Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARK MARINERS. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on Tuesday the 26 th ult ., Bro . W , Sawyer , the W . M . in the chair . Amongst those present were Bros . Henry Marston , P . M . ; C . Braid , S . W . ; J . R . Ware , J . W . ; J . Crawford Wilson , S . D . ; J . Collingham , J . D . ; J . F . Creswick , who officiated as I . G . ; William Creswick ( the Tragedian ) ; E . L . Blanc-hard ; James Terry , P . M ., Secretary ; Dr .
Johnson , Treasurer ; Kaster , Dearberg , & c . There were also , as visitors , Bros . Hersee , P . M . ( St . Andrew ' s , 231 ) , W . Boys ( 704 ) , and Barge . Bro . Dicks and J . Wharton Simpson were raised to the sublime degree , and the lodge having been constituted in the first degree , ballotted for Mr . Thomas Talfourd , son of the lamented Judge Talfourd , and brother of the late Mr . Frank Talfourd , the
dramatic author , who was duly elected and initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M . A banquet succeeded the business of the lodge , and gave general satisfaction . The usual loyal toasts given on these occasions having been disposed of , the W . M ., in proposing the health of the initiate , deprecated the desire for wholesale initiations which was manifested by the Masters
of some lodges , who seemed to think their glory increased in proportion to the numbers they initiated . Taking exactly the opposite view , he had rather hoped that in this matter his year of office would be a sort of sinecure . The more difficult access to Masonry was made , and the
greater the care exercised in the admission of members , the better it would be for all concerned . It afforded him peculiar gratification , however , to have had the honour and pleasure that evening of initiating a gentleman who was likely to be an ornament to the Craft . They must all feel there was a charm in the name of Talfom-d which
appealed to the heart of every man . They could never forget the honoured name of the author of Ion , whose last words still rang in the memory of the nation as the keynote or peace-cry of the future—words regarded by all classes as the essence of wisdom and truth . Turning from one who lived in the memory of them all , to one who , though his metier was somewhat different , had still claims
on their loving regard as a man of genius , and more especially as having done so much to raise burlesque from the level in which he found it ; the name was still pregnant with reminiscences , and its possessor was one of the brightest and dearest amongst men . Seeing , then , that the initiate that evening inherited this honoured name , and was no unworthy possessor of it , he was sure they
heartily welcome him to the ranks of Freemasonry , as an acquisition of which they might well feel proud . —The toast was drank in a most cordial manner , and Bro . Talfourd responded in a few appropriate words . —Several other toasts followed , that of " The Visitors " being
responded to by Bro . Hersee . The brethren , many of whom have musical proclivities as well as literary and dramatic abilities , spent a most agreeable evening , the vocal efforts of Bros . Braid , Blanchavd , Hersee , Carpenter , and Creswick being conducive to the general harmony and happiness which prevailed .
SCOTLAND . GLASGOW , LODGE OF ST . MARK . —The meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday , April 25 th . Bro . Thomas Halket , R . W . M ., in the chair ; Bro . B . H . Remmers acling S . W ., and Bro . W . A . Baillie acting J . W ., and a large number of Brethren present . The lodge having been duly opened , the minutes were read
and confirmed , after which two gentlemen were proposed as candidates , and after the usual formalities they were declared eligible for admission . The ceremony of initiation was conducted in the most masterly manner by the R . W . M ., the proceedings being greatly enhanced by the simple yet solemn and effective manner in which the music was rendered , thebrcthren generally joining heartily
in the song of praise . In addition to the usual ceremony , the R . W . M . gave the candidates a very fine lecture on the tracing board . Thereafter the R . W . M ., in the name of the lodge , proceeded to present their Past Master , Bro . Major R . D . Barbor , with a Past Master ' s Jewel , in token of their high appreciation of his services when presiding over them for the last three years . The R . W . M .
observed that it gave him very great pleasure indeed to have the honour of presenting this jewel , and lo be enabled to express the unanimous and cordial manner in which in which it had been voted , & c . Bro . Barbor expressed himself as highly gratified that his services as their Master had met with their approval , and he felt very much flattered at this kind token of their regard , & c .
1 hereafter Bro . MeCullock , of the Lodge of Edinburgh , Mary ' s Chapel , No . 1 . having been duly proposed and seconded was afterwards admitted an affiliated member of St . Mark , the R . W . M . administering the obligation . The lodge was afterwards called for refreshment , when the usual loyal toasts were given and duly responded to . The " Visiting Brethren" was then given to the K . W . M .
in very happy terms , and he observed that they were sometimes called " strangers , " but that was a mistake , for all in a Masonic lod ge were brethren . He coupled this toast with the names of Bros . Thomas Granger , R . W . M . of 117 , and Brother W . P . Buchan , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 3 bis , one of the Grand Stewards of tlie Grand Lodge at Edinburgh . —In his reply , Brother
Granger agreed with the R . W . M . as to his observation about "strangers . " lie had been in a lodge lately where a brother who had been addressed as a foreigner objected to it , as there were no " foreigners " in a Masonic lodge . —lira . Buchan , in responding , expressed himself as very highly pleased with ( he manner in which the ceremony of initiation had been conducted
that night , and especially at the way in which the musical portion was rendered , ftc . — The R . W . M . then observed that it afforded him great satisfaction to hear that their manner of conducting the ceremonies had met with the approbation of Bro . Buchan , as it was he ( Bro . Buchan ) who had first called his attention to the powerful influence which the introduction of music in the manner which had been done , had upontheceremonies . anditwashis intention
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to carry out the same simple and solemn musical services in all the degrees and in such a manner as that all the brethren understanding what -was going on might readily join in . The health of " Bro . Major Barbor" was then proposed by the Secretary , Bro . Mitchell , in highly eulogistic terms , and duly responded to . Bro . Barbor , having replied , the last toast was thereafter given , and the brethren being recalled to labour , the lodge was duly closed .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 . — The installation meeting of this flourishing chapter was held at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , on Thursday , April 20 th . The chapter having been duly opened , the Report of the Audit Committee was read , showing a good balance in hand without any liabilities . Bros . E . Shalless ( 140 ) , D . Bliss
( 169 ) , and S . Funkenzstein ( 1017 ) were exalted . Comp . A . D . Loewenstark , Z ., installed Comp . J . Wavey , H ., as the M . E . Z . ; Comp . F . Walters , P . Z ., installed Comp . T . J . Sabine , J ., as H . The J .-elect , Comp . J . Trickett , being absent , was not installed . The officers are : A . D . Loewenstark , P . Z ., Treas . ; M . A . Loewenstark , S . E . ; W . Roebuck , S . N . : I . T . Moss , P . S . ; E . Harris , 1 st
A . S . ; T . Suffield , 2 nd A . S . ; T . D . Barnard , D . C . ; S . Funkenzstein , W . S . ; W . J . Laing , Janitor . A 5-guinea P . Z . 's jewel was presented to the retiring Z ., AD . Loewenstark , from the chapter funds , which he appropriately acknowledged . The chapter was closed , and the usual
good banquet followed . There were also present Comps . Dr . Dixon , P . Z ., G . J . Loe , G . W . Wheeler , A . P . Stedman , J . R . Tustin , S . Frankenberg , J . McKiernan , & c . Visitors : G . A . Wright ( P . S . 22 ) , J . Terry ( Z . 174 ) , F . K . Stevens ( Z . 185 ) , W . Littaur ( Z . 188 ) , W . B . Hopper ( Constantinople ) .
Pythagorean Chapter , No . 79 . —The first regular meeting of this chapter was held at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , on the 21 st ult . Comps . J . H . H . Doughney , M . E . Z ., R . Boncey , H ., and W . West Smith , J ., having opened the chapter in ancient form , and the minutes of the recent emergency meeting having been duly confirmed , the ballot was taken for Brothers Waterhouse ( 79 ) , W .
McArthur ( Commercial Lodge , Glasgow ) , and C . Wall ( 79 ) i which proved unanimously favourable . Bros . J . T . Forbes Firth , \ V . Myatt , R . Waterhouse , C . M . Munyard and C . Wall , being in attendance , were regularly exalted into the U . K . A . in a very impressive manner . The other companions present were T . Perridge , S . E ., John Robert Nash , P . S ., R . Trill , 1 st A . S ., E . J . B .
Bumstead , and A . S ., Jas . Brett , P . Z .. A . G . P . ; and visitors Comps . Joseph Smith ( P . Z . 19 , P . G . D . C ) , Jas . Weaver ( 177 ) , W . Noak ( II . 206 ) , and Geo . States ( P . Z . S . E . 145 ) . The chapter was closed indue form , Comp . James Brett delivering the valedictory address in a very emphatic manner . The companions then repaired to an excellent banquet .
SCOTLAND . DUNDEE . —Union Chapter , Ao . 6 . —The Companions met in their Chapter-room on Friday evening last week for degrees and general business . Present : Comps . Berry ( in the chair ) , Robertson , Stenwick , Kelt , Smith , Henry , Logic , Dunn , Gimmcll , Roger , Reid , Baird , & c . The minute of special meeting at Perth ( as reported in last
week ' s FREEMASON ) having been read and confirmed , Comp . Dunn , Scribe E ., presented petitions from Bros . Scott , Stewart and Don , craving to be admitted members of the chapter . The ballot proving perfect , the degrees of Mark Master , Past Master , Excellent Master , and Holy Royal Arch were then conferred on the candidates . The motion of Comp . Kelt for raising the fees of entrance from the 1 st May was declared unanimously carried .
The Scribe L . then intimated lhat the portrait of the late M . E . P . Comp . J . Chalmers would be unveiled on the 51 I 1 proximo in open chapter . Comp . James Robertson then fully addressed the meeting on the proposed formation of a club in connection with the chapter , and the proposal having met with the unanimous support of the Companions present , a committee was appointed to look after suitable rooms and arrange other preliminaries . The chapter was closed with prayer at 11 p . m .
Royal Ark Mariners.
METROPOLITAN . A vessel of the Most Antient and Honorable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners appeared off the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at about seven of the clock , p . m ., on Monday , May the 2 nd , 1870 , under the command of the Father Noah , and having on board R . A Mariners—Marsh , as Shcm ; Hubbard , as Japhet ; and Vesper , as
P . N . The vessel being properly moored the Ark was opened in due form , and the following brethren , after taking the A . O . B . of this Honourable Fraternity , came on board as R . A . Mariners , viz ., Bros . Church , G . Kenning , Warr , McKiernan , Levander , M . Edwards , T . C . Davison , and Gilbert . The Ark was then opened in the degrees of Shem and Japheth , and these chairs were
occupied in rotation by R . A . Mariners Marsh , Cubitt , Church , Levander , and M . Edwards . After an interval , and on the retirement of the rest of the R . A . Mariners , the Ark was opened in the supreme degree of Noah , when R . A . Mariners Hubbard , Levander , and Edwards were passed into the chair of First Principal . The "Gill "
warrant of the fraternity was on the table of the Scribe during these ceremonies . The Ark being properly closed , the vessel was unmoored , the R . A . Mariners adjourned , and after an evening spent very agreeably separated . ( Any brother wishing for further information is invited to apply to the Scribe , M . Edwards , P . N ., care ofBr . Gosden , Masons'Hall , Masons ' -avenue , Basinghall-street , E . C ) .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF ROME & CONSTANTINE . BIRMINGHAM . —The Rose of Sharon Conclave , No . 19 , held the usual quarterly meeting at the Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , on Thursday , the 21 st April . There was not a large attendance of chevaliers , and the M . P . S . being absent on account of illness , Sir Kt . Thos . Partridge , V . E ., discharged the duties of the chair . Three
candidates were duly installed , after which the ballot was taken for M . P . S ., V . E ., and Treasurer , the result being that Sir Kt . Partridge was elected Sovereign , Sir Kt . L . Wright , V . E ., and Sir Kt . J . Pursall , Treasurer . A vote of sympathy with the very highly esteemed M . P . S ., the Rev . W . B . Smith , was passed unanimously . Nothing further offering , the conclave was closed in vice-regal form ,
and the chevaliers , to the number of sixteen sat down to an excellent dinner . The next meeting will be held on the third Thursday in July , when it is hoped there will be a good attendance of Sir Knights , as on that occasion the installation of the M . P . S .-elect will take place , and he will be pleased to see any visitors who will favour the
conclave with their presence . PoNTYroOL . — The Gioent Conclave , No . 23 , will shortly meet at Pontypool under the presidency of Sir Knight W . Williams . This may be termed an offshoot from the Rose of Sharon Conclave , No . 19 , Birmingham , as the founders were installed in that Conclave .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
PROVINCIAL . IPSWICH . —Victoria Chapter Rose Croix of Herodim —The regular meeting of this Chapter was held on the evening of the nth of April , when the Very 111 . and Perfect Bro . C . T . Townsend was installed M . W . S ., by Bro . the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , 30 ° , P . M ., W . S ., and was
afterwards pleased to appoint and invest the following officers : Bros . Westgate , 1 st Genl . ; Golding , 2 nd Genl . ; Rev . F . Palmer , G . Prelate ; Emra Holmes , 31 ° , Recorder ; Sanderson , Grand Marshal ; Jno . Townsend , Capt . of the Guard ; Cuckow , Raphael . Three brethren were proposed for the honour of perfection at the next meeting , and the Chapter was closed .
MESSRS . T . TREDINNICK and Co ., dealers in stocks and shares , 3 , Crown-court , Threadneedlestreet , London , report as follows : —The market for the past week has shown considerable buoyancy , money being tolerably plentiful . Speculative enterprise is decidedly in favour , more especially in our home industries—as , for example , mining in North
and South Wales , Cornwall , the North of England , and the Isle of Man . As regards Wales , the chief features of attraction are the " Van " and its satellites—many of which sell at prices that defy criticism , or even the exercise of our ordinary standard of appreciation . Fancy articles command at times inordinate prices , though probably a few
months will test the inherent value of many of these recently floated undertakings . The Bronfloyd Cwmystwyth Bwlch Consols , Lisburnc Van , and a few others in Cardiganshire and Montgomeryshire , are unquestionably good mines , but there is a wide difference between the respective merits of each which practical experience can alone detect . In
Cornwall , the West Chivcrton is a mine of sterling wealth . Mary Ann , South Caradon , Scton , West Seton , Spearne Moor , and the North Pool arc well worthy attention at ruling quotations ; whilst another undertaking , called the " West Porkellas , " has recently become resuscitated , and which , under practical management , is likely to become
exceedingly pioductive and profitable , and to this undertaking wc direct ' special attention ( 20 shares of £ 150 each ) . After a considerable interval , mining in North Italy is again in the ascendant ; and it is evidently the policy of the existing Administration , as evidenced by the liberality of their present terms of concession , to increase , as far as possible , the
introduction of British capital in developing their mineral riches , and wc can scarcely do better than embrace openings thus presented for our surplus capital , as we pay for nothing beyond labour , which , in Italy , is cheap enough ; and while employing this we may receive abundant and most remunerative returns in ores , especially copper , in which North Italy is exceedingly rich , and should take its
rang equal to Chili or Cuba . The Tavaronc concession recently offered in England we have personally inspected , and must pronounce it second to no mineral property in South Europe . It embraces 3 , 840 acres , and is under thoroughly practical management , and the shares , £$ paid warrants to bearer , involves no further responsibility than the first subscription .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . — Ulcers , Wounds , Sprains . —Bad legs , old wounds , and sprains , whether recent or chronic , yield with surprising celerity to the cooling , healing , and curative properties of this invaluable ointment . It may be relied upon in all such cases as have baffled the skill of our best hospital surgeons . No matter the length of time the malady has endured ,
this ointment , assisted by a course of Ilolloways pills , will quietly but certainly reach the core of the complaint , and thoroughly eradicate it , without additional impediments to pleasure or business . These remedies will overcome the worst forms of disease , and the foulest state of the blood . They never fail in extirpating noxious humors , the first step towards renewing soundness . —f Advt . l
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on Tuesday the 26 th ult ., Bro . W , Sawyer , the W . M . in the chair . Amongst those present were Bros . Henry Marston , P . M . ; C . Braid , S . W . ; J . R . Ware , J . W . ; J . Crawford Wilson , S . D . ; J . Collingham , J . D . ; J . F . Creswick , who officiated as I . G . ; William Creswick ( the Tragedian ) ; E . L . Blanc-hard ; James Terry , P . M ., Secretary ; Dr .
Johnson , Treasurer ; Kaster , Dearberg , & c . There were also , as visitors , Bros . Hersee , P . M . ( St . Andrew ' s , 231 ) , W . Boys ( 704 ) , and Barge . Bro . Dicks and J . Wharton Simpson were raised to the sublime degree , and the lodge having been constituted in the first degree , ballotted for Mr . Thomas Talfourd , son of the lamented Judge Talfourd , and brother of the late Mr . Frank Talfourd , the
dramatic author , who was duly elected and initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M . A banquet succeeded the business of the lodge , and gave general satisfaction . The usual loyal toasts given on these occasions having been disposed of , the W . M ., in proposing the health of the initiate , deprecated the desire for wholesale initiations which was manifested by the Masters
of some lodges , who seemed to think their glory increased in proportion to the numbers they initiated . Taking exactly the opposite view , he had rather hoped that in this matter his year of office would be a sort of sinecure . The more difficult access to Masonry was made , and the
greater the care exercised in the admission of members , the better it would be for all concerned . It afforded him peculiar gratification , however , to have had the honour and pleasure that evening of initiating a gentleman who was likely to be an ornament to the Craft . They must all feel there was a charm in the name of Talfom-d which
appealed to the heart of every man . They could never forget the honoured name of the author of Ion , whose last words still rang in the memory of the nation as the keynote or peace-cry of the future—words regarded by all classes as the essence of wisdom and truth . Turning from one who lived in the memory of them all , to one who , though his metier was somewhat different , had still claims
on their loving regard as a man of genius , and more especially as having done so much to raise burlesque from the level in which he found it ; the name was still pregnant with reminiscences , and its possessor was one of the brightest and dearest amongst men . Seeing , then , that the initiate that evening inherited this honoured name , and was no unworthy possessor of it , he was sure they
heartily welcome him to the ranks of Freemasonry , as an acquisition of which they might well feel proud . —The toast was drank in a most cordial manner , and Bro . Talfourd responded in a few appropriate words . —Several other toasts followed , that of " The Visitors " being
responded to by Bro . Hersee . The brethren , many of whom have musical proclivities as well as literary and dramatic abilities , spent a most agreeable evening , the vocal efforts of Bros . Braid , Blanchavd , Hersee , Carpenter , and Creswick being conducive to the general harmony and happiness which prevailed .
SCOTLAND . GLASGOW , LODGE OF ST . MARK . —The meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday , April 25 th . Bro . Thomas Halket , R . W . M ., in the chair ; Bro . B . H . Remmers acling S . W ., and Bro . W . A . Baillie acting J . W ., and a large number of Brethren present . The lodge having been duly opened , the minutes were read
and confirmed , after which two gentlemen were proposed as candidates , and after the usual formalities they were declared eligible for admission . The ceremony of initiation was conducted in the most masterly manner by the R . W . M ., the proceedings being greatly enhanced by the simple yet solemn and effective manner in which the music was rendered , thebrcthren generally joining heartily
in the song of praise . In addition to the usual ceremony , the R . W . M . gave the candidates a very fine lecture on the tracing board . Thereafter the R . W . M ., in the name of the lodge , proceeded to present their Past Master , Bro . Major R . D . Barbor , with a Past Master ' s Jewel , in token of their high appreciation of his services when presiding over them for the last three years . The R . W . M .
observed that it gave him very great pleasure indeed to have the honour of presenting this jewel , and lo be enabled to express the unanimous and cordial manner in which in which it had been voted , & c . Bro . Barbor expressed himself as highly gratified that his services as their Master had met with their approval , and he felt very much flattered at this kind token of their regard , & c .
1 hereafter Bro . MeCullock , of the Lodge of Edinburgh , Mary ' s Chapel , No . 1 . having been duly proposed and seconded was afterwards admitted an affiliated member of St . Mark , the R . W . M . administering the obligation . The lodge was afterwards called for refreshment , when the usual loyal toasts were given and duly responded to . The " Visiting Brethren" was then given to the K . W . M .
in very happy terms , and he observed that they were sometimes called " strangers , " but that was a mistake , for all in a Masonic lod ge were brethren . He coupled this toast with the names of Bros . Thomas Granger , R . W . M . of 117 , and Brother W . P . Buchan , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 3 bis , one of the Grand Stewards of tlie Grand Lodge at Edinburgh . —In his reply , Brother
Granger agreed with the R . W . M . as to his observation about "strangers . " lie had been in a lodge lately where a brother who had been addressed as a foreigner objected to it , as there were no " foreigners " in a Masonic lodge . —lira . Buchan , in responding , expressed himself as very highly pleased with ( he manner in which the ceremony of initiation had been conducted
that night , and especially at the way in which the musical portion was rendered , ftc . — The R . W . M . then observed that it afforded him great satisfaction to hear that their manner of conducting the ceremonies had met with the approbation of Bro . Buchan , as it was he ( Bro . Buchan ) who had first called his attention to the powerful influence which the introduction of music in the manner which had been done , had upontheceremonies . anditwashis intention
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to carry out the same simple and solemn musical services in all the degrees and in such a manner as that all the brethren understanding what -was going on might readily join in . The health of " Bro . Major Barbor" was then proposed by the Secretary , Bro . Mitchell , in highly eulogistic terms , and duly responded to . Bro . Barbor , having replied , the last toast was thereafter given , and the brethren being recalled to labour , the lodge was duly closed .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 . — The installation meeting of this flourishing chapter was held at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , on Thursday , April 20 th . The chapter having been duly opened , the Report of the Audit Committee was read , showing a good balance in hand without any liabilities . Bros . E . Shalless ( 140 ) , D . Bliss
( 169 ) , and S . Funkenzstein ( 1017 ) were exalted . Comp . A . D . Loewenstark , Z ., installed Comp . J . Wavey , H ., as the M . E . Z . ; Comp . F . Walters , P . Z ., installed Comp . T . J . Sabine , J ., as H . The J .-elect , Comp . J . Trickett , being absent , was not installed . The officers are : A . D . Loewenstark , P . Z ., Treas . ; M . A . Loewenstark , S . E . ; W . Roebuck , S . N . : I . T . Moss , P . S . ; E . Harris , 1 st
A . S . ; T . Suffield , 2 nd A . S . ; T . D . Barnard , D . C . ; S . Funkenzstein , W . S . ; W . J . Laing , Janitor . A 5-guinea P . Z . 's jewel was presented to the retiring Z ., AD . Loewenstark , from the chapter funds , which he appropriately acknowledged . The chapter was closed , and the usual
good banquet followed . There were also present Comps . Dr . Dixon , P . Z ., G . J . Loe , G . W . Wheeler , A . P . Stedman , J . R . Tustin , S . Frankenberg , J . McKiernan , & c . Visitors : G . A . Wright ( P . S . 22 ) , J . Terry ( Z . 174 ) , F . K . Stevens ( Z . 185 ) , W . Littaur ( Z . 188 ) , W . B . Hopper ( Constantinople ) .
Pythagorean Chapter , No . 79 . —The first regular meeting of this chapter was held at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , on the 21 st ult . Comps . J . H . H . Doughney , M . E . Z ., R . Boncey , H ., and W . West Smith , J ., having opened the chapter in ancient form , and the minutes of the recent emergency meeting having been duly confirmed , the ballot was taken for Brothers Waterhouse ( 79 ) , W .
McArthur ( Commercial Lodge , Glasgow ) , and C . Wall ( 79 ) i which proved unanimously favourable . Bros . J . T . Forbes Firth , \ V . Myatt , R . Waterhouse , C . M . Munyard and C . Wall , being in attendance , were regularly exalted into the U . K . A . in a very impressive manner . The other companions present were T . Perridge , S . E ., John Robert Nash , P . S ., R . Trill , 1 st A . S ., E . J . B .
Bumstead , and A . S ., Jas . Brett , P . Z .. A . G . P . ; and visitors Comps . Joseph Smith ( P . Z . 19 , P . G . D . C ) , Jas . Weaver ( 177 ) , W . Noak ( II . 206 ) , and Geo . States ( P . Z . S . E . 145 ) . The chapter was closed indue form , Comp . James Brett delivering the valedictory address in a very emphatic manner . The companions then repaired to an excellent banquet .
SCOTLAND . DUNDEE . —Union Chapter , Ao . 6 . —The Companions met in their Chapter-room on Friday evening last week for degrees and general business . Present : Comps . Berry ( in the chair ) , Robertson , Stenwick , Kelt , Smith , Henry , Logic , Dunn , Gimmcll , Roger , Reid , Baird , & c . The minute of special meeting at Perth ( as reported in last
week ' s FREEMASON ) having been read and confirmed , Comp . Dunn , Scribe E ., presented petitions from Bros . Scott , Stewart and Don , craving to be admitted members of the chapter . The ballot proving perfect , the degrees of Mark Master , Past Master , Excellent Master , and Holy Royal Arch were then conferred on the candidates . The motion of Comp . Kelt for raising the fees of entrance from the 1 st May was declared unanimously carried .
The Scribe L . then intimated lhat the portrait of the late M . E . P . Comp . J . Chalmers would be unveiled on the 51 I 1 proximo in open chapter . Comp . James Robertson then fully addressed the meeting on the proposed formation of a club in connection with the chapter , and the proposal having met with the unanimous support of the Companions present , a committee was appointed to look after suitable rooms and arrange other preliminaries . The chapter was closed with prayer at 11 p . m .
Royal Ark Mariners.
METROPOLITAN . A vessel of the Most Antient and Honorable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners appeared off the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at about seven of the clock , p . m ., on Monday , May the 2 nd , 1870 , under the command of the Father Noah , and having on board R . A Mariners—Marsh , as Shcm ; Hubbard , as Japhet ; and Vesper , as
P . N . The vessel being properly moored the Ark was opened in due form , and the following brethren , after taking the A . O . B . of this Honourable Fraternity , came on board as R . A . Mariners , viz ., Bros . Church , G . Kenning , Warr , McKiernan , Levander , M . Edwards , T . C . Davison , and Gilbert . The Ark was then opened in the degrees of Shem and Japheth , and these chairs were
occupied in rotation by R . A . Mariners Marsh , Cubitt , Church , Levander , and M . Edwards . After an interval , and on the retirement of the rest of the R . A . Mariners , the Ark was opened in the supreme degree of Noah , when R . A . Mariners Hubbard , Levander , and Edwards were passed into the chair of First Principal . The "Gill "
warrant of the fraternity was on the table of the Scribe during these ceremonies . The Ark being properly closed , the vessel was unmoored , the R . A . Mariners adjourned , and after an evening spent very agreeably separated . ( Any brother wishing for further information is invited to apply to the Scribe , M . Edwards , P . N ., care ofBr . Gosden , Masons'Hall , Masons ' -avenue , Basinghall-street , E . C ) .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF ROME & CONSTANTINE . BIRMINGHAM . —The Rose of Sharon Conclave , No . 19 , held the usual quarterly meeting at the Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , on Thursday , the 21 st April . There was not a large attendance of chevaliers , and the M . P . S . being absent on account of illness , Sir Kt . Thos . Partridge , V . E ., discharged the duties of the chair . Three
candidates were duly installed , after which the ballot was taken for M . P . S ., V . E ., and Treasurer , the result being that Sir Kt . Partridge was elected Sovereign , Sir Kt . L . Wright , V . E ., and Sir Kt . J . Pursall , Treasurer . A vote of sympathy with the very highly esteemed M . P . S ., the Rev . W . B . Smith , was passed unanimously . Nothing further offering , the conclave was closed in vice-regal form ,
and the chevaliers , to the number of sixteen sat down to an excellent dinner . The next meeting will be held on the third Thursday in July , when it is hoped there will be a good attendance of Sir Knights , as on that occasion the installation of the M . P . S .-elect will take place , and he will be pleased to see any visitors who will favour the
conclave with their presence . PoNTYroOL . — The Gioent Conclave , No . 23 , will shortly meet at Pontypool under the presidency of Sir Knight W . Williams . This may be termed an offshoot from the Rose of Sharon Conclave , No . 19 , Birmingham , as the founders were installed in that Conclave .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
PROVINCIAL . IPSWICH . —Victoria Chapter Rose Croix of Herodim —The regular meeting of this Chapter was held on the evening of the nth of April , when the Very 111 . and Perfect Bro . C . T . Townsend was installed M . W . S ., by Bro . the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , 30 ° , P . M ., W . S ., and was
afterwards pleased to appoint and invest the following officers : Bros . Westgate , 1 st Genl . ; Golding , 2 nd Genl . ; Rev . F . Palmer , G . Prelate ; Emra Holmes , 31 ° , Recorder ; Sanderson , Grand Marshal ; Jno . Townsend , Capt . of the Guard ; Cuckow , Raphael . Three brethren were proposed for the honour of perfection at the next meeting , and the Chapter was closed .
MESSRS . T . TREDINNICK and Co ., dealers in stocks and shares , 3 , Crown-court , Threadneedlestreet , London , report as follows : —The market for the past week has shown considerable buoyancy , money being tolerably plentiful . Speculative enterprise is decidedly in favour , more especially in our home industries—as , for example , mining in North
and South Wales , Cornwall , the North of England , and the Isle of Man . As regards Wales , the chief features of attraction are the " Van " and its satellites—many of which sell at prices that defy criticism , or even the exercise of our ordinary standard of appreciation . Fancy articles command at times inordinate prices , though probably a few
months will test the inherent value of many of these recently floated undertakings . The Bronfloyd Cwmystwyth Bwlch Consols , Lisburnc Van , and a few others in Cardiganshire and Montgomeryshire , are unquestionably good mines , but there is a wide difference between the respective merits of each which practical experience can alone detect . In
Cornwall , the West Chivcrton is a mine of sterling wealth . Mary Ann , South Caradon , Scton , West Seton , Spearne Moor , and the North Pool arc well worthy attention at ruling quotations ; whilst another undertaking , called the " West Porkellas , " has recently become resuscitated , and which , under practical management , is likely to become
exceedingly pioductive and profitable , and to this undertaking wc direct ' special attention ( 20 shares of £ 150 each ) . After a considerable interval , mining in North Italy is again in the ascendant ; and it is evidently the policy of the existing Administration , as evidenced by the liberality of their present terms of concession , to increase , as far as possible , the
introduction of British capital in developing their mineral riches , and wc can scarcely do better than embrace openings thus presented for our surplus capital , as we pay for nothing beyond labour , which , in Italy , is cheap enough ; and while employing this we may receive abundant and most remunerative returns in ores , especially copper , in which North Italy is exceedingly rich , and should take its
rang equal to Chili or Cuba . The Tavaronc concession recently offered in England we have personally inspected , and must pronounce it second to no mineral property in South Europe . It embraces 3 , 840 acres , and is under thoroughly practical management , and the shares , £$ paid warrants to bearer , involves no further responsibility than the first subscription .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . — Ulcers , Wounds , Sprains . —Bad legs , old wounds , and sprains , whether recent or chronic , yield with surprising celerity to the cooling , healing , and curative properties of this invaluable ointment . It may be relied upon in all such cases as have baffled the skill of our best hospital surgeons . No matter the length of time the malady has endured ,
this ointment , assisted by a course of Ilolloways pills , will quietly but certainly reach the core of the complaint , and thoroughly eradicate it , without additional impediments to pleasure or business . These remedies will overcome the worst forms of disease , and the foulest state of the blood . They never fail in extirpating noxious humors , the first step towards renewing soundness . —f Advt . l