Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Masonic Charges.
The text of this scroll is in not a few respects an exceedingly curious one , and , until its advent , was only represented in most respects by one MS . known , viz ., the " Bedford MS . / ' belonging to the " Bedford Lodge , " No . 157 , London , transcribed by my old friend , Bro . John Constable , P . M . 18 5 , and published
in the Freemasons' Chronicle for the 22 nd and 29 th April , 1882 . Its title is the "Harris MS . No . 1 " ( also a No . 2 , B . M . ) . The obligation is peculiar , so is the finale and some ofthe" Charges " are equally so , as also the marginal notes ; in fact , it will not be
safe to dilate on such points in this brief communication , Avhich is sent for the simple purpose of announcing the discovery ( if it may be so termed ) of another and valuable roll , written apparently late in the seventeenth century .
There is also another copy of the " Old Charges in the minute book of the " Journeymen Lodge , " ( now Thistle , No . 62 ) , Dumfries , first constituted on the 6 th June , 1753 , and warranted in the succeeding year ( ioth December , 1754 ) , which was written as the code of laws for the government of that lodge , for the attestation clause reads— ! l We bind ourselves to all the above
articles , " & c , and is duly signed by 64 members , beginning with the Master and others , in 1756 , after which are given the minutes in the regular way . This text is quite a sui-generis , and might well be termed The Theological MS ., for its author has mixed up a lot of religious injunctions with many of the
ordinary portions of such a manuscript Book of Constitutions , and rendered it useless critically and Masonically , save as a clear indication , that so late as 1756 the custom was followed by that lodge of requiring adhesion to a form of the " Old Charges . "
I am indebted to Bro . James Smith , of Dumfries , for a sight of the original roll , and transcript of the strange MS ., he having kindly obtained the consent of Bro . McCreath , the R . W . M . of
No . 53 , to forward the precious document for my inspection . I am very pleased to state that Bro . Smith will have the old roll reproduced in his forthcoming history of the ancient lodge of Dumfries .
Since writing the foregoing I have received three more MSS . from Bro . James Smith , making a most extraordinary series of finds in one brief week . Nothing in my experience has ever
occurred like it . Such an unusual discovery of five MSS . may well indicate how much more there remains to be done , and how necessary it is to leave no spot unexamined that may yield some return for the labour , as I have long advocated .
These three MSS . are written on paper , one only being ( or father having been ) a roll , and two belong to the Dumfries Kilwinning Lodge , No . 53 . For the sake of identification I number them—i . e ., the five—as follows :
Dumfries Kilwinning MSS . 1 . Paper ( 3 sheets . ) Late seventeenth century . 2 . Ditto . Roll , but imperfect . Ditto . 3 . Vellum roll ( before mentioned ) . Ditto . 4 . Paper in book form , early eighteenth .
( With Apprentice Charges . ) Thistle Lodge , No . 62 , Dumfries . MS . written in Minute Book A . D . 175 6 .
I must not now stay to say more , save to remark that waiting for the next find , indicates the state of my mind ; there are two more rolls traced lately of the eighteenth century , which will doubtless soon be described . W . J . HUGHAN .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Jersey.
The annual meeting- of this Provincial Grand I . odge was held on Thursday , the 22 nd ult ., at the Masonic Temple , Stopford-road , St . Heliers , under the banner of the Yarborough Lodge , No . 244 , the senior lodge in the province . The attendance was larger , perhaps , than at any previous meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , although the day brought very unpropitious
weather with it . It was also said that illness kept away several brethren . The Worshipful Master and officers of the Yarborough Lodge opened their lodge , and Bro . Col . E . C . Malet de Carteret , the Prov . Grand Master of Jersey , attended , supported by Bro . Dr . J . Le Cronier , Dep . Prov . Grand Master , and the W . M . and officers of the Yarborough Lodge having greeted him , the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened .
The PROVINCIAL GRAND SECRETARY having read the circular convening the meeting , called over the roll of lodges and the roll of Provincial Grand Ofiicers , when it was found that each lodge , excepting I . odge La Cresaree , No . 590 , under suspension by Grand Lodge of England , was well represented , and that there vvas an increased attendance of Provincial Grand
Officers as compared with those present at the annual meeting of last year . The report of the Auditors and the accounts of the Provincial Grand Treasurer were presented , passed , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The accounts showed a very satisfactory balance in hand ( nearly ( £ 70 ) , after payment of various contributions authorised b y Provincial Grand Lodge .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Jersey.
Bro . F . LE FEUVRE , P . M . 877 , P . P . G . S . B ., proposed , and Bro . W . J . PUGSLEY , P . M . 245 , P . P . S . G . W ., seconded , the re-election of Bro . G . J . Renouf as Prov . Grand Treasurer . The proposition was carried unanimously , and the honour of re-election acknowledged .
The sum of ten guineas was voted from Provincial Grand Lodge funds towards the expenses incurred in re-decorating and renovating the lodge rooms , ante-room , and hall of the Temple . A Steward was appointed to represent the province at the forthcoming Festival to celebrate the Jubilee of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in February next , and the sum of 20 guineas was voted from the Provincial Grand Lodge fund towards the object . Bro . Dr . A . C . Godfrey was unanimously elected as Steward .
Bro . Geo . Rogers , P . M . 1003 , was unanimously re-elected Provincial Grand Tyler . The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER read his annual address , in which he described the state of Masonry in the province as being very satisfactory . He vvas able , he said , to bear witness to the great benefits which had resulted from the visits of Prov . Grand Officers to the various lodges during the past
year , and he found from the reports of those brethren that good , nay , excellent , work was performed by the majority of the lodges in the province , and that the visits made had been very welcome . He learned that discipline in the lodges vvas well maintained , and that the duties appertaining to the office of W . M . were better performed than in years gone by , while the W . M . ' s and officers themselves were doing their work with commendable zeal . He was also aware , although he had no actual statistics to quote , that Masonry had
made considerable progress in the province . The annual returns from the six lodges now active showed the Craft to number 491- —an average of over 80 members each lodge . Lodge La Cajsaree , No . 590 , had made no returns , and he ( the P . G . M . ) then alluded in the most feeling terms to the sad episode vvhich had occurred in that lodge , and subsequently referred to several points affecting the internal government and working of the lodges , and concluded his address by informing the brethren that the next annual Prov . Grand Lodge meeting would probably be held under the banner of
the Mechanics' Lodge / No . 245 . Various other items were passed , and other routine business of Prov . Grand Lodge transacted , after which the Prov . Grand Master appointed and invested the following Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year *—Bro . Dr . John Le Cronier ( re-appointed ) ... D . P . G . M . ,, John Gray ... ... ... ... Prov . S . G . W . ,, Samuel Gilley ... ... ... Prov . J . G . W . „ Rev . 0 . M . Holden , M . A . ... ... Prov . G . Chap . ,, G . J . Renouf ( re-elected ) ... ... Prov . G . Treas . ,, F . Vincent ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Reg . ,, P . E . Sohier ( re-appointed ) ... ... Prov . G . Sec . „ ¦ E . J . Dodman ... ... ... Prov . S . G . D . ., LA . Balleine ... ... ... Prov . LG . D .
„ N . H . Harris ... ... ... Prov . G . S . of W . „ F . Jubiel ... ... ... ... Prov . G . D . C . „ J . H . Le Poidevin ... ... ... Prov . A . G . D . C . „ Dr . A . E . Hind ... ... ... Prov . G . S . B . " J f ' ^ ° - ] Prov . G . Std . Brs . ,, 1 nos . Glass ... ... ... ) „ C . H . Wilson ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . „ C . L . H . Brodhurst ... ... ... Prov . G . Purst . ,, F . A . Bossy ... ... ... Prov . Asst . G . Purst . / vnsiowe
,, A . , ... ,, J . Lesbirel ... " J- Mid gf ley [ -Prov . G . Stewards . ,, J . A . locque ... ... ... | „ } . Brouart ... .. E . LeBas ... . J . —— ... ... ... .. ^
,, ~~ . . 1 , G . Rogers ( re-elected ) ... ... ... Prov . G . Tyler .
The PROA * . GRAND MASTER expressed his acknowledgments to the retiring Prov . Grand Officers for thc manner in which they had discharged their duties during the past year . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed . Amongst those present were
Bros , Col . E . C . Malet de Carteret , Prov . G . M . ; Dr . J . Le Cronier , P . M ., P . Z ., Dep . Prov . G . M . ; C . Donaldson , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., acting P . S . G . W . ; W . H . Bosvles , P . M ., P . J . G . W .: Rev . O . M . Holden , M . A ., acting Prov . G . Chap . ; G . J . Renouf , P . M ., P . Z ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . G . Treasurer ; P . E . Sohier , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., Prov . G . Secretary ; Thomas Stone , P . G . Re ? . ; L . P . Hespiradoux , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . ; Francis Le Feuvre , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; John Durell , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . ; James Caton , I . W . 244 , P . G . Stsvd .: Clement Baker , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works ;
Oliver Dodge , P . M .. P . P . S . G . W . ; Fred . Vincent , P . M ., P . Z . P . P . J . G . D . ; Dr . Maxwell Le Cronier , P . G . S . K . ; E . L . Bisson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ; W . Tyacke , P . G . Std . Br . ; ] . H . Le Poidevin , P . G . Stsvd . ; P . G . Hamilton , P . P . S . G . D . ; T . H . Marguerie , P . P . G . O . ; Dr . A . C . Godfrey , P . M . ; Peter Bois , P . P . J . G . W . ; Thomas Adderson . P . M ., P . A . G . D . C ; H . C . L . Brodhurst , P . G . Stsvd . ; J . D . Tocque . J . D . 401 ; Walter Fentum , S . W . 244 , P . P . G . Org . ; C . Donaldson , P . M ., Treas . 244 ; Alfred Anslosv , S . D . 244 ; P . l-lampied , P . M . 245 , P . P . G . D . C ; F . A . Bossy , 244 ; N . H . Harris , S . D . 245 , P . G . Stsvd . ; H . ] . Gilbey , Org-. 244 ; W . Gosling , 1003 ; Dr . A . H .
Hind . S 77 : W . H . Dickson , 244 ; C . H . Wilson , J . D . 244 ; Joshua Lesbirel , I . G . 244 ; Dr . F . A . Godfrey , S 77 ; Thomas Glass , S 60 and 1003 ; O . M . Holden , 357 and S 77 ; L . A . Jubel , S . W . 491 ; Capt . J . C Barrette , W . M . 245 , P . G . D . C . ; Thos . Baudains , P . M . 95 S , P . P . G . D . C ; A . Baudoux , 244 ; John E . Hamon . P . S . W . 244 ; E . Oldridge . P . M . 1003 ; S . Gilley , P . M ., P . Z ., P . P . G . Reg . ; W . T . Pugsley , P . M ., 245 . P . P . S . G . W . ; C . H . Harris , 244 : Arthur Hone , 234 S ; John Gray , P . M . 245 , P . Z .. P . P . S . G . D . ; A . Curry , P . G . Org . ; H . Mather , LG . 491 ; Dr . Thomas J . Aubin , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W . ; J . O . Le Sueur , P . P . G . W . ; and others . A banquet afterwards took place , at which the Provincial Grand Master presided .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
On the 28 th ult . between 600 and 700 brethren journeyed from all parts of West Lancashire to Blackpool for the purpose of attending the annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge , vvhich was held at the Winter Gardens . Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom , Pro Grand Master , Prov . Grand Master , presided . The rolls of Prov . Grand Officers and lodges were called , only one lodge failing to send representatives . From the Prov . Grand Treasurer ' s statement it appeared that the total
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Masonic Charges.
The text of this scroll is in not a few respects an exceedingly curious one , and , until its advent , was only represented in most respects by one MS . known , viz ., the " Bedford MS . / ' belonging to the " Bedford Lodge , " No . 157 , London , transcribed by my old friend , Bro . John Constable , P . M . 18 5 , and published
in the Freemasons' Chronicle for the 22 nd and 29 th April , 1882 . Its title is the "Harris MS . No . 1 " ( also a No . 2 , B . M . ) . The obligation is peculiar , so is the finale and some ofthe" Charges " are equally so , as also the marginal notes ; in fact , it will not be
safe to dilate on such points in this brief communication , Avhich is sent for the simple purpose of announcing the discovery ( if it may be so termed ) of another and valuable roll , written apparently late in the seventeenth century .
There is also another copy of the " Old Charges in the minute book of the " Journeymen Lodge , " ( now Thistle , No . 62 ) , Dumfries , first constituted on the 6 th June , 1753 , and warranted in the succeeding year ( ioth December , 1754 ) , which was written as the code of laws for the government of that lodge , for the attestation clause reads— ! l We bind ourselves to all the above
articles , " & c , and is duly signed by 64 members , beginning with the Master and others , in 1756 , after which are given the minutes in the regular way . This text is quite a sui-generis , and might well be termed The Theological MS ., for its author has mixed up a lot of religious injunctions with many of the
ordinary portions of such a manuscript Book of Constitutions , and rendered it useless critically and Masonically , save as a clear indication , that so late as 1756 the custom was followed by that lodge of requiring adhesion to a form of the " Old Charges . "
I am indebted to Bro . James Smith , of Dumfries , for a sight of the original roll , and transcript of the strange MS ., he having kindly obtained the consent of Bro . McCreath , the R . W . M . of
No . 53 , to forward the precious document for my inspection . I am very pleased to state that Bro . Smith will have the old roll reproduced in his forthcoming history of the ancient lodge of Dumfries .
Since writing the foregoing I have received three more MSS . from Bro . James Smith , making a most extraordinary series of finds in one brief week . Nothing in my experience has ever
occurred like it . Such an unusual discovery of five MSS . may well indicate how much more there remains to be done , and how necessary it is to leave no spot unexamined that may yield some return for the labour , as I have long advocated .
These three MSS . are written on paper , one only being ( or father having been ) a roll , and two belong to the Dumfries Kilwinning Lodge , No . 53 . For the sake of identification I number them—i . e ., the five—as follows :
Dumfries Kilwinning MSS . 1 . Paper ( 3 sheets . ) Late seventeenth century . 2 . Ditto . Roll , but imperfect . Ditto . 3 . Vellum roll ( before mentioned ) . Ditto . 4 . Paper in book form , early eighteenth .
( With Apprentice Charges . ) Thistle Lodge , No . 62 , Dumfries . MS . written in Minute Book A . D . 175 6 .
I must not now stay to say more , save to remark that waiting for the next find , indicates the state of my mind ; there are two more rolls traced lately of the eighteenth century , which will doubtless soon be described . W . J . HUGHAN .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Jersey.
The annual meeting- of this Provincial Grand I . odge was held on Thursday , the 22 nd ult ., at the Masonic Temple , Stopford-road , St . Heliers , under the banner of the Yarborough Lodge , No . 244 , the senior lodge in the province . The attendance was larger , perhaps , than at any previous meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , although the day brought very unpropitious
weather with it . It was also said that illness kept away several brethren . The Worshipful Master and officers of the Yarborough Lodge opened their lodge , and Bro . Col . E . C . Malet de Carteret , the Prov . Grand Master of Jersey , attended , supported by Bro . Dr . J . Le Cronier , Dep . Prov . Grand Master , and the W . M . and officers of the Yarborough Lodge having greeted him , the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened .
The PROVINCIAL GRAND SECRETARY having read the circular convening the meeting , called over the roll of lodges and the roll of Provincial Grand Ofiicers , when it was found that each lodge , excepting I . odge La Cresaree , No . 590 , under suspension by Grand Lodge of England , was well represented , and that there vvas an increased attendance of Provincial Grand
Officers as compared with those present at the annual meeting of last year . The report of the Auditors and the accounts of the Provincial Grand Treasurer were presented , passed , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The accounts showed a very satisfactory balance in hand ( nearly ( £ 70 ) , after payment of various contributions authorised b y Provincial Grand Lodge .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Jersey.
Bro . F . LE FEUVRE , P . M . 877 , P . P . G . S . B ., proposed , and Bro . W . J . PUGSLEY , P . M . 245 , P . P . S . G . W ., seconded , the re-election of Bro . G . J . Renouf as Prov . Grand Treasurer . The proposition was carried unanimously , and the honour of re-election acknowledged .
The sum of ten guineas was voted from Provincial Grand Lodge funds towards the expenses incurred in re-decorating and renovating the lodge rooms , ante-room , and hall of the Temple . A Steward was appointed to represent the province at the forthcoming Festival to celebrate the Jubilee of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in February next , and the sum of 20 guineas was voted from the Provincial Grand Lodge fund towards the object . Bro . Dr . A . C . Godfrey was unanimously elected as Steward .
Bro . Geo . Rogers , P . M . 1003 , was unanimously re-elected Provincial Grand Tyler . The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER read his annual address , in which he described the state of Masonry in the province as being very satisfactory . He vvas able , he said , to bear witness to the great benefits which had resulted from the visits of Prov . Grand Officers to the various lodges during the past
year , and he found from the reports of those brethren that good , nay , excellent , work was performed by the majority of the lodges in the province , and that the visits made had been very welcome . He learned that discipline in the lodges vvas well maintained , and that the duties appertaining to the office of W . M . were better performed than in years gone by , while the W . M . ' s and officers themselves were doing their work with commendable zeal . He was also aware , although he had no actual statistics to quote , that Masonry had
made considerable progress in the province . The annual returns from the six lodges now active showed the Craft to number 491- —an average of over 80 members each lodge . Lodge La Cajsaree , No . 590 , had made no returns , and he ( the P . G . M . ) then alluded in the most feeling terms to the sad episode vvhich had occurred in that lodge , and subsequently referred to several points affecting the internal government and working of the lodges , and concluded his address by informing the brethren that the next annual Prov . Grand Lodge meeting would probably be held under the banner of
the Mechanics' Lodge / No . 245 . Various other items were passed , and other routine business of Prov . Grand Lodge transacted , after which the Prov . Grand Master appointed and invested the following Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year *—Bro . Dr . John Le Cronier ( re-appointed ) ... D . P . G . M . ,, John Gray ... ... ... ... Prov . S . G . W . ,, Samuel Gilley ... ... ... Prov . J . G . W . „ Rev . 0 . M . Holden , M . A . ... ... Prov . G . Chap . ,, G . J . Renouf ( re-elected ) ... ... Prov . G . Treas . ,, F . Vincent ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Reg . ,, P . E . Sohier ( re-appointed ) ... ... Prov . G . Sec . „ ¦ E . J . Dodman ... ... ... Prov . S . G . D . ., LA . Balleine ... ... ... Prov . LG . D .
„ N . H . Harris ... ... ... Prov . G . S . of W . „ F . Jubiel ... ... ... ... Prov . G . D . C . „ J . H . Le Poidevin ... ... ... Prov . A . G . D . C . „ Dr . A . E . Hind ... ... ... Prov . G . S . B . " J f ' ^ ° - ] Prov . G . Std . Brs . ,, 1 nos . Glass ... ... ... ) „ C . H . Wilson ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . „ C . L . H . Brodhurst ... ... ... Prov . G . Purst . ,, F . A . Bossy ... ... ... Prov . Asst . G . Purst . / vnsiowe
,, A . , ... ,, J . Lesbirel ... " J- Mid gf ley [ -Prov . G . Stewards . ,, J . A . locque ... ... ... | „ } . Brouart ... .. E . LeBas ... . J . —— ... ... ... .. ^
,, ~~ . . 1 , G . Rogers ( re-elected ) ... ... ... Prov . G . Tyler .
The PROA * . GRAND MASTER expressed his acknowledgments to the retiring Prov . Grand Officers for thc manner in which they had discharged their duties during the past year . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed . Amongst those present were
Bros , Col . E . C . Malet de Carteret , Prov . G . M . ; Dr . J . Le Cronier , P . M ., P . Z ., Dep . Prov . G . M . ; C . Donaldson , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., acting P . S . G . W . ; W . H . Bosvles , P . M ., P . J . G . W .: Rev . O . M . Holden , M . A ., acting Prov . G . Chap . ; G . J . Renouf , P . M ., P . Z ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . G . Treasurer ; P . E . Sohier , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., Prov . G . Secretary ; Thomas Stone , P . G . Re ? . ; L . P . Hespiradoux , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . ; Francis Le Feuvre , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; John Durell , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . ; James Caton , I . W . 244 , P . G . Stsvd .: Clement Baker , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works ;
Oliver Dodge , P . M .. P . P . S . G . W . ; Fred . Vincent , P . M ., P . Z . P . P . J . G . D . ; Dr . Maxwell Le Cronier , P . G . S . K . ; E . L . Bisson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ; W . Tyacke , P . G . Std . Br . ; ] . H . Le Poidevin , P . G . Stsvd . ; P . G . Hamilton , P . P . S . G . D . ; T . H . Marguerie , P . P . G . O . ; Dr . A . C . Godfrey , P . M . ; Peter Bois , P . P . J . G . W . ; Thomas Adderson . P . M ., P . A . G . D . C ; H . C . L . Brodhurst , P . G . Stsvd . ; J . D . Tocque . J . D . 401 ; Walter Fentum , S . W . 244 , P . P . G . Org . ; C . Donaldson , P . M ., Treas . 244 ; Alfred Anslosv , S . D . 244 ; P . l-lampied , P . M . 245 , P . P . G . D . C ; F . A . Bossy , 244 ; N . H . Harris , S . D . 245 , P . G . Stsvd . ; H . ] . Gilbey , Org-. 244 ; W . Gosling , 1003 ; Dr . A . H .
Hind . S 77 : W . H . Dickson , 244 ; C . H . Wilson , J . D . 244 ; Joshua Lesbirel , I . G . 244 ; Dr . F . A . Godfrey , S 77 ; Thomas Glass , S 60 and 1003 ; O . M . Holden , 357 and S 77 ; L . A . Jubel , S . W . 491 ; Capt . J . C Barrette , W . M . 245 , P . G . D . C . ; Thos . Baudains , P . M . 95 S , P . P . G . D . C ; A . Baudoux , 244 ; John E . Hamon . P . S . W . 244 ; E . Oldridge . P . M . 1003 ; S . Gilley , P . M ., P . Z ., P . P . G . Reg . ; W . T . Pugsley , P . M ., 245 . P . P . S . G . W . ; C . H . Harris , 244 : Arthur Hone , 234 S ; John Gray , P . M . 245 , P . Z .. P . P . S . G . D . ; A . Curry , P . G . Org . ; H . Mather , LG . 491 ; Dr . Thomas J . Aubin , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W . ; J . O . Le Sueur , P . P . G . W . ; and others . A banquet afterwards took place , at which the Provincial Grand Master presided .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
On the 28 th ult . between 600 and 700 brethren journeyed from all parts of West Lancashire to Blackpool for the purpose of attending the annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge , vvhich was held at the Winter Gardens . Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom , Pro Grand Master , Prov . Grand Master , presided . The rolls of Prov . Grand Officers and lodges were called , only one lodge failing to send representatives . From the Prov . Grand Treasurer ' s statement it appeared that the total