Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Francis obtains a " record " in this lodge of unique progress , inasmuch as he has initiated no fewer than 38 candidates during his year of office . Bro . H . Trevor-Jones previously held the highest record svith a total of 36 . The follosving vvere invested as officers for the ensuing year
Bros . W . H . Francis , I . P . M . j F . O . Carr , S . W . ; A . Hill , J . W . ; Rev . J . H . Gray , P . M ., Chap . ; F . C Wace , P . M ., Treas . ; Dennis Hall , P . M ., Sec ; R . P . Simpson , S . D . ; C . H . French , J . D . ; H . S . Cronin , D . C . ; T . E . AVorlledge . I . G . ; and Ellis and Allen , Tylers . Upsvards of So brethren aftersvards sat dosvn to banquet .
CHINGFORD . Warner Lodge ( No . 2256 ) . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge vvas held on Tuesday , the 13 th ult ., at the Royal Forest Hotel . There was a verylarge attendance of biethren , including * Bros . Courtenay Warner , P . S . G . W . ; F . M . Mercer , W . B . Whittingham , G . M . Long , M . Baillie , S . Herbert , C G . Cutchey , G . R .
Brown , A . Dummett , Dr . C . G . Dunbar , J . Holland , J . H . Wildash , E . G . Tagg , J . H . Hands , jun ., Walter Latter , James Bird , VV . Carruthers , Wain , J . AV . Calver , A . D . Stephens , N . Fortescue , F . Finch , Church , I . P . M ., Sec . 1365 ; Becher , 1365 ; Acksvorth , Prov . G . Treas . ; Symes , 205 ; Nell , P . M ., J . W . 227 S j Manuelle , 45 ; Hind , 14 S 9 ; Loder , 179 ; Peck , 2374 ; Duck , S . W . SgS j Porter ,
S . W . 1013 ; Bundy , P . M . 1531 j Mumford , P . M . 153 S ; Abbott , AV . M . 2077 ; Harris , 1278 j Ellis , VV . M . 1314 ; Bromhead , P . M . 231 S ; Hosvard , 72 j Goodsvin , C 19 ; Colsell , 16 95 ; Church , Organist 1395 ; and J . Dring , 231 S . Bro . J . Scoresby-Jackson , P . P . S . G . D ., W . M ., presided . The lodge having been opened , Bro . J . J . Briginshasv , P . G . S ., S . VV ., VV . M . elect , svas impressively
installed as AV . M . by the retiring W . M ., Bro . T . Scoresby-Jackson . The W . M . then appointed the follosving as his officers : Bros . J . Speller , S . W . j G . Hurley , J . VV . j Rev . H . A . Allpass , Chaplain ; W . Shurmur , Treasurer ; H . Comins , Secretary ; R . Kershasv , S . D . ; W . P . Allen , I . D . j VV . Latter , Organist ; W . Finch , D . C . ; Rev . M .
Rees , I . G . ; and G . M . Long , and F . Taylor , Stsvds . The ceremony of initiation svas then ably performed by the W . M ., and Bro . A . G . Stephens duly admitted into Freemasonry . The AV . M . svas unanimously elected as Steward for the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
The lodge vvas then closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . The W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , svhich svere most heartily received . Bros . Courtenay Warner , P . S . G . W . ; Rev . Matthesv Rees , P . G . Chap . ; and J . Acksvorth , P . G . Treas ., replied for " The Prov . Grand Officers . "
Bro . T . Scoresby-Jackson , P . P . S . G . D ., I . P . M ., proposed , in felicitous terms , " The Health of the Worshipful Master . " The W . M ., in replying , said he deeply felt the honour the brethren had conferred upon him that dayj he was proud of the high position , and it svould be his constant
endeavour to maintain the high reputation of the lodge . He thanked the brethren heartily for the very cordial manner in vvhich they had received the toast . He felt unable to express all he svould like to say , but assured the brethren that what svas not expressed in words he felt in his heart .
The W . M . then proposed the following toasts : "The Initiate , " "The Visitors , " "The Installing Master , " and "The Officers of the Lodge , " all of vvhich svere heartily responded to . An excellent musical entertainment vvas given during the evening under the direction of Bro . W . Latter , P . G . Org ., by Bros . A . Weston , E . Loder , F . Taylor , and F . M .
Hind , vvhich materially added to the enjoyment of the brethren and visitors present . An interesting feature of the proceedings was the presentation to the retiring Master , Bro . T . Scoresby-J ackson , of a beautiful jesvel , unanimously awarded by the lodge . In presenting the decoration , Bro . Briginshaw ,
W . M ., expressed the great pleasure it gave him , on behalf of the brethren , in bestowing a recognition of the services that had been so ably rendered to the Craft by the Immediate Past Master during his term of office . Bro . Scoresby-Jackson , I . P . M ., responded , and svarmly acknosvledged the honour conferred upon him .
JERSEY . Yarborough Lodge ( No . 244 ) . —This prosperous lodge held its regular monthly meeting at the Masonic Temple , Stopford-road , St , Heliers , on Wednesday , the 14 th ult . There sverejpresent Bros . J . A . Balliene , W . M . ; Major J . T . du Jardin , P . M ., acting I . P . M . j J . j E . Hamon , acting S . W . j Jas . Caton , J . W . j C .
Donaldson , P . M ., Treas . ; Thos . Adderson , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Anslosv , S . D . j H . J . Gilley , acting J . D . ; C . H . Wilson , acting Org . ; Josh . Lesbirel , I . G . ; L . P . Hespiradoux , P . M . ; Clement Baker , P . M . ; E . Lei-rii-Bennett , P . M . j F . A . Bossy , Wm . Statt , John Durell , P . M . 590 j F . Le Feuvre , P . M . S 77 j H . Ahier , Sec . 59 ° j and several other members and visitors .
The lodge svas opened , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . C . W . Wyatt vvas passed to lhe _ Degree of F . C , thc AV . M . performing * the ceremonies with much impressiveness . The tracing board vvas delivered by Bro . L . P . Hespiradoux , P . M . Altogether a great improvement in the working of this lodge is observable , for whicii the brethren are indebted to the unflagging
zeal and energy of their Preceptor , Bro . Jas . Caton . A candidate svas proposed for initiation at the next meeting . After several items of business connected svith the administration of the lodge had been disposed of , the lodge svas closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . The harmony of the evening svas much enlivened , by Bros . Thos
. Adderson , H . J . Gilley , Organist of the lodge , and others . We may here state that the ceremonies in this lod ge are much enhanced by a kind of choir service ably pt up by Bro . C . H . Wilson , late Org ., nosv J . D . This lod ge is now one of the most prosperous as its progress since 18 S 5 ( as shown by the lodges directory at the end ol their by-law book ) has been most marked .
LICHFIELD . St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 1039 ) . —A meeting ° f this lodge vvas held on AVednesday , the 28 th ult ., at the George Hotel , svhen there svere present Bros . Col . vxV , Gough , LL . D ., Prov . Grand Master , G . Haynes , WM . j T . Cox , S . W . j A . Smyrk , J . W . j Perkins ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M ., P . P . A . G . P ., Treas . ; Gladman , P . M ., Sec . ; Lloyd , S . D . ; Mounsden , J . D . ; W . B . Ashmall , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D ., D . C . j Moore and Garmstone , Stsvds . ; Bullock , Tyler ; J . Fosvler , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; F . Harper , P . M . j Buckley , Barnes , and Eyles . The minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Master in addressing the lodge complained of the svant of punctuality in opening the
lodge . He strongly urged upon the members to give their support to the Masonic Charities , svhich svere entitled to the greatest consideration . Bro . Col . Foster Gough , before leaving the lodge expressed his approval of the svork done . Notice svas given of a proposal to vote the sum of £ 2 2 s . to the Gould Annuity Fund , this scheme being strongly recommended by the Prov . Grand Master . The lodge svas then closed .
MANCHESTER . Minnehaha Minstrel Lodge ( No . 2363 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge svas held on Monday , the 26 th ult ., at the Victoria Hotel . Bro . Seth Wrigley , P . M ., S . VV . and VV . M . elect , svas installed into the chair , the ceremony being performed by Bro . M . Thomas , P . J . G . D ., AV . M ., assisted by a Board of Installed
Masters . The follosving brethren vvere present : Bros . Martin Thomas , W . M . j J . C . Wood , I . P . M . j Seth Wrigley , S . VV . ; R . VV . Wollaston , J . W . j C . Harrop , Treas . ; Fred . Hilton , Sec . j VV . A . Brabner , S . D . j C . H . Beever , J . D . j * Hy . Nail , D . C . j E . Smith , Org . j Chas . Mercer , Stsvd . j A . J . Schofield , Arther B . Barlosv , J . W . Lloyd ,
Thos . Hamnett , J : H . Hayes , H . W . Brockbank , J . H . Lilley , Edgar Armstrong , 0 . Gaggs . W . M . 2156 ; F . Watson , C . Ducksvorth , VV . M . 204 ; C . H . Normanton , j . E . Lasv , and J . B . Kirk , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . John Chadsvick , P . G . Sec . j V . M . Vultchoff , W . M . 317 j S . I . Thomson , W . M . 2109 J D . D . Macpherson , P . M . 163 j A .
Hebden , P . M . 145 S , P . D . G . D . C . j VV . W . Lofthouse , VV . M . 1052 j J . AV . Abbott , P . M . 1030 , P . P . G . D . C j John Hinchliffe , 204 ; J . H . Dalglish , I . P . M . 1147 ; C . Mackey , J . W . 2231 ; F . D . Ballard , 1052 ; J . H . Sillitoe , P . G . Std . Br . England ; M . G . Wilson j A . H . Jefferis , P . P . G . D . of C j A . B . Taylor , 21 S 5 J and A . G . Cook , 426 .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Star Chapter ( No . 1275 ) . —The election meeting of the above took place at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , on the 27 th ult ., svhen there svere present Comps . Benedetti , M . E . Z . j Grummant , H . j North , J . j Cosvley , P . Z ., S . N . j C . H . Stone , P . S . J and Fry , A . S . ' The Past Principals vvere Comps . Hilton , Williams ( S . E . ) , Crook , Addington , and Elliott , and the follosving companions , Eckersall and
Patrick , P . Z ., Janitor . The minutes of the previous convocation svere read and confirmed . The election of officers then took place for the ensuing year . A letter of apology from Comp . Haggai svas read for non-attendance through illness . The business of convocation ended , the companions adjourned to supper , ably presided over by the M . E . Z . At the close the loyal
and Royal Arch toasts vvere given most suitably by the M . E . Z ., and most cordially received . The M . E . Z . next gave that ot "The Grand Officers , " praising their endeavours to promote the best interests of all . The toast of "The M . E . Z . " svas next given by Comp . Crook , I . P . Z ., in a very fesv appropriate and svell-chosen remarks , svhich vvere well received .
In reply , Comp . Benedetti thanked the companions for their kind expressions , for vvhich he vvas deeply sensible . He knew the considerate manner in svhich he had always been received by them , and he trusted that his successor svould receive suchj in fact , he knew he vvould , for those vvho succeeded to the chair were most ably supported . The toast of "The H . and J . " svas next given by the
M . E . Z . in fitting terms . He regretted the absence of the H . on account of illness , but the duties had been ably carried out by Comp . Grummant . They all knesv the capabilities of Comp . North , J ., and he vvould make an excellent H . The toast svas received most cordially , and Comps . Grummant and North very suitably replied .
The M . E . Z . next gave the toast of " Comp . Grummant , Treasurer , and Comp . AVilliams , Scribe E ., " remarking that the Treasurer vvas most careful about the funds of the chapter , vvhich could not be placed in better hands . Of the S . E ., none knew his value more than he . Comp . AVilliams had been connected svith the chapter from its consecration , had become a P . Z ., and had since carried out
the duties of S . E . for many years in a very perfect way . The toast svas svell received . In reply , Comp . Grummant heartily thanked the companions for the cordial manner the toast had been received . He trusted that during the coming year they might have more exaltees , for there always had been perfect concord among the companions , and vvith such a rosy hue he
hoped thc Star in the East would go on and prosper , and thereby largely add to its funds . The S . E . also heartily thanked the companions for the manner the toast had been received , remarking since the consecration of the chapter he had never been svithout a collar , and he vvas grateful for the honour in re-electing him S . E . So long as his avocations permitted , svould he devote his abilities most cheerfully for the chapter .
The toast of " The Past Principals " svas next given by the M . E . Z ., svho stated thev were the very life and soul of the chapter , and he svas delighted to see such an array . Comps . Crook , I . P . Z ., and Addington most suitably responded , stating they svere pleased to see the excellence vvith svhich the M . E . Z . performed his duties and in keeping up the good name svhich the chapter had always enjoyed . The Janitor ' s toast closed a most enjoyable meeting .
SHIPLEY . Moravian Chapter ( No . 3 S 7 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter svas held at the Saltaire Institute , on VVednesday , the 21 st ult ., svhen there were present Comps . Wm . Oddy , Z . j J . L . Atherton , Prov . G . H ., H . j John Tillotson , 1 . j T . Denby , P . Z ., Treas . j T . M .
Holmes , P . Z ., as S . N . ; J . T . Last , as P . S . j John Niven , A . S . j John Thornton ., G . H . Macgregor , and VV . Sheer . Visitor : Comp . J . Wilson , P . Z . 302 . The minutes of the regular convocation held on the ist July svere read and confirmed . 'The ballot svas taken for Bro . J . B . Fearnley , Sec . 2321 , svhich proved in his
Royal Arch.
favour , and he vvas exalted to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason by Comp . Atherton , Prov . G . H ., who also gave the mystical lecture and explained the signs peculiar to the Degree in his usual graphic and able manner . Two propositions for exaltation at the next meeting of the chapter svere received , and after apologies had been tendered
on behalf of several absent companions , the chapter svas closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment , and afterss-ards spent a pleasant evening . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts svere honoured , and Comps . Holmes and Last contributed songs and music to the harmony of the meeting .
TWICKENHAM . Sir Francis Burdett Chapter ( No . 1503 ) . —A meeting- of this chapter svas held at the Albany Hotel on the 2 ist ult . Among those present svere Comps . Capt . T . C . Walls , P . P . G . P . Soj ., P . Z ., S . E ., acting M . E . Z . j VV . Taylor , P . Z ., P . P . G . J ., Treas ., acting H . j Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , P . Z ., P . P . G . J ., acting J . j A . Toulmin ,
jun ., P . S . ; and Harrison , Janitor . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the ballot svas taken on behalf of Bro . W . J . Hakim , P . M . 141 , and it proving to be unanimous , he svas duly exalted . The election of Principals and officers for the year ensuing then took place , svith the following result : Comps . AV . Taylor , M . E . Z . ; Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , H . ; A . Toulmin , jun ., J . ; Capt . T . C . Walls ,
S . E . ; W . J . Hakim , S . N . j and Harrison , Janitor . A vote of thanks svas passed and ordered to be entered on the minutes to Comp . Dunkley , P . P . G . Org ., for his second year ' s services as M . E . Z . Apologies for non-attendance svere received from Comps . Gurney , E . W . Jenkins , H . Jenkins , VV . H . Saunders , P . Z . ; Smiles , P . Z . j Rev . R . " Hosken , M . A ., P . Z . j H . H . Room , P . Z . j and others . The chapter svas then closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet . The usual toasts follosved .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Earl of Carnarvon Lodge ( No . 211 ) . —A meeting of this lodge svas held at the Ladbroke Hall , Notting Hill , on the 29 th ult . Among those present svere Bros . F . E . Pocock , M . D ., W . M . j S . H . Parkhouse , S . W . j H . Kiallmark , M . D ., acting J . W . ; Monson , M . O . j Wadham , S . O . j J . N . Frye , P . M ., Treas . j Capt . Walls , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., P . G . S . B ., Sec . j
Ricksvood , P . M . j and Schofield , Tyler . The minutes of the previous meeting vvere read and confirmed . Bro . S . H . Parkhouse , S . VV ., svas unanimously elected W . M . j Bro . J . N . Frye , Treasurer j and Bro . Schofield , Tyler . A Past Master ' s jesvel svas unanimously voted to the W . M . A notice of motion vvas given to remove the lodge to Mark Masons' Hall . Apologies for
non-attendance were read from Bros . Lawson , P . M . j Goodall , P . M . j F . C . Frye , P . M . j Cama , P . M . j and others . A proposition for advancement having been handed in , the lodge vvas closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Upon the removal of the cloth , the usual toasts received full justice . The VV . M . gave the toasts briefly but pertinently .
GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . Industry Lodge ( No . 293 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge svas held at the Freemasons' Jackson-street , on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., when there svas a good muster of brethren present . The VV . M ., Bro . R . Wilson , presided , and svas supported and assisted by Bros . VV . Brosvn , I . P . M . j Robert
Whitfield , P . M . ; VV . F . Carmon , P . M . ; John Page , P . M ., D . C ; John Wood , P . M ., Treas . ; C B . Ford , P . M ., as S . W . j W . Richardson , J . W . j A . Simpson , M . O . j J . A . Armstrong , S . O . j J . R . Short , J . O . j A . Dodds , Reg . of Marks j T . R . Jobson , Sec . j C . P . Laidler , S . D . j VV . Stafford , J . D . j H . Jackson , I . G . j R . Ferry , Org . j T . Chegsvidden and J . K . Sinton , Stsvds . ; J . Curry , Tyler ; W . Holtzappel , W . J . Jobson , F . J .
Busby , J . Hedley , and Isaac Taylor . Amongst the visitors vvere Bros . J . S . Bell , P . M ., VV . M . Lyons , P . M ., F . J . Schnitger , Sec , and VV . T . Hall , all of the Northumberland and Bersvick-on-Tsveed T . L Lodge ; and Thomas Purvis , W . M . 293 . The ballot having been taken for Bros . J . R . J . Douglass ,
Gosforth Lodge , and Jas . McCaldin , Montank Lodge , U . S . A ., the candidates svere duly advanced by the VV . M ., svho explained the svorking tools , & c . The nominations for Treasurer and other officers follosved , after svhich the proceedings closed and the members adjourned to the refreshment room .
MANCHESTER . St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( No . 34 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge svas held on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., at Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street . In the absence of the VV . M ., Bro . J . T . Richardson , P . M ., P . P . G . I . of VV ., took the chair . 'The follosving brethren svere present : Bros . Clare Edgar Towell , S . W . j G . S . Smith , J . VV . j G . A .
Myers , S . O . ; A . K . Boothroyd , J . O . j J . M . Sinclair , P . M ., P . P . G . M . O . j F . Stretch , Sec . j J . M . Veal , S . D . j J . Walker , J . D . ; P . D . Langley , I . G . j Julius Laurisch , J . T . Richardson , P . M ., P . P . G . I . of W . ; VV . Nicholl , P . G . D . England ; and Julius Arnersberg . 'The lodge was duly opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The ballot was taken
for Bro . Jacques , of the Avon Lodge , svhich proved favourable , but unfortunately he had a most important business engagement svhich prevented him being present . There vvas a proposal for another candidate for Advancement . VVe congratulate the lodge upon the great progress it has made during the last year or two by the great exertions of some of its members , especially Bro . C . E . Tosvell , S . VV .
SUTTON BRIDGE . Nene Lodge ( No . 427 ) . —The ordinary meeting of this lodge , whicii svas consecrated by Bro . C . F . Matier , P . GW ., Grand Secretary , in January last , svas held on VVednesday , the 28 th ult ., Bro . G . Woodsvard , VV . M ., in tlie chair . Bros . J . H . Crter , P . P . A . G . D . C , and L . Hampson svere elected for advancement . Bros . Chas . E .
AVard , S . VV ., svas elected VV . M ., and Bros . Mark Cox and D . Oliver re-elected Treasurer and Tyler for the ensuing year . On the proposition of Bro . Ward , by-lasvs for establishing a Benevolent Fund to support the Mark Charities svere adopted . A vote of condolence svith Mrs . Millns on the death of the late Bro . VV . Millns , J . AV ., svas passed , and the lodge was closed .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Francis obtains a " record " in this lodge of unique progress , inasmuch as he has initiated no fewer than 38 candidates during his year of office . Bro . H . Trevor-Jones previously held the highest record svith a total of 36 . The follosving vvere invested as officers for the ensuing year
Bros . W . H . Francis , I . P . M . j F . O . Carr , S . W . ; A . Hill , J . W . ; Rev . J . H . Gray , P . M ., Chap . ; F . C Wace , P . M ., Treas . ; Dennis Hall , P . M ., Sec ; R . P . Simpson , S . D . ; C . H . French , J . D . ; H . S . Cronin , D . C . ; T . E . AVorlledge . I . G . ; and Ellis and Allen , Tylers . Upsvards of So brethren aftersvards sat dosvn to banquet .
CHINGFORD . Warner Lodge ( No . 2256 ) . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge vvas held on Tuesday , the 13 th ult ., at the Royal Forest Hotel . There was a verylarge attendance of biethren , including * Bros . Courtenay Warner , P . S . G . W . ; F . M . Mercer , W . B . Whittingham , G . M . Long , M . Baillie , S . Herbert , C G . Cutchey , G . R .
Brown , A . Dummett , Dr . C . G . Dunbar , J . Holland , J . H . Wildash , E . G . Tagg , J . H . Hands , jun ., Walter Latter , James Bird , VV . Carruthers , Wain , J . AV . Calver , A . D . Stephens , N . Fortescue , F . Finch , Church , I . P . M ., Sec . 1365 ; Becher , 1365 ; Acksvorth , Prov . G . Treas . ; Symes , 205 ; Nell , P . M ., J . W . 227 S j Manuelle , 45 ; Hind , 14 S 9 ; Loder , 179 ; Peck , 2374 ; Duck , S . W . SgS j Porter ,
S . W . 1013 ; Bundy , P . M . 1531 j Mumford , P . M . 153 S ; Abbott , AV . M . 2077 ; Harris , 1278 j Ellis , VV . M . 1314 ; Bromhead , P . M . 231 S ; Hosvard , 72 j Goodsvin , C 19 ; Colsell , 16 95 ; Church , Organist 1395 ; and J . Dring , 231 S . Bro . J . Scoresby-Jackson , P . P . S . G . D ., W . M ., presided . The lodge having been opened , Bro . J . J . Briginshasv , P . G . S ., S . VV ., VV . M . elect , svas impressively
installed as AV . M . by the retiring W . M ., Bro . T . Scoresby-Jackson . The W . M . then appointed the follosving as his officers : Bros . J . Speller , S . W . j G . Hurley , J . VV . j Rev . H . A . Allpass , Chaplain ; W . Shurmur , Treasurer ; H . Comins , Secretary ; R . Kershasv , S . D . ; W . P . Allen , I . D . j VV . Latter , Organist ; W . Finch , D . C . ; Rev . M .
Rees , I . G . ; and G . M . Long , and F . Taylor , Stsvds . The ceremony of initiation svas then ably performed by the W . M ., and Bro . A . G . Stephens duly admitted into Freemasonry . The AV . M . svas unanimously elected as Steward for the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
The lodge vvas then closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . The W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , svhich svere most heartily received . Bros . Courtenay Warner , P . S . G . W . ; Rev . Matthesv Rees , P . G . Chap . ; and J . Acksvorth , P . G . Treas ., replied for " The Prov . Grand Officers . "
Bro . T . Scoresby-Jackson , P . P . S . G . D ., I . P . M ., proposed , in felicitous terms , " The Health of the Worshipful Master . " The W . M ., in replying , said he deeply felt the honour the brethren had conferred upon him that dayj he was proud of the high position , and it svould be his constant
endeavour to maintain the high reputation of the lodge . He thanked the brethren heartily for the very cordial manner in vvhich they had received the toast . He felt unable to express all he svould like to say , but assured the brethren that what svas not expressed in words he felt in his heart .
The W . M . then proposed the following toasts : "The Initiate , " "The Visitors , " "The Installing Master , " and "The Officers of the Lodge , " all of vvhich svere heartily responded to . An excellent musical entertainment vvas given during the evening under the direction of Bro . W . Latter , P . G . Org ., by Bros . A . Weston , E . Loder , F . Taylor , and F . M .
Hind , vvhich materially added to the enjoyment of the brethren and visitors present . An interesting feature of the proceedings was the presentation to the retiring Master , Bro . T . Scoresby-J ackson , of a beautiful jesvel , unanimously awarded by the lodge . In presenting the decoration , Bro . Briginshaw ,
W . M ., expressed the great pleasure it gave him , on behalf of the brethren , in bestowing a recognition of the services that had been so ably rendered to the Craft by the Immediate Past Master during his term of office . Bro . Scoresby-Jackson , I . P . M ., responded , and svarmly acknosvledged the honour conferred upon him .
JERSEY . Yarborough Lodge ( No . 244 ) . —This prosperous lodge held its regular monthly meeting at the Masonic Temple , Stopford-road , St , Heliers , on Wednesday , the 14 th ult . There sverejpresent Bros . J . A . Balliene , W . M . ; Major J . T . du Jardin , P . M ., acting I . P . M . j J . j E . Hamon , acting S . W . j Jas . Caton , J . W . j C .
Donaldson , P . M ., Treas . ; Thos . Adderson , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Anslosv , S . D . j H . J . Gilley , acting J . D . ; C . H . Wilson , acting Org . ; Josh . Lesbirel , I . G . ; L . P . Hespiradoux , P . M . ; Clement Baker , P . M . ; E . Lei-rii-Bennett , P . M . j F . A . Bossy , Wm . Statt , John Durell , P . M . 590 j F . Le Feuvre , P . M . S 77 j H . Ahier , Sec . 59 ° j and several other members and visitors .
The lodge svas opened , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . C . W . Wyatt vvas passed to lhe _ Degree of F . C , thc AV . M . performing * the ceremonies with much impressiveness . The tracing board vvas delivered by Bro . L . P . Hespiradoux , P . M . Altogether a great improvement in the working of this lodge is observable , for whicii the brethren are indebted to the unflagging
zeal and energy of their Preceptor , Bro . Jas . Caton . A candidate svas proposed for initiation at the next meeting . After several items of business connected svith the administration of the lodge had been disposed of , the lodge svas closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . The harmony of the evening svas much enlivened , by Bros . Thos
. Adderson , H . J . Gilley , Organist of the lodge , and others . We may here state that the ceremonies in this lod ge are much enhanced by a kind of choir service ably pt up by Bro . C . H . Wilson , late Org ., nosv J . D . This lod ge is now one of the most prosperous as its progress since 18 S 5 ( as shown by the lodges directory at the end ol their by-law book ) has been most marked .
LICHFIELD . St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 1039 ) . —A meeting ° f this lodge vvas held on AVednesday , the 28 th ult ., at the George Hotel , svhen there svere present Bros . Col . vxV , Gough , LL . D ., Prov . Grand Master , G . Haynes , WM . j T . Cox , S . W . j A . Smyrk , J . W . j Perkins ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M ., P . P . A . G . P ., Treas . ; Gladman , P . M ., Sec . ; Lloyd , S . D . ; Mounsden , J . D . ; W . B . Ashmall , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D ., D . C . j Moore and Garmstone , Stsvds . ; Bullock , Tyler ; J . Fosvler , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; F . Harper , P . M . j Buckley , Barnes , and Eyles . The minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Master in addressing the lodge complained of the svant of punctuality in opening the
lodge . He strongly urged upon the members to give their support to the Masonic Charities , svhich svere entitled to the greatest consideration . Bro . Col . Foster Gough , before leaving the lodge expressed his approval of the svork done . Notice svas given of a proposal to vote the sum of £ 2 2 s . to the Gould Annuity Fund , this scheme being strongly recommended by the Prov . Grand Master . The lodge svas then closed .
MANCHESTER . Minnehaha Minstrel Lodge ( No . 2363 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge svas held on Monday , the 26 th ult ., at the Victoria Hotel . Bro . Seth Wrigley , P . M ., S . VV . and VV . M . elect , svas installed into the chair , the ceremony being performed by Bro . M . Thomas , P . J . G . D ., AV . M ., assisted by a Board of Installed
Masters . The follosving brethren vvere present : Bros . Martin Thomas , W . M . j J . C . Wood , I . P . M . j Seth Wrigley , S . VV . ; R . VV . Wollaston , J . W . j C . Harrop , Treas . ; Fred . Hilton , Sec . j VV . A . Brabner , S . D . j C . H . Beever , J . D . j * Hy . Nail , D . C . j E . Smith , Org . j Chas . Mercer , Stsvd . j A . J . Schofield , Arther B . Barlosv , J . W . Lloyd ,
Thos . Hamnett , J : H . Hayes , H . W . Brockbank , J . H . Lilley , Edgar Armstrong , 0 . Gaggs . W . M . 2156 ; F . Watson , C . Ducksvorth , VV . M . 204 ; C . H . Normanton , j . E . Lasv , and J . B . Kirk , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . John Chadsvick , P . G . Sec . j V . M . Vultchoff , W . M . 317 j S . I . Thomson , W . M . 2109 J D . D . Macpherson , P . M . 163 j A .
Hebden , P . M . 145 S , P . D . G . D . C . j VV . W . Lofthouse , VV . M . 1052 j J . AV . Abbott , P . M . 1030 , P . P . G . D . C j John Hinchliffe , 204 ; J . H . Dalglish , I . P . M . 1147 ; C . Mackey , J . W . 2231 ; F . D . Ballard , 1052 ; J . H . Sillitoe , P . G . Std . Br . England ; M . G . Wilson j A . H . Jefferis , P . P . G . D . of C j A . B . Taylor , 21 S 5 J and A . G . Cook , 426 .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Star Chapter ( No . 1275 ) . —The election meeting of the above took place at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , on the 27 th ult ., svhen there svere present Comps . Benedetti , M . E . Z . j Grummant , H . j North , J . j Cosvley , P . Z ., S . N . j C . H . Stone , P . S . J and Fry , A . S . ' The Past Principals vvere Comps . Hilton , Williams ( S . E . ) , Crook , Addington , and Elliott , and the follosving companions , Eckersall and
Patrick , P . Z ., Janitor . The minutes of the previous convocation svere read and confirmed . The election of officers then took place for the ensuing year . A letter of apology from Comp . Haggai svas read for non-attendance through illness . The business of convocation ended , the companions adjourned to supper , ably presided over by the M . E . Z . At the close the loyal
and Royal Arch toasts vvere given most suitably by the M . E . Z ., and most cordially received . The M . E . Z . next gave that ot "The Grand Officers , " praising their endeavours to promote the best interests of all . The toast of "The M . E . Z . " svas next given by Comp . Crook , I . P . Z ., in a very fesv appropriate and svell-chosen remarks , svhich vvere well received .
In reply , Comp . Benedetti thanked the companions for their kind expressions , for vvhich he vvas deeply sensible . He knew the considerate manner in svhich he had always been received by them , and he trusted that his successor svould receive suchj in fact , he knew he vvould , for those vvho succeeded to the chair were most ably supported . The toast of "The H . and J . " svas next given by the
M . E . Z . in fitting terms . He regretted the absence of the H . on account of illness , but the duties had been ably carried out by Comp . Grummant . They all knesv the capabilities of Comp . North , J ., and he vvould make an excellent H . The toast svas received most cordially , and Comps . Grummant and North very suitably replied .
The M . E . Z . next gave the toast of " Comp . Grummant , Treasurer , and Comp . AVilliams , Scribe E ., " remarking that the Treasurer vvas most careful about the funds of the chapter , vvhich could not be placed in better hands . Of the S . E ., none knew his value more than he . Comp . AVilliams had been connected svith the chapter from its consecration , had become a P . Z ., and had since carried out
the duties of S . E . for many years in a very perfect way . The toast svas svell received . In reply , Comp . Grummant heartily thanked the companions for the cordial manner the toast had been received . He trusted that during the coming year they might have more exaltees , for there always had been perfect concord among the companions , and vvith such a rosy hue he
hoped thc Star in the East would go on and prosper , and thereby largely add to its funds . The S . E . also heartily thanked the companions for the manner the toast had been received , remarking since the consecration of the chapter he had never been svithout a collar , and he vvas grateful for the honour in re-electing him S . E . So long as his avocations permitted , svould he devote his abilities most cheerfully for the chapter .
The toast of " The Past Principals " svas next given by the M . E . Z ., svho stated thev were the very life and soul of the chapter , and he svas delighted to see such an array . Comps . Crook , I . P . Z ., and Addington most suitably responded , stating they svere pleased to see the excellence vvith svhich the M . E . Z . performed his duties and in keeping up the good name svhich the chapter had always enjoyed . The Janitor ' s toast closed a most enjoyable meeting .
SHIPLEY . Moravian Chapter ( No . 3 S 7 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter svas held at the Saltaire Institute , on VVednesday , the 21 st ult ., svhen there were present Comps . Wm . Oddy , Z . j J . L . Atherton , Prov . G . H ., H . j John Tillotson , 1 . j T . Denby , P . Z ., Treas . j T . M .
Holmes , P . Z ., as S . N . ; J . T . Last , as P . S . j John Niven , A . S . j John Thornton ., G . H . Macgregor , and VV . Sheer . Visitor : Comp . J . Wilson , P . Z . 302 . The minutes of the regular convocation held on the ist July svere read and confirmed . 'The ballot svas taken for Bro . J . B . Fearnley , Sec . 2321 , svhich proved in his
Royal Arch.
favour , and he vvas exalted to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason by Comp . Atherton , Prov . G . H ., who also gave the mystical lecture and explained the signs peculiar to the Degree in his usual graphic and able manner . Two propositions for exaltation at the next meeting of the chapter svere received , and after apologies had been tendered
on behalf of several absent companions , the chapter svas closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment , and afterss-ards spent a pleasant evening . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts svere honoured , and Comps . Holmes and Last contributed songs and music to the harmony of the meeting .
TWICKENHAM . Sir Francis Burdett Chapter ( No . 1503 ) . —A meeting- of this chapter svas held at the Albany Hotel on the 2 ist ult . Among those present svere Comps . Capt . T . C . Walls , P . P . G . P . Soj ., P . Z ., S . E ., acting M . E . Z . j VV . Taylor , P . Z ., P . P . G . J ., Treas ., acting H . j Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , P . Z ., P . P . G . J ., acting J . j A . Toulmin ,
jun ., P . S . ; and Harrison , Janitor . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the ballot svas taken on behalf of Bro . W . J . Hakim , P . M . 141 , and it proving to be unanimous , he svas duly exalted . The election of Principals and officers for the year ensuing then took place , svith the following result : Comps . AV . Taylor , M . E . Z . ; Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , H . ; A . Toulmin , jun ., J . ; Capt . T . C . Walls ,
S . E . ; W . J . Hakim , S . N . j and Harrison , Janitor . A vote of thanks svas passed and ordered to be entered on the minutes to Comp . Dunkley , P . P . G . Org ., for his second year ' s services as M . E . Z . Apologies for non-attendance svere received from Comps . Gurney , E . W . Jenkins , H . Jenkins , VV . H . Saunders , P . Z . ; Smiles , P . Z . j Rev . R . " Hosken , M . A ., P . Z . j H . H . Room , P . Z . j and others . The chapter svas then closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet . The usual toasts follosved .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Earl of Carnarvon Lodge ( No . 211 ) . —A meeting of this lodge svas held at the Ladbroke Hall , Notting Hill , on the 29 th ult . Among those present svere Bros . F . E . Pocock , M . D ., W . M . j S . H . Parkhouse , S . W . j H . Kiallmark , M . D ., acting J . W . ; Monson , M . O . j Wadham , S . O . j J . N . Frye , P . M ., Treas . j Capt . Walls , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., P . G . S . B ., Sec . j
Ricksvood , P . M . j and Schofield , Tyler . The minutes of the previous meeting vvere read and confirmed . Bro . S . H . Parkhouse , S . VV ., svas unanimously elected W . M . j Bro . J . N . Frye , Treasurer j and Bro . Schofield , Tyler . A Past Master ' s jesvel svas unanimously voted to the W . M . A notice of motion vvas given to remove the lodge to Mark Masons' Hall . Apologies for
non-attendance were read from Bros . Lawson , P . M . j Goodall , P . M . j F . C . Frye , P . M . j Cama , P . M . j and others . A proposition for advancement having been handed in , the lodge vvas closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Upon the removal of the cloth , the usual toasts received full justice . The VV . M . gave the toasts briefly but pertinently .
GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . Industry Lodge ( No . 293 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge svas held at the Freemasons' Jackson-street , on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., when there svas a good muster of brethren present . The VV . M ., Bro . R . Wilson , presided , and svas supported and assisted by Bros . VV . Brosvn , I . P . M . j Robert
Whitfield , P . M . ; VV . F . Carmon , P . M . ; John Page , P . M ., D . C ; John Wood , P . M ., Treas . ; C B . Ford , P . M ., as S . W . j W . Richardson , J . W . j A . Simpson , M . O . j J . A . Armstrong , S . O . j J . R . Short , J . O . j A . Dodds , Reg . of Marks j T . R . Jobson , Sec . j C . P . Laidler , S . D . j VV . Stafford , J . D . j H . Jackson , I . G . j R . Ferry , Org . j T . Chegsvidden and J . K . Sinton , Stsvds . ; J . Curry , Tyler ; W . Holtzappel , W . J . Jobson , F . J .
Busby , J . Hedley , and Isaac Taylor . Amongst the visitors vvere Bros . J . S . Bell , P . M ., VV . M . Lyons , P . M ., F . J . Schnitger , Sec , and VV . T . Hall , all of the Northumberland and Bersvick-on-Tsveed T . L Lodge ; and Thomas Purvis , W . M . 293 . The ballot having been taken for Bros . J . R . J . Douglass ,
Gosforth Lodge , and Jas . McCaldin , Montank Lodge , U . S . A ., the candidates svere duly advanced by the VV . M ., svho explained the svorking tools , & c . The nominations for Treasurer and other officers follosved , after svhich the proceedings closed and the members adjourned to the refreshment room .
MANCHESTER . St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( No . 34 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge svas held on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., at Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street . In the absence of the VV . M ., Bro . J . T . Richardson , P . M ., P . P . G . I . of VV ., took the chair . 'The follosving brethren svere present : Bros . Clare Edgar Towell , S . W . j G . S . Smith , J . VV . j G . A .
Myers , S . O . ; A . K . Boothroyd , J . O . j J . M . Sinclair , P . M ., P . P . G . M . O . j F . Stretch , Sec . j J . M . Veal , S . D . j J . Walker , J . D . ; P . D . Langley , I . G . j Julius Laurisch , J . T . Richardson , P . M ., P . P . G . I . of W . ; VV . Nicholl , P . G . D . England ; and Julius Arnersberg . 'The lodge was duly opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The ballot was taken
for Bro . Jacques , of the Avon Lodge , svhich proved favourable , but unfortunately he had a most important business engagement svhich prevented him being present . There vvas a proposal for another candidate for Advancement . VVe congratulate the lodge upon the great progress it has made during the last year or two by the great exertions of some of its members , especially Bro . C . E . Tosvell , S . VV .
SUTTON BRIDGE . Nene Lodge ( No . 427 ) . —The ordinary meeting of this lodge , whicii svas consecrated by Bro . C . F . Matier , P . GW ., Grand Secretary , in January last , svas held on VVednesday , the 28 th ult ., Bro . G . Woodsvard , VV . M ., in tlie chair . Bros . J . H . Crter , P . P . A . G . D . C , and L . Hampson svere elected for advancement . Bros . Chas . E .
AVard , S . VV ., svas elected VV . M ., and Bros . Mark Cox and D . Oliver re-elected Treasurer and Tyler for the ensuing year . On the proposition of Bro . Ward , by-lasvs for establishing a Benevolent Fund to support the Mark Charities svere adopted . A vote of condolence svith Mrs . Millns on the death of the late Bro . VV . Millns , J . AV ., svas passed , and the lodge was closed .