Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
his favour . A ballot was then taken for Mr . W . C . Sams , as a candidate for initiation , which also proved favourable , but he not being able to attend on this occasion , his admission was deferred till the next meeting . The next business was to pass Bro . D . Millbank to the Second Degree , which ceremony was effectively performed by the W . AI . in the chair . The agenda paper having been thus far cleared , the principal work of the evening was entered upon , viz ., the
installation of the W . M . elect . Bro . J . P . Lewin , P . AI ., was duly presented by the I . P . M ., and received at trie hands of Bro . A . Rattray the benefit of installation . Bro . Rattray has a fine ; powerful voice and good delivery , and being also very perfect in ritual , the ceremony was a real Masonic treat . The new W . AL then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . A . Rattray , LP . AL , * Waiter Rowe , S . W . ,- the Rev . F . B .
Shepherd , P . AL , Chap . ; F . J . Snell , P . AL , Treas . ; G . D . Clapham , P . M ., Sec . ; H . E . Dehane , P . M ., D . C . ; T . W . Noble , Org . ; G . H . Williams , S . D . ; R . C . Lyle , J . D . ; J . L . Franklin , I . G . ; Renforth , Scarr , and Braizer , Stwds . ; and Warner , Tyler . Bro . Capt . A . Nicols , P . M ., acted as D . C . A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to the rehiring P . AL for his two years of valuable service . Bro .
Rattray gracefully acknowledged the honour ; but said he did not consider himself that he was so deserving of it as the brethren of the Rosslyn Lodge seemed to think . Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from several breresiding at a distance , and considering that some of the members present had driven over 23 miles , and few less than 10 , the muster was a strong one . The rest of the business , which was of a private nature , being disposed of ,
the ' odge was closed in perfect harmony , and the brethren shortly afterwards sat down to a good , plain , substantial country dinner , well served and superintended by Bro . C . Bint . The usual loyal and Alasonic toasts followed , and were duly responded to ; but as the list was an unusually long one—numbering 13 ( with a like number of songs intervening)—it must be sufficient to say that Bro . Lewin spoke
admirably and to the point on every occasion . Bro . G . D . Clapham replied for " The Past Masters , " Bro . Dehane for "The Charities , " Bro . Capt . A . Nicols for " The Visitors , " and Bro . Rowe , S . D ., for " The Officers of the Lodge . " The Tyler's toast brought a very successful evening to a close , and as the night was fine , with a clear moon , the long drive home to Bishop's Stortford proved an extremely pleasant one .
SHANKLIN , I . W . —Chine Lodge ( No . 1 S 84 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , there being present Bros . John Bailey , W . AL ; Alfred Greenham , S . W . ; F . Cooper , I . P . M ., Treasurer ; Charles Scott , Secretary ; Frank Rayner , S . D . ; Charles Moorman , J . D . ; George Humby , D . C ; J . W . Cantelon , I . G . ; J . Middleton , Stwd . ; W . J . Mew , Tyler ; Francis Newman , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . ; W .
Deeks , A . H . Brown , A . F . Swayne , T . A . Raynes , W . H . Collings , Lewis Colenutt , and W . Thompson . Visitors Bros . Sir VV . Gordon Macgregor , Bart . ; J . Webber , W . AL 5 Si ; T . H . I . Petherick , P . AI . 551 ; M . Lindfield , P . M . 551 ; F . Trueman , 551 ; W . folman , 551 ; J . H . McQueen , P . M . n ; and Kinsey , 694 . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes and correspondence read , Bro . Alfred Greenham
S . W ., read the proposed bye-laws and rules for the proposed lodge of instruction , which were carried unanimously . The Worshipful Master , Bro . John Bailey , then rose and said : Brethren , I have the greatest pleasure in asking you to record a most generous gift made to our lodge by Bro . Sir William Gordon Macgregor . As a brother of our ancient Craft , visiting Shankliirduring the summer for rest and health , he has grasped our hands in fraternal feeling ,
and has marked his kind appreciation of our sincere endeavours to receive him with all courtesy by presenting to our lodge this valuable portrait of our Grand Alaster . You will all , I am sure , join with me in offering our sincere thanks to Bro . Sir William for this welcome present , and v / ill order that it be duly recorded in our minutes . Bro . F . Cooper , LP . M . and Treasurer , seconded . Bro . Sir VV . Gordon Macgregor thanked the W . M . for
the kind way in which his gift had been spoken of , and assured them he considered it an honour and a privilege to present it , and to be among them . Knowing Shanklin , as he did , for many years , and one of its oldest inhabitants , and a member of the lodge , Bro . Cooper , he could not but rejoice at the stride Masonry had made in the island , and particularly in Shanklin . He felt proud to be in a lodge where such unity of feeling and purpose existed , and where
all strove to do their best for its welfare . Its unity was its strength in the past and present , and he hoped it would characterise it in its future . It was a pleasure to him to present the portrait of one who took such a deep interest in Alasonry , and he trusted it might long decorate the walls of the Hall its members were so justly proud of . The VV . M . then moved a vote of thanks to Bro . George Kenning , P . AL 192 and 1 G 57 , P . G . D . Middx ., for his many
handsome presents to the lodge , consisting of a beautiful photograph of thc interior of the Masonic Temple , London , framed , together with nine photos of distinguished Masons forming the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasons ; a medal struck in honour of the Prince of Wales ' s Installation , and a Cyclopaedia of Freemasonry . He said : I feel assured that every member of Chine Lodge will appreciate not only the many gifts from Bro . Kenning , but the
interest he had taken in it during and since his visit to Shanklin . When I look around me to-night and see the great improvements they have made to our Hall , I feel deeply sensible of such great kindness and generosity , and whenever I survey them , that brother's name will be present to ¦ . iy mind . 1 feel , brethren , we have entered on a new era of prosperity , marked to-day by such splendid gifts as those of Bros . Sir W . Macgregor and G . Kenning . I wish that the latter had been here to-day to witness our ' appreeiation
and receive those thanks he so well deserves , and which I know you wi ' . U accord him . Bro . A . H . i ? rown seconded the vote Of thanks , and expressed his regret that he had not the honour of knowing such a worthy brother , being away from home at the last meeting ; but , none the less , he appreciated such kindness from one who had sojourned in their midst , and one whom they would all proudly welcome again . To mark his own individual appreciation of his gifts , hc would bear the expense of the frames they were placed and hung in—an announcement loudly applauded .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . A . F . Swayne proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . F . Cooper for decorating at . his own expense the _ banqueting room and the other outer rooms in the building ; and to Bro . J . Mew , who had done the work for nothing . He expressed his pleasure at seeing Bro . Cooper follow in the footsteps of his father , who was the oldest Mason in the island , and who was known for his many acts of generosity , and to whom the lodge would ever be grateful for the land
on which it was built . Bro . Mew , their Tyler , had carried out the work , which must have taken him many weeks to do , in a manner that entitled him to the best thanks of the lodge . This was seconded by Bro . W . Thompson . Bro . F . Cooper thanked them for the vote of thanks . He felt great interest in the lodge , being one of its founders , and it pleased him to see it prospering , and anything to further its welfare , or conduce to the . comfortin the Hall , he
was oroud to do . The W . M . then alluded to the present of Bro . A . F . Swayne of a large mirror in the retiring room , which he knew the brethren would find useful , knowing the want of it in times past . Bro . Collings proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Bro .
Swayne , and spoke in admiration of the conduct of so young a member ptoving his interest in the lodge by so valuable a present . He said : Our S . W . surprised me today b y saying he was looking forward to my flow of oratory on this occasion , but Greek Iambics are more in my way . The brethren will know whatever I have failed to express , yet we all feel indebted to Bro . Swayne for his useful present .
Bro . Swayne suitably responded . Bro . Colenutt proposed , and Bro . Humby , D . C , seconded a vote of thanks to Bro . A . H . Brown for framing the nine photographs . The W . AL then said I now wish to ask the lodge to accept from myself the present of a banner . As a brother of our noble Craft , as one of the first promoters of Chine Lodge , and as your present Worshipful Alaster , I cherish
the hope that you will in all fraternal feeling accept my gift . I have referred to myself as your Worshipful Master , but common gratitude bids me say that if I have filled that honourable position with anything of credit , I owe that to our esteemed Past Alaster , Bro . Newman , who has so constantly helped me to fulfil my duties . Bro . F . Rayner , S . D ., then rose and said the brethren had that evening been afforded several opportunities of
expressing their thanks and showing their appreciation to several brethren , not only of that lodge , but of other lodges , for the very handsome presents offered for their acceptance for the purpose of improving and adorning the walls of the lodge . They could not but . feel pleased and gratified at the prominence the lodge had acquired recently , and the notice with which it had been brought before the members of the Craft , principally through the kindness of their
esteemed Bro . George Kenning , whom they hoped to have seen amongst them that night , and who would always receive a hearty welcome whenever he visited the lodge . The vote of thanks which he had the greatest pleasure in proposing was to their Worshipful Alaster , Bro . J . Bailey , for the beautiful banner he had presented to the lodge , and which now adorned the walls . It was a work of art , and he was sure the brethren would feel proud to sit under it
wherever it might hang in future . On it was represented the emblems or working tools of a Ma ? on , a faithful picture of the head of Shanklin Chine , from which the lodge derived its name , encircling this was . on one side the sprig of acacia , and on the other was depicted an ear of corn near to a fall of water . He then asked the brethren to accord a very hearty vote of thanks to the donor of the handsome banner , and he was sure they would do so with the
enthusiasm it demanded . This was seconded by Bro . John Cantelo , I . G ., and carried unanimously , after which the W . M . briefly , but suitably , replied . Bro . F . Newman , P . M ., having moved a vote of thanks to those members kindly lending the lodge sums of money free of interest to pay its mortgage off . Bro . Raynes seconded , and in the course of his remarks said it was almost the first opportunity he had had of visiting the
lodge for some years , and he was greatly pleased at the energy displayed and the interest taken in Masonry . He could remember Masonry in its earlier days in the island 40 years ago , and he was proud to see the spirit that was apparent in so young a lodge . It reminded him of his early days when their old member , Bro . B . Cooper , came regularly to the Yarborough Lodge . He had heard of
what Chine Lodge had done , and he had heard that night the efforts they were making to reduce their debt . He thought such efforts ought to be encouraged , and he was willing to lend the lodge £ 100 at si per cent ., if other members would do the same . At the banquet afterwards , Bro . T . A . Raynes offered £ 200 , with all legal expenses free . This announcement was received by the members with loud and prolonged cheering .
TEMPERANCE LODGE ( NO . 169 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday evening , the 30 th ult ., at the Duke of York Tavern , Evelyn-street , Deptford , when there were present Bros . N . Pitt , W . M . j j . G . Dalc . S . W . ; Walters , J . W . ; John . Vohmann , S . D . ; J . G Honey , J . D . j R . Bouctt , I . G . ; 1 . G . Milbourn , Preceptor ; Henry Strickland , Hon . Sec . ; W . C . Mowbray , Treas . ; and \ V . Sanderson , P . M . The lodge was opened in the First Degree , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the
Second Degree , and , questions previous to raising having been answered , Uro , Honey was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony oE raising rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Honey being candidate . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and thc questions preparatory to passing answered , Bro . Honey was entrusted . The lodge resumed to the Second Degree , and the ceremony rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Honey personating candidate . The lodge was resumed to thc First Degree , and the
VV . M . rose for thc first time , lt was proposed by Dro , Strickland , seconded by Bro . Mowbray , and carried unanimously , that Bro . Walters , o £ the Lebanon Lodge , No . ^ ej , become a member of this lodge of instruction ; thc dues were then collected . The W . M . rose for thc second time . It was proposed by the Preceptor , seconded by thc J . W ., and carried unanimously , that the S . W . be W . M . for the ensuing week . The W . M . rose for thc third time , and ali Masonic business having been ended , thc lodge was then closed .
DOMATIC I . ODGE ( No . 177 ) . —This lodge met on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., at tlie Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road . Although there had been a great downpour ot rain , the brethren mustered in good numbers . There were present Bros . H . B . Buckeridge . W . M . ; K . kowlands , S . W . ; C . H . Pigeon , J . VV . ; Crouch , S . D . ; Bannister , J . D . ; F . Tull , I . G . ; R . Walden , Sec . ; j . Hill , Preceptor ; Lavington , J . VV . Richardson , Rev . H . Tbwnshcnd , A , O . Side , and others ,
The lodge was opened , and tlie minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degrees , and then resumed to tlie First . Tile ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . G . Lavington being the candidate . The charge was delivered by the VV . M . The lodge called off and on . Bro . R . Rowlands was called upon by the VV . M . to give the explanatinn of the tracing board , whicli he did most satisfactorily , 'lhe 1 st Section of the First Lecture was then worked by Brs . Hill and thc
brethren . Bro . A O . Side answered the questions for the Second Degree . Bro . Hill proposed and Bro . Rowlands seconded that Bro . A . O . Side , of the Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1658 , be admitted a member . This was carried wnammcYisly . Bro . HiU proposed and Bro . Tull seconded that Bro . R . Rowlands be the W . M . for the ensuing week—carried unanimously ; the working to lie the Second Degree , thc charge , the tracing board , and the ist Section of the Second Lecture . The lodge was closed .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1425 ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Porchester Hotel , Leinstcr-place , Cleveland-square , Porchester-tcrrace , Paddington , W . Present : Uros . J . H . Wood , W . M . ; E . C . Mnlvey , S . W . ; F . Chandler , J . W . ; H . Dehane , P . M ., Sec . ; W . J . Mason , S . D . ; C . S . Mote , J . D . ; W . Death , I . G . ; O . W . Battley , Stwd . ; W . Craig , P . M . 1415 ; D . Geltion , P . M . 1425 ; W . H . Chalfont , P . M . 1425 ; Capt . A . Nicols , P . M . 1974 ; J . L . King , P . M . 6 J 7 ; W . H . Chappell , H . Robinson , F . C . Mander , Capt . Andrews , J . Laurence , and C . T . Thomson . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
lodge meeting were read and confirmed . After the usual preliminaries , the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Mauder being candidate . Bro . Mnlvey was elected W . M . for next meeting , and appointed his ollicers in rotation . Bro . George Read was unanimously re-elected Treasurer and Preceptor , and Bro . H . E . Dehane Secretary for the ensuing twelve months . Bros . \ V . J . Mason , W . H . Chappell , and Capt . A . Nicols were appointed the Audit Committee ; after which the bye laws were read . Bro . Capt . Andrews thanked the brethren in a feeling and appropriate manner for the sincere vote of sympathy he received from them on the occasion of his severe accident . The lodge was closed .
SIR HUGH MYDDELTON LODGE ( No . 160 J ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., at the White Horse Tavern , Liverpool-road , N . Present .- Bros . Crawley , VV . M . ; Cross , S . W . ; H . Patient , J . W ; Osborn , Treas . ; Hughes , Secretary ; Weeden , Preceptor ; Ware , S . D . ; Homan , J . D . ; S . G . Patient , I . G . ; and McMillen . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed . After the usual preliminaries , thc ceremony ot raising was rehearsedBro . McMillen acting as
candi-, date . The lodge was closed down to the First Degree , and the ist Section of the Lecture was worked by Bro . Weeden , Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . It was proposed by Bro . Homan , seconded by Bro . Weeden , and carried unanimously , that Bro . Cross , S . D . of Burgoyne Lodge , No . 902 , be elected a joining member . Bro . Cross was also elected VV . M . for the next meeting . Bros . H . Patient , S . G . Patient , and Crawley were appointed to audit the accounts of the lodge for the past year . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instrnction was held at the Bedford Head Hotel , Maiden-lane , Covent-Garden , W . C , on the 29 th ult ., when there were present Bros . E . C . Mulvey , W . M . ; R . J . Harnell , S . W . ; A . Gamineli , J . W . ; H . G . Marsden , S . D . ; Wilkie Jones , J . D . ; H . S . Hunter , I . G . j VV . Fowles , acting as Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Secretary and Treasurer ; E . G . Coleman , C . Grassi , A . Kedge , J . W . Ford , J . H . Watts , P . M ., W . A . Dawling , T . A . Dickson , 1 . Skinner , I ' . M ., and T . A . Weeks ;
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . A . Grassi having offered himself as a candidate for initiation , the W . M , was pleased to rehearse the ceremony . Lodge called off and resumed . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Lodge opened in the Third Degree . Lodge closed in the Third and then the Second Degree . Bro . VV . Fowles worked the 4 th Section of the First Lecture . On rising for the first time , Bro . E . G . Coleman , Enoch Lodge , No . 11 , was unanimously elected a joining member of this lodge of instruction , being proposed by Bro . H . G . Marsden , and seconded by Bro . G .
Reynolds . On rising for the second time , Bro . W . Fowles proposed that Bro . R . J . Harnell , S . W ., be W . M . for the ensuing week ; seconded by the J . VV ., and carried unanimously . The W . M . elect was pleased to appoint his officers in rotation . On rising for the third time , Bro . R . J . Harnell , S . VV ., proposed that a letter of condolence be sent b y Bro . G . Reynolds , Sec , from this lodge of instruction to Bro . VV . C . Smith , their worthy Preceptor , stating they much regretted his illness , and earnestly hoping he might speedily be restored to health ; seconded by Bro . A . Gamineli ; carried unanimously . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed .
UBIQUE LODGE ( No . 1789 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 30 th ult ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-street , S . W . Present : Bros . Coughlan , VV . M . ; Wade , P . M ., S . W . ; Folson , J . W . j Gibson , Treas , j A . Hayes , Sec . ; Gibson , S . D . ; Grist , J . D . j Taylor . I . G . ; Green , sen ., P . M . ; Cope , Green , jun ., Mason , Ray , Chilcott , Arnold , Christian , Cope , and Foscutt . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro , Ray , a candidate to be passed to the Second Degree , answered the usual questions , and
was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Ray candidate . Bro . Cope , a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Cope candidate . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Green's motion that an annual supper take place was carried unanimously . Proposed by Bro . Folson and seconded by Bro . Green , that the supper take place on Friday , the 37 th inst . ; carried nnanimously . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed .
. CREATON LODGE ( No . 1791 L-A meeting of this lodge o £ instruction was held at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Goldhawk-road , on Thursday , the 29 th ult . Present : Bros . I . Davies , Preceptor , y , * . )** •A *! - * R <*>*** ° ' ds . P-M . 1441 . S . W . ; Alais , P . M . 834 , J . VV . ; Spigie , P . M . 188 , S . D . ; Purdue , P . M . 834 , J . D . ; and Cavers , I . G . The lodge was opened in the nsnal form , and the minutes were read and confirmed . The Fifteen Sections were worked by the brelhren , the ist Section of the First Lecture being worked by Bro .
F . G . Mander , 1828 ; 2 nd—Bro . W . H . Chalfont , P . M . 142 J , Hon . Secretary ; 3 rd—Bro . Gilbert , 1828 ; th—Bro . W . W . Williams , 834 ; Jth—Bro . Alais , P . M . 8 34 ; 6 th and Jth—Bro . George Davis , P . M . 167 . The ist Section of the Second Lecture by Bro . R . H . Rogers , S . W . 1791 ; 2 nd—Bro . Collings , P . M . 178 S ; 3 rd—Bro . Spigie , P . M . 188 ; 4 U 1—Bro . Reynolds . P . M . 1441 ; and Sth—Bro . Craggs , S 34 . The ist Section of the Third Lecture by uioianiic 3
. ^ , r . m . 1441 ; nu—uro . furdue , P . M . 831 ; and 3 rd—Bro . W . A . Cubitt , W . M . 193 . The following brethrenwere also in attendance : Bros . Millis , P . M . 154 ; Alexander , P . M . 142 s ; Dale , Jennings , Head , Cruttwell , Watt , Love , William Williams , Cross , tilbury , Mander , Webster , Wood , Taylor , Fay , Allman , Walden , Captain Hilden , Stroud , Millborn , Sims , Parnacott , Fountain , Trueman , Maloney , Rolston , and E . A . Austin , Hon , Treasurer . Bro . Cavers , the host , added much to the | comfort of thc brethren .
Bro . Captain Lord Charles Beresford , R . N ., made his first appearance as a candidate for election to the next Parliament by the new constituency of East Marylebone , on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., when his lordship addressed a crowded meeting of the electors in St . Andrew ' s Hall , Newman-street . Bro . Colonel Burgess presided at the meeting and introduced his lordship , who has already had some six years' experience of Parliamentary life .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
his favour . A ballot was then taken for Mr . W . C . Sams , as a candidate for initiation , which also proved favourable , but he not being able to attend on this occasion , his admission was deferred till the next meeting . The next business was to pass Bro . D . Millbank to the Second Degree , which ceremony was effectively performed by the W . AI . in the chair . The agenda paper having been thus far cleared , the principal work of the evening was entered upon , viz ., the
installation of the W . M . elect . Bro . J . P . Lewin , P . AI ., was duly presented by the I . P . M ., and received at trie hands of Bro . A . Rattray the benefit of installation . Bro . Rattray has a fine ; powerful voice and good delivery , and being also very perfect in ritual , the ceremony was a real Masonic treat . The new W . AL then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . A . Rattray , LP . AL , * Waiter Rowe , S . W . ,- the Rev . F . B .
Shepherd , P . AL , Chap . ; F . J . Snell , P . AL , Treas . ; G . D . Clapham , P . M ., Sec . ; H . E . Dehane , P . M ., D . C . ; T . W . Noble , Org . ; G . H . Williams , S . D . ; R . C . Lyle , J . D . ; J . L . Franklin , I . G . ; Renforth , Scarr , and Braizer , Stwds . ; and Warner , Tyler . Bro . Capt . A . Nicols , P . M ., acted as D . C . A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to the rehiring P . AL for his two years of valuable service . Bro .
Rattray gracefully acknowledged the honour ; but said he did not consider himself that he was so deserving of it as the brethren of the Rosslyn Lodge seemed to think . Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from several breresiding at a distance , and considering that some of the members present had driven over 23 miles , and few less than 10 , the muster was a strong one . The rest of the business , which was of a private nature , being disposed of ,
the ' odge was closed in perfect harmony , and the brethren shortly afterwards sat down to a good , plain , substantial country dinner , well served and superintended by Bro . C . Bint . The usual loyal and Alasonic toasts followed , and were duly responded to ; but as the list was an unusually long one—numbering 13 ( with a like number of songs intervening)—it must be sufficient to say that Bro . Lewin spoke
admirably and to the point on every occasion . Bro . G . D . Clapham replied for " The Past Masters , " Bro . Dehane for "The Charities , " Bro . Capt . A . Nicols for " The Visitors , " and Bro . Rowe , S . D ., for " The Officers of the Lodge . " The Tyler's toast brought a very successful evening to a close , and as the night was fine , with a clear moon , the long drive home to Bishop's Stortford proved an extremely pleasant one .
SHANKLIN , I . W . —Chine Lodge ( No . 1 S 84 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , there being present Bros . John Bailey , W . AL ; Alfred Greenham , S . W . ; F . Cooper , I . P . M ., Treasurer ; Charles Scott , Secretary ; Frank Rayner , S . D . ; Charles Moorman , J . D . ; George Humby , D . C ; J . W . Cantelon , I . G . ; J . Middleton , Stwd . ; W . J . Mew , Tyler ; Francis Newman , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . ; W .
Deeks , A . H . Brown , A . F . Swayne , T . A . Raynes , W . H . Collings , Lewis Colenutt , and W . Thompson . Visitors Bros . Sir VV . Gordon Macgregor , Bart . ; J . Webber , W . AL 5 Si ; T . H . I . Petherick , P . AI . 551 ; M . Lindfield , P . M . 551 ; F . Trueman , 551 ; W . folman , 551 ; J . H . McQueen , P . M . n ; and Kinsey , 694 . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes and correspondence read , Bro . Alfred Greenham
S . W ., read the proposed bye-laws and rules for the proposed lodge of instruction , which were carried unanimously . The Worshipful Master , Bro . John Bailey , then rose and said : Brethren , I have the greatest pleasure in asking you to record a most generous gift made to our lodge by Bro . Sir William Gordon Macgregor . As a brother of our ancient Craft , visiting Shankliirduring the summer for rest and health , he has grasped our hands in fraternal feeling ,
and has marked his kind appreciation of our sincere endeavours to receive him with all courtesy by presenting to our lodge this valuable portrait of our Grand Alaster . You will all , I am sure , join with me in offering our sincere thanks to Bro . Sir William for this welcome present , and v / ill order that it be duly recorded in our minutes . Bro . F . Cooper , LP . M . and Treasurer , seconded . Bro . Sir VV . Gordon Macgregor thanked the W . M . for
the kind way in which his gift had been spoken of , and assured them he considered it an honour and a privilege to present it , and to be among them . Knowing Shanklin , as he did , for many years , and one of its oldest inhabitants , and a member of the lodge , Bro . Cooper , he could not but rejoice at the stride Masonry had made in the island , and particularly in Shanklin . He felt proud to be in a lodge where such unity of feeling and purpose existed , and where
all strove to do their best for its welfare . Its unity was its strength in the past and present , and he hoped it would characterise it in its future . It was a pleasure to him to present the portrait of one who took such a deep interest in Alasonry , and he trusted it might long decorate the walls of the Hall its members were so justly proud of . The VV . M . then moved a vote of thanks to Bro . George Kenning , P . AL 192 and 1 G 57 , P . G . D . Middx ., for his many
handsome presents to the lodge , consisting of a beautiful photograph of thc interior of the Masonic Temple , London , framed , together with nine photos of distinguished Masons forming the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasons ; a medal struck in honour of the Prince of Wales ' s Installation , and a Cyclopaedia of Freemasonry . He said : I feel assured that every member of Chine Lodge will appreciate not only the many gifts from Bro . Kenning , but the
interest he had taken in it during and since his visit to Shanklin . When I look around me to-night and see the great improvements they have made to our Hall , I feel deeply sensible of such great kindness and generosity , and whenever I survey them , that brother's name will be present to ¦ . iy mind . 1 feel , brethren , we have entered on a new era of prosperity , marked to-day by such splendid gifts as those of Bros . Sir W . Macgregor and G . Kenning . I wish that the latter had been here to-day to witness our ' appreeiation
and receive those thanks he so well deserves , and which I know you wi ' . U accord him . Bro . A . H . i ? rown seconded the vote Of thanks , and expressed his regret that he had not the honour of knowing such a worthy brother , being away from home at the last meeting ; but , none the less , he appreciated such kindness from one who had sojourned in their midst , and one whom they would all proudly welcome again . To mark his own individual appreciation of his gifts , hc would bear the expense of the frames they were placed and hung in—an announcement loudly applauded .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . A . F . Swayne proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . F . Cooper for decorating at . his own expense the _ banqueting room and the other outer rooms in the building ; and to Bro . J . Mew , who had done the work for nothing . He expressed his pleasure at seeing Bro . Cooper follow in the footsteps of his father , who was the oldest Mason in the island , and who was known for his many acts of generosity , and to whom the lodge would ever be grateful for the land
on which it was built . Bro . Mew , their Tyler , had carried out the work , which must have taken him many weeks to do , in a manner that entitled him to the best thanks of the lodge . This was seconded by Bro . W . Thompson . Bro . F . Cooper thanked them for the vote of thanks . He felt great interest in the lodge , being one of its founders , and it pleased him to see it prospering , and anything to further its welfare , or conduce to the . comfortin the Hall , he
was oroud to do . The W . M . then alluded to the present of Bro . A . F . Swayne of a large mirror in the retiring room , which he knew the brethren would find useful , knowing the want of it in times past . Bro . Collings proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Bro .
Swayne , and spoke in admiration of the conduct of so young a member ptoving his interest in the lodge by so valuable a present . He said : Our S . W . surprised me today b y saying he was looking forward to my flow of oratory on this occasion , but Greek Iambics are more in my way . The brethren will know whatever I have failed to express , yet we all feel indebted to Bro . Swayne for his useful present .
Bro . Swayne suitably responded . Bro . Colenutt proposed , and Bro . Humby , D . C , seconded a vote of thanks to Bro . A . H . Brown for framing the nine photographs . The W . AL then said I now wish to ask the lodge to accept from myself the present of a banner . As a brother of our noble Craft , as one of the first promoters of Chine Lodge , and as your present Worshipful Alaster , I cherish
the hope that you will in all fraternal feeling accept my gift . I have referred to myself as your Worshipful Master , but common gratitude bids me say that if I have filled that honourable position with anything of credit , I owe that to our esteemed Past Alaster , Bro . Newman , who has so constantly helped me to fulfil my duties . Bro . F . Rayner , S . D ., then rose and said the brethren had that evening been afforded several opportunities of
expressing their thanks and showing their appreciation to several brethren , not only of that lodge , but of other lodges , for the very handsome presents offered for their acceptance for the purpose of improving and adorning the walls of the lodge . They could not but . feel pleased and gratified at the prominence the lodge had acquired recently , and the notice with which it had been brought before the members of the Craft , principally through the kindness of their
esteemed Bro . George Kenning , whom they hoped to have seen amongst them that night , and who would always receive a hearty welcome whenever he visited the lodge . The vote of thanks which he had the greatest pleasure in proposing was to their Worshipful Alaster , Bro . J . Bailey , for the beautiful banner he had presented to the lodge , and which now adorned the walls . It was a work of art , and he was sure the brethren would feel proud to sit under it
wherever it might hang in future . On it was represented the emblems or working tools of a Ma ? on , a faithful picture of the head of Shanklin Chine , from which the lodge derived its name , encircling this was . on one side the sprig of acacia , and on the other was depicted an ear of corn near to a fall of water . He then asked the brethren to accord a very hearty vote of thanks to the donor of the handsome banner , and he was sure they would do so with the
enthusiasm it demanded . This was seconded by Bro . John Cantelo , I . G ., and carried unanimously , after which the W . M . briefly , but suitably , replied . Bro . F . Newman , P . M ., having moved a vote of thanks to those members kindly lending the lodge sums of money free of interest to pay its mortgage off . Bro . Raynes seconded , and in the course of his remarks said it was almost the first opportunity he had had of visiting the
lodge for some years , and he was greatly pleased at the energy displayed and the interest taken in Masonry . He could remember Masonry in its earlier days in the island 40 years ago , and he was proud to see the spirit that was apparent in so young a lodge . It reminded him of his early days when their old member , Bro . B . Cooper , came regularly to the Yarborough Lodge . He had heard of
what Chine Lodge had done , and he had heard that night the efforts they were making to reduce their debt . He thought such efforts ought to be encouraged , and he was willing to lend the lodge £ 100 at si per cent ., if other members would do the same . At the banquet afterwards , Bro . T . A . Raynes offered £ 200 , with all legal expenses free . This announcement was received by the members with loud and prolonged cheering .
TEMPERANCE LODGE ( NO . 169 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday evening , the 30 th ult ., at the Duke of York Tavern , Evelyn-street , Deptford , when there were present Bros . N . Pitt , W . M . j j . G . Dalc . S . W . ; Walters , J . W . ; John . Vohmann , S . D . ; J . G Honey , J . D . j R . Bouctt , I . G . ; 1 . G . Milbourn , Preceptor ; Henry Strickland , Hon . Sec . ; W . C . Mowbray , Treas . ; and \ V . Sanderson , P . M . The lodge was opened in the First Degree , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the
Second Degree , and , questions previous to raising having been answered , Uro , Honey was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony oE raising rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Honey being candidate . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and thc questions preparatory to passing answered , Bro . Honey was entrusted . The lodge resumed to the Second Degree , and the ceremony rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Honey personating candidate . The lodge was resumed to thc First Degree , and the
VV . M . rose for thc first time , lt was proposed by Dro , Strickland , seconded by Bro . Mowbray , and carried unanimously , that Bro . Walters , o £ the Lebanon Lodge , No . ^ ej , become a member of this lodge of instruction ; thc dues were then collected . The W . M . rose for thc second time . It was proposed by the Preceptor , seconded by thc J . W ., and carried unanimously , that the S . W . be W . M . for the ensuing week . The W . M . rose for thc third time , and ali Masonic business having been ended , thc lodge was then closed .
DOMATIC I . ODGE ( No . 177 ) . —This lodge met on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., at tlie Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road . Although there had been a great downpour ot rain , the brethren mustered in good numbers . There were present Bros . H . B . Buckeridge . W . M . ; K . kowlands , S . W . ; C . H . Pigeon , J . VV . ; Crouch , S . D . ; Bannister , J . D . ; F . Tull , I . G . ; R . Walden , Sec . ; j . Hill , Preceptor ; Lavington , J . VV . Richardson , Rev . H . Tbwnshcnd , A , O . Side , and others ,
The lodge was opened , and tlie minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degrees , and then resumed to tlie First . Tile ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . G . Lavington being the candidate . The charge was delivered by the VV . M . The lodge called off and on . Bro . R . Rowlands was called upon by the VV . M . to give the explanatinn of the tracing board , whicli he did most satisfactorily , 'lhe 1 st Section of the First Lecture was then worked by Brs . Hill and thc
brethren . Bro . A O . Side answered the questions for the Second Degree . Bro . Hill proposed and Bro . Rowlands seconded that Bro . A . O . Side , of the Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1658 , be admitted a member . This was carried wnammcYisly . Bro . HiU proposed and Bro . Tull seconded that Bro . R . Rowlands be the W . M . for the ensuing week—carried unanimously ; the working to lie the Second Degree , thc charge , the tracing board , and the ist Section of the Second Lecture . The lodge was closed .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1425 ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Porchester Hotel , Leinstcr-place , Cleveland-square , Porchester-tcrrace , Paddington , W . Present : Uros . J . H . Wood , W . M . ; E . C . Mnlvey , S . W . ; F . Chandler , J . W . ; H . Dehane , P . M ., Sec . ; W . J . Mason , S . D . ; C . S . Mote , J . D . ; W . Death , I . G . ; O . W . Battley , Stwd . ; W . Craig , P . M . 1415 ; D . Geltion , P . M . 1425 ; W . H . Chalfont , P . M . 1425 ; Capt . A . Nicols , P . M . 1974 ; J . L . King , P . M . 6 J 7 ; W . H . Chappell , H . Robinson , F . C . Mander , Capt . Andrews , J . Laurence , and C . T . Thomson . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
lodge meeting were read and confirmed . After the usual preliminaries , the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Mauder being candidate . Bro . Mnlvey was elected W . M . for next meeting , and appointed his ollicers in rotation . Bro . George Read was unanimously re-elected Treasurer and Preceptor , and Bro . H . E . Dehane Secretary for the ensuing twelve months . Bros . \ V . J . Mason , W . H . Chappell , and Capt . A . Nicols were appointed the Audit Committee ; after which the bye laws were read . Bro . Capt . Andrews thanked the brethren in a feeling and appropriate manner for the sincere vote of sympathy he received from them on the occasion of his severe accident . The lodge was closed .
SIR HUGH MYDDELTON LODGE ( No . 160 J ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., at the White Horse Tavern , Liverpool-road , N . Present .- Bros . Crawley , VV . M . ; Cross , S . W . ; H . Patient , J . W ; Osborn , Treas . ; Hughes , Secretary ; Weeden , Preceptor ; Ware , S . D . ; Homan , J . D . ; S . G . Patient , I . G . ; and McMillen . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed . After the usual preliminaries , thc ceremony ot raising was rehearsedBro . McMillen acting as
candi-, date . The lodge was closed down to the First Degree , and the ist Section of the Lecture was worked by Bro . Weeden , Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . It was proposed by Bro . Homan , seconded by Bro . Weeden , and carried unanimously , that Bro . Cross , S . D . of Burgoyne Lodge , No . 902 , be elected a joining member . Bro . Cross was also elected VV . M . for the next meeting . Bros . H . Patient , S . G . Patient , and Crawley were appointed to audit the accounts of the lodge for the past year . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instrnction was held at the Bedford Head Hotel , Maiden-lane , Covent-Garden , W . C , on the 29 th ult ., when there were present Bros . E . C . Mulvey , W . M . ; R . J . Harnell , S . W . ; A . Gamineli , J . W . ; H . G . Marsden , S . D . ; Wilkie Jones , J . D . ; H . S . Hunter , I . G . j VV . Fowles , acting as Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Secretary and Treasurer ; E . G . Coleman , C . Grassi , A . Kedge , J . W . Ford , J . H . Watts , P . M ., W . A . Dawling , T . A . Dickson , 1 . Skinner , I ' . M ., and T . A . Weeks ;
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . A . Grassi having offered himself as a candidate for initiation , the W . M , was pleased to rehearse the ceremony . Lodge called off and resumed . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Lodge opened in the Third Degree . Lodge closed in the Third and then the Second Degree . Bro . VV . Fowles worked the 4 th Section of the First Lecture . On rising for the first time , Bro . E . G . Coleman , Enoch Lodge , No . 11 , was unanimously elected a joining member of this lodge of instruction , being proposed by Bro . H . G . Marsden , and seconded by Bro . G .
Reynolds . On rising for the second time , Bro . W . Fowles proposed that Bro . R . J . Harnell , S . W ., be W . M . for the ensuing week ; seconded by the J . VV ., and carried unanimously . The W . M . elect was pleased to appoint his officers in rotation . On rising for the third time , Bro . R . J . Harnell , S . VV ., proposed that a letter of condolence be sent b y Bro . G . Reynolds , Sec , from this lodge of instruction to Bro . VV . C . Smith , their worthy Preceptor , stating they much regretted his illness , and earnestly hoping he might speedily be restored to health ; seconded by Bro . A . Gamineli ; carried unanimously . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed .
UBIQUE LODGE ( No . 1789 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 30 th ult ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-street , S . W . Present : Bros . Coughlan , VV . M . ; Wade , P . M ., S . W . ; Folson , J . W . j Gibson , Treas , j A . Hayes , Sec . ; Gibson , S . D . ; Grist , J . D . j Taylor . I . G . ; Green , sen ., P . M . ; Cope , Green , jun ., Mason , Ray , Chilcott , Arnold , Christian , Cope , and Foscutt . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro , Ray , a candidate to be passed to the Second Degree , answered the usual questions , and
was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Ray candidate . Bro . Cope , a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Cope candidate . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Green's motion that an annual supper take place was carried unanimously . Proposed by Bro . Folson and seconded by Bro . Green , that the supper take place on Friday , the 37 th inst . ; carried nnanimously . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed .
. CREATON LODGE ( No . 1791 L-A meeting of this lodge o £ instruction was held at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Goldhawk-road , on Thursday , the 29 th ult . Present : Bros . I . Davies , Preceptor , y , * . )** •A *! - * R <*>*** ° ' ds . P-M . 1441 . S . W . ; Alais , P . M . 834 , J . VV . ; Spigie , P . M . 188 , S . D . ; Purdue , P . M . 834 , J . D . ; and Cavers , I . G . The lodge was opened in the nsnal form , and the minutes were read and confirmed . The Fifteen Sections were worked by the brelhren , the ist Section of the First Lecture being worked by Bro .
F . G . Mander , 1828 ; 2 nd—Bro . W . H . Chalfont , P . M . 142 J , Hon . Secretary ; 3 rd—Bro . Gilbert , 1828 ; th—Bro . W . W . Williams , 834 ; Jth—Bro . Alais , P . M . 8 34 ; 6 th and Jth—Bro . George Davis , P . M . 167 . The ist Section of the Second Lecture by Bro . R . H . Rogers , S . W . 1791 ; 2 nd—Bro . Collings , P . M . 178 S ; 3 rd—Bro . Spigie , P . M . 188 ; 4 U 1—Bro . Reynolds . P . M . 1441 ; and Sth—Bro . Craggs , S 34 . The ist Section of the Third Lecture by uioianiic 3
. ^ , r . m . 1441 ; nu—uro . furdue , P . M . 831 ; and 3 rd—Bro . W . A . Cubitt , W . M . 193 . The following brethrenwere also in attendance : Bros . Millis , P . M . 154 ; Alexander , P . M . 142 s ; Dale , Jennings , Head , Cruttwell , Watt , Love , William Williams , Cross , tilbury , Mander , Webster , Wood , Taylor , Fay , Allman , Walden , Captain Hilden , Stroud , Millborn , Sims , Parnacott , Fountain , Trueman , Maloney , Rolston , and E . A . Austin , Hon , Treasurer . Bro . Cavers , the host , added much to the | comfort of thc brethren .
Bro . Captain Lord Charles Beresford , R . N ., made his first appearance as a candidate for election to the next Parliament by the new constituency of East Marylebone , on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., when his lordship addressed a crowded meeting of the electors in St . Andrew ' s Hall , Newman-street . Bro . Colonel Burgess presided at the meeting and introduced his lordship , who has already had some six years' experience of Parliamentary life .