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MURNITURE t « COX & Co ., . WW ) FINSBURY SQUARE BUILDINGS , It CHISWJSLL ST ., LONDON , E . C . ffl * COX & Co ' s . mm . CATALOGUE , ( ISSJft | v Showing the advantages of their Cash System , TT ^* Forwarded Post Free . A Four-roomed House furnished complete , £ 10 o o A Six « roomcd , including Drawing-room , tlo . 26 6 6 A ( Stngla Parlour , do . 500 A Drawing-room , of Italian Walnut , do . 17 60 A Dining-rooom of solid Mahogany , ,. do . 15 o o All articles warranted , and of the best workmanship . A single article of Furniture at equall y low prices . The only house in the trade supplying the public direct from the workshops . Carriage paid to any Railway Station in the Kingdom .
Bro . WILLIAMS . MASONIC EMBLEMS Lithographic Artist W Designed and Engraved ENGRAVER ON <¦« -JOk STONE , " WOOD . WOOD . ^ sS ^ J ^ ° VELLUM - 48 , KINGS / ^ r \ CROSS RD ., N .
TOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S J " CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for [ thc Teeth . ' AGUA AMARELLA" restores the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age . "TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifully perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNELL and CO . ' s . AND SEE THAT YOU HAVE NONE OTHER than their GENUiNEArticles . Sold by all respectable CHEMISTS and PERFUMERS . Wholesale , Angel Passage , 1 ) 3 , Upper Thamcs-st , London ,
MELLIN'S EXTRACT yon . M \ KVM" * > LIEBEG'S FOOD FOR INFANTS . T ^ HE onlygenuinesubstitute for Mother ' s Milk , ami recommended liy the highest Medical Authorities , as nc hest Food or Infants and Imallds . SOLD AT 55 , CHARING CROSS . Opposite Nelson's Monument ;
NOW READY . [ Roan , Gilt Edges , Elastic Band , Price 2 s ., Post Free 2 s . zd . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , & POCKET-BOOK , FOR 1873 . CONTAINING Lists of Lodges ; Chapters , Conclaves , Grand Councils and Encampments , with the iVames of Officers in England and VVales , Scotland , Ireland , France , Belgium , Germany , Italy , Denmark , Portugal , Sweden and Norway , Greece , Turkey . New ikunswick , Venezuela , Netherlands , Untish Columbia , Peru , Canada , America , South America , etc . May le had if all Booksellers , Ty lers , Janitors , Sentinels , Eijiierrics , ( ye , Publishing OfTtco , 198 , Ficet-strcot , E . C .
Now Ready . TJARGREAVES GRAND SOLO AND XX CHORUS " PROSPER THE ART . " Non-Subscribers is . yd . ; Subscribers , four copies , 3 s . od ., ; three copies 2 s . 6 d . ; two copies 2 s . oil . ; one copy is . od . Title page , in Blue and Gold , y \ . per copy extra . Orders with Postage Stamp , address to tjo , Phythin-st . Liverpool .
S . YARDLEY , ( ESTABLISHED 1830 ) SHOP FRONT BUILDER , SHOP FITTER , AMI Air Tight Show Case Manufacturer , 8 , LOWER WOOD STREET , CLERKENWELL , LONDON , E . G . Hveiy description ot fittings manufactured for Jewellers , Cutler ? , Stationer-, Otiiees . Drapers , Museums , Hanks , Libraries , Ouititers and I io-iers , Fancy Trade-, & -. . 1 'lans iiml I ' . limiiU ' - prm ided for --. Imp fronts and interii ' il fittim ; , in Tim 11 or an > pan ol the t ' ountr > , Oiit > i . lc Lamps {> il \ cr jdated ) truin sS- ,, lyiltn , with arms and f > ttim ; s complete , II . MII facia , Jinin . (?•; . Superior Jewellers' ditto , u ith extra illinninaiin ^ power , from $$ * , i Ditto , with arms and tiltinj ; s onnpJete , Irom facia , Horn 50 * = ,
j gm ^ SCHWEITZER'S COCOATINA , W fetlml r ? ANTI-nYSPl-TTIC COCOA OR CHOCOLATE POWDER . Ill PHI M Guaranteed Pure Soluble Cocoa , without Sugar or any admixture . !«¦ , l ® 3 a ! i / This unique pure preparation is pronounced by the Facnltv " the most nutritions perfectly digestible be ver . V ^ s | S § 3 §> S 7 age for HREAKFAST , LUNCHEON , or SUPPER , anil invaluable for Invalids and Children . " \ jpS ?*§ S ^ px " ' * s mal ' instaneously with hoiltnti water or milk ; being without sugar it suits all palates . — s £ A ^ i *^ I" tin packets at rs . 6 d ., 3 s ., & c . liy Chemists and Grocers . ( Samples gratis . ) Ri-eistcrcd . Cocoatina a la Vanille , at Same Prices . It is superior to the best Vanilla Chocolate , much cheaper , perfectly digestible , and made instantaneously .-SOI . E PROPRIETORS : II . SCHWEITZER |& Co ., 10 , ADAM-STREET ., ADELPHI , LONDON .
GAS STOVES FOR WARMING OR FOR COOKING . Thc most Cheerful , Economical and the Best Manufactured in thc World , at B RO . PHILLIPS'S , The Original Inventor and Manufacturer , ^ 5 , BARBICAN , LONDON , E . C , Close to Aldersgate-street Station .
Will be published in June , Price Sixpence . Post Free , Seven Pence . Annual Subscription , including postage ; United Kingdom , 7 s . America , 9 s . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , % lilontMn gigest of irctmasonrn in all its Dranclics . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS : Bro . W . VINER Br . noi . i'F ., M . D ., Bro . KENNETH R . II . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . Bro . WM . CARPENTER , P . M . & P . Z . Bro . J . C . PARKINSON , P . M ., P . Z . Bro . E . -URA Ho / . Mi . s , , 51 ° Bro . D . MURRAY LYON , Bro . WM . J AMES HUGHAN , P . M ., Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . Bro . J . DANIEL . MOORE , M . D ., F . L . S . Bro . DR . WOODMAN , P . M ., P . Z ., Bro . J . G . FIN-PEL , jjro . HUBERT , Bro . REV . A . F ; A . WOODIORP , M . A ., Bro . C . G . FORSYTH Bro . ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE , 30 ° Bro . T . B . YEOMAN . OFFICES : —London , 198 , Fleet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place ; Dublin , Grafton-street ; Glasgow , 19 , Sauchiehall-street ,
p EORGE REES ' I yjr MAPLE and P . OSEWOOE MOULDINGS , bust in London GEORGE RE ES' ~ GILT MOULDINGS , cheapesi in the Trade . VT too . ooo leet of GILT ttCKni BORDERING in . stock , from id . per foot . fl EORGE RE li ? yj First-class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . ( f ^ EORGEll KES VJ CHHOMOS , from thc Bes Masters , at reduced prices . 57 , DRURY-L . \ NE , W . C , opposite Druiy-lane Theatre
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY ' . Price One Shilling-, Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and Liie Family Circle , Bv HRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . r PHIS work is a perfect handbook of the - *• principles of Freemasonry , founded ou ( lie Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication anil support of the Order . liro . GEO . KENNINO , irj 8 , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
NOWKKADY , Price 2 s . 6 d . ; Tost Free , 2 s , 8 tl . Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged A FULL CO LOUJlliO ILLUSTKATKD BOOK . OF MASONIC CLOTHING AND JEWELS , From Master Mason to thc 30 th Degree ( iticlusiiv ) . Published hy Hro . GI ; OIK ; KENSINC ; , 108 , Fleet-street , London , E . G ., and may be had of all Hookscllcrs and News Ajjcnts , by jfivinjj- address of publishing office .
Tntrni M \; ST rRF . v . Mi .. "—t ' ommnn Sense . Lamps , Oaths , Cutlery , Hru .-lii .-s , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electro . plate and rsickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 41 , BI . ACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH . Q PEERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY Cioun Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does 1101 keep au " Immense Slock , " but sullicieutlv lan ; e for any person to select irom . 1 le docs tun sell " cheaper than every other house in the trade , " Jmt ( juite as cheap as ani-. A yi « it will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
CHURCH SERMONS . By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . WEEKLY NUMBERS contain two Sermons . Price One Penny ; Monthly Parts , Fivcpence . Published by REEVES , SON , and Co ,, Playhouse-yard Ludgate-hill , London , antl may be had of all Book , sellers
NOW READY . Vol . V . of THE FREEMASON , From January to December , 1872 . Bound in cloth , with richly embossed device ou cover . Price 15 Sliiliing-s . The above forms a first-class Reference and Chronology of the leading events in Masonry during the past year . OFFICE : 10 , 8 , Fleet-street .
THE ENTR'ACTE , A MUS ICA . Land THEATRICAL REVIEW " Price One IVnny . Used ns a programme at the principa London ami IVnincial MUMC Halls . The Entr ' acte enjoys an extensive urculation , ami gets into tlie hands ol every theatrical ami music-hall artiste , ll contains a splendid cartoon every week . Liist-rate medium ior adversers . Subscriber : ; can lie supplied Uy post at i , S per quarter . Published every Saturday , at J , LirydgcBstreet , Co vent Carden , W . C .
I Established JS 52—Knlan ; ed to 8 pages 187 a . THE LEIGH CHRONJCLK : TYLDESLEY , 1 ATUKRTUN , & DISTRICT , & SOUTH LANCASHIRE ADVLRTISKR . Lublislied every Saturday , 8 pages , Trice One I ' enny . Tne Chronicle is a First-class l . ncal and Family Newspaper ; takes no prominent part in Political or Religious Contifjversics . Original I ' apers of threat interest appear weekly in its columns . No elUn't i > -pared to maintain for the Clirtniiele the high position it has held tor years . The Chronicle is reatl hy all ; it is supported Ly nearly every person of influence in thedisirict ; circulates largely aiiioin ; ihe tradespeople ; and receives the support of the operative cashes . Its Columns oiler one of the JI KM . ' ADVERTISING AihUlUiMS in South Lancasliire . Oilkc , Victoria I'lace , Leigh . l * ro , aud lid . ( OSIAH ROSK ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MURNITURE t « COX & Co ., . WW ) FINSBURY SQUARE BUILDINGS , It CHISWJSLL ST ., LONDON , E . C . ffl * COX & Co ' s . mm . CATALOGUE , ( ISSJft | v Showing the advantages of their Cash System , TT ^* Forwarded Post Free . A Four-roomed House furnished complete , £ 10 o o A Six « roomcd , including Drawing-room , tlo . 26 6 6 A ( Stngla Parlour , do . 500 A Drawing-room , of Italian Walnut , do . 17 60 A Dining-rooom of solid Mahogany , ,. do . 15 o o All articles warranted , and of the best workmanship . A single article of Furniture at equall y low prices . The only house in the trade supplying the public direct from the workshops . Carriage paid to any Railway Station in the Kingdom .
Bro . WILLIAMS . MASONIC EMBLEMS Lithographic Artist W Designed and Engraved ENGRAVER ON <¦« -JOk STONE , " WOOD . WOOD . ^ sS ^ J ^ ° VELLUM - 48 , KINGS / ^ r \ CROSS RD ., N .
TOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S J " CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for [ thc Teeth . ' AGUA AMARELLA" restores the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age . "TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifully perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNELL and CO . ' s . AND SEE THAT YOU HAVE NONE OTHER than their GENUiNEArticles . Sold by all respectable CHEMISTS and PERFUMERS . Wholesale , Angel Passage , 1 ) 3 , Upper Thamcs-st , London ,
MELLIN'S EXTRACT yon . M \ KVM" * > LIEBEG'S FOOD FOR INFANTS . T ^ HE onlygenuinesubstitute for Mother ' s Milk , ami recommended liy the highest Medical Authorities , as nc hest Food or Infants and Imallds . SOLD AT 55 , CHARING CROSS . Opposite Nelson's Monument ;
NOW READY . [ Roan , Gilt Edges , Elastic Band , Price 2 s ., Post Free 2 s . zd . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , & POCKET-BOOK , FOR 1873 . CONTAINING Lists of Lodges ; Chapters , Conclaves , Grand Councils and Encampments , with the iVames of Officers in England and VVales , Scotland , Ireland , France , Belgium , Germany , Italy , Denmark , Portugal , Sweden and Norway , Greece , Turkey . New ikunswick , Venezuela , Netherlands , Untish Columbia , Peru , Canada , America , South America , etc . May le had if all Booksellers , Ty lers , Janitors , Sentinels , Eijiierrics , ( ye , Publishing OfTtco , 198 , Ficet-strcot , E . C .
Now Ready . TJARGREAVES GRAND SOLO AND XX CHORUS " PROSPER THE ART . " Non-Subscribers is . yd . ; Subscribers , four copies , 3 s . od ., ; three copies 2 s . 6 d . ; two copies 2 s . oil . ; one copy is . od . Title page , in Blue and Gold , y \ . per copy extra . Orders with Postage Stamp , address to tjo , Phythin-st . Liverpool .
S . YARDLEY , ( ESTABLISHED 1830 ) SHOP FRONT BUILDER , SHOP FITTER , AMI Air Tight Show Case Manufacturer , 8 , LOWER WOOD STREET , CLERKENWELL , LONDON , E . G . Hveiy description ot fittings manufactured for Jewellers , Cutler ? , Stationer-, Otiiees . Drapers , Museums , Hanks , Libraries , Ouititers and I io-iers , Fancy Trade-, & -. . 1 'lans iiml I ' . limiiU ' - prm ided for --. Imp fronts and interii ' il fittim ; , in Tim 11 or an > pan ol the t ' ountr > , Oiit > i . lc Lamps {> il \ cr jdated ) truin sS- ,, lyiltn , with arms and f > ttim ; s complete , II . MII facia , Jinin . (?•; . Superior Jewellers' ditto , u ith extra illinninaiin ^ power , from $$ * , i Ditto , with arms and tiltinj ; s onnpJete , Irom facia , Horn 50 * = ,
j gm ^ SCHWEITZER'S COCOATINA , W fetlml r ? ANTI-nYSPl-TTIC COCOA OR CHOCOLATE POWDER . Ill PHI M Guaranteed Pure Soluble Cocoa , without Sugar or any admixture . !«¦ , l ® 3 a ! i / This unique pure preparation is pronounced by the Facnltv " the most nutritions perfectly digestible be ver . V ^ s | S § 3 §> S 7 age for HREAKFAST , LUNCHEON , or SUPPER , anil invaluable for Invalids and Children . " \ jpS ?*§ S ^ px " ' * s mal ' instaneously with hoiltnti water or milk ; being without sugar it suits all palates . — s £ A ^ i *^ I" tin packets at rs . 6 d ., 3 s ., & c . liy Chemists and Grocers . ( Samples gratis . ) Ri-eistcrcd . Cocoatina a la Vanille , at Same Prices . It is superior to the best Vanilla Chocolate , much cheaper , perfectly digestible , and made instantaneously .-SOI . E PROPRIETORS : II . SCHWEITZER |& Co ., 10 , ADAM-STREET ., ADELPHI , LONDON .
GAS STOVES FOR WARMING OR FOR COOKING . Thc most Cheerful , Economical and the Best Manufactured in thc World , at B RO . PHILLIPS'S , The Original Inventor and Manufacturer , ^ 5 , BARBICAN , LONDON , E . C , Close to Aldersgate-street Station .
Will be published in June , Price Sixpence . Post Free , Seven Pence . Annual Subscription , including postage ; United Kingdom , 7 s . America , 9 s . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , % lilontMn gigest of irctmasonrn in all its Dranclics . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS : Bro . W . VINER Br . noi . i'F ., M . D ., Bro . KENNETH R . II . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . Bro . WM . CARPENTER , P . M . & P . Z . Bro . J . C . PARKINSON , P . M ., P . Z . Bro . E . -URA Ho / . Mi . s , , 51 ° Bro . D . MURRAY LYON , Bro . WM . J AMES HUGHAN , P . M ., Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . Bro . J . DANIEL . MOORE , M . D ., F . L . S . Bro . DR . WOODMAN , P . M ., P . Z ., Bro . J . G . FIN-PEL , jjro . HUBERT , Bro . REV . A . F ; A . WOODIORP , M . A ., Bro . C . G . FORSYTH Bro . ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE , 30 ° Bro . T . B . YEOMAN . OFFICES : —London , 198 , Fleet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place ; Dublin , Grafton-street ; Glasgow , 19 , Sauchiehall-street ,
p EORGE REES ' I yjr MAPLE and P . OSEWOOE MOULDINGS , bust in London GEORGE RE ES' ~ GILT MOULDINGS , cheapesi in the Trade . VT too . ooo leet of GILT ttCKni BORDERING in . stock , from id . per foot . fl EORGE RE li ? yj First-class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . ( f ^ EORGEll KES VJ CHHOMOS , from thc Bes Masters , at reduced prices . 57 , DRURY-L . \ NE , W . C , opposite Druiy-lane Theatre
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY ' . Price One Shilling-, Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and Liie Family Circle , Bv HRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . r PHIS work is a perfect handbook of the - *• principles of Freemasonry , founded ou ( lie Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication anil support of the Order . liro . GEO . KENNINO , irj 8 , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
NOWKKADY , Price 2 s . 6 d . ; Tost Free , 2 s , 8 tl . Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged A FULL CO LOUJlliO ILLUSTKATKD BOOK . OF MASONIC CLOTHING AND JEWELS , From Master Mason to thc 30 th Degree ( iticlusiiv ) . Published hy Hro . GI ; OIK ; KENSINC ; , 108 , Fleet-street , London , E . G ., and may be had of all Hookscllcrs and News Ajjcnts , by jfivinjj- address of publishing office .
Tntrni M \; ST rRF . v . Mi .. "—t ' ommnn Sense . Lamps , Oaths , Cutlery , Hru .-lii .-s , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electro . plate and rsickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 41 , BI . ACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH . Q PEERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY Cioun Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does 1101 keep au " Immense Slock , " but sullicieutlv lan ; e for any person to select irom . 1 le docs tun sell " cheaper than every other house in the trade , " Jmt ( juite as cheap as ani-. A yi « it will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
CHURCH SERMONS . By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . WEEKLY NUMBERS contain two Sermons . Price One Penny ; Monthly Parts , Fivcpence . Published by REEVES , SON , and Co ,, Playhouse-yard Ludgate-hill , London , antl may be had of all Book , sellers
NOW READY . Vol . V . of THE FREEMASON , From January to December , 1872 . Bound in cloth , with richly embossed device ou cover . Price 15 Sliiliing-s . The above forms a first-class Reference and Chronology of the leading events in Masonry during the past year . OFFICE : 10 , 8 , Fleet-street .
THE ENTR'ACTE , A MUS ICA . Land THEATRICAL REVIEW " Price One IVnny . Used ns a programme at the principa London ami IVnincial MUMC Halls . The Entr ' acte enjoys an extensive urculation , ami gets into tlie hands ol every theatrical ami music-hall artiste , ll contains a splendid cartoon every week . Liist-rate medium ior adversers . Subscriber : ; can lie supplied Uy post at i , S per quarter . Published every Saturday , at J , LirydgcBstreet , Co vent Carden , W . C .
I Established JS 52—Knlan ; ed to 8 pages 187 a . THE LEIGH CHRONJCLK : TYLDESLEY , 1 ATUKRTUN , & DISTRICT , & SOUTH LANCASHIRE ADVLRTISKR . Lublislied every Saturday , 8 pages , Trice One I ' enny . Tne Chronicle is a First-class l . ncal and Family Newspaper ; takes no prominent part in Political or Religious Contifjversics . Original I ' apers of threat interest appear weekly in its columns . No elUn't i > -pared to maintain for the Clirtniiele the high position it has held tor years . The Chronicle is reatl hy all ; it is supported Ly nearly every person of influence in thedisirict ; circulates largely aiiioin ; ihe tradespeople ; and receives the support of the operative cashes . Its Columns oiler one of the JI KM . ' ADVERTISING AihUlUiMS in South Lancasliire . Oilkc , Victoria I'lace , Leigh . l * ro , aud lid . ( OSIAH ROSK ,