Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge Of England.
The following Circular , -we are convinced , will be hailed with great satisfaction by the Stewards : —
INAUGURATION FESTIVAL . Sir and Brother , —You are requested to a'tend a Meeting of the Stewards at this place , on "Wednesday the 11 th day of August , at four o ' clock p m . precisely , to audit the ' i reasnrer ' s
accounts , and for other bir-iness . The Commemoration Jewel will be presented in Grand Lodge at the next Quarterly Communication , on the 1 st September , to those of the
Stewards who may be present on that occasion . Those who may be unable to attend may receive their Jewels ou application to thc Graud Secretary after that day . ( By order )
JOHN HERVEY , G . S . lion . Sec . Freemasons' Hall , London , 4 th Aug' -st , 18 G 9 .
The Order Of Knights Templar In The United States.
The Fourth Grand annual conclave of the Grand Commandery of Knig hts Templar of Minnesota was held in Masonic Hall in this city , on Thursday the 24 th June , It K . J . Al . Cole , of Winona , Giand Commander , presiding . All the Commanderies in the State were fully
represented . The following Sir Knig hts were elected as Grand officers fur the eusinig year : — R . E . Sir E . I ) . Ii . Porter , Mmkato , Grand Commander ; V . E . Sir Geo . L . Otis , St . Paul , Dep . Grand Commander j E . Sir Al . W . Oetohell ,
St . Anthony , Grand Generalissimo ; li Sir R . A . Jones , Roches'cr , Grand Capt . Gen . ; E . Rev . Sir D . B . Knickerbacker , Minneapolis , Grand Prelate ; E . Sir Charles Nichols , St . Paul , Grind Sen . Warden ; E . Sir E . A . Groff , Minneapolis , Grand Jr . Warden : E . Sir H . L . Carver , St .
Paul , Grand Treas . ; E . Sir G . A . Savory , Alinneapolis , Grand Recorder ; E . Sir H . Ji . Upinan , Rochester . Grand Standard Bearer ; E . Sir S . li Barney , Mankato . Grand Sword Bearer ; E . Sir B . H . Langley , AVinona , Grand Warden ; E . Sir A . Richardson , St . Paul , Grand Capt . Guards .
The next annual conclave will be held in the city of Rochester , June 24 th . 1-70 . After the adjournment of tho Grand Commandery , the visiting Sir Knig hts , as the guests of Mankato Commandery , wero invited ton banquet , prepared b y Brock way Brothers , and spread
in Red Jacket Hall . At half-past nine , o ' clock , the Sir Knig hts , numbering between sixty nn 1 seventy , having assembled at Masonic Hall , marched in a body to the banquet room , where everything was in readiness . Two l . nig tables were spread , and adorned with a most tempting
repast . Full justice was done to the entire bill of fare—Brock way ' s inimitable strawberry .-hortcake in particular—after which an hour or more was very agreeably spent in social c mv r .-m , interspersed with impromptu speeches , ab miiding in humorous points unci telling hits . Sir Knights
Otis , R . A . Jones , Carver , Savory , and G'tcholl were especially face / ions . The former , iu response to ivpo ited calls , said that ho li id been thinking for some , time of the propriety of locating tho Grand Commandery , liko the other grand bodies of tho State , iu someone of our prominent
cities , nnd ho had hoped that St . Paul mi g ht be selected us the place . After partaking of the sumptuous fettst provided by the Sir Knights of Mankato , ho had changed his mind , au I wm now in favor of locating the grand cotninau lory
here , and in strawbeny time . Judge Cleveland , of the Union made a br ' ef response to a toast complimenting the Mankato press , and about eleven o ' clock the assemblage dispersed , all deli ghted with the evening ' s entertainment . —Exehaiuie .
WK are glad to announce that thc warrant for a new lod ge iu the nei ghboiiihood of Bethnal-grecn has been granted ; ami when we state that Brother J nnes lerry is to be the first W . M ., the craft iniy * rest assured that the lodge will he admirably conducted . The name of a great and good lady , Miss Burdett Coutts , will be associated with the lodge , and under such honored , auspices it cannot fail to achieve ¦ uccess .
Ineligibility Of Bastards As Freemasons.
The article on the Ineli gibility of Bastards as Freemasons , which appeared in our columns of the Pith June , bus called forth a reply , given to the world
by a Masonic contemporary , on the 26 th of June under the remarkable titles of' Ears of Wheat from a Cornucopia . " Tho title exhibits the modesty of the author , and his estimate both ot what he has produced , and of what ho is able to produce . The author is Bro . 1 ) . Murray Lyon , " A . M ., Mas , nic University of
Kentucky , U . S . ; Hon . Corresponding Member of the Union of German Freemasons , and of tho Rosicrucian Society of England ; one of the Grand Stewards of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; P . G . S . W . of Ayrshire ; author of the 'History of Mother Kilwinning . ' & c . " We have great pleasure in quoting
all the honorable designations which Bro . D . Murray Lyon appends to his name , but we cannot express our belief that the ears of wheat from his cornucopia are well ripened and well filled . He tells us that no Scottish Masonic statute known to him bears out our statement as to tho ineligibility of bastards as
Freemasons . AVe believe him thoroughly ; and in like manner , we would believe , him if he were to tell us that he does not know whether Hudson ' s Bay is situated in Europe , Asia , or America , or whether it was Charlemagne or Julius Ceasar who , on one important day in the world ' s historv , crossed the Rubicon .
But really it is ot no great importance to the world to be informed how ignorant Bro . D . Murray Lyon is . AVe quoted in our article of 12 th June , the Eighteenth Landmark , in which it is declared as amongst the necessary qualifications of a candidate for admission into tho Ancient and Honourable Order
of Freemasonry that he ' * be able in all degrees—that is , free born , no bastard , of a good kindred , true , and no bondman , and that he have his ri ght limbs as a man ought to have . " AVhat does Bro . D . Murray Lyon make of this ? He takes no notice of it at all ! He assures us that the statutes of the
Ayr Squareliien Incorporation , dated lo . " > 6 , and the ordinances of William Shaw , Master of Work to James VI .. dated loUS-99 , and the records of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) , No . 1 , dating from 1598 , and those of the mother Lodge of Kilwinning , dating from 1042 , contain nothing as to the
exclusion of bastards . His mode of reasoning reminds us of a case which came under our observation some years ago , when a man accused of falsehood , fraud , and wilful imposition in respect of certain transactions , endeavoured to defend himself by showing that in these transactions he had dealt with perfect honesty .
The defence was not found satisfactory , and neither do we find liro . 1 ) . Murray Lyon ' s argument satisfactory in thc jiresent cas . ' . He is so well satisfied with it himself , however , that in his concluding paragraph he say .-, ' ou the part of Scotchmen and scotch Masons , therefore , we repudiate the dogma of
the 'ineligibility ol bastards as Freemasons , ' as in any respect applicable to lodges working under the Grand Lodgo of Scotland . " B y what right does Bro . D . Murray Lyon put himself forward as the representative of Scotchmen and Scotch Masons ? Hoiv many Scotchmen have heard of this man ?
How many Scotch rrcoaiasons tire aware that they have the honour to reckon him as a brothel * ' ? Now they find that they havo in him a self-elected representative ; but it do s not follow that they will acknowledge him in that capacity , or approve of tlie vio . vs which he expresses ou
their behalf Bro . 1 ) . Murray Lyon is almost unknown in the Grand Lod ^ o of Scotland , mid lor the last ten years has probably not been more than three times present at her mecliags , and in it Glasgow lodge , numb ring nearly 800 members , when his name was mentioned a few davs ago , it appeared that nobody
had ever heard of him before . Again , in a lodge that made nearly 100 members in a single year , his name was broiigat up one day last week and they had never b .-f ' oiv heard of fir . D . Miii'rry Lyon . So much for a the self constituted representative of-cotchuieil and Scotch Freemas ins .
Wc repeat what we said in our article of tho 12 th June , tli . it the Ei ghteenth Liudni . irk expressly declares bastards to bo disqualified for admission into the Ancient and Honourable Order of Freemasons ; whilst the Tweiity-lil ' ili Landmark says , " Tlio last anil crowning Landmark ot all is , that these Landmarks
can ii . cer be dunged . Nothing can be subtracted from the II , uotii ig em bo added to them ; not the slightest m -dilicaliou can be made iu them . As we have received thou from our pred * ccssors we are bound , by thu most . solemn obligations , to transmit lliciu lo our successors . One of the ancient charges
read at the making of wary Freemason , and which is of very old date , but to be found in a manuscript of th . i year \ l ) Hi ) . contains the following words , " Ami that tho apprentice bo free-born , and of limbs whole as a man ought to be , and un bastard ; " and these
\ \ ' . ry words are engrossed iu the minute books of some of iho oMer . Scottish Freemasons' lodges . How can Bro . 1 ) . Miirrav Lyon be ignorant of all this ? These landmarks were founded , and the ancient charges Were in u .-. e , long previous to the Grand Lodgo
Ineligibility Of Bastards As Freemasons.
of Scotland ; and it is quite clear that they adopted them , for in the tenth paragraph of the installation charge we read thoso words , *¦•* You admit that it is not in the power of any man or body of men to make alterations or innovations in Freemasonry 1 " The Grand Lodge of Scotland has therefore clearly adopted
the law that bastards arc ineli g ible for admission into the Order ; and Scotch lodges and Masters are bound by the old laws , which are unalterable . Bastaids may have been admitted as Freemasons , but this has been contrary to the law , and cannot take away its validity . AVe have made enquiries of authorities in
Freemasonry in Edinburgh , Glasgow , Dundee , Perth Aberdeen , Inverness , Forfar , Brechin , Montrose , Leith , Portobollo , Musselburgh , Dalkeith , Melrose , Jedburgh , Hawick , Linlithgow , Ayr , Irvine , Kilmarnock , Kilwinning , Greenock , and Dunfermline , and have also met with several thousands of Freemasons in
Scotland and have put the question to them as to the eligibility or ineligibility of bastards , and all agree ¦ that bastards are ineli g ible . Looking also to the lodges highest on the roll for Intrants for the last , ten years , of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , we cannot find a single instance in which a bastard has been initiated .
A Masonic Lodge is formed on the model of Solomon ' s temple—nothing can be allowed in it but what is clean and perfect . The bastard was not permitted to enter the temple under the Levitieal law , nor can he now enter our ancient and honourable Order under the ancient and unalterable laws of Freemasonry . AVe
may pity the bastard for all tbe disadvantages of his birth , for which he is not himself to be blamed , but we cannot wish to see him relieved from them , because it would remove one of the restraints on vice , and as he cannot inherit property under the law of the land , so we think he ought to be excluded from the Masonic
Order , of which one chief characteristic is its maintenance of moral puritv . AA e repent , and add to our statement , that in a a number of lodges holding charters under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , bastards have been i - fused
initiation on the ground that the ancient landmarks and charges of the Order prevented their admission . Some years ago , an article appeared in the Scottish " Freemasons" Magazine , " maintaining the ineligibility of bastards as members of the Order . No Scotchman
attempted to controvert the statements of that article . But Br . D . M . Lyon had abundant opportunity of doing so , and he must have been well aware of the publication of the article to which we refer . —but probably
he could not venture on it in a Scottish publication as he now does iu an English one . However , it is hardly to be supposed that either in England or Scotland a protcstatun of ignorance should be accepted as a display of learning . CIPES .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending August 14 , 18 G 9 . Monday , August 9 . Lodge Xo . 870 , " Peckliitn . '' _ dinbro' Castle , Pocklwm .
Chapter 720 , " Panmure , Loughboro' Hotel , Brixton . Tuesday , August 10 . Lodge No . 5-18 , " Wellington , " White Swan Tav ., Deptford . „ 831 , "Itanelagh , " AViudsor Castle Hotel , Hammersmith .
„ 03 . 1 , " Doric , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , Ouorge Hotel , Alderm . inliiiry at 7 ; Coinn . Ilrett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Paliucrston Tavern , Grosvenorpnrk , Canilicnrell , nt 7 ., ' 1 < I . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Metropolitan Hallway , A ictoria Station , at 8 .
Wednesday , August 11 Committee of lloyal Masonic Benevolent Institution , FreeinaseiB' Bali , nt 3 . Lodge No . 1017 , " Montefiore , '' Freemasons' Hull . „ 1 : 228 , " Ilcaciintree , " private rooms , Leytonstone . United Strength Lodge of Instruction , No . 228 , Dull an Gate , Kentish Town road .
Thursday , August 12 . Lodge No . 107 G "Capper , " ' Marine Hotel , Alctoria Dork . „ 1227 , " Upton , ' Spotted Dog Tav ., Upton , Kssex . Friday , August 13 . Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons '
Hall at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Urn . Brett , Preceptor , Belgrave Lodge of lustra-, tion , Duke of Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Chariiig-cross .
Saturday , August 14 . Lodge No . 171 , "Caveac , " I'adlcy's Hotel , THackfrinni . Duinatic Chapter of Instruction , Horns Tavern Kennington , at 7 ; Preceptor , Comp . If . Wentworth Little .
A CI . EVEK article which appeared in thc Sunday Times some weeks ago on * ' Cardinal Cullen and Freemasonry , " has been republished in the shape of a letter to his Eminence by the author , who signs himself " A Past Provincial Grandmaster . "
Tin-: National Artillery Association commenced its annual meeting at Shoeburyness , on Monday , the 2 nd inst . We notice that our esteemed friend and Bro ., Lieut . J . S . Charlton , of the 1 st Middlesex Artillery , is again at his post as the senior Brigade tiuartermastcr .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge Of England.
The following Circular , -we are convinced , will be hailed with great satisfaction by the Stewards : —
INAUGURATION FESTIVAL . Sir and Brother , —You are requested to a'tend a Meeting of the Stewards at this place , on "Wednesday the 11 th day of August , at four o ' clock p m . precisely , to audit the ' i reasnrer ' s
accounts , and for other bir-iness . The Commemoration Jewel will be presented in Grand Lodge at the next Quarterly Communication , on the 1 st September , to those of the
Stewards who may be present on that occasion . Those who may be unable to attend may receive their Jewels ou application to thc Graud Secretary after that day . ( By order )
JOHN HERVEY , G . S . lion . Sec . Freemasons' Hall , London , 4 th Aug' -st , 18 G 9 .
The Order Of Knights Templar In The United States.
The Fourth Grand annual conclave of the Grand Commandery of Knig hts Templar of Minnesota was held in Masonic Hall in this city , on Thursday the 24 th June , It K . J . Al . Cole , of Winona , Giand Commander , presiding . All the Commanderies in the State were fully
represented . The following Sir Knig hts were elected as Grand officers fur the eusinig year : — R . E . Sir E . I ) . Ii . Porter , Mmkato , Grand Commander ; V . E . Sir Geo . L . Otis , St . Paul , Dep . Grand Commander j E . Sir Al . W . Oetohell ,
St . Anthony , Grand Generalissimo ; li Sir R . A . Jones , Roches'cr , Grand Capt . Gen . ; E . Rev . Sir D . B . Knickerbacker , Minneapolis , Grand Prelate ; E . Sir Charles Nichols , St . Paul , Grind Sen . Warden ; E . Sir E . A . Groff , Minneapolis , Grand Jr . Warden : E . Sir H . L . Carver , St .
Paul , Grand Treas . ; E . Sir G . A . Savory , Alinneapolis , Grand Recorder ; E . Sir H . Ji . Upinan , Rochester . Grand Standard Bearer ; E . Sir S . li Barney , Mankato . Grand Sword Bearer ; E . Sir B . H . Langley , AVinona , Grand Warden ; E . Sir A . Richardson , St . Paul , Grand Capt . Guards .
The next annual conclave will be held in the city of Rochester , June 24 th . 1-70 . After the adjournment of tho Grand Commandery , the visiting Sir Knig hts , as the guests of Mankato Commandery , wero invited ton banquet , prepared b y Brock way Brothers , and spread
in Red Jacket Hall . At half-past nine , o ' clock , the Sir Knig hts , numbering between sixty nn 1 seventy , having assembled at Masonic Hall , marched in a body to the banquet room , where everything was in readiness . Two l . nig tables were spread , and adorned with a most tempting
repast . Full justice was done to the entire bill of fare—Brock way ' s inimitable strawberry .-hortcake in particular—after which an hour or more was very agreeably spent in social c mv r .-m , interspersed with impromptu speeches , ab miiding in humorous points unci telling hits . Sir Knights
Otis , R . A . Jones , Carver , Savory , and G'tcholl were especially face / ions . The former , iu response to ivpo ited calls , said that ho li id been thinking for some , time of the propriety of locating tho Grand Commandery , liko the other grand bodies of tho State , iu someone of our prominent
cities , nnd ho had hoped that St . Paul mi g ht be selected us the place . After partaking of the sumptuous fettst provided by the Sir Knights of Mankato , ho had changed his mind , au I wm now in favor of locating the grand cotninau lory
here , and in strawbeny time . Judge Cleveland , of the Union made a br ' ef response to a toast complimenting the Mankato press , and about eleven o ' clock the assemblage dispersed , all deli ghted with the evening ' s entertainment . —Exehaiuie .
WK are glad to announce that thc warrant for a new lod ge iu the nei ghboiiihood of Bethnal-grecn has been granted ; ami when we state that Brother J nnes lerry is to be the first W . M ., the craft iniy * rest assured that the lodge will he admirably conducted . The name of a great and good lady , Miss Burdett Coutts , will be associated with the lodge , and under such honored , auspices it cannot fail to achieve ¦ uccess .
Ineligibility Of Bastards As Freemasons.
The article on the Ineli gibility of Bastards as Freemasons , which appeared in our columns of the Pith June , bus called forth a reply , given to the world
by a Masonic contemporary , on the 26 th of June under the remarkable titles of' Ears of Wheat from a Cornucopia . " Tho title exhibits the modesty of the author , and his estimate both ot what he has produced , and of what ho is able to produce . The author is Bro . 1 ) . Murray Lyon , " A . M ., Mas , nic University of
Kentucky , U . S . ; Hon . Corresponding Member of the Union of German Freemasons , and of tho Rosicrucian Society of England ; one of the Grand Stewards of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; P . G . S . W . of Ayrshire ; author of the 'History of Mother Kilwinning . ' & c . " We have great pleasure in quoting
all the honorable designations which Bro . D . Murray Lyon appends to his name , but we cannot express our belief that the ears of wheat from his cornucopia are well ripened and well filled . He tells us that no Scottish Masonic statute known to him bears out our statement as to tho ineligibility of bastards as
Freemasons . AVe believe him thoroughly ; and in like manner , we would believe , him if he were to tell us that he does not know whether Hudson ' s Bay is situated in Europe , Asia , or America , or whether it was Charlemagne or Julius Ceasar who , on one important day in the world ' s historv , crossed the Rubicon .
But really it is ot no great importance to the world to be informed how ignorant Bro . D . Murray Lyon is . AVe quoted in our article of 12 th June , the Eighteenth Landmark , in which it is declared as amongst the necessary qualifications of a candidate for admission into tho Ancient and Honourable Order
of Freemasonry that he ' * be able in all degrees—that is , free born , no bastard , of a good kindred , true , and no bondman , and that he have his ri ght limbs as a man ought to have . " AVhat does Bro . D . Murray Lyon make of this ? He takes no notice of it at all ! He assures us that the statutes of the
Ayr Squareliien Incorporation , dated lo . " > 6 , and the ordinances of William Shaw , Master of Work to James VI .. dated loUS-99 , and the records of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) , No . 1 , dating from 1598 , and those of the mother Lodge of Kilwinning , dating from 1042 , contain nothing as to the
exclusion of bastards . His mode of reasoning reminds us of a case which came under our observation some years ago , when a man accused of falsehood , fraud , and wilful imposition in respect of certain transactions , endeavoured to defend himself by showing that in these transactions he had dealt with perfect honesty .
The defence was not found satisfactory , and neither do we find liro . 1 ) . Murray Lyon ' s argument satisfactory in thc jiresent cas . ' . He is so well satisfied with it himself , however , that in his concluding paragraph he say .-, ' ou the part of Scotchmen and scotch Masons , therefore , we repudiate the dogma of
the 'ineligibility ol bastards as Freemasons , ' as in any respect applicable to lodges working under the Grand Lodgo of Scotland . " B y what right does Bro . D . Murray Lyon put himself forward as the representative of Scotchmen and Scotch Masons ? Hoiv many Scotchmen have heard of this man ?
How many Scotch rrcoaiasons tire aware that they have the honour to reckon him as a brothel * ' ? Now they find that they havo in him a self-elected representative ; but it do s not follow that they will acknowledge him in that capacity , or approve of tlie vio . vs which he expresses ou
their behalf Bro . 1 ) . Murray Lyon is almost unknown in the Grand Lod ^ o of Scotland , mid lor the last ten years has probably not been more than three times present at her mecliags , and in it Glasgow lodge , numb ring nearly 800 members , when his name was mentioned a few davs ago , it appeared that nobody
had ever heard of him before . Again , in a lodge that made nearly 100 members in a single year , his name was broiigat up one day last week and they had never b .-f ' oiv heard of fir . D . Miii'rry Lyon . So much for a the self constituted representative of-cotchuieil and Scotch Freemas ins .
Wc repeat what we said in our article of tho 12 th June , tli . it the Ei ghteenth Liudni . irk expressly declares bastards to bo disqualified for admission into the Ancient and Honourable Order of Freemasons ; whilst the Tweiity-lil ' ili Landmark says , " Tlio last anil crowning Landmark ot all is , that these Landmarks
can ii . cer be dunged . Nothing can be subtracted from the II , uotii ig em bo added to them ; not the slightest m -dilicaliou can be made iu them . As we have received thou from our pred * ccssors we are bound , by thu most . solemn obligations , to transmit lliciu lo our successors . One of the ancient charges
read at the making of wary Freemason , and which is of very old date , but to be found in a manuscript of th . i year \ l ) Hi ) . contains the following words , " Ami that tho apprentice bo free-born , and of limbs whole as a man ought to be , and un bastard ; " and these
\ \ ' . ry words are engrossed iu the minute books of some of iho oMer . Scottish Freemasons' lodges . How can Bro . 1 ) . Miirrav Lyon be ignorant of all this ? These landmarks were founded , and the ancient charges Were in u .-. e , long previous to the Grand Lodgo
Ineligibility Of Bastards As Freemasons.
of Scotland ; and it is quite clear that they adopted them , for in the tenth paragraph of the installation charge we read thoso words , *¦•* You admit that it is not in the power of any man or body of men to make alterations or innovations in Freemasonry 1 " The Grand Lodge of Scotland has therefore clearly adopted
the law that bastards arc ineli g ible for admission into the Order ; and Scotch lodges and Masters are bound by the old laws , which are unalterable . Bastaids may have been admitted as Freemasons , but this has been contrary to the law , and cannot take away its validity . AVe have made enquiries of authorities in
Freemasonry in Edinburgh , Glasgow , Dundee , Perth Aberdeen , Inverness , Forfar , Brechin , Montrose , Leith , Portobollo , Musselburgh , Dalkeith , Melrose , Jedburgh , Hawick , Linlithgow , Ayr , Irvine , Kilmarnock , Kilwinning , Greenock , and Dunfermline , and have also met with several thousands of Freemasons in
Scotland and have put the question to them as to the eligibility or ineligibility of bastards , and all agree ¦ that bastards are ineli g ible . Looking also to the lodges highest on the roll for Intrants for the last , ten years , of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , we cannot find a single instance in which a bastard has been initiated .
A Masonic Lodge is formed on the model of Solomon ' s temple—nothing can be allowed in it but what is clean and perfect . The bastard was not permitted to enter the temple under the Levitieal law , nor can he now enter our ancient and honourable Order under the ancient and unalterable laws of Freemasonry . AVe
may pity the bastard for all tbe disadvantages of his birth , for which he is not himself to be blamed , but we cannot wish to see him relieved from them , because it would remove one of the restraints on vice , and as he cannot inherit property under the law of the land , so we think he ought to be excluded from the Masonic
Order , of which one chief characteristic is its maintenance of moral puritv . AA e repent , and add to our statement , that in a a number of lodges holding charters under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , bastards have been i - fused
initiation on the ground that the ancient landmarks and charges of the Order prevented their admission . Some years ago , an article appeared in the Scottish " Freemasons" Magazine , " maintaining the ineligibility of bastards as members of the Order . No Scotchman
attempted to controvert the statements of that article . But Br . D . M . Lyon had abundant opportunity of doing so , and he must have been well aware of the publication of the article to which we refer . —but probably
he could not venture on it in a Scottish publication as he now does iu an English one . However , it is hardly to be supposed that either in England or Scotland a protcstatun of ignorance should be accepted as a display of learning . CIPES .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending August 14 , 18 G 9 . Monday , August 9 . Lodge Xo . 870 , " Peckliitn . '' _ dinbro' Castle , Pocklwm .
Chapter 720 , " Panmure , Loughboro' Hotel , Brixton . Tuesday , August 10 . Lodge No . 5-18 , " Wellington , " White Swan Tav ., Deptford . „ 831 , "Itanelagh , " AViudsor Castle Hotel , Hammersmith .
„ 03 . 1 , " Doric , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , Ouorge Hotel , Alderm . inliiiry at 7 ; Coinn . Ilrett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Paliucrston Tavern , Grosvenorpnrk , Canilicnrell , nt 7 ., ' 1 < I . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Metropolitan Hallway , A ictoria Station , at 8 .
Wednesday , August 11 Committee of lloyal Masonic Benevolent Institution , FreeinaseiB' Bali , nt 3 . Lodge No . 1017 , " Montefiore , '' Freemasons' Hull . „ 1 : 228 , " Ilcaciintree , " private rooms , Leytonstone . United Strength Lodge of Instruction , No . 228 , Dull an Gate , Kentish Town road .
Thursday , August 12 . Lodge No . 107 G "Capper , " ' Marine Hotel , Alctoria Dork . „ 1227 , " Upton , ' Spotted Dog Tav ., Upton , Kssex . Friday , August 13 . Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons '
Hall at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Urn . Brett , Preceptor , Belgrave Lodge of lustra-, tion , Duke of Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Chariiig-cross .
Saturday , August 14 . Lodge No . 171 , "Caveac , " I'adlcy's Hotel , THackfrinni . Duinatic Chapter of Instruction , Horns Tavern Kennington , at 7 ; Preceptor , Comp . If . Wentworth Little .
A CI . EVEK article which appeared in thc Sunday Times some weeks ago on * ' Cardinal Cullen and Freemasonry , " has been republished in the shape of a letter to his Eminence by the author , who signs himself " A Past Provincial Grandmaster . "
Tin-: National Artillery Association commenced its annual meeting at Shoeburyness , on Monday , the 2 nd inst . We notice that our esteemed friend and Bro ., Lieut . J . S . Charlton , of the 1 st Middlesex Artillery , is again at his post as the senior Brigade tiuartermastcr .