Article Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
957 ] DR . RAWLINSON'S LIBRARY . The " Bib ' . iotheca Rawlinsoniani Sive Catalogus Librorum Richardi Rawlinson , LLD ., " svas prepared in 1756 by Samuel Baker the auctioneer , the sale of the library occupying 50 days ( extending from March 29 th to May 25 th ) , at York-street , Covent Garden . ( Octavo , pages 244 ) . Dr . Rawlinson ' s library consisted
of 9405 lots , and fetched ^ 1161 18 s . 6 d . The Masonic books vvere strangely few in number , for I have not traced more than two or three in the priced catalogue now before me . No . 1526 , " Constitutions of the Freemasons , " 1723 ( page 40 ) , made one shilling I There vvere also two copies of Ashmole ' s Life , by
Burman , first edition , now a rara avis ( Nos . 1621 and 2071 ) , vvhich fetched one shilling each . Oh ! dear 1 The wee volume is now rarel y met vvith for sale ( say ouce ' m five years ) , and yet then made such a sum ! Holmes' " Academy of Armoury " ( No . 7073 ) , of A . D .
1688 , a valuable work relating in part to the Craft , fetched only 7 s . 6 d . I have never known acopy occur for sale of late years . The prices generally ran very low indeed . Rawlinson ' s portrait ( published 1 S 08 ) , forms the appropriate frontispiece to the volume .
I am much obliged to Bro . Lane for his courteous reply to my queries . No matter whether I am a 33 or not , or belong to Lodge No . 33 or not , or am 33 years of age , or not , such points do not concern the important questions at issue . I want an authoritative deliverance respecting continuity . We appear to agree
in the belief that if a lodge pays its arrears of dues , not having been erased , the continuity is preserved ; but if once erased , on confirmation , the interruption thus caused is fatal to the claim of a centenary jewel , if the period is covered in part by such erasure . Bro . Lane has fully satisfied my scruples . I cannot mention
cases known to me without telling names , but if Bro . Lane cares to pursue the subject , and will address a letter to me , care of the Editor of the Freemason , he shall be enlightened , but only for his own private use . I still contend that if a lodge warrant is transferred by authority to a new set of brethren , so long as there
has been no break in the payments to local and general funds , the continuity is still uninterrupted , but I am not prepared to say such continuity would be broken if only two members vvere on the lodge register at the time , as I can find no rule in " Constitutions " thereon until recently . 33-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Peace and Harmony Lodge ( No . 60 ) . — This old lodge met at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queenstreet , on the 23 rd ult . Among those present vvere Bros . E . Rogers , P . M ., P . G . S ., P . P . G . D ., W . M . ; H . Slade , P . G . S ., S . W ., W . M . elect ; AV . H . Kempster , M . D ., P . M ., G . Stsvd ., J . AV . ; H . Young , P . M ., P . G . S ., Treas . ; F . Binckes , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., P . G . S ., Sec . ; R . Closves ,
P . M ., G . Std . Br ., S . D . ; Capt . Walls , P . P . G . W ., J . D . ; Masters , P . M ., LG . ; VV . H . Kempster , jun ., Stesvard : H . J . Lardner , P . P . G . D . C , D . C . : Barton , P . M ., P . G . S . ; and Josling * , P . M ., P . G . S . Among the visitors svere Bros , the Rev . P . Deedes , P . M . 1479 . P . P . G . C . Herts ; VV . A . Scurrah , P . M . 1 G 7 , P . P . G . S . of VV . ; Goffe , P . P . G . Org . Herts ; Grace , P . M . S 7 ; Cumming , P . M . S 90 : Holman ,
19 S ; _ Gillingham , P . M . 123 S ; A . J . Apthorpe , late 442 ; Miskin , 1479 ; and others . The minutes of the last meeting svere read and confirmed . Bros . A . Andrade and P . Mecklenburg svere impressively passed tothe Second Degree . The VV . M . then installed Bro . H . Slade into the chair of K . S . Among the officers appointed and'invested svere Bros . Dr . VV . H . Kempster ,
S . VV . ; R . Closves , J . AV . ; H . Young , Treas . ; F . Binckes , Sec . j Captain AValls , S . D . ; Masters , J . D . ; AV . H . Kempster , I . G . ; and H . J . Lardner , Stsvd . A vote of thanks vvas passed to Bro . li . Rogers as Installing Officer , and he svas presented vvith a handsome Past Master ' s jewel . The report of the Audit Committee svas received and adopted . The resignation of Bro . Kent , P . M ., P . G . S .,
D . C , as an active member of the lodge , svas received svith regret , and his request to become a country member svas acceded to . Bro . Captain Walls svas elected to represent the lodge at the next Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and the sum of live guineas voted to head his list as Stesvard . Ten propositions for initiation and joining having heen handed in , the lodge svas closed .
'The brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet , svhich was svell served under the personal direction of Bro . Mantell . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual toasts received full justice . The AV . M . presided most ably . During the evening ! various instrumental , vocal , and dramatic selections svere given by several members and guests .
Victoria Park Lodge ( No . 1 S 16 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge svas held at the City of London Tavern , 1-enchurch-street , on Thursday , the 21 st ult . j under the presidency of Bro . E . Clements , VV . M ., vvho vvas supported by Bros . Hodges , P . M . ; Kinipple , P . M . ; Sinclair , P . M . ; A . Govier , S . VV ., VV . M . elect j G . Morris , J . W . ; C Reeve , P . M ., Treas . ; Hy . Rogers , P . M ., P . Z ., Sec ; W . Abraham , S . D . j J . Bradford ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
J . D . ; D . Meiklereid , I . G . ; A . Reed and G . Smith , Stsvds . ; and H . Stewart , Tyler . Among the members present , vvho numbered over 40 , svere the follosving : Bros . T . Hallett , F . lohnson . J . Finch , S . Corfield , J . Corfield , VV . Musto , T . Cosvell , A . Bristosve , G . Huxsom , C . Scholer , . ] . Smith , H . lackson , J . Maris , 1 . Horlock , ] .
Adams , T . Holtum , G . Shrimpton , J . Cook , W . Lamb , J . Collingsvood , J . Allen , W . Shepherd , T . Wilson , J . Calver , and many others . Among the visitors were Bros . James Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I . ; J . G . Stephens ( late Assistant Secretary of the Benevolent Fund ); H . AVorland ; G . Hay ; G . Kidd ; Tresv , P . M . j Tucker , P . M . ; Hav , P . M . ; and others .
Lodge being duly opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , Messrs . Wilson and Hopkins svere initiated . The main business of the evening then took place . Bro . Govier , the W . M . elect , vvas presented to the VV . M ., and a Board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . Reeve , svho acted as the Installing Master , inducted Bro . Govier into the chair of K . S . in a very able and impressive manner .
The W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest the following officers : Bros . E . J . Morris , S . VV . ; VV . B . Abraham , J . W . ; C . Reeves , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Rogers , P . M ., P . Z ., Sec ; D . Meiklereid , S . D . ; J . Bradford , J . D . ; A . Reed , I . G . ; E . Smyth , D . C . ; J . Longsvorth and R . Trethie , Stsvds . ; M . Shersvin , Org . ; and H . Stesvart , Tyler . Bro . Reeve then , in a most impressive manner , addressed the W . M ., Wardens , officers , and brethren respectively , and exhorted each in his several capacity to do to his utmost e »
erytlung that conduced to the good of the Craft and the interests of his lodge . An important item in the business subsequently transacted svas a vote of 25 guineas to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , of svhich Bro . Govier , W . M ., goes forsvard as Stesvard at the coming Festival . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to a banquet that maintained the prestige of the purveyorship of the London Tavern .
After the loyal toasts , and that of "The Grand Officeis " had been proposed and drunk svith Masonic enthusiasm , the toast of "The VV . M . " vvas proposed and drunk svith due honours . Bro . Govier , in his reply , expressed his gratification . He svas proud of his position in the chair , and svould use his utmost endeavours to uphold its dignity , and do nothing but
what svould reflect benefit to the lodge . Other toasts vvere proposed and accepted vvith cordiality and truly Masonic fervour . To that of "The Masonic Charities , " Bro . Stephens , in a pointed and earnest speech , replied as representing Grand Lodge . He observed that the Victoria Park Lodge , although comparatively a young lodge , had distinguished itself in that brief period by its attention to the most
promising characteristic of Freemasonry . In 12 years they had sent up eight Stesvards , svho had brought svith them the handsome total of ^ 1000 in round numbers . While sitting round that festive board they had shosvn they svere not unmindful of the claims of those less fortunate than themselves by adding betsveen £ 7 $ and £ 80 to the Steward's list svhich Bro . Clements , I . P . M ., had laid before them . The remaining toasts svere brielly proposed and responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings .
Duke of Fife Lodge ( No . 2345 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge svas held on Wednesday , the 21 st ult ., at the Alexandra Hotel , Clapham Common , svhen there svere present Bros . W . AV . Westley , VV . M . ; S . Cochrane , I . P . M . j Geo . Everett , Grand Treasurer ; J . W . Folkard , S . W . ; R . Steele , Treas . ; C . Woods , Sec . j A . Harvey , S . D . j Beaven , J . D . ; J . Lyell , D . C j J . Langdon ,
I . G . j J . Gilbert , Stsvd . ; C . Patrick , Tyler j , Wyer , P . P . G . D . C . Kent j A . Robertson , G . C . Harrison , Hadley , H . Lyon , Morris , Rashleigh , Baldsvin , Daoust , and Lavender . Bro . P . H . Davis , 239 ( I . C ) , svas a visitor . The minutes of the installation meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Baldsvin vvas impressively raissd . A
discussion on certain recommendations of the Audit Committee took place . A letter acknosvledging the vote of congratulation passed at the last meeting svas received from Bro . his Grace the Duke of Fife . Apologies for absence vvere received from Bros . Lasvrence and Dr . Simpson , and all business being ended , the Iodge svas closed .
- - ? - PROVINCIAL MEETINGS . BARNET . Gladsmuir Lodge ( No . 1385 ) . —The regular monthly meeting svas held at the Red Lion Hotel on Friday , the 30 th ult ., the VV . M ., Bro . J . E . Cussans , P . M . 403 , P . P . S . G . W ., vvho svas svarmly congratulated on having sufficiently recovered to be able to resume his duties , occupied the chair , and there svere present Bros . T . Tryon ,
S . W . ; G . Blizard Abbott , J . VV . ; Charles Gray , P . M ., Sec . ; R . Fisher Young , P . M ., D . C . ; Thompson , S . D . ; Collingsvood , J . D . ; Oldlield , I . G . ; Anneveld , Stsvd . ; Goddard , Tyler ; J . Brittain , P . M .. P . P . J . G . W . ; Eucrby , P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; VV . Lewis , P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; Mason ' Spicer , G . T . Phillips , Curnoiv , Ellis , Bridgland , and others . Visitor : Bro . Dr . Haskins .
The minutes of the September meeting having been read and confirmed , Messrs . F . H . Phillips and H . F . P . Inglis , who had been unanimously elected atthe previous meeting , vvere introduced and initiated into the mysteries of the First Degree , after svhich Bros . Ellis and Bridgland svere passed
to the F . C . Degree . A sum of £ 3 3 s . having been voted to the Barnet Cottage Hospital , and notice having been given of a motion to vote the usual sum in order to present a Past Master ' s jesvel to Bro . Cussans on his vacation of the chair in January next , the lodge svas closed , and the brethren afterwards dined together and spent a most enjoyable evening-.
BRIGHTON . Earl of Sussex Lodge ( No . 2201 ) . —The annual installation meeting of this lodge svas held at the Royal Pavilion , on the 31 st ult . The lodge svas opened by Bro . the Rev . E . R . Currie ( Dean of Battle ) , VV . M ., the follosving officers and brethren being present , viz .: Bros .
A . King , S . W . j C . AV . Hudson , S . D . ; J . P . Slingsby Roberts , J . D . ; C . Bamfylde Warre , D . C ; R . Percy Closves , I . C ; Chapman Marshall , Org . ; R . Pidcock , Stsvd . ; H . H . Hughes , Tyler j C . VV . Randolph , P . P . S . G . W . ; SirW . T . Marriott , O . C , M . P ., P . M ., D . P . G . M . j R . Clowes , P . M ., P . G . S . j Gerald W . E . Loder , M . P . ; Gerald E . Beddington , MontagueS . Pilcher , Lennox
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Brosvne , P . Saillard , W . F . Pilcher , and Seymour Burrosvs . The visiting brethren included Bros . S . H . Soper ( Mayor of Brighton ) , P . M . 732 , P . P . G . D . j W . E . Morrison ( Mayor of Eastbourne ) , P . M . mo , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . Doman , W . M . 35 ; W . Wright , VV . M . 311 , P . J . G . W . ; F . Carr , 1466 ; T . C Woodman , P . M . 271 ; P . P . G . D . of Cj G . Wilson , W . M . 1619 , - E . D . Sapey ,
W . M . 1141 ; R . Weston , W . M . 1303 j J . Terry , P . M . 315 , P . P . A . G . P . ; F . C . Edsvards , W . M . 40 ; B . F . Meadosvs , W . M . 1 S 42 ; W . H . Causton , P . M . 1726 . P . P . G . D .,- T . Burne , W . M . 1726 j L . Jeffery , W . M . 916 ; W . Ossvell Thompson , P . M ., P . G . Chap . England ; A . F . Lamette , J . W . 271 , 1303 ; J . Nesvbery , P . M . 574 ; W . F . Booth . S . D . 732 ; J . Dennant , P . M . 271 , P . P . G . D . ; J . Wood , J . W . 1636 ; I . D . Dosvdall ,
W . M . 271 , P . P . G . Chap . ; E . A . Buchanan , 1 S 29 ; ] . Turton , S . W . Sn ; A . J . P . Wise , 92 ; G . M . Smith , P . M . 1797 ; C Nye , AV . M . 21 S 7 , P . P . G . S . of W . j E . Broadbridge , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; F . Holford , P . M . Su , P . P . G . D . of C . ; L . Sane , 1402 ; W . H . Cockburn , 1466 ; J . A . Strachan , P . M . 414 ; W . C Nesvsam , W . M . 1821 ; J . L . Brigden , P . M . 732 , P . P . G . W . j F . Daniel , P . M . 732 , P . P . G . D . ; T . Billing , P . M . 271 , P . P . J . G . W . ; J . K . Nye , 732 ; J . Bradford , W . M . 732 ; J . Sayers , 1636 , - E . G . Whittle , AV . M . Sn ; VV . Kuhe , P . M . 271 and 1636 , P . G . O . ; C . A . Smith , W . M . 1466 j and G . Cole , P . M . 1636 ,
P . P . G . O . The chief feature of the meeting vvas the installation of Bro . A . King , Mus . Doc , P . G . Org ., as W . M . The ceremony vvas impressively performed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . the Very Rev . E . R . Currie . The newlyinstalled VV . M . appointed his officers for the ensuing year , and those present svere invested svith the insignia of their
respective officers as follows : Bros . C . W . Hudson , P . P . G . W ., S . W . ; J . P . Slingsby Roberts , Prov . G . Stsvd ., J . W . ; Very Rev . E . R . Currie ( Dean of Battle ) , P . G . C . England , P . P . G . C , Chaplain ; Major-General Barnett Ford , P . Dist . G . D . Bengal , Treas . ; V . P . Freeman , P . G . D ., P . P . G . W ., Prov . G . Sec , Sec ; R . P . Closves , S . D . , Chapman Marshall , J . D . j C . Bampfvlde
Warre , P . P . G . D ., D . C ; G . E . Beddington , I . G . ; R . Pidcock , P . P . G . R ., Stesvard ; and H . H . Hughes , Tyler . Bro . Currie svas presented svith a Past Master ' s gold jewel , in appreciation of the admirable manner in svhich he had carried out the duties of his office during the past year . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where they sat dosvn to an excellent
banquet , under the presidency of the nesvly-installed W . M ., Bro . A . King . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts vvere duly honoured . The W . M . proposed "The Queen and the Craft , " " The M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " and "The Grand Officers , Present and Past , " the last named being responded to by Bro . Ossvell Thompson , P . G . C .
Ihe AVorshipful Master next gave "The Prov . G . M ., his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught ; the Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . the Right Hon . SirW . T . Marriott , O . C , M . P ., Judge Advocate ^ General , P . G . S . j and the rest of the Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past . " In speaking of his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught , he said few words only vvere needed , for all had recently seen hosv
admirably the Prov . Grand Master had done his svork at the Prov . Grand Lodge meeting . In Bro . Sir W . T . Marriott they also had one svith whom they were well acquainted , and one vvho had svorked svell for the province . The Past and Present Officers svere a host in themselves . In submitting the toast , he spoke in the warmest terms of the excellent work of the Prov . Grand Secretary .
Bro . Sir W . T . Marriott , in responding , bore testimony to the great interest taken by H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught in the Sussex Province . Within the past fesv days he had presided at Prov . G . Lodge meetings held at Brighton and Chichester , and had , that afternoon , attended a meeting at Salisbury , svhere he had installed the Prov . Grand Master of Wiltshire .
Bro . T . Billing also acknosvledged the toast , congratulating the W . M . on his installation . Bro . Sir W . T . Marriott next proposed "The W . M . of the Earl of Sussex Lodge . " The members of the lodge svere proud , he said , in having Bro . King as their W . M . He svas knosvn in every Sussex lodge and outside those lodges ; and all vvho had musical ears could well appreciate
his admirable svork in the Earl of Sussex Lodge and the Provincial Grand Lodge . Bro . King svas ss'armly received on rising to respond . He said he felt deeply the warm and hearty manner in which the toast had been proposed , and the kindly reception given to it by the brethren . To him Masonry meant much beyond its social aspect , for svere its principles thoroughly
carried out there vvould be less trouble and much more happiness in the world . He appreciated the great honour svhich had been conferred upon him , and vvould do his utmost to preserve the honour and dignity of the lodge . The Worshipful Master in proposing "The Visitors " gave them a hearty welcome .
Bro . S . H . Soper ( Mayor of Brighton ) responded . He congratulated the AV . M . on his accession to office , and wished him and his officers a happy year . He had been officially associated , he said , svith Bro . King , of svhom , as a Doctor of Music , the tosvn svas proud . Bros . W . Kuhe and J . K . Nye also acknosvledged the toast .
The remaining toasts svere "The Past Masters of the Lodge , " to svhich Bro . R . Closves responded j "The Worshipful Masters of the Lodges in the Province , " svhich Bros . Bradford , Whittle , and Smith acknowledged j " The Officers of the Lodge , " to svhich the Secretary repliedj and the Tvler ' s toast .
During the evening a very pleasing programme of music svas admirably sustained by the Lesves Orpheus Glee Union —Messrs . Albert Barnard . J . Farncombe , W . N . Barnard , C . R . Wells , and E . T . Hall . Mr . P . J . Starnes accompanied svith great skill . An especial feature of the programme svas a glee , "The True Beauty , " composed expressly for the occasion by the W . M ., Bro . Alfred King . Its rendering proved so enjoyable that it vvas unanimously encored .
CAMBRIDGE . Isaac Newton ( University ) Lodge ( No . 859 ) . —The installation meeting vvas held at the Red Lion Hotel , on Tuesday , the 27 th ult . Bro . Walter H . Francis , VV . M ., had a very busy day , beginning with initiations and raisings and subsequently installing his successor , Bro . G . F . Rogers , M . A ., in an admirable manner . The ceremony svas attended by brethren from the lodges of the sister Universities and many other visitors .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
957 ] DR . RAWLINSON'S LIBRARY . The " Bib ' . iotheca Rawlinsoniani Sive Catalogus Librorum Richardi Rawlinson , LLD ., " svas prepared in 1756 by Samuel Baker the auctioneer , the sale of the library occupying 50 days ( extending from March 29 th to May 25 th ) , at York-street , Covent Garden . ( Octavo , pages 244 ) . Dr . Rawlinson ' s library consisted
of 9405 lots , and fetched ^ 1161 18 s . 6 d . The Masonic books vvere strangely few in number , for I have not traced more than two or three in the priced catalogue now before me . No . 1526 , " Constitutions of the Freemasons , " 1723 ( page 40 ) , made one shilling I There vvere also two copies of Ashmole ' s Life , by
Burman , first edition , now a rara avis ( Nos . 1621 and 2071 ) , vvhich fetched one shilling each . Oh ! dear 1 The wee volume is now rarel y met vvith for sale ( say ouce ' m five years ) , and yet then made such a sum ! Holmes' " Academy of Armoury " ( No . 7073 ) , of A . D .
1688 , a valuable work relating in part to the Craft , fetched only 7 s . 6 d . I have never known acopy occur for sale of late years . The prices generally ran very low indeed . Rawlinson ' s portrait ( published 1 S 08 ) , forms the appropriate frontispiece to the volume .
I am much obliged to Bro . Lane for his courteous reply to my queries . No matter whether I am a 33 or not , or belong to Lodge No . 33 or not , or am 33 years of age , or not , such points do not concern the important questions at issue . I want an authoritative deliverance respecting continuity . We appear to agree
in the belief that if a lodge pays its arrears of dues , not having been erased , the continuity is preserved ; but if once erased , on confirmation , the interruption thus caused is fatal to the claim of a centenary jewel , if the period is covered in part by such erasure . Bro . Lane has fully satisfied my scruples . I cannot mention
cases known to me without telling names , but if Bro . Lane cares to pursue the subject , and will address a letter to me , care of the Editor of the Freemason , he shall be enlightened , but only for his own private use . I still contend that if a lodge warrant is transferred by authority to a new set of brethren , so long as there
has been no break in the payments to local and general funds , the continuity is still uninterrupted , but I am not prepared to say such continuity would be broken if only two members vvere on the lodge register at the time , as I can find no rule in " Constitutions " thereon until recently . 33-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Peace and Harmony Lodge ( No . 60 ) . — This old lodge met at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queenstreet , on the 23 rd ult . Among those present vvere Bros . E . Rogers , P . M ., P . G . S ., P . P . G . D ., W . M . ; H . Slade , P . G . S ., S . W ., W . M . elect ; AV . H . Kempster , M . D ., P . M ., G . Stsvd ., J . AV . ; H . Young , P . M ., P . G . S ., Treas . ; F . Binckes , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., P . G . S ., Sec . ; R . Closves ,
P . M ., G . Std . Br ., S . D . ; Capt . Walls , P . P . G . W ., J . D . ; Masters , P . M ., LG . ; VV . H . Kempster , jun ., Stesvard : H . J . Lardner , P . P . G . D . C , D . C . : Barton , P . M ., P . G . S . ; and Josling * , P . M ., P . G . S . Among the visitors svere Bros , the Rev . P . Deedes , P . M . 1479 . P . P . G . C . Herts ; VV . A . Scurrah , P . M . 1 G 7 , P . P . G . S . of VV . ; Goffe , P . P . G . Org . Herts ; Grace , P . M . S 7 ; Cumming , P . M . S 90 : Holman ,
19 S ; _ Gillingham , P . M . 123 S ; A . J . Apthorpe , late 442 ; Miskin , 1479 ; and others . The minutes of the last meeting svere read and confirmed . Bros . A . Andrade and P . Mecklenburg svere impressively passed tothe Second Degree . The VV . M . then installed Bro . H . Slade into the chair of K . S . Among the officers appointed and'invested svere Bros . Dr . VV . H . Kempster ,
S . VV . ; R . Closves , J . AV . ; H . Young , Treas . ; F . Binckes , Sec . j Captain AValls , S . D . ; Masters , J . D . ; AV . H . Kempster , I . G . ; and H . J . Lardner , Stsvd . A vote of thanks vvas passed to Bro . li . Rogers as Installing Officer , and he svas presented vvith a handsome Past Master ' s jewel . The report of the Audit Committee svas received and adopted . The resignation of Bro . Kent , P . M ., P . G . S .,
D . C , as an active member of the lodge , svas received svith regret , and his request to become a country member svas acceded to . Bro . Captain Walls svas elected to represent the lodge at the next Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and the sum of live guineas voted to head his list as Stesvard . Ten propositions for initiation and joining having heen handed in , the lodge svas closed .
'The brethren then adjourned to an excellent banquet , svhich was svell served under the personal direction of Bro . Mantell . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual toasts received full justice . The AV . M . presided most ably . During the evening ! various instrumental , vocal , and dramatic selections svere given by several members and guests .
Victoria Park Lodge ( No . 1 S 16 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge svas held at the City of London Tavern , 1-enchurch-street , on Thursday , the 21 st ult . j under the presidency of Bro . E . Clements , VV . M ., vvho vvas supported by Bros . Hodges , P . M . ; Kinipple , P . M . ; Sinclair , P . M . ; A . Govier , S . VV ., VV . M . elect j G . Morris , J . W . ; C Reeve , P . M ., Treas . ; Hy . Rogers , P . M ., P . Z ., Sec ; W . Abraham , S . D . j J . Bradford ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
J . D . ; D . Meiklereid , I . G . ; A . Reed and G . Smith , Stsvds . ; and H . Stewart , Tyler . Among the members present , vvho numbered over 40 , svere the follosving : Bros . T . Hallett , F . lohnson . J . Finch , S . Corfield , J . Corfield , VV . Musto , T . Cosvell , A . Bristosve , G . Huxsom , C . Scholer , . ] . Smith , H . lackson , J . Maris , 1 . Horlock , ] .
Adams , T . Holtum , G . Shrimpton , J . Cook , W . Lamb , J . Collingsvood , J . Allen , W . Shepherd , T . Wilson , J . Calver , and many others . Among the visitors were Bros . James Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I . ; J . G . Stephens ( late Assistant Secretary of the Benevolent Fund ); H . AVorland ; G . Hay ; G . Kidd ; Tresv , P . M . j Tucker , P . M . ; Hav , P . M . ; and others .
Lodge being duly opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , Messrs . Wilson and Hopkins svere initiated . The main business of the evening then took place . Bro . Govier , the W . M . elect , vvas presented to the VV . M ., and a Board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . Reeve , svho acted as the Installing Master , inducted Bro . Govier into the chair of K . S . in a very able and impressive manner .
The W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest the following officers : Bros . E . J . Morris , S . VV . ; VV . B . Abraham , J . W . ; C . Reeves , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Rogers , P . M ., P . Z ., Sec ; D . Meiklereid , S . D . ; J . Bradford , J . D . ; A . Reed , I . G . ; E . Smyth , D . C . ; J . Longsvorth and R . Trethie , Stsvds . ; M . Shersvin , Org . ; and H . Stesvart , Tyler . Bro . Reeve then , in a most impressive manner , addressed the W . M ., Wardens , officers , and brethren respectively , and exhorted each in his several capacity to do to his utmost e »
erytlung that conduced to the good of the Craft and the interests of his lodge . An important item in the business subsequently transacted svas a vote of 25 guineas to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , of svhich Bro . Govier , W . M ., goes forsvard as Stesvard at the coming Festival . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to a banquet that maintained the prestige of the purveyorship of the London Tavern .
After the loyal toasts , and that of "The Grand Officeis " had been proposed and drunk svith Masonic enthusiasm , the toast of "The VV . M . " vvas proposed and drunk svith due honours . Bro . Govier , in his reply , expressed his gratification . He svas proud of his position in the chair , and svould use his utmost endeavours to uphold its dignity , and do nothing but
what svould reflect benefit to the lodge . Other toasts vvere proposed and accepted vvith cordiality and truly Masonic fervour . To that of "The Masonic Charities , " Bro . Stephens , in a pointed and earnest speech , replied as representing Grand Lodge . He observed that the Victoria Park Lodge , although comparatively a young lodge , had distinguished itself in that brief period by its attention to the most
promising characteristic of Freemasonry . In 12 years they had sent up eight Stesvards , svho had brought svith them the handsome total of ^ 1000 in round numbers . While sitting round that festive board they had shosvn they svere not unmindful of the claims of those less fortunate than themselves by adding betsveen £ 7 $ and £ 80 to the Steward's list svhich Bro . Clements , I . P . M ., had laid before them . The remaining toasts svere brielly proposed and responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings .
Duke of Fife Lodge ( No . 2345 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge svas held on Wednesday , the 21 st ult ., at the Alexandra Hotel , Clapham Common , svhen there svere present Bros . W . AV . Westley , VV . M . ; S . Cochrane , I . P . M . j Geo . Everett , Grand Treasurer ; J . W . Folkard , S . W . ; R . Steele , Treas . ; C . Woods , Sec . j A . Harvey , S . D . j Beaven , J . D . ; J . Lyell , D . C j J . Langdon ,
I . G . j J . Gilbert , Stsvd . ; C . Patrick , Tyler j , Wyer , P . P . G . D . C . Kent j A . Robertson , G . C . Harrison , Hadley , H . Lyon , Morris , Rashleigh , Baldsvin , Daoust , and Lavender . Bro . P . H . Davis , 239 ( I . C ) , svas a visitor . The minutes of the installation meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Baldsvin vvas impressively raissd . A
discussion on certain recommendations of the Audit Committee took place . A letter acknosvledging the vote of congratulation passed at the last meeting svas received from Bro . his Grace the Duke of Fife . Apologies for absence vvere received from Bros . Lasvrence and Dr . Simpson , and all business being ended , the Iodge svas closed .
- - ? - PROVINCIAL MEETINGS . BARNET . Gladsmuir Lodge ( No . 1385 ) . —The regular monthly meeting svas held at the Red Lion Hotel on Friday , the 30 th ult ., the VV . M ., Bro . J . E . Cussans , P . M . 403 , P . P . S . G . W ., vvho svas svarmly congratulated on having sufficiently recovered to be able to resume his duties , occupied the chair , and there svere present Bros . T . Tryon ,
S . W . ; G . Blizard Abbott , J . VV . ; Charles Gray , P . M ., Sec . ; R . Fisher Young , P . M ., D . C . ; Thompson , S . D . ; Collingsvood , J . D . ; Oldlield , I . G . ; Anneveld , Stsvd . ; Goddard , Tyler ; J . Brittain , P . M .. P . P . J . G . W . ; Eucrby , P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; VV . Lewis , P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; Mason ' Spicer , G . T . Phillips , Curnoiv , Ellis , Bridgland , and others . Visitor : Bro . Dr . Haskins .
The minutes of the September meeting having been read and confirmed , Messrs . F . H . Phillips and H . F . P . Inglis , who had been unanimously elected atthe previous meeting , vvere introduced and initiated into the mysteries of the First Degree , after svhich Bros . Ellis and Bridgland svere passed
to the F . C . Degree . A sum of £ 3 3 s . having been voted to the Barnet Cottage Hospital , and notice having been given of a motion to vote the usual sum in order to present a Past Master ' s jesvel to Bro . Cussans on his vacation of the chair in January next , the lodge svas closed , and the brethren afterwards dined together and spent a most enjoyable evening-.
BRIGHTON . Earl of Sussex Lodge ( No . 2201 ) . —The annual installation meeting of this lodge svas held at the Royal Pavilion , on the 31 st ult . The lodge svas opened by Bro . the Rev . E . R . Currie ( Dean of Battle ) , VV . M ., the follosving officers and brethren being present , viz .: Bros .
A . King , S . W . j C . AV . Hudson , S . D . ; J . P . Slingsby Roberts , J . D . ; C . Bamfylde Warre , D . C ; R . Percy Closves , I . C ; Chapman Marshall , Org . ; R . Pidcock , Stsvd . ; H . H . Hughes , Tyler j C . VV . Randolph , P . P . S . G . W . ; SirW . T . Marriott , O . C , M . P ., P . M ., D . P . G . M . j R . Clowes , P . M ., P . G . S . j Gerald W . E . Loder , M . P . ; Gerald E . Beddington , MontagueS . Pilcher , Lennox
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Brosvne , P . Saillard , W . F . Pilcher , and Seymour Burrosvs . The visiting brethren included Bros . S . H . Soper ( Mayor of Brighton ) , P . M . 732 , P . P . G . D . j W . E . Morrison ( Mayor of Eastbourne ) , P . M . mo , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . Doman , W . M . 35 ; W . Wright , VV . M . 311 , P . J . G . W . ; F . Carr , 1466 ; T . C Woodman , P . M . 271 ; P . P . G . D . of Cj G . Wilson , W . M . 1619 , - E . D . Sapey ,
W . M . 1141 ; R . Weston , W . M . 1303 j J . Terry , P . M . 315 , P . P . A . G . P . ; F . C . Edsvards , W . M . 40 ; B . F . Meadosvs , W . M . 1 S 42 ; W . H . Causton , P . M . 1726 . P . P . G . D .,- T . Burne , W . M . 1726 j L . Jeffery , W . M . 916 ; W . Ossvell Thompson , P . M ., P . G . Chap . England ; A . F . Lamette , J . W . 271 , 1303 ; J . Nesvbery , P . M . 574 ; W . F . Booth . S . D . 732 ; J . Dennant , P . M . 271 , P . P . G . D . ; J . Wood , J . W . 1636 ; I . D . Dosvdall ,
W . M . 271 , P . P . G . Chap . ; E . A . Buchanan , 1 S 29 ; ] . Turton , S . W . Sn ; A . J . P . Wise , 92 ; G . M . Smith , P . M . 1797 ; C Nye , AV . M . 21 S 7 , P . P . G . S . of W . j E . Broadbridge , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; F . Holford , P . M . Su , P . P . G . D . of C . ; L . Sane , 1402 ; W . H . Cockburn , 1466 ; J . A . Strachan , P . M . 414 ; W . C Nesvsam , W . M . 1821 ; J . L . Brigden , P . M . 732 , P . P . G . W . j F . Daniel , P . M . 732 , P . P . G . D . ; T . Billing , P . M . 271 , P . P . J . G . W . ; J . K . Nye , 732 ; J . Bradford , W . M . 732 ; J . Sayers , 1636 , - E . G . Whittle , AV . M . Sn ; VV . Kuhe , P . M . 271 and 1636 , P . G . O . ; C . A . Smith , W . M . 1466 j and G . Cole , P . M . 1636 ,
P . P . G . O . The chief feature of the meeting vvas the installation of Bro . A . King , Mus . Doc , P . G . Org ., as W . M . The ceremony vvas impressively performed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . the Very Rev . E . R . Currie . The newlyinstalled VV . M . appointed his officers for the ensuing year , and those present svere invested svith the insignia of their
respective officers as follows : Bros . C . W . Hudson , P . P . G . W ., S . W . ; J . P . Slingsby Roberts , Prov . G . Stsvd ., J . W . ; Very Rev . E . R . Currie ( Dean of Battle ) , P . G . C . England , P . P . G . C , Chaplain ; Major-General Barnett Ford , P . Dist . G . D . Bengal , Treas . ; V . P . Freeman , P . G . D ., P . P . G . W ., Prov . G . Sec , Sec ; R . P . Closves , S . D . , Chapman Marshall , J . D . j C . Bampfvlde
Warre , P . P . G . D ., D . C ; G . E . Beddington , I . G . ; R . Pidcock , P . P . G . R ., Stesvard ; and H . H . Hughes , Tyler . Bro . Currie svas presented svith a Past Master ' s gold jewel , in appreciation of the admirable manner in svhich he had carried out the duties of his office during the past year . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where they sat dosvn to an excellent
banquet , under the presidency of the nesvly-installed W . M ., Bro . A . King . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts vvere duly honoured . The W . M . proposed "The Queen and the Craft , " " The M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " and "The Grand Officers , Present and Past , " the last named being responded to by Bro . Ossvell Thompson , P . G . C .
Ihe AVorshipful Master next gave "The Prov . G . M ., his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught ; the Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . the Right Hon . SirW . T . Marriott , O . C , M . P ., Judge Advocate ^ General , P . G . S . j and the rest of the Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past . " In speaking of his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught , he said few words only vvere needed , for all had recently seen hosv
admirably the Prov . Grand Master had done his svork at the Prov . Grand Lodge meeting . In Bro . Sir W . T . Marriott they also had one svith whom they were well acquainted , and one vvho had svorked svell for the province . The Past and Present Officers svere a host in themselves . In submitting the toast , he spoke in the warmest terms of the excellent work of the Prov . Grand Secretary .
Bro . Sir W . T . Marriott , in responding , bore testimony to the great interest taken by H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught in the Sussex Province . Within the past fesv days he had presided at Prov . G . Lodge meetings held at Brighton and Chichester , and had , that afternoon , attended a meeting at Salisbury , svhere he had installed the Prov . Grand Master of Wiltshire .
Bro . T . Billing also acknosvledged the toast , congratulating the W . M . on his installation . Bro . Sir W . T . Marriott next proposed "The W . M . of the Earl of Sussex Lodge . " The members of the lodge svere proud , he said , in having Bro . King as their W . M . He svas knosvn in every Sussex lodge and outside those lodges ; and all vvho had musical ears could well appreciate
his admirable svork in the Earl of Sussex Lodge and the Provincial Grand Lodge . Bro . King svas ss'armly received on rising to respond . He said he felt deeply the warm and hearty manner in which the toast had been proposed , and the kindly reception given to it by the brethren . To him Masonry meant much beyond its social aspect , for svere its principles thoroughly
carried out there vvould be less trouble and much more happiness in the world . He appreciated the great honour svhich had been conferred upon him , and vvould do his utmost to preserve the honour and dignity of the lodge . The Worshipful Master in proposing "The Visitors " gave them a hearty welcome .
Bro . S . H . Soper ( Mayor of Brighton ) responded . He congratulated the AV . M . on his accession to office , and wished him and his officers a happy year . He had been officially associated , he said , svith Bro . King , of svhom , as a Doctor of Music , the tosvn svas proud . Bros . W . Kuhe and J . K . Nye also acknosvledged the toast .
The remaining toasts svere "The Past Masters of the Lodge , " to svhich Bro . R . Closves responded j "The Worshipful Masters of the Lodges in the Province , " svhich Bros . Bradford , Whittle , and Smith acknowledged j " The Officers of the Lodge , " to svhich the Secretary repliedj and the Tvler ' s toast .
During the evening a very pleasing programme of music svas admirably sustained by the Lesves Orpheus Glee Union —Messrs . Albert Barnard . J . Farncombe , W . N . Barnard , C . R . Wells , and E . T . Hall . Mr . P . J . Starnes accompanied svith great skill . An especial feature of the programme svas a glee , "The True Beauty , " composed expressly for the occasion by the W . M ., Bro . Alfred King . Its rendering proved so enjoyable that it vvas unanimously encored .
CAMBRIDGE . Isaac Newton ( University ) Lodge ( No . 859 ) . —The installation meeting vvas held at the Red Lion Hotel , on Tuesday , the 27 th ult . Bro . Walter H . Francis , VV . M ., had a very busy day , beginning with initiations and raisings and subsequently installing his successor , Bro . G . F . Rogers , M . A ., in an admirable manner . The ceremony svas attended by brethren from the lodges of the sister Universities and many other visitors .