Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
thc . -District Grand Secretary held from the District , Grand Master a general power to admit such substitutes . The District Grand Master further .. pointed out thai none but-Members of Gfancf . Lodge had a right ol" admission , and . that lie . was the only officer . of . Grand Lodge with '
authority to admit visitors . While therefore he was anxious and willing to do everything in his power to promote the public convenience , he conld not admit the right of tbe mover to lay down the terms upon whicii visitors mig ht be admitted . . The matter then dropped .
. Bro . Crmipton intimated his wish to resign his post as Organist to the District Grand Lodge . A collection was made for thc Fund of Benevolence , amounting to Rs . 121-4 , which werc handed over to the District Grand Treasurer . There being no further business , tho Putrid Grand Lodge was closed in due form at 8-4 ' , : w .
SOUTH AFRICA . PORT LI . IZAISBTIT . —On the festiv al of St . John , fhe installation of the AV . M . and the investiture of officers of the Lodge of Good AVill , No . ~ , 1 i , took place at the Masonic Temple , on the Hill .
Between fifty and sixty brethren were present , and took part in this interesting ceremony . Among those present were : —Bro . Melntyre , AV . M . of the British Kaffrarian Lodge : Bro , AVheclwright , AV . M . of the Lodge iii' Good
Hope ; Bros . P . M . s' J . C . Kemsley , Tonks , and Bain , and several visiting brethren , amongst whom was the late Mayor , Bro . J . Miller . Alter the brethren bad retired , and the Board of Installed Alasters had duly placed the AV . M . Elect ,
iiro . S . Bain , in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , the AV . M . jiroceeded to the investiture of his ofiicers , as follows : —Bro . I . A . Bell . ' S . AV . ; . Bro . C AV . Frames , J . AV . ; Bro . W . Armstrong , Treasurer : Bro . P . M . H . K .
Tonks , Secretary ; Bro . A . Hill , S . D . ; Bro . ) . Riches , J . D . ; Bro . H . Frost , LG . : Bros . J . W . Clark , and J . Horton , Stewards : and Brn . J . Morley , Tyler . The addresses were delivered with great , pathos and feeling by the Installing
. Master , Bro . H . E . Tonks ; and the Lodge being then closed in form and harmony , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . ball , where a 1 inst sumptuous repast had been prepared by iiro . VV . I'hillips , of the Club , than whom a more
successful caterer can scarcely be found . After the solids had been disposed of , the W . M . rose and jiroposed the first toast , "The Oueen and the Craft , " which was responded to with the accustomed enthusiasm . The AV . M ., in proposing
the next toast , said he had the happiness of proposing "The Health of Bro . His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Past Grand Master , and he felt sure this toast would be responded ! n most heartily , the more especiall y as it
had pleased Providence to restore our Brother to health , after a very severe and dangerous illness , and he sincerely trusted he mi ght be long spared to us , both as a brother Mason and as our beloved Prince . ( Drank most enthusiastically ) . Then
f ollowed in their order , the M . AV . G . M ., The Marquis of Ripon ¦ the Earl of Zetland , P . G . M . of England ; Bro . R . Soutbey , P . G . M . of South Africa ; and following lliese came the toast of the evening , by the I . P . M ., Bro . Tonks , who , in
: i few kind words , expressive ol his confidence in the able government of the AV . M ., proposed " The Health ofthe AV . M ., Bro . S . Bain , " whicii was drank with all the honours . The W . M ., in responding , said he thanked them sincerely for
the cordial and hearty manner in which his Health had been proposed and received b y them . The dearest wish of his heart was to . see Masonry flourish amongst Ihem ; it was to his mind one of the noblest institutions extant , and was well
worthy of both their zeal and attachment , and that they might depend upon his best 1 ( forts being directed io filling the chair of the Lodge both with credit to himself and , he trusted , with satisfaction to , them all . It was peculiarly
pleasing to his feelings that his former ¦• cup ' aucv of he chair of the Lodge shou'd . have . aeid -d ' this additional rii'i . v . of their favour , ancl that no : x-¦ . .-tions 1 . n his p .-i'i should he wanting I > : ¦•; - ¦ Lain de : ! . i . i'r . vl < pin i on n ' . ' the Lv . tl . f . ¦ :. , ' d v . ' . '¦ : ¦ ' . he
lo at tnat Viieicent ; .:- ; . ! y 1 "on-- ! . >; :. [ '•; . ¦ " ' .. . lim idi . iidd ! : ¦• to : ' " . i-i '! i ( . ; - •);¦ ¦ - ; ,- .. ¦ . ¦ ...-. , . ;_ - ¦!• vciierubic i . lilituiiu . 1 . Otiiv . 'louoli LliL'i , : C . A ; W' ; . U , ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
including "The Retiring Officers , " " The Newly-elected Officers , " "The I . P . M ., Bro . Tonks , " "The W . M .,. Officers , and Brethren of the . Sister Lodge , " "Thc Visiting . Brethren , " and " Prosperity to the Lodge of Good AVill . " This toast was given by Bro . J ohn Miller , the
late Mayor , who said that , although he . confessed to his short-coming as a working member , still he had the prosperity of the Order at heart , and felt sure that under the able management of the present AVorship ful Master the Lodge could not fail of being prosperous . The AV . M ., in
response , said he felt it his duty to reply to the last toast , and in doing so would take that opportunity of stating , more especially to those brethren who had honoured them with their company as visitors , that they had it in contemplation to alter the present building , by putting another storey
on-it , ancl that he hoped on the next occasion ol their annual festival they would be received in a building much larger than the- present , more commodious for thc * purposes of Masonry , and a vcry great ornament to the town . The toasts
¦ were interspersed with some capital singing , among the latter Bro . Signor Abecco sang two delightful ballads , accompanied on his harp . The Tyler ' s toast and '" God save the Queen" ' concluded a apTeeable evenills" .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
SCOTLAND . GLASGOW . —The Caledonian Unity Chapter . { No . 73 ) . —The companions of this chapter met 1111 Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., in their hall , Buchanan-street . D . Gilchrist , M . E . Z ., presided ; assisted by Comps . M'Donald , II ; G . AV . AVheeler ,
J . ; .. T . Findler , Scribe , Ii ., and other officers . The work consisted of the advancing to tbe Mark' and .. Chair- degrees of Bros . Thomas Potter of St . Mary ' s , No . 27 ; and John F . Flambridgc-, ' of the Thistle and Rose . Lodge , No . 7 ')¦ The nomination of officers for the
ensuing year was then 'proceeded with , all the stijierior officers being unanimously re-nominated . The election will take , place on the 23 rd inst . The M . li . Z . then , in the name of a few of the
companions of the chapter , jiresented to T . Findler , S . E ., a Royal Arch jewel , as he was about to take his departure for Barrow-in-Furness , stating that had time permitted , he had no doubt that the rest of the comjianions would
have gladly have joined in the same . Comj ) . Findler said he was s- . « . surprised at the unexpected gift , that it had really deprived him of speech , for he had not received the slightest intimation that anything of the kind was in
contemplation , but tlie . spontauictv ofthe gift would enhance its value in his eyes , and while a rich ornament to adorn his person hc should never be able to wear it without thinking of the haiiiiy
hours he had . s | ient with the comjianions of the Caledonian Unity . On thc clasp of the jewel is inscribed " Presented to Comp . Thomas Findler , for his services lo Chapter 73 , as P . S ., J ., and Scribe E . ; August 27 , 1872 . "
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LANCASHIRE . PRESTON . —Birchall Lodge ( No . 143 ) . —The regular meeting of the members of the above prosperous lodge , was held on Monday , the 19 th inst ., at the Bull Hotel ; Bro . Lieut .-Col . Thos . BirchalJ , AV . M ., P . G . J . AV ., in the chair , supported by Bros . Major Thomas AVilson , S . AV . ;
R . Robinson , J . W . ; \ . J . Greaves , M . O . ; Capt . Lockart , S . O . ; R . Wilborne , J . O . ; Geo . Galloway , P . M ., S . D . ; J . Green , J . D . ; Jno . Cockshott , Registrar ; Cuff " , Secretary ; W . Bro . [ as . Porter , P . M . 60 , G . S . D . England ; VV . iiro .
Thos . Hargreaves , P . M . 141 , G . J . D . England ; Capt . Whitehead , Clegg , R . Robinson , Janitor , and several others . The lodge was ojiened at 7 . 30 , and after the minutes of last meeting had been read and confirmed , tho ballot . was taken for ib'i . L . Ikiiir ' .- ' i' CoUam , Jehus , and Atherton , for advanced . en .. . .. ! : ¦> lor Bro . Rev ., F . . '•• Cavc-Brov . n-Cavf , University Lode . ; , ; , ' 1- , Ord ' ord , as a jVining mumbcr , aud in cadi case prc-wd imaui * .
Mark Masonry.
mous . Bros . Soulby , Sykes , ancl Cottam , being present , were introduced and advanced , and this being the whole of the business , the lodge was closed according to antient custom with solemn prayer at 9 . 30 , after whicii the brethren adjourned
to an excellent repast , provided by the Worshipful Master , and a pleasant , profitable , and agreeable evening was spent . It was announced during the proceedings that the Most AVorshi pful Grand Master would hold a special Grand Lod ge at Manchester , on Wednesday , Oct . 2 nd .
LivERvooL . —/ Vest Lancashire Z , odgc of Mark Masters ( No . 63 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday evening last at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool . Bro . Thomas Clarke , who occuju ' ed the chair of W . M .
opened the Lodge shortly after six o ' clock , supported by Bro . T . Ashmore , S . W . ; Bro . J . Taylor , J . AV . ; Bros . Hamer , Larsen , and Leedham , P . M ' s . The minutes ofthe previous meeting , held on tbe ist July , having been read and
confirmed , various communications were reatl , and other business transacted . The ballot was taken for Bro . AV . S . Barker , ofthe DerB y Lodge , and Bro . S . May , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 673 , and both brethren werc unanimously elected . The
brethren then proceeded with the election of AV . M ., there being twelve brethren eli gible for the office , and on the vote being taken Bro . T . Ashmore was declared elected b y a majority . Bro . J . L . Goepel , P . M . and P . G . S . O ., was
unanimously and by acclamation re-elected thc Hon . Treasurer for the seventh or eighth time . There being no other business of interest , the the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren subsequently adjourned to a capital banquet .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
SCOTLAND . GLASGOW . — -Girvan Encampment . — Monday , August the 19 th , will be a day to be long remembered in the annals of the Girvan Encampment , No . 32 , as on that occasion no less than eleven came forward to be created Kni ghts of that religious and military Order . The
encampmet met at 22 , Struthcrs-strcet , the M . N . C . Sir Kniuht R . Bell , presidinc , assisted b y J . Park , D . C ; T . Clanachan , 1 \ N . C . ; M . Clanachan , C . C . ; Thos . Chatfield , S . C . ; D . Butler . J . C . ,-and G . AV . AVheeler , Recorder , who also acted as Prelate . Petitions for reception into the Order
were then read Irom the following companions , viz . : —J . Findler , of Lodge 13 . Chap . Scribe E . 73 and 104 ; J . Hay , Lodge 73 , Chap . 73 ; J . Hughes , Lodge 39 , Chap . 73 : 11 . Nevili , Lodge 6 , Chap , 73 ; J . Thompson , Lodge 28 , Chap . T , ri P . tll-irH T ,, rW II f'f > .. „ n . fl D 73 GPollardLod 11 Chap 12 GB
; . , ge , . ; . . Adams , Lodge 360 , Chap . 50 ; R . J . Smith , Lodge 6 , Cliaj ) . 67 ; D . B . Fleming , Lodge 437 ; II . and Chap . 69 , J . Dartlie , Lodge 219 , j . and ( "bap ., 67 ; and E . A . Green , Lodge 178 , Chaji . 87 : the votes being unanimous in favour
of tlieir reception , they were then introduced , and after passing through the solemn ceremonies of this rite , were duly created Knights of the Temp le . A Priory was then opened , and the same two gentlemen , along with Sir Kni ghts T . Scott and P . Jlejiburn , were dubbed Kni ghts of
Malta , and entrusted with the secrets of that degree , the whole ol" the ceremonies being imjiressively rendered . Refreshment werc then served , and the following , amongst other toasts , vvere given and responded to :- — " The Queen and the Craft ; " "The Royal Arch and Supreme
Council of Scotland ; " " Knight Templarism , and our lllu trious Frater , the Prince of AVales ;" 'Our Visitors from America and England , " responded to by Sir Kni ghts A . Bryson , of No . j , Providence Commandery , Rhode Island , U . S .,
aud 13 . Gilchrist , ol the Royal Kent Encampment , Bengal , both of whom sjioke highly of the very efficient -work they had witnessed , aud eulogised the X . C . aud his staff of officers , and their pleasure at being present on -. 0 interestinjr
an occasion , 'fhe next , toast was "The M . N . Commander , " [ iropose , ! in an elaborate speech by t-i- Kivgl : } . ' < . ) . Park . Sir Knight Bell ' .,: ' -t dy r . ed' -. ! , 1 p-. v .-vng his pleasure that tlieir \ v ..: ! -. had ' . - ¦ i-n such : i :-, t ,. meet the ajiproval of their vLiiiihr L-tvtbr . -i . ) , \ vhv , us trawlkirs , had a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
thc . -District Grand Secretary held from the District , Grand Master a general power to admit such substitutes . The District Grand Master further .. pointed out thai none but-Members of Gfancf . Lodge had a right ol" admission , and . that lie . was the only officer . of . Grand Lodge with '
authority to admit visitors . While therefore he was anxious and willing to do everything in his power to promote the public convenience , he conld not admit the right of tbe mover to lay down the terms upon whicii visitors mig ht be admitted . . The matter then dropped .
. Bro . Crmipton intimated his wish to resign his post as Organist to the District Grand Lodge . A collection was made for thc Fund of Benevolence , amounting to Rs . 121-4 , which werc handed over to the District Grand Treasurer . There being no further business , tho Putrid Grand Lodge was closed in due form at 8-4 ' , : w .
SOUTH AFRICA . PORT LI . IZAISBTIT . —On the festiv al of St . John , fhe installation of the AV . M . and the investiture of officers of the Lodge of Good AVill , No . ~ , 1 i , took place at the Masonic Temple , on the Hill .
Between fifty and sixty brethren were present , and took part in this interesting ceremony . Among those present were : —Bro . Melntyre , AV . M . of the British Kaffrarian Lodge : Bro , AVheclwright , AV . M . of the Lodge iii' Good
Hope ; Bros . P . M . s' J . C . Kemsley , Tonks , and Bain , and several visiting brethren , amongst whom was the late Mayor , Bro . J . Miller . Alter the brethren bad retired , and the Board of Installed Alasters had duly placed the AV . M . Elect ,
iiro . S . Bain , in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , the AV . M . jiroceeded to the investiture of his ofiicers , as follows : —Bro . I . A . Bell . ' S . AV . ; . Bro . C AV . Frames , J . AV . ; Bro . W . Armstrong , Treasurer : Bro . P . M . H . K .
Tonks , Secretary ; Bro . A . Hill , S . D . ; Bro . ) . Riches , J . D . ; Bro . H . Frost , LG . : Bros . J . W . Clark , and J . Horton , Stewards : and Brn . J . Morley , Tyler . The addresses were delivered with great , pathos and feeling by the Installing
. Master , Bro . H . E . Tonks ; and the Lodge being then closed in form and harmony , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . ball , where a 1 inst sumptuous repast had been prepared by iiro . VV . I'hillips , of the Club , than whom a more
successful caterer can scarcely be found . After the solids had been disposed of , the W . M . rose and jiroposed the first toast , "The Oueen and the Craft , " which was responded to with the accustomed enthusiasm . The AV . M ., in proposing
the next toast , said he had the happiness of proposing "The Health of Bro . His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Past Grand Master , and he felt sure this toast would be responded ! n most heartily , the more especiall y as it
had pleased Providence to restore our Brother to health , after a very severe and dangerous illness , and he sincerely trusted he mi ght be long spared to us , both as a brother Mason and as our beloved Prince . ( Drank most enthusiastically ) . Then
f ollowed in their order , the M . AV . G . M ., The Marquis of Ripon ¦ the Earl of Zetland , P . G . M . of England ; Bro . R . Soutbey , P . G . M . of South Africa ; and following lliese came the toast of the evening , by the I . P . M ., Bro . Tonks , who , in
: i few kind words , expressive ol his confidence in the able government of the AV . M ., proposed " The Health ofthe AV . M ., Bro . S . Bain , " whicii was drank with all the honours . The W . M ., in responding , said he thanked them sincerely for
the cordial and hearty manner in which his Health had been proposed and received b y them . The dearest wish of his heart was to . see Masonry flourish amongst Ihem ; it was to his mind one of the noblest institutions extant , and was well
worthy of both their zeal and attachment , and that they might depend upon his best 1 ( forts being directed io filling the chair of the Lodge both with credit to himself and , he trusted , with satisfaction to , them all . It was peculiarly
pleasing to his feelings that his former ¦• cup ' aucv of he chair of the Lodge shou'd . have . aeid -d ' this additional rii'i . v . of their favour , ancl that no : x-¦ . .-tions 1 . n his p .-i'i should he wanting I > : ¦•; - ¦ Lain de : ! . i . i'r . vl < pin i on n ' . ' the Lv . tl . f . ¦ :. , ' d v . ' . '¦ : ¦ ' . he
lo at tnat Viieicent ; .:- ; . ! y 1 "on-- ! . >; :. [ '•; . ¦ " ' .. . lim idi . iidd ! : ¦• to : ' " . i-i '! i ( . ; - •);¦ ¦ - ; ,- .. ¦ . ¦ ...-. , . ;_ - ¦!• vciierubic i . lilituiiu . 1 . Otiiv . 'louoli LliL'i , : C . A ; W' ; . U , ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
including "The Retiring Officers , " " The Newly-elected Officers , " "The I . P . M ., Bro . Tonks , " "The W . M .,. Officers , and Brethren of the . Sister Lodge , " "Thc Visiting . Brethren , " and " Prosperity to the Lodge of Good AVill . " This toast was given by Bro . J ohn Miller , the
late Mayor , who said that , although he . confessed to his short-coming as a working member , still he had the prosperity of the Order at heart , and felt sure that under the able management of the present AVorship ful Master the Lodge could not fail of being prosperous . The AV . M ., in
response , said he felt it his duty to reply to the last toast , and in doing so would take that opportunity of stating , more especially to those brethren who had honoured them with their company as visitors , that they had it in contemplation to alter the present building , by putting another storey
on-it , ancl that he hoped on the next occasion ol their annual festival they would be received in a building much larger than the- present , more commodious for thc * purposes of Masonry , and a vcry great ornament to the town . The toasts
¦ were interspersed with some capital singing , among the latter Bro . Signor Abecco sang two delightful ballads , accompanied on his harp . The Tyler ' s toast and '" God save the Queen" ' concluded a apTeeable evenills" .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
SCOTLAND . GLASGOW . —The Caledonian Unity Chapter . { No . 73 ) . —The companions of this chapter met 1111 Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., in their hall , Buchanan-street . D . Gilchrist , M . E . Z ., presided ; assisted by Comps . M'Donald , II ; G . AV . AVheeler ,
J . ; .. T . Findler , Scribe , Ii ., and other officers . The work consisted of the advancing to tbe Mark' and .. Chair- degrees of Bros . Thomas Potter of St . Mary ' s , No . 27 ; and John F . Flambridgc-, ' of the Thistle and Rose . Lodge , No . 7 ')¦ The nomination of officers for the
ensuing year was then 'proceeded with , all the stijierior officers being unanimously re-nominated . The election will take , place on the 23 rd inst . The M . li . Z . then , in the name of a few of the
companions of the chapter , jiresented to T . Findler , S . E ., a Royal Arch jewel , as he was about to take his departure for Barrow-in-Furness , stating that had time permitted , he had no doubt that the rest of the comjianions would
have gladly have joined in the same . Comj ) . Findler said he was s- . « . surprised at the unexpected gift , that it had really deprived him of speech , for he had not received the slightest intimation that anything of the kind was in
contemplation , but tlie . spontauictv ofthe gift would enhance its value in his eyes , and while a rich ornament to adorn his person hc should never be able to wear it without thinking of the haiiiiy
hours he had . s | ient with the comjianions of the Caledonian Unity . On thc clasp of the jewel is inscribed " Presented to Comp . Thomas Findler , for his services lo Chapter 73 , as P . S ., J ., and Scribe E . ; August 27 , 1872 . "
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LANCASHIRE . PRESTON . —Birchall Lodge ( No . 143 ) . —The regular meeting of the members of the above prosperous lodge , was held on Monday , the 19 th inst ., at the Bull Hotel ; Bro . Lieut .-Col . Thos . BirchalJ , AV . M ., P . G . J . AV ., in the chair , supported by Bros . Major Thomas AVilson , S . AV . ;
R . Robinson , J . W . ; \ . J . Greaves , M . O . ; Capt . Lockart , S . O . ; R . Wilborne , J . O . ; Geo . Galloway , P . M ., S . D . ; J . Green , J . D . ; Jno . Cockshott , Registrar ; Cuff " , Secretary ; W . Bro . [ as . Porter , P . M . 60 , G . S . D . England ; VV . iiro .
Thos . Hargreaves , P . M . 141 , G . J . D . England ; Capt . Whitehead , Clegg , R . Robinson , Janitor , and several others . The lodge was ojiened at 7 . 30 , and after the minutes of last meeting had been read and confirmed , tho ballot . was taken for ib'i . L . Ikiiir ' .- ' i' CoUam , Jehus , and Atherton , for advanced . en .. . .. ! : ¦> lor Bro . Rev ., F . . '•• Cavc-Brov . n-Cavf , University Lode . ; , ; , ' 1- , Ord ' ord , as a jVining mumbcr , aud in cadi case prc-wd imaui * .
Mark Masonry.
mous . Bros . Soulby , Sykes , ancl Cottam , being present , were introduced and advanced , and this being the whole of the business , the lodge was closed according to antient custom with solemn prayer at 9 . 30 , after whicii the brethren adjourned
to an excellent repast , provided by the Worshipful Master , and a pleasant , profitable , and agreeable evening was spent . It was announced during the proceedings that the Most AVorshi pful Grand Master would hold a special Grand Lod ge at Manchester , on Wednesday , Oct . 2 nd .
LivERvooL . —/ Vest Lancashire Z , odgc of Mark Masters ( No . 63 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday evening last at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool . Bro . Thomas Clarke , who occuju ' ed the chair of W . M .
opened the Lodge shortly after six o ' clock , supported by Bro . T . Ashmore , S . W . ; Bro . J . Taylor , J . AV . ; Bros . Hamer , Larsen , and Leedham , P . M ' s . The minutes ofthe previous meeting , held on tbe ist July , having been read and
confirmed , various communications were reatl , and other business transacted . The ballot was taken for Bro . AV . S . Barker , ofthe DerB y Lodge , and Bro . S . May , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 673 , and both brethren werc unanimously elected . The
brethren then proceeded with the election of AV . M ., there being twelve brethren eli gible for the office , and on the vote being taken Bro . T . Ashmore was declared elected b y a majority . Bro . J . L . Goepel , P . M . and P . G . S . O ., was
unanimously and by acclamation re-elected thc Hon . Treasurer for the seventh or eighth time . There being no other business of interest , the the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren subsequently adjourned to a capital banquet .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
SCOTLAND . GLASGOW . — -Girvan Encampment . — Monday , August the 19 th , will be a day to be long remembered in the annals of the Girvan Encampment , No . 32 , as on that occasion no less than eleven came forward to be created Kni ghts of that religious and military Order . The
encampmet met at 22 , Struthcrs-strcet , the M . N . C . Sir Kniuht R . Bell , presidinc , assisted b y J . Park , D . C ; T . Clanachan , 1 \ N . C . ; M . Clanachan , C . C . ; Thos . Chatfield , S . C . ; D . Butler . J . C . ,-and G . AV . AVheeler , Recorder , who also acted as Prelate . Petitions for reception into the Order
were then read Irom the following companions , viz . : —J . Findler , of Lodge 13 . Chap . Scribe E . 73 and 104 ; J . Hay , Lodge 73 , Chap . 73 ; J . Hughes , Lodge 39 , Chap . 73 : 11 . Nevili , Lodge 6 , Chap , 73 ; J . Thompson , Lodge 28 , Chap . T , ri P . tll-irH T ,, rW II f'f > .. „ n . fl D 73 GPollardLod 11 Chap 12 GB
; . , ge , . ; . . Adams , Lodge 360 , Chap . 50 ; R . J . Smith , Lodge 6 , Cliaj ) . 67 ; D . B . Fleming , Lodge 437 ; II . and Chap . 69 , J . Dartlie , Lodge 219 , j . and ( "bap ., 67 ; and E . A . Green , Lodge 178 , Chaji . 87 : the votes being unanimous in favour
of tlieir reception , they were then introduced , and after passing through the solemn ceremonies of this rite , were duly created Knights of the Temp le . A Priory was then opened , and the same two gentlemen , along with Sir Kni ghts T . Scott and P . Jlejiburn , were dubbed Kni ghts of
Malta , and entrusted with the secrets of that degree , the whole ol" the ceremonies being imjiressively rendered . Refreshment werc then served , and the following , amongst other toasts , vvere given and responded to :- — " The Queen and the Craft ; " "The Royal Arch and Supreme
Council of Scotland ; " " Knight Templarism , and our lllu trious Frater , the Prince of AVales ;" 'Our Visitors from America and England , " responded to by Sir Kni ghts A . Bryson , of No . j , Providence Commandery , Rhode Island , U . S .,
aud 13 . Gilchrist , ol the Royal Kent Encampment , Bengal , both of whom sjioke highly of the very efficient -work they had witnessed , aud eulogised the X . C . aud his staff of officers , and their pleasure at being present on -. 0 interestinjr
an occasion , 'fhe next , toast was "The M . N . Commander , " [ iropose , ! in an elaborate speech by t-i- Kivgl : } . ' < . ) . Park . Sir Knight Bell ' .,: ' -t dy r . ed' -. ! , 1 p-. v .-vng his pleasure that tlieir \ v ..: ! -. had ' . - ¦ i-n such : i :-, t ,. meet the ajiproval of their vLiiiihr L-tvtbr . -i . ) , \ vhv , us trawlkirs , had a