Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Births ,Marriages and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article LIVERPOOL THEATRES, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 3 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 3 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 3 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE F REEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s- 6 d . Vol . IL , ditto 7 s - 6 tl - Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . oil . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 » - 0 l ** A ' ol . V ., ditto 5 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 ( 1 .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains . The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , ios . ( payable iu advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , 19 S , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted tobim , hut cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , & c , intended for insertion in the Number of the following Saturday , mast reach the Office mil later than (> o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
The following Communications stand over : —Letter fiom Bro . C . C . \ V . G . ; Hepoit of Lodge 1284 . REMITTANCES RIXILVED . C . I .. PINSKST . —( St . . Johns ' , Newfoundland . — Hy P . O . O X' 1 1 ( is . oil .
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
BIRTH . Vousii .- ™ May 29 , nt . 5 , 1 ' riiicc ' s-jiark-letrace , Liverpool , the wife of Bro . Reginald Young , W . M . of Lo . lgc Xo . 1 ; SJ , of a daughter .
Liverpool Theatres, &C.
Week ending , Jui 1 M 4 . ROYAI . ALEXANDRA 1 11 liATKh , I . i-. iv .- .-. iv .-t . —Lev-. * Hro . E . biker . . M . -nie W'iauh ' - l _\ , inp .-im in "Man :, r . J Wile . " ROYAL ASli'lli'i'HHATRli , ilreat I 'liarloiiL- ^ iret t .- ~ Li- ~ ee Urn .. II . Leslie . Miscellaneous Ili . tmntic I ' etlormniiie ^ .
PRINCE Ol ' " vVALliS -I HIiAl'KI- ' ., Cl . iytini-. ijuaie . ~ l . essve . Mr . . Selton I'ariy . ' - "flic Happy Lainl , ' , una ¦ ' . Vk-i's l ) i \ ci ' - sion . " ' ^ rHli . VI'kii K 6 Y . \ l 7 ~ Wiiii .-imsnn-sqnnrc . —Lessee , liro . IK ¦ ¦ - •¦ eLVe . f ' urlcsfjue . ct " 'llic Colleen Lawn , " '" 'llic SylpUidc , " anil Miscellaneous linteilniniriL-nt . S 'f 7 I AM H ' ,: , 'f \ U " . 7 i-inK-strcct . —Proprietor , liiu 7 . S . I I : I ;; UL \ Special Artistes anil Proi-rammc . NEW STAR . MUSIC HALL , \\ i ;; i .-. n-... nn-.- ' ¦• . ' ¦¦
ROTUNDA THEATRE and MUSIC MALL —Proprietor , Mr . D . lirauucll . Miscellaneous lintv-Vlainnu-nts . povAi . i '; iltgL'E . —wiiii .-un nKvv ^ T ^ i-j | w > Trf ^ ra 7 a ~ c , iriVi IV Performances . WjT \ VSbyiE ' -rclRCUs 7 WliitccI . ^! T-. s 7 cTi ~ r 7 "" i ! , e " i-i 7 .-l . and other Entertainments .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , J 7 , 1873 .
United Grand Lodge.
The June Quarterl y Communication to Grand Lodge of England was held on Wednesday evening , in Freemasons' Hall . Tlie Grand Master
did not preside , but his place was ably filled b y tiie Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon . Although the Grand Lodge was well attended , there were by no means so many bre-
United Grand Lodge.
thren present as is generally the case , especially at this summer meeting and after the first hour and a half the attendance had dwindled down to less than half the number who had assisted at
the opening of Grand Lodge . The reason for the gathering being no larger than it was , probably arose from the agenda jiaper containing no very exciting business ; while on the other hand ,
the cause of the muster being as large as it was may be attributed to the fact of the election of members of the Board of General Purjioses being
part of the business to be transacted , as the departure of the brethren was observable as soon as this business was completed . Amomr the brethren who attended we
observed : —Bros . Lord lenterden , Lawcett , P . G . M ., Durham R . J . Bagshaw , P . G . M ., Essex ; Rev . John Huyshe , P . G . M ., Devon- H . J . T . Dumas , l ' . G . D . - T . Fenn , P . G . A . D . C .
Sir Albert AV . AVoods , ( Garter ) G . D . C . ; John M . Clabon , P . G . D . 5 H . Browse , P . G . D . ; George Cox , P . G . D . ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ; Brackstone Baker , P . G . D .- Bern .
Head , P . G . D . ; J . Savage , P . G . D . ; Hyde Pullen , P . G . D .,- Rev . A . Bruce Eraser , G . C . ; Rev . R . T . Bent , G . C , Al . J . Melntyre , G . R . ; S . Rawson ; P . Dist . G . Sup . China ; James
Mason , P . G . S . B . ; Rev . C . J . Martyn . P . G . C ; Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . C ; Capt . Vivian , P . G . J . AA . ; Earl of Limerick , P . G . M . Bristol ; Dr . Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; J . R . Stebbing , P . G . D . ; 11 . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B . ; AV . E . Gumbleton , P . G . D . ; Raynham "W . Stewart
P . G . D . ; Richard Sjiencer , P . G . S . ; AV . Seaman , AA ^ . M . 619 ; Rev . Sir J . Warren Hayes , P . G . C ; AVilhclm Ganz , G . Org . ; C A . Murton , P . G . D . ; AV . Ough , P . G . P . ; John Boyd , P . G . P . ; Thomas AV . AVhite , AV . M .
2 f ; Griffiths Smith , P . M . 21 ; 1 . Adams , P . G . P . ; II . G . Buss ; E . C . Snell , P . G . D . ; T . Bradford , P . G . D . ; II . M . Levy , E . Kimber , james Stevens , P . M . 720 ; H . Marsh and James
1 erry . Grand Secretary , after Grant ! Lodge had been opened , read the minutes of the Quarterly
Communication of 5 th March , of Grand Festival of the 30 th April , and of the Especial Grand Lodge of the 21 st Alay , all of which were confirmed .
l'he acting Grand Mastcrlhen rose and said . — ft now devolves upon me to make an announcement to this Grand Lodge on behalf of the Most Worshijiful Grand Master , who cannot be jiresent
this evening . It is a matter which , as you are aware , falls exclusively within his Province , and it is not one therefore which will be a matter for discussion bv this Grand Lodire . At the same
time , I doubt not that Grand Lodge will recognise the wisdom of the change , and will see that it is altogether for the advantage ofthe charities that this fn -sh stimulant , as the Grand Master
projioses , should be ajijiliid . The terms in which the Grand Alaster desires to make known these changes are as follows : —that every brother who shall henceforward serve the office of Steward ,
at any anniversary festival of any one of the AIasonic Charities of some Provincial or Country Lodge , wh . i shall jiersonally attend such
festival , and shall bring up there to contributions amounting to not less than JOO guineas , shall have the same rights and jiriviieges as to wearing
United Grand Lodge.
the chanty jewel , or clasps , as if he had himself contributed the sum of ten guineas . The onlyother remark which it seems necessary for me to make , is that this is , of course , in addition to the existing system , and will not in any wav
interfere with it . All those , I understand , who choose to subscribe , so to sjieak , under the old system , will be still at liberty to do so , aud will still enjoy the privileges
they enjoyed heretofore ; but there will be this additional power given to any brother who can bring up his contributions of any lodge to the extent of 100 euineas : he will obtain the
same privileges and rights as he would have ob tained under the old system . The next business being the election of mem
bers of Board of General Purposes , scrutineers of votes were chosen , and sent to tlieir room to perform their duties . There was no election of members of the Colonial Board or of the
Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , as no additional names were proposed . The rejiort of the Lodge of Benevolence was then brought up , in which werc recommendations for the following grants : —•
The daughter ol a brother of the Union Lodge , No . 127 , Margate ^ , 50 A brother of the Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 , Greenwich £$ 0 A brother of the Lodge of Perseverance , Ko . 21 3 , Norwich /' co
These grants were moved by Bro . J . M . Clabon , and seconded by Bros . George Cox and Joshua Nunn , and carried unanimously . Bro . Al . J . Melntyre , Q . C , G . R ., in tke unavoidable absence of Bro . Horace Lloyd , Q . C .
President of the Board of General Purposes , moved that the following rejiort of the Board of General Purjioses be taken as read , whicii was accordingly agreed . To the United Grand Lodgeof Ancient Free and Accejited Masons of England ; —
1 . The Board of General Purjioses beg leave to submit their icport for the last quarter as follows : —
COMMUTED PAYMENTS IOR LUI : MEMUERSIIII ' . 2 . At the last Quarterly Communication of Graud Lodge , upon a motion of Bio . Willinm Smith , P . G . Steward and P . M . No . 26 , it was
resolved that the subject of Commuted Payments for Life Membership be referred to the Board of General Purposes , to consider and report thereon to Grand I . odge .
3 . Tlie Board have , in accordance with this reference , very fully and carefully considered the subject , and have given due attention to various communications which they have received from brethren who take an interest in the matter .
They have harried with regret from some of these , communications that , iu consequence of a niisconcepticn as to the Masonic law upon this point , private lodges have in some instances pro jessed to conler life membershi p in return for a
single commuted jiayment . 4 . 'fhe law ujion the subject is however clear , and does not dejiend upon single or isolated jiassages of the Book of Constitutions . Continual subscriptions as a member of a private
lodge is insisted on throughout its provisions as the essential qualification for the continued enjoyment of the privileges of the Craft , and in order
to enable these jiriviieges to be enjoyed for all future time in consideration of a single jiayment , extensive alterations would have to be made therein .
5 . i'lie Board were however quite prepared to have recommended these alterations , if they had been convinced that the change thereby
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE F REEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s- 6 d . Vol . IL , ditto 7 s - 6 tl - Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . oil . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 » - 0 l ** A ' ol . V ., ditto 5 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 ( 1 .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains . The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , ios . ( payable iu advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , 19 S , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted tobim , hut cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , & c , intended for insertion in the Number of the following Saturday , mast reach the Office mil later than (> o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
The following Communications stand over : —Letter fiom Bro . C . C . \ V . G . ; Hepoit of Lodge 1284 . REMITTANCES RIXILVED . C . I .. PINSKST . —( St . . Johns ' , Newfoundland . — Hy P . O . O X' 1 1 ( is . oil .
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
BIRTH . Vousii .- ™ May 29 , nt . 5 , 1 ' riiicc ' s-jiark-letrace , Liverpool , the wife of Bro . Reginald Young , W . M . of Lo . lgc Xo . 1 ; SJ , of a daughter .
Liverpool Theatres, &C.
Week ending , Jui 1 M 4 . ROYAI . ALEXANDRA 1 11 liATKh , I . i-. iv .- .-. iv .-t . —Lev-. * Hro . E . biker . . M . -nie W'iauh ' - l _\ , inp .-im in "Man :, r . J Wile . " ROYAL ASli'lli'i'HHATRli , ilreat I 'liarloiiL- ^ iret t .- ~ Li- ~ ee Urn .. II . Leslie . Miscellaneous Ili . tmntic I ' etlormniiie ^ .
PRINCE Ol ' " vVALliS -I HIiAl'KI- ' ., Cl . iytini-. ijuaie . ~ l . essve . Mr . . Selton I'ariy . ' - "flic Happy Lainl , ' , una ¦ ' . Vk-i's l ) i \ ci ' - sion . " ' ^ rHli . VI'kii K 6 Y . \ l 7 ~ Wiiii .-imsnn-sqnnrc . —Lessee , liro . IK ¦ ¦ - •¦ eLVe . f ' urlcsfjue . ct " 'llic Colleen Lawn , " '" 'llic SylpUidc , " anil Miscellaneous linteilniniriL-nt . S 'f 7 I AM H ' ,: , 'f \ U " . 7 i-inK-strcct . —Proprietor , liiu 7 . S . I I : I ;; UL \ Special Artistes anil Proi-rammc . NEW STAR . MUSIC HALL , \\ i ;; i .-. n-... nn-.- ' ¦• . ' ¦¦
ROTUNDA THEATRE and MUSIC MALL —Proprietor , Mr . D . lirauucll . Miscellaneous lintv-Vlainnu-nts . povAi . i '; iltgL'E . —wiiii .-un nKvv ^ T ^ i-j | w > Trf ^ ra 7 a ~ c , iriVi IV Performances . WjT \ VSbyiE ' -rclRCUs 7 WliitccI . ^! T-. s 7 cTi ~ r 7 "" i ! , e " i-i 7 .-l . and other Entertainments .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , J 7 , 1873 .
United Grand Lodge.
The June Quarterl y Communication to Grand Lodge of England was held on Wednesday evening , in Freemasons' Hall . Tlie Grand Master
did not preside , but his place was ably filled b y tiie Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon . Although the Grand Lodge was well attended , there were by no means so many bre-
United Grand Lodge.
thren present as is generally the case , especially at this summer meeting and after the first hour and a half the attendance had dwindled down to less than half the number who had assisted at
the opening of Grand Lodge . The reason for the gathering being no larger than it was , probably arose from the agenda jiaper containing no very exciting business ; while on the other hand ,
the cause of the muster being as large as it was may be attributed to the fact of the election of members of the Board of General Purjioses being
part of the business to be transacted , as the departure of the brethren was observable as soon as this business was completed . Amomr the brethren who attended we
observed : —Bros . Lord lenterden , Lawcett , P . G . M ., Durham R . J . Bagshaw , P . G . M ., Essex ; Rev . John Huyshe , P . G . M ., Devon- H . J . T . Dumas , l ' . G . D . - T . Fenn , P . G . A . D . C .
Sir Albert AV . AVoods , ( Garter ) G . D . C . ; John M . Clabon , P . G . D . 5 H . Browse , P . G . D . ; George Cox , P . G . D . ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ; Brackstone Baker , P . G . D .- Bern .
Head , P . G . D . ; J . Savage , P . G . D . ; Hyde Pullen , P . G . D .,- Rev . A . Bruce Eraser , G . C . ; Rev . R . T . Bent , G . C , Al . J . Melntyre , G . R . ; S . Rawson ; P . Dist . G . Sup . China ; James
Mason , P . G . S . B . ; Rev . C . J . Martyn . P . G . C ; Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . C ; Capt . Vivian , P . G . J . AA . ; Earl of Limerick , P . G . M . Bristol ; Dr . Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; J . R . Stebbing , P . G . D . ; 11 . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B . ; AV . E . Gumbleton , P . G . D . ; Raynham "W . Stewart
P . G . D . ; Richard Sjiencer , P . G . S . ; AV . Seaman , AA ^ . M . 619 ; Rev . Sir J . Warren Hayes , P . G . C ; AVilhclm Ganz , G . Org . ; C A . Murton , P . G . D . ; AV . Ough , P . G . P . ; John Boyd , P . G . P . ; Thomas AV . AVhite , AV . M .
2 f ; Griffiths Smith , P . M . 21 ; 1 . Adams , P . G . P . ; II . G . Buss ; E . C . Snell , P . G . D . ; T . Bradford , P . G . D . ; II . M . Levy , E . Kimber , james Stevens , P . M . 720 ; H . Marsh and James
1 erry . Grand Secretary , after Grant ! Lodge had been opened , read the minutes of the Quarterly
Communication of 5 th March , of Grand Festival of the 30 th April , and of the Especial Grand Lodge of the 21 st Alay , all of which were confirmed .
l'he acting Grand Mastcrlhen rose and said . — ft now devolves upon me to make an announcement to this Grand Lodge on behalf of the Most Worshijiful Grand Master , who cannot be jiresent
this evening . It is a matter which , as you are aware , falls exclusively within his Province , and it is not one therefore which will be a matter for discussion bv this Grand Lodire . At the same
time , I doubt not that Grand Lodge will recognise the wisdom of the change , and will see that it is altogether for the advantage ofthe charities that this fn -sh stimulant , as the Grand Master
projioses , should be ajijiliid . The terms in which the Grand Alaster desires to make known these changes are as follows : —that every brother who shall henceforward serve the office of Steward ,
at any anniversary festival of any one of the AIasonic Charities of some Provincial or Country Lodge , wh . i shall jiersonally attend such
festival , and shall bring up there to contributions amounting to not less than JOO guineas , shall have the same rights and jiriviieges as to wearing
United Grand Lodge.
the chanty jewel , or clasps , as if he had himself contributed the sum of ten guineas . The onlyother remark which it seems necessary for me to make , is that this is , of course , in addition to the existing system , and will not in any wav
interfere with it . All those , I understand , who choose to subscribe , so to sjieak , under the old system , will be still at liberty to do so , aud will still enjoy the privileges
they enjoyed heretofore ; but there will be this additional power given to any brother who can bring up his contributions of any lodge to the extent of 100 euineas : he will obtain the
same privileges and rights as he would have ob tained under the old system . The next business being the election of mem
bers of Board of General Purposes , scrutineers of votes were chosen , and sent to tlieir room to perform their duties . There was no election of members of the Colonial Board or of the
Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , as no additional names were proposed . The rejiort of the Lodge of Benevolence was then brought up , in which werc recommendations for the following grants : —•
The daughter ol a brother of the Union Lodge , No . 127 , Margate ^ , 50 A brother of the Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 , Greenwich £$ 0 A brother of the Lodge of Perseverance , Ko . 21 3 , Norwich /' co
These grants were moved by Bro . J . M . Clabon , and seconded by Bros . George Cox and Joshua Nunn , and carried unanimously . Bro . Al . J . Melntyre , Q . C , G . R ., in tke unavoidable absence of Bro . Horace Lloyd , Q . C .
President of the Board of General Purposes , moved that the following rejiort of the Board of General Purjioses be taken as read , whicii was accordingly agreed . To the United Grand Lodgeof Ancient Free and Accejited Masons of England ; —
1 . The Board of General Purjioses beg leave to submit their icport for the last quarter as follows : —
COMMUTED PAYMENTS IOR LUI : MEMUERSIIII ' . 2 . At the last Quarterly Communication of Graud Lodge , upon a motion of Bio . Willinm Smith , P . G . Steward and P . M . No . 26 , it was
resolved that the subject of Commuted Payments for Life Membership be referred to the Board of General Purposes , to consider and report thereon to Grand I . odge .
3 . Tlie Board have , in accordance with this reference , very fully and carefully considered the subject , and have given due attention to various communications which they have received from brethren who take an interest in the matter .
They have harried with regret from some of these , communications that , iu consequence of a niisconcepticn as to the Masonic law upon this point , private lodges have in some instances pro jessed to conler life membershi p in return for a
single commuted jiayment . 4 . 'fhe law ujion the subject is however clear , and does not dejiend upon single or isolated jiassages of the Book of Constitutions . Continual subscriptions as a member of a private
lodge is insisted on throughout its provisions as the essential qualification for the continued enjoyment of the privileges of the Craft , and in order
to enable these jiriviieges to be enjoyed for all future time in consideration of a single jiayment , extensive alterations would have to be made therein .
5 . i'lie Board were however quite prepared to have recommended these alterations , if they had been convinced that the change thereby