Article Royal and Select Masters. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF LINCOLNSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF LINCOLNSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF DEVONSHIRE. Page 1 of 3 →
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Royal And Select Masters.
a book of regulations for the Government of the Order ; and subsequently a motion was carried that a circular reporting the proceedings of this meeting should be prepared and sent to the Mark lodges under the English
jurisdiction . After long and able discissions had taken p lace on the various matters of business before the brethren , the Grand Council was closed in due form .
GRAND MASTERS COUNCIL ( i \ o . i . )—A meeting of the Grand Master ' s Council , No . i , was held in the Hall , 33 , Golden-square , Bro . Frederick Binckes in the Master ' s chair . There were also present—the W . P . G . M . Bro . the Rev .
G . Raymond Portal , M . A ., and Bros . J . M . P . Montague , Capt . N . G . Phillips , Magnus Ohren , James Stevens , W . Hyde Pullen , S . Rosenthal , C . Hammerton , John Read ( G . Org . ) , E . Stanton Jones , and H . Massey . The meeting
was held for the purpose of installing the Rev . G . Raymond Portal as Master , and the other chief officers for the year . After the opening of the Council , Bro . Binckes obligated , invested , and
installed Bro . Portal as M . Master ; Capt . Phillips as 2 nd Officer ; Bro . Montague as 3 rd Officer ; and Bro . Hyde Pullen as Recorder . There was no other business before the brethren , and the council was closed and adjourned .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
MOORE CIIAPTERROSE CROIX . —Tne meeting of Moore Rose Croix Chajiter , 18 , forthe election of Most Wise Sovereign and Treasurer , took place on the 23 rd April , at its Asylnm , Ritchie ' s building , St . John ' s , New Brunswick . There was a full attendance . D . R . Munro , 3 ? 0 , was
elected M . W . S ., and W . H . Thorne , 32 " , Treas . This branch of the Masonic Order in St . John is becoming quite jiopular , a large number of the most influential members of the Craft being connected with it . The Harington Sov .
Consistory , 32 , under registry of the Supreme Council of England , is also now fully organised for the Maritine Provinces of the Dominion of Canada ; its principal jilace of meeting is the City of St . John , Province of New Brunswick .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
* LIVERPOOL . —Skelmersdale Conclave ( No . 77 ) . —An assembly of Sir Knights attached to thu Skelmersdale Conclave ofthe Kni ghts of Rome and of the Red Cross of Constantine , No . 7 6 , was holden at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on Monday evening last , the special
business of the gathering being the enthronement ofthe M . P . S ., and investiture of the ollicers . During its years' existence , the conclave has made steady progress , and it now numbers amongst its members many who are well-known within the mystic circle . The Knights were
summoned for six o ' clock , and shortly after that time the conclave was opened in due fonn b y Em . Sir Knt . Thomas Ashmore , M . P . S ., who was supported by the following : —Sir Knts . II . Nelson , V . E . ; J . T . Callow , l . G ; f . Bannin . r , H . P . ; W . Cotterell , Rec . ; J . f . Rose , Prefect ; ¦
H . Jackson , O . C . Leighton , Org . ; P . Ball , Sentinel ; J . Skeaf , Almoner ; J . C . Lunt , T . Kamskill , J . Capcll , T . Laurence , II . Burrows , H . Morris , W . Quayle , J . Lalley , W . R . Curbin , J . McCarthy , W . H . Cooper , j . Dawson , J . C . McGuirc , J . W . Robinson , T . Garrett , A .
M . Elliott , & c . 111 . Sir Kni ght G . Turner , I . G . for West Lancashire ; Em . Sir Knt . II . M . Molyneux , M . P . S .-elect , of the Liverpool Conclave , No . 55 ; and Sir Knt . F . Day , Conclave No . 5 $ , were present as visitors . ' After the muster roll had been called , and the records of
the conclave had been dul y confirmed , Bros . \ V . Shortis , W . M . 724 , and C . li . Tithian , of Lodge No . JO 03 , Jersey , wire solemnl y installed Knights of the Order . Em . Sir Knt . Ashmore then proceeded will 1 the enthronement of Em .
Sir Knt . Henry Nelson , ;* s M . P . S ., being ably assisted by Sir Knight J ackson , who gave Ulceration with striking effect . The newly-installed Sovereign subsequently invested the following his officers : —Sir Knts . Jas . Callow , A ' . E . ;
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Jesse Banning , S . G . ; Wm . Cottrell , J . G . ; Hy Jackson , H . P . ; Thos . Ashmore , Treas . ; John McCarthy , Rec . ; f . J . Rose , S . Prefect ; J . Skeaf , J . ' Prefect ; Wm . R . Corbin , S . Bearer ; Hy . Morris , Orator ; C . Leighton , Organist ;
Wm . Quayle , Herald ; John Capell , S , Aide : Wm . Laurence , J . Aide ; and P . Ball , Sentinel . The conclave was subsequently closed in peace and harmony , and the assembled Knights sat down to an excellent rejiast .
Scotland .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . GLASGOW . — A special meeting of St . Mungo Encampment was held on May Sth , the M . N . C ., R . Bell , presiding , assisted by Sir Knts . f . E . Spiers , C . G . ; D . Butler , D . C ; G . W . Wheeler , K . ; M . Clanachan , C . E . ; and J . Crabb , Acting Aide-de-Camp . Comp . T . S . Wilson was
received into the Order of the Temjile , after winch a Priory of Kni ghts of Malta was opened—R . Bell , Prior ; G . W . Wheeler , Prelate—when Sir Knts . Johnston , Douglas , Currie , and Wilson were created Knights of Malta . Arrangements were then entered into for the jiurpose of
welcoming our American Fraters on the 27 th June , a committee was apjioinled , consisting of Sir Knts . Bell , Wheeler , Butler , Adams , and Crabb , to carry out the entertainment , and an order was given to Sir Knt . Kenning for some clothing and jewels for the rfficers to be properly clothed to meet them on that occasion .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
The annual meeting of this lodge was held at Louth , on Thursday the 29 th inst ., under the auspices of tlie Lindsey Lodge , 712 .
In the absence ol Mis Grace the Duke of St . Albans , the Provincial Grand Master , the throne was occupied by thc W . Bro ., W . H . Smyth , D . P . G . M .
Pron ' ijcial Grand Lodge was opened in form at 2 . 30 p . m ., when , in answer to the roll-call , every lodge in the province was rejiresented to , the number of seventeen , minus one , the Doric , 02 .
Among the brethren present were AV . Bros . Locock , P . P . G . AV . C . M . Nesbitt , P . G . Treas . ; W . G . Moore , P . G . Reg . ; II . E . Turnover ^ P . S . G . D . ; Rev . AV . Ace , D . D ., as P . G . Chaji . ; W . H . Radley , P . F . G . AV ., and See . to the Prov ! Charity Committee ; J . H . Barker , 9 8- ; , P . P . G . S . ( Cambridge ); ] . Sutclill ' e , P . P . G . W . ; T . E .
Jacobson , P . f . G . AV ., 130 ; I . D . Marsden , P . G . Sec ; i ' . B . Mildred , P . J . G . D . ; Jas . Fowler , P . P . G . S . of AV ., with many other brethren of note in the jirovincc . Among the visitors was Bro . A . A . Ainsworth , J . D . 1024 , and Bro . A . K . Sidebottom , of the Ajiollo Lodge ; 130 brethren having signed the attendance book .
The minutes of the last P . G . Lodge having been read and confirmed , the P . G . Reg . read his financial statement , showing a considerable balance in hand .
The Prov . G . sec . then read a rejiort of the Committee of the P . G . Fund of Benevolence , showing that they had this day been able to alleviate the distresses of move than one necossitious member in the jirovinee , and that they still retain a balance in hand of c £ ~; o Ss . ml .,
together with a capital of . £ 450 already in vested . From the returns given by the P . G . Reg it ajijieared that there was an increase of sub scribing members on the last year of twenty and that a new lodge is in contemjilation .
Hro . Radley P . P . G . W ., and Sec . of the Charity Committee , then read an interesting account of the dibits of the said committee during the jiast year , from which it appeared that the jirovincc had been successful in gaining the election of a candidate into the Bins '
. School , likewise a widow into the Home for Aged Freemasons . The prin incv can now boast of possessing some 600 voles in the three grand charities , and the Secretary called on the members for an increase of exertions . It was decided to give the support of the
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
province for thc ensuing year to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , AA . Bro . Sutclill ' e , 1294 , P . P . G . AV ., kindly undertaking the duties of Prov . Grand Steward .
AV . Bro . AV . H . Smyth , D . P . G . M ., in feeling terms , alluded to the death of our late P . G . Master , the Earl of Zetland , jiroposing a vote of condolence , to be sent to the family of the late Earl .
The following officers were then dnl y invested : —AV . Bros . James Fowler , 712 , S . G . AV . ; Joseph Bellamy , 5 S 8 , f . G . AV . ; Rev . Daniel Ace , G . Chap . ; AV . G . Moore , 297 , G . Reg . ; C . M . Nesbitt , 712 , G . Treas . ; F . AV . Marsden , 712 , G . Sec . ; J . H . Barker , 9 8 . 5 , S . G . D . ; J . Hadiield , 792 , J . G . D . ; Charles Hensman , 1304 ,
G . S . of AV . ; H . Bates , 1294 . G . Dir . of Cer . ; Wm . Griffin , 712 , Asst . Dir . of Cer . ; Bro . A . Richdale , 426 , G . S . B . ; AV . Bros . J . C . Lambert , 5 8 S , G . O . ; T . Morris , G . Pursuivant ; George Nelson , . 1282 , M . Cook , 792 , 0 . Jackson , 272 , C . Scorer , 297 , T . J . Slater , 8 3 S , and Bro . J . G . Tapholme , 712 , Grand Stewards ; Bro . B . Box , 422 , Tyler .
The lodge was then closed in due form , after which the brethren adjourned to the Corn Exchange , where a sumptuous banquet was provided by Bro . J . AV . Richardson , 712 , of the Masons' Arms Hotel , where a very enjoyable evening was jiassed in a truly Masonic spirit .
Considerable disajipointment was felt b y the fact of Bro . Marsden , the AV . M . of the Lindsey Lodge , being unable to be jiresent , owing to a recent family bereavement . His chair was , however , ably filled by AV . Bro . Porter , P . P . G . O ., and I . P . M . ofthe Lindsey Lodge .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Devonshire.
On Thursday , May 29 th , there was a large gathering of Mark . Masters of the Province of Devon , at the Huyshe Temjile , to witness the installation of Bro . Captain J ohn Tanner Davy ,
P . M . Mark Lodges 9 , 29 , P . P . S . ( J . AV ., Past G . Sword Bearer , Cr . Mark Lodge of England , in the room of Hro . the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A . the Ri ght AVorshipful the ( irand Mark Master of the Province , who , in consequence of his advanced age and the heavy duties that devolved
ujion him , felt that he ought to resign . The Rev . Bro . has been ( irand Master of the Mark in this Province for more than fifteen years , and in this , as in everything else , he has brought to his work a loving heart , " a personal suavity , and an ability which has endeared him to all with
whom he has come in contact . No one could have ever ruled a province with more satisfaction than the R . AV . and Rev . Bro . who has been for many years jiast so intimately associated with Crait and Mark Masonry , as well as with the so called higher Orders , and his retirement from
any of the offices he has held must be regarded with regret liy all the brethren . He is , however , right to relieve himself of some of his heavy work , and we trust that he may yet Jive many years to enjoy a well-earned leisure . The WAV . Bro . Gower called over the lodges and official members , in the order in which they
should enter and take their places in the lodge . Bro . J . Hele , P . P . G . Org . of Cornwall , presided with great ability at the * organ ; and he was assisted in the musical ceremonies , which were elaborate and excellent , by Bros . J . Rendle , - ; o ; AV . H . AV . Sargent , W . M . 9 6 ; AV . S . Hearder , iS ' , M . O . 50 ; ' Body , 76 ; P . B . Clemens , P . M . 6 4 ; and 11 . H . Arnold , Org . 9 6 .
The Grand Ollicers then entered the lodge in procession , and the R . AV . the Rev . John Huyshe having taken his seat , he proceeded to state the object of the meeting . Before he vacated that chair , which he had occupied for nearly sixteen years , he felt it to lie his duty to thank thebrethren
lor the great courtesy whicii they had always shown to him , and their ready acquiescence to all his commands . He need not tell them that , born as he was before the commencement of the present century , he had arrived at a time of
hie when it was impossible to carry out all the important duties with which he had been honoured during life . He could not now give the time or Uu physical strength to them . He believed that he had performed these duties to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal And Select Masters.
a book of regulations for the Government of the Order ; and subsequently a motion was carried that a circular reporting the proceedings of this meeting should be prepared and sent to the Mark lodges under the English
jurisdiction . After long and able discissions had taken p lace on the various matters of business before the brethren , the Grand Council was closed in due form .
GRAND MASTERS COUNCIL ( i \ o . i . )—A meeting of the Grand Master ' s Council , No . i , was held in the Hall , 33 , Golden-square , Bro . Frederick Binckes in the Master ' s chair . There were also present—the W . P . G . M . Bro . the Rev .
G . Raymond Portal , M . A ., and Bros . J . M . P . Montague , Capt . N . G . Phillips , Magnus Ohren , James Stevens , W . Hyde Pullen , S . Rosenthal , C . Hammerton , John Read ( G . Org . ) , E . Stanton Jones , and H . Massey . The meeting
was held for the purpose of installing the Rev . G . Raymond Portal as Master , and the other chief officers for the year . After the opening of the Council , Bro . Binckes obligated , invested , and
installed Bro . Portal as M . Master ; Capt . Phillips as 2 nd Officer ; Bro . Montague as 3 rd Officer ; and Bro . Hyde Pullen as Recorder . There was no other business before the brethren , and the council was closed and adjourned .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
MOORE CIIAPTERROSE CROIX . —Tne meeting of Moore Rose Croix Chajiter , 18 , forthe election of Most Wise Sovereign and Treasurer , took place on the 23 rd April , at its Asylnm , Ritchie ' s building , St . John ' s , New Brunswick . There was a full attendance . D . R . Munro , 3 ? 0 , was
elected M . W . S ., and W . H . Thorne , 32 " , Treas . This branch of the Masonic Order in St . John is becoming quite jiopular , a large number of the most influential members of the Craft being connected with it . The Harington Sov .
Consistory , 32 , under registry of the Supreme Council of England , is also now fully organised for the Maritine Provinces of the Dominion of Canada ; its principal jilace of meeting is the City of St . John , Province of New Brunswick .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
* LIVERPOOL . —Skelmersdale Conclave ( No . 77 ) . —An assembly of Sir Knights attached to thu Skelmersdale Conclave ofthe Kni ghts of Rome and of the Red Cross of Constantine , No . 7 6 , was holden at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on Monday evening last , the special
business of the gathering being the enthronement ofthe M . P . S ., and investiture of the ollicers . During its years' existence , the conclave has made steady progress , and it now numbers amongst its members many who are well-known within the mystic circle . The Knights were
summoned for six o ' clock , and shortly after that time the conclave was opened in due fonn b y Em . Sir Knt . Thomas Ashmore , M . P . S ., who was supported by the following : —Sir Knts . II . Nelson , V . E . ; J . T . Callow , l . G ; f . Bannin . r , H . P . ; W . Cotterell , Rec . ; J . f . Rose , Prefect ; ¦
H . Jackson , O . C . Leighton , Org . ; P . Ball , Sentinel ; J . Skeaf , Almoner ; J . C . Lunt , T . Kamskill , J . Capcll , T . Laurence , II . Burrows , H . Morris , W . Quayle , J . Lalley , W . R . Curbin , J . McCarthy , W . H . Cooper , j . Dawson , J . C . McGuirc , J . W . Robinson , T . Garrett , A .
M . Elliott , & c . 111 . Sir Kni ght G . Turner , I . G . for West Lancashire ; Em . Sir Knt . II . M . Molyneux , M . P . S .-elect , of the Liverpool Conclave , No . 55 ; and Sir Knt . F . Day , Conclave No . 5 $ , were present as visitors . ' After the muster roll had been called , and the records of
the conclave had been dul y confirmed , Bros . \ V . Shortis , W . M . 724 , and C . li . Tithian , of Lodge No . JO 03 , Jersey , wire solemnl y installed Knights of the Order . Em . Sir Knt . Ashmore then proceeded will 1 the enthronement of Em .
Sir Knt . Henry Nelson , ;* s M . P . S ., being ably assisted by Sir Knight J ackson , who gave Ulceration with striking effect . The newly-installed Sovereign subsequently invested the following his officers : —Sir Knts . Jas . Callow , A ' . E . ;
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Jesse Banning , S . G . ; Wm . Cottrell , J . G . ; Hy Jackson , H . P . ; Thos . Ashmore , Treas . ; John McCarthy , Rec . ; f . J . Rose , S . Prefect ; J . Skeaf , J . ' Prefect ; Wm . R . Corbin , S . Bearer ; Hy . Morris , Orator ; C . Leighton , Organist ;
Wm . Quayle , Herald ; John Capell , S , Aide : Wm . Laurence , J . Aide ; and P . Ball , Sentinel . The conclave was subsequently closed in peace and harmony , and the assembled Knights sat down to an excellent rejiast .
Scotland .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . GLASGOW . — A special meeting of St . Mungo Encampment was held on May Sth , the M . N . C ., R . Bell , presiding , assisted by Sir Knts . f . E . Spiers , C . G . ; D . Butler , D . C ; G . W . Wheeler , K . ; M . Clanachan , C . E . ; and J . Crabb , Acting Aide-de-Camp . Comp . T . S . Wilson was
received into the Order of the Temjile , after winch a Priory of Kni ghts of Malta was opened—R . Bell , Prior ; G . W . Wheeler , Prelate—when Sir Knts . Johnston , Douglas , Currie , and Wilson were created Knights of Malta . Arrangements were then entered into for the jiurpose of
welcoming our American Fraters on the 27 th June , a committee was apjioinled , consisting of Sir Knts . Bell , Wheeler , Butler , Adams , and Crabb , to carry out the entertainment , and an order was given to Sir Knt . Kenning for some clothing and jewels for the rfficers to be properly clothed to meet them on that occasion .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
The annual meeting of this lodge was held at Louth , on Thursday the 29 th inst ., under the auspices of tlie Lindsey Lodge , 712 .
In the absence ol Mis Grace the Duke of St . Albans , the Provincial Grand Master , the throne was occupied by thc W . Bro ., W . H . Smyth , D . P . G . M .
Pron ' ijcial Grand Lodge was opened in form at 2 . 30 p . m ., when , in answer to the roll-call , every lodge in the province was rejiresented to , the number of seventeen , minus one , the Doric , 02 .
Among the brethren present were AV . Bros . Locock , P . P . G . AV . C . M . Nesbitt , P . G . Treas . ; W . G . Moore , P . G . Reg . ; II . E . Turnover ^ P . S . G . D . ; Rev . AV . Ace , D . D ., as P . G . Chaji . ; W . H . Radley , P . F . G . AV ., and See . to the Prov ! Charity Committee ; J . H . Barker , 9 8- ; , P . P . G . S . ( Cambridge ); ] . Sutclill ' e , P . P . G . W . ; T . E .
Jacobson , P . f . G . AV ., 130 ; I . D . Marsden , P . G . Sec ; i ' . B . Mildred , P . J . G . D . ; Jas . Fowler , P . P . G . S . of AV ., with many other brethren of note in the jirovincc . Among the visitors was Bro . A . A . Ainsworth , J . D . 1024 , and Bro . A . K . Sidebottom , of the Ajiollo Lodge ; 130 brethren having signed the attendance book .
The minutes of the last P . G . Lodge having been read and confirmed , the P . G . Reg . read his financial statement , showing a considerable balance in hand .
The Prov . G . sec . then read a rejiort of the Committee of the P . G . Fund of Benevolence , showing that they had this day been able to alleviate the distresses of move than one necossitious member in the jirovinee , and that they still retain a balance in hand of c £ ~; o Ss . ml .,
together with a capital of . £ 450 already in vested . From the returns given by the P . G . Reg it ajijieared that there was an increase of sub scribing members on the last year of twenty and that a new lodge is in contemjilation .
Hro . Radley P . P . G . W ., and Sec . of the Charity Committee , then read an interesting account of the dibits of the said committee during the jiast year , from which it appeared that the jirovincc had been successful in gaining the election of a candidate into the Bins '
. School , likewise a widow into the Home for Aged Freemasons . The prin incv can now boast of possessing some 600 voles in the three grand charities , and the Secretary called on the members for an increase of exertions . It was decided to give the support of the
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
province for thc ensuing year to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , AA . Bro . Sutclill ' e , 1294 , P . P . G . AV ., kindly undertaking the duties of Prov . Grand Steward .
AV . Bro . AV . H . Smyth , D . P . G . M ., in feeling terms , alluded to the death of our late P . G . Master , the Earl of Zetland , jiroposing a vote of condolence , to be sent to the family of the late Earl .
The following officers were then dnl y invested : —AV . Bros . James Fowler , 712 , S . G . AV . ; Joseph Bellamy , 5 S 8 , f . G . AV . ; Rev . Daniel Ace , G . Chap . ; AV . G . Moore , 297 , G . Reg . ; C . M . Nesbitt , 712 , G . Treas . ; F . AV . Marsden , 712 , G . Sec . ; J . H . Barker , 9 8 . 5 , S . G . D . ; J . Hadiield , 792 , J . G . D . ; Charles Hensman , 1304 ,
G . S . of AV . ; H . Bates , 1294 . G . Dir . of Cer . ; Wm . Griffin , 712 , Asst . Dir . of Cer . ; Bro . A . Richdale , 426 , G . S . B . ; AV . Bros . J . C . Lambert , 5 8 S , G . O . ; T . Morris , G . Pursuivant ; George Nelson , . 1282 , M . Cook , 792 , 0 . Jackson , 272 , C . Scorer , 297 , T . J . Slater , 8 3 S , and Bro . J . G . Tapholme , 712 , Grand Stewards ; Bro . B . Box , 422 , Tyler .
The lodge was then closed in due form , after which the brethren adjourned to the Corn Exchange , where a sumptuous banquet was provided by Bro . J . AV . Richardson , 712 , of the Masons' Arms Hotel , where a very enjoyable evening was jiassed in a truly Masonic spirit .
Considerable disajipointment was felt b y the fact of Bro . Marsden , the AV . M . of the Lindsey Lodge , being unable to be jiresent , owing to a recent family bereavement . His chair was , however , ably filled by AV . Bro . Porter , P . P . G . O ., and I . P . M . ofthe Lindsey Lodge .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Devonshire.
On Thursday , May 29 th , there was a large gathering of Mark . Masters of the Province of Devon , at the Huyshe Temjile , to witness the installation of Bro . Captain J ohn Tanner Davy ,
P . M . Mark Lodges 9 , 29 , P . P . S . ( J . AV ., Past G . Sword Bearer , Cr . Mark Lodge of England , in the room of Hro . the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A . the Ri ght AVorshipful the ( irand Mark Master of the Province , who , in consequence of his advanced age and the heavy duties that devolved
ujion him , felt that he ought to resign . The Rev . Bro . has been ( irand Master of the Mark in this Province for more than fifteen years , and in this , as in everything else , he has brought to his work a loving heart , " a personal suavity , and an ability which has endeared him to all with
whom he has come in contact . No one could have ever ruled a province with more satisfaction than the R . AV . and Rev . Bro . who has been for many years jiast so intimately associated with Crait and Mark Masonry , as well as with the so called higher Orders , and his retirement from
any of the offices he has held must be regarded with regret liy all the brethren . He is , however , right to relieve himself of some of his heavy work , and we trust that he may yet Jive many years to enjoy a well-earned leisure . The WAV . Bro . Gower called over the lodges and official members , in the order in which they
should enter and take their places in the lodge . Bro . J . Hele , P . P . G . Org . of Cornwall , presided with great ability at the * organ ; and he was assisted in the musical ceremonies , which were elaborate and excellent , by Bros . J . Rendle , - ; o ; AV . H . AV . Sargent , W . M . 9 6 ; AV . S . Hearder , iS ' , M . O . 50 ; ' Body , 76 ; P . B . Clemens , P . M . 6 4 ; and 11 . H . Arnold , Org . 9 6 .
The Grand Ollicers then entered the lodge in procession , and the R . AV . the Rev . John Huyshe having taken his seat , he proceeded to state the object of the meeting . Before he vacated that chair , which he had occupied for nearly sixteen years , he felt it to lie his duty to thank thebrethren
lor the great courtesy whicii they had always shown to him , and their ready acquiescence to all his commands . He need not tell them that , born as he was before the commencement of the present century , he had arrived at a time of
hie when it was impossible to carry out all the important duties with which he had been honoured during life . He could not now give the time or Uu physical strength to them . He believed that he had performed these duties to