenezer Roberts , W . M . 192 ; Luton . W . Gooclyer , P . M . and Treasurer 192 ; 2 , Little Chester-street . J . Stanborough , P . M . 192 . ; Bartholomew-close . George Kenning , S . W . 192 , P . G . S . Middlesex , S . W . 1293 , 1194 ; 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain . S . G . Myers , P . M . & Treasurer , 715 ; 33 , Middletonroad . G . Swan , P . M . 201 , S 69 , P . G . D . Herts . W . J . Ruel , P . M . Enoch , 11 ; 175 , High Ilolbom . E . Stillwell , V . P ., W . M . 917 ; 27 , Barbican . J . E . Ponder , J . W . 869 ; 6 . Little Britain . W . Wecdon , P . M . 101 ; Si , Pore-street . W . J . Partridge , P . M . 22 ; Albion-terrace . Proxies will be thankfully received by the Widow , iS , Cttlford-road , Kingsland .
THE FREEMASONS' LIFE BOAT . — Committee Room : Bro . POSTER ' S , Railway Tavern , London Street , E . C . COMMITTER . Bro . A . E . Harris , P . M . Br . C . C . Taylor , J . W . 141 . 141 , President . ,, B . Salmon , 141 . ,, S . Davis , 141 , the Pro- ,, J . S . Mortlock , P . M . 1 74 . moter and Treasurer . ,, Thos . White , W . M . 22 .. „ E . Gottheill , P . M . 141 , ,, Chas . Davis , 22 3 . Hon . See . „ Jas . Wyld , 511 , Prop . „ John Thomas , P . M . 507 , Lie . Vict . Guardian . P . G . D . C . ,, Mann , P . M . and P . Z ., „ Jas . Stevens , P . M . 720 . 1 S 6 , W . M .-designate ,, M . Manns , iSS . 1306 , & c . „ J . Kennelt , 141 . ,, T . flartk-tl , W . M . S 13 . „ I-I . M . Levy , P . M . iSS . „ S . Mellish , 1 S 8 . „ N . Gluckstein , i 4 i ., P . M „ II . P . Isaacs , 18 S . Si , P . P . S . G . W . „ Lacey , P . M . 1 74 . HANKERS . London and Westminster Bank , Eastern Branch . The following Brethren who are not on the Committee have promised their support : —Bro . 1 . R . Stebbing , P . M ., P . G . D . England ; Bro Col . Malet " de Carteret , P . G . M . Channel Islands ; Bro . Prosser , P . M . 244 , Jersey ; Bro . Gardiner , W . M . 84 , Guernsey ; Bro . Ashley , P . M . 254 , Coventry , P . G . J . W . Warwickshire ; Bro . De Grille , Birmingham ; Bro . Woolf , P . M . 223 , Plymouth ; and others . The Committee meet at their Room on the first Thursday in every month , al 8 p . m . All subscriptions , together with the names of the donors , will be acknowledged in THE FREEMASON ' . In order to ensure success , it is hoped hat every Brother will personally interest himself in the movement . Bro . E . GOTTHEIL , P . M . 141 , Hon . Sec , 120 , Mile End Road , E .
, GA LVANISM . —PULVERMACHER'S MONTHLY RECORD of Cures is Nov Readv for the benefit of Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Ones effected by l ' n . VKKM . VCIIER ' IMI'U UVI - . I ) PATENT SEI . I ' -. M'I ' I . ICAIII . I : YOI . TAELECTine CHAIN-HANDS AND 1 ' . ET BATIKUIKS , and may be had on application lo the Sole Inventor and Patentee—J . L . PULVEUMACHKk , 200 , Regentstreet , London , W . A Test on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances being " advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvermacher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disordc-s , & C . & c
BENEVOLENT Institution for Widows of Freemasons , KITTY vVHITE ,
Of Bodmin , aged 56 years , Candidate for Election May 20 th , 1870 . THE late Bro . "VV . J . WHITE , P . M ., initiated A . D . 1832 , in the "One and All" Lodge No . 330 , Bodmin ( Secretary for 34 years , and Subscribing Member for 36 years , of No . 330 , Prov . G . Deacon and Grand Warden of Cornwall ) , died in 1868 , and has left his Widow totally unprovided for . I-Ie brought up a large family , two of whom were partially , and one wholly , dependent upon him at the time of his decease . Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of Mrs . WHITE , who is now in ill health . Proxies , and Voting Papers for Male Annuitants , or for the Royal Masonic Institutions for Boys and Girls , for exchanges , will be thankfully received by PRESTON J . WALLIS , W . M . No . 330 , Solicitor , Bodmin . N . B . —The Prov . Grand Masters , the Deputy Prov . Grand Masters , and many Prov . Grand Officers of Devon and Cornwall strongly recommend Mrs . White for election in May , 1 S 70 .
MAY ELECTION , 1870 . T ^ O the Governors and Subscribers of the ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND THE WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . The favour of your Vote and Interest is respectfully and earnestly solicited on behalf of Mrs . MARY ANN HALTON , AGED 60 YEARS , Widow of the late Bro . WILLIAM HALTON , who was many years in business as an Undertaker in the Essexroad , Islington . He was initiated in the Canonbury Lodge , No . 657 , in 1 S 56 , and continued a member nine years . He joined the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 903 , Ilford , in 1 S 62 , and was W . M .-elect of that Lodge at the time of his death . His Widow is left without any means of support , and is now dependent on friends and her small earnings as a Needlewoman and occasional Nurse . The case is strongly recommended by Bro . Henry Price , W . M . 657 . ,, Charles Roberts , P . M . 657 . „ Edward Cox , V . P ., P . M . 657 . „ John G . Chancellor , P . M . 657 and 463 , P . P . G . D . Surrey . „ David W . Pearse , P . M . 657 . ,, Saml . Hill , P . M . 657 and 157 . ,, Thos . Wcscombe , P . M . 905 . „ Saml . May , V . P ., W . M . 23 , P . M . 101 & 7 S 0 . ,, Benjamin P . Todd , P . M . and Treas . 27 . ,, Henry G . Buss , P . M . and Sec . 27 , 657 , 7 S 0 , and 1293 , Prov . G . Treas . Middlesex . ,, John Coults , P . M . 27 . ,, A . A . Pendlebury , P . M . 1056 and 1194 . N . B . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . TODD , 55 , High-street , Kingsland , E .
THIRD APPLICATION . TO the Governors and Subscribers of the ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT LWSTI STUTION FOR WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . Your sympathy and support are asked at the next Election , MAY 20 th , for CHARLOTTE JACKSON , AGED 6 4 YEARS , Widow of EDWARD J ACKSON , late Relieving Officer , Boston Union . Mrs Jackson , in writing to W . II . Railley , Boston , Secretary to the Charity Committee for the Province of Liuclnshire , says : " 1 am sad , very sad , having no home permanently , my friends are not willing to do any thing for me , indeed , I think my relations arc strangers to the sorrows and straggles of life , or they would have more a heart of pity towards me . " Any Votes for the above Candidate will be received b y Bro . W . II . RADI . EY , Boston , Lincolnshire .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Widows of Freemasons , ELECTION , MAY 1870 . The favour of your Votes and Interest is earnestly solicited 011 behalf of Sarah Ann Thiselton ,
AGED 72 . '"piIE Petitioner ' s late husband AUGUSTUS X UNION THISEI . TON , was Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys thirty-seven years , and was a Life Governor of the Masonic Institution ; he was Initiated in the Vilruvian Lodge , No . S 7 , Lambeth , in 1 S 2 . 5 ; joined the . Lodge of Antiquity , No . 2 , 1 S 37 , and continued a subscribing member until his death . Petitioner resides at 8 , White-post-terrace , near Gravescnd . Bro . E . HARRIS , Collector to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , 75 , Nichols-square , Hackney-road , will thankfully receive Voting Papers .
HALF A MILLION HAS BEEN PAID BY THE Railway Passengers' Asssnrance Company , AS COMPENSATION FOR ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS , ( Riding , Driving , Walking , Hunting , & = c ., ) An annual payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 s . insures ^ 1000 at death , and an allowance at the rate of £ 6 per week for injury . A Bonus to all Policy Holders of five years' standing has been declared , payable in and after 1871 . For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 64 , Cornhill , & 10 , Regent-st ., London . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
THE NEW MUSICAL PITCH , COLLARD MOUTRIE , Patent Pianoforte Manufacturer , HAS successfully shown that practically the musical public can have the French low pitch , as well as the English Philharmonic high pitch both available in one instrument . The facility with which this is effected enables the performer to adopt either at his or her option in an instant . This invention , which is secured by Royal Letters Patent , can be applied to any Pianoforte . On view between the hours of Eleven and Four , at the Manufactory , 77 , SOUTHAMPTON Row , RUSSELL SQUARE , LONDON , and at the principal Musical Instrument Dealers in the country .
COD LIVER OIL . PUREST NEWFOUNDLAND . THE best in the World . —Pale , Tasteless , Odourless . EIGHTEEN PENCE TER PINT BOTTLE . L . SEAMAN & Co ., 116 , LOWER THAMES STREET , LONDON . Send stamp for pamphlet , "Cod Liver Oil : its Varieties and Uses , Test of Purity , Mode of Preparation , & c .
F . BROUGHTON , Builder &• Contractor , House Decorator , Plumber , and Gasfitter , RESPECTFULLY announces that he has REMOVED to more Extensive Premises at 18 , J STREET , MINORIES , CITY , and 11 , GOULD SQUARE , COOPER ' S ROW , E . C , where , from increased facilities , he is now enabled to execute all orders with promptness and dispatch . Old Metal bought &• exchanged . -Old Building Materials knight .
Bro . H . J . W . THOMPSON , Manufacturing Masonic Jeweller TO THE TRADE , 14 , Lower Ashby Street , Clcrhcnwcll , E . C . PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION .
HATS I HATS I HATS I T OLIVER & SON , 14 , Aldersgate-street , E . G ., and 59 , Fulham-road , S . W . Every description of SHOOTING HATS for the season . PARIS HATS , 10 / 6 to 21 / 0 ., of the finest silk makes .
THE CITY HAT COMPANY , X 109 and no , Shoe-lane , Eight doors from Fleet-street . Prices—3 s . Od ., 6 s . Cd ., 9 s ., and 10 s . Cd . each . Felt Hats in every variety for shipping . WALKER & FORTESCUE , Managers .
A RMS , CRESTS , and MONOGRAMS . — r \ MASONIC EMBLEMS Engraved on Seals , Dies , & c . Official Stamps designed and Engraved . — Bro . D . BERRI , Engraver to Her Majesty ' s Post Office , Stationery Office , & c , 36 , High Ilolbom ( opposite Chancery-lane ) , London , W . C .