Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 2 of 2 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1
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Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
cavil at a purely Masonic degree which claims no other origin or antiquity than a Masonic one . I am a great advocate for peace and quietness , and I should be delighted to see several obstacles to harmonious working between the
various governing Masonic bodies , at least , smoothed over , if not totally removed . A slig ht concession like this would actually improve the position of the Red Cross Order , and tend to remove , a certain amount of suspicion with which it is looked on by the general
Masonic public . While we give every credit to the revivers of the Masonic Order for their zeal , we must regret that their want of archaeological research has thus placed them on the horns of a dilemma . C . F . MATIER , 30 °
ORDER OF ST . JOHN . I shall be obliged to any brother who will kindly inform me what is the meaning of the following passage in a report of a meeting of the Plantagenet Conclave of the Red Cross Order
at page 208 of your last issue : "A commandery of the Holy Order of St . John was then opened , and the above-named Knights , after the usual preliminaries , were dtfbbed and created Knights of St . John the Evangelist . " LUPUS .
I should be obliged if you could tell me if there is a degree called Red Cross Sword of Babylon , and if there is such a degree , if it is a Christian one . J . RANSOME . [ Yes ; the degree is worked in Scotland under
the Grand R . A . Chapter , and also in some parts of England . It is strictly Jewish , like the R . A . —ED . F ] There is a letter in an old number of the Record ( signed September 13 . 1864 , Pastor
Sexagenarius ) , referring to a question put by " A Candidate for Orders , " whether there was " anything in the general management and proceedings of the Freemasons to prevent a clergyman from becoming the chaplain , or at least a member of the lodge , in his own parish . " If any
clerical brother Would kindly let me see any reply which may have been made to that question , and inserted in the Record of that month , I shall be greatly obliged , and will return any paper , written or printed , if required . A NORFOLK CURATE .
VISITING AND NON-SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS . I shall be very happy to " enlighten A Young Member of the Craft , " ancl will answer his question as to whether a " brother ceasing to subscribe to any lodge through sudden poverty
incapacitates him from any more enjoying the benefits of visiting a lodge , " by quoting the Law on the subject in the Constitutions of 1867 . " A brother who is not a subscribing member to a lodge shall not be permitted to visit-any lodge in the town
or place where he resides any more than once during , his secession from the Craft" ( page 8 9 on Visitors ) . This no doubt seems hard in the case of a brother who is prevented from-paying his subscriptions by " sudden poverty , " but all laws
press hard somewhere , although they may be for the general good , and I am persuaded that the above is a very wholesome and just law , as many Masons cease to subscribe to our funds who arc well able to pay , and yet some have to my
certain knowledge visited their mother lodge in the town in which they reside when non-contributing members to any lodge , and even sat down at the banqueting table as free members . Whenever such glaring violations of the laws
have come under my " ken , " I . have directed the Master ' s attention to the above regulation , in the belief that justice to subscribing members demands such a clause in the " Constitutions " to be strictly obeyed . If a member becomes
unable to pay his subscription he is not precluded from receiving relief either from the lodge , the Prov . Grand Lodge , or the Grand Lodge ( without his visiting cither ) , so long as the rules arc observed respecting applications for charity . W . J . HUGHAN .
THE 1717 THEORY ( page 211 ) . Bro . W . P . Buchan is mistaken when he says "Bro . C . I Paton is backing out of his remarks . " In my article on the " Relation of St . John the
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Baptist to Freemasonry , I used the words present method , " but not in the meaning which Bro . W . P . Buchan turns them to at page no ( 41 st line from the top ) . A simple reference to it will suffice anyone . The words to befound there are " For the present method of Scottish
Freemasonry has been handed down from very ancient times . There is no fixed date in these words . The present method applied to the holding , as a festival , St . John the Baptist ' s day , also designating " Craft Masonry " as " St . John ' s Masonry . " I do not admit that we knew nothing
of speculative Freemasonry prior to 1717 . Bro . W . P . Buchan says : " It will take more than I have yet seen to prove the 1717 theory a mistake . " As yet we have seen nothing more than an assumption by Bro . W . P . Buchan that 0111 " present system " of Freemasonry was invented
by Bros . Desaguliers , Anderson , and others . The assumption runs that " I say so , I say so ;" but proofs which he calls from everyone else is found awanting in himself . I refer your readers to a letter which appeared in a newspaper , and a copy of which I expect will appear in another
number of THE FREEMASON . I repeat , that consequence of all my spare time being devoted to several Masonic works , until they are published I cannot devote the time to enter into the 1717 theory ; but on their completion I will take up the whole question , and show it to be a mistake . CHALMERS I . PATON .
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
The usual Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of London was held on Wednesday at Freemasons' Hall . Present : Rev . John Huyshe , M . A ., Prov . G . Supt . for Devonshire , as Z . ; Samuel Rawson , P . Dist . G . Supt . for China , as H . ; Frederick Pattison ( P . N . ) , as J . ; John Hervey , E . ; William
Pulteney Scott , as N . ; Samuel Leith Tomkins , P . Soj . ; George W . K . Potter and Ed . S . Snell , as Asst . Soj's . ; / fcneas J . Mclntyre , Registrar ; Conrad C . Dumas , Standard Bearer ; Joshua Nunn , Dir . of Cers . ; Benj . Head , P . S . B . ; H . Browse , P . S . B . ; W . E . Walmisley , P . S . B . ; Rev . Charles R . Davy , P . Soj . ; Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . Soj . ; John
Udall , P . Soj . ; Rev . Richard J . F . Thomas , P . Soj . ; J . Smith , P . D . C . ; N . Bradford , P . D . C . ; A . Holman , P . Standard B .: and among the companions we noticed Comps . Geo . M . Snow ( H . 754 ) , H . G . Buss ( P . Z . 177 ) , James Brett ( P . Z . 177 ) , J- RSheen ( P . Z . 185 ) , J . N . Gottlieb ( P . Z . 508 ) , J . G . Willson ( P . Z . 754 ) , W . Piatt ( P . Z . 10 ) , B . P . Atkins
( M . E . Z . 754 ) , J . M . Paget ( J . 754 ) , W . H . Andrew ( P . Z . 19 ) , A . A . Pendlebury ( 1056 ) , W . Ough ( P . Z . 749 ) , W . West Smith ( J . 79 ) , R . Spencer ( P . Z . 3 \ Dr . J . Potts ( P . Z . 754 ) , F . Adlard ( P . Z . 214 ) , W . Hamilton ( P . Z . 754 ) . Themintitcs of the last convocation were read and
confirmed . The regulations for the government of Grand Chapter were read . The following report , a copy of which was in the hands of all the companions , was , on motion made , taken as read , and ordered to be entered on the
To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England . " The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined theaccounls from the iSth January , to the iSth April , 1 S 70 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : — To Balance 17 th January . C 4 2 3 ' 3 6 ,, Subsequent Receipts 247 17 3
£ 67 1 10 9 15 y Purchase of , £ 154 lis . 10 . I . Consols , at 92 } $ , and Commission ... , £ 143 o o ,, Disbursements during the Quarter 12 S 14 4 ,, Ij . 1 l . 1 ncc .. 399 16 5
/ 071 10 *> which balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis f ' ercival and Co ., Hankers of the Grand Treasurer . " The Committee be ;; to report that at the last Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grant ! Chapter the Committee wero directed to summon the Chapter of Concord , No . 394 , Southampton , to show cause why the
Chapter should not be erased for irregularity anil contumacy . A communication has since been received from the Chapter expressing contrition and giving explanations which show some extenuating circumstances w'th assurances that offences against discipline shall not occur again . The Committee , under the circumstances , are of opinion that the proposed proceedings against the Chapter , No .
394 , should not be prosecuted , but that l > ro . Cyprian Wollou-ic / . who was illegally and irregularly exalted should be re-exalted , and that the Chapter should he fined , for the irregularity , two guineas . And the Committee recommend the same accordingly . " The Committee have likewise to report that they have received petitions—
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
1 st . From Companions Joseph Pearkes Fox Grundy as Z ., William Chick as H ., John Staines Webb as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the St . Mary ' s Lodge , No . 707 , Bridport , to be called ' The St . Mary's Chapter , ' and to meet at the Bull Hotel , Bridport , Dorsetshire .
" 2 nd . From Companions R i chard Samuel Lines as Z ., John Thompson as II ., James Slack as J ., and eight others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Ranelagh Lodge , No . 834 , Hammersmith , to be called ' The Andrew Chapter , ' and to meet at the Royal Sussex Hotel , Hammersmith , in the County of Middlesex . " 3 rd . From Companions John Case as Z ., William
Dodd as II ., James Potter as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Furness Lodge , No . 995 , Ulverston , to be called 'The Furness Chapter , ' and to meet at the Masonic Temple , Theatre-street , Ulverston , Lancashire . " 4 th . From Companions George Muddiman Lofthouse as Z ., Henry Priest Mayle as H ., Richard Tuton as J .
, and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Athole Lodge , No . 1004 , Douglas , Isle of Man , to be called ' The Athole Chapter , ' and to meet at the Douglas Hotel , Douglas , Isle of Man . " The foregoing petitions being all iii respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted .
"A petition for a charter for a Chapter to be attached to the Tynwald Lodge , No . 1242 , Douglas , Isle of Man , has also been received . This petition is in all respects regular . But it appears to the Committee that it would not be desirable that the prayer of the petition should be granted , inasmuch as there are only two lodges in the town of Douglas , both of which now petition for charters
for Chapters . The Committee being of opinion that there is not room for two Chapters in Douglas at present , recommended the petitioners to amalgamate ; but as their recommendation has not been accepted , they have taken into full consideration the two petitions , and they have in the paragraph immediately preceding recommended that a charter should be granted to the Chapter to be attached
to the Athole Lodge , No . 1004 , Douglas . It is the elder and more numerous lodge , and the Committee submit their opinion to the consideration of the Supreme Grand Chapter with a recommendation that it should be adopted . " The Committee have also to report that they have received a petition from the Principals and other members of the High Cross Chapter , which is at present attached
to the High Cross Lodge , No . 754 , Tottenham , Middlesex , praying that the Chapter may be detached from tlie aforesaid lodge , and be henceforth attached to the Sydney Lodge , No . S 29 , Sidcup , Kent , and to meet at the Bull Hotel , Dartford , Kent . " This Memorial is regular in form , and is accompanied with resolutions from both the lodges signifyiii" - their
assent to the proposed arrangement . Tlie Committee recommend that the prayer thereof be granted . " The following Notice of Motion has been received for tlie next Quarterly Convocation , from Companion John Savage , Past Sword Bearer : — "That the business of the Quarterly Convocations do
commence at ' eight' o ' clock p . m ., and that the word'eleven'be struck out of the second line of clause 9 , at page 8 of the Royal Arch Regulations , and the word ' ten' be inserted in lieu thereof . " ( Signed ) W . PULTE . \ I ; SCOTT , "Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . President . " 20 th April , 1 S 70 . "
The following E . Companions were appointed officers of the Chapter for the ensuing year , viz , E . Comps . : — The Right lion , tlie Earl de Grey ) and Ripon ) Earl of Carnarvon ... H . Lord de Tabley ... ... ... T ,
John Hervey ... ... ... ] £ . Sir F . Martyn Williams , Bt ., M . P ., N . Rev . C . J . Martyn p . S . Walter F . Short 1 st Asst . S . W . Romaine Callendcr , jun ... 2 nd Asst . S . Samuel Tomkins ... ... ... Treasurer . / IS . J . Mclntyre Registrar .
Thomas Fetm Sword-bearer . IS . Turner Payne Standaid-bearer K . W . Hollow Director of C . C . B . Taync Janitor . All the charters for Chapters named in the report were duly granted , including the two for Lodges 1004 and 1224 lasIsle of
, Doug , Man , the latter being granted after considerable discussion . The petition from the Principals of the High Cross , No . 754 , Tottenham , was discussed and the prayer thereof granted , consequently this Chapter will be attached to Lodge 829 , and will meet at Dartford .
The Notice of Motion given by Comp . Sava ge was fully discussed" and on being put was negatived . The following Committee for General Purposes was appointed for the ensuing 12 months —
Tun GRAND PRINCIPALS IS . Comp . Scott President " Hcad j Nominated 1 ' * - >< - ( by M . E . Z . „ J . Brett , P . Z . 975 , ... ¦ ) ,, J . Smith 19 ...
, ,, , „ j . Savage , „ 7 , .. ' . I Elected „ J . -Main , „ S 20 , ... \ ]> Y „ II . Browse ,,, 12 , ... u Chapter . ,, V . Adlard ,, 214 ,
All business having been concluded , the Grand Chaptcrwas tlicn closed in ancient ancl solemn form and adjourned .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
cavil at a purely Masonic degree which claims no other origin or antiquity than a Masonic one . I am a great advocate for peace and quietness , and I should be delighted to see several obstacles to harmonious working between the
various governing Masonic bodies , at least , smoothed over , if not totally removed . A slig ht concession like this would actually improve the position of the Red Cross Order , and tend to remove , a certain amount of suspicion with which it is looked on by the general
Masonic public . While we give every credit to the revivers of the Masonic Order for their zeal , we must regret that their want of archaeological research has thus placed them on the horns of a dilemma . C . F . MATIER , 30 °
ORDER OF ST . JOHN . I shall be obliged to any brother who will kindly inform me what is the meaning of the following passage in a report of a meeting of the Plantagenet Conclave of the Red Cross Order
at page 208 of your last issue : "A commandery of the Holy Order of St . John was then opened , and the above-named Knights , after the usual preliminaries , were dtfbbed and created Knights of St . John the Evangelist . " LUPUS .
I should be obliged if you could tell me if there is a degree called Red Cross Sword of Babylon , and if there is such a degree , if it is a Christian one . J . RANSOME . [ Yes ; the degree is worked in Scotland under
the Grand R . A . Chapter , and also in some parts of England . It is strictly Jewish , like the R . A . —ED . F ] There is a letter in an old number of the Record ( signed September 13 . 1864 , Pastor
Sexagenarius ) , referring to a question put by " A Candidate for Orders , " whether there was " anything in the general management and proceedings of the Freemasons to prevent a clergyman from becoming the chaplain , or at least a member of the lodge , in his own parish . " If any
clerical brother Would kindly let me see any reply which may have been made to that question , and inserted in the Record of that month , I shall be greatly obliged , and will return any paper , written or printed , if required . A NORFOLK CURATE .
VISITING AND NON-SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS . I shall be very happy to " enlighten A Young Member of the Craft , " ancl will answer his question as to whether a " brother ceasing to subscribe to any lodge through sudden poverty
incapacitates him from any more enjoying the benefits of visiting a lodge , " by quoting the Law on the subject in the Constitutions of 1867 . " A brother who is not a subscribing member to a lodge shall not be permitted to visit-any lodge in the town
or place where he resides any more than once during , his secession from the Craft" ( page 8 9 on Visitors ) . This no doubt seems hard in the case of a brother who is prevented from-paying his subscriptions by " sudden poverty , " but all laws
press hard somewhere , although they may be for the general good , and I am persuaded that the above is a very wholesome and just law , as many Masons cease to subscribe to our funds who arc well able to pay , and yet some have to my
certain knowledge visited their mother lodge in the town in which they reside when non-contributing members to any lodge , and even sat down at the banqueting table as free members . Whenever such glaring violations of the laws
have come under my " ken , " I . have directed the Master ' s attention to the above regulation , in the belief that justice to subscribing members demands such a clause in the " Constitutions " to be strictly obeyed . If a member becomes
unable to pay his subscription he is not precluded from receiving relief either from the lodge , the Prov . Grand Lodge , or the Grand Lodge ( without his visiting cither ) , so long as the rules arc observed respecting applications for charity . W . J . HUGHAN .
THE 1717 THEORY ( page 211 ) . Bro . W . P . Buchan is mistaken when he says "Bro . C . I Paton is backing out of his remarks . " In my article on the " Relation of St . John the
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Baptist to Freemasonry , I used the words present method , " but not in the meaning which Bro . W . P . Buchan turns them to at page no ( 41 st line from the top ) . A simple reference to it will suffice anyone . The words to befound there are " For the present method of Scottish
Freemasonry has been handed down from very ancient times . There is no fixed date in these words . The present method applied to the holding , as a festival , St . John the Baptist ' s day , also designating " Craft Masonry " as " St . John ' s Masonry . " I do not admit that we knew nothing
of speculative Freemasonry prior to 1717 . Bro . W . P . Buchan says : " It will take more than I have yet seen to prove the 1717 theory a mistake . " As yet we have seen nothing more than an assumption by Bro . W . P . Buchan that 0111 " present system " of Freemasonry was invented
by Bros . Desaguliers , Anderson , and others . The assumption runs that " I say so , I say so ;" but proofs which he calls from everyone else is found awanting in himself . I refer your readers to a letter which appeared in a newspaper , and a copy of which I expect will appear in another
number of THE FREEMASON . I repeat , that consequence of all my spare time being devoted to several Masonic works , until they are published I cannot devote the time to enter into the 1717 theory ; but on their completion I will take up the whole question , and show it to be a mistake . CHALMERS I . PATON .
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
The usual Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of London was held on Wednesday at Freemasons' Hall . Present : Rev . John Huyshe , M . A ., Prov . G . Supt . for Devonshire , as Z . ; Samuel Rawson , P . Dist . G . Supt . for China , as H . ; Frederick Pattison ( P . N . ) , as J . ; John Hervey , E . ; William
Pulteney Scott , as N . ; Samuel Leith Tomkins , P . Soj . ; George W . K . Potter and Ed . S . Snell , as Asst . Soj's . ; / fcneas J . Mclntyre , Registrar ; Conrad C . Dumas , Standard Bearer ; Joshua Nunn , Dir . of Cers . ; Benj . Head , P . S . B . ; H . Browse , P . S . B . ; W . E . Walmisley , P . S . B . ; Rev . Charles R . Davy , P . Soj . ; Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . Soj . ; John
Udall , P . Soj . ; Rev . Richard J . F . Thomas , P . Soj . ; J . Smith , P . D . C . ; N . Bradford , P . D . C . ; A . Holman , P . Standard B .: and among the companions we noticed Comps . Geo . M . Snow ( H . 754 ) , H . G . Buss ( P . Z . 177 ) , James Brett ( P . Z . 177 ) , J- RSheen ( P . Z . 185 ) , J . N . Gottlieb ( P . Z . 508 ) , J . G . Willson ( P . Z . 754 ) , W . Piatt ( P . Z . 10 ) , B . P . Atkins
( M . E . Z . 754 ) , J . M . Paget ( J . 754 ) , W . H . Andrew ( P . Z . 19 ) , A . A . Pendlebury ( 1056 ) , W . Ough ( P . Z . 749 ) , W . West Smith ( J . 79 ) , R . Spencer ( P . Z . 3 \ Dr . J . Potts ( P . Z . 754 ) , F . Adlard ( P . Z . 214 ) , W . Hamilton ( P . Z . 754 ) . Themintitcs of the last convocation were read and
confirmed . The regulations for the government of Grand Chapter were read . The following report , a copy of which was in the hands of all the companions , was , on motion made , taken as read , and ordered to be entered on the
To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England . " The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined theaccounls from the iSth January , to the iSth April , 1 S 70 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : — To Balance 17 th January . C 4 2 3 ' 3 6 ,, Subsequent Receipts 247 17 3
£ 67 1 10 9 15 y Purchase of , £ 154 lis . 10 . I . Consols , at 92 } $ , and Commission ... , £ 143 o o ,, Disbursements during the Quarter 12 S 14 4 ,, Ij . 1 l . 1 ncc .. 399 16 5
/ 071 10 *> which balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis f ' ercival and Co ., Hankers of the Grand Treasurer . " The Committee be ;; to report that at the last Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grant ! Chapter the Committee wero directed to summon the Chapter of Concord , No . 394 , Southampton , to show cause why the
Chapter should not be erased for irregularity anil contumacy . A communication has since been received from the Chapter expressing contrition and giving explanations which show some extenuating circumstances w'th assurances that offences against discipline shall not occur again . The Committee , under the circumstances , are of opinion that the proposed proceedings against the Chapter , No .
394 , should not be prosecuted , but that l > ro . Cyprian Wollou-ic / . who was illegally and irregularly exalted should be re-exalted , and that the Chapter should he fined , for the irregularity , two guineas . And the Committee recommend the same accordingly . " The Committee have likewise to report that they have received petitions—
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
1 st . From Companions Joseph Pearkes Fox Grundy as Z ., William Chick as H ., John Staines Webb as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the St . Mary ' s Lodge , No . 707 , Bridport , to be called ' The St . Mary's Chapter , ' and to meet at the Bull Hotel , Bridport , Dorsetshire .
" 2 nd . From Companions R i chard Samuel Lines as Z ., John Thompson as II ., James Slack as J ., and eight others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Ranelagh Lodge , No . 834 , Hammersmith , to be called ' The Andrew Chapter , ' and to meet at the Royal Sussex Hotel , Hammersmith , in the County of Middlesex . " 3 rd . From Companions John Case as Z ., William
Dodd as II ., James Potter as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Furness Lodge , No . 995 , Ulverston , to be called 'The Furness Chapter , ' and to meet at the Masonic Temple , Theatre-street , Ulverston , Lancashire . " 4 th . From Companions George Muddiman Lofthouse as Z ., Henry Priest Mayle as H ., Richard Tuton as J .
, and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Athole Lodge , No . 1004 , Douglas , Isle of Man , to be called ' The Athole Chapter , ' and to meet at the Douglas Hotel , Douglas , Isle of Man . " The foregoing petitions being all iii respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted .
"A petition for a charter for a Chapter to be attached to the Tynwald Lodge , No . 1242 , Douglas , Isle of Man , has also been received . This petition is in all respects regular . But it appears to the Committee that it would not be desirable that the prayer of the petition should be granted , inasmuch as there are only two lodges in the town of Douglas , both of which now petition for charters
for Chapters . The Committee being of opinion that there is not room for two Chapters in Douglas at present , recommended the petitioners to amalgamate ; but as their recommendation has not been accepted , they have taken into full consideration the two petitions , and they have in the paragraph immediately preceding recommended that a charter should be granted to the Chapter to be attached
to the Athole Lodge , No . 1004 , Douglas . It is the elder and more numerous lodge , and the Committee submit their opinion to the consideration of the Supreme Grand Chapter with a recommendation that it should be adopted . " The Committee have also to report that they have received a petition from the Principals and other members of the High Cross Chapter , which is at present attached
to the High Cross Lodge , No . 754 , Tottenham , Middlesex , praying that the Chapter may be detached from tlie aforesaid lodge , and be henceforth attached to the Sydney Lodge , No . S 29 , Sidcup , Kent , and to meet at the Bull Hotel , Dartford , Kent . " This Memorial is regular in form , and is accompanied with resolutions from both the lodges signifyiii" - their
assent to the proposed arrangement . Tlie Committee recommend that the prayer thereof be granted . " The following Notice of Motion has been received for tlie next Quarterly Convocation , from Companion John Savage , Past Sword Bearer : — "That the business of the Quarterly Convocations do
commence at ' eight' o ' clock p . m ., and that the word'eleven'be struck out of the second line of clause 9 , at page 8 of the Royal Arch Regulations , and the word ' ten' be inserted in lieu thereof . " ( Signed ) W . PULTE . \ I ; SCOTT , "Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . President . " 20 th April , 1 S 70 . "
The following E . Companions were appointed officers of the Chapter for the ensuing year , viz , E . Comps . : — The Right lion , tlie Earl de Grey ) and Ripon ) Earl of Carnarvon ... H . Lord de Tabley ... ... ... T ,
John Hervey ... ... ... ] £ . Sir F . Martyn Williams , Bt ., M . P ., N . Rev . C . J . Martyn p . S . Walter F . Short 1 st Asst . S . W . Romaine Callendcr , jun ... 2 nd Asst . S . Samuel Tomkins ... ... ... Treasurer . / IS . J . Mclntyre Registrar .
Thomas Fetm Sword-bearer . IS . Turner Payne Standaid-bearer K . W . Hollow Director of C . C . B . Taync Janitor . All the charters for Chapters named in the report were duly granted , including the two for Lodges 1004 and 1224 lasIsle of
, Doug , Man , the latter being granted after considerable discussion . The petition from the Principals of the High Cross , No . 754 , Tottenham , was discussed and the prayer thereof granted , consequently this Chapter will be attached to Lodge 829 , and will meet at Dartford .
The Notice of Motion given by Comp . Sava ge was fully discussed" and on being put was negatived . The following Committee for General Purposes was appointed for the ensuing 12 months —
Tun GRAND PRINCIPALS IS . Comp . Scott President " Hcad j Nominated 1 ' * - >< - ( by M . E . Z . „ J . Brett , P . Z . 975 , ... ¦ ) ,, J . Smith 19 ...
, ,, , „ j . Savage , „ 7 , .. ' . I Elected „ J . -Main , „ S 20 , ... \ ]> Y „ II . Browse ,,, 12 , ... u Chapter . ,, V . Adlard ,, 214 ,
All business having been concluded , the Grand Chaptcrwas tlicn closed in ancient ancl solemn form and adjourned .