Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
Pei'iiRis or M . vsoxic MEETINGS : — frntt Masonry 34 S Ri . v . il Arch 346 . Scotland W ' ivovincial Crand Lodge ol Hertlordshivc 340 District Orand Lodge of South Australia ? 47 - -ceninsonry in . South Africa 847 in
, jii- ^ onic Pic-nic . Sunderland 3 * 7 I'rccni . 'isoniy in Constantinople 347 The llnnlelt " Conlts Loilge 848 | „ de , e Libraries 848 Craiul Chapter d 49 jlasonic Tidings 349 Onrri- 'ARV : — liro . David Brandwoid 349
Kcvicv 349 ¦* o , < : CM * •'Lines on Ihe Anniversary of St . John 349 1 'ieemasoniy 3 I 9 The IJmdett Coutts Lodge 35 o Masonic Klro-nercc 35 ° Tlie Floods in I ' rnncc- 3 S 0 liro . Major llurgi-ss 3 ; i 'jhe Inslallation I ieture 851 What Ne . M ? 3 ji
( . -URKESI-IIXIIKM-K ' . — l : i * o . Ilurjxcss au < l ( lie Mark Degree 3 j 2 Masonic Notes and Oueries 352 ' having the Foundation Stone of l ' ublic Schools at Tarbol-( clchralion hy klackhawk Lodge , Hamilton , U , S 3 j 3 jMasonic Meclings lor next week 353 A , ] veilisenT : nl 3 i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Itasoitrji .
METROPOLITAN . T 1 IK HERVEY LODGE ( No . 1260 ) held their usual summer banquet on Wednesday , July 2 S 1 I 1 , at the Crown Hotel , Bros bourne . Thc sun seldom shone on a more propitious day , and the arrangements for the excursion were most satisfactory and complete . A goodly company , including many relatives anil friends of the brethren ,
numbering about sixty , were assembled and exchanged friendly and fraternal greetings . Having spent a considerable lime in admiring the beautiful grounds attached to the commodious dining hall , where Bro . Bcningficld , thc proprietor , whose exertions for the general enjoyment were indefatigable , had prepared a sumptuous repast , to which one and all did ample justice . Thc usual loyal and
Masonic toasts having been disposed of , and several excellent songs had been given by Miss Lincoln , who bids fair to become a very accomplished vocalist , thc W . M ., W . Bro . J . Hogg , P . G . D ., in proposing "The Health of Bro . G . King , jun ., P . M . andSec ., " nlluded to thc very earnest manner in which that brother undertook any of the duties that were involved in his position , and in proposing " The
Healths of thc S . W ., Bro . Harrison , and J . W ., Bro . Southwood , " thanked them in the name of the company present for their very appropriate presents to the banquet in the shape of illuminated menu cards and splendid artificial bouquets of flowers for each lady . The company then dispersed while the room was prepared for the dancing which
although not prolonged to "the wee snia' hours , was ¦ uitlieientlyenticing to detain both young and old "till night ' s dark mantle had covered all . " And then with hearty hand shakings , hats and cloaks were donned , and some returning by rail and others preferring a ride home by road , there parted a company who were unanimous in wishing success to all connected with the Hervey Lodge .
METROPOLITAN LODGE ( No . 1507 ) . —The second emergency meeting since March was held on 29 th of July , at the "Metropolitan Club , 26 9 , Pentonville Road , N . Present : —Bros . Willing , W . M . ; Williams , S . W . ; Bcrrie , J . W . ; Child , S . D . j Kingham , J . D . ; Fowler , D . C . -, Scales , Steward ; Douglass , I . G . ; Daley , Tyler j Rose , ' ucnliiiv ; Tims , P . M . 177 , Treasurer ; also Bros .
Miles , Ea . y , Saiulsbury , Shand , Side , Carter , Gilbert , and I ' lcdc . Visitors : —Bros . Savage , W . M . 1425 ; Gra-I 1 . 11 . 1 e , P . M . 475 ; Bcrrie , J . W . I ' iii . -f ; Buscall ' , J . D . ; " iViclis , 813 ; Ormisloii , 262 ; Jordan , 51 / ; Musgravc , 1 . ' ,. () , Org . Business transacted : —Bros . Read and Brumell , raised . No passings . Messrs . Little , Erwood , Sayers , J . I ' -iy , ami lingers , were balloted for and impressively
initiated , liaron von Tillenborn duly elected joining mem-I ' . r . Bye-laws read , several new propositions made , and IIie brethren adjourned to banquet . DUKE OK CONNAUGHT LODGE ( No . 11524 ) . —The regular meeling of this lodge took place on Ihe 29 th ult ., when llure were present Bros . W . II . Lee , W . M . ; T . C . Chapman , S . W . ; II . Lister , J . W . ; H . Meyer , Treas . ; N .
fhecn . Sec . ; J- U . Shackleton , S . D . ; J . Symes , J . D . ; hobiiisnn ( Lodge 177 ) as I . G . ; Gilchri .-t , Tyler ; and ' ihus . The lodge having been opened in due form , Bros . '' alias , Watson and Allord were raised to ihe sublime 'legive of Master Mason . The lodge was then closed to tlie Second Degree , when Bros . Brasted and 1 larding were P'sseil . Lodge being then resumed iu the First Degree ,
;• ¦!' !•" . A . Kelly , who had been previously proposed , was 'iiili . ited into the mysteries of Fieemasonry , Bro . Lee very * ' l ! 'ly p-. rforining the ceremony . Bro . Howe , P . G . P . Mid'•• csc-v ., P . M . 14 . 45 , proposed that the lodge should present til * .- W . M . with tlie Steward ' s jewel , commemorative of thc '"¦ 't illation of 11 . 15 . II . the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M ., ' -i : di was agreed to unanimcuslv . Notice cf a motion ,
*¦; ' he brought forward at the next meeting , was bleu given , for the initiation fee to bc raised . "'* ' lodge was then closed , and the hrelheu aftcrj-ards p ; irlook of a slight repast , the chair being occupied ' } ' "i e W . M . After ample justice had been done to the s ' oi ! things , ( lie chairman , in appropriate terms , proposed
' "* - ' usual loyal toasts , which were duly honoured . The '•" d . titcn proposed " The Initiate . " Urn . I- ' . A . Kelly re-1 ' ' - ' ! "'l . T ||< : next tonst was that t f " The Vi-itrrs , " pro' ' ' - " ! by Ur . ' . Lee , who coupled with tlie t > ast the name ' j ' wo . v i , i p . rj . p . n-st . Middlesex , P . M . 144 . - , to whom , ( : "pressed hi ; great pleasure at set ing present . This
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toast , which was very cordially received , Bro . Howe responded to , in a very effective speech . Bro . Howe then proposed the health ' of thc W . M . in eulogistic terms . Thc W . M ., in his reply , thanked Bro . Howe for his kind remarks , and the brethren of the lodge for the manner in which they had drank his health , and he also thanked the brethren very warmly for the Steward's jewel which they
had that evening awarded him . Several other toasts were given , and thc brethren soon after separated . CHAUCER LODGE ( No . 1540 ) held an emergency meeting at the Bridge House Hotel on Thursday , July 29 th . There were present Bros . T . J . Sabine , W . M ., P . P . G . S . B . "Middlesex , P . M ., c \ -c . ; J . C . Mason , S . W . ; E . S . Stidolph , j . W . ; F . Wallers , P . P . G . P . Middlesex ,
P . M ., Sec . ; Rev . D . Hatch , Chaplain ; W . J . Kemp , S . D . ; C . Hudson , J . D . ; II . Faija , I . G . ; A . J . Hawkes , D . C . ; A . P . Stcdman , W . S ., & C . Ballots were unanimous in favour of thc admission of fifteen joining members . Five gentlemen were initiated , viz ., Messrs . Pierce , William Civsbic , Richard Henry Willals , Elliott Emanuel , Joel Emanuel , and folin Worstcr . Each candidate was
introduced separately , and in a most impressive manner 1111-liated into thc mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The Reverend Bro . Match , in a beautiful style , gave thc all-important charge to thc ncwly-initiatcd brethren . Some important private business having been disposed of , the brethren separated after the lodge was closed , partaking of > a slight refreshment after labour . A very large number of visitors were present .
PROVINCIAL . WARRINGTON . —Lo no K OF LIGHTS ( No . 148 ) . —Thc regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , thc 26 th ult . Thc W . M ., Dr . John Bowes , P . M ., P . Z ., Past Prov . G . Reg . Cumberland and Westmorland , was supported by Bros . W . II . Robinson , S . W . ; Thomas Tunstall , J . W . ; Jos . Pickthall , S . W . ; John R . Young ,
[ . D . j C . E . Hindley , I . G . ; W . Sharp , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Mossop , P . M ., Prov . G . Steward ; W . Richardson , P . M ., W . M . No . 1250 ; G . A . Clark , John Dimmelow , Charles Crosier , J . W . No . 1230 ; W . Crompton , Jabez G . Hughes , Mos . Jones , John Armstrong , James Hannah , Tyler . Visitors ;—Bros . P . J . Edelsten , M . W . 1134 ; J . R . Tomlinson , W . M . -568 ; J . W . Sanders , 1219 ; J . H . Galloway ,
1250 . The lodge was opened in due form with prayer , when thc minutes of the previous meeting were read and declared to bc correctly recorded . Thc lodge was opened in thc Second Degree , when Bro . James Paterson claimed advancement , and having sustained liis claim was entrusted . On re-admission Bro . Paterson was raised to the Sublime Degree in ample form by the W . M ., thc working tools
being explained by the S . W . Thc lodge was closed down to thc First Degree , when thc following gentlemen , who had already been approved , were separately introduced and initiated by thc W . M ., viz ., Messrs . S . E . Johnson , A . Peake , and B . L . Pierpoint . Bro . Robt . Vawscr , CE . and Thos . Sutton were proposed as joining members , and a gentleman as a fit and proper person . The lodge was closed in
perfect harmony . GARSTON . —LoiiciK or HARMONY ( NO . 220 ) . —There is no more popular suburban lodge in thc neighbourhood of Liverpool than the old "Harmony , " and its annual summer festival meeting is , therefore , always enjoyed with the greatest zest . That for 1875 was no exception , and although there was a little hitch in the even tcnour of the
afternoon s proceedings , owing to an unexpected delay , everything passed off smoothl y and pleasantly . The annual meeting took place on Wednesday , thc 28 th ult ., at thc Gartston Hotel , Garston , a few miles from Liverpool , where thc lodge was opened by the retiring Worshipful Master , Bro . John Evans , who was supported by thc following oflicers and brethren : Bros . J . W . Baker ,
P . M . ; Dr . J . V . Worthington , I . P . M . ; W . [ ones , P . M . ; II . ( ones , P . M . ; C . Lccdiiam . P . M . ; | . Hughes , S . W . ; T . 11 . Tellelt , J . W . ; W . S . Vines , P . M ., Treas . ; 0 . Humphreys , P . M . 1013 , Sec . ; J . Clark , Org . ; J . Tickle , I . G . ; J . Tewkesbury , S . ; W . Pi ice , S . ; J . Hobiusmi , Tyler ; M . A . Lovelailj-, \ V . (/ nest , \ V . Morrison , A . Sharpies , W . Lawson , S . Chambers , T . Waiuwrighl , II . Hatch , R .
Pink , J . Robinson , 1 * . Ralclilfe , J . T . Bullock , J . Cave , J . Jarvis , J . Thompson , W . Newall , and W . Troiighlon . The visitors present were Bros . II . Davies , 1 * 55 6 ; W . G . Sharpc , I . G . loSfi ; T . Roberts , S . W . 673 ; W . " G . Veale , Org . 135 6 ; IL Burrows , J . W . 6 73 ; C . Leighton , P . M . 1035 ; J . Bramham , 1298 ; T . K . Hughes , P . M . 1013 ; and W . T . May , 6 73 and 1393 . As the the closing act of
his year of oflice , Bro . J . Evans , W . M ., initiated Messrs . Croft and Crowther into thc mysteries of the Order in a very efficient manner . The chair was then taken by Bro . J . W . Baker , P . M ., who installed Bro . John Hughes as thc W . M . of the lodge in Ihe masterly style so well known in the province . The following officers were subsequently invested : Bros . J . Evans , I . P . M . ; T . B . Tellctt , S . W . ;
S . Tickle , J . W . ; W . S . Vines , P . M ., Treasurer ; C . Humphreys , P . M . 1013 , Secretary ; J . Tewkesbury , S . D . ; G . Price , J . D . ; W . Lawson , I . G . ; James Robinson , S . S . ; A . Sharpies , J . S . ; and J . Robinson , Tyler . Thc brethren afterwards hanquctted , and as many had to return to town , the after dinner loyal and Masonic toasts were given briefly but pointedly by the W . M . and other brethren .
RADCLIFFE . —LOIXIF . oi * FAITH ( NO . 344 ) . —On Wednesday morning , the 28 th ult ., a party of the brethren belonging to the . Lodge of Faith , 3 ^ 4 , with their wives and friends , numbering altogether about thirty , left thc Bull ' s Head Inn , RndclilTc , ( East Lancashire ) , in an omnibus to which was attached four greys , for Altrincham and Tatton Park , proceeding by way of Cheetham
Hill , where they changed horses . The subsequent route was via Chester Road , through Stretfnrd , where a short stoppage wns made at the house of Urn , Edwards . Tiny then drove na In the Unirnrn at Alirinrham , where an excellent lunch awaited them , and which was thoroughly enjojed . After spending an hour <* r two in the vicinity of Altrincham , they proceeded to Ta' . ton Park , by
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
way of Rosterne Merc and Rosterne Old Church , which was visited by part of the company , and an inspection made of thc memorials of the Egerton family , and which , as works of art , arc said to be some of thc finest in England . From the churchyard one of thc finest views in the vicinity of Manchester is to bc obtained , embracing the Mere , the Downs , and the village of Bowdon . The party
continued its journey to Patton Park , and having obtained permission to inspect thc gardens and grounds , they spent a few hours there both profitably and pleasantly . About four o ' clock the party returned to dinner at thc Unicorn Inn , at Altrincham , after partaking of which , another hour or two was spent in social enjoyment , and some very good songs were sung and recitations given .
DALION . —BALDWIN- LOOOF . ( NO . 1398 ) . — I he members of thc Baldwin Lodge met in the Castle , Dalton , on Thursday , thc 29 th ult ., for the purpose of installing thc Worshipful Master , and investing thc oflicers for the ensuing twelve months . Bro . Francis Henry Clark was duly elected and installed as Worshipful Master by Bro . R . Pearson , I . P . M . 9 ( 1 * 5 , and Provincial Grand Registrar of West
Lancashire , in a very able and impressive manner , for which Bro . Pearson is so well and deservedly famed . Bro . Clark afterwards invested his officers as follows for the ensuing year : —Bros . F . Bell , Senior Warden ; John Walton , Junior Warden ; J . Postlcthwaitc . I . P . M . ; R . Hosking , Treas . ; R . Blake , Sec . ; Rev . J . M . Morgan , Chaplain ; T . Grieve , Org . ; W . Dalzell , Senior Deacon ;
C . Godby , Junior Deacon ; F . Atkinson , I . G . ; T . II . Hosking and A . Grade , Stewards . There was a considerable number of members and visiting brethren present . After the interesting ceremony had been gone through the brethren retired to thc house of Bro . Bell , Wellington Hotel , to partake of thc banquet , and amongst those present we noticed the following , in addition to thc officers
aforenamed : —Members of 1398—Bros . [ . Garden , P . Wurzburger , W . II . Fox , T . " Tremlath , E . B . Mitchell , J . T . Lawn , R . Townley , J . T . Scott , A . Slater , and J . Hardy . Bros . R . Pearson , I . P . M . 995 , and P . G . R . ; II . Purdue , Ranelagh Lodge , 834 , London . Bros . M . Haslam , W . M . ; R . T . Taylor , S . W . ; Jos . Huartson , J . W . ; R . A . Brooke , P . M . 774 ; all of Hartington Lodge , 1021 , Barrow . Bros .
H . Pickavancc , W . M . ; James Hunter , J . W . ; J . Bland , M . M ., of Hindpool Lodge , 122 , *; . Bros . H . Waiting , Sec , Whitwell Lodge , 1390 , Millom . After all had done justice to thc really splendid and ample spread provided by Bro . Bell , who seems on every occasion to excel his past efforts to please ( if it were possible to do ) , thc W . M . gave the first toast , " The Queen , " after which the " National
Anthem " was sung . Next followed the toast of " The Grand Master , H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Grand Lodge Officers , " with honours . Bro . Blake was next called upon for a recitation , entitled "The Accepted Mason , " which was rendered in his usual effective style , followed by thc toast of " The Provincial Grand Lodge Officers . " The W . M . in all cases commented in
appropriate terms on the various persons connected with the toasts , this one being coupled with the name of Bro . Pearson , I . P . M ., who replied to thc same . Bro . Purdue being called upon , responded in a very pleasing manner with the song " 'Tis but a Little Faded Flower . " Bro . Poslethwaite , I . P . M ., in proposing the next toast , " The Worshipful Master of Baldwin Lodge , " spoke very highly
of Bro . Clarke ' s abilities as an efficient officer , who had laboured hard in thc cause of Masonry , and fully deserved the high honour that day conferred upon him . This was followed by Bro . E . B . Mitchell ' s song , " Thc Rhine Wine . " Bro . Clarke , in repl ying to thc toast , thanking all for the honour conferred upon him , said he would take that opportunity of presenting to Bro . Poslethwaite , on behalf of
thc lodge , a Past Master's jewel , as a token of the high esteem in which he is held by the brethren , and for the very efficient manner in which he had conducted thc business of the lodge during his term of office , hoping that he would bc long spared to wear the same . This was followed by the hearty approval of the brethren in the usual Masonic style of applause .
Duet , "Pining Away , " by Bro . Waller Bell and Bro . Purdue , which was exceedingly well rendered . Bro . Poslethwaite responded in feeling terms to the kindness of the brethren , expressing his regret that business engagements had prevented him from doing as much in the lodge as he could have wished . Bro . Whiteside , I . P . M ., proposed thc toast of Past Oflicers in lilting and highly
complimentary terms , which was responded to by Bro . 1-. Bell , S . W ., followed by a song , " The Union Jack of O'd England , " by Bro . Jos . Huartson , J . W . 1021 , in lhat happy and effective manner lor which he is so deservedly noted . " The Installing Master " was ably responded to by Bro . Pearson , who , in thanking the brethren for the honour done him , said it was always a labour of love
for him to take an active part in Masonry , and especially in thc Baldwin Lodge , for he had taken so active a part in its formation that he should always feel very interested in the lodge . He urged at some length that greatest of all Masonic virtues , "charity , " commending to the notice of thc brethren those grand and noble institutions for the destitute and needy of the Order , which had been so blessed
in their p hilanthropic endeavours to relieve and assist the children and widows of Masons , and strongly urged them to ever have their claims in view , and heaitily respond to the calls uprn them for our sympathy and support . Song , "The Englishman , " by Bro . J . Huartson , followed by the toast of " The Clerical Brethren , " coupled with the name of Uro . Rev . J . M . Morgan , Provincial Grand Chaplain , when the W . M . expressed the high honour we ought to
feel in having so many provincial Grand Lodge Oflicers amongst us as membtrs of our local lodges . Bro . Morgan replied in his usual worthy and appropriate style , giving much valuable and instructive information to the brethren , and strongly supporting Bro . Pearson in his remrrks , urging upon the brethren to always give snch noble institution's their best support , as they were some of Ihe great ornamcr . ts cf our Order . ' * The Visiting Brethren " was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
Pei'iiRis or M . vsoxic MEETINGS : — frntt Masonry 34 S Ri . v . il Arch 346 . Scotland W ' ivovincial Crand Lodge ol Hertlordshivc 340 District Orand Lodge of South Australia ? 47 - -ceninsonry in . South Africa 847 in
, jii- ^ onic Pic-nic . Sunderland 3 * 7 I'rccni . 'isoniy in Constantinople 347 The llnnlelt " Conlts Loilge 848 | „ de , e Libraries 848 Craiul Chapter d 49 jlasonic Tidings 349 Onrri- 'ARV : — liro . David Brandwoid 349
Kcvicv 349 ¦* o , < : CM * •'Lines on Ihe Anniversary of St . John 349 1 'ieemasoniy 3 I 9 The IJmdett Coutts Lodge 35 o Masonic Klro-nercc 35 ° Tlie Floods in I ' rnncc- 3 S 0 liro . Major llurgi-ss 3 ; i 'jhe Inslallation I ieture 851 What Ne . M ? 3 ji
( . -URKESI-IIXIIKM-K ' . — l : i * o . Ilurjxcss au < l ( lie Mark Degree 3 j 2 Masonic Notes and Oueries 352 ' having the Foundation Stone of l ' ublic Schools at Tarbol-( clchralion hy klackhawk Lodge , Hamilton , U , S 3 j 3 jMasonic Meclings lor next week 353 A , ] veilisenT : nl 3 i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Itasoitrji .
METROPOLITAN . T 1 IK HERVEY LODGE ( No . 1260 ) held their usual summer banquet on Wednesday , July 2 S 1 I 1 , at the Crown Hotel , Bros bourne . Thc sun seldom shone on a more propitious day , and the arrangements for the excursion were most satisfactory and complete . A goodly company , including many relatives anil friends of the brethren ,
numbering about sixty , were assembled and exchanged friendly and fraternal greetings . Having spent a considerable lime in admiring the beautiful grounds attached to the commodious dining hall , where Bro . Bcningficld , thc proprietor , whose exertions for the general enjoyment were indefatigable , had prepared a sumptuous repast , to which one and all did ample justice . Thc usual loyal and
Masonic toasts having been disposed of , and several excellent songs had been given by Miss Lincoln , who bids fair to become a very accomplished vocalist , thc W . M ., W . Bro . J . Hogg , P . G . D ., in proposing "The Health of Bro . G . King , jun ., P . M . andSec ., " nlluded to thc very earnest manner in which that brother undertook any of the duties that were involved in his position , and in proposing " The
Healths of thc S . W ., Bro . Harrison , and J . W ., Bro . Southwood , " thanked them in the name of the company present for their very appropriate presents to the banquet in the shape of illuminated menu cards and splendid artificial bouquets of flowers for each lady . The company then dispersed while the room was prepared for the dancing which
although not prolonged to "the wee snia' hours , was ¦ uitlieientlyenticing to detain both young and old "till night ' s dark mantle had covered all . " And then with hearty hand shakings , hats and cloaks were donned , and some returning by rail and others preferring a ride home by road , there parted a company who were unanimous in wishing success to all connected with the Hervey Lodge .
METROPOLITAN LODGE ( No . 1507 ) . —The second emergency meeting since March was held on 29 th of July , at the "Metropolitan Club , 26 9 , Pentonville Road , N . Present : —Bros . Willing , W . M . ; Williams , S . W . ; Bcrrie , J . W . ; Child , S . D . j Kingham , J . D . ; Fowler , D . C . -, Scales , Steward ; Douglass , I . G . ; Daley , Tyler j Rose , ' ucnliiiv ; Tims , P . M . 177 , Treasurer ; also Bros .
Miles , Ea . y , Saiulsbury , Shand , Side , Carter , Gilbert , and I ' lcdc . Visitors : —Bros . Savage , W . M . 1425 ; Gra-I 1 . 11 . 1 e , P . M . 475 ; Bcrrie , J . W . I ' iii . -f ; Buscall ' , J . D . ; " iViclis , 813 ; Ormisloii , 262 ; Jordan , 51 / ; Musgravc , 1 . ' ,. () , Org . Business transacted : —Bros . Read and Brumell , raised . No passings . Messrs . Little , Erwood , Sayers , J . I ' -iy , ami lingers , were balloted for and impressively
initiated , liaron von Tillenborn duly elected joining mem-I ' . r . Bye-laws read , several new propositions made , and IIie brethren adjourned to banquet . DUKE OK CONNAUGHT LODGE ( No . 11524 ) . —The regular meeling of this lodge took place on Ihe 29 th ult ., when llure were present Bros . W . II . Lee , W . M . ; T . C . Chapman , S . W . ; II . Lister , J . W . ; H . Meyer , Treas . ; N .
fhecn . Sec . ; J- U . Shackleton , S . D . ; J . Symes , J . D . ; hobiiisnn ( Lodge 177 ) as I . G . ; Gilchri .-t , Tyler ; and ' ihus . The lodge having been opened in due form , Bros . '' alias , Watson and Allord were raised to ihe sublime 'legive of Master Mason . The lodge was then closed to tlie Second Degree , when Bros . Brasted and 1 larding were P'sseil . Lodge being then resumed iu the First Degree ,
;• ¦!' !•" . A . Kelly , who had been previously proposed , was 'iiili . ited into the mysteries of Fieemasonry , Bro . Lee very * ' l ! 'ly p-. rforining the ceremony . Bro . Howe , P . G . P . Mid'•• csc-v ., P . M . 14 . 45 , proposed that the lodge should present til * .- W . M . with tlie Steward ' s jewel , commemorative of thc '"¦ 't illation of 11 . 15 . II . the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M ., ' -i : di was agreed to unanimcuslv . Notice cf a motion ,
*¦; ' he brought forward at the next meeting , was bleu given , for the initiation fee to bc raised . "'* ' lodge was then closed , and the hrelheu aftcrj-ards p ; irlook of a slight repast , the chair being occupied ' } ' "i e W . M . After ample justice had been done to the s ' oi ! things , ( lie chairman , in appropriate terms , proposed
' "* - ' usual loyal toasts , which were duly honoured . The '•" d . titcn proposed " The Initiate . " Urn . I- ' . A . Kelly re-1 ' ' - ' ! "'l . T ||< : next tonst was that t f " The Vi-itrrs , " pro' ' ' - " ! by Ur . ' . Lee , who coupled with tlie t > ast the name ' j ' wo . v i , i p . rj . p . n-st . Middlesex , P . M . 144 . - , to whom , ( : "pressed hi ; great pleasure at set ing present . This
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toast , which was very cordially received , Bro . Howe responded to , in a very effective speech . Bro . Howe then proposed the health ' of thc W . M . in eulogistic terms . Thc W . M ., in his reply , thanked Bro . Howe for his kind remarks , and the brethren of the lodge for the manner in which they had drank his health , and he also thanked the brethren very warmly for the Steward's jewel which they
had that evening awarded him . Several other toasts were given , and thc brethren soon after separated . CHAUCER LODGE ( No . 1540 ) held an emergency meeting at the Bridge House Hotel on Thursday , July 29 th . There were present Bros . T . J . Sabine , W . M ., P . P . G . S . B . "Middlesex , P . M ., c \ -c . ; J . C . Mason , S . W . ; E . S . Stidolph , j . W . ; F . Wallers , P . P . G . P . Middlesex ,
P . M ., Sec . ; Rev . D . Hatch , Chaplain ; W . J . Kemp , S . D . ; C . Hudson , J . D . ; II . Faija , I . G . ; A . J . Hawkes , D . C . ; A . P . Stcdman , W . S ., & C . Ballots were unanimous in favour of thc admission of fifteen joining members . Five gentlemen were initiated , viz ., Messrs . Pierce , William Civsbic , Richard Henry Willals , Elliott Emanuel , Joel Emanuel , and folin Worstcr . Each candidate was
introduced separately , and in a most impressive manner 1111-liated into thc mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The Reverend Bro . Match , in a beautiful style , gave thc all-important charge to thc ncwly-initiatcd brethren . Some important private business having been disposed of , the brethren separated after the lodge was closed , partaking of > a slight refreshment after labour . A very large number of visitors were present .
PROVINCIAL . WARRINGTON . —Lo no K OF LIGHTS ( No . 148 ) . —Thc regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , thc 26 th ult . Thc W . M ., Dr . John Bowes , P . M ., P . Z ., Past Prov . G . Reg . Cumberland and Westmorland , was supported by Bros . W . II . Robinson , S . W . ; Thomas Tunstall , J . W . ; Jos . Pickthall , S . W . ; John R . Young ,
[ . D . j C . E . Hindley , I . G . ; W . Sharp , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Mossop , P . M ., Prov . G . Steward ; W . Richardson , P . M ., W . M . No . 1250 ; G . A . Clark , John Dimmelow , Charles Crosier , J . W . No . 1230 ; W . Crompton , Jabez G . Hughes , Mos . Jones , John Armstrong , James Hannah , Tyler . Visitors ;—Bros . P . J . Edelsten , M . W . 1134 ; J . R . Tomlinson , W . M . -568 ; J . W . Sanders , 1219 ; J . H . Galloway ,
1250 . The lodge was opened in due form with prayer , when thc minutes of the previous meeting were read and declared to bc correctly recorded . Thc lodge was opened in thc Second Degree , when Bro . James Paterson claimed advancement , and having sustained liis claim was entrusted . On re-admission Bro . Paterson was raised to the Sublime Degree in ample form by the W . M ., thc working tools
being explained by the S . W . Thc lodge was closed down to thc First Degree , when thc following gentlemen , who had already been approved , were separately introduced and initiated by thc W . M ., viz ., Messrs . S . E . Johnson , A . Peake , and B . L . Pierpoint . Bro . Robt . Vawscr , CE . and Thos . Sutton were proposed as joining members , and a gentleman as a fit and proper person . The lodge was closed in
perfect harmony . GARSTON . —LoiiciK or HARMONY ( NO . 220 ) . —There is no more popular suburban lodge in thc neighbourhood of Liverpool than the old "Harmony , " and its annual summer festival meeting is , therefore , always enjoyed with the greatest zest . That for 1875 was no exception , and although there was a little hitch in the even tcnour of the
afternoon s proceedings , owing to an unexpected delay , everything passed off smoothl y and pleasantly . The annual meeting took place on Wednesday , thc 28 th ult ., at thc Gartston Hotel , Garston , a few miles from Liverpool , where thc lodge was opened by the retiring Worshipful Master , Bro . John Evans , who was supported by thc following oflicers and brethren : Bros . J . W . Baker ,
P . M . ; Dr . J . V . Worthington , I . P . M . ; W . [ ones , P . M . ; II . ( ones , P . M . ; C . Lccdiiam . P . M . ; | . Hughes , S . W . ; T . 11 . Tellelt , J . W . ; W . S . Vines , P . M ., Treas . ; 0 . Humphreys , P . M . 1013 , Sec . ; J . Clark , Org . ; J . Tickle , I . G . ; J . Tewkesbury , S . ; W . Pi ice , S . ; J . Hobiusmi , Tyler ; M . A . Lovelailj-, \ V . (/ nest , \ V . Morrison , A . Sharpies , W . Lawson , S . Chambers , T . Waiuwrighl , II . Hatch , R .
Pink , J . Robinson , 1 * . Ralclilfe , J . T . Bullock , J . Cave , J . Jarvis , J . Thompson , W . Newall , and W . Troiighlon . The visitors present were Bros . II . Davies , 1 * 55 6 ; W . G . Sharpc , I . G . loSfi ; T . Roberts , S . W . 673 ; W . " G . Veale , Org . 135 6 ; IL Burrows , J . W . 6 73 ; C . Leighton , P . M . 1035 ; J . Bramham , 1298 ; T . K . Hughes , P . M . 1013 ; and W . T . May , 6 73 and 1393 . As the the closing act of
his year of oflice , Bro . J . Evans , W . M ., initiated Messrs . Croft and Crowther into thc mysteries of the Order in a very efficient manner . The chair was then taken by Bro . J . W . Baker , P . M ., who installed Bro . John Hughes as thc W . M . of the lodge in Ihe masterly style so well known in the province . The following officers were subsequently invested : Bros . J . Evans , I . P . M . ; T . B . Tellctt , S . W . ;
S . Tickle , J . W . ; W . S . Vines , P . M ., Treasurer ; C . Humphreys , P . M . 1013 , Secretary ; J . Tewkesbury , S . D . ; G . Price , J . D . ; W . Lawson , I . G . ; James Robinson , S . S . ; A . Sharpies , J . S . ; and J . Robinson , Tyler . Thc brethren afterwards hanquctted , and as many had to return to town , the after dinner loyal and Masonic toasts were given briefly but pointedly by the W . M . and other brethren .
RADCLIFFE . —LOIXIF . oi * FAITH ( NO . 344 ) . —On Wednesday morning , the 28 th ult ., a party of the brethren belonging to the . Lodge of Faith , 3 ^ 4 , with their wives and friends , numbering altogether about thirty , left thc Bull ' s Head Inn , RndclilTc , ( East Lancashire ) , in an omnibus to which was attached four greys , for Altrincham and Tatton Park , proceeding by way of Cheetham
Hill , where they changed horses . The subsequent route was via Chester Road , through Stretfnrd , where a short stoppage wns made at the house of Urn , Edwards . Tiny then drove na In the Unirnrn at Alirinrham , where an excellent lunch awaited them , and which was thoroughly enjojed . After spending an hour <* r two in the vicinity of Altrincham , they proceeded to Ta' . ton Park , by
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
way of Rosterne Merc and Rosterne Old Church , which was visited by part of the company , and an inspection made of thc memorials of the Egerton family , and which , as works of art , arc said to be some of thc finest in England . From the churchyard one of thc finest views in the vicinity of Manchester is to bc obtained , embracing the Mere , the Downs , and the village of Bowdon . The party
continued its journey to Patton Park , and having obtained permission to inspect thc gardens and grounds , they spent a few hours there both profitably and pleasantly . About four o ' clock the party returned to dinner at thc Unicorn Inn , at Altrincham , after partaking of which , another hour or two was spent in social enjoyment , and some very good songs were sung and recitations given .
DALION . —BALDWIN- LOOOF . ( NO . 1398 ) . — I he members of thc Baldwin Lodge met in the Castle , Dalton , on Thursday , thc 29 th ult ., for the purpose of installing thc Worshipful Master , and investing thc oflicers for the ensuing twelve months . Bro . Francis Henry Clark was duly elected and installed as Worshipful Master by Bro . R . Pearson , I . P . M . 9 ( 1 * 5 , and Provincial Grand Registrar of West
Lancashire , in a very able and impressive manner , for which Bro . Pearson is so well and deservedly famed . Bro . Clark afterwards invested his officers as follows for the ensuing year : —Bros . F . Bell , Senior Warden ; John Walton , Junior Warden ; J . Postlcthwaitc . I . P . M . ; R . Hosking , Treas . ; R . Blake , Sec . ; Rev . J . M . Morgan , Chaplain ; T . Grieve , Org . ; W . Dalzell , Senior Deacon ;
C . Godby , Junior Deacon ; F . Atkinson , I . G . ; T . II . Hosking and A . Grade , Stewards . There was a considerable number of members and visiting brethren present . After the interesting ceremony had been gone through the brethren retired to thc house of Bro . Bell , Wellington Hotel , to partake of thc banquet , and amongst those present we noticed the following , in addition to thc officers
aforenamed : —Members of 1398—Bros . [ . Garden , P . Wurzburger , W . II . Fox , T . " Tremlath , E . B . Mitchell , J . T . Lawn , R . Townley , J . T . Scott , A . Slater , and J . Hardy . Bros . R . Pearson , I . P . M . 995 , and P . G . R . ; II . Purdue , Ranelagh Lodge , 834 , London . Bros . M . Haslam , W . M . ; R . T . Taylor , S . W . ; Jos . Huartson , J . W . ; R . A . Brooke , P . M . 774 ; all of Hartington Lodge , 1021 , Barrow . Bros .
H . Pickavancc , W . M . ; James Hunter , J . W . ; J . Bland , M . M ., of Hindpool Lodge , 122 , *; . Bros . H . Waiting , Sec , Whitwell Lodge , 1390 , Millom . After all had done justice to thc really splendid and ample spread provided by Bro . Bell , who seems on every occasion to excel his past efforts to please ( if it were possible to do ) , thc W . M . gave the first toast , " The Queen , " after which the " National
Anthem " was sung . Next followed the toast of " The Grand Master , H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Grand Lodge Officers , " with honours . Bro . Blake was next called upon for a recitation , entitled "The Accepted Mason , " which was rendered in his usual effective style , followed by thc toast of " The Provincial Grand Lodge Officers . " The W . M . in all cases commented in
appropriate terms on the various persons connected with the toasts , this one being coupled with the name of Bro . Pearson , I . P . M ., who replied to thc same . Bro . Purdue being called upon , responded in a very pleasing manner with the song " 'Tis but a Little Faded Flower . " Bro . Poslethwaite , I . P . M ., in proposing the next toast , " The Worshipful Master of Baldwin Lodge , " spoke very highly
of Bro . Clarke ' s abilities as an efficient officer , who had laboured hard in thc cause of Masonry , and fully deserved the high honour that day conferred upon him . This was followed by Bro . E . B . Mitchell ' s song , " Thc Rhine Wine . " Bro . Clarke , in repl ying to thc toast , thanking all for the honour conferred upon him , said he would take that opportunity of presenting to Bro . Poslethwaite , on behalf of
thc lodge , a Past Master's jewel , as a token of the high esteem in which he is held by the brethren , and for the very efficient manner in which he had conducted thc business of the lodge during his term of office , hoping that he would bc long spared to wear the same . This was followed by the hearty approval of the brethren in the usual Masonic style of applause .
Duet , "Pining Away , " by Bro . Waller Bell and Bro . Purdue , which was exceedingly well rendered . Bro . Poslethwaite responded in feeling terms to the kindness of the brethren , expressing his regret that business engagements had prevented him from doing as much in the lodge as he could have wished . Bro . Whiteside , I . P . M ., proposed thc toast of Past Oflicers in lilting and highly
complimentary terms , which was responded to by Bro . 1-. Bell , S . W ., followed by a song , " The Union Jack of O'd England , " by Bro . Jos . Huartson , J . W . 1021 , in lhat happy and effective manner lor which he is so deservedly noted . " The Installing Master " was ably responded to by Bro . Pearson , who , in thanking the brethren for the honour done him , said it was always a labour of love
for him to take an active part in Masonry , and especially in thc Baldwin Lodge , for he had taken so active a part in its formation that he should always feel very interested in the lodge . He urged at some length that greatest of all Masonic virtues , "charity , " commending to the notice of thc brethren those grand and noble institutions for the destitute and needy of the Order , which had been so blessed
in their p hilanthropic endeavours to relieve and assist the children and widows of Masons , and strongly urged them to ever have their claims in view , and heaitily respond to the calls uprn them for our sympathy and support . Song , "The Englishman , " by Bro . J . Huartson , followed by the toast of " The Clerical Brethren , " coupled with the name of Uro . Rev . J . M . Morgan , Provincial Grand Chaplain , when the W . M . expressed the high honour we ought to
feel in having so many provincial Grand Lodge Oflicers amongst us as membtrs of our local lodges . Bro . Morgan replied in his usual worthy and appropriate style , giving much valuable and instructive information to the brethren , and strongly supporting Bro . Pearson in his remrrks , urging upon the brethren to always give snch noble institution's their best support , as they were some of Ihe great ornamcr . ts cf our Order . ' * The Visiting Brethren " was