Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 →
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COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , 1873 . Information wanted of lite Names , Numbers , Place and Days of Meeting of all New Lodges and Chapters consecrated during the Years 1871 and 1872 . Secretaries and others will oblige by forwarding the above to thc Publisher , 198 , Fleet Street , London , E . C .
NOTICE . The Subscription / o THE FREEMASON is now ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth ... ... 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto ; s . 6 d . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d . United States of America . Tun I ' HI-F . MASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 S . per annum , payable in advance .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
All communications for The Freemason should be written legibly 011 line siilc ( if the I ' .-tpcr only , .-mil , if inientle . l lnr insertion in the current number , must bn reci-ivi . il not Liter than 10 o ' clock a . m . on Thursdays , unless in very special cases . The name anilail . lre-s of every writer must be si-lit to u > in conliilcnci :. C . M . —We do not recognise masonic meetings held nn Sundays . Review of " Shakspearc a I ' rectnason , " by I ' to .. ] . C . Parkinson , will appear next week .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , SHTTHMBKR 7 , 1872 . The Freemason i > published mi Saturday Morning .-, in time lor tbe curly train-. The price ot" the I ' lvein . 'o-on i- Twopence per week ; annual Mibi-cviption , io ^ . ' payable in advance , ' All cmiinmnicatiiit ^ , L *! ter > & c , to be addicted to tbe Kditnr , H )* , Fleet-street , K . C . The KditorwiU pay careful attention to all MSS . cnlruMed toliim , but cannot undertake to return them ' . mlcm-accompanied b \ poMage stamp-. .
United Grand Lodge.
Tlie Quarterly Communication to ( irand Lodge , was made on Wednesday evening last , in the Tenijilr , Colonel FKAXCI . S JILKDI . rr , Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex , en the throne .
Grand Lodge was well attended , there being about 200 brethren jiresent . Among the Grand Officers , were the Rev . Sir | . Warren I laves ,
P . G . C . : Horace I . Ioyd , Q . C , President of the Board of General Purposes ; / lj . J . M'Intyre , ( L Reg . : Thos . Fenn , P . A . G . D . C . ; 1 . 1 . Evans , Past President oi" the Board of General
Purposes ; Rev . A . J > . f'Vtiser , G . C . ; II . Browse , P . GD . ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D .: Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg , G . C . ; E . S . Snell , Joshua Nunn , P . G . D . : Conrad C . Dumas , | . M . Clabon ,
C . A . Cottebrttnie , Geo . Cox , P . G . D . : J . Cooper Forster , l ' . G . D . ; W . Pulteney Scott , P . G . D . ; W . Raynham Stewart , P . G . D . ; Major
Creaton , P . G . D . ; S . Leith Tomkins , P . G . D . W . Ough , P . G . P . : T . A . Adams , P . G . P . ; ( os Smith , P . G . P . ; Jas . Brett , P . G . P . : Hyde Clarke P . G . D ., and John llovd , G . P . Bro . John Her
vey , Grand Secretary , also : ¦ , ¦ ' ¦ . ¦¦' .. After the Grand Lod :. - ' - ¦ ¦ 'bnnalh opened , and the minutes rc . i'd , :... I . / ....., Mastei 011 the th . rone directed ( irand Secretary to read the letter which had been received from die representative of this Grand Lodge at the Gram .
United Grand Lodge.
Royal York Lodge of Friendship at Berlin , announcing that upon revision of the laws of that Grand Body , it had resolved in future to initiate Jews and men of all reli g ious denominations .
This was accordingly done , and the letter was directed to be entered on thc minutes . The report of the Board of Benevolence for
the last quarter , which was taken next , contained a recommendation for thc following grant , viz . : —A Bro ., ( W . B ., ) of the Crystal Palace Lodge , No . 742 , Sydenham , i £ i -50 .
In moving the confirmation of this grant , Bro . J . M . Clabon said that the grant appeared to be large , but under the circumstances , it was not too large . Having been in the chair
when the grant was recommended , hc had the fullest means of knowing that it was a deserved grant , and it was for that reason he moved its confirmation . The brother had been in Masonry
twenty-seven ycars , and had been of great service to the Craft . If the brethren were now in Grand Chajitcr instead of Grand Lodge , he believed thev would hear more of" the merits of
this brother than they did in this place . He desired to say one more word about the amount being excessive . The Board of Benevolence had now ^ 6000 or £ 7000 a-year , and they were
laying by out of that . £ ' 1000 . They had now 0 C 31 , 000 collected together as capital .- Grand Lodge would remember that some years ago he asked them to advance the money to ajiprentice
the children , but it was not thought desirable . That was so , but he thought the time would conic when they would have to consider thc application of that surplus . They were laying it
by , but were not doing good with it . ln the case of the old Mason before them , who had been twenty-seven years in the Craft , living for it , and doing all he could for it . £ i ' , o , ,. £ 200 ,
or , ^ , 500 drawn from accumulated fund , would be doing good ; and if so , he would say , for Heaven ' s sake , do it : it was better than
giving dribblets ol / . 5 to mere paupers . ( Hear , hear . ) liro . Geiinre (' ox , P . G . D .. seconded the
motion The Grand Master on the throne said that , from Lillhe ^ bad heard and all he knew , this was a most urgent case' and one that really deserved their
most earnest aud sincere support . He felt confident they would not be doing wrong . As far as he was concerned , from what he knew ofthe case , and from what had fallen from Bro .
Clabon , they would not be doing wrong in granting this sum on the first application . The motion was carried unaiiimouslv , and with every demonstration of satisfaction .
lhc lollowmg is the rejiort oi thc board of General Purposes which came next in order : ¦—" The Board of General Purposes have to rejiort that thev have snspend-. d Brother N—
j Ii B , of the Monteiiore Lodge , Xo . j 10 : 7 , for contumacy , under the following cir-, cum . tanees : on the 20 th February last it was I ordered by tne Board that Brother I ! should be summoned to attend their next Meeting to
shew cause : why he signed the Grand Lodge Hook an : ! the Scrutineers' Sheet as W , Master , I his election not having been confirmed , and he ¦ not being an Installed Master . Brother B ' was summoned accordingly , but did not comply
United Grand Lodge.
with the summons , and thereupon a peremptory summons was issued . Brother B again failed to attend or to give any reason for non-compliance , and on the i 6 ~ th July , upon due
proof of the service of such peremptory summons , he was suspended by the Board as above-mentioned . " To the Report is subjoined a statement of the
Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meeting of the Finance Committee , held on the 16 th August , 1 S 72 , showing a balance in the hands of the
Grand Treasurer of £ 3 , 310 : 17 : 0 , and in the hands of the Grand Secretary , for Petty Cash £
75-The rejiort having been agreed to be taken as read , Bro . Horace Lloyd , Q . C , said , I have now to move that the report which has been taken as
read , and which is before the brethren , may be received and entered on thc minutes ; and I call attention to the fact , that on a full consideration of the matter , wc prefer that form of motion to that whicii was used at one time : " that the
report be adopted and entered on the minutes , ' nasniuch as it appeared to some , at any rate right to suggest that by adopting the report , Grand Lodge was pledged to any
recommendation or suggestion the report might contain . I do not say it was so , but by using this form of words we satisfy everybody . The report states matters within the province of the Board to
cleal with . If Ihcy confine themselves to that , they have a right to ask that it should be received for what it is worth . If they go beyond their proper jirovincc , then their report ought not
to be received . On the present occasion , however I have a few words to add with respect to som e what a singular matter . It is that Bro . R . on being summoned before the Board of General
Purposes lor a Masouic offence , thought fit to treat the summons of" the Board with entire contempt , and did not present himself . Thereupon , a peremptory summons was issued , and again he
omitted to attend . Ihe Board then had nothing further to do but lo suspend him at once , and to rejiort him for contumacy . It is not a matter of choice ; our duty is prescribed b y the Book of
Constitutions . Generally , however , when anything of this sort has happened , although the Board of General Ptirjioses has no power at all to remit the contumacy when it has once taken
jilace , and the brother has failed to attend at thc jirojier time , the Preddent ofthe Board in bringing the matter before thc Grand Lodge , as it is his duly to do— -he has no choice about it—has
himself suggested that , probably , on due explanation by the brother and his making submission , there will be no objection to the suspension being remitted and the ori ginal matter iiiijiiired into ; and I am sure it would have p-iven me the most
unfeigned jileasure if that course had been taken upon the jiresent occasion . Now , what happened 1 will endeavour in a few words to put bef :.-: ¦ Grand Lodge . Bro . Ii . not choosing to at *¦ .: - :
011 the ori ginal summons , he was suir- ,. , ' several times afterwards , and we had gun . ; .-..- ¦• for believing the summonses reached In- ;• ¦
but we could not say the summons w .-with that formality and effect which would enable us to treat him as if it were a jirojicily served peremptory summons , ancl to follow it up by
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , 1873 . Information wanted of lite Names , Numbers , Place and Days of Meeting of all New Lodges and Chapters consecrated during the Years 1871 and 1872 . Secretaries and others will oblige by forwarding the above to thc Publisher , 198 , Fleet Street , London , E . C .
NOTICE . The Subscription / o THE FREEMASON is now ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth ... ... 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto ; s . 6 d . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d . United States of America . Tun I ' HI-F . MASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 S . per annum , payable in advance .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
All communications for The Freemason should be written legibly 011 line siilc ( if the I ' .-tpcr only , .-mil , if inientle . l lnr insertion in the current number , must bn reci-ivi . il not Liter than 10 o ' clock a . m . on Thursdays , unless in very special cases . The name anilail . lre-s of every writer must be si-lit to u > in conliilcnci :. C . M . —We do not recognise masonic meetings held nn Sundays . Review of " Shakspearc a I ' rectnason , " by I ' to .. ] . C . Parkinson , will appear next week .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , SHTTHMBKR 7 , 1872 . The Freemason i > published mi Saturday Morning .-, in time lor tbe curly train-. The price ot" the I ' lvein . 'o-on i- Twopence per week ; annual Mibi-cviption , io ^ . ' payable in advance , ' All cmiinmnicatiiit ^ , L *! ter > & c , to be addicted to tbe Kditnr , H )* , Fleet-street , K . C . The KditorwiU pay careful attention to all MSS . cnlruMed toliim , but cannot undertake to return them ' . mlcm-accompanied b \ poMage stamp-. .
United Grand Lodge.
Tlie Quarterly Communication to ( irand Lodge , was made on Wednesday evening last , in the Tenijilr , Colonel FKAXCI . S JILKDI . rr , Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex , en the throne .
Grand Lodge was well attended , there being about 200 brethren jiresent . Among the Grand Officers , were the Rev . Sir | . Warren I laves ,
P . G . C . : Horace I . Ioyd , Q . C , President of the Board of General Purposes ; / lj . J . M'Intyre , ( L Reg . : Thos . Fenn , P . A . G . D . C . ; 1 . 1 . Evans , Past President oi" the Board of General
Purposes ; Rev . A . J > . f'Vtiser , G . C . ; II . Browse , P . GD . ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D .: Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg , G . C . ; E . S . Snell , Joshua Nunn , P . G . D . : Conrad C . Dumas , | . M . Clabon ,
C . A . Cottebrttnie , Geo . Cox , P . G . D . : J . Cooper Forster , l ' . G . D . ; W . Pulteney Scott , P . G . D . ; W . Raynham Stewart , P . G . D . ; Major
Creaton , P . G . D . ; S . Leith Tomkins , P . G . D . W . Ough , P . G . P . : T . A . Adams , P . G . P . ; ( os Smith , P . G . P . ; Jas . Brett , P . G . P . : Hyde Clarke P . G . D ., and John llovd , G . P . Bro . John Her
vey , Grand Secretary , also : ¦ , ¦ ' ¦ . ¦¦' .. After the Grand Lod :. - ' - ¦ ¦ 'bnnalh opened , and the minutes rc . i'd , :... I . / ....., Mastei 011 the th . rone directed ( irand Secretary to read the letter which had been received from die representative of this Grand Lodge at the Gram .
United Grand Lodge.
Royal York Lodge of Friendship at Berlin , announcing that upon revision of the laws of that Grand Body , it had resolved in future to initiate Jews and men of all reli g ious denominations .
This was accordingly done , and the letter was directed to be entered on thc minutes . The report of the Board of Benevolence for
the last quarter , which was taken next , contained a recommendation for thc following grant , viz . : —A Bro ., ( W . B ., ) of the Crystal Palace Lodge , No . 742 , Sydenham , i £ i -50 .
In moving the confirmation of this grant , Bro . J . M . Clabon said that the grant appeared to be large , but under the circumstances , it was not too large . Having been in the chair
when the grant was recommended , hc had the fullest means of knowing that it was a deserved grant , and it was for that reason he moved its confirmation . The brother had been in Masonry
twenty-seven ycars , and had been of great service to the Craft . If the brethren were now in Grand Chajitcr instead of Grand Lodge , he believed thev would hear more of" the merits of
this brother than they did in this place . He desired to say one more word about the amount being excessive . The Board of Benevolence had now ^ 6000 or £ 7000 a-year , and they were
laying by out of that . £ ' 1000 . They had now 0 C 31 , 000 collected together as capital .- Grand Lodge would remember that some years ago he asked them to advance the money to ajiprentice
the children , but it was not thought desirable . That was so , but he thought the time would conic when they would have to consider thc application of that surplus . They were laying it
by , but were not doing good with it . ln the case of the old Mason before them , who had been twenty-seven years in the Craft , living for it , and doing all he could for it . £ i ' , o , ,. £ 200 ,
or , ^ , 500 drawn from accumulated fund , would be doing good ; and if so , he would say , for Heaven ' s sake , do it : it was better than
giving dribblets ol / . 5 to mere paupers . ( Hear , hear . ) liro . Geiinre (' ox , P . G . D .. seconded the
motion The Grand Master on the throne said that , from Lillhe ^ bad heard and all he knew , this was a most urgent case' and one that really deserved their
most earnest aud sincere support . He felt confident they would not be doing wrong . As far as he was concerned , from what he knew ofthe case , and from what had fallen from Bro .
Clabon , they would not be doing wrong in granting this sum on the first application . The motion was carried unaiiimouslv , and with every demonstration of satisfaction .
lhc lollowmg is the rejiort oi thc board of General Purposes which came next in order : ¦—" The Board of General Purposes have to rejiort that thev have snspend-. d Brother N—
j Ii B , of the Monteiiore Lodge , Xo . j 10 : 7 , for contumacy , under the following cir-, cum . tanees : on the 20 th February last it was I ordered by tne Board that Brother I ! should be summoned to attend their next Meeting to
shew cause : why he signed the Grand Lodge Hook an : ! the Scrutineers' Sheet as W , Master , I his election not having been confirmed , and he ¦ not being an Installed Master . Brother B ' was summoned accordingly , but did not comply
United Grand Lodge.
with the summons , and thereupon a peremptory summons was issued . Brother B again failed to attend or to give any reason for non-compliance , and on the i 6 ~ th July , upon due
proof of the service of such peremptory summons , he was suspended by the Board as above-mentioned . " To the Report is subjoined a statement of the
Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meeting of the Finance Committee , held on the 16 th August , 1 S 72 , showing a balance in the hands of the
Grand Treasurer of £ 3 , 310 : 17 : 0 , and in the hands of the Grand Secretary , for Petty Cash £
75-The rejiort having been agreed to be taken as read , Bro . Horace Lloyd , Q . C , said , I have now to move that the report which has been taken as
read , and which is before the brethren , may be received and entered on thc minutes ; and I call attention to the fact , that on a full consideration of the matter , wc prefer that form of motion to that whicii was used at one time : " that the
report be adopted and entered on the minutes , ' nasniuch as it appeared to some , at any rate right to suggest that by adopting the report , Grand Lodge was pledged to any
recommendation or suggestion the report might contain . I do not say it was so , but by using this form of words we satisfy everybody . The report states matters within the province of the Board to
cleal with . If Ihcy confine themselves to that , they have a right to ask that it should be received for what it is worth . If they go beyond their proper jirovincc , then their report ought not
to be received . On the present occasion , however I have a few words to add with respect to som e what a singular matter . It is that Bro . R . on being summoned before the Board of General
Purposes lor a Masouic offence , thought fit to treat the summons of" the Board with entire contempt , and did not present himself . Thereupon , a peremptory summons was issued , and again he
omitted to attend . Ihe Board then had nothing further to do but lo suspend him at once , and to rejiort him for contumacy . It is not a matter of choice ; our duty is prescribed b y the Book of
Constitutions . Generally , however , when anything of this sort has happened , although the Board of General Ptirjioses has no power at all to remit the contumacy when it has once taken
jilace , and the brother has failed to attend at thc jirojier time , the Preddent ofthe Board in bringing the matter before thc Grand Lodge , as it is his duly to do— -he has no choice about it—has
himself suggested that , probably , on due explanation by the brother and his making submission , there will be no objection to the suspension being remitted and the ori ginal matter iiiijiiired into ; and I am sure it would have p-iven me the most
unfeigned jileasure if that course had been taken upon the jiresent occasion . Now , what happened 1 will endeavour in a few words to put bef :.-: ¦ Grand Lodge . Bro . Ii . not choosing to at *¦ .: - :
011 the ori ginal summons , he was suir- ,. , ' several times afterwards , and we had gun . ; .-..- ¦• for believing the summonses reached In- ;• ¦
but we could not say the summons w .-with that formality and effect which would enable us to treat him as if it were a jirojicily served peremptory summons , ancl to follow it up by