Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Rev . H . | . Hatch , W . M . 160 , P . P . G . C , acting Chaplain ; W . Chaplin , S . D . ; W . P . Belliss , J . D . ; Thos . Hales , S . W ., acting I . G . ; Rev . T . W . Herbert , P . M ., P . P . G . C . ; H . Hicks , W . Wallis , F . V . Jillings , S . W . 260 ; P . Benton , jun ., H . Hassall , G . F . Wood . Visitors : Bros . W . Pissey , P . M . 160 , P . P . J . G . W . ; D . Nash , jun ,, 1 C 0 ; B . J . Abbott , 25 . After the usual
preliminary business Bro . W . H . Norman was passed to the Second Degree . The ballot having proved favourable Mr . H . Smith was initiated into the mysteries ofthe Craft , the work being well done . Two gentlemen having been proposed for initiation the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The Tyler ' s toast brought a very successful meeting to a close .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , on the 2 nd inst . Bro . H . Longman , the W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S . There was a fair attendance of members and visiting brethren . The lodge was opened in the First Degree with solemn prayer , and the minutes of previous meeting read and
confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bros . T . Hell and G . H . Chippindall having given proficiency as Craftsmen , were entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then raised to the Third Degree , and Bro . Bell having been rc-admitted was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason , the working being p-one throueh bv Bro . John Hatch . P . M . 281 . Bro .
Chippindall was then re-admitted and raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason by Bro . Longman , the W . M ., the working tools being presented by Bro . T . Atkinson , W . M . 281 . The lodge was then closed down to the First Degree , and the usual proclamations having been made , which elicited hearty responses from the visitinsr brethren , the Iodsre was closed in due form .
WESTERHAM . —Amherst Lodge ( No . 1223 ) . —On Thursday , the 28 th ult ., this lodge was well attended , a number of London brethren having honoured the W . M ., Bro . R . Durtnell , with a visit . At the banquet which followed , Bro . Hadley ( the new host , an old P . M . ) catered most royally . The visiting brethren expressed themselves much pleased with their reception , and the
pleasures of the evening were much enhanced by the excellent singing of Bro . T . Mortlock , P . M ., Bro . Wood , P . M ., and Bros . Weldon and Gosden . LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — The monthly meeting of this promising and excellentlyworked lodge was held on Tuesday , the 26 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , where there was a
numirous gathering of the brethren , and several distinguished visitors , amongst whom was Bro . II . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec . West Lancashire . Bro . Joseph Bell , W . M ., occupied his place in the E ., and , amongst his chief and subordinate officers present were Bros . W . J . Chapman , S . W . ; L . Courtenay , J . W . ; J . Skeaf , P . G . O ., Org . ; A . Woolrich , Treas . ; H . J . Loveday , Sec . ; J . Atkinson ,
I . G . ; and Bro . G . Hutchin , W . M . 241 , previously elected a joining member , acted as P . M . Air . J . H . Walton was initiated into the Order , and five brethren were passed to the Second Degree by the W . M ., whose working , along with that of his admirable Wardens , elicited general commendation . The bye-laws for the lodge were submitted , and after the month of installation had been altered from
June to September , to suit the convenience of another lodge , they were passed unanimously . The sum of three guineas was voted from the funds of the lodge for the relief of a brother from another lodge , who was in distress , and it was resolved that the " Dramatic " should bc represented at the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge by the W . AL and his two Wardens . After several
propositions for joining and initiation had been made , the lodge was closed according to ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment in the Old Hall . During the evening capital songs and recitations were given l > y Bros . D . Saunders , L . Courtenay , W . J . Chapman , R . J . Cotton , R . Brough , W . Hildyaid , Sec , and the proceedings terminated soon after seven o ' clock .
MOLD . —Sir Watkin Lodge ( No . 1477 ) . — This lodge held its first meeting for the winter session on Monday , the 18 th ult ., in the magnificent Masonic Hall , Mold , when upwards of sixty brethren were present , among them being Bro . J . Salmon , P . J . G . W . of the province , snd Bro . Horatio Lloyd , P . G . S . D . Cheshire . Although , comparatively speakine , the Sir Watkin Ladce is vet in
its infancy , it has already attained a popularity second to none in the Province of North Wales and Salop , within whose jurisdiction the lodge is held . It has already on its books over 100 subsciibing members , including the H . W . P . G . M . of the province , Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart .,
M . P ., whose name the lodge , by special permission , bears , besides some six or seven honorary members . On Monday night Bros . Haverfield and Lloyd sverc raised to the Third Degree , the ceremony being effectivel y rendered by Bro . J . Salmon , who takes a deep interest in the success of the lodge .
INSTRUCTION . DEPTFORD . —Wellington Lod ge ( No . 45 8 ) . —Of late there has been a very marked increase in the attendance at this lodge of industry , held at the White Swan , High-street , Deptford , under the ministrations of Bro . Past Master Griffin , the popular Preceptor , whose assiduity to the onerous duties entailed by his important
post has been instrumental in rendering many young Masons capable of working a ceremony v . ithin a few months of their initiation . As a Preceptor Brt » . Griffin has a wide-spread popularity , perhaps not enjoyed by all those who hold similar offices , for there are sometimes circumstances that render the position of Preceptor a somewhat
unenviable one , and his working and ruling now and again are criticised in a manner not always strictly Masonical , but Bro . Griffin has a happy method of pleasing all , and this we can plainly see has all to do with his popularity . On Monday evening last there was the now usual numerouslattendance to hear Bro . Ernest Smith , 151 : 9 , work the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
initiation ceremony for the second lime in this lodge , the W . M . having for his officers Bros . Bridgland , 933 , S . W . ; Church , J . W . 147 , J . W . ; H . Gloster , J . W . 1531 , S . D . ; Milburn , 13 , J . D . ; and Nevins , I . G . ; Bro . Gibson impersonating the candidate . Among the brethren present we noticed Bros . West , P . M . 548 ; and Dr . Chittenden , W . M . CJS . The first four sections were worked bv Bros .
Church , Marketis , and Shaw , and on the second r ising of the W . M . it was resolved that certain new furniture be purchased , Bros . Chittenden and Gibson at the same time promising a portion of the same . The White Swan is becoming quite a temple of the Craft , and is to S . S . E . Masons what the Masonic Hall is to those further north . The lodee-room proper is second to none in the
metropolis , and the room in which the instruction is given is sufficiently spacious to accommodate a hundred . We wish theWellington Lodge of Instruction the success it deserves . We learn that the Fifteen Sections will be worked at the Star Lodge , Marquis of Granby , New Cross , on the 4 th Saturday in October , Bro . Shaw , Preceptor , Pythagorian Lodge .
UNITED PILGRIMS' LODGE ( No . 705 ) . —A very full meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Friday evening , the 29 th ult ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell Ne w Road , for the purpose of being present at the rehearsal of the ceremony of installation by Bro . M . S . Larlham , P . M . of the Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge , and W . M . of the
Macdonald Lodge . This beautiful ceremony was ably rendered by Bro . Larlham , and when the brethren below the chair were requested to retire it was found that there were eight Past Masters present , showing the interest that was felt by old members of the Craft to witness the proceedings . At the close of the business it was unanimously agreed to that a cordial vote of thanks should be recorded
on the minutes to Bro . Larlham for the very able manner in which he had peiformed the duties of Installing Master , to which he mai ' c a very brief and pithy reply . Sections of the First Degree were then worked , and the lodge was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer . BELGRAVE LODGE ( No . 749 ) . —Theie is , perhaps , in Masonry nothing better calculated to test the
sinccnty , and gauge a brother's appreciation for the beautiful rituals and ancient traditions of our Craft , than an observance as to his attendance at Lodges of Instruction , which are so plentifully ( yet none too plentifully ) scattered over the face of our great metropolis as to eradicate what was once a common excuse on the part of the backward , " I have no Lodirc of Instruction near me . " A train , wp
live in an age when brethren of vast Masonic experience , letter perfect in the ceremonies , beyond reproach in the rendering of our Fifteen Sections of intellectuality , and masters of the ancient charges and traditional histories of the Craft of crafts , voluntarily afford instruction and tuition to those brethren who come in search of it . Such a one as this is our esteemed Bro . T . Pulsford , P . M . 11 s 8
and Preceptor of the Belgrave and Southern Star Lodges of Instruction , whose name is a household word to a vast body of Freemasons in the south-eastern , as well as in the west-end districts . His efforts have long been , are , and , wc trust , long may bc , appreciated and recognised by all who know him , and that " it cannot be said that he has laboured in vain " was practically demonstrated on Friday
evening 29 th ult ., when several of his pupils distinguished themselves in the working of the Fifteen Sections in the Belgrave Lodge . Such an occasion as the one under notice is to the hardworking and industrious Mason a "fete day , " and is looked upon much in the same li ght as is the annual Speech Day by the Westminster scholars . The surest test of the popularity of the Preceptor in charge will
be found in the number of visitors who troop to hear his " woiking , " and do him honour on his own territory ; and the large attendance at the opening of the lodge , subsequent and continuous arrival of newcomers throughout the evening , amply testified to the general popularity and high esteem in which Bro . P . M . Pulsford is held , both as a Preceptor and in private life . Fridav was the first
occasion of the lodge having met at the Constitution , Bedford-street , Covent Garden , and we would here remark that the inauguration of the new lodge-room was marked by new furniture , ornaments , and jewels , as well as the aprons and collars being worn and used , a circumstance that speaks well for the flourishing condition of the ludge funds . Precisely at 7 p . m . Bro . Pulsford ,
P . M . 1158 , assumed the chair of K . S . ; and appointed as bis officers Bros . Mander , P . M . 1021 ., S . W . ; Tolmie , 861 , J . W . ; Wise , I . P . M . 1158 , P . M . ; Lowe , 1582 , S . D . ; Spink , 117 , J . D . ; Lcaper , 1275 , I . G . ; Beavis , 1158 , Sec . Lodge having been in due form and with solemn prayer opened for the business of the evening , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , the First Lecture was worked as follows _ —
FIRST LECTCHE . ist Section by Bro . Wise , P . M . 1158 . 2 nd „ „ Spink , 177 . 3 rd „ „ Ernest Smith , is en
4 " „ „ Hurdell , 1348 . 5 'h „ „ Farwig , I . G . 180 . 6 th „ „ Tolmie , 861 . / th „ „ Cull , 144 6 . Lodge having been opened in the Second Degree , the Lecture was worked as follows : —
SECOXD LECTURE . ist Section by Bro . Mott , J . D . 87 . 2 nd „ „ Stewart , I . G . 11158 . 3 rd „ „ Mander , P . M . 1201 . 4 th „ „ Beavis , 1158 . 5 th „ „ Bcntley , P . M . 193 . The lod ge having been opened iu the Sublime Degree , ihe following brethren assisted the W . M . in working the
THIRD LECTURE . ist Section by Bro . Saul , S . D . 1201 2 nd „ „ Plenderleith , 177 •. rd „ „ Sadler .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Lodge was . then resumed lo the First Degree , and the W . M . rose for the first time , whereupon Bros . Taylor , 144 . Woods , 145 ; Brown , 862 ; Kent S 79 ; Bevan , 1158 ; Wray , 1257 ; and Boswcl ) , 1339 , having . been duly pro . posed and seconded were elected joining members . Dues collected with exactitude . The W . M . having risen for the second and third times , Bro . P . M . Wise proposed anil
Bro . Mander , S . W ., seconded , that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes for the very able manner in which the W . M . had worked the Fifteen Sections . It is needless to say that this was carried with acclamation , and the W . M . enthusiastically received when he rose and replied . He concluded by proposing a vote of thanks to the bre . thren who had assisted him in his work . This havinn
been seconded it was put and carried , Bro . Mander returning thanks on behalf of himself and fellow workers . Bro . Beavis , Secretary , having read a letter from Bro . Batty , W . M . Belgrave Lodge , 749 , sanctioning the removal of the lodge from the Lyceum Tavern to its present quarters , and all Masonic business being now at an end , the Iodsre was closed in due form , and with solemn praver .
We were pleased to see that no brother was called upon to worl . more than one section , which points to the proficiency of the brethren connected with this lodge , and we fully believe had it been necessery a second fifteen could have been selected from the remainder of the brethren to go through the same work . In addition to those brethren takinsr nart in the proceedings , and enumerated above . we
noticed Bros . Battey , W . M . 749 ; Watts , W . M . izoi ; Ball , 144 ; Goddard , 168 ; Vine , 173 ; Jones and Jennings , 178 ; Belfrage , 179 ; Greenwall , 128 ; Pike , 299 ; Jeffery , 452 ; Block , Rossiter , Holloway , 1158 ; Vine , 1260 ; Limebeer , 1275 ; Arnold , 1319 ; Mitchell , 1360 ; Burr and Morphew , 1446 ; and one or
two more whose names we were unable to obtain owing to their early departure . We cannot conclude our notice without tendering our warm congratulations to Bro . P . M . Pulsford on the well-established success of his endeavours , and trust that upon many future occasions we may see the Belgrave Lodge of Instruction as well attended on its Fifteen Section night as it was on the present celebration .
WHITTINGTON LODGE ( No . 862 ) . —This Lodge of Instruction held its weekly meeting on Wednesday last , at the Black Bull , Holborn . Bro . Marston , W . M . Regan , S . W . ; Home , J . W . ; Kohler , S . D . ; Tate , J . D . ; Higgins , I . G . ; Bingemann , P . M . The lodge was opened in the three degrees . Bro . H . Higgins was raised to the degree of Master Mason . The lodge was resumed to tht First
Degree . Bro . Regan was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . On the proposition of Bro . Bingemann , seconded by Bro . Marston , Bro . William Long , P . M . 435 , P . Z . 1056 , was unanimously elected Preceptor . This Lodge of Instruction meets at the above place every Wednesday evening at eight o ' clock . STAR LODGE ( "No . ii ^ rV—At the weeklv meet .
ing of this flourishing Lodge of Instruction held on Saturday , the 3 ist ult ., at the Marquis of Granby , New Cross , after Bro . Speight , jun ., S . W . 147 , had ably worked the ceremonyof installation the following officers were unanimously elected for the ensuing year : — Bros . Govan Macdonald , W . M . 1158 , Preceptor ; C . J Hogg , P . M . 1275 and P . G . S . Treas . ; H . Keeble , P . M . 127 ; , Sec ,
ISS 9 , & c . Sec ; Church , J . W . 147 , Assist . Sec . ; Bros . H . Green , W . M . 1275 , P . M . 1538 J . W . 1559 ; H . Jenkins , and Ernest Smith , 1559 , Auditors . A report of the seventh anniversary banquet of this lodge , held on Thursday evening , must stand over until our next . THE GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . —The membeis of this important lodge of instruction met at
in , Cheapside , on Thursday , the 28 th ult ., at 6 . 30 p . m . The lodge having been opened , a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Seex , W . M . elect of The Great City Lodge , proceeded with the ceremony of installation , and inducted Bro . James Stevens , P . M . 1426 , into the chair of K . S . It need hardly be stated that Bro . R _ - # » v t \ r > rlrirmpt \ hie _ lifli _ -til _ - lact- with _ m > ql ihilil . r on / I in
a manner alike creditable to himself and to the distinguished lodge over which he is called upon to reign during the next twelve months . Bro . Stevens then invested his officers : —S . Browne , S . W . ; A . Goodman , J . W . ; W . Parker , S . D . ; W . H . C . Wiltshire , J . D . ; J . K . Pitt , I . G . ; J . W . Colmer , Treas . In accordance with previous announcement , Bro . Stevens eave a complete
explanation of the Tracing Board of the First Degree , to the great edification and delight of the brethren present . On the motion of Bro . Taylor , W . M . of the Doric , 933 , a cordial vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Seex . ' Bro . Scex , in response , said he felt he had been highly honoured in having been called upon to work the ceremony he had performed in such an important lodge as this . A vote of thanks to Bro . Stevens , nronnsed hv Km . Pnnrc . Ptwpnlnr .
and seconded by Bro . Colmer , Treas ., was carried with acclamation . Bro . Stevens , in reply , said he considered it a duty to impart what knowledge he possessed , and in doing so it always afforded him the greatest pleasure . No greater compliment could be paid to him at any time by members of the Craft than by requesting his services . Bro . Taylor , W . M . 933 , was elected a joining member . Among the brethren present were the following : —Bros . Constable , Blackie , Morgan , jun ., Noehmer , MoMurray , and others .
Scotland .
RENFREWSHIRE EAST PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A meeting of the Renfrewshire East Provincial Grand Lodge was held cu Saturday , 23 rd ult ., in the hall of Lodge Paisley St . Mirren , No . 129 , for the purpose of considering in what wav the members of the lodire would assist in
welcoming his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to Glasgow on the occasion of his forthcoming visit to lay the foundation stone of the new Post Office there . Bro . Col . Campbell , M . P ., of Blytheswood , P . G . M ., presided , and was supported by Bro . James Caldwell , Craigielea , Substitute Master . Bro . James Gilmour , No . 129 , officiate
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Rev . H . | . Hatch , W . M . 160 , P . P . G . C , acting Chaplain ; W . Chaplin , S . D . ; W . P . Belliss , J . D . ; Thos . Hales , S . W ., acting I . G . ; Rev . T . W . Herbert , P . M ., P . P . G . C . ; H . Hicks , W . Wallis , F . V . Jillings , S . W . 260 ; P . Benton , jun ., H . Hassall , G . F . Wood . Visitors : Bros . W . Pissey , P . M . 160 , P . P . J . G . W . ; D . Nash , jun ,, 1 C 0 ; B . J . Abbott , 25 . After the usual
preliminary business Bro . W . H . Norman was passed to the Second Degree . The ballot having proved favourable Mr . H . Smith was initiated into the mysteries ofthe Craft , the work being well done . Two gentlemen having been proposed for initiation the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The Tyler ' s toast brought a very successful meeting to a close .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , on the 2 nd inst . Bro . H . Longman , the W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S . There was a fair attendance of members and visiting brethren . The lodge was opened in the First Degree with solemn prayer , and the minutes of previous meeting read and
confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bros . T . Hell and G . H . Chippindall having given proficiency as Craftsmen , were entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then raised to the Third Degree , and Bro . Bell having been rc-admitted was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason , the working being p-one throueh bv Bro . John Hatch . P . M . 281 . Bro .
Chippindall was then re-admitted and raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason by Bro . Longman , the W . M ., the working tools being presented by Bro . T . Atkinson , W . M . 281 . The lodge was then closed down to the First Degree , and the usual proclamations having been made , which elicited hearty responses from the visitinsr brethren , the Iodsre was closed in due form .
WESTERHAM . —Amherst Lodge ( No . 1223 ) . —On Thursday , the 28 th ult ., this lodge was well attended , a number of London brethren having honoured the W . M ., Bro . R . Durtnell , with a visit . At the banquet which followed , Bro . Hadley ( the new host , an old P . M . ) catered most royally . The visiting brethren expressed themselves much pleased with their reception , and the
pleasures of the evening were much enhanced by the excellent singing of Bro . T . Mortlock , P . M ., Bro . Wood , P . M ., and Bros . Weldon and Gosden . LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — The monthly meeting of this promising and excellentlyworked lodge was held on Tuesday , the 26 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , where there was a
numirous gathering of the brethren , and several distinguished visitors , amongst whom was Bro . II . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec . West Lancashire . Bro . Joseph Bell , W . M ., occupied his place in the E ., and , amongst his chief and subordinate officers present were Bros . W . J . Chapman , S . W . ; L . Courtenay , J . W . ; J . Skeaf , P . G . O ., Org . ; A . Woolrich , Treas . ; H . J . Loveday , Sec . ; J . Atkinson ,
I . G . ; and Bro . G . Hutchin , W . M . 241 , previously elected a joining member , acted as P . M . Air . J . H . Walton was initiated into the Order , and five brethren were passed to the Second Degree by the W . M ., whose working , along with that of his admirable Wardens , elicited general commendation . The bye-laws for the lodge were submitted , and after the month of installation had been altered from
June to September , to suit the convenience of another lodge , they were passed unanimously . The sum of three guineas was voted from the funds of the lodge for the relief of a brother from another lodge , who was in distress , and it was resolved that the " Dramatic " should bc represented at the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge by the W . AL and his two Wardens . After several
propositions for joining and initiation had been made , the lodge was closed according to ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment in the Old Hall . During the evening capital songs and recitations were given l > y Bros . D . Saunders , L . Courtenay , W . J . Chapman , R . J . Cotton , R . Brough , W . Hildyaid , Sec , and the proceedings terminated soon after seven o ' clock .
MOLD . —Sir Watkin Lodge ( No . 1477 ) . — This lodge held its first meeting for the winter session on Monday , the 18 th ult ., in the magnificent Masonic Hall , Mold , when upwards of sixty brethren were present , among them being Bro . J . Salmon , P . J . G . W . of the province , snd Bro . Horatio Lloyd , P . G . S . D . Cheshire . Although , comparatively speakine , the Sir Watkin Ladce is vet in
its infancy , it has already attained a popularity second to none in the Province of North Wales and Salop , within whose jurisdiction the lodge is held . It has already on its books over 100 subsciibing members , including the H . W . P . G . M . of the province , Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart .,
M . P ., whose name the lodge , by special permission , bears , besides some six or seven honorary members . On Monday night Bros . Haverfield and Lloyd sverc raised to the Third Degree , the ceremony being effectivel y rendered by Bro . J . Salmon , who takes a deep interest in the success of the lodge .
INSTRUCTION . DEPTFORD . —Wellington Lod ge ( No . 45 8 ) . —Of late there has been a very marked increase in the attendance at this lodge of industry , held at the White Swan , High-street , Deptford , under the ministrations of Bro . Past Master Griffin , the popular Preceptor , whose assiduity to the onerous duties entailed by his important
post has been instrumental in rendering many young Masons capable of working a ceremony v . ithin a few months of their initiation . As a Preceptor Brt » . Griffin has a wide-spread popularity , perhaps not enjoyed by all those who hold similar offices , for there are sometimes circumstances that render the position of Preceptor a somewhat
unenviable one , and his working and ruling now and again are criticised in a manner not always strictly Masonical , but Bro . Griffin has a happy method of pleasing all , and this we can plainly see has all to do with his popularity . On Monday evening last there was the now usual numerouslattendance to hear Bro . Ernest Smith , 151 : 9 , work the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
initiation ceremony for the second lime in this lodge , the W . M . having for his officers Bros . Bridgland , 933 , S . W . ; Church , J . W . 147 , J . W . ; H . Gloster , J . W . 1531 , S . D . ; Milburn , 13 , J . D . ; and Nevins , I . G . ; Bro . Gibson impersonating the candidate . Among the brethren present we noticed Bros . West , P . M . 548 ; and Dr . Chittenden , W . M . CJS . The first four sections were worked bv Bros .
Church , Marketis , and Shaw , and on the second r ising of the W . M . it was resolved that certain new furniture be purchased , Bros . Chittenden and Gibson at the same time promising a portion of the same . The White Swan is becoming quite a temple of the Craft , and is to S . S . E . Masons what the Masonic Hall is to those further north . The lodee-room proper is second to none in the
metropolis , and the room in which the instruction is given is sufficiently spacious to accommodate a hundred . We wish theWellington Lodge of Instruction the success it deserves . We learn that the Fifteen Sections will be worked at the Star Lodge , Marquis of Granby , New Cross , on the 4 th Saturday in October , Bro . Shaw , Preceptor , Pythagorian Lodge .
UNITED PILGRIMS' LODGE ( No . 705 ) . —A very full meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Friday evening , the 29 th ult ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell Ne w Road , for the purpose of being present at the rehearsal of the ceremony of installation by Bro . M . S . Larlham , P . M . of the Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge , and W . M . of the
Macdonald Lodge . This beautiful ceremony was ably rendered by Bro . Larlham , and when the brethren below the chair were requested to retire it was found that there were eight Past Masters present , showing the interest that was felt by old members of the Craft to witness the proceedings . At the close of the business it was unanimously agreed to that a cordial vote of thanks should be recorded
on the minutes to Bro . Larlham for the very able manner in which he had peiformed the duties of Installing Master , to which he mai ' c a very brief and pithy reply . Sections of the First Degree were then worked , and the lodge was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer . BELGRAVE LODGE ( No . 749 ) . —Theie is , perhaps , in Masonry nothing better calculated to test the
sinccnty , and gauge a brother's appreciation for the beautiful rituals and ancient traditions of our Craft , than an observance as to his attendance at Lodges of Instruction , which are so plentifully ( yet none too plentifully ) scattered over the face of our great metropolis as to eradicate what was once a common excuse on the part of the backward , " I have no Lodirc of Instruction near me . " A train , wp
live in an age when brethren of vast Masonic experience , letter perfect in the ceremonies , beyond reproach in the rendering of our Fifteen Sections of intellectuality , and masters of the ancient charges and traditional histories of the Craft of crafts , voluntarily afford instruction and tuition to those brethren who come in search of it . Such a one as this is our esteemed Bro . T . Pulsford , P . M . 11 s 8
and Preceptor of the Belgrave and Southern Star Lodges of Instruction , whose name is a household word to a vast body of Freemasons in the south-eastern , as well as in the west-end districts . His efforts have long been , are , and , wc trust , long may bc , appreciated and recognised by all who know him , and that " it cannot be said that he has laboured in vain " was practically demonstrated on Friday
evening 29 th ult ., when several of his pupils distinguished themselves in the working of the Fifteen Sections in the Belgrave Lodge . Such an occasion as the one under notice is to the hardworking and industrious Mason a "fete day , " and is looked upon much in the same li ght as is the annual Speech Day by the Westminster scholars . The surest test of the popularity of the Preceptor in charge will
be found in the number of visitors who troop to hear his " woiking , " and do him honour on his own territory ; and the large attendance at the opening of the lodge , subsequent and continuous arrival of newcomers throughout the evening , amply testified to the general popularity and high esteem in which Bro . P . M . Pulsford is held , both as a Preceptor and in private life . Fridav was the first
occasion of the lodge having met at the Constitution , Bedford-street , Covent Garden , and we would here remark that the inauguration of the new lodge-room was marked by new furniture , ornaments , and jewels , as well as the aprons and collars being worn and used , a circumstance that speaks well for the flourishing condition of the ludge funds . Precisely at 7 p . m . Bro . Pulsford ,
P . M . 1158 , assumed the chair of K . S . ; and appointed as bis officers Bros . Mander , P . M . 1021 ., S . W . ; Tolmie , 861 , J . W . ; Wise , I . P . M . 1158 , P . M . ; Lowe , 1582 , S . D . ; Spink , 117 , J . D . ; Lcaper , 1275 , I . G . ; Beavis , 1158 , Sec . Lodge having been in due form and with solemn prayer opened for the business of the evening , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , the First Lecture was worked as follows _ —
FIRST LECTCHE . ist Section by Bro . Wise , P . M . 1158 . 2 nd „ „ Spink , 177 . 3 rd „ „ Ernest Smith , is en
4 " „ „ Hurdell , 1348 . 5 'h „ „ Farwig , I . G . 180 . 6 th „ „ Tolmie , 861 . / th „ „ Cull , 144 6 . Lodge having been opened in the Second Degree , the Lecture was worked as follows : —
SECOXD LECTURE . ist Section by Bro . Mott , J . D . 87 . 2 nd „ „ Stewart , I . G . 11158 . 3 rd „ „ Mander , P . M . 1201 . 4 th „ „ Beavis , 1158 . 5 th „ „ Bcntley , P . M . 193 . The lod ge having been opened iu the Sublime Degree , ihe following brethren assisted the W . M . in working the
THIRD LECTURE . ist Section by Bro . Saul , S . D . 1201 2 nd „ „ Plenderleith , 177 •. rd „ „ Sadler .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Lodge was . then resumed lo the First Degree , and the W . M . rose for the first time , whereupon Bros . Taylor , 144 . Woods , 145 ; Brown , 862 ; Kent S 79 ; Bevan , 1158 ; Wray , 1257 ; and Boswcl ) , 1339 , having . been duly pro . posed and seconded were elected joining members . Dues collected with exactitude . The W . M . having risen for the second and third times , Bro . P . M . Wise proposed anil
Bro . Mander , S . W ., seconded , that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes for the very able manner in which the W . M . had worked the Fifteen Sections . It is needless to say that this was carried with acclamation , and the W . M . enthusiastically received when he rose and replied . He concluded by proposing a vote of thanks to the bre . thren who had assisted him in his work . This havinn
been seconded it was put and carried , Bro . Mander returning thanks on behalf of himself and fellow workers . Bro . Beavis , Secretary , having read a letter from Bro . Batty , W . M . Belgrave Lodge , 749 , sanctioning the removal of the lodge from the Lyceum Tavern to its present quarters , and all Masonic business being now at an end , the Iodsre was closed in due form , and with solemn praver .
We were pleased to see that no brother was called upon to worl . more than one section , which points to the proficiency of the brethren connected with this lodge , and we fully believe had it been necessery a second fifteen could have been selected from the remainder of the brethren to go through the same work . In addition to those brethren takinsr nart in the proceedings , and enumerated above . we
noticed Bros . Battey , W . M . 749 ; Watts , W . M . izoi ; Ball , 144 ; Goddard , 168 ; Vine , 173 ; Jones and Jennings , 178 ; Belfrage , 179 ; Greenwall , 128 ; Pike , 299 ; Jeffery , 452 ; Block , Rossiter , Holloway , 1158 ; Vine , 1260 ; Limebeer , 1275 ; Arnold , 1319 ; Mitchell , 1360 ; Burr and Morphew , 1446 ; and one or
two more whose names we were unable to obtain owing to their early departure . We cannot conclude our notice without tendering our warm congratulations to Bro . P . M . Pulsford on the well-established success of his endeavours , and trust that upon many future occasions we may see the Belgrave Lodge of Instruction as well attended on its Fifteen Section night as it was on the present celebration .
WHITTINGTON LODGE ( No . 862 ) . —This Lodge of Instruction held its weekly meeting on Wednesday last , at the Black Bull , Holborn . Bro . Marston , W . M . Regan , S . W . ; Home , J . W . ; Kohler , S . D . ; Tate , J . D . ; Higgins , I . G . ; Bingemann , P . M . The lodge was opened in the three degrees . Bro . H . Higgins was raised to the degree of Master Mason . The lodge was resumed to tht First
Degree . Bro . Regan was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . On the proposition of Bro . Bingemann , seconded by Bro . Marston , Bro . William Long , P . M . 435 , P . Z . 1056 , was unanimously elected Preceptor . This Lodge of Instruction meets at the above place every Wednesday evening at eight o ' clock . STAR LODGE ( "No . ii ^ rV—At the weeklv meet .
ing of this flourishing Lodge of Instruction held on Saturday , the 3 ist ult ., at the Marquis of Granby , New Cross , after Bro . Speight , jun ., S . W . 147 , had ably worked the ceremonyof installation the following officers were unanimously elected for the ensuing year : — Bros . Govan Macdonald , W . M . 1158 , Preceptor ; C . J Hogg , P . M . 1275 and P . G . S . Treas . ; H . Keeble , P . M . 127 ; , Sec ,
ISS 9 , & c . Sec ; Church , J . W . 147 , Assist . Sec . ; Bros . H . Green , W . M . 1275 , P . M . 1538 J . W . 1559 ; H . Jenkins , and Ernest Smith , 1559 , Auditors . A report of the seventh anniversary banquet of this lodge , held on Thursday evening , must stand over until our next . THE GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . —The membeis of this important lodge of instruction met at
in , Cheapside , on Thursday , the 28 th ult ., at 6 . 30 p . m . The lodge having been opened , a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Seex , W . M . elect of The Great City Lodge , proceeded with the ceremony of installation , and inducted Bro . James Stevens , P . M . 1426 , into the chair of K . S . It need hardly be stated that Bro . R _ - # » v t \ r > rlrirmpt \ hie _ lifli _ -til _ - lact- with _ m > ql ihilil . r on / I in
a manner alike creditable to himself and to the distinguished lodge over which he is called upon to reign during the next twelve months . Bro . Stevens then invested his officers : —S . Browne , S . W . ; A . Goodman , J . W . ; W . Parker , S . D . ; W . H . C . Wiltshire , J . D . ; J . K . Pitt , I . G . ; J . W . Colmer , Treas . In accordance with previous announcement , Bro . Stevens eave a complete
explanation of the Tracing Board of the First Degree , to the great edification and delight of the brethren present . On the motion of Bro . Taylor , W . M . of the Doric , 933 , a cordial vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Seex . ' Bro . Scex , in response , said he felt he had been highly honoured in having been called upon to work the ceremony he had performed in such an important lodge as this . A vote of thanks to Bro . Stevens , nronnsed hv Km . Pnnrc . Ptwpnlnr .
and seconded by Bro . Colmer , Treas ., was carried with acclamation . Bro . Stevens , in reply , said he considered it a duty to impart what knowledge he possessed , and in doing so it always afforded him the greatest pleasure . No greater compliment could be paid to him at any time by members of the Craft than by requesting his services . Bro . Taylor , W . M . 933 , was elected a joining member . Among the brethren present were the following : —Bros . Constable , Blackie , Morgan , jun ., Noehmer , MoMurray , and others .
Scotland .
RENFREWSHIRE EAST PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A meeting of the Renfrewshire East Provincial Grand Lodge was held cu Saturday , 23 rd ult ., in the hall of Lodge Paisley St . Mirren , No . 129 , for the purpose of considering in what wav the members of the lodire would assist in
welcoming his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to Glasgow on the occasion of his forthcoming visit to lay the foundation stone of the new Post Office there . Bro . Col . Campbell , M . P ., of Blytheswood , P . G . M ., presided , and was supported by Bro . James Caldwell , Craigielea , Substitute Master . Bro . James Gilmour , No . 129 , officiate