Article RED CROSS ORDER. ← Page 2 of 2 Article COPIES OF ADDRESSES. Page 1 of 1 Article To the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Red Cross Order.
question in any manner they might think fit . " Clearly , if the present King had not recognised the Order , he could by no possibility have anything to say even as to the assumption of the decorations , to say nothing of the mere name ( as was evidently supposed ) . If he had adopted
the Order , or if he had been asked to countenance the conferring of the decorations , I think we may suppose that a different reply would have been given . 6 . I decline altogether , at present , to enter upon any other claims than those of the Masonic
Order . Let us first see these great pretensions established or not . I may , however , say that I do not quite see how Bro . Wright ' s being Consul-General for the Ionians would give him any immediate knowledge of comparatively private
occurrences m Scio ; still , if he was now living to give immediate evidence of pertinent facts , I should consider his testimony valuable . This , however , we cannot have , and it is useless to speculate upon what he knew , or did not know .
In regard to Bro . Hughan ' s communication , I will say that if I required anything to corroborate my first impression , that he had written without his usual deliberation upon his facts , I should have that confirmation in his " article at p . 194 , where , in his analysis of his own statements ,
and of my reply , he fully justifies my belief in his usual accuracy , and in the plain truth of his general deductions , by agreeing almost entirely with what I had written . Indeed , he put his questions so much more forcibly than I could do , that I may be excused if I reproduce them
with slight variation : — Are there any documents preserved dating at tlie " Union , " or before then , that connect this " Red Cross " with the Constantinian name ? What is the evidence at present only in the hands of a few t
Emphatically , we want to know what connection this Red Cross Order has , or even , had with anything excepting Freemasonry ? I have no desire to occupy your space , and tire your readers , but it must be obvious to all that no repl ) ' to my questions has been given ,
nor a particle of proof offered ; not a word appears about the documents in the box , not a tittle even about the Constantinian name , nor the remotest syllable in reference to the Order of the Holy Sepulchre beyond tlie very explanatory stdtement that it "flourished . "
If Bro . R . W . L . can give us any evidences in support of these claims to be the only legitimate , & c , let us have them , and they will I have no doubt receive honourable fair play ; if he cannot do so , I hope he will tell us that they are not forthcoming , that the Order cannot claim to be the historic and public Constantinian institution
and that it must rely upon its Masonic acceptance only . Surely one of these alternatives can be easily adopted , unless R . W . L . considers we have no right to ask for the proof of such a statement as that he has made ; I shall be glad to find that lie will do one or the other , and thus permit your friends to receive the fraternal adiciix of Lurus .
Copies Of Addresses.
The following addresses have been sent to us for publication : — ROVAI . U . VION - LonoE , Uxni . inoi-:, No . 382 . Sp . r / al Resolution of the Lodge . At a meeting of the Royal Union Lodge , No . 302 , Uxbridgc , on Monday , the 21 st of March , 1 S 70 ,
it was propose ., ' fi y Bro . Chas . llorsley , P . M ., aud seconded ly Bro . Win . Coombes , P . M ., and resolved unanimously , " That this Lodge has heard with the greatest satisfaction , of the appointment , by the MAY . Grand Master , of Colonel Francis Burdctt , to tlie high and distinguished office of Provincial Grand Master for
liic newiy-created Province ol Middlesex , and that this lodge begs to assure tho new Provincial ( irand Master that all its members will feel the utmost pleasure in submitting to his rule , ami in assisting him to perform the many and important duties of his office , so as to ensure perfect working and harmony among all the brethren of the newly-constituted Province of Middlesex . "
[ Mere follow the signatures of the W . M ., Past Masters , Sec , Treas ., ancl a great number of the brethren of the lodge . ]
To The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master For Middlesex.
To the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex .
The brethren of the Gooch Lodge , 123 S , have desired me to congratulate you on your appointment , expressing at the same time the hope that you may always find them able and willing to fulfil any duties that it may be your pleasure to impose on them , and further beg you to believe in their sincere wish that you may long be spared to rule over them . ( Signed ) E . A . BACER , Feb . 4 , 1870 . Hon . Sec . 123 S , P . M . 452 , & c .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
—V ' THE CRAFT . . METROPOLITAN . Mount Lebanon Lodge , A ' o . 73 . —On Tuesdaj-, the 19 th ult ., the regular meeting of this lodge was held at tlie Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Punctually at five o ' clock , the lodge was opened by Bro . F . I-I . Lbsworth , W . M . Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., acted as Sec , and read the minutes which were unanimously confirmed . The work done was miliatino- Messrs . Gillis
and Cnghton , and raising Bro . Angel . It was announced that the Stewards from this lodge who represented it at the Boys' School , obtained , £ 212 on their joint list , viz ., Bros . M . A . Loewenstark and A . L . Dussek . Bro . J . W . Dudley thanked the members of the lodge for their assistance in securing the election of the girl Hart into the Girls' School . The lodge was closed ; there was not any banquet .
Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 . —The regular meeting of this illustrious lodge was held at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , upon April the 25 th . Bro . Thomas Pertidgc . W . M . presiding . Among the brethren present were Bros . R . Bonccv , I . P . M . ; T . H . II . Doughncy , Sec . and P . M . ; Perry , Treas . and " P . M . ; P . W . Ward , P . M .
J . b . Burls , S . W . ; C . Nash , J . W . ; Robt . T . Nash , S . D . ; II . Roberts , J . D . ; C . M . Munyard , I . G . ; R . Waterhouse , W . S . ; W . W , Smith , J . Shaw , G . E . Kiddell , G . Paytcn , C . Wall , Wilkins , II . Bond , and several other brethren . The lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second
degree . Bros . II . J . Pettit , F . Roberts , and C . Fowler having given proofs of their efficiency in the formei degrees were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremony being most impressively rendered . Bro . Edwd . M . Webb was then passed to the degree of F . C . Thcballotwasthen taken forMessrs . Bernard , \ V . Parsons , Joseph R . Dussek , and Ambrose Beckwith , which provinn
unanimous in favour they were regularly initiated into Freemasonry . The W . M . then proposed that the sum of , £ 10 ios . be given to the Girls' School ; £ 5 to the Aged Freemasons' Institution for old men ; and also ^ 5 " lo the Aged Freemasons' Institution for old women ; these propositions being duly seconded were carried by acclamation . The lodge was then closed in due form , and
the brethren repaired to an excellent banquet under the . superintendence of Mr . Pycroft , the Manager . Amongst the visitors present were , Bros . K . J . B . Bumstcad , P . M ., 54 S ; Jas . Weaver , W . M . Whitt ' ington ; Jas . Bennett , Celtic ; W . Durham , Westbourne ; G . Cattcl ; Tas . P . avrall , S . W . 871 ; Geo . Dilley , W . M .-elect Excelsior ; and several other distinguished brethren .
Ledge of Iaifh ,. \ o . 141 . —This lodge met for the last lime this season on Tuesday , April 20 th , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , K . C . Bro . Jas . Ilill . W . M ., presided , assisted by Bro . ]' cavers , P . M ., as S . W . ; C . C . Taylor , J . W . ; Green , S . l ) . ; Thcmans , T . D . ; Pill , I . G . ; Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Anslow , P . M ., Sec . ; and Hyde , J . P . M . There were also present—Bros . W . Stewart , P . M . " ; Pope ,
P . M . ; Gottheil , P . M . ; Harris , P . M . ; N . Gluckstcin , P . M . ; J . L . Jones , P . M . ; and a strong muster of brethren , The visitors were—Bros . T . S . Dickie ( P . M . and P . Z . . ( 5 , & c , P . G . P . ) , W . Muslo ( 1227 ) , Arthur Champion ( Central , 361 , Brooklyn , New York , U . S . ) , L . Steam ( 212 ) , Thos . White ( W . M . 22 ) , J . Slack ( P . M . 83 ;) , C . Noll ( S 7 ) , C . Lacy ( P . M . 174 ) , and Dr .
Mondelett ' 22 S ) . The lodge having been opened in due form and with solemn prayer , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and in due lime Bros . I ) . Davis , M . Davis , and Dempsy obtained the honours of the third degree . The ceremony was most ably perfoii - . yj . l by the W . M ., who was most efficiently seconded by his Wardens and Deacons . Indeed , lhe Lodge of
Faith can boast of a set of officers second to none iii the Cofl . After the closing of lhe lodge , lhe brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Clomo . v , under ( he able superintendence of Bro . W . Smith . When the c'o- . h was removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were briefly proposed and responded lo . To the toast of the " Grand Officers , " Pro . Dickie replied . To
the " llea ' lh of the Visitors , " Bros . Lacy and Mondclelt reliinic-l llianks . For the " P . M . ' s" of the Lodge of Faith , Bros . Hyde and Beavers had each a few words lo srty , To the '' Officers , " Bros . Speed and Taylor [ replied . The ' Charities " were responded lo by Bro . ' \ V . Stewart , P . M ., who has stood for them . ill , is never weary of
promoling their interest , and whose activity ou their behalf never s , hv ;! . cvi . i . Bros . S . Davis , M . Davis , Mallctt , Nott , and Taylor contributed lo the amusements of the evening by their vocal power ; while Bro . D . Davis gave proof of histrionic abilities by a recitation from " Othello , which was most excellently spoken . The last , but certainly the happiest , meeting of lhe season thus terminated , and the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
brethren separated to go their different ways , to reassemble in peace and harmony ( should it please the G . A . O . T . U . ) in September next . Lodge of Israel No , 205 . —This lodge met in the lodge room at Radlcy's Hotel , on Tuesday week , when the esteemed and talented Master , the W . Bro . M . J . Emanuel—¦ supported by' Past Masters Chamberlain , Stanton Jones ,
S . M . Harris , Littaur and Coote , with Bros . H . M . Harris , S . W . ; A . M . Cohen , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; Van Denbosch , S . D . ; Hogard , J . D . ; and J . N . Emanuel , I . G . —in his excellent style admitted Bros . Ladd , Boam , and Slreathcr to the second degree , and conferred the
sublime degree on Bros . Treble , Moge , Bowden , Hawthorn , Pingston , and Jacobs . The only visitors present were Bros . H . M . Levy , P . M . iSS , Bray , 511 , and Solomons , 711 . After closing the lodge , the W . M . and brethren adjourned to refreshment , when one of the usual pleasant meetings of this lodge concluded with the Tyler ' s toast .
Finsbury Lodge , No . 86 r . —This lodge met at the Jolly Anglers Tavern on Friday , April 22 nd , at 6 o'clock p . m . Bro . Purdy , P . M . and Sec ., officiated in an able manner ( owing to the absence of the W . M . ) , supported by the following officers : —Bros . Nicholls , S . W . ; Hart , J . W . ; Day , P . M . Treas . ; Benjamin , S . D . ; Stokes , J . D . ; and
Mcanwcll , I . G . After the lodge had been opened and the minutes read , it was opened in the second and third degrees . Bros . Wilding and Gibbs were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . A ballot'was then taken for the election of W . M . and Treasurer , which resulted in the unanimous election of Bro . Nicholls as
Master and Bro . Day ( re-elected ) Treasurer . Bro . Speight was also unanimously elected Tyler . 'Phis concluded the business , and the lodge closed . The brethren adjourned for refreshment , Bro . Purdy , P . M ., presiding . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Puvdy , P . M ., proposed the " Health of Bro . Day , " congratulating him upon his being again appointed Treasurer , and also of his
being one of the founders of the lodge . —Bro . Day ably responded . —Bros . Sheppard and Barlow responded on behalf of the " Visitors . "—Bro . Hart , in a humorous speech , returned thanks on behalf of the " Officers , " also making many exceedingly appropriate and witty remarks respecting the pleasure he felt in volunteering for any
duty required by the lodge . This led to a happy introduction of his many amusing adventures as a volunteer artilleryman in the sham fight at Brighton on the Monday previous . Several excellent songs enlivened the proceedings , Bilby , Org ., ably presiding at the piano . A very pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent , and the brethren separated in harmony and brotherly love .
Royal Oak Lodge , No . 871 . — Bro . J . Truclove , W . M ., at the appointed hour opened the lodge , at the Royal Oak Tavern , 162 , High-street , Deptford , on Friday , 291 I 1 April . ¦ He raised separately Bros . Harvey , Harris , and Harman lo the third degree . Bro . Charles Wood was unanimously elected as the Steward to represent the lodge at the ensuing Girls' School Festival . Ten pounds
were voted from the lodge fund to the chanty fund of lhe lodge ; ten guineas from the lodge funds to the Girls ' School . The lodge was duly closed , and a good banquet followed . Bros . W . Andrews , P . M . as S . W . ; T . Killner , J . W . ; II . A . Collington , P . M ., Treasurer ;
F . Walters , P . M ., Secretary ; J . Whiffen , as S . D . ; I . Parsons , as J . D . ; G . Andrews , I . G . ; J . Bowan , P . M ., Tyler ; G . Ellis , R . E . Turner , R . West , S . E . Lewin , C . Wood , II . G . Rattle and others were present . Visitor , Bro . C . Digby , 933 .
Victoria Lodge , No . 1056 . —The sixth installation meeting of this flourishing lodge since its consecration was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , to which house it has just been removed , on Thursday , the 2 Sth April . Officers present : Bros . Frederick York Latreille , W . M , ; George Roberts , S . W . ; Alfred Robins , J . W . ; W . Wrenn , P . M . and Treas . ; Ulysses Latrcillc , Sec ; J . Morton , S . D . ;
\ V . Ashby , J . D . On the lodge being opened , the minutes of the last mccling were read ami confirmed . Ballots were then taken for the following gentlemen—viz ., Messrs . George Gale , Thomas Borrow , and Frederick Fowler , who were all unanimously elected . Bro . Richard Walker Bevan was , after due examination as to his proficiency in the former degrees , regularly raised to the
sublime degree of a Master Mason . Bro . Gale being present was duly initiated into the Order , the ceremonies being most ably performed by the W . M ., Bro . Latreille . Bro . George Roberts , lhe W . M .-elect , was then presented for installation , and installed into the chair of K . S . in so very able and impressive a manner by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Latreille , as must have gratified every brother
preseni . J he W . M . then appointed the following brethren as bis officers for the ensuing year , addressing each on the duties of his office : Ulysses Latreille , S . W . ; Alfred Robbins , TAV . ; W . Ashby , S . D . ; Henry Waiiiwr :: lil , | . D . ; [ . " Slaile Brown , I . G ., W . Wrenn , P . M ., Treas . ; A . A . ' Pendlebury , P . M ., Sec . ; G . M . E . Snow , P . M ., Dir . of Cers ., and W . Grant , Tyler . Amongst the
brethren present were the following : Thos . Mai'gs , If . Mrs ! ,, D . II . McGregor , II . F . A tier , "' [ ohn Winder , W . Brown , A . 1 ) . Parker , J . Tison , and lhe undermentioned visitors : Thos . D . Hayes ( 913 ) , A . . Smale ( P . M . S 79 ) , T . Barford ( P . M . 55 ) , J . | . Bond ( . SS ) , A . Francisco ( 4 S 5 ) , P . Greenwood ( 901 ) , f . G . Stevens ( P . M . 554 ) , J . J . liarncs , ( P . M . 554 ) , " R . [ . Chillingworth ( 122 S ) , C . Wile ( 49 ) , W . A . Tharp ( P . M .
. 19 ) C . A . Bowers ( S 29 ) , W . Morris ( 1228 ) , II . Anscombe ( 177 ) , C . Guard ( 554 ) , A . Dickinson ( 55 ) , W . Wainwright ( 933 ) , and R . C . Chanter ( 1159 ) . On the lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to lhe banquet , where the usual toasts were gone through , and a \ xry enjoyable evening concluded with the "Tyler ' s" trr . st , when the brethren adjourned , very well pleased with their new quarters . The Urban Lodge , No . 1196 . —The last general meeting of the present session took place at the Old Jerusalem
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Red Cross Order.
question in any manner they might think fit . " Clearly , if the present King had not recognised the Order , he could by no possibility have anything to say even as to the assumption of the decorations , to say nothing of the mere name ( as was evidently supposed ) . If he had adopted
the Order , or if he had been asked to countenance the conferring of the decorations , I think we may suppose that a different reply would have been given . 6 . I decline altogether , at present , to enter upon any other claims than those of the Masonic
Order . Let us first see these great pretensions established or not . I may , however , say that I do not quite see how Bro . Wright ' s being Consul-General for the Ionians would give him any immediate knowledge of comparatively private
occurrences m Scio ; still , if he was now living to give immediate evidence of pertinent facts , I should consider his testimony valuable . This , however , we cannot have , and it is useless to speculate upon what he knew , or did not know .
In regard to Bro . Hughan ' s communication , I will say that if I required anything to corroborate my first impression , that he had written without his usual deliberation upon his facts , I should have that confirmation in his " article at p . 194 , where , in his analysis of his own statements ,
and of my reply , he fully justifies my belief in his usual accuracy , and in the plain truth of his general deductions , by agreeing almost entirely with what I had written . Indeed , he put his questions so much more forcibly than I could do , that I may be excused if I reproduce them
with slight variation : — Are there any documents preserved dating at tlie " Union , " or before then , that connect this " Red Cross " with the Constantinian name ? What is the evidence at present only in the hands of a few t
Emphatically , we want to know what connection this Red Cross Order has , or even , had with anything excepting Freemasonry ? I have no desire to occupy your space , and tire your readers , but it must be obvious to all that no repl ) ' to my questions has been given ,
nor a particle of proof offered ; not a word appears about the documents in the box , not a tittle even about the Constantinian name , nor the remotest syllable in reference to the Order of the Holy Sepulchre beyond tlie very explanatory stdtement that it "flourished . "
If Bro . R . W . L . can give us any evidences in support of these claims to be the only legitimate , & c , let us have them , and they will I have no doubt receive honourable fair play ; if he cannot do so , I hope he will tell us that they are not forthcoming , that the Order cannot claim to be the historic and public Constantinian institution
and that it must rely upon its Masonic acceptance only . Surely one of these alternatives can be easily adopted , unless R . W . L . considers we have no right to ask for the proof of such a statement as that he has made ; I shall be glad to find that lie will do one or the other , and thus permit your friends to receive the fraternal adiciix of Lurus .
Copies Of Addresses.
The following addresses have been sent to us for publication : — ROVAI . U . VION - LonoE , Uxni . inoi-:, No . 382 . Sp . r / al Resolution of the Lodge . At a meeting of the Royal Union Lodge , No . 302 , Uxbridgc , on Monday , the 21 st of March , 1 S 70 ,
it was propose ., ' fi y Bro . Chas . llorsley , P . M ., aud seconded ly Bro . Win . Coombes , P . M ., and resolved unanimously , " That this Lodge has heard with the greatest satisfaction , of the appointment , by the MAY . Grand Master , of Colonel Francis Burdctt , to tlie high and distinguished office of Provincial Grand Master for
liic newiy-created Province ol Middlesex , and that this lodge begs to assure tho new Provincial ( irand Master that all its members will feel the utmost pleasure in submitting to his rule , ami in assisting him to perform the many and important duties of his office , so as to ensure perfect working and harmony among all the brethren of the newly-constituted Province of Middlesex . "
[ Mere follow the signatures of the W . M ., Past Masters , Sec , Treas ., ancl a great number of the brethren of the lodge . ]
To The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master For Middlesex.
To the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex .
The brethren of the Gooch Lodge , 123 S , have desired me to congratulate you on your appointment , expressing at the same time the hope that you may always find them able and willing to fulfil any duties that it may be your pleasure to impose on them , and further beg you to believe in their sincere wish that you may long be spared to rule over them . ( Signed ) E . A . BACER , Feb . 4 , 1870 . Hon . Sec . 123 S , P . M . 452 , & c .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
—V ' THE CRAFT . . METROPOLITAN . Mount Lebanon Lodge , A ' o . 73 . —On Tuesdaj-, the 19 th ult ., the regular meeting of this lodge was held at tlie Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Punctually at five o ' clock , the lodge was opened by Bro . F . I-I . Lbsworth , W . M . Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., acted as Sec , and read the minutes which were unanimously confirmed . The work done was miliatino- Messrs . Gillis
and Cnghton , and raising Bro . Angel . It was announced that the Stewards from this lodge who represented it at the Boys' School , obtained , £ 212 on their joint list , viz ., Bros . M . A . Loewenstark and A . L . Dussek . Bro . J . W . Dudley thanked the members of the lodge for their assistance in securing the election of the girl Hart into the Girls' School . The lodge was closed ; there was not any banquet .
Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 . —The regular meeting of this illustrious lodge was held at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , upon April the 25 th . Bro . Thomas Pertidgc . W . M . presiding . Among the brethren present were Bros . R . Bonccv , I . P . M . ; T . H . II . Doughncy , Sec . and P . M . ; Perry , Treas . and " P . M . ; P . W . Ward , P . M .
J . b . Burls , S . W . ; C . Nash , J . W . ; Robt . T . Nash , S . D . ; II . Roberts , J . D . ; C . M . Munyard , I . G . ; R . Waterhouse , W . S . ; W . W , Smith , J . Shaw , G . E . Kiddell , G . Paytcn , C . Wall , Wilkins , II . Bond , and several other brethren . The lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second
degree . Bros . II . J . Pettit , F . Roberts , and C . Fowler having given proofs of their efficiency in the formei degrees were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremony being most impressively rendered . Bro . Edwd . M . Webb was then passed to the degree of F . C . Thcballotwasthen taken forMessrs . Bernard , \ V . Parsons , Joseph R . Dussek , and Ambrose Beckwith , which provinn
unanimous in favour they were regularly initiated into Freemasonry . The W . M . then proposed that the sum of , £ 10 ios . be given to the Girls' School ; £ 5 to the Aged Freemasons' Institution for old men ; and also ^ 5 " lo the Aged Freemasons' Institution for old women ; these propositions being duly seconded were carried by acclamation . The lodge was then closed in due form , and
the brethren repaired to an excellent banquet under the . superintendence of Mr . Pycroft , the Manager . Amongst the visitors present were , Bros . K . J . B . Bumstcad , P . M ., 54 S ; Jas . Weaver , W . M . Whitt ' ington ; Jas . Bennett , Celtic ; W . Durham , Westbourne ; G . Cattcl ; Tas . P . avrall , S . W . 871 ; Geo . Dilley , W . M .-elect Excelsior ; and several other distinguished brethren .
Ledge of Iaifh ,. \ o . 141 . —This lodge met for the last lime this season on Tuesday , April 20 th , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , K . C . Bro . Jas . Ilill . W . M ., presided , assisted by Bro . ]' cavers , P . M ., as S . W . ; C . C . Taylor , J . W . ; Green , S . l ) . ; Thcmans , T . D . ; Pill , I . G . ; Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Anslow , P . M ., Sec . ; and Hyde , J . P . M . There were also present—Bros . W . Stewart , P . M . " ; Pope ,
P . M . ; Gottheil , P . M . ; Harris , P . M . ; N . Gluckstcin , P . M . ; J . L . Jones , P . M . ; and a strong muster of brethren , The visitors were—Bros . T . S . Dickie ( P . M . and P . Z . . ( 5 , & c , P . G . P . ) , W . Muslo ( 1227 ) , Arthur Champion ( Central , 361 , Brooklyn , New York , U . S . ) , L . Steam ( 212 ) , Thos . White ( W . M . 22 ) , J . Slack ( P . M . 83 ;) , C . Noll ( S 7 ) , C . Lacy ( P . M . 174 ) , and Dr .
Mondelett ' 22 S ) . The lodge having been opened in due form and with solemn prayer , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and in due lime Bros . I ) . Davis , M . Davis , and Dempsy obtained the honours of the third degree . The ceremony was most ably perfoii - . yj . l by the W . M ., who was most efficiently seconded by his Wardens and Deacons . Indeed , lhe Lodge of
Faith can boast of a set of officers second to none iii the Cofl . After the closing of lhe lodge , lhe brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Clomo . v , under ( he able superintendence of Bro . W . Smith . When the c'o- . h was removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were briefly proposed and responded lo . To the toast of the " Grand Officers , " Pro . Dickie replied . To
the " llea ' lh of the Visitors , " Bros . Lacy and Mondclelt reliinic-l llianks . For the " P . M . ' s" of the Lodge of Faith , Bros . Hyde and Beavers had each a few words lo srty , To the '' Officers , " Bros . Speed and Taylor [ replied . The ' Charities " were responded lo by Bro . ' \ V . Stewart , P . M ., who has stood for them . ill , is never weary of
promoling their interest , and whose activity ou their behalf never s , hv ;! . cvi . i . Bros . S . Davis , M . Davis , Mallctt , Nott , and Taylor contributed lo the amusements of the evening by their vocal power ; while Bro . D . Davis gave proof of histrionic abilities by a recitation from " Othello , which was most excellently spoken . The last , but certainly the happiest , meeting of lhe season thus terminated , and the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
brethren separated to go their different ways , to reassemble in peace and harmony ( should it please the G . A . O . T . U . ) in September next . Lodge of Israel No , 205 . —This lodge met in the lodge room at Radlcy's Hotel , on Tuesday week , when the esteemed and talented Master , the W . Bro . M . J . Emanuel—¦ supported by' Past Masters Chamberlain , Stanton Jones ,
S . M . Harris , Littaur and Coote , with Bros . H . M . Harris , S . W . ; A . M . Cohen , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; Van Denbosch , S . D . ; Hogard , J . D . ; and J . N . Emanuel , I . G . —in his excellent style admitted Bros . Ladd , Boam , and Slreathcr to the second degree , and conferred the
sublime degree on Bros . Treble , Moge , Bowden , Hawthorn , Pingston , and Jacobs . The only visitors present were Bros . H . M . Levy , P . M . iSS , Bray , 511 , and Solomons , 711 . After closing the lodge , the W . M . and brethren adjourned to refreshment , when one of the usual pleasant meetings of this lodge concluded with the Tyler ' s toast .
Finsbury Lodge , No . 86 r . —This lodge met at the Jolly Anglers Tavern on Friday , April 22 nd , at 6 o'clock p . m . Bro . Purdy , P . M . and Sec ., officiated in an able manner ( owing to the absence of the W . M . ) , supported by the following officers : —Bros . Nicholls , S . W . ; Hart , J . W . ; Day , P . M . Treas . ; Benjamin , S . D . ; Stokes , J . D . ; and
Mcanwcll , I . G . After the lodge had been opened and the minutes read , it was opened in the second and third degrees . Bros . Wilding and Gibbs were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . A ballot'was then taken for the election of W . M . and Treasurer , which resulted in the unanimous election of Bro . Nicholls as
Master and Bro . Day ( re-elected ) Treasurer . Bro . Speight was also unanimously elected Tyler . 'Phis concluded the business , and the lodge closed . The brethren adjourned for refreshment , Bro . Purdy , P . M ., presiding . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Puvdy , P . M ., proposed the " Health of Bro . Day , " congratulating him upon his being again appointed Treasurer , and also of his
being one of the founders of the lodge . —Bro . Day ably responded . —Bros . Sheppard and Barlow responded on behalf of the " Visitors . "—Bro . Hart , in a humorous speech , returned thanks on behalf of the " Officers , " also making many exceedingly appropriate and witty remarks respecting the pleasure he felt in volunteering for any
duty required by the lodge . This led to a happy introduction of his many amusing adventures as a volunteer artilleryman in the sham fight at Brighton on the Monday previous . Several excellent songs enlivened the proceedings , Bilby , Org ., ably presiding at the piano . A very pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent , and the brethren separated in harmony and brotherly love .
Royal Oak Lodge , No . 871 . — Bro . J . Truclove , W . M ., at the appointed hour opened the lodge , at the Royal Oak Tavern , 162 , High-street , Deptford , on Friday , 291 I 1 April . ¦ He raised separately Bros . Harvey , Harris , and Harman lo the third degree . Bro . Charles Wood was unanimously elected as the Steward to represent the lodge at the ensuing Girls' School Festival . Ten pounds
were voted from the lodge fund to the chanty fund of lhe lodge ; ten guineas from the lodge funds to the Girls ' School . The lodge was duly closed , and a good banquet followed . Bros . W . Andrews , P . M . as S . W . ; T . Killner , J . W . ; II . A . Collington , P . M ., Treasurer ;
F . Walters , P . M ., Secretary ; J . Whiffen , as S . D . ; I . Parsons , as J . D . ; G . Andrews , I . G . ; J . Bowan , P . M ., Tyler ; G . Ellis , R . E . Turner , R . West , S . E . Lewin , C . Wood , II . G . Rattle and others were present . Visitor , Bro . C . Digby , 933 .
Victoria Lodge , No . 1056 . —The sixth installation meeting of this flourishing lodge since its consecration was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , to which house it has just been removed , on Thursday , the 2 Sth April . Officers present : Bros . Frederick York Latreille , W . M , ; George Roberts , S . W . ; Alfred Robins , J . W . ; W . Wrenn , P . M . and Treas . ; Ulysses Latrcillc , Sec ; J . Morton , S . D . ;
\ V . Ashby , J . D . On the lodge being opened , the minutes of the last mccling were read ami confirmed . Ballots were then taken for the following gentlemen—viz ., Messrs . George Gale , Thomas Borrow , and Frederick Fowler , who were all unanimously elected . Bro . Richard Walker Bevan was , after due examination as to his proficiency in the former degrees , regularly raised to the
sublime degree of a Master Mason . Bro . Gale being present was duly initiated into the Order , the ceremonies being most ably performed by the W . M ., Bro . Latreille . Bro . George Roberts , lhe W . M .-elect , was then presented for installation , and installed into the chair of K . S . in so very able and impressive a manner by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Latreille , as must have gratified every brother
preseni . J he W . M . then appointed the following brethren as bis officers for the ensuing year , addressing each on the duties of his office : Ulysses Latreille , S . W . ; Alfred Robbins , TAV . ; W . Ashby , S . D . ; Henry Waiiiwr :: lil , | . D . ; [ . " Slaile Brown , I . G ., W . Wrenn , P . M ., Treas . ; A . A . ' Pendlebury , P . M ., Sec . ; G . M . E . Snow , P . M ., Dir . of Cers ., and W . Grant , Tyler . Amongst the
brethren present were the following : Thos . Mai'gs , If . Mrs ! ,, D . II . McGregor , II . F . A tier , "' [ ohn Winder , W . Brown , A . 1 ) . Parker , J . Tison , and lhe undermentioned visitors : Thos . D . Hayes ( 913 ) , A . . Smale ( P . M . S 79 ) , T . Barford ( P . M . 55 ) , J . | . Bond ( . SS ) , A . Francisco ( 4 S 5 ) , P . Greenwood ( 901 ) , f . G . Stevens ( P . M . 554 ) , J . J . liarncs , ( P . M . 554 ) , " R . [ . Chillingworth ( 122 S ) , C . Wile ( 49 ) , W . A . Tharp ( P . M .
. 19 ) C . A . Bowers ( S 29 ) , W . Morris ( 1228 ) , II . Anscombe ( 177 ) , C . Guard ( 554 ) , A . Dickinson ( 55 ) , W . Wainwright ( 933 ) , and R . C . Chanter ( 1159 ) . On the lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to lhe banquet , where the usual toasts were gone through , and a \ xry enjoyable evening concluded with the "Tyler ' s" trr . st , when the brethren adjourned , very well pleased with their new quarters . The Urban Lodge , No . 1196 . —The last general meeting of the present session took place at the Old Jerusalem