Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge Of Nova Scotia.
It gives us great p leasure to be able to announce the complete and entirely successful carrying out of the terms of union agreed to by the Grand Lodges of Nova Scotia . Everything seemed to favor the auspicious event ; and not a ripp le of illfeeling or discontent marred the proceedings which
took place in the City of Halifax on St . John ' s Day last . On AVednesday evening the three Grand Lodges met in Masouic Hall , and elected officers for the ensuing year . The list comprises members from all the Grand Lodges , the highest position being filled
by the Hon . Alex . Keith , who has for so long a time acted as Provincial Grand Master under the Grand Lodge of England . Hon . Alex . Keith , G . M . ; James Forman , D . G . M . ; C . J . Macdonald , S . G . M . ; J . N . Ritchie , G . S . AV . ; H . J . Marshall , G . J . AV . ; A . K . McKinlay , G . T . ;
H . C . D . Twining , G . Sec . ; Rev . David C . Moore , G . Chap . ; Newell Snow , G . Lecturer ; Jas . Gossip , G . S . D . ; C . C . Nichols . G . J . D . ; J . D . Nash , G . Bible Bearer ; Geo . Hyde , G . S . B . ; J . M . Taylor , Grand Tyler . The several officers were installed on the followin g
morning , June 24 th . The ceremony of installing the Grand Master was performed by A . A . Steven son , Esq ., Grand Master of Canada . The other Grand Lodge officers were installed by the retiring officers of corresponding rank . After the ceremony of installation , the whole body
of Masons present , numbering about fifteen hundred , carrying the banners of the various lodges , in full masonic regalia , and accompanied by several bands , formed in procession , and marched to St . Paul ' s Church , where an oration was delivered by the Grand Chaplain . The procession then proceeded
through the principal streets to the hall , where the Grand Lodge was closed in ample form . Altogether the demonstration was the finest of the kind ever witnessed in Halifax , many of the houses and public buildings along tlie route being finely decorated with buiitinur .
In the evening a Grand Banquet was partaken of at the Skating Rink . Many distinguished masous were present , among others the M . AV . Grand Masters of Canada and New Brunswick . Toasts were g iven , and many good speeches made , which we regret we have not space to publish . The whole
afiair , from beginning to end , was a most enjoyable one , and reflects great credit upon the masons of the Province . G . M . Keith , in the course of his remarks , said that " he had now presided at one hundred and five banquets and dinners , but none had ever warmed his heart as tin ' s one had , — -a banquet cehdn-ating the union of the English , Scotch ,
Irish , and Nova Scotia Lodges of the Province , signalizing the event of more glorious times , when shoulder to shoulder the fraternity of masons wo uld be brothers indeed , not in name onl y , but in very deed , deliberating , acting , moving , thinking , as masons , under the broad shadows of thc wide-spread princip les of tlie Order—peace , love , and harmony . " Boston . Masonic Mont / dit , July , 18 ( 10 .
THE fifth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Freemasons ' Tavern Company , Limited , was held at tlie tavern on Friday , tlie : 50 th ulto . A dividend of 4 s . per share was declared , and Bro . Francis I ' o . inoch was elected a director in the room of Bro . T . Middleton . It was stated that the restaurant
business is proving a steady and increasing source of income , but owing to the general depression of trade , a larger dividend could not be declared . E RRATUM . —In the last paragraph of our article , page 54 , for " wisely aud will , " read " wisely and well .
BREAKFAST . —Errs ' s COCOA . —Grateful and Comforting . - 'i'lie very agreeable character of this preparation has rendered it a general favourite . Tho Civil Service Gazette remarks : — ' * Tlic singular success which Air . Epps attained by his hnmicopathiu preparation of cocoa has never been surpassed by any experimentalist . By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern tho operations
of digestion anil nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine propei tics of well-selected cocoa . Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctor's bills . " Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold by thc Tiaile onl y in A 11 ,., i lb , ami I II ) . tin-lined packets , labelled—JAMKS KITS & Co ., Homoeopathic Chemists , London . —AIIVT .
HOLLOWAY ' PILLS . — Counsel and Comfort . — A disordered stomach throws the whole system out of gear , and renders us unfitted both for work and amusement . A few doses of these slrengtlitmng and purifying Pills , taken according to the accompanying directions , will , however , speedily restore order , and re-cnable the stomach to digest its food without iliflieulty . These excellent pills are suitable
alike for the peer as the peasant , the soldier and the sailor , and particularly for home and foreign colonists . Holloway ' s Pills are very useful in checking feverish attacks , bilious complaints , and iti / laiiiiimtions . They have also made tlio most signal cures iu eases of dropsy , and diseases of the kidneys , head and lungs , when the sufferers seemed past the id of medicine . —ADVT .
^ bimfts-cimuis . TO ADVERTISERS . THE Circulation of THE FREEMASON being now at the rate of nearly Half-a-Milli 0 U per annum , it offers peculiar facilities to aU who advertise . It is well-known that the Fraternity of Freemasons is a large and constantly increasing body , mainly composed of the influential and educated classes of society ; and as < XIj . c Jfr urn its nn is now the accepted organ of the Brotherhood in tho United Kingdom , and also enjoys an extensive sale in the colonies and foreign parts , its advantages as an advertising medium can scarcely bo overrated . Only four pages can be allotted to advertisements . For terms apply to GEOEGE KENNING , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BBITAIN , LONDON , E . C .
COMPENSATION IN CASE OF INJURY , AND A FIXED SUM IN CASE OF DEATH CAUSED B . ACCIDENT OF ANY KIND , May be Secured by a Policy of the Railway Passengers Assurance Company . An annual payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 s . Insures £ 1000 at Death , and an allowance at the rate of £ 6 per week for Injury . RAILWAY ACCIDENTS . ALONE MAY BE PROVIDED AGAINST BY Insurance Tickets for Single or Double Journeys . For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Kailway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 01 , COKNHILL , & 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON . AVILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
SHIBTS , 2 / 6 , 3 / 6 , 4 / 6 , 5 / 6 , 6 / 6 upwards , In all materials of Cotton aud AVool . CANN , JONES & CO ., WHOLESALE AND ItETAII . Shirt Manufacturers , Tailors and Outfitters , 171 , F-ENCIIUKCH STREET , E . C . M . W - FACTORY : 15 & IG , ULOMFIULD STREET , E . C .
" TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . " Common Sense . lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders & Fire Irons , Electroplate , & Nickel-Silver Goods . _ = & . ID . _ P _ A . __^_ E ^ , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , i'i , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an " Immense Stock , " but sUF-ici-MTLY LMIUE for any person to select fiom . He docj not sell "cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as AJiY . A visit will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
MASONIC NOTE AND LETTER PAPER . Sanctioned by The Most Worshi pful The Grand Master of tlio Grand Lodge of England IT is impressed with the Masonic Die , and has also Maso-. iic Emblems incorporated with its texture , as Water Marks , while being manufactured . Sold , in Quarto and Octavo Packets of Five Quires , AVholesale and ltetail , at tho MASuNIC DEPOT , 3 and 1 , LITTLE BHITAIN , E . C . Masonic Envelopes can also be obtained at the Depot .
I ? » By Appointment to the Queen . ' / k > $ Mlistllir , jjtatwntr ^ etosagtnt , printer , it . A MAGNIFICENT " STOCK OF MASONIC i-: _ plfiEiVi _ i . TS MAY BE SEEN AT Bro . W . E . FRANKLIN'S , 42 , MOSLEY ST ., corner of ST . NICHOLAS SQUARK NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE , Agent f or " -THE FREEMASON . "
| , ADUCATION .-CROOM'S-HlLL SCHOOL ,. JJJ Blackheath , near London , PjiisciPAt , Rev . T . GOODAVIN , M . A ., D . C . L ., LL . D . Parents in search of a School combining the conscientious care of a home and tho thorough efficiency of education in its several departments , are . requested to apply for a Prospectus to the Principal , who is ready to submit to applicants all information concerning the School , the testimony of parents in its favour , and an account of the uniformly distinguished position its pupils have achieved in commercial pursuits , in the Civil Service , the Medical , the Army and _ favy , and the University Examinations .
THE EUROPEAN MAIL . A Summary of Universal Intelligence and Exact Commercial Statistics from Mail to Mail , specially prepared ' for tho Colonies and Trans-Oceanic World generally . THE EUROPEAN MAIL is THE LEADING TITLE OS > EIGHT TOTALLY DISTINCT NEWSPAPERS , AS FOLLOW—___ _ — g ( jj—_? o a " 3 ' n / i a S 3 g Destination . g £ fl " to to « " » » „ o a g , o - S + * ? 5 IS 05 p , p ,. 21 A . European Mail for the West Indies , 2 nd _ 17 th of ^ Central America , Chili , I ' eru , & o . the month 21 B . European Hail for South Alrica , St . loth _ S 4 th 40 s . Helena , Ascension , Ac 52 C . Eurotu-an hail for North America , ) i . e ., the United States , Canadian EverySat- gj 3 > Dominion , British America , Cuba , urday Mexico , A-c 38 D . European Mail for the Brazils and 9 th , 19 th , _ glgi River Plato , Azores , _ c - ¦"' h 27 th Auenst 1869 , 4 eveiy fortnight 39 _ . European Mail for China , Japan , after . by Eix-Ceylon . Pen _ ng , Singapore , Siam , K- ' »'•"'! „ Sumatra , Java , Borneo , and the and on " sept 523 . Philippines 2 nd , 18 U 9 , ft every fourth Thursday bv French Mail . ( Sept . 3 rd ' 09 , ,-. ,. 62 F . European Mail for India , Burmah , J and every " Egypt . & c j succeeding t Friday . 13 Q . European Mail for Australia and Every 4 th ,, New Zealand Friday . J 3 *' 31 K . European Mail for the West Coast 3 rd A- 23 r < lof „ , I of Africa , Madeira , Teneriffa , & o . the month . ws * Or with Manifest Supplement , 05 s . N . B . —All Subscriptions payable in advanco . I ^ ACIl Paper contains every item of intelligence , from J -fail to Mail , specially affecting tlie country or colony for which it is published , with an exhaustive summary of home and continental politics , science , art , and social news , and a retrospect of commercial transactions in Great Uritaiu nnd on the Continent . Manufacturers and Merchants may command the greatest markets of the world for their products through tho mediums of publicity afforded by the EUROPEAN MAIL . A demand may be created where none exists at present , or an existing demand may be sustained and increased against tlio most energetic competition . The EUROPEAN MAIL gives such perfect mercantile information that it is the highest commercial authority in the vast and prosperous territories through which it circulates It is therefore an imperative necessity to the merchant who orders goods in bulk , und to tho wholesale and retail distributor ; it is also the most complete newspaper despatched from England , and is eagerly sought by all classes ; it thus , unlike merely commercial newspapers , reaches and leavens tho great communities who are the actual consumers of all products , and who must he acted upon by advertisement to require a special article before the merchant will venture to order a consignment . Scale of Charges for ADVERTISEMENTS each insertion per Paper as follows : — FOB PA * C , F , £ G O . VLT . I Foa . PirBBS A , 11 , D , E , Js'K oiftT £ s . il . | £ s . d » Ono Pago 7 10 0 Ono Pago 6 0 0 Two . thirds of a Pago 6 t ) 0 Two thirds of a Pago 3 13 0 Half-Pago 12 0 H ; ilf-Pago 2 15 0 On . ' . thinl of a Pago 3 0 0 One third of a Paw ... 2 0 0 Quarter-Pago 2 8 0 Quarter-Page 1 12 0 Eighth of a Pago ... 1 7 0 . Eighth of a Pago ... 0 18 O Belam an Eighth of a I ' ayc . llelow an Eighth of a I ' age . Per inch . l > r inch . Across tho Pace ... 0 18 0 Across tho Pago ... 0 13 6 Two-thirds across tho Two-thirds across tho Pago 0 12 0 Pago 0 8 8 Half across tho Pago 0 » 9 Half across th i Pago U 0 0 One-third across tho Uno-thint across tho Pago 0 8 0 Pago 0 4 8 Pogo next matter , Kate a id a Half . Outside pages , Doublo Ha to . # # * The above Scale of Charges is subject to a Discount of 10 per cent , for Advertisements appearing iu the consecutive issues of a paper for 3 months ; of 15 per cent for ( 5 months ; and 20 percent , for 12 months . AVhen an Advertisement is ordered for insertion simultaneously in all the 1 'apers , the lowest rate abovo is charged all through . Post Office Orders to be made payable at the Cannon-street Post Office , London . Eomittances payable to William Vaughan . The EUltOPEAN MAIL may bo ordered through tho Local Agent , direct from tho London Ofllce , or through any Firm having representatives in England . In the last case , the usual system is to order the KUUOPKA . V MAIL to be forwarded until countermanded ; the representative of tho Firm in England being directed , under similar conditions , to make payment annually .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge Of Nova Scotia.
It gives us great p leasure to be able to announce the complete and entirely successful carrying out of the terms of union agreed to by the Grand Lodges of Nova Scotia . Everything seemed to favor the auspicious event ; and not a ripp le of illfeeling or discontent marred the proceedings which
took place in the City of Halifax on St . John ' s Day last . On AVednesday evening the three Grand Lodges met in Masouic Hall , and elected officers for the ensuing year . The list comprises members from all the Grand Lodges , the highest position being filled
by the Hon . Alex . Keith , who has for so long a time acted as Provincial Grand Master under the Grand Lodge of England . Hon . Alex . Keith , G . M . ; James Forman , D . G . M . ; C . J . Macdonald , S . G . M . ; J . N . Ritchie , G . S . AV . ; H . J . Marshall , G . J . AV . ; A . K . McKinlay , G . T . ;
H . C . D . Twining , G . Sec . ; Rev . David C . Moore , G . Chap . ; Newell Snow , G . Lecturer ; Jas . Gossip , G . S . D . ; C . C . Nichols . G . J . D . ; J . D . Nash , G . Bible Bearer ; Geo . Hyde , G . S . B . ; J . M . Taylor , Grand Tyler . The several officers were installed on the followin g
morning , June 24 th . The ceremony of installing the Grand Master was performed by A . A . Steven son , Esq ., Grand Master of Canada . The other Grand Lodge officers were installed by the retiring officers of corresponding rank . After the ceremony of installation , the whole body
of Masons present , numbering about fifteen hundred , carrying the banners of the various lodges , in full masonic regalia , and accompanied by several bands , formed in procession , and marched to St . Paul ' s Church , where an oration was delivered by the Grand Chaplain . The procession then proceeded
through the principal streets to the hall , where the Grand Lodge was closed in ample form . Altogether the demonstration was the finest of the kind ever witnessed in Halifax , many of the houses and public buildings along tlie route being finely decorated with buiitinur .
In the evening a Grand Banquet was partaken of at the Skating Rink . Many distinguished masous were present , among others the M . AV . Grand Masters of Canada and New Brunswick . Toasts were g iven , and many good speeches made , which we regret we have not space to publish . The whole
afiair , from beginning to end , was a most enjoyable one , and reflects great credit upon the masons of the Province . G . M . Keith , in the course of his remarks , said that " he had now presided at one hundred and five banquets and dinners , but none had ever warmed his heart as tin ' s one had , — -a banquet cehdn-ating the union of the English , Scotch ,
Irish , and Nova Scotia Lodges of the Province , signalizing the event of more glorious times , when shoulder to shoulder the fraternity of masons wo uld be brothers indeed , not in name onl y , but in very deed , deliberating , acting , moving , thinking , as masons , under the broad shadows of thc wide-spread princip les of tlie Order—peace , love , and harmony . " Boston . Masonic Mont / dit , July , 18 ( 10 .
THE fifth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Freemasons ' Tavern Company , Limited , was held at tlie tavern on Friday , tlie : 50 th ulto . A dividend of 4 s . per share was declared , and Bro . Francis I ' o . inoch was elected a director in the room of Bro . T . Middleton . It was stated that the restaurant
business is proving a steady and increasing source of income , but owing to the general depression of trade , a larger dividend could not be declared . E RRATUM . —In the last paragraph of our article , page 54 , for " wisely aud will , " read " wisely and well .
BREAKFAST . —Errs ' s COCOA . —Grateful and Comforting . - 'i'lie very agreeable character of this preparation has rendered it a general favourite . Tho Civil Service Gazette remarks : — ' * Tlic singular success which Air . Epps attained by his hnmicopathiu preparation of cocoa has never been surpassed by any experimentalist . By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern tho operations
of digestion anil nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine propei tics of well-selected cocoa . Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctor's bills . " Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold by thc Tiaile onl y in A 11 ,., i lb , ami I II ) . tin-lined packets , labelled—JAMKS KITS & Co ., Homoeopathic Chemists , London . —AIIVT .
HOLLOWAY ' PILLS . — Counsel and Comfort . — A disordered stomach throws the whole system out of gear , and renders us unfitted both for work and amusement . A few doses of these slrengtlitmng and purifying Pills , taken according to the accompanying directions , will , however , speedily restore order , and re-cnable the stomach to digest its food without iliflieulty . These excellent pills are suitable
alike for the peer as the peasant , the soldier and the sailor , and particularly for home and foreign colonists . Holloway ' s Pills are very useful in checking feverish attacks , bilious complaints , and iti / laiiiiimtions . They have also made tlio most signal cures iu eases of dropsy , and diseases of the kidneys , head and lungs , when the sufferers seemed past the id of medicine . —ADVT .
^ bimfts-cimuis . TO ADVERTISERS . THE Circulation of THE FREEMASON being now at the rate of nearly Half-a-Milli 0 U per annum , it offers peculiar facilities to aU who advertise . It is well-known that the Fraternity of Freemasons is a large and constantly increasing body , mainly composed of the influential and educated classes of society ; and as < XIj . c Jfr urn its nn is now the accepted organ of the Brotherhood in tho United Kingdom , and also enjoys an extensive sale in the colonies and foreign parts , its advantages as an advertising medium can scarcely bo overrated . Only four pages can be allotted to advertisements . For terms apply to GEOEGE KENNING , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BBITAIN , LONDON , E . C .
COMPENSATION IN CASE OF INJURY , AND A FIXED SUM IN CASE OF DEATH CAUSED B . ACCIDENT OF ANY KIND , May be Secured by a Policy of the Railway Passengers Assurance Company . An annual payment of £ 3 to £ 6 5 s . Insures £ 1000 at Death , and an allowance at the rate of £ 6 per week for Injury . RAILWAY ACCIDENTS . ALONE MAY BE PROVIDED AGAINST BY Insurance Tickets for Single or Double Journeys . For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Kailway Stations , to the Local Agents , or at the Offices , 01 , COKNHILL , & 10 , REGENT STREET , LONDON . AVILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
SHIBTS , 2 / 6 , 3 / 6 , 4 / 6 , 5 / 6 , 6 / 6 upwards , In all materials of Cotton aud AVool . CANN , JONES & CO ., WHOLESALE AND ItETAII . Shirt Manufacturers , Tailors and Outfitters , 171 , F-ENCIIUKCH STREET , E . C . M . W - FACTORY : 15 & IG , ULOMFIULD STREET , E . C .
" TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . " Common Sense . lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders & Fire Irons , Electroplate , & Nickel-Silver Goods . _ = & . ID . _ P _ A . __^_ E ^ , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , i'i , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an " Immense Stock , " but sUF-ici-MTLY LMIUE for any person to select fiom . He docj not sell "cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as AJiY . A visit will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
MASONIC NOTE AND LETTER PAPER . Sanctioned by The Most Worshi pful The Grand Master of tlio Grand Lodge of England IT is impressed with the Masonic Die , and has also Maso-. iic Emblems incorporated with its texture , as Water Marks , while being manufactured . Sold , in Quarto and Octavo Packets of Five Quires , AVholesale and ltetail , at tho MASuNIC DEPOT , 3 and 1 , LITTLE BHITAIN , E . C . Masonic Envelopes can also be obtained at the Depot .
I ? » By Appointment to the Queen . ' / k > $ Mlistllir , jjtatwntr ^ etosagtnt , printer , it . A MAGNIFICENT " STOCK OF MASONIC i-: _ plfiEiVi _ i . TS MAY BE SEEN AT Bro . W . E . FRANKLIN'S , 42 , MOSLEY ST ., corner of ST . NICHOLAS SQUARK NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE , Agent f or " -THE FREEMASON . "
| , ADUCATION .-CROOM'S-HlLL SCHOOL ,. JJJ Blackheath , near London , PjiisciPAt , Rev . T . GOODAVIN , M . A ., D . C . L ., LL . D . Parents in search of a School combining the conscientious care of a home and tho thorough efficiency of education in its several departments , are . requested to apply for a Prospectus to the Principal , who is ready to submit to applicants all information concerning the School , the testimony of parents in its favour , and an account of the uniformly distinguished position its pupils have achieved in commercial pursuits , in the Civil Service , the Medical , the Army and _ favy , and the University Examinations .
THE EUROPEAN MAIL . A Summary of Universal Intelligence and Exact Commercial Statistics from Mail to Mail , specially prepared ' for tho Colonies and Trans-Oceanic World generally . THE EUROPEAN MAIL is THE LEADING TITLE OS > EIGHT TOTALLY DISTINCT NEWSPAPERS , AS FOLLOW—___ _ — g ( jj—_? o a " 3 ' n / i a S 3 g Destination . g £ fl " to to « " » » „ o a g , o - S + * ? 5 IS 05 p , p ,. 21 A . European Mail for the West Indies , 2 nd _ 17 th of ^ Central America , Chili , I ' eru , & o . the month 21 B . European Hail for South Alrica , St . loth _ S 4 th 40 s . Helena , Ascension , Ac 52 C . Eurotu-an hail for North America , ) i . e ., the United States , Canadian EverySat- gj 3 > Dominion , British America , Cuba , urday Mexico , A-c 38 D . European Mail for the Brazils and 9 th , 19 th , _ glgi River Plato , Azores , _ c - ¦"' h 27 th Auenst 1869 , 4 eveiy fortnight 39 _ . European Mail for China , Japan , after . by Eix-Ceylon . Pen _ ng , Singapore , Siam , K- ' »'•"'! „ Sumatra , Java , Borneo , and the and on " sept 523 . Philippines 2 nd , 18 U 9 , ft every fourth Thursday bv French Mail . ( Sept . 3 rd ' 09 , ,-. ,. 62 F . European Mail for India , Burmah , J and every " Egypt . & c j succeeding t Friday . 13 Q . European Mail for Australia and Every 4 th ,, New Zealand Friday . J 3 *' 31 K . European Mail for the West Coast 3 rd A- 23 r < lof „ , I of Africa , Madeira , Teneriffa , & o . the month . ws * Or with Manifest Supplement , 05 s . N . B . —All Subscriptions payable in advanco . I ^ ACIl Paper contains every item of intelligence , from J -fail to Mail , specially affecting tlie country or colony for which it is published , with an exhaustive summary of home and continental politics , science , art , and social news , and a retrospect of commercial transactions in Great Uritaiu nnd on the Continent . Manufacturers and Merchants may command the greatest markets of the world for their products through tho mediums of publicity afforded by the EUROPEAN MAIL . A demand may be created where none exists at present , or an existing demand may be sustained and increased against tlio most energetic competition . The EUROPEAN MAIL gives such perfect mercantile information that it is the highest commercial authority in the vast and prosperous territories through which it circulates It is therefore an imperative necessity to the merchant who orders goods in bulk , und to tho wholesale and retail distributor ; it is also the most complete newspaper despatched from England , and is eagerly sought by all classes ; it thus , unlike merely commercial newspapers , reaches and leavens tho great communities who are the actual consumers of all products , and who must he acted upon by advertisement to require a special article before the merchant will venture to order a consignment . Scale of Charges for ADVERTISEMENTS each insertion per Paper as follows : — FOB PA * C , F , £ G O . VLT . I Foa . PirBBS A , 11 , D , E , Js'K oiftT £ s . il . | £ s . d » Ono Pago 7 10 0 Ono Pago 6 0 0 Two . thirds of a Pago 6 t ) 0 Two thirds of a Pago 3 13 0 Half-Pago 12 0 H ; ilf-Pago 2 15 0 On . ' . thinl of a Pago 3 0 0 One third of a Paw ... 2 0 0 Quarter-Pago 2 8 0 Quarter-Page 1 12 0 Eighth of a Pago ... 1 7 0 . Eighth of a Pago ... 0 18 O Belam an Eighth of a I ' ayc . llelow an Eighth of a I ' age . Per inch . l > r inch . Across tho Pace ... 0 18 0 Across tho Pago ... 0 13 6 Two-thirds across tho Two-thirds across tho Pago 0 12 0 Pago 0 8 8 Half across tho Pago 0 » 9 Half across th i Pago U 0 0 One-third across tho Uno-thint across tho Pago 0 8 0 Pago 0 4 8 Pogo next matter , Kate a id a Half . Outside pages , Doublo Ha to . # # * The above Scale of Charges is subject to a Discount of 10 per cent , for Advertisements appearing iu the consecutive issues of a paper for 3 months ; of 15 per cent for ( 5 months ; and 20 percent , for 12 months . AVhen an Advertisement is ordered for insertion simultaneously in all the 1 'apers , the lowest rate abovo is charged all through . Post Office Orders to be made payable at the Cannon-street Post Office , London . Eomittances payable to William Vaughan . The EUltOPEAN MAIL may bo ordered through tho Local Agent , direct from tho London Ofllce , or through any Firm having representatives in England . In the last case , the usual system is to order the KUUOPKA . V MAIL to be forwarded until countermanded ; the representative of tho Firm in England being directed , under similar conditions , to make payment annually .