Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal and Select Masters. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REi'om-s MASONIC MEETINGS ; — Craft Masonry 3 < i < Royal Arch .- ><> 9 Royal and Select Masters 36 9 Ancient and Accepted Rite 370 Red Cross of Constantine 370 Scotland 37 °
Provincial Grand Lodgeof Lincolnshire 370 Prov , Grand Mark Lodge of Devonshire 37 ° Poetry 3 l CoRRESl'ONOENCE -. The Vienna Exhibition and Masonry 372 The Order of the Temple 373 Testimonial to Bro . Charles Rogers 373
Reviews 373 Masonic Tidings 373 United Grand Lodge 374 Grand Lodge of Mark Masters 375 Red Cross of Constantine in the United States 379 Lodge Meetings for next week 379 Advertisements 367 3 68 3 S 0 381 3 82
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cmft Hfestmra . J ERSEY . —La Cesaree Lodge ( No . 590 ) . —The twenty-second anniversary meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 39 th May , at the Masonic Temple , for the purpose of installing the newly elected W . M . Immediately after four o ' clock the lodge was opened by Bro . Jos .
Gregg , W . M ., supported by Bro . A . Viel , P . M ., acting as S . W . j Ph . W . Binet , J . W . A . Sehmitt , P . M ., Secretary ; J . Durrell , P . M ., Treasurer ; E . J . Renouf , P . M . ; J . Oatley , P . M . ; Jos . Pallet , S . D . Among the visitors were Bros . Dr . J . Le Cronier , D . P . G . M . ; W . Adams , W . M . 887 ; I . O . Le Sueur , P . M .
491 , P . G . Secretary ; Pitcher , W . M . 100 3 ; J . Moss , P . M . 221 , and others . The minutes were read and unanimously confirmed . The Iodge was opened in the second degree , when , at the request of the W . M ., Bro . Sehmitt took the chair as Installing Master . Bro . Renouf presented Bro . Ph . W . Binet as W . M . elect . The
ancient charges were read and duly assented to , and the Ob . of W . M . elect administered . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and all who had not passed the chair withdrew . A board of eleven Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Binet was duly placed in the chair of
K . S ., in accordance with ancient custom . On the board being closed , the several classes of M . M . ' s , Fellow Crafts and Entered Apprentices were in turn admitted , and thc customary ceremonies were gone through with exactitude and impressiveness . After the usual addresses to
the VV . M . were delivered , the following appointments were made , the Installing Master in each case offering appropriate observations : Bros . Jos . Gregg , I . P . M . ; Jos . Fallot , S . W . ; H . E . le V . dit Durell , J . W . and Org . ; J . Durell , Treas . ; A . Sehmitt , Sec . ; Ph . Le Brun ,
S . D . ; Captain Ph . Messervy , J . D . ; Ph . Pinel , I . G . j Abram Grant , Assistant Secretary ; and H . Du Jardin , Tyler . The Secretary read the proceedings of the Committee of Management of the lodge , containing several suggestions and recommendations , according to
his custom , the Secretary presented a detailed report of the proceedings' during the biennial tenure of office by the retiring W . M . It was resolved that these reports be received , approved and entered on the minutes . The Secretary then said : —Brethren , since you have just awarded to
our I . P . M . a meed of your approbation , I may be permitted to ask you to put it into a tangible form . Considering the zeal , the fidelity , and the valuable services rendered b y Bro . Jos . Gregg to our lodge , considering his courtesy and kindness which every member recieved at his hands ,
considering also the attention which he has devoted to the business of the lodge , and also the ability and discretion with whicii he conducted its affairs , I propose that some token be presented to our worthy brother by the lodge , as a visible testimony of our feelings of gratitude , of esteem , which wc entertain towards him . The
proposition , seconded by the Treasurer was carriedjunanimously . No other business offering , the lodge was closed in love and perfect harmony . Tlie brethren adjourned to the banqueting-room and sat down to a dinner provided by the Guardian of the Temple , Bro . W . H . Long . The W . M . presided , having on his right Bros . Dr ; J .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
LeCronier , D . P . G . M . ; A . Sehmitt , John Durrell , Ph . Binet , John O . LeSueur , and on his left Bros . Jos . Gregg , Wm . Adams , Renouf , A . Viel , and others . The Worshipful Masters of all the lodges in the province had been invited , several of them were present . After the removal of
the cloth , the usual Masonic toasts were given . The Secretary proposed the toast to "The memory of our late M . W . Bro ., the Earl of Zetland , alluding to his death with feelings of sorrow , enumerating the immense services he has rendered to the Craft during his long Grand
Mastership of twenty-five years . " He also proposed " The Memory of the thirty Members of the Lodge , who were removed to the Grand Lodge above , pointing out the respective worth of nearly all of them . After the last toast , given
by the Tyler , the brethren separated about 9 . 30 . ( The Masonic Temple was put into mourning by command of Bro . Sehmitt , Hon . Sec . to Masonic Temple Co . ( Limited ) on account of the death of the M . W . Past Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland . )
CAMDEN L ODGE ( NO . 704 ) . —This lodge met on Tuesday , at the Bull and Gate Tavern , Highgate-road , N . W ., and was very fully attended . The W . M ., Bro . Swatton , presided , and opened the lodge at 5 . 30 , p . m . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and
the ballot taken for Mr . John Carter and Mr . E . G . Morris , the result in both cases being unanimous . The duties embraced the two initiations alluded to , and two passings , and the ceremonies were splendidly rendered by the W . M . Ten guineas , in addition to a previous donation of
two guineas , were voted to a distressed brother . The vote was then taken for the W . M ., and proved unanimous in favour of Bro . Boys , S . W . The proceedings then closed in perfect harmony . A banquet followed . The cloth having been removed and the usual Masonic toasts disposed of ,
thc W . M . in the most impressive manner requested the brethren to drink in solemn silence to the revered memory of their late deceased Past Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland . The toast was received ' and rcsjionded to as desired . The health of the initiates having been proposed
by the W . M ., Bro . Morris responded , in a manner that was pleasing to the brethren , and trusted that all who joined , would enter Freemasonry with those favourable feelings and impressions that had just been stamped upon his mind for ever He concluded by tendering his grateful thanks
to Bro . P . M . Garratt , for introducing him , and the W . M . and brethren for having received him into their lodge . The health of the visitors was next proposed and responded to by Bros . P . M . Alexander , P . M . Myers , Collier , and other visiting brethren . Bro . Alexander . P . M ., then rose , and
eulogised theW . M . for the admirable working of his past onerous duties . Continually visiting other lodges , he had concluded that in all respects the Camden Lodge stood second to none . He further complimented Bro . Garratt forthe
excellent manner he invariably catered for the brethren . The healths of the W . M . and P . M . ' s were likewise drank , and cordially responded to . Several excellent songs were given by brethren to the brilliant music rendered on the
harmonium b y Bro . Garratt , and the proceedings of a most enjoyable evening weie at length brought to a close . LANCASTER .- —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The regular meeting of the Rowley Lodge was held on Monday , 2 nd June , at the Masonic
Rooms , Athenaeum . There were present Bros . W . J . Sly , W . M . ; J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., P . G . S . B . of England as I . P . M . ; E . Airey , S . W . ; James Taylor as J . W . ; Richard Taylor as S . D . ; T . Jackson as J . D . j H . Longman , I . G . j G . Sutton , Steward ; J . Watson , Tyler ; N . W .
Helme . After some preliminary business had been transacted , the W . M . announced the lamented death of the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Zetland , P . G . M . of England , and moved that a resolution expressive of the regret of the lodge at his lordship ' s death , and an earnest
acknowledgment of the services that he had for upwards of a quarter of a century rendered to the Craft , should be entered upon the minutes of the meeting . The brethren appeared in Masonic mourning , in accordance with the direction of the Grand Lodge .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
LANCASTER . —Duhe of Lancaster Lodge ( No . l 3 SY ) - —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athen .-eum , on Wednesday , the 21 st ult ., on which occasion , on account of the death ofthe M . W ., Past Grand Master , the lodge was put into mourning . The
W . M ., Bro . J . Barrow , occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . Jonathan Acton , acting Secretary ; John Bell , S . W . ; William Heald , J . W . ; William S . Carr , J . W ., acting S . D . ; J . Elenshaw , acting J . D . ; R . Wolfenden , I . G ., and a goodly number of other brethren . The
W . M . moved that a resolution expressive of the regret of the brethren at the lamented death of the Rt . Hon . Earl of Zetland , be entered on the minutes of the lodge-book . Also , a thankful acknowledgment and recognition of the very able and valuable services he had for upwards of a
quarter of a century rendered to the Craft . This was seconded by Bro . J . Bell , S . W ., and carried unanimously . Other business was transacted , one brother raised , two initiated , and two candidates proposed for initiation , after which , the iodge was closed in due form .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
SHBKRNESS . —Adams Ciiapter ( No . 158 ) . — The regular quarterly convocation of this old and flourishing chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Mile Town , on Tuesday evening , the 17 th ult . and which was attended by about 20 Companions . The following officiated : —T ,
Hughes , Z . ; E . J . Bagshaw , H . ; Captain Shepherd , R . A ., J . ; A . Spears , I . P . Z . ; A . Oyston , E . ; W . Pannel , N . ; W . Tailford , P . S . ; Jas . Wood ley R . N ., ist Asst . ; T . Russell R . N ., 2 nd Asst . Tlie convocation being opened in due form according to the ancient rites . Bros . Thurlow ,
Simmonds and Ashworth , all of Lodge 158 , being candidates for exaltation , werc examined entrusted , and exalted to the supreme degree of R . A . M . The ceremony was most ably performed by the M . E . Z . and the other Principals , assisted by Comp . Alexandra A . Spears , I . P . Z .
Business of the chapter terminating , it was closed in due form , M . E . Comp . A . Spears , I . P . Z ., delivering the parting address . Chapter being closed , the companions adjourned to the Britannia Inn , Mile Town , ( Late Comp . Green , & c . ) for refreshment , two hours being pleasantlyspent in harmony and friendly intercourse .
Royal And Select Masters.
Royal and Select Masters .
GRAND COUNCIL OF ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS . A meeting of the members of the Degree of Royal and Select Masters was held on Monday , in tiie iviasonic
nan , 33 , ooiuen-square , tiro . Rev . G . Raymond Portal , M . A ., M . P . G . M ., presiding , assisted b y Captain N . G . Phillips , in the 2 nd chair ; Bro . J . M . P . Montague , in the
3 rd chair ; Bro . Shaw , 33 ° , from America ; and Bro . F . Binckes , G . Recorder . There were also present , Bros . G . Lambert , W . Hyde Pullen , Magnus Ohren , C . Hammerton , S . Rosenthal , James Stevens , and H . Massey . The object of the meeting was to receive the
report of the Finance Committee , to appoint a committee to draw up regulations for the Government of the Order , and to transact any other business which might arise . The Grand body was constituted on the 4 th August , 1871 , and as the taking of the numerous
valuable degrees under this head of Freemasonry has been making steady progress since that time , the necessity of drawing up a Book of Constitutions for the more certain regulation of the Order has daily become more apparent . After tbe minutes of former meeting had
been read and confirmed , a resolution was come to that the future meetings of the Grand Council should be held at 33 , Golden-square . A committee was then appointed to settle the rules , fees , & c , after which the report of the
1-mance Committee was read , received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The same steps were also taken with the Treasurer ' s rejiort . It was afterwaids resolved tfiat the Finance Committee be tho committee to prepare
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REi'om-s MASONIC MEETINGS ; — Craft Masonry 3 < i < Royal Arch .- ><> 9 Royal and Select Masters 36 9 Ancient and Accepted Rite 370 Red Cross of Constantine 370 Scotland 37 °
Provincial Grand Lodgeof Lincolnshire 370 Prov , Grand Mark Lodge of Devonshire 37 ° Poetry 3 l CoRRESl'ONOENCE -. The Vienna Exhibition and Masonry 372 The Order of the Temple 373 Testimonial to Bro . Charles Rogers 373
Reviews 373 Masonic Tidings 373 United Grand Lodge 374 Grand Lodge of Mark Masters 375 Red Cross of Constantine in the United States 379 Lodge Meetings for next week 379 Advertisements 367 3 68 3 S 0 381 3 82
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cmft Hfestmra . J ERSEY . —La Cesaree Lodge ( No . 590 ) . —The twenty-second anniversary meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 39 th May , at the Masonic Temple , for the purpose of installing the newly elected W . M . Immediately after four o ' clock the lodge was opened by Bro . Jos .
Gregg , W . M ., supported by Bro . A . Viel , P . M ., acting as S . W . j Ph . W . Binet , J . W . A . Sehmitt , P . M ., Secretary ; J . Durrell , P . M ., Treasurer ; E . J . Renouf , P . M . ; J . Oatley , P . M . ; Jos . Pallet , S . D . Among the visitors were Bros . Dr . J . Le Cronier , D . P . G . M . ; W . Adams , W . M . 887 ; I . O . Le Sueur , P . M .
491 , P . G . Secretary ; Pitcher , W . M . 100 3 ; J . Moss , P . M . 221 , and others . The minutes were read and unanimously confirmed . The Iodge was opened in the second degree , when , at the request of the W . M ., Bro . Sehmitt took the chair as Installing Master . Bro . Renouf presented Bro . Ph . W . Binet as W . M . elect . The
ancient charges were read and duly assented to , and the Ob . of W . M . elect administered . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and all who had not passed the chair withdrew . A board of eleven Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Binet was duly placed in the chair of
K . S ., in accordance with ancient custom . On the board being closed , the several classes of M . M . ' s , Fellow Crafts and Entered Apprentices were in turn admitted , and thc customary ceremonies were gone through with exactitude and impressiveness . After the usual addresses to
the VV . M . were delivered , the following appointments were made , the Installing Master in each case offering appropriate observations : Bros . Jos . Gregg , I . P . M . ; Jos . Fallot , S . W . ; H . E . le V . dit Durell , J . W . and Org . ; J . Durell , Treas . ; A . Sehmitt , Sec . ; Ph . Le Brun ,
S . D . ; Captain Ph . Messervy , J . D . ; Ph . Pinel , I . G . j Abram Grant , Assistant Secretary ; and H . Du Jardin , Tyler . The Secretary read the proceedings of the Committee of Management of the lodge , containing several suggestions and recommendations , according to
his custom , the Secretary presented a detailed report of the proceedings' during the biennial tenure of office by the retiring W . M . It was resolved that these reports be received , approved and entered on the minutes . The Secretary then said : —Brethren , since you have just awarded to
our I . P . M . a meed of your approbation , I may be permitted to ask you to put it into a tangible form . Considering the zeal , the fidelity , and the valuable services rendered b y Bro . Jos . Gregg to our lodge , considering his courtesy and kindness which every member recieved at his hands ,
considering also the attention which he has devoted to the business of the lodge , and also the ability and discretion with whicii he conducted its affairs , I propose that some token be presented to our worthy brother by the lodge , as a visible testimony of our feelings of gratitude , of esteem , which wc entertain towards him . The
proposition , seconded by the Treasurer was carriedjunanimously . No other business offering , the lodge was closed in love and perfect harmony . Tlie brethren adjourned to the banqueting-room and sat down to a dinner provided by the Guardian of the Temple , Bro . W . H . Long . The W . M . presided , having on his right Bros . Dr ; J .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
LeCronier , D . P . G . M . ; A . Sehmitt , John Durrell , Ph . Binet , John O . LeSueur , and on his left Bros . Jos . Gregg , Wm . Adams , Renouf , A . Viel , and others . The Worshipful Masters of all the lodges in the province had been invited , several of them were present . After the removal of
the cloth , the usual Masonic toasts were given . The Secretary proposed the toast to "The memory of our late M . W . Bro ., the Earl of Zetland , alluding to his death with feelings of sorrow , enumerating the immense services he has rendered to the Craft during his long Grand
Mastership of twenty-five years . " He also proposed " The Memory of the thirty Members of the Lodge , who were removed to the Grand Lodge above , pointing out the respective worth of nearly all of them . After the last toast , given
by the Tyler , the brethren separated about 9 . 30 . ( The Masonic Temple was put into mourning by command of Bro . Sehmitt , Hon . Sec . to Masonic Temple Co . ( Limited ) on account of the death of the M . W . Past Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland . )
CAMDEN L ODGE ( NO . 704 ) . —This lodge met on Tuesday , at the Bull and Gate Tavern , Highgate-road , N . W ., and was very fully attended . The W . M ., Bro . Swatton , presided , and opened the lodge at 5 . 30 , p . m . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and
the ballot taken for Mr . John Carter and Mr . E . G . Morris , the result in both cases being unanimous . The duties embraced the two initiations alluded to , and two passings , and the ceremonies were splendidly rendered by the W . M . Ten guineas , in addition to a previous donation of
two guineas , were voted to a distressed brother . The vote was then taken for the W . M ., and proved unanimous in favour of Bro . Boys , S . W . The proceedings then closed in perfect harmony . A banquet followed . The cloth having been removed and the usual Masonic toasts disposed of ,
thc W . M . in the most impressive manner requested the brethren to drink in solemn silence to the revered memory of their late deceased Past Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland . The toast was received ' and rcsjionded to as desired . The health of the initiates having been proposed
by the W . M ., Bro . Morris responded , in a manner that was pleasing to the brethren , and trusted that all who joined , would enter Freemasonry with those favourable feelings and impressions that had just been stamped upon his mind for ever He concluded by tendering his grateful thanks
to Bro . P . M . Garratt , for introducing him , and the W . M . and brethren for having received him into their lodge . The health of the visitors was next proposed and responded to by Bros . P . M . Alexander , P . M . Myers , Collier , and other visiting brethren . Bro . Alexander . P . M ., then rose , and
eulogised theW . M . for the admirable working of his past onerous duties . Continually visiting other lodges , he had concluded that in all respects the Camden Lodge stood second to none . He further complimented Bro . Garratt forthe
excellent manner he invariably catered for the brethren . The healths of the W . M . and P . M . ' s were likewise drank , and cordially responded to . Several excellent songs were given by brethren to the brilliant music rendered on the
harmonium b y Bro . Garratt , and the proceedings of a most enjoyable evening weie at length brought to a close . LANCASTER .- —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The regular meeting of the Rowley Lodge was held on Monday , 2 nd June , at the Masonic
Rooms , Athenaeum . There were present Bros . W . J . Sly , W . M . ; J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., P . G . S . B . of England as I . P . M . ; E . Airey , S . W . ; James Taylor as J . W . ; Richard Taylor as S . D . ; T . Jackson as J . D . j H . Longman , I . G . j G . Sutton , Steward ; J . Watson , Tyler ; N . W .
Helme . After some preliminary business had been transacted , the W . M . announced the lamented death of the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Zetland , P . G . M . of England , and moved that a resolution expressive of the regret of the lodge at his lordship ' s death , and an earnest
acknowledgment of the services that he had for upwards of a quarter of a century rendered to the Craft , should be entered upon the minutes of the meeting . The brethren appeared in Masonic mourning , in accordance with the direction of the Grand Lodge .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
LANCASTER . —Duhe of Lancaster Lodge ( No . l 3 SY ) - —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athen .-eum , on Wednesday , the 21 st ult ., on which occasion , on account of the death ofthe M . W ., Past Grand Master , the lodge was put into mourning . The
W . M ., Bro . J . Barrow , occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . Jonathan Acton , acting Secretary ; John Bell , S . W . ; William Heald , J . W . ; William S . Carr , J . W ., acting S . D . ; J . Elenshaw , acting J . D . ; R . Wolfenden , I . G ., and a goodly number of other brethren . The
W . M . moved that a resolution expressive of the regret of the brethren at the lamented death of the Rt . Hon . Earl of Zetland , be entered on the minutes of the lodge-book . Also , a thankful acknowledgment and recognition of the very able and valuable services he had for upwards of a
quarter of a century rendered to the Craft . This was seconded by Bro . J . Bell , S . W ., and carried unanimously . Other business was transacted , one brother raised , two initiated , and two candidates proposed for initiation , after which , the iodge was closed in due form .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
SHBKRNESS . —Adams Ciiapter ( No . 158 ) . — The regular quarterly convocation of this old and flourishing chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Mile Town , on Tuesday evening , the 17 th ult . and which was attended by about 20 Companions . The following officiated : —T ,
Hughes , Z . ; E . J . Bagshaw , H . ; Captain Shepherd , R . A ., J . ; A . Spears , I . P . Z . ; A . Oyston , E . ; W . Pannel , N . ; W . Tailford , P . S . ; Jas . Wood ley R . N ., ist Asst . ; T . Russell R . N ., 2 nd Asst . Tlie convocation being opened in due form according to the ancient rites . Bros . Thurlow ,
Simmonds and Ashworth , all of Lodge 158 , being candidates for exaltation , werc examined entrusted , and exalted to the supreme degree of R . A . M . The ceremony was most ably performed by the M . E . Z . and the other Principals , assisted by Comp . Alexandra A . Spears , I . P . Z .
Business of the chapter terminating , it was closed in due form , M . E . Comp . A . Spears , I . P . Z ., delivering the parting address . Chapter being closed , the companions adjourned to the Britannia Inn , Mile Town , ( Late Comp . Green , & c . ) for refreshment , two hours being pleasantlyspent in harmony and friendly intercourse .
Royal And Select Masters.
Royal and Select Masters .
GRAND COUNCIL OF ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS . A meeting of the members of the Degree of Royal and Select Masters was held on Monday , in tiie iviasonic
nan , 33 , ooiuen-square , tiro . Rev . G . Raymond Portal , M . A ., M . P . G . M ., presiding , assisted b y Captain N . G . Phillips , in the 2 nd chair ; Bro . J . M . P . Montague , in the
3 rd chair ; Bro . Shaw , 33 ° , from America ; and Bro . F . Binckes , G . Recorder . There were also present , Bros . G . Lambert , W . Hyde Pullen , Magnus Ohren , C . Hammerton , S . Rosenthal , James Stevens , and H . Massey . The object of the meeting was to receive the
report of the Finance Committee , to appoint a committee to draw up regulations for the Government of the Order , and to transact any other business which might arise . The Grand body was constituted on the 4 th August , 1871 , and as the taking of the numerous
valuable degrees under this head of Freemasonry has been making steady progress since that time , the necessity of drawing up a Book of Constitutions for the more certain regulation of the Order has daily become more apparent . After tbe minutes of former meeting had
been read and confirmed , a resolution was come to that the future meetings of the Grand Council should be held at 33 , Golden-square . A committee was then appointed to settle the rules , fees , & c , after which the report of the
1-mance Committee was read , received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The same steps were also taken with the Treasurer ' s rejiort . It was afterwaids resolved tfiat the Finance Committee be tho committee to prepare