Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF HERTFORDSHIRE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ncxt given , coupled with the name of Bro . Brooke , I . P . M ., who responded . Thus thc programme of one of thc most pleasant ceremonies and proceedings was brought to a close , in a manner highly satisfactory to all who had thc pleasure of being present . GREAT STANMORE . —AHEHCORN- Louc . i- ( No . 1549 ) . —The first regular meeting of this ncwly-consccratcd
lodge was held on the Oth ult ., which promises well for future prosperity . The lodge was opened at 4 . 30 by the W . M ., Bro . It . Helsdon , P . M . 733 , with solemn prayer . Thc minutes of thc previous meetings having been read and confirmed , the ballot wns unanimously takcn'in favour of Mr . R . Beet and Mr . II . W . Swatton , of Bushey , and also of Mr . J . Felton , of Stanmore , and they were separately
initiated to thc end ol the obligation by Bro . C . Veal , P . M . 889 , P . G . S . D . Surrey , who , as I Ion . Secretary , and founder of thc lodge , was honoured with this portion of thc first ceremony , the conclusion , with the explanation of the working tools , being taken by Ihe W . M ., and great impression was evidently made by their efficient performance . Thc ballot was also unanimously taken in favour of Bro .
William Boydell as a joining member . Three new candidates and one joining member having been announced for thc next meeting , thc W . M . gave instructions for a lodge of emergency on the first Tuesday in August , at 3 p . m . The usual business was then disposed of , and the lodge duly closed , the brethren adjourning to a satisfactory banquet , provided by mine host , Bio . Veal , and thc evening was
finished most harmoniously . At thc ceremony of consecration we must record the omission of a letter having been read from thc S . G . W ., Bro . the Marquis of Hamilton ( from whose family the lodge takes its title ) , regretting his inability to attend , and his lordship was thereupon unanimously voted an honorary member of the lodge . The lodge-room is . very effectively arranged , thc furniture bearing the well-known name of Bro . George Kenning .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
J ERSEY . —ROVAL SUSSEX CIIAPTF . II ( No . 491 ) . —Thc convocation of this chapter , now very prosperous , held on Monday , July 19 th , at thc Masonic Temple , had more than ordinary attractions , for it was selected as a fitting opportunity to acknowledge the long and faithful services of one of its oldest members , Comp . A . Schmitt . Thc chapter was opened by Comps . R . Barrow , Z . ; J . Oatley , P . Z ., as
11 . ; E . Martel , [ . ; supported by Comps . A . Schmitt , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . E . " , E . ; Gen . Thos . C . Kelly , C . B ., N .,-P . W . Benham , P . Z ., Treas . ; P . Binet , P . Z . ; J . O . Le Sueur , Asst . S . E . ; F . P . Le Marquand , P . S . ; and several others . Amongst the visitors were Comps . G . J , Renouf , Z . 590 ; A . Viel , P . Z . 590 ; Jos . O'Flaherty , J . 590 ; Capt . J . Williams , Treas . 224 ; and others . After thc minutes
of the last convocation had been read and confirmed , the M . E . Z . drew the attention of the companions present to thc important fact of presenting a tangible mark of respect and esteem to M . E . Comp . A . Schmitt , P . Prov . G . Sec , P . Prov . G . S . W ., President of the Local Board of General Purposes , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . E ., for his arduous services rendered to the chapter as P . Z ., and also as Scribe E .
Comp . Schmitt has devoted thc best part of his life to our noble institution , and in fulfilling the dulics of S . E . for the last sixteen years , the chapter has thought proper to evince their appreciation of such unwearied zeal and assiduity by presenting that esteemed and honoured companion with a gold jewel ( of Prov . Grand S . E . ) of exquisite beauty . Thc following is the inscription : — " Royal Sussex Chapter ,
NO . 491 . To M . E . Comp . A . Schmitt , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . E ., Ax ., in affectionate recognition of valuable sen ices . —Jersey , July 19 th , 1875 . " After having decorated thc recipient , the M . E . Z . * ndded : —May it please the G . A . O . T . U . to bless you , Comp . Schmitt , with health to enjoy long the esteem of the brethren and the respect ol all good men . And as a proof of the popularitj of that companion , the Yarborough
Chapter , No . 244 , deputed L . Comp . P . W . Benham , P . Z ., to present him with an apron and sash of Past Principal , as a token of their love and respect , in kind acknowledgment of services rendered lo the Yarborough Chapter , as P . Z ., and S . E ., during a long period of years . This last present came quite unexpectedly to Comp . Schmitt , and caused him such an agreeable surprise , that for the moment
it required : \\\ his sell-possession to collect himself , and in thanking the Sussex and Yarborough Chapters for their fraternal and sympathetic kindnesshenssured them that thc memory of this important event would never bc effaced from his mind , that he would still continue for the future , as he had done for thc past , to bc a worker in the busy hive of Masonrv , nnd would use his utmost endeavours in
promoting its best interests , and , after a lengthy speech , concluded by saying that a society encouraging such kindly feelings of love , relief , aud truth , must certainly find an echo in every conscientious mind . At this period of the evening a letter was read from M . E . Comp . W . J . Hughan ( of Truro ) , P . Z ., and P . G . Senior Deacon of England , honorary member of Loilge and Chapter " La Cc ' sarc ' e , "
No . 590 , expressing his high approbation at the judicious course thc Areh | Masoiis of Jersey had manifested in acknowledging the valuable services of his honoured friend , Comp . Schmitt , and staled that il was with the deepest regret that he was debarred from bting an eye-witness to thc ceremony . The letter was ordered to be entered on Iheminutcs of the evening * . Aft .-r the closing of the chapter , the
companions adjourned to the festive board , where plain but . substantial fare was provided . On the removal of the cloth , the M . E . Z . proposed "The Queen and thc Craft , " which was accepted with the utmost loyally , and after the usual Masonic toasts on these occasions , the toasl of the evening , viz ., " Our esteemed Comp ., A . Schmitt , " admirably proposed by ihe Chairman , was received wilh rapturous applause , and feelingly acknow ' edged by Comp . Schmitt .
Royal Arch.
Comp . P . W . Benham proposed a special toast , " Comp . W . J . Hughan , of Truro , " which was received with a thunder of applause , for although that esteemed companion is personally known but to a few in thc province , his writings and literary Masonic works have made him the bosom friend of every Mason . Such demonstration of
friendship and admiration naturally demanded a reply , Com ]) . Schmitt warmly acknowledged the compliment so gracefully paid to his absent friend in justly and deservedly eulogizing thc Masonic worth and literary labours of that distinguished companion . Thc companions separated , highly delighted with thc day ' s proceedings .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW . The quarterly communication of the P . G . Lodge of Glasgow took place on Thursday , thc 29 th ult ., in Freemasons' Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street . Thc P . G . M ., Walter M . Neilson , presided , and , was supported by Bros . F . A . Barrow , D . P . G . M . ; A . McTaggart , P . G . Sec ; W . Bell , acting P . G . S . W . ; G . McDonald , acting P . G . J . W . ;
J . Gillies , P . G . S . D . ; James Balfour , P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; John Fraser , P . G . Assistant Marshal ; W . Phillips , P . G . S . B ., and A . A . Smith , P . G . I . G ., as office-bearers . Among the members of P . Grand Lodge present we noticed the following : —J- B . Macnair , R . W . M . 332 ; Alexander Thomson , R . W . M . -5 ^ 3 ; W . Harper , R . W . M . 408 ; J . Singleton , R . W . M . 178 " ; ' D . Reed , R . W . M . 4 6 . *; ;
John Campbell , R . W . M . 28 ; J . S . Scott , R . W . M . 4195 John Lockhsrt , R . W . M . 510 ; D . M'Lachlane , J . W . 510 ; J . Simpson , J . W . 419 ; ' J . Forsyth , S . W . 333 ; R . Hepburn , J . W . 178 ; D . Peacock , S . W . 117 ; Andrew Angus , | . W . 117 ; D . Ronald , S . W . 275 ; John Mclnnes , S . W . 408 ; [ . Howie , ) . W . 556 ; Robert Gardner , S . W . 178 ; J . B . McNaught , S . W . ^ 6 ; W . Bisland , J . W . 408 ; W ,
Finlay , J . W . 7 * 5 ; J . Clarke , J . W . 4 6 5 ; Colin McKenzie , S . W . 413 ; James Booth , S . W . 87 ; fcc , & c . The meeting was exceedingly well attended . The P . G . Sec . read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed ; as also were the minutes of the P . G . Lodge Committee . Thc business before the meeting was of a miscellaneous
character , thc most important part of it being the resignation of Bro . F . A . Barrow as P . G . D . Master , of which he had previously given notice . Bro . Barrow has had , for a considerable time back , a great deal of work thrown upon him , in consequence of thc duties involved by the numerous offices of importance to which he has been appointed , not the least important of which is that of the
superintendance of thc P . R . A . Chapter of Glasgow , and Bro . W . M . Neilson , P . G . Master for Glasgow , having for a considerable part of the year been unable to attend to his duties as such , through ill-health , these have also devolved upon him . He was , therefore , to some extent justified in his wishing to retire . However , after Bro . Neilson had , in the most humorous and kindly persuasive manner ,
requested Bro . Barrow to reconsider his resolution , he ( Bro . Barrow ) felt that the great love he had for the Order , and his anxiety to see its usefulness and prosperity extended , had caused him to make up his mind to withdraw his resignation for the present , hoping , at thc same time , that the Crait would look out for a suitable successor . He thought he had some claim to seek retirement after fifteen
years' service , rhc next business of importance was lhat ancnta petition from Dramatic Lodge for a charier , which was favourably entertained , and remitted to Grand Lodge for completion . A question of discipline , in reference to some irregularity of a brother , was then satisfactorily settled . This left little business before thc lodge , and it was closed in due and ancient form .
GLASGOW . —CATIIKDUAI . CIIAPTF . II ( NO . 67 ) . —lhis chapter held the regular monthly meeting on the 27 th ult ., in thc Freemasons' Hall , 22 , Struthcrs-strect . Comp . James Duthie , Z ., presided . Among other companions present wc observed Comps . D . Ronald , II . ; J . O . Park , Z . 122 ; J . de Neef , Third Soj . 122 ; J . Scott , II . 122 ; G . B . Adams , s ° ( Freemason ); and others . The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and confirmed . 'I bc M . E . Z . then intimated that he had received a letter from the S . E ., resigning his appointment as S . E . of thc chapter . He said this was an unfortunate occurence so close upon the annual election of office-bearers . Comp . Ronald suggested that Comp . Mason , S . N ., might possibly be able to undertake the duties of S . E ., in addition to those ol his own
office , until the annual election . Comp . Mason not being present , Comps . Duthie and Sloan offered to wait upon him with a view to secure his services . Com ]) . Duthie said that , in Ihe eient of both duties being too much for Comp . Mason , he himself would bc most happy lo assist him in any way . This was met with a hearty vote of thanks from thc companions present , and satisfied them that the
work of thc chapter would be efficiently carried through . Alter sonic other general business was got through , the chapter was called to harmony , when a pleasant and profitable hour was spent by the companions assembled . The chapter was then closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —Loncii : CLYDE ( NO . 408 ) . —A special meeting of this lodge took place on the 28 th ult ., in the "MasonicHall , 170 , Buchanan-street , for the dispatch ol
business . Thc meeting was very well attended ; among others were the R . W . M ., W . Harper ; Bros . John Mclnnes , S . W .-, William Bisland , * . W . ; [ . Gordon , D . M . ; D . Downie , P . M . ; J . 13 . Macnair , R . W . M . 332 ; J . M . Oliver , S . W . 3 O 0 ; G . B . Adams , 3 G 0 ( Freemason ) , etc . iVc . The R . W . M ., who was suddenly called away upon pressing emergency , requested Bro . T . Gordon , D . M ., to take the chair and carry on the business before the lodge ,
which he performed in an able and satisfactory manner An application from Mr . Donald McBain for admittance into the Order was laid before the lodge , and met with approval . The First Degree was given to him in a full arid able manner by Bro . Gordon ; as he will shortly have to
proceed abroad , it was agreed to give him thc F . C . Degree also , his instructors having agreed to get him prepared to receive thc M . M . Degree at the ncxt regular meeting- 0 f the lodge . Thc lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
GLASGOW . —CoiiMF . nciAi . CIIAPTEH ( No . 79 ) . —The monthly meeting of this chapter was held in the Freemasons'Hall , 30 , Hope-street , on thc 30 th ult . Comp . J . Brodie , M . E . Z ., presided , and was supported by Comps . ' [ . Duthie , M . E . Z . 67 ; " J . M . Oliver , acting S . E . ; j . Crabb , P . Z . 50 ; E . B . Adams , 50 ; R . Brodie , 79 , and others . The meeting was well attended although not
large . The minutes of thc previous meeting were read and confirmed . Thc principal business before the chapterwns a motion by Comp . J . Mourn , S . E ., seconded by Comp . ) . M . Oliver , H ., viz ., " That thc bye-laws bc altered as follows , —That the office-bearers meet annually on thc second Friday of August to select for nomination their successors in ofHce , so as to enable them to lay
thc names of the companions so selected before thc regular meeting of the chapter in August ; the companions so recommended , and any others that may then be duly proposed and seconded , will be held as nominated . In the event of more than one candidate being nominated for one office , thc one commanding thc majority of votes shall be declared duly elected . " This was unanimously agreed
to , and the chapter was closed in usual form . GLASGOW . —Tn F . TIS CIIAPTEH ( NO . 122 ) . —Thc regular meeting of this chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , 35 , St . James-street , Kingstown , on the 26 th ult . The meeting was well attended for thc season of thc year . Comp . J . O . Park , M . E . Z . ( who was well supported and assisted throughout the evening by Com ]) . J . Duthie ,
M . E . Z . of Chapter 67 ) , presided , and conducted the business of the evening . Among others present wc observed Comps . Qui glay , S . E ., in his own place ; J . Scott , H . ; A . McFariane , N . ; John Hampton , ofthe Kimberley Concord Chapter , No . 153 , South Africa ; J . dc Neef , acting ist Soj . ; G . B . Adams , acting 2 nd Soj ., eVc , etc . A lodge of Mark Masters was opened , when the minutes of last
meeting were read and confirmed . Applications for further advancement in Freemasonry were read from Bros . Robt . W . Mcrriam and Herman Wilhelm Strahlendorff , their proposers ami seconders being Comps . Park , Dobie , J dc Neef , and Wilson . Thc applications being approved of , the two brothers received the Mark Master Degree ; the lodge was then raised to that of Most Excellent , when that
degree was conferred upon them , after which a R . A . Chapter was held , and they were admitted companions of thc R . A . A vote of thanks to Comp . Duthie for his able assistance brought thc business of the veiling to a close . Comp . Hampton , who took gre . it interest in tbe ceremony , will , no doubt , carry away with him to South Africa a pleasant recollection of thc night ' s proceedings .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertfordshire.
Thc annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire was held on Wednesday , 28 th July , at the Town Hall , St . Alban ' s , under the banner of the I lalscy Lodge , No . 1479 . The R . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master , presided . He was supported
by about seventy brethren . Among those present we noticed M . W . Bros . II . C . Finch , P . G ! Reg . ; W . Wilson , P . G . J . W . ; T . S . Carter , P . G . S . D . ; E . Lacey , P . G . S . D . ; F . H . Wilson-Iles , P . G . Sec . '; the Rev . Lewis beetles , P . G . Chaplain ; J . Terry , P . G . D . C . ; M . llevwood , P . G . Org .-, II . Campkin , and E . R . P . Francis , P . G . Stewards ; J . H . Cocks , P . P . G . J . W . ; S . Austin , P . P . G ., Sup . Wks . ; W . II .
Rowe , P . P . G . Sup . Wks . ; It . A . Wright , P . M ., 504 , P . P . G . S . D . ; W . Cutbush , P . P . G . Sup . Wks . ; ) . Lcwthcn , I . P . M . 1479 ; Laxton , W . M . 404 ; li . Paliu / W . M . 404 ; Hayward Edwards , W . M . 1 * 585 ; J . l \ rriott , S . D . 1479 ; G . Askew , W . M . 1479 . Prov . Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and the
minutes of thc last P . G . Lodge held at Hertford were read and confirmed . The accounts presented hy Bro . A . J . Copc-lanc 1 , P . G . Treas ., were passed . The P . G . Lodge Laws were then considered and adopted . The following appointments were then made by the P . G . Master : —
J . Sedgwick , P . M . 404 ( rc-npp . ) D . Prov . G . M . . J . Lowthin , P . M . 1479 P . G . S . W . J . Copestick , W . M . 86 9 P . G . J . W . Rev . Burchell Heine , 404 P . G . Chap . Rev . C . li . Mayo , S 6 9 P . G . Chap . F . II . Wilson-lies , P . M . 404 ( rc-npp . ) P . G . Sec . A . J . Copeland , P . M . 404 ( re-app . ) ... P . G . Treas .
E . Palin , W . M . 404 P . G . S . D . J . W . J . Gifford , W . M . 409 P . G . J . D . Haywprd Edwards , W . M . 138 * 5 P . G . Sup . Wks . J . Terry , P . M . ( re-app . ) . ' P . G . Dir . Cer . Young , 1327 P . G . Ass . Dir . Cer . Paterson , 138 . *; P . G . Org . Yolland , 138 . - ; ' P . G . S . B . Laxton , W . M . 1504 P . G . Purst .
Godson , 1479 ; J . N . Edwards , 1479 ; Blenkinsop , 504 ; Sheldon , 1327 ; Foster , 504 ; Gilbert , 1327 P . G . Stewards . Thomas , 404 ( re-app . ) P . G . Tyler . Wright , 403 ( re-app . ) P . G . Tyler . The following sums were voted from the P . tj- Lodge Funds : — £ 20 to the Buys' School , £ 10 lo the St . Alban's Abb = y Restoration Fund , £ _ each to Bros . Wilsou-Ues and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ncxt given , coupled with the name of Bro . Brooke , I . P . M ., who responded . Thus thc programme of one of thc most pleasant ceremonies and proceedings was brought to a close , in a manner highly satisfactory to all who had thc pleasure of being present . GREAT STANMORE . —AHEHCORN- Louc . i- ( No . 1549 ) . —The first regular meeting of this ncwly-consccratcd
lodge was held on the Oth ult ., which promises well for future prosperity . The lodge was opened at 4 . 30 by the W . M ., Bro . It . Helsdon , P . M . 733 , with solemn prayer . Thc minutes of thc previous meetings having been read and confirmed , the ballot wns unanimously takcn'in favour of Mr . R . Beet and Mr . II . W . Swatton , of Bushey , and also of Mr . J . Felton , of Stanmore , and they were separately
initiated to thc end ol the obligation by Bro . C . Veal , P . M . 889 , P . G . S . D . Surrey , who , as I Ion . Secretary , and founder of thc lodge , was honoured with this portion of thc first ceremony , the conclusion , with the explanation of the working tools , being taken by Ihe W . M ., and great impression was evidently made by their efficient performance . Thc ballot was also unanimously taken in favour of Bro .
William Boydell as a joining member . Three new candidates and one joining member having been announced for thc next meeting , thc W . M . gave instructions for a lodge of emergency on the first Tuesday in August , at 3 p . m . The usual business was then disposed of , and the lodge duly closed , the brethren adjourning to a satisfactory banquet , provided by mine host , Bio . Veal , and thc evening was
finished most harmoniously . At thc ceremony of consecration we must record the omission of a letter having been read from thc S . G . W ., Bro . the Marquis of Hamilton ( from whose family the lodge takes its title ) , regretting his inability to attend , and his lordship was thereupon unanimously voted an honorary member of the lodge . The lodge-room is . very effectively arranged , thc furniture bearing the well-known name of Bro . George Kenning .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
J ERSEY . —ROVAL SUSSEX CIIAPTF . II ( No . 491 ) . —Thc convocation of this chapter , now very prosperous , held on Monday , July 19 th , at thc Masonic Temple , had more than ordinary attractions , for it was selected as a fitting opportunity to acknowledge the long and faithful services of one of its oldest members , Comp . A . Schmitt . Thc chapter was opened by Comps . R . Barrow , Z . ; J . Oatley , P . Z ., as
11 . ; E . Martel , [ . ; supported by Comps . A . Schmitt , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . E . " , E . ; Gen . Thos . C . Kelly , C . B ., N .,-P . W . Benham , P . Z ., Treas . ; P . Binet , P . Z . ; J . O . Le Sueur , Asst . S . E . ; F . P . Le Marquand , P . S . ; and several others . Amongst the visitors were Comps . G . J , Renouf , Z . 590 ; A . Viel , P . Z . 590 ; Jos . O'Flaherty , J . 590 ; Capt . J . Williams , Treas . 224 ; and others . After thc minutes
of the last convocation had been read and confirmed , the M . E . Z . drew the attention of the companions present to thc important fact of presenting a tangible mark of respect and esteem to M . E . Comp . A . Schmitt , P . Prov . G . Sec , P . Prov . G . S . W ., President of the Local Board of General Purposes , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . E ., for his arduous services rendered to the chapter as P . Z ., and also as Scribe E .
Comp . Schmitt has devoted thc best part of his life to our noble institution , and in fulfilling the dulics of S . E . for the last sixteen years , the chapter has thought proper to evince their appreciation of such unwearied zeal and assiduity by presenting that esteemed and honoured companion with a gold jewel ( of Prov . Grand S . E . ) of exquisite beauty . Thc following is the inscription : — " Royal Sussex Chapter ,
NO . 491 . To M . E . Comp . A . Schmitt , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . E ., Ax ., in affectionate recognition of valuable sen ices . —Jersey , July 19 th , 1875 . " After having decorated thc recipient , the M . E . Z . * ndded : —May it please the G . A . O . T . U . to bless you , Comp . Schmitt , with health to enjoy long the esteem of the brethren and the respect ol all good men . And as a proof of the popularitj of that companion , the Yarborough
Chapter , No . 244 , deputed L . Comp . P . W . Benham , P . Z ., to present him with an apron and sash of Past Principal , as a token of their love and respect , in kind acknowledgment of services rendered lo the Yarborough Chapter , as P . Z ., and S . E ., during a long period of years . This last present came quite unexpectedly to Comp . Schmitt , and caused him such an agreeable surprise , that for the moment
it required : \\\ his sell-possession to collect himself , and in thanking the Sussex and Yarborough Chapters for their fraternal and sympathetic kindnesshenssured them that thc memory of this important event would never bc effaced from his mind , that he would still continue for the future , as he had done for thc past , to bc a worker in the busy hive of Masonrv , nnd would use his utmost endeavours in
promoting its best interests , and , after a lengthy speech , concluded by saying that a society encouraging such kindly feelings of love , relief , aud truth , must certainly find an echo in every conscientious mind . At this period of the evening a letter was read from M . E . Comp . W . J . Hughan ( of Truro ) , P . Z ., and P . G . Senior Deacon of England , honorary member of Loilge and Chapter " La Cc ' sarc ' e , "
No . 590 , expressing his high approbation at the judicious course thc Areh | Masoiis of Jersey had manifested in acknowledging the valuable services of his honoured friend , Comp . Schmitt , and staled that il was with the deepest regret that he was debarred from bting an eye-witness to thc ceremony . The letter was ordered to be entered on Iheminutcs of the evening * . Aft .-r the closing of the chapter , the
companions adjourned to the festive board , where plain but . substantial fare was provided . On the removal of the cloth , the M . E . Z . proposed "The Queen and thc Craft , " which was accepted with the utmost loyally , and after the usual Masonic toasts on these occasions , the toasl of the evening , viz ., " Our esteemed Comp ., A . Schmitt , " admirably proposed by ihe Chairman , was received wilh rapturous applause , and feelingly acknow ' edged by Comp . Schmitt .
Royal Arch.
Comp . P . W . Benham proposed a special toast , " Comp . W . J . Hughan , of Truro , " which was received with a thunder of applause , for although that esteemed companion is personally known but to a few in thc province , his writings and literary Masonic works have made him the bosom friend of every Mason . Such demonstration of
friendship and admiration naturally demanded a reply , Com ]) . Schmitt warmly acknowledged the compliment so gracefully paid to his absent friend in justly and deservedly eulogizing thc Masonic worth and literary labours of that distinguished companion . Thc companions separated , highly delighted with thc day ' s proceedings .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW . The quarterly communication of the P . G . Lodge of Glasgow took place on Thursday , thc 29 th ult ., in Freemasons' Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street . Thc P . G . M ., Walter M . Neilson , presided , and , was supported by Bros . F . A . Barrow , D . P . G . M . ; A . McTaggart , P . G . Sec ; W . Bell , acting P . G . S . W . ; G . McDonald , acting P . G . J . W . ;
J . Gillies , P . G . S . D . ; James Balfour , P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; John Fraser , P . G . Assistant Marshal ; W . Phillips , P . G . S . B ., and A . A . Smith , P . G . I . G ., as office-bearers . Among the members of P . Grand Lodge present we noticed the following : —J- B . Macnair , R . W . M . 332 ; Alexander Thomson , R . W . M . -5 ^ 3 ; W . Harper , R . W . M . 408 ; J . Singleton , R . W . M . 178 " ; ' D . Reed , R . W . M . 4 6 . *; ;
John Campbell , R . W . M . 28 ; J . S . Scott , R . W . M . 4195 John Lockhsrt , R . W . M . 510 ; D . M'Lachlane , J . W . 510 ; J . Simpson , J . W . 419 ; ' J . Forsyth , S . W . 333 ; R . Hepburn , J . W . 178 ; D . Peacock , S . W . 117 ; Andrew Angus , | . W . 117 ; D . Ronald , S . W . 275 ; John Mclnnes , S . W . 408 ; [ . Howie , ) . W . 556 ; Robert Gardner , S . W . 178 ; J . B . McNaught , S . W . ^ 6 ; W . Bisland , J . W . 408 ; W ,
Finlay , J . W . 7 * 5 ; J . Clarke , J . W . 4 6 5 ; Colin McKenzie , S . W . 413 ; James Booth , S . W . 87 ; fcc , & c . The meeting was exceedingly well attended . The P . G . Sec . read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed ; as also were the minutes of the P . G . Lodge Committee . Thc business before the meeting was of a miscellaneous
character , thc most important part of it being the resignation of Bro . F . A . Barrow as P . G . D . Master , of which he had previously given notice . Bro . Barrow has had , for a considerable time back , a great deal of work thrown upon him , in consequence of thc duties involved by the numerous offices of importance to which he has been appointed , not the least important of which is that of the
superintendance of thc P . R . A . Chapter of Glasgow , and Bro . W . M . Neilson , P . G . Master for Glasgow , having for a considerable part of the year been unable to attend to his duties as such , through ill-health , these have also devolved upon him . He was , therefore , to some extent justified in his wishing to retire . However , after Bro . Neilson had , in the most humorous and kindly persuasive manner ,
requested Bro . Barrow to reconsider his resolution , he ( Bro . Barrow ) felt that the great love he had for the Order , and his anxiety to see its usefulness and prosperity extended , had caused him to make up his mind to withdraw his resignation for the present , hoping , at thc same time , that the Crait would look out for a suitable successor . He thought he had some claim to seek retirement after fifteen
years' service , rhc next business of importance was lhat ancnta petition from Dramatic Lodge for a charier , which was favourably entertained , and remitted to Grand Lodge for completion . A question of discipline , in reference to some irregularity of a brother , was then satisfactorily settled . This left little business before thc lodge , and it was closed in due and ancient form .
GLASGOW . —CATIIKDUAI . CIIAPTF . II ( NO . 67 ) . —lhis chapter held the regular monthly meeting on the 27 th ult ., in thc Freemasons' Hall , 22 , Struthcrs-strect . Comp . James Duthie , Z ., presided . Among other companions present wc observed Comps . D . Ronald , II . ; J . O . Park , Z . 122 ; J . de Neef , Third Soj . 122 ; J . Scott , II . 122 ; G . B . Adams , s ° ( Freemason ); and others . The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and confirmed . 'I bc M . E . Z . then intimated that he had received a letter from the S . E ., resigning his appointment as S . E . of thc chapter . He said this was an unfortunate occurence so close upon the annual election of office-bearers . Comp . Ronald suggested that Comp . Mason , S . N ., might possibly be able to undertake the duties of S . E ., in addition to those ol his own
office , until the annual election . Comp . Mason not being present , Comps . Duthie and Sloan offered to wait upon him with a view to secure his services . Com ]) . Duthie said that , in Ihe eient of both duties being too much for Comp . Mason , he himself would bc most happy lo assist him in any way . This was met with a hearty vote of thanks from thc companions present , and satisfied them that the
work of thc chapter would be efficiently carried through . Alter sonic other general business was got through , the chapter was called to harmony , when a pleasant and profitable hour was spent by the companions assembled . The chapter was then closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —Loncii : CLYDE ( NO . 408 ) . —A special meeting of this lodge took place on the 28 th ult ., in the "MasonicHall , 170 , Buchanan-street , for the dispatch ol
business . Thc meeting was very well attended ; among others were the R . W . M ., W . Harper ; Bros . John Mclnnes , S . W .-, William Bisland , * . W . ; [ . Gordon , D . M . ; D . Downie , P . M . ; J . 13 . Macnair , R . W . M . 332 ; J . M . Oliver , S . W . 3 O 0 ; G . B . Adams , 3 G 0 ( Freemason ) , etc . iVc . The R . W . M ., who was suddenly called away upon pressing emergency , requested Bro . T . Gordon , D . M ., to take the chair and carry on the business before the lodge ,
which he performed in an able and satisfactory manner An application from Mr . Donald McBain for admittance into the Order was laid before the lodge , and met with approval . The First Degree was given to him in a full arid able manner by Bro . Gordon ; as he will shortly have to
proceed abroad , it was agreed to give him thc F . C . Degree also , his instructors having agreed to get him prepared to receive thc M . M . Degree at the ncxt regular meeting- 0 f the lodge . Thc lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
GLASGOW . —CoiiMF . nciAi . CIIAPTEH ( No . 79 ) . —The monthly meeting of this chapter was held in the Freemasons'Hall , 30 , Hope-street , on thc 30 th ult . Comp . J . Brodie , M . E . Z ., presided , and was supported by Comps . ' [ . Duthie , M . E . Z . 67 ; " J . M . Oliver , acting S . E . ; j . Crabb , P . Z . 50 ; E . B . Adams , 50 ; R . Brodie , 79 , and others . The meeting was well attended although not
large . The minutes of thc previous meeting were read and confirmed . Thc principal business before the chapterwns a motion by Comp . J . Mourn , S . E ., seconded by Comp . ) . M . Oliver , H ., viz ., " That thc bye-laws bc altered as follows , —That the office-bearers meet annually on thc second Friday of August to select for nomination their successors in ofHce , so as to enable them to lay
thc names of the companions so selected before thc regular meeting of the chapter in August ; the companions so recommended , and any others that may then be duly proposed and seconded , will be held as nominated . In the event of more than one candidate being nominated for one office , thc one commanding thc majority of votes shall be declared duly elected . " This was unanimously agreed
to , and the chapter was closed in usual form . GLASGOW . —Tn F . TIS CIIAPTEH ( NO . 122 ) . —Thc regular meeting of this chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , 35 , St . James-street , Kingstown , on the 26 th ult . The meeting was well attended for thc season of thc year . Comp . J . O . Park , M . E . Z . ( who was well supported and assisted throughout the evening by Com ]) . J . Duthie ,
M . E . Z . of Chapter 67 ) , presided , and conducted the business of the evening . Among others present wc observed Comps . Qui glay , S . E ., in his own place ; J . Scott , H . ; A . McFariane , N . ; John Hampton , ofthe Kimberley Concord Chapter , No . 153 , South Africa ; J . dc Neef , acting ist Soj . ; G . B . Adams , acting 2 nd Soj ., eVc , etc . A lodge of Mark Masters was opened , when the minutes of last
meeting were read and confirmed . Applications for further advancement in Freemasonry were read from Bros . Robt . W . Mcrriam and Herman Wilhelm Strahlendorff , their proposers ami seconders being Comps . Park , Dobie , J dc Neef , and Wilson . Thc applications being approved of , the two brothers received the Mark Master Degree ; the lodge was then raised to that of Most Excellent , when that
degree was conferred upon them , after which a R . A . Chapter was held , and they were admitted companions of thc R . A . A vote of thanks to Comp . Duthie for his able assistance brought thc business of the veiling to a close . Comp . Hampton , who took gre . it interest in tbe ceremony , will , no doubt , carry away with him to South Africa a pleasant recollection of thc night ' s proceedings .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertfordshire.
Thc annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire was held on Wednesday , 28 th July , at the Town Hall , St . Alban ' s , under the banner of the I lalscy Lodge , No . 1479 . The R . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master , presided . He was supported
by about seventy brethren . Among those present we noticed M . W . Bros . II . C . Finch , P . G ! Reg . ; W . Wilson , P . G . J . W . ; T . S . Carter , P . G . S . D . ; E . Lacey , P . G . S . D . ; F . H . Wilson-Iles , P . G . Sec . '; the Rev . Lewis beetles , P . G . Chaplain ; J . Terry , P . G . D . C . ; M . llevwood , P . G . Org .-, II . Campkin , and E . R . P . Francis , P . G . Stewards ; J . H . Cocks , P . P . G . J . W . ; S . Austin , P . P . G ., Sup . Wks . ; W . II .
Rowe , P . P . G . Sup . Wks . ; It . A . Wright , P . M ., 504 , P . P . G . S . D . ; W . Cutbush , P . P . G . Sup . Wks . ; ) . Lcwthcn , I . P . M . 1479 ; Laxton , W . M . 404 ; li . Paliu / W . M . 404 ; Hayward Edwards , W . M . 1 * 585 ; J . l \ rriott , S . D . 1479 ; G . Askew , W . M . 1479 . Prov . Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and the
minutes of thc last P . G . Lodge held at Hertford were read and confirmed . The accounts presented hy Bro . A . J . Copc-lanc 1 , P . G . Treas ., were passed . The P . G . Lodge Laws were then considered and adopted . The following appointments were then made by the P . G . Master : —
J . Sedgwick , P . M . 404 ( rc-npp . ) D . Prov . G . M . . J . Lowthin , P . M . 1479 P . G . S . W . J . Copestick , W . M . 86 9 P . G . J . W . Rev . Burchell Heine , 404 P . G . Chap . Rev . C . li . Mayo , S 6 9 P . G . Chap . F . II . Wilson-lies , P . M . 404 ( rc-npp . ) P . G . Sec . A . J . Copeland , P . M . 404 ( re-app . ) ... P . G . Treas .
E . Palin , W . M . 404 P . G . S . D . J . W . J . Gifford , W . M . 409 P . G . J . D . Haywprd Edwards , W . M . 138 * 5 P . G . Sup . Wks . J . Terry , P . M . ( re-app . ) . ' P . G . Dir . Cer . Young , 1327 P . G . Ass . Dir . Cer . Paterson , 138 . *; P . G . Org . Yolland , 138 . - ; ' P . G . S . B . Laxton , W . M . 1504 P . G . Purst .
Godson , 1479 ; J . N . Edwards , 1479 ; Blenkinsop , 504 ; Sheldon , 1327 ; Foster , 504 ; Gilbert , 1327 P . G . Stewards . Thomas , 404 ( re-app . ) P . G . Tyler . Wright , 403 ( re-app . ) P . G . Tyler . The following sums were voted from the P . tj- Lodge Funds : — £ 20 to the Buys' School , £ 10 lo the St . Alban's Abb = y Restoration Fund , £ _ each to Bros . Wilsou-Ues and