Article "WELCOME TO SAINT MUNGO." ← Page 2 of 2 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"Welcome To Saint Mungo."
'Gainst Infidels must draw the sword , Nor spare a Judas who'd betray his Lord ; Strike bold , at once put out his light , Nor keep a traitor in our sight .
Be ours the humble , trusting soul That presses straight unto the goal : Like Simeon , we His Cross must bear , If we'd His future triumphs share .
T . o prove our love unto the Lord , As pilgrims we must go abroad , "With staff , and scrip , and sandled shoon , And travel on for many a noon :
Through the world ' s desert freely go , With weary footsteps , sad and slow , And when our bread and water ' s spent , Refresh in any friendly tent .
T . o all the world we should appear Like tapers , burning bright and clear , Shedding a calm and holy light , 1 ill morn shall quite dispel the night .
As Templars , we have sworn to serve The Christian faith , nor from it swerve ; To wield our swords in its defence " , Yet live a life without offence .
When sailing o ' er life ' s troubled sea , Though rich and rare our cargo be , Lighten the ship , cast riches overboard , Ere we'd make shipwreck of the Lord .
Our vigilance must never tire , E ' en when seated by our own camp fire ; Shake from our hand each venomed beast Would mar the qui & i of the feast .
When once created « nd dubbed here , Our duty and our course is clear , To always act as hiring brothers , And do what we'd have done by others ;
Reverence the Saviour of all men—In his name we shall conquer , then , Gain peace of heart and length of days , Emmanuel getting all the praise .
Nor to be like Thomas , in our pride Doubt till we feel the wounded side , ' The print marks of the nails to see , That nailed Him to the cursed tree .
A nobler , holier , faith is ours , A firm belief in higher powers , A trusting faith , that won ' t refuse J ESUS or NAXAIU- . TII , KIM ; or li' . ws .
Faith that can kiss the chastening rod , And say . My Saviour and my God , Till faith is swallowed up in sight , In yon bright Temple ' s glorious light .
To hasten on that happy day , Let each one work as well as pray : That I may meet you all up there , Is this Knight Templar ' s earnest prayer .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
NOTES OX THE UNITED ORDERS OF THE TEMPLE AXD HOSPITAL . 'Jo the Editor of The Freemason . Dear Sir and IhothiT , — In reply to Bro . Buchan , 1 can only say I took my notes respecting the antiquity of Scotch
lodges from this year ' s published report of the Grand Mark Lodge , and until I see for myself to the contrary ' prefer to accept Bro . Kerr ' s aulhyrity to his own . We all know our brother ' s scepticism on all matters Masonic and sacred , and attach an importance or non-importance to his statements accordingly . Bro . Puchan asserts
that " so far as the song is concerned , it rathei goes to show more belief in the supposed legitidescendancy ( sic ) of the present Knights 'templar from the 14 th century Templars . " Well my opinion happens to be diametricall y opposed to Bro . Buchan ' s , and I prefer leaving your readers to judge for themselves .
The tradition that Pruce formed the Banuockhurn Templars into the Royol Other , mayor may not be a modern legend , hut as I have said before , I prefer my own authority to taking Bro . Buchan ' s ipse di . iil . lours Fraternally , E . MUA 1 IOI .. MHS .
Original Correspondence.
To the Editor of The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — I have thought that some of your correspondents would give a list of the principal personages represented in this fine , but not very
ancient print , but as none of them offer the information , I venture to trouble you with this communication . The print is not allegorical , as seems to have been suggested , but was at its publication described as " The Freemasons ' Charity Children being Presented to the Trustees
and Governors on their Annual Festival at Freemasons' Hall . The principal portraits are those of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master ; H . R . H . the Duke of York , H . R . H . the Duke of Clarence , the Earl of Moira , Lord Rnnclilfe , the Prince of Orange , Sir Peter Parker , Sir William Addington , Sir John Earner , John Heseltine ,
list ] ., the Chevalier Bartholomew Ruspini , William Forssteen , Esq ., Adam Gordon , Esq ., George Downing , Esq ., James Galloway , Esq ., William Birch , Esq ., and Anthony- Ten brock e . I believe other of the figures are portraits , but I have no means of giving further names . Fraternally yours , Lure's .
Reviews .
Curability of Cancer . ( Wyman and Sons , Great Queen-street . ') The popular notion is that the dreadful affliction , cancer , is incurable , or at least , that unless it is
dealt with at an early stage , and even then , only by surgical operation , no tine reasonably hopes lor a cure . The perusal of the above pamphlet , by Dr . G . Schmitt , will wethink , tend to dispel such an illusion , and for the sake of sulfering humanity
we hope that this brochure will be widely circulated and generally read . As an epitome of the various treatments by the faculty , and also by the natives abroad Dr . Schmitt ' slittle work is . most
valuable , and certainly the plan adopted by him , and most intelligently advocated , is at least worthy of a trial . The testimonials appended appear to be of a high order .
The Little Dressmaker . ( S . Miller , Tavistockstreet , W . C . ) We were quite in a fix as to how we could notice this magazine , not having been let into the secrets of a child ' s wardrobe , and the correct
clothing for—dolls ! Happy thought ! Show it to one of your lady friends ! Xo sooner considered than adopted . Accordingly I submitted it to one whose judgment on such a most vital and important subject is well nigh infallible . After
allowing a fair time for investigation , we called , and found the verdict to be " A capital mrga / . ine , patterns novel and well explained , and altogether
a most useful publication . \\ e cannot do better than make such a recommendation known to our brethren who are blessed with " little cherubs" at home .
Enoch , tne Second Messenger 11 / God . ( Triibner and Co . London . ) We cannot recommend this book , and its contents are so varied that unless we wrote on subjects unsuitable to the columns of The Freemason
we could not make known our objections to it . We grant the author must have spent a lifetime in its production , but yet we wish much had remained unsaid which we find in these two volumes .
The Lifeboat . ( Quarterl y Journal . ) The number for Nov ., 1872 , is before us , and presents a sad picture , on the one hand , of wrecks and loss oflife at sea , and on the other hand heroic deeds , and the valuable aiidcliieicnt aid rendered
by the " National LiIeDoat Institution . " In 1 S 71 there were nearly one thousand lives saved through the instrumentality of this most humane and benevolent organization . From its formation no less than 21 , 076 lives have been rescued
from a watery grave , for which services 91 gold medals , S 29 silver medals , and i . ' . ; 7 > 8 ' 4 m l - '; ls '' have been paid in rewards . It costs the society £ ' 22 , 000 to maintain the 2 , 3 ] lifeboats scattered over the country , and on an average over gt . ' iooc in ' each year for rewards . The indefatigable See-
retary , Richard Lewis Esq ., atthe offices , 14 J ohnstreet , Adelphi , London , W . C , will be glad to receive subscriptions . In The Lifeboat for this quarter there is a capital account of the launch of the "Lady Lei g h" at Scarborough , presented to the
Institution by the Freemasons of Warwickshire All honour to them for their trul ylMasonic spirit . In the summary of the meeting of the Committee
we notice the following payments acknowledged . Thursday , 4 th , July , 1872 , " Masonic Lifeboat Fund , per W . Smith , Esq ., C . E . and H yde Clarke , Esq . additional s £ 6 i 18 s cd . "
The Craftsman . ( Hamilton , Ontario . ) This useful record of the progress of Freemasonry in Canada is now in its sixth volume , and the September number we have just examined is not the least interesting of the series .
from it we learn that the Supreme Grand Council 2 > f for England and . Wales , " has forbidden the Masons ol' its obedience from recognizing the body established b y the Supreme Council of Scotland at St . John , New
Brunswick . It appears that both Grand Bodies for the A . and A . Rite , were formed in 18 4 6 , Scotland by the Grand Orient of France , and England by the Northern Jurisdiction of the Supreme Grand Council , United States . In
Canada the former has exercised exclusive jurisdiction for years , until August , 1871 , so the matter is now being discussed by our learned brethren , and we hope the dispute will be amicably settled .
The Masonic Mirror . ( San Francisco . ) With an editor , an assistant , and a corresponding editor , this little organ of the Craft in California , should certainly prove worthy of its name ! Jt is a well arranged publication , and
withal carefully written . Originality and research do not seem to be the editors' aim , but evidentl y they are anxious to present as good a fare as possible to their readers , from any source
that suits their views , always however admitting trom what papers the articles were taken . We see Dr . Bedolfe ' s " Footsteps of Freemasonry ' are being reprinted from The Freemason .
The Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , 187 , 3 . ( Hi / 11 Past Mashr anil an Kililnr <>/ ' Masonic Calrnilars . J We have just carefully examined Bro . G . Kenning ' s " Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , " 187 , ] , and , without any hesitation , pronounce it to
be the best of the three issues now published . It is compact , well arranged , and full of most useful and interesting information indispensable to the intelligent Freemason , and illustrative of the progress and wide-spread influence of the
Cralt . The low price places it within the reach of all , and no one who wishes to be well posted as to the whereabouts of our lodges , chapters , eve , can afford to be without it . In 1 S 74 , we hope to see the lodges arranged , according to the
towns , in alphabetical order , just as now they are arranged according to their names . Both tables would be invaluable , and though the first-mentioned would add slightly to the bulk of the volume , we thick its increased advantages would
amply compensate . The addresses also of the Prov . G . Secretaries would be a boon to many , and especially to each of the brethren holding such a responsible office . For convenience of reference the Grand Lodge of
Ireland is very fullv reported in these particulars , and indeed all the Grand Lodges , wherever located , appear to be well attended to , and as fully represented as the size of the publication will allow .
The handy little volume should sell by thousands , and the Secretaries of lodges should introduce it to the members , and by so doing assist in circulating iniormation that concerns all the Fraternity .
"A ViMi TO KiTs ' sCoim . M . VMIAI io : < v . Through the kindn .-si 1 I AL " .-rs . I ' . pp-, I recently li .-i-l an r ,., p ,-, ttir . ity of seems ; the ninny coiuplicnlcd \ a-. icd proce ' -c-the I acan ocan ] a- -cs ihrou ^ h ere it is sold air public it-e , and ! :. im : I .. all inter ,- led and highly pleased ui li what I saw dating tm \ i-it to the rnataa . ictoiy , 1 thought a bri f account of the ( acao ' and the way it i- inanalactured ' by . Mcssi-. L pi'S 'o tit i ! lor a ullnlc-olue and a liuuit iniiv beverage ' , ivu . lil be ol interest to the readers in / .. 11 .. I iii-l II . 101 . See Article in i . iii ., 1 unit . 7 . 1 . ' , r October I ( .
" I \\ a ^ -utieriuii i ^ icath a lev . - week . : i . 'n ! r < 1 : 1 severe paiiisabi . nt t ' ae kidnevs and excessive w laknes- in the lui k , accompanied u nil a naus .-ou- sii kite---, am ! llad been conliaed lo tm bed > onie u . cl .-, v iien a friend who had tar ; known and e-. pericnccd ercat beii .-ai Irani the use of wiur Vceclable I ' ain Killer brought en- a bottle ol i . e . hi , h I u-i-. i with the nio . l ! nn n . ilw re ; nit-. \ . SIIIIHI ¦ llun . iK . il , .: Ui . in .:, <_\ t ., 1 M 17 . — ' !» I ' - 1 ' a . vi . csSon , London , W . C , '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"Welcome To Saint Mungo."
'Gainst Infidels must draw the sword , Nor spare a Judas who'd betray his Lord ; Strike bold , at once put out his light , Nor keep a traitor in our sight .
Be ours the humble , trusting soul That presses straight unto the goal : Like Simeon , we His Cross must bear , If we'd His future triumphs share .
T . o prove our love unto the Lord , As pilgrims we must go abroad , "With staff , and scrip , and sandled shoon , And travel on for many a noon :
Through the world ' s desert freely go , With weary footsteps , sad and slow , And when our bread and water ' s spent , Refresh in any friendly tent .
T . o all the world we should appear Like tapers , burning bright and clear , Shedding a calm and holy light , 1 ill morn shall quite dispel the night .
As Templars , we have sworn to serve The Christian faith , nor from it swerve ; To wield our swords in its defence " , Yet live a life without offence .
When sailing o ' er life ' s troubled sea , Though rich and rare our cargo be , Lighten the ship , cast riches overboard , Ere we'd make shipwreck of the Lord .
Our vigilance must never tire , E ' en when seated by our own camp fire ; Shake from our hand each venomed beast Would mar the qui & i of the feast .
When once created « nd dubbed here , Our duty and our course is clear , To always act as hiring brothers , And do what we'd have done by others ;
Reverence the Saviour of all men—In his name we shall conquer , then , Gain peace of heart and length of days , Emmanuel getting all the praise .
Nor to be like Thomas , in our pride Doubt till we feel the wounded side , ' The print marks of the nails to see , That nailed Him to the cursed tree .
A nobler , holier , faith is ours , A firm belief in higher powers , A trusting faith , that won ' t refuse J ESUS or NAXAIU- . TII , KIM ; or li' . ws .
Faith that can kiss the chastening rod , And say . My Saviour and my God , Till faith is swallowed up in sight , In yon bright Temple ' s glorious light .
To hasten on that happy day , Let each one work as well as pray : That I may meet you all up there , Is this Knight Templar ' s earnest prayer .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
NOTES OX THE UNITED ORDERS OF THE TEMPLE AXD HOSPITAL . 'Jo the Editor of The Freemason . Dear Sir and IhothiT , — In reply to Bro . Buchan , 1 can only say I took my notes respecting the antiquity of Scotch
lodges from this year ' s published report of the Grand Mark Lodge , and until I see for myself to the contrary ' prefer to accept Bro . Kerr ' s aulhyrity to his own . We all know our brother ' s scepticism on all matters Masonic and sacred , and attach an importance or non-importance to his statements accordingly . Bro . Puchan asserts
that " so far as the song is concerned , it rathei goes to show more belief in the supposed legitidescendancy ( sic ) of the present Knights 'templar from the 14 th century Templars . " Well my opinion happens to be diametricall y opposed to Bro . Buchan ' s , and I prefer leaving your readers to judge for themselves .
The tradition that Pruce formed the Banuockhurn Templars into the Royol Other , mayor may not be a modern legend , hut as I have said before , I prefer my own authority to taking Bro . Buchan ' s ipse di . iil . lours Fraternally , E . MUA 1 IOI .. MHS .
Original Correspondence.
To the Editor of The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — I have thought that some of your correspondents would give a list of the principal personages represented in this fine , but not very
ancient print , but as none of them offer the information , I venture to trouble you with this communication . The print is not allegorical , as seems to have been suggested , but was at its publication described as " The Freemasons ' Charity Children being Presented to the Trustees
and Governors on their Annual Festival at Freemasons' Hall . The principal portraits are those of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master ; H . R . H . the Duke of York , H . R . H . the Duke of Clarence , the Earl of Moira , Lord Rnnclilfe , the Prince of Orange , Sir Peter Parker , Sir William Addington , Sir John Earner , John Heseltine ,
list ] ., the Chevalier Bartholomew Ruspini , William Forssteen , Esq ., Adam Gordon , Esq ., George Downing , Esq ., James Galloway , Esq ., William Birch , Esq ., and Anthony- Ten brock e . I believe other of the figures are portraits , but I have no means of giving further names . Fraternally yours , Lure's .
Reviews .
Curability of Cancer . ( Wyman and Sons , Great Queen-street . ') The popular notion is that the dreadful affliction , cancer , is incurable , or at least , that unless it is
dealt with at an early stage , and even then , only by surgical operation , no tine reasonably hopes lor a cure . The perusal of the above pamphlet , by Dr . G . Schmitt , will wethink , tend to dispel such an illusion , and for the sake of sulfering humanity
we hope that this brochure will be widely circulated and generally read . As an epitome of the various treatments by the faculty , and also by the natives abroad Dr . Schmitt ' slittle work is . most
valuable , and certainly the plan adopted by him , and most intelligently advocated , is at least worthy of a trial . The testimonials appended appear to be of a high order .
The Little Dressmaker . ( S . Miller , Tavistockstreet , W . C . ) We were quite in a fix as to how we could notice this magazine , not having been let into the secrets of a child ' s wardrobe , and the correct
clothing for—dolls ! Happy thought ! Show it to one of your lady friends ! Xo sooner considered than adopted . Accordingly I submitted it to one whose judgment on such a most vital and important subject is well nigh infallible . After
allowing a fair time for investigation , we called , and found the verdict to be " A capital mrga / . ine , patterns novel and well explained , and altogether
a most useful publication . \\ e cannot do better than make such a recommendation known to our brethren who are blessed with " little cherubs" at home .
Enoch , tne Second Messenger 11 / God . ( Triibner and Co . London . ) We cannot recommend this book , and its contents are so varied that unless we wrote on subjects unsuitable to the columns of The Freemason
we could not make known our objections to it . We grant the author must have spent a lifetime in its production , but yet we wish much had remained unsaid which we find in these two volumes .
The Lifeboat . ( Quarterl y Journal . ) The number for Nov ., 1872 , is before us , and presents a sad picture , on the one hand , of wrecks and loss oflife at sea , and on the other hand heroic deeds , and the valuable aiidcliieicnt aid rendered
by the " National LiIeDoat Institution . " In 1 S 71 there were nearly one thousand lives saved through the instrumentality of this most humane and benevolent organization . From its formation no less than 21 , 076 lives have been rescued
from a watery grave , for which services 91 gold medals , S 29 silver medals , and i . ' . ; 7 > 8 ' 4 m l - '; ls '' have been paid in rewards . It costs the society £ ' 22 , 000 to maintain the 2 , 3 ] lifeboats scattered over the country , and on an average over gt . ' iooc in ' each year for rewards . The indefatigable See-
retary , Richard Lewis Esq ., atthe offices , 14 J ohnstreet , Adelphi , London , W . C , will be glad to receive subscriptions . In The Lifeboat for this quarter there is a capital account of the launch of the "Lady Lei g h" at Scarborough , presented to the
Institution by the Freemasons of Warwickshire All honour to them for their trul ylMasonic spirit . In the summary of the meeting of the Committee
we notice the following payments acknowledged . Thursday , 4 th , July , 1872 , " Masonic Lifeboat Fund , per W . Smith , Esq ., C . E . and H yde Clarke , Esq . additional s £ 6 i 18 s cd . "
The Craftsman . ( Hamilton , Ontario . ) This useful record of the progress of Freemasonry in Canada is now in its sixth volume , and the September number we have just examined is not the least interesting of the series .
from it we learn that the Supreme Grand Council 2 > f for England and . Wales , " has forbidden the Masons ol' its obedience from recognizing the body established b y the Supreme Council of Scotland at St . John , New
Brunswick . It appears that both Grand Bodies for the A . and A . Rite , were formed in 18 4 6 , Scotland by the Grand Orient of France , and England by the Northern Jurisdiction of the Supreme Grand Council , United States . In
Canada the former has exercised exclusive jurisdiction for years , until August , 1871 , so the matter is now being discussed by our learned brethren , and we hope the dispute will be amicably settled .
The Masonic Mirror . ( San Francisco . ) With an editor , an assistant , and a corresponding editor , this little organ of the Craft in California , should certainly prove worthy of its name ! Jt is a well arranged publication , and
withal carefully written . Originality and research do not seem to be the editors' aim , but evidentl y they are anxious to present as good a fare as possible to their readers , from any source
that suits their views , always however admitting trom what papers the articles were taken . We see Dr . Bedolfe ' s " Footsteps of Freemasonry ' are being reprinted from The Freemason .
The Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , 187 , 3 . ( Hi / 11 Past Mashr anil an Kililnr <>/ ' Masonic Calrnilars . J We have just carefully examined Bro . G . Kenning ' s " Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , " 187 , ] , and , without any hesitation , pronounce it to
be the best of the three issues now published . It is compact , well arranged , and full of most useful and interesting information indispensable to the intelligent Freemason , and illustrative of the progress and wide-spread influence of the
Cralt . The low price places it within the reach of all , and no one who wishes to be well posted as to the whereabouts of our lodges , chapters , eve , can afford to be without it . In 1 S 74 , we hope to see the lodges arranged , according to the
towns , in alphabetical order , just as now they are arranged according to their names . Both tables would be invaluable , and though the first-mentioned would add slightly to the bulk of the volume , we thick its increased advantages would
amply compensate . The addresses also of the Prov . G . Secretaries would be a boon to many , and especially to each of the brethren holding such a responsible office . For convenience of reference the Grand Lodge of
Ireland is very fullv reported in these particulars , and indeed all the Grand Lodges , wherever located , appear to be well attended to , and as fully represented as the size of the publication will allow .
The handy little volume should sell by thousands , and the Secretaries of lodges should introduce it to the members , and by so doing assist in circulating iniormation that concerns all the Fraternity .
"A ViMi TO KiTs ' sCoim . M . VMIAI io : < v . Through the kindn .-si 1 I AL " .-rs . I ' . pp-, I recently li .-i-l an r ,., p ,-, ttir . ity of seems ; the ninny coiuplicnlcd \ a-. icd proce ' -c-the I acan ocan ] a- -cs ihrou ^ h ere it is sold air public it-e , and ! :. im : I .. all inter ,- led and highly pleased ui li what I saw dating tm \ i-it to the rnataa . ictoiy , 1 thought a bri f account of the ( acao ' and the way it i- inanalactured ' by . Mcssi-. L pi'S 'o tit i ! lor a ullnlc-olue and a liuuit iniiv beverage ' , ivu . lil be ol interest to the readers in / .. 11 .. I iii-l II . 101 . See Article in i . iii ., 1 unit . 7 . 1 . ' , r October I ( .
" I \\ a ^ -utieriuii i ^ icath a lev . - week . : i . 'n ! r < 1 : 1 severe paiiisabi . nt t ' ae kidnevs and excessive w laknes- in the lui k , accompanied u nil a naus .-ou- sii kite---, am ! llad been conliaed lo tm bed > onie u . cl .-, v iien a friend who had tar ; known and e-. pericnccd ercat beii .-ai Irani the use of wiur Vceclable I ' ain Killer brought en- a bottle ol i . e . hi , h I u-i-. i with the nio . l ! nn n . ilw re ; nit-. \ . SIIIIHI ¦ llun . iK . il , .: Ui . in .:, <_\ t ., 1 M 17 . — ' !» I ' - 1 ' a . vi . csSon , London , W . C , '