Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article HARROGATE. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodges and Chapters of Instruction. Page 1 of 2 →
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Provincial Meetings.
G . D . ; VV . H . Dutton , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C ; T . Drinkwater , P . M . ; W . J . Cotsworth , P . M . ; F . Holliday , P . M . ; A . Haughton , P . M . ; D . Barlow , P . S . W . ; T . George , F . Johnson , W . Spear , J . J . Tinker , R . Garbutt , J . Kitson , j . Sidebottom , VV . Rushton , and H . M . Coxworth . Visitors : Bros . R . Newhouse , P . G . Sec . ; H . Chadderton , P . M ., P . G . Stwd . West Lancashire ;
Councillor Marshall , and numerous P . M . 's , W . M . s , and brethren from neighbouring lodges . The hall was handsomely decorated for the occasion , the lodge furniture , & c , showing to great advantage in the large and spacious hall . Bro . F . Broadsmith , P . M ., P . G . Reg . ( who is well known in the province as one of the best exponents of Craft ceremonies , as well as of the superior
Degree of the Royal Arch ) , performed the ceremony of installation in his well known style , whilst Bro . W . H . Dutton , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C , assisted and invested the officers . It is not often that two such capable Past Masters can be seen at Craft working , and the greatest satisfaction and enjoyment was afforded to the brethren present from the splendid working of those brethren .
After the ceremony had been concluded and the lodge closed , the brethren adjourned to the lodge room at the Commercial Hotel , and celebrated the Festival of St . John . The banquet provided by Bro . Morley was of a high class character . The usual Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to .
It may be mentioned that the ceremony of installation was performed with full musical service , the musical arrangements being under the control of Bro . S . E . Jupp , of Manchester , who was assisted by Bros . M . Stafford , Bowley , Lewtas , Butty , and the excellent music discoursed by these brethren during the ceremony and at the festive board was in every respect worthy of the occasion .
KENDAL . Union Lodge ( No . 129 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , St . George's Hall , on Thursday , the 30 th ult . Bro . C . E . Paget , P . P . G . S . B ., was installed as W . M . by Bro . Herbert Moser , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., the working tools being presented by Bro . J . H . Braithwaite , P . M .. P . P . G . D . C . The
newlyinstalled W . M . then appointed his officers as follows : Bros . A . W . Cozens Hardy , S . W . ; T . A . Argles , P . P . G . S . B ., J . W . ; VV . Middleton , P . M ., P . A . G . Sec , Treas . ; A . Milne , Sec . ; R . Fisher , S . D . ; R . Lenning , J . D . ; f . H . Braithwaite , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , D . C ; H . Moser , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., Org . ; J . R . Illingworth , I . G . ; W . Bradley and J . J . Addison , Stwds . ; and W . Thompson , P . P . G . T .,
Tyler . The addresses to each officer were delivered by Bro . J . Copland , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., and the charges to the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren by the Installing- Master , Bro . H . Moser . After the transaction of the ordinary business of the lodge , the newly-installed W . M . presented to the lodge a very beautiful set of gavels for use at lodge
banquets . The brethren , after the closing of the lodge , adjourned to the King's Arms Hotel , where an excellent banquet was provided . The chair was taken by Bro . C E . Paget , the W . M ., and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dul y given and responded to .
MANCLLESTER . Strangeways Lodge ( No . 1219 ) . — The Festival of St . John was celebrated at the Masonic Hall , Withy Grove , on Wednesday , the 29 th ult . About 60 brethren , including several officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , were present . Bro . Robert Hughes was installed W . M ., and Bros . Battye and Savage were invested as
S . W . and J . W . respectively . The balance sheet showed total receipts for the year , with balance in hand , £ 328 is . 9 d . ; £$ 5 10 s . had been granted to the East Lancashire Systematic Benevolent Institution ; £ ' 20 to the widow of Bro . Dawson , deceased ; and £ 2 10 s . to the fund for Bro . Binckes' annuity . A jewel was presented to Bro . Williams , I . P . M ., and a decoration given to Bro . VV . T .
Scliofield , P . M ., P . J . G . D ., by Bro . Leech , P . M ., in recognition of lu ' s past valuable services to the lodge and to Freemasonry . At the banquet an efficient musical programme was rendered by Bros . Walker , Robinson , Wilkinson , Baron , and Reers . A fine-toned new American organ has just been added to the property of the lodge , which is regarded as one of the most prosperous in the province .
YORK . Albert Victor Lodge ( No . 2328 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in Freemasons ' Hall , St . Saviourgate , on Tuesday , the 2 Sth ult . The W . M ., Bro . the Dean of York , presided , and there were also present Bros . T . B . Whytehead , P . iVl ., S . W . ; H . L Swift , J . W . ; C . E . Wright , Sec ; W . Lawton , P . M ., Treas . ; J . E . Jones , S . D . ; C G . Padel , P . M . ; and others .
The business consisted in the initiation of Mr . F . Shaun , and of Mr . J . R . Parker as a serving brother , at the conclusion of which the charge was given by the J . W . The report of the By-laws Committee was read and adopted . Bro . Padel , P . M ., was invested Organist of the lodge .
On the motion of the S . W ., seconded by the J . W ., ' the ! scheme for the commutation of a pension of £ 250 a year to I the Secretary of the Boys' School was approved , and the ' Treasurer was empowered to pay the suggested amount I from the funds .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Robert Burns Chapter uYo . 25 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held on the 27 th ult ., at Freemasons ' Hall , when there were present Comps . | . W . Harvey M . E . Z . : John Kay , II . ; G . Deaton , ) . ; F . Matron ' lreas . ; VV . Land , S . E . ; VV . Wingham , S . N . ; A A Frigout , PS . ; W . H . Baker , P . Z . ; Cormon , Frigout , and others . Visitor : Comp . J . A . Gartley , 142 .
I he minutes ot the last convocation having been read and confirmed , the by-laws were also read . The folloiviii" - compamoiis were then elected to ( ill the various offices ^ Comps . John Kay , M . E . Z . ; George Deaton , H . ; Waller Wingham , J . ; A . A . Frigout , S . N . ; and F . Frigout , P . S . Auditors having been elected , the companions adjourned to banquet , when the usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts were duly honoured , and an agreeable evening was spent .
Royal Arch.
Star Chapter ( No . 1275 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Ship , Greenwich . There were present Comps . Addington , M . E . Z . ; Crook , J . ; Benedetti , S . N . ; Major Williams , P . Z ., Treas . ; " Capt . Williams , P . Z ., S . E . ; Fleck , P . S . ; Meierhoff , ist A . S . ; Woods , 2 nd A . S . ; Grummant , P . Z . ; F . Hilton , P . Z . ; Dr .
Makeham , Stone , North , Towers , and H . Martin . The visitors were Comps . Capt . R . J . Vincent , P . Z ., M . E . Z . 1329 , P . G . S . B . Middx . ; R . J . Voisey , P . Z ., S . E . 1329 ; Lyon , P . Z . 1329 ; and Folkard , 1329 . The minutes were read and confirmed . The dispensation from the Supreme Grand Chapter for the installation of Comps . Crook and Benedetti into two chairs each was read .
Comp . Crook was installed as H . and M . E . Z ., Comp . Benedetti as J . and H ., and Comp . Fleck as ] ., the work being excellently rendered by Comps . Hilton , P . Z ., and Grummant , P . Z . The officers invested were omps . Major Williams , P . Z ., as Treas . ; Capt . C . W . Williams , P . Z ., as S . E . ; Meierhoff , S . N . ; Woods , P . S . ; and Dr . Makeham , A . S . In the correspondence was a letter from
the G . S . K . apologising for absence , and promising' to attend on a future occasion . Comp . Addington , I . P . Z ., was presented with a P . Z . ' s jewel , and responded in suitable terms . At the banquet which followed , the M . E . Z . proposed "The Queen and Royal Arch Masonry , " which was
received with much enthusiasm . In proposing "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , G . Z ., " the M . E . Z . said that he was truly the king of Masonry . The M . E . Z . next proposed "The rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " and this toast was also well received .
Comp . Addington proposed " The M . E . Z ., " and said how glad he was to see Comp . Crook in the position he could so well fill , and for which he had had a race with him . Comp . Crook , M . E . Z ., said that he was glad to be in that position , which , as the regulations compelled , he had had to wait for . He felt it a very high honour to be installed in two chairs at once , and said he would try to do his duty as M . E . Z .
In proposing " lhe Visitors , " the M . E . Z . pointed out that they were all from one chapter . They were heartily welcome , and he hoped they would enjoy themselves . Comp . Capt . Vincent , in reply , said they had had a very great treat in hearing five installation ceremonies . The banquet also was equally good . He was glad that his chapter was so well represented , and was sure all would
spend a happy time . Comp . Voisey said that he should hesitate to speak after his worthy chief . He had many times visited the Star Chapter , and hoped to do so many times more . South London owed much to the Star Chapter , for Comp . Hilton , P . Z ., was busy spreading Royal Arch knowledge at the Star Chapter of Instruction .
_ Comp . Lyon was very pleased to be present and enjoy such a delightful evening . Comp . Folkard said this was his first visit , but he had thoroughly enjoyed it . He was sorry not to be able to attend the chapter of instruction , but he appreciated the good work that was being done . The M . E . Z . proposed "The P . Z . 's , " referring to the
services rendered by each of them to the chapter . Comp . Addington , P . Z ., said he had tried to follow his worthy predecessors . He should prize the jewel he had received that day and hoped his children would prize it after he was gone . Comp . Grummant , P . Z ., said that as one of the first exaltees of the chapter he was glad to say that he had never known one piece of discord in the chapter . The Principals
had so carefully guided it that it was always in a harmonious state . Comp . Hilton , P . Z ., said if the chapter was not large it certainly was good . He had been highly spoken of as the Preceptor of the chapter of instruction , but he must say that Comp Grummant was the best first lieutenant that any captain could wish for in the chapter . The Sphinx Chapter too had heartily supported it , and Comp . Voisey was its Treasurer .
The M . E . Z . next proposed "lhe H ., J ., and Officers , " and referred to the work done by each in the post . Comps . Benedetti , H . ; Fleck , J . ; C . Meierhoff , S . N . ; Woods , P . S . ; and Dr . Makeham , ist A . S ., responded . The M . E . Z . next proposed "The Lay Members , " to
which Comps . Stone , Martin , and Towers , responded . The Janitor ' s toast closed a very pleasant evening , which had been enlivened by songs and recitations from Comps . Stone , Meierhoff , Addington , Voisev , Benedetti , and F . Hilton .
Bayard Chapter ( No . 1615 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at 33 , Golden-square , W ., when there were present Comps . Capt . Henry Wright , Z . ; Sauerbrey , H . ; Bamber , J . ; Lieut .-Col . Haldane , S . E . ; J . Hunt , S . N . j Morice , Asst . S . ; Surgeon-General Jessop , and Baron de Bush . Comp . Churchill was a visitor . Bro . Westcott , 1 S 27 , was exalted
to the Supreme Degree of the Holy Royal Arch by Comp . Wright . Comp . Haldane kindly acted as P . S ., and with his perfect knowledge of the ritual made the ceremony very impressive to the candidate . Comp . Bamber gave the historical lecture , Comp . Sauerbrey the symbolical , and Comp . Capt . Wright that of the mystical , which were in all cases delivered without hesitation . The election
ot officers for the ensiling year took place , the result being that Comps . Sauerbery was elected as Z . ; Bamber , H . ; Hunt , j . ; Wright , S . E . ; Rev . C . J . Wilson , P . S . ; Col . Bailey , S . N . ; Lieut .-Col . Somervillc Barney , P . G . S ., Treas . ; and Austin , Janitjr . Comp . Lieut .-Col . Haldane gave notice that he would move that a P . Z . ' s jewel be presented to Comp . Wright , for the very efficient way in which
he had presided over the chapter during- the past year . Comp . Lieut .-Col . Haldane , who has held the office of S . E . for 10 years , wishing to be relieved of the duties , the M . E . Z . gave notice of proposition that a jewel be prepared and presented to Comp . Lieut .-Col . Haldane , as a mark of appreciation by the companions for the way in which he had always performed the duties of S . E . Comp . Lieut .-Col .
Haldane has endeared himself to every member of the chapter , and it is a source of deep regret that he is about to give up the post . Bro . Ex-Sheriff T . Clarke , 1 S 27 , was duly elected a member , but not being able to be present , his exaltation was deferred . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to the- Cafe Royal , where justice was done to the banquet prepared for them .
Royal Arch.
Regret was expressed that neither Comps . Col . Burney Lieut .-Col . Haldane , P . G . Std . Br ., Frank Richardson , or Purchas were not present to respond for the Grand Officers . Comps . Westcott and Jessop respectively replied for the toast of their health as the newly-exalted and joining members .
Comp . Morier replied for " 'The Officers , " and Comp . Churchill for " The Visitor . " Comp . Westcott enlivened the proceedings by singing " Sigh no more , ladies , " and Comp . Wright sung " Johnny Jones and his sister Sue . "
Harrogate and Ciaro Chapter ( No . iooi ) . — 'This chapter held its annual meeting at the Masonic Hall , on Friday , the 31 st ult ., when the Three Principals installed their successors in office for the ensuing year , viz ., Comps . J . Richardson , Z . ; A . J . Bodman , Z . 2 S 9 , H . ; and T . A . Marsh , J . A full staff of efficient officers having
previously been duly elected , were now invested in the presence of a large convocation of members and visitors . Of the latter Comps . F . Smith , P . Z . 8 37 ; S . Jacob , J . S 37 ; J . Millington , A . S . 2 S 9 , were special guests . Bros . A . B . Booty and VV . VV . Stennett , of 1001 , were exalted to this Supreme Degree .
The proceedings terminated in a banquet , served under the direction of Comp . C . N . Goode , and the voluntary choir was accompanied by Comp . W . Davey , Organist . The Provincial Grand Chapter was represented by Comps . R . Carter , P . Z ., Prov . G . H ., and Thomas Riley , P . Z ., Prov . A . G . S .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BRIDGWATER . Friendship , Unanimity , and Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 191 ) . —On the 20 th ult ., a goodly muster of brethren of this lodge assembled at their headquarters , 7 , Royal Clarence Hotel , on the occasion of the installation of Bro . J . T . Dunsford ( who was unanimously elected by ballot at the last meeting- ) as W . M . of
the lodge , as successor to Bro . E . Fry Wade . The ceremony of installation was ably performed by the P . G . M ., Bro . R . C . Else , and the VV M . appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : Bros . E . Fry Wade , l . P . M . ; G . B . Laffan , S . W . ; G . Strawbridge , J . W . ; C . Lucette , P . M ., Treas . ; F . J . Saunders , Sec ; Dr . Kemmis , D . C . ; T . Floyd Norris , M . O . ; B . C
Board , S . O . ; Dr . F . W . S . Wicksteed , J . O . ; A . Basil Cottam , R . M . ; T . H . Railton , S . D . ; Dr . Peskett , J . D . ; 1 . B . Sincock , I . G . ; T . L . Laxton , Chap . ; and W . Webber , Tyler . On the proposition of the W . M . , the Secretary was directed to forward a vote of sympathy to
Bro . Dr . Kemmis , who is now slowly recovering from a severe illness , together with an earnest hope that he will speedily be restored to his former health and strength . Afterwards the brethren partook of a capital repast , under the presidency of the W . M ., and the customary toast list was gone through .
FROME . Portal Lodge ( No . 155 ) . —On Thursday , the 30 th ult ., Bro . A . G . Hayman was installed W . M . of the above lodge . The ceremony took place in the Masonic Hall , and in the unavoidable absence of Bro . R . C . Else , P . G . M ., it was conducted by Bro . A . Duckett , P . M . 101 , P . P . G . M . O . The W . M ., Bro . A . G . Hayman , appointed as his officers for the ensuing year Bros . F . H . Woodforde ,
I . P . M . ; 1 . H . Holroyd , S . W . ; F . Bendle J . W . ; VV . Mason , M . O . ; R . T . Williams , S . O . ; E . Olive , J . O . ; F . Bendle , 'Treas . ; A . W . Moore , Reg . of Marks ; F . !• :. Pearse , Sec ; G . R . VVilson , S . D . ; G . VV . Wiltshire , J . D . ; S . Spill , D . C ; J . D . Pulham , I . G , ; and H . Haley , lyler .
After the ceremony the brethren , to the number of 30 , adjourned to the Crown Hotel , where Bro . W . R , Bown provided an admirable dinner . Bro . A . G . Hayman , W . M ., presided , and there were also present Bros . F . H . Woodforde , A . Duckett , Installing Master ; T . H . Holroyd , F . Bendle , W . Mason , John
Baily , I ' .. Uuve , G . R . VVilson , G . VV . Wiltshire , S . Spill , J . D . Pulham , H . Haley , J . M . Rattray , P . Edinger , and VV . R . Bown . The visitors included Bros . W . G . Vowles , H . Wilkinson , T . Harris , and E . J . Grubb , all of Canynge Lodge ; T . H . Norris , Creed , E . Honvood , L . J . Watson , Rozea , G . E . Dunsford , A . VV . Dalby , and Brittain .
WHITEHAVEN . Fletcher Lodge ( No . 213 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 31 st ult ., Bro . Rev . Jas . Anderson , P . J . G . W ., W . M ., presided , and having been elected W . M . for the second time at the previous meeting , after the confirmation of the minutes , invested his officers for the ensuing year , viz . : Bros . Thos . Brackenbridge , I . P . M . ; H . Burns , S . W . ; S . Broadbent , J . W . ; D .
Atkinson , M . O . ; J . Casson , S . O . ; J . VV . Clarke , J . O . ; Geo . Dalrymple , Treas . ; J . Ramsay , R . of M . ; Geo . Starkey , Sec ; B . Taylor , S . D . ; Thos . Mitchell , J . D . ; W . Gaffney , D . C . ; II . D . Cook , Org . ; R . D . Metcalf , I . G . ; Jas . A . Fowler and J . Thompson , Stwds . 'Three brethren were presented with their grand lodge certificates , and with other routine business and "Hearty good wishes " the lodge was closed .
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapters of Instruction .
ST . JAMES' UNION LODGE ( No . iSo ) .-Thc usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held at the St . James ' Retaurant ( Piccadilly entrance ) , on the 3 rd inst ., when there were present Bros . Bullen , W . M . ; Brander , S . W . ; Blythe , J . W . ; Farwig , Preceptor ; Blum , Treas . : G .
Reynolds , acting as Sec . ; Dipley , S . D . ; Lichtenfeld , J . D . ; Bayfield , I . G . ; Cater , Sedgwick , Leatherby , Cursons , Bonham , Evendcn , Dodson , Forscutt , Haslett , Corby , Sykes , McQueen , Bateman , Osborne , Valeriani , Tilling , Dilley , Matthews , Bolton , and Kirk .
lhe lodge was opened 111 due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . 'Tilling having < ffsred himself as a candidate for initiation , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony . Bro . Corby worked the
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Provincial Meetings.
G . D . ; VV . H . Dutton , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C ; T . Drinkwater , P . M . ; W . J . Cotsworth , P . M . ; F . Holliday , P . M . ; A . Haughton , P . M . ; D . Barlow , P . S . W . ; T . George , F . Johnson , W . Spear , J . J . Tinker , R . Garbutt , J . Kitson , j . Sidebottom , VV . Rushton , and H . M . Coxworth . Visitors : Bros . R . Newhouse , P . G . Sec . ; H . Chadderton , P . M ., P . G . Stwd . West Lancashire ;
Councillor Marshall , and numerous P . M . 's , W . M . s , and brethren from neighbouring lodges . The hall was handsomely decorated for the occasion , the lodge furniture , & c , showing to great advantage in the large and spacious hall . Bro . F . Broadsmith , P . M ., P . G . Reg . ( who is well known in the province as one of the best exponents of Craft ceremonies , as well as of the superior
Degree of the Royal Arch ) , performed the ceremony of installation in his well known style , whilst Bro . W . H . Dutton , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C , assisted and invested the officers . It is not often that two such capable Past Masters can be seen at Craft working , and the greatest satisfaction and enjoyment was afforded to the brethren present from the splendid working of those brethren .
After the ceremony had been concluded and the lodge closed , the brethren adjourned to the lodge room at the Commercial Hotel , and celebrated the Festival of St . John . The banquet provided by Bro . Morley was of a high class character . The usual Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to .
It may be mentioned that the ceremony of installation was performed with full musical service , the musical arrangements being under the control of Bro . S . E . Jupp , of Manchester , who was assisted by Bros . M . Stafford , Bowley , Lewtas , Butty , and the excellent music discoursed by these brethren during the ceremony and at the festive board was in every respect worthy of the occasion .
KENDAL . Union Lodge ( No . 129 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , St . George's Hall , on Thursday , the 30 th ult . Bro . C . E . Paget , P . P . G . S . B ., was installed as W . M . by Bro . Herbert Moser , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., the working tools being presented by Bro . J . H . Braithwaite , P . M .. P . P . G . D . C . The
newlyinstalled W . M . then appointed his officers as follows : Bros . A . W . Cozens Hardy , S . W . ; T . A . Argles , P . P . G . S . B ., J . W . ; VV . Middleton , P . M ., P . A . G . Sec , Treas . ; A . Milne , Sec . ; R . Fisher , S . D . ; R . Lenning , J . D . ; f . H . Braithwaite , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , D . C ; H . Moser , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., Org . ; J . R . Illingworth , I . G . ; W . Bradley and J . J . Addison , Stwds . ; and W . Thompson , P . P . G . T .,
Tyler . The addresses to each officer were delivered by Bro . J . Copland , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., and the charges to the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren by the Installing- Master , Bro . H . Moser . After the transaction of the ordinary business of the lodge , the newly-installed W . M . presented to the lodge a very beautiful set of gavels for use at lodge
banquets . The brethren , after the closing of the lodge , adjourned to the King's Arms Hotel , where an excellent banquet was provided . The chair was taken by Bro . C E . Paget , the W . M ., and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dul y given and responded to .
MANCLLESTER . Strangeways Lodge ( No . 1219 ) . — The Festival of St . John was celebrated at the Masonic Hall , Withy Grove , on Wednesday , the 29 th ult . About 60 brethren , including several officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , were present . Bro . Robert Hughes was installed W . M ., and Bros . Battye and Savage were invested as
S . W . and J . W . respectively . The balance sheet showed total receipts for the year , with balance in hand , £ 328 is . 9 d . ; £$ 5 10 s . had been granted to the East Lancashire Systematic Benevolent Institution ; £ ' 20 to the widow of Bro . Dawson , deceased ; and £ 2 10 s . to the fund for Bro . Binckes' annuity . A jewel was presented to Bro . Williams , I . P . M ., and a decoration given to Bro . VV . T .
Scliofield , P . M ., P . J . G . D ., by Bro . Leech , P . M ., in recognition of lu ' s past valuable services to the lodge and to Freemasonry . At the banquet an efficient musical programme was rendered by Bros . Walker , Robinson , Wilkinson , Baron , and Reers . A fine-toned new American organ has just been added to the property of the lodge , which is regarded as one of the most prosperous in the province .
YORK . Albert Victor Lodge ( No . 2328 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in Freemasons ' Hall , St . Saviourgate , on Tuesday , the 2 Sth ult . The W . M ., Bro . the Dean of York , presided , and there were also present Bros . T . B . Whytehead , P . iVl ., S . W . ; H . L Swift , J . W . ; C . E . Wright , Sec ; W . Lawton , P . M ., Treas . ; J . E . Jones , S . D . ; C G . Padel , P . M . ; and others .
The business consisted in the initiation of Mr . F . Shaun , and of Mr . J . R . Parker as a serving brother , at the conclusion of which the charge was given by the J . W . The report of the By-laws Committee was read and adopted . Bro . Padel , P . M ., was invested Organist of the lodge .
On the motion of the S . W ., seconded by the J . W ., ' the ! scheme for the commutation of a pension of £ 250 a year to I the Secretary of the Boys' School was approved , and the ' Treasurer was empowered to pay the suggested amount I from the funds .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Robert Burns Chapter uYo . 25 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held on the 27 th ult ., at Freemasons ' Hall , when there were present Comps . | . W . Harvey M . E . Z . : John Kay , II . ; G . Deaton , ) . ; F . Matron ' lreas . ; VV . Land , S . E . ; VV . Wingham , S . N . ; A A Frigout , PS . ; W . H . Baker , P . Z . ; Cormon , Frigout , and others . Visitor : Comp . J . A . Gartley , 142 .
I he minutes ot the last convocation having been read and confirmed , the by-laws were also read . The folloiviii" - compamoiis were then elected to ( ill the various offices ^ Comps . John Kay , M . E . Z . ; George Deaton , H . ; Waller Wingham , J . ; A . A . Frigout , S . N . ; and F . Frigout , P . S . Auditors having been elected , the companions adjourned to banquet , when the usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts were duly honoured , and an agreeable evening was spent .
Royal Arch.
Star Chapter ( No . 1275 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Ship , Greenwich . There were present Comps . Addington , M . E . Z . ; Crook , J . ; Benedetti , S . N . ; Major Williams , P . Z ., Treas . ; " Capt . Williams , P . Z ., S . E . ; Fleck , P . S . ; Meierhoff , ist A . S . ; Woods , 2 nd A . S . ; Grummant , P . Z . ; F . Hilton , P . Z . ; Dr .
Makeham , Stone , North , Towers , and H . Martin . The visitors were Comps . Capt . R . J . Vincent , P . Z ., M . E . Z . 1329 , P . G . S . B . Middx . ; R . J . Voisey , P . Z ., S . E . 1329 ; Lyon , P . Z . 1329 ; and Folkard , 1329 . The minutes were read and confirmed . The dispensation from the Supreme Grand Chapter for the installation of Comps . Crook and Benedetti into two chairs each was read .
Comp . Crook was installed as H . and M . E . Z ., Comp . Benedetti as J . and H ., and Comp . Fleck as ] ., the work being excellently rendered by Comps . Hilton , P . Z ., and Grummant , P . Z . The officers invested were omps . Major Williams , P . Z ., as Treas . ; Capt . C . W . Williams , P . Z ., as S . E . ; Meierhoff , S . N . ; Woods , P . S . ; and Dr . Makeham , A . S . In the correspondence was a letter from
the G . S . K . apologising for absence , and promising' to attend on a future occasion . Comp . Addington , I . P . Z ., was presented with a P . Z . ' s jewel , and responded in suitable terms . At the banquet which followed , the M . E . Z . proposed "The Queen and Royal Arch Masonry , " which was
received with much enthusiasm . In proposing "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , G . Z ., " the M . E . Z . said that he was truly the king of Masonry . The M . E . Z . next proposed "The rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " and this toast was also well received .
Comp . Addington proposed " The M . E . Z ., " and said how glad he was to see Comp . Crook in the position he could so well fill , and for which he had had a race with him . Comp . Crook , M . E . Z ., said that he was glad to be in that position , which , as the regulations compelled , he had had to wait for . He felt it a very high honour to be installed in two chairs at once , and said he would try to do his duty as M . E . Z .
In proposing " lhe Visitors , " the M . E . Z . pointed out that they were all from one chapter . They were heartily welcome , and he hoped they would enjoy themselves . Comp . Capt . Vincent , in reply , said they had had a very great treat in hearing five installation ceremonies . The banquet also was equally good . He was glad that his chapter was so well represented , and was sure all would
spend a happy time . Comp . Voisey said that he should hesitate to speak after his worthy chief . He had many times visited the Star Chapter , and hoped to do so many times more . South London owed much to the Star Chapter , for Comp . Hilton , P . Z ., was busy spreading Royal Arch knowledge at the Star Chapter of Instruction .
_ Comp . Lyon was very pleased to be present and enjoy such a delightful evening . Comp . Folkard said this was his first visit , but he had thoroughly enjoyed it . He was sorry not to be able to attend the chapter of instruction , but he appreciated the good work that was being done . The M . E . Z . proposed "The P . Z . 's , " referring to the
services rendered by each of them to the chapter . Comp . Addington , P . Z ., said he had tried to follow his worthy predecessors . He should prize the jewel he had received that day and hoped his children would prize it after he was gone . Comp . Grummant , P . Z ., said that as one of the first exaltees of the chapter he was glad to say that he had never known one piece of discord in the chapter . The Principals
had so carefully guided it that it was always in a harmonious state . Comp . Hilton , P . Z ., said if the chapter was not large it certainly was good . He had been highly spoken of as the Preceptor of the chapter of instruction , but he must say that Comp Grummant was the best first lieutenant that any captain could wish for in the chapter . The Sphinx Chapter too had heartily supported it , and Comp . Voisey was its Treasurer .
The M . E . Z . next proposed "lhe H ., J ., and Officers , " and referred to the work done by each in the post . Comps . Benedetti , H . ; Fleck , J . ; C . Meierhoff , S . N . ; Woods , P . S . ; and Dr . Makeham , ist A . S ., responded . The M . E . Z . next proposed "The Lay Members , " to
which Comps . Stone , Martin , and Towers , responded . The Janitor ' s toast closed a very pleasant evening , which had been enlivened by songs and recitations from Comps . Stone , Meierhoff , Addington , Voisev , Benedetti , and F . Hilton .
Bayard Chapter ( No . 1615 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at 33 , Golden-square , W ., when there were present Comps . Capt . Henry Wright , Z . ; Sauerbrey , H . ; Bamber , J . ; Lieut .-Col . Haldane , S . E . ; J . Hunt , S . N . j Morice , Asst . S . ; Surgeon-General Jessop , and Baron de Bush . Comp . Churchill was a visitor . Bro . Westcott , 1 S 27 , was exalted
to the Supreme Degree of the Holy Royal Arch by Comp . Wright . Comp . Haldane kindly acted as P . S ., and with his perfect knowledge of the ritual made the ceremony very impressive to the candidate . Comp . Bamber gave the historical lecture , Comp . Sauerbrey the symbolical , and Comp . Capt . Wright that of the mystical , which were in all cases delivered without hesitation . The election
ot officers for the ensiling year took place , the result being that Comps . Sauerbery was elected as Z . ; Bamber , H . ; Hunt , j . ; Wright , S . E . ; Rev . C . J . Wilson , P . S . ; Col . Bailey , S . N . ; Lieut .-Col . Somervillc Barney , P . G . S ., Treas . ; and Austin , Janitjr . Comp . Lieut .-Col . Haldane gave notice that he would move that a P . Z . ' s jewel be presented to Comp . Wright , for the very efficient way in which
he had presided over the chapter during- the past year . Comp . Lieut .-Col . Haldane , who has held the office of S . E . for 10 years , wishing to be relieved of the duties , the M . E . Z . gave notice of proposition that a jewel be prepared and presented to Comp . Lieut .-Col . Haldane , as a mark of appreciation by the companions for the way in which he had always performed the duties of S . E . Comp . Lieut .-Col .
Haldane has endeared himself to every member of the chapter , and it is a source of deep regret that he is about to give up the post . Bro . Ex-Sheriff T . Clarke , 1 S 27 , was duly elected a member , but not being able to be present , his exaltation was deferred . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to the- Cafe Royal , where justice was done to the banquet prepared for them .
Royal Arch.
Regret was expressed that neither Comps . Col . Burney Lieut .-Col . Haldane , P . G . Std . Br ., Frank Richardson , or Purchas were not present to respond for the Grand Officers . Comps . Westcott and Jessop respectively replied for the toast of their health as the newly-exalted and joining members .
Comp . Morier replied for " 'The Officers , " and Comp . Churchill for " The Visitor . " Comp . Westcott enlivened the proceedings by singing " Sigh no more , ladies , " and Comp . Wright sung " Johnny Jones and his sister Sue . "
Harrogate and Ciaro Chapter ( No . iooi ) . — 'This chapter held its annual meeting at the Masonic Hall , on Friday , the 31 st ult ., when the Three Principals installed their successors in office for the ensuing year , viz ., Comps . J . Richardson , Z . ; A . J . Bodman , Z . 2 S 9 , H . ; and T . A . Marsh , J . A full staff of efficient officers having
previously been duly elected , were now invested in the presence of a large convocation of members and visitors . Of the latter Comps . F . Smith , P . Z . 8 37 ; S . Jacob , J . S 37 ; J . Millington , A . S . 2 S 9 , were special guests . Bros . A . B . Booty and VV . VV . Stennett , of 1001 , were exalted to this Supreme Degree .
The proceedings terminated in a banquet , served under the direction of Comp . C . N . Goode , and the voluntary choir was accompanied by Comp . W . Davey , Organist . The Provincial Grand Chapter was represented by Comps . R . Carter , P . Z ., Prov . G . H ., and Thomas Riley , P . Z ., Prov . A . G . S .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BRIDGWATER . Friendship , Unanimity , and Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 191 ) . —On the 20 th ult ., a goodly muster of brethren of this lodge assembled at their headquarters , 7 , Royal Clarence Hotel , on the occasion of the installation of Bro . J . T . Dunsford ( who was unanimously elected by ballot at the last meeting- ) as W . M . of
the lodge , as successor to Bro . E . Fry Wade . The ceremony of installation was ably performed by the P . G . M ., Bro . R . C . Else , and the VV M . appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : Bros . E . Fry Wade , l . P . M . ; G . B . Laffan , S . W . ; G . Strawbridge , J . W . ; C . Lucette , P . M ., Treas . ; F . J . Saunders , Sec ; Dr . Kemmis , D . C . ; T . Floyd Norris , M . O . ; B . C
Board , S . O . ; Dr . F . W . S . Wicksteed , J . O . ; A . Basil Cottam , R . M . ; T . H . Railton , S . D . ; Dr . Peskett , J . D . ; 1 . B . Sincock , I . G . ; T . L . Laxton , Chap . ; and W . Webber , Tyler . On the proposition of the W . M . , the Secretary was directed to forward a vote of sympathy to
Bro . Dr . Kemmis , who is now slowly recovering from a severe illness , together with an earnest hope that he will speedily be restored to his former health and strength . Afterwards the brethren partook of a capital repast , under the presidency of the W . M ., and the customary toast list was gone through .
FROME . Portal Lodge ( No . 155 ) . —On Thursday , the 30 th ult ., Bro . A . G . Hayman was installed W . M . of the above lodge . The ceremony took place in the Masonic Hall , and in the unavoidable absence of Bro . R . C . Else , P . G . M ., it was conducted by Bro . A . Duckett , P . M . 101 , P . P . G . M . O . The W . M ., Bro . A . G . Hayman , appointed as his officers for the ensuing year Bros . F . H . Woodforde ,
I . P . M . ; 1 . H . Holroyd , S . W . ; F . Bendle J . W . ; VV . Mason , M . O . ; R . T . Williams , S . O . ; E . Olive , J . O . ; F . Bendle , 'Treas . ; A . W . Moore , Reg . of Marks ; F . !• :. Pearse , Sec ; G . R . VVilson , S . D . ; G . VV . Wiltshire , J . D . ; S . Spill , D . C ; J . D . Pulham , I . G , ; and H . Haley , lyler .
After the ceremony the brethren , to the number of 30 , adjourned to the Crown Hotel , where Bro . W . R , Bown provided an admirable dinner . Bro . A . G . Hayman , W . M ., presided , and there were also present Bros . F . H . Woodforde , A . Duckett , Installing Master ; T . H . Holroyd , F . Bendle , W . Mason , John
Baily , I ' .. Uuve , G . R . VVilson , G . VV . Wiltshire , S . Spill , J . D . Pulham , H . Haley , J . M . Rattray , P . Edinger , and VV . R . Bown . The visitors included Bros . W . G . Vowles , H . Wilkinson , T . Harris , and E . J . Grubb , all of Canynge Lodge ; T . H . Norris , Creed , E . Honvood , L . J . Watson , Rozea , G . E . Dunsford , A . VV . Dalby , and Brittain .
WHITEHAVEN . Fletcher Lodge ( No . 213 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 31 st ult ., Bro . Rev . Jas . Anderson , P . J . G . W ., W . M ., presided , and having been elected W . M . for the second time at the previous meeting , after the confirmation of the minutes , invested his officers for the ensuing year , viz . : Bros . Thos . Brackenbridge , I . P . M . ; H . Burns , S . W . ; S . Broadbent , J . W . ; D .
Atkinson , M . O . ; J . Casson , S . O . ; J . VV . Clarke , J . O . ; Geo . Dalrymple , Treas . ; J . Ramsay , R . of M . ; Geo . Starkey , Sec ; B . Taylor , S . D . ; Thos . Mitchell , J . D . ; W . Gaffney , D . C . ; II . D . Cook , Org . ; R . D . Metcalf , I . G . ; Jas . A . Fowler and J . Thompson , Stwds . 'Three brethren were presented with their grand lodge certificates , and with other routine business and "Hearty good wishes " the lodge was closed .
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapters of Instruction .
ST . JAMES' UNION LODGE ( No . iSo ) .-Thc usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held at the St . James ' Retaurant ( Piccadilly entrance ) , on the 3 rd inst ., when there were present Bros . Bullen , W . M . ; Brander , S . W . ; Blythe , J . W . ; Farwig , Preceptor ; Blum , Treas . : G .
Reynolds , acting as Sec . ; Dipley , S . D . ; Lichtenfeld , J . D . ; Bayfield , I . G . ; Cater , Sedgwick , Leatherby , Cursons , Bonham , Evendcn , Dodson , Forscutt , Haslett , Corby , Sykes , McQueen , Bateman , Osborne , Valeriani , Tilling , Dilley , Matthews , Bolton , and Kirk .
lhe lodge was opened 111 due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . 'Tilling having < ffsred himself as a candidate for initiation , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony . Bro . Corby worked the