Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
EMULATION ILodgeofImprovement.Under the Sanction of the Lodge of Unions , No . 256 , Bro . J . Hervey ( G . Sec ) , Treasurer . ! THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL Will take place at the FREEMASONS' HALL , ON FRIDAY EVENING , NOVEMBER 27 , 1874 , Bro . << Eneas J . Mclntyre , Q . G . ( Grand . Registrar ) , IN THE CHAIR . The Lodge will be opened at seven o ' clock precisely . The Brethren are requested to assemble at a quarter before seven . The work will be the 4 th , 5 th , 6 th , and 7 th Sections of the First , and the 1 st , 2 nd , and Third Sections of Third Lecture . ALFRED GREEN , Steward .
THE MASONIC&MILITARYORDERSOl" THE Red Cross of Constantine , K . H . S . & ST . JOH-N > THE EVANGELIST . SIR F . M . WILLIAMS , BART ., M . P ., G . S ., and Grand Commander . COLONEL FRANCIS BURDETT , G . V . and Deputy Grand Commander . A MOVEABLE Grand Conclave and Grand Commandery Of the above Orders will be holden at the MASONIC HALL , HOPE STREET , LIVERPOOL , On Friday , 13 th November , 1874 AT THREE O ' CLOCK , P . M . Banquet at the Adelphi Hotel , at 6 , p . m . Tickets , 7 s . 6 d . each , to be obtained of Sir Knight George Turner , Int . Gen . West Lane , 44 , Church-street Liverpool . WM . ROBERT WOODMAN , M . D ., G . R ., and Registrar-General . Offices : —1 ,, Great James-street , Bedford-row , London , W . C .
Province Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight.
Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight .
FUND TOR THE BENEFIT OI ' WIDOW of THE LATE W . BRO . J . II . STEBHING , P . G . D ( ENGLAND ) AND D . Prov . G . M . PRESIDENT . —Th 2 Biglit Worshipful W . W . B . Biitcii M . P ., I ' r'ivincial Grand Master .
At a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , recently held at Landport , it was unanimously resolved that a Committee . be appointed for the purpose of raising a fund , to provide a suitable memorial to our late deeply-lamented Bro . Stebbing .
In pursuance of the foregoing resolution , a meeting was held at Southampton , which was largely attended , when the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : — "That the Lodges and Chapters of the
Province and Freemasons generally be solicited to subscribe to a fund , to be appropriated vs the Committee shall determine , for the benefit , of the W idow of our late lamented Bro . J R .
Stebbing , whose circumstances at the time of his decease render this appeal absolutely necessary . "
" . That copies of these resolutions be forwarded to each Lodge and Chapter in the Province , inviting their co-operation , as well as that of Brethren and Companions generally , in obtaining subscriptions to the fund . "
" That a circular stating the circumstances be also transmitted to all other Lodges and Chapters in England . " The name of the late Bro . J . R . Stebbing is so well known in all Masonic circles that it
seems unnecessary to set forth at length his long and valuable services . For many years he was a constant attendant at Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , assisting the interests of the
Brethren and Companions . He was Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes in in 1861 , 1862 and 1863 , and also an active member of the Building Committee of the present Freemasons' Hall , London .
He was rarely absent from the elections in the various Charities , giving his valuable aid to the poor and distressed amongst the brethren and their relatives , contributing from his means to the advancement of those charities , in which
he had qualified as Vice-Patron of the Boys School , Life Governor of the Girls' School , and Life Governor of the Benevolent Institution 5 and it is sincerely hoped that the Widow of one
who was so actively engaged for the benefit of others •( herself a Life-Governor of the Boys ' School ) should be placed in circumstances I which will assist her in her present unexpected bereavement .
Subscriptions in aid of this fund may be transmitted to the Treasurer , Aldermoor House , near Southampton ; or to his bankers , Messrs . Maddison , Atherly , Hankinson , and Darwin , Southampton . W . HICKMAN , Treasurer . J . E . LE FEUVRE , Secretary .
gNGLISH CLOTHING is justly regarded as the best in the world , and E . Moses anil Son's as the best in England . p MOSES and SON supply every description of CLOTHING , ready made or made to measure , for all ages , all occasions , and all classes ; also Hosiery and Drapery , Hats and Caps , Boots and Shoes , and complete outfit * for all climate-.. P MOSES AND SON have as usual made extensive preparations for tlie Winter Season in every department of their business , and are now showln S 'he newest styles and patterns . Overcoats , 19 s . to X ' 7 . A distinct Derailment foi Boys' Clothing . Piiecs based on ready-money system . Ail goods marked in plain ligu . es . Any article exchanged if not worn or injured . List of Pi ices , with Rules foi Self-measure , 1 'atlcrns , and Fashion Sheet , gratis , and post free . "P MOSES and SUN'S easy aud accurate system of sclf-nieasuienient enables them to execute orders by post , with the guarantee of a faultier fit . j ? MOSES and SON'S Establishments ate " * closed every Friday evening at sursct , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until 11 o ' clock . E . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes . LONDON . Minor ies and Aldgate , New Oxfoid-street , Tottenham-Coin t-mad , And Bradfipid , Voikshiie .
M ' O U R N i " """" N G . P MOSES ami SON have always on hand a Large Stock of Mourning Attire for adults and juv » nj | cs . An assoitmcnt to select from will be sent at an y time on receipt of a letter or telegram , or the articles rc < luircd can be made to measure at a very short notice . Ii . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors aud . Outfitters for all Classes . LONDON . Mmorics and Aldgate . New Oxford-street , Tottenham-couit-ioad , and liradfonl , Yoikshire .
GRATEFUL—COMFORTING . EPPS'SCOCOA.BREAKFAST . " Hy a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine propcitics of well selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables will a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic aiticles , at their works in the Huston-road , London . " - ' Cassell ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold in packets ( in tins for the tropics ) , labelled—JAMES KIM'S & Co ., HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMISTS , 48 , Tbreadnccdle-street , and 170 , Piccadilly . Works—Euston-road and Ca . nden-town , London-
CRESTS , MONOGRAMS , ARMS , AND LETTERS ' ENGRAVED . SEALS PRESSES , ENDORSING STAMPS , NOTE PAPER DIES . Yimr Arms , Ciesl , and Matin l ' nnnd and Drawn C'irnclli In pen nnil ink 4 , 0 Ciestcngravcil on spoons (< ln / . I ; o Heraldic colours 7 . ' ° i > » sc . il or iin ; : 7 11 Engraved , on copper •••i /> . ° 1 . >¦ watch or stick 1 / 0 Bro . JAMES B . SLY , 9 , RATIICONK-I ' LACF ., LONDON , \ Y . MASONIC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTU'UL WORK OL- ' ART , in Fhotography , mounted for framing , representing a volume of the Scriptures opened at Chapter 6 of the 1 st Rook of Kings , suirounded by symbols of the Craft . Plain , Is . 6 d . ; richly coloured , 3 s . - . Published by STEVENS AND RICHARDSON , Masonic and Commercial Stationers and Printers , 5 , GREAT HUIiliN ST ., MNCOLN ' s-lNN-l'lJiLDSJ , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
EMULATION ILodgeofImprovement.Under the Sanction of the Lodge of Unions , No . 256 , Bro . J . Hervey ( G . Sec ) , Treasurer . ! THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL Will take place at the FREEMASONS' HALL , ON FRIDAY EVENING , NOVEMBER 27 , 1874 , Bro . << Eneas J . Mclntyre , Q . G . ( Grand . Registrar ) , IN THE CHAIR . The Lodge will be opened at seven o ' clock precisely . The Brethren are requested to assemble at a quarter before seven . The work will be the 4 th , 5 th , 6 th , and 7 th Sections of the First , and the 1 st , 2 nd , and Third Sections of Third Lecture . ALFRED GREEN , Steward .
THE MASONIC&MILITARYORDERSOl" THE Red Cross of Constantine , K . H . S . & ST . JOH-N > THE EVANGELIST . SIR F . M . WILLIAMS , BART ., M . P ., G . S ., and Grand Commander . COLONEL FRANCIS BURDETT , G . V . and Deputy Grand Commander . A MOVEABLE Grand Conclave and Grand Commandery Of the above Orders will be holden at the MASONIC HALL , HOPE STREET , LIVERPOOL , On Friday , 13 th November , 1874 AT THREE O ' CLOCK , P . M . Banquet at the Adelphi Hotel , at 6 , p . m . Tickets , 7 s . 6 d . each , to be obtained of Sir Knight George Turner , Int . Gen . West Lane , 44 , Church-street Liverpool . WM . ROBERT WOODMAN , M . D ., G . R ., and Registrar-General . Offices : —1 ,, Great James-street , Bedford-row , London , W . C .
Province Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight.
Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight .
FUND TOR THE BENEFIT OI ' WIDOW of THE LATE W . BRO . J . II . STEBHING , P . G . D ( ENGLAND ) AND D . Prov . G . M . PRESIDENT . —Th 2 Biglit Worshipful W . W . B . Biitcii M . P ., I ' r'ivincial Grand Master .
At a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , recently held at Landport , it was unanimously resolved that a Committee . be appointed for the purpose of raising a fund , to provide a suitable memorial to our late deeply-lamented Bro . Stebbing .
In pursuance of the foregoing resolution , a meeting was held at Southampton , which was largely attended , when the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : — "That the Lodges and Chapters of the
Province and Freemasons generally be solicited to subscribe to a fund , to be appropriated vs the Committee shall determine , for the benefit , of the W idow of our late lamented Bro . J R .
Stebbing , whose circumstances at the time of his decease render this appeal absolutely necessary . "
" . That copies of these resolutions be forwarded to each Lodge and Chapter in the Province , inviting their co-operation , as well as that of Brethren and Companions generally , in obtaining subscriptions to the fund . "
" That a circular stating the circumstances be also transmitted to all other Lodges and Chapters in England . " The name of the late Bro . J . R . Stebbing is so well known in all Masonic circles that it
seems unnecessary to set forth at length his long and valuable services . For many years he was a constant attendant at Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , assisting the interests of the
Brethren and Companions . He was Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes in in 1861 , 1862 and 1863 , and also an active member of the Building Committee of the present Freemasons' Hall , London .
He was rarely absent from the elections in the various Charities , giving his valuable aid to the poor and distressed amongst the brethren and their relatives , contributing from his means to the advancement of those charities , in which
he had qualified as Vice-Patron of the Boys School , Life Governor of the Girls' School , and Life Governor of the Benevolent Institution 5 and it is sincerely hoped that the Widow of one
who was so actively engaged for the benefit of others •( herself a Life-Governor of the Boys ' School ) should be placed in circumstances I which will assist her in her present unexpected bereavement .
Subscriptions in aid of this fund may be transmitted to the Treasurer , Aldermoor House , near Southampton ; or to his bankers , Messrs . Maddison , Atherly , Hankinson , and Darwin , Southampton . W . HICKMAN , Treasurer . J . E . LE FEUVRE , Secretary .
gNGLISH CLOTHING is justly regarded as the best in the world , and E . Moses anil Son's as the best in England . p MOSES and SON supply every description of CLOTHING , ready made or made to measure , for all ages , all occasions , and all classes ; also Hosiery and Drapery , Hats and Caps , Boots and Shoes , and complete outfit * for all climate-.. P MOSES AND SON have as usual made extensive preparations for tlie Winter Season in every department of their business , and are now showln S 'he newest styles and patterns . Overcoats , 19 s . to X ' 7 . A distinct Derailment foi Boys' Clothing . Piiecs based on ready-money system . Ail goods marked in plain ligu . es . Any article exchanged if not worn or injured . List of Pi ices , with Rules foi Self-measure , 1 'atlcrns , and Fashion Sheet , gratis , and post free . "P MOSES and SUN'S easy aud accurate system of sclf-nieasuienient enables them to execute orders by post , with the guarantee of a faultier fit . j ? MOSES and SON'S Establishments ate " * closed every Friday evening at sursct , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until 11 o ' clock . E . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes . LONDON . Minor ies and Aldgate , New Oxfoid-street , Tottenham-Coin t-mad , And Bradfipid , Voikshiie .
M ' O U R N i " """" N G . P MOSES ami SON have always on hand a Large Stock of Mourning Attire for adults and juv » nj | cs . An assoitmcnt to select from will be sent at an y time on receipt of a letter or telegram , or the articles rc < luircd can be made to measure at a very short notice . Ii . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors aud . Outfitters for all Classes . LONDON . Mmorics and Aldgate . New Oxford-street , Tottenham-couit-ioad , and liradfonl , Yoikshire .
GRATEFUL—COMFORTING . EPPS'SCOCOA.BREAKFAST . " Hy a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine propcitics of well selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables will a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic aiticles , at their works in the Huston-road , London . " - ' Cassell ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold in packets ( in tins for the tropics ) , labelled—JAMES KIM'S & Co ., HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMISTS , 48 , Tbreadnccdle-street , and 170 , Piccadilly . Works—Euston-road and Ca . nden-town , London-
CRESTS , MONOGRAMS , ARMS , AND LETTERS ' ENGRAVED . SEALS PRESSES , ENDORSING STAMPS , NOTE PAPER DIES . Yimr Arms , Ciesl , and Matin l ' nnnd and Drawn C'irnclli In pen nnil ink 4 , 0 Ciestcngravcil on spoons (< ln / . I ; o Heraldic colours 7 . ' ° i > » sc . il or iin ; : 7 11 Engraved , on copper •••i /> . ° 1 . >¦ watch or stick 1 / 0 Bro . JAMES B . SLY , 9 , RATIICONK-I ' LACF ., LONDON , \ Y . MASONIC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTU'UL WORK OL- ' ART , in Fhotography , mounted for framing , representing a volume of the Scriptures opened at Chapter 6 of the 1 st Rook of Kings , suirounded by symbols of the Craft . Plain , Is . 6 d . ; richly coloured , 3 s . - . Published by STEVENS AND RICHARDSON , Masonic and Commercial Stationers and Printers , 5 , GREAT HUIiliN ST ., MNCOLN ' s-lNN-l'lJiLDSJ , London .