Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CONSECRATION OF THE CLAPTON LODGE, No. I365. Page 1 of 1 Article THE AMERICAN K.T. TOURISTS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE AMERICAN K.T. TOURISTS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
the large and important province of Lincolnshire in bringing about the success which , amongst so many deserving cases , is at the ensuing election more than ever difficult , I remain , Sir and Brother , Yours with fraternal regard ,
THOS . H . OLDMAN , P . M . 422 , P . G . S . Lincolnshire . Gainsborough , Sept . 27 , 1871 . WILLIAM PHILLIPS BARRETT'S CANDIDATURE .
( To the Editor of the Freemason . ) , DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Would you kindly g ive me a corner in your valuable journal to advocate the claims of the above New Zealand candidate for the Boys' School ? Having no
province to go to 111 this country—his father belonging to Christchurch , as will be seen from the advertisement in this number—I am obliged to get what publicity I can through your aid , to support this case . I shall be truly thankful for anv
brother ' s vote , who is not tied to his province , and I can assure him of the hearty thanks of the widow , as well as , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , THO . L . WELDON .
Proxies sent to me at 3 , Belle Vue Terrace , Seven Sisters' Road , or to the Widow , Mrs . Barrett , dressmaker , Henley-on-Thames , will be acknowledged by return of post . T . L . W .
( To the Editor of The Freemason . ) SIR AND BROTHER , —I was astonished to read in your edition of last week , an unauthorised report of a meeting of the Edinburgh Red Cross Conclave No . 4 . It is so inaccurate that I
cannot allow it to pass without remark . The M . P . S . 's name is J . B . Mercer ; the E . V . E ., R . S . Brown . The other office-bearers present that evening were Sir Knights W . Grant , S . G . ; J . A . Butti , J . G . ; J . Taylor , Prelate ; A .
M . Bruce , Treas . ; F . Law , Prefect ; H . E . Jonas , Herald . Bro . Watson is not a P . M . of St . Clair Lodge ; Bro . Henry did not receive the hon . grade of Sov . owing to his connection with St .
Clair Lodge , but for respect entertained for him as a member of the conclave . The report also omits to state that Sir F . Law was also advanced to die lion , grade of V . E . J . B . MERCER , M . P . S . Edinburgh , Sept . 29 , 1871 .
THE Fifteen Sections will be worked at the Confidence Lodge of Instruction ( 193 ) , Railway Tavern , London-street , E . C , by fifteen brethren of the Doric Lodge of Instruction ( 933 ) , on Wednesday evening , the 25 th inst ., at 7 o ' clock .
Bro . Cundick , 742 , will preside on the occasion . Those who are desirous of knowing with what perfection Craft Masonry can be illustrated , should attend on that evening , for there is not a doubt their visit will be most gratifying and will well repay the trouble .
THE following lodges and chapters hold their meetings at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street : — Belgrave Lodge . Jubilee Lodge . Belgrave Chapter . Manchester Lodge . Burgoyne Lodge . Roman Eagle Red Lodge of Confidence . Cross Conclave . Dalhousie Lodge . Mt . Sinai Chapter .
Doric Lodge . Lodge of Stability . Doric Chapter . Stability Chapter . Domatic Lodge . Star Lodge . Domatic Chapter . Victoria Lodge . Egyptian Lodge . Whittington Lodge . Lodge of Faith . Zetland Lodge . Hornsey Lodge .
BREAKFAST . —EPPS ' COCOA . —GRATEFUL AND tJOMFORTlNG . — «« By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful applicatian of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast
tables wilh a delicately-flavoured beverage Which may save us many heavy doctors * bills . "— Civil ? ™' Gazette . Made simply with Moiling Water or Milk . Each package is labelled— "J AMES KITS & Co ., Homoeopathic Chemisls , London . " Also , makers of Epps ' s Milky Cocoa ( Cocoa and Condensed Milk ) . — IAdvt . 1 '
Consecration Of The Clapton Lodge, No. I365.
A large and highly-respectable body of Masons assembled on Wednesday , the 20 th ult , at the White Hart Tavern ( Bro . Bryan ' s ) , Clapton , to assist at the consecration of the new lodge , but , owing to the sudden and severe illness of the W . M .-designate , Bro . J . D . Taylor ( 862 ) , to the
very great disappointment of all present , the ceremony had to be postponed . The Consecrating Master , Bro . James Terry , P . M . 228 , however , rehearsed the consecration , and Bro . Henry Marsh ( Henry Marston , the eminent actor ) , recited a very beautiful ode , written by Bro . Savage , of the Urban Lodge . The furniture
and fittings of the new lodge-room are of the most costly and elegant description , nearly all being presentations to the lodge from various brethren , and the decorations were the theme of universal satisfaction , and reflected great credit on the Committee of Taste , consisting of Bros . Lutwyche , Buller , and Bryan .
A most excellent banquet followed , reflecting great credit on Bro . Bryan , the wines being of first-rate brands . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . H . Thomas ( 1196 ) , assisted by Bros . McDavitt , Hunt , Hubbard , and Limpus , and were perfect , the
consecration music being an entirely new arrangement for the occasion . Bro . Terry , the Consecrating Master , most ably presided at the banquet , and proposed the visual toasts , though not the usual Masonic ones . In proposing " The Health of the Founders , " he coupled with it " The Health
of the Secretary-designate , Bro . R . Buller , P . M . 9 , " and paid that brother a very high compliment for the untiring exertions he had used in forming and founding the lodge , and expressed himself pleased to see that a P . M . of an old lodge had undertaken the duties of Secretary .
Due notice will be given of the date of consecration , and from what we saw , and from what the Secretary stated , we can predict a very bright future , indeed , for the Clapton Lodge . The officers are : Bros . J . D . Taylor , S 62 , W . M .-designate ; W . Stephens , 87 , S . W . ; J .
Saunders , 127 S , J . W . ; W . Lutwyche , S . D . ; C , R . Miles , J . D . ; H . W . Cattlin , I . G . ; R . Wyatt , D . C . ; H . Smith , Steward ; and R . Buller , P . M . 9 , Sec . The visitors present were : Bros . R . Empson , P . G . S . B ., P . M . 227 ; Dr . Barringer , P . G . S . W . Herts ; R . H . Marsh , P . M . 1196 ; H . Masscy , P . M . 61 c , ; H . M . Lev ) ' , P . M . 1 S 8 ; H . Lloyd , J . W . 1278 ; J . Morton , W . M . 907 ; D . Barrett , 619 ; W . Laing , Klenck , Batchelor , Room , Herbert , Bernard , & c .
The American K.T. Tourists.
The Knights Iemplar took their departure , according to programme , by the " Oceanic , " and Mr . John M . Cook accompanied them to Qucenstown , taking leave of them at the same point he first met them in June last . The two or three final days in England were much
appreciated by the Sir Knights , the final route from London being by the Great Western Company ' s line from Paddington to Stratford-on-Avon ; thence to Birmingham , where they stopped for the night at the Great Western Hotel , each one being delighted with the kindness and attention
received from the proprietor of that wellappointed first-class Hotel . From Birmingham the Midland Company supplied saloon carriages for the journey to Rousley , where carriages met the party to drive them to Haddon Hall , and thence to Chatsworth . At Chatsworth , Mr . John
M . Cook was most courteously received by J . E . Collingham , Esq ., ( successor to Sir Joseph Paxton ) , who wished him to inform the Sir Knights that the duke and family being all absent , they were not in a position to dispense the hospitalities of the ducal residence as the
noble owner would have wished had he been at home ; but instructions had been given for the private apartments to be shown , and for the " Emperor" fountain , with all the cascade accompaniments , to play during the visit of the Sir Knights ; and it is scarcely necessary to say that the beauties of the " Palace of the Peak " will
The American K.T. Tourists.
have a lasting impression on the Sir Knights . After viewing Chatsworth they adjourned to the Edensar . Inn , and . did justice to the dinner provided by Mr . Harrison ; in the evening they were driven off to Rousley Station , and took
tram for Manchester . At Manchester , they had to divide between the Queen ' s and Trevelyan Hotels , and left at mid-day for Liverpool , where the whole party were accommodated at the new Hotel of the London and North Western
Company . We are sorry to say the final impressions of English Hotel management were not good , almost every one expressing the same opinion , viz .: that it was one of the finest houses , but the worst managed , they had been in during their visit to Europe ; and they could not help
constrasting the civility and kindness of the managers of various Hotels they had visited with the absurdly haughty conduct of the manager , who stood for about half an hour on the front steps , as though he were a perfect stranger , without addressing a sentence to any one . The passage
from Liverpool to Queenstown was most enjoyable , and the hearty " three cheers and a tiger " given for Mr . John M . Cook , at our departure in the tug-boat , will ring in our ears for some time . We are very glad to find that the
" Oceanic" made one of the quickest passages on record , viz ., eight days and eighteen hours : therefore , we are convinced the Sir Knights will long ere this have reached thier homes in the far West . —Cook ' s Excursionist .
THE Fraternity are cautioned against applications from William Thomas Lawson , who has been making many representations which cannot be supported . It is requested that all brethren to whom he applies should ask him to produce his certificate . Birmingham , Oct . 4 th , 1871 . P . M .
THE following articles , & c ., stand over : — " Freemasonry and Israelitisrn , " by Bro . William Carpenter ; "Israelitish Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race ; " - 'The Fair Sex and Adoptive Masonry ; " the Centenary Festival of Lodge Friendship , No . 202 ; Prov . Grand Conclave of Knights Templar for Devonshire ; Notes and Queries ; " The Morals of Masonry — Addressed to Ladies ;"
" 1 he Footsteps of Masonry , or Freemasonry in Relation to Authentic History , " by liro . W . V . Bedolfe , M . D . ; " Freemasonry and Judaism , " by liro . Buchan , with other correspondence ; "A Review of Freemasonry ; " "The Crown Prince of Prussia as a Mason ; " report of the
Annual Meeting of the Royal Hank of Ireland ; poetry"The Holy Koyal Arch" ( dedicated to Conip . J . Brett ) , " The Long Ago ; " foreign—New Zealand . Also the following reports : Craft Lodges , Nos . 195 and 1330 ; Chapter 165 ; Mavk Lodges , Nos . 2 ( S . C . ) and 19 ; with several Scotch reports , and other matter .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending October 14 , 1871 . The Editor will be glad to have notice from Secretaries of lodges and chapters of any change in place or time of meeting . MONDAY , OCT . 9 . Lodge 59 , Royal Naval , Freemasons' Hall . > . ' 93 . Confidence , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street .
,, S 79 , Pcckham , Maismore Arms , Pcckham . > i 957 , Leigh , Freemasons' Hall . Chap . 22 , Mount Sion , Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-st . Kent Mark Lodge of Instruction , Lyceum Tavern , 354 , Strand , at 7 . 30 . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction ( . 15 ) , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clcrkenwell , at S : Bro .
James Terry , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Fenchurcli-strcet Station , at 7 . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern-Havcrstock-hiii , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . St . James' Union Lodge of Instruction ( 1 S 0 ) , Swan Tavern , Mount-street , Grosvenor-square , at 8 . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) , Koyal Hotel ,
MUceiid-ro . id , at 7 . 30 , Bro . h . Council , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Mile End , at 7 for S . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , Deptford , at 8 j Bro . Dilley , Preceptor . St . John of \ Vapping Lodge of Instruction ( 1306 ) , Gun Tavern , High-street , Wapping , at 7 ; Bro . T . . Mortlock , Preceptor .
TUESDAY , OCT . IO . Lodge 1 S 0 , St . James ' s Union , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 198 , Percy , Ship and Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-st . ,, 211 , St . Michael's , Albion Tavern , Aldersgale-st . ,, 228 , United Strength , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St .
John's Gale , Clcrkenwell . ,, 54 S , Wellington , White Swan , Deptford . ,, 834 , Uanelagli , Sussex Hotel , Hammersmith . >> 9 ' 7 > Cosmopolitan , Terminus Hotel , Cannon-st . » 933 . Doric , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, 1269 , Stanhope , Thicket Hotel , Ancrlcy .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
the large and important province of Lincolnshire in bringing about the success which , amongst so many deserving cases , is at the ensuing election more than ever difficult , I remain , Sir and Brother , Yours with fraternal regard ,
THOS . H . OLDMAN , P . M . 422 , P . G . S . Lincolnshire . Gainsborough , Sept . 27 , 1871 . WILLIAM PHILLIPS BARRETT'S CANDIDATURE .
( To the Editor of the Freemason . ) , DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Would you kindly g ive me a corner in your valuable journal to advocate the claims of the above New Zealand candidate for the Boys' School ? Having no
province to go to 111 this country—his father belonging to Christchurch , as will be seen from the advertisement in this number—I am obliged to get what publicity I can through your aid , to support this case . I shall be truly thankful for anv
brother ' s vote , who is not tied to his province , and I can assure him of the hearty thanks of the widow , as well as , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , THO . L . WELDON .
Proxies sent to me at 3 , Belle Vue Terrace , Seven Sisters' Road , or to the Widow , Mrs . Barrett , dressmaker , Henley-on-Thames , will be acknowledged by return of post . T . L . W .
( To the Editor of The Freemason . ) SIR AND BROTHER , —I was astonished to read in your edition of last week , an unauthorised report of a meeting of the Edinburgh Red Cross Conclave No . 4 . It is so inaccurate that I
cannot allow it to pass without remark . The M . P . S . 's name is J . B . Mercer ; the E . V . E ., R . S . Brown . The other office-bearers present that evening were Sir Knights W . Grant , S . G . ; J . A . Butti , J . G . ; J . Taylor , Prelate ; A .
M . Bruce , Treas . ; F . Law , Prefect ; H . E . Jonas , Herald . Bro . Watson is not a P . M . of St . Clair Lodge ; Bro . Henry did not receive the hon . grade of Sov . owing to his connection with St .
Clair Lodge , but for respect entertained for him as a member of the conclave . The report also omits to state that Sir F . Law was also advanced to die lion , grade of V . E . J . B . MERCER , M . P . S . Edinburgh , Sept . 29 , 1871 .
THE Fifteen Sections will be worked at the Confidence Lodge of Instruction ( 193 ) , Railway Tavern , London-street , E . C , by fifteen brethren of the Doric Lodge of Instruction ( 933 ) , on Wednesday evening , the 25 th inst ., at 7 o ' clock .
Bro . Cundick , 742 , will preside on the occasion . Those who are desirous of knowing with what perfection Craft Masonry can be illustrated , should attend on that evening , for there is not a doubt their visit will be most gratifying and will well repay the trouble .
THE following lodges and chapters hold their meetings at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street : — Belgrave Lodge . Jubilee Lodge . Belgrave Chapter . Manchester Lodge . Burgoyne Lodge . Roman Eagle Red Lodge of Confidence . Cross Conclave . Dalhousie Lodge . Mt . Sinai Chapter .
Doric Lodge . Lodge of Stability . Doric Chapter . Stability Chapter . Domatic Lodge . Star Lodge . Domatic Chapter . Victoria Lodge . Egyptian Lodge . Whittington Lodge . Lodge of Faith . Zetland Lodge . Hornsey Lodge .
BREAKFAST . —EPPS ' COCOA . —GRATEFUL AND tJOMFORTlNG . — «« By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful applicatian of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast
tables wilh a delicately-flavoured beverage Which may save us many heavy doctors * bills . "— Civil ? ™' Gazette . Made simply with Moiling Water or Milk . Each package is labelled— "J AMES KITS & Co ., Homoeopathic Chemisls , London . " Also , makers of Epps ' s Milky Cocoa ( Cocoa and Condensed Milk ) . — IAdvt . 1 '
Consecration Of The Clapton Lodge, No. I365.
A large and highly-respectable body of Masons assembled on Wednesday , the 20 th ult , at the White Hart Tavern ( Bro . Bryan ' s ) , Clapton , to assist at the consecration of the new lodge , but , owing to the sudden and severe illness of the W . M .-designate , Bro . J . D . Taylor ( 862 ) , to the
very great disappointment of all present , the ceremony had to be postponed . The Consecrating Master , Bro . James Terry , P . M . 228 , however , rehearsed the consecration , and Bro . Henry Marsh ( Henry Marston , the eminent actor ) , recited a very beautiful ode , written by Bro . Savage , of the Urban Lodge . The furniture
and fittings of the new lodge-room are of the most costly and elegant description , nearly all being presentations to the lodge from various brethren , and the decorations were the theme of universal satisfaction , and reflected great credit on the Committee of Taste , consisting of Bros . Lutwyche , Buller , and Bryan .
A most excellent banquet followed , reflecting great credit on Bro . Bryan , the wines being of first-rate brands . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . H . Thomas ( 1196 ) , assisted by Bros . McDavitt , Hunt , Hubbard , and Limpus , and were perfect , the
consecration music being an entirely new arrangement for the occasion . Bro . Terry , the Consecrating Master , most ably presided at the banquet , and proposed the visual toasts , though not the usual Masonic ones . In proposing " The Health of the Founders , " he coupled with it " The Health
of the Secretary-designate , Bro . R . Buller , P . M . 9 , " and paid that brother a very high compliment for the untiring exertions he had used in forming and founding the lodge , and expressed himself pleased to see that a P . M . of an old lodge had undertaken the duties of Secretary .
Due notice will be given of the date of consecration , and from what we saw , and from what the Secretary stated , we can predict a very bright future , indeed , for the Clapton Lodge . The officers are : Bros . J . D . Taylor , S 62 , W . M .-designate ; W . Stephens , 87 , S . W . ; J .
Saunders , 127 S , J . W . ; W . Lutwyche , S . D . ; C , R . Miles , J . D . ; H . W . Cattlin , I . G . ; R . Wyatt , D . C . ; H . Smith , Steward ; and R . Buller , P . M . 9 , Sec . The visitors present were : Bros . R . Empson , P . G . S . B ., P . M . 227 ; Dr . Barringer , P . G . S . W . Herts ; R . H . Marsh , P . M . 1196 ; H . Masscy , P . M . 61 c , ; H . M . Lev ) ' , P . M . 1 S 8 ; H . Lloyd , J . W . 1278 ; J . Morton , W . M . 907 ; D . Barrett , 619 ; W . Laing , Klenck , Batchelor , Room , Herbert , Bernard , & c .
The American K.T. Tourists.
The Knights Iemplar took their departure , according to programme , by the " Oceanic , " and Mr . John M . Cook accompanied them to Qucenstown , taking leave of them at the same point he first met them in June last . The two or three final days in England were much
appreciated by the Sir Knights , the final route from London being by the Great Western Company ' s line from Paddington to Stratford-on-Avon ; thence to Birmingham , where they stopped for the night at the Great Western Hotel , each one being delighted with the kindness and attention
received from the proprietor of that wellappointed first-class Hotel . From Birmingham the Midland Company supplied saloon carriages for the journey to Rousley , where carriages met the party to drive them to Haddon Hall , and thence to Chatsworth . At Chatsworth , Mr . John
M . Cook was most courteously received by J . E . Collingham , Esq ., ( successor to Sir Joseph Paxton ) , who wished him to inform the Sir Knights that the duke and family being all absent , they were not in a position to dispense the hospitalities of the ducal residence as the
noble owner would have wished had he been at home ; but instructions had been given for the private apartments to be shown , and for the " Emperor" fountain , with all the cascade accompaniments , to play during the visit of the Sir Knights ; and it is scarcely necessary to say that the beauties of the " Palace of the Peak " will
The American K.T. Tourists.
have a lasting impression on the Sir Knights . After viewing Chatsworth they adjourned to the Edensar . Inn , and . did justice to the dinner provided by Mr . Harrison ; in the evening they were driven off to Rousley Station , and took
tram for Manchester . At Manchester , they had to divide between the Queen ' s and Trevelyan Hotels , and left at mid-day for Liverpool , where the whole party were accommodated at the new Hotel of the London and North Western
Company . We are sorry to say the final impressions of English Hotel management were not good , almost every one expressing the same opinion , viz .: that it was one of the finest houses , but the worst managed , they had been in during their visit to Europe ; and they could not help
constrasting the civility and kindness of the managers of various Hotels they had visited with the absurdly haughty conduct of the manager , who stood for about half an hour on the front steps , as though he were a perfect stranger , without addressing a sentence to any one . The passage
from Liverpool to Queenstown was most enjoyable , and the hearty " three cheers and a tiger " given for Mr . John M . Cook , at our departure in the tug-boat , will ring in our ears for some time . We are very glad to find that the
" Oceanic" made one of the quickest passages on record , viz ., eight days and eighteen hours : therefore , we are convinced the Sir Knights will long ere this have reached thier homes in the far West . —Cook ' s Excursionist .
THE Fraternity are cautioned against applications from William Thomas Lawson , who has been making many representations which cannot be supported . It is requested that all brethren to whom he applies should ask him to produce his certificate . Birmingham , Oct . 4 th , 1871 . P . M .
THE following articles , & c ., stand over : — " Freemasonry and Israelitisrn , " by Bro . William Carpenter ; "Israelitish Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race ; " - 'The Fair Sex and Adoptive Masonry ; " the Centenary Festival of Lodge Friendship , No . 202 ; Prov . Grand Conclave of Knights Templar for Devonshire ; Notes and Queries ; " The Morals of Masonry — Addressed to Ladies ;"
" 1 he Footsteps of Masonry , or Freemasonry in Relation to Authentic History , " by liro . W . V . Bedolfe , M . D . ; " Freemasonry and Judaism , " by liro . Buchan , with other correspondence ; "A Review of Freemasonry ; " "The Crown Prince of Prussia as a Mason ; " report of the
Annual Meeting of the Royal Hank of Ireland ; poetry"The Holy Koyal Arch" ( dedicated to Conip . J . Brett ) , " The Long Ago ; " foreign—New Zealand . Also the following reports : Craft Lodges , Nos . 195 and 1330 ; Chapter 165 ; Mavk Lodges , Nos . 2 ( S . C . ) and 19 ; with several Scotch reports , and other matter .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending October 14 , 1871 . The Editor will be glad to have notice from Secretaries of lodges and chapters of any change in place or time of meeting . MONDAY , OCT . 9 . Lodge 59 , Royal Naval , Freemasons' Hall . > . ' 93 . Confidence , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street .
,, S 79 , Pcckham , Maismore Arms , Pcckham . > i 957 , Leigh , Freemasons' Hall . Chap . 22 , Mount Sion , Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-st . Kent Mark Lodge of Instruction , Lyceum Tavern , 354 , Strand , at 7 . 30 . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction ( . 15 ) , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clcrkenwell , at S : Bro .
James Terry , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Fenchurcli-strcet Station , at 7 . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern-Havcrstock-hiii , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . St . James' Union Lodge of Instruction ( 1 S 0 ) , Swan Tavern , Mount-street , Grosvenor-square , at 8 . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) , Koyal Hotel ,
MUceiid-ro . id , at 7 . 30 , Bro . h . Council , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Mile End , at 7 for S . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , Deptford , at 8 j Bro . Dilley , Preceptor . St . John of \ Vapping Lodge of Instruction ( 1306 ) , Gun Tavern , High-street , Wapping , at 7 ; Bro . T . . Mortlock , Preceptor .
TUESDAY , OCT . IO . Lodge 1 S 0 , St . James ' s Union , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 198 , Percy , Ship and Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-st . ,, 211 , St . Michael's , Albion Tavern , Aldersgale-st . ,, 228 , United Strength , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St .
John's Gale , Clcrkenwell . ,, 54 S , Wellington , White Swan , Deptford . ,, 834 , Uanelagli , Sussex Hotel , Hammersmith . >> 9 ' 7 > Cosmopolitan , Terminus Hotel , Cannon-st . » 933 . Doric , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, 1269 , Stanhope , Thicket Hotel , Ancrlcy .