Article Ireland. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Australia. Page 1 of 1 Article Australia. Page 1 of 1 Article Japan. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Earl of Kingston , I . G ., he reminded the brethren of his Masonic antecedents . His ancestor , James , fourth Baron Kingston , was first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1729 , having been previously installed Grand Master of England on December 27 th , 172 S . The first Earl of Kingston again was Grand Master of _ Ireland in 17 C 1 , and the late Earl had nobly bequeathed £ 500 to the
Masonic Orphan Boys' School . He had also been a member of the Abbey Lodge . So that from the traditions of his house , as well as from his high personal qualities , the brethren might reasonably predict a useful future in the Craft for our distinguished brother installed that evening in the junior lodge office of Inner Guard . " Provincial Grand Lodge Officers" was responded to by
the Prov . G . Treasurer and Prov . G . Secretary ; and " Visiting Brethren " by Bros . P . Carter and A . Harrison , respectively representing English and Irish lodges . "The Health of Bro . Parke , P . P . S . G . W . " was separately honoured , with a request that he would convey the good wishes of the brethren to his gallant son , Bro . T . H . Parke , the celebrated sharer of the dangers of recent African
exp loration with the illustrious Stanley . The name of Bro . Surgeon Tom Parke was received with tremendous cheering , and responded to by his respected father , an old Prince Mason . "The Father of the Abbey Lodge , Bro . Major Kirkwood , " also a Prince Mason , was proposed , who in turn gave " The
Health of the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Dr . Clarke , 30 , their Presiding Officer , " of whom he spoke in complimentary terms . "The Newly-initiated Brother , " and other toasts having been given , much good music rendered , and a respectable collection taken up for Masonic Charity , "Auld Lang Syne" was sung , and the brethren departed .
MONAGHAN . Monaghan Lodge ( No . 351 ) . —The annual installation dinner of this lodge was held on the 7 th ult . 'The following are the officers for the ensuing- j > ear : Bros . T . VVilson , W . M . ; R . T . Bustard , S . W . ; James Mitchell , J . W . ; J . Barbour , S . D . ; D . Ross , J . D . ; R . Hanna , ' Treas . ; J . J . Bryans , Sec ; Ven . Arch . B . R . Young ,
Chap . ; J . J . Bryans , I . P . M . The customary Masonic toasts were heartily honoured and responded to by the W . M . and officers ; Bros . Johnstone , Dr . Bryans , and Breakey , P . J . G . W ., & c , and during the evening some splendid songs were sung by Bros . Alderdice , Johnstone , Breakey , Keown , and others . 'The Installing ' Master , Bro . Patterson , P . M ., P . K ., P . P .,
received quite an ovation . He is one of the good old stock of Masons who in days gone by guarded our ancient land marks when it was harder to do than now . Well do I remember my visit to him . I found him in his parlour , his Masonic library open , and the old gentleman with Mackey's "Cyclopaedia" open on the table beside him .
He showed me with pleasure his case of jewels , which would make any Mason proud , and all of them presentations , and offered to lend me any 0 ! his Masonic books , and he has some rare works . It is the example of old Masons like this that make Masonry worth living for , and it is his influence that has brought Masonry to its pure working and exalted position in Monaghan .
Australia .
The Quarterly Communication of the above Grand Lodge was held on Monday , December 16 th , 188 9 , in the Freemasons' Hall , Collins-street , Melbourne . Bro . Sir W . J . Clarke , Bart ., M . W . G . M ., presided , supported by Bros . G . S . Coppin , P . G . M . ; A . G . M'Combe , P . G . M . ; G . Baker , D . G . M . ; and several other Present and Past
Grand Officers . The general attendance was only limited , which may be attributed to the inconvenient hour—4 p . m . —but hereafter it is understood that the M . W . G . M . will order the Grand Lodge to be summoned for seven o ' clock .
The minutes of the September Communication having been read and confirmed , the roll of lodges was called , about half of the 147 being responded to . On the motion of Bro . J J AMES , P . D . G . M ., seconded by Bro . A . AITKEX , S . G . W ., the M . W . Grand Master was nominated for re-election for the
second time . Bro . Angell Ellis , P . D . G . M ., was also nominated for re-election as Grand Treasurer . Communications were read from the Grand Lodges of Canada , South Australia , Massachusetts , and Arkansas , extending recognition to the United Grand
Lodge of Victoria as one of the Sovereign Grand Lodges of the world ; likewise a letter of congratulation from Bro . Sir Henry Morland , K . C . M . G ., M . W . Grand Master of all Scottish Freemasonry in India . The reports of the Board of Benevolence and Board of General Purposes were received and adopted ; also
the report of the committee for compiling the " Book of Constitutions . " The final consideration of the latter was ordered to stand over till a special communication , to be held on the 27 th ult . The Grand Treasurer ' s balance sheet for the past quarter was adopted . Several notices of motion then came up , the first of
which , by Bro . R . Kilpatrick , W . M . 134 , referring to an addition to the committee for establishing uniformity of working , was adopted with some amendment . Bro . 'THOMAS SMITH , P . S . G . W ., moved— - "That detailed particulars be given and printed concerning the distribution of the funds of the Board of Benevolence as the expenditure in the past appears to be
excessive . " A long and angry discussion ensued , at the conclusion of which the motion was defeated by a large majority . Bro . SMITH also moved , in accordance with notice of motion— " That the M . W . Grand Master be respectfully requested to confer Past Grand Rank on five members of the late Victorian Constitution , five members of the
late Provincial Grand Lodge ( I . G ) , five members of the late District Grand Lodge ( S . G ) , and 15 members of the late District Grand Lodge ( E . C . ); the respective brethren to be selected and recommended by the Grand Lodges to which they belonged . " The motion was agreed to unanimously . Bro . W . B . EDWARDS , G . D . C , moved— " That the
Office of Grand Herald be added to the list of officers appointed by the Grand Master . " The word " Trumpeter " having been substituted , the motion , as amended , was adopted . On the motion of Bro . S . FRANKLIN , P . D . G . M ., it was agreed that the Grand Treasurer be a member of the Board of General Purposes . The Grand Lodge was then closed .
Japan .
KOBE . Rising Sun Lodge ( No . 1401 , E . C ) . —The annual installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Wednesday , November 27 th , 1 SS 9 . There was a large attendance of members of the lodge , together with a number of visitors from the Hiogo and Osaka , No . 4 gS ( S . C . ) , and other lodges , great interest being taken in
the installation of Bro . Laurence L . Abraham as W . M . for the ensuing year . The chair was taken by the VV . M ., Bro . Geo . H . Whymark , supported by the following Past Masters and officers of the lodge : Bros . R . Hughes , P . A . G . D . C , P . D . D . G . M . ; T . C . Thornicraft , D . D . G . M . ; M . Fitzgerald , D . S . G . W . ; J . VV . Beauchamp , P . D . S . G . W . ; ~ R . Home Cook , D . G . D . ; C . W . Dimock , P . M . ;
L . D . Abraham , S . W ., VV . M . elect ; Jume Palmer , J . W . ; A . M . Delf , Sec ; F . J . Barden , S . D . ; William Kerr , J . D . ; and A . Drewell , I . G . Amongother brethren present were Bros . J . M . Mur , P . M . ( S . C ); J . C . May , P . M . ( S . C ); J . VV . Gray , P . M . P . Z . ; Alf . Woolley , P . M ., P . D . G . D . C ( South China ); Thos . Larkin , P . M . ; C . E . Stephens , R . VV . M . 49 S ( S . C . ); F . H . Hunter , S . W ., and
R . W . M . elect 4 gS ( S . C . ) ; and others . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last regular and emergency meetings were read and confirmed , after which a ballot was taken for Mr . John Lee Thompson , as a candidate for initiation , which proving satisfactory , he was initiated by the W . M . This business having been concluded , Bro . Abraham was impressively installed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Whymark , after which the officers for
the ensuing year were appointed and invested as follows : Bros . G . H . Whymark , I . P . M . ; J . Palmer , S . W . ; A . M . Delf , J . W . ; R . Home Cook , P . M ., P . Z ., Treas . ; A . Drewell , Hon . Sec ; F . J . Barden , S . D . ; VV . Kerr , J . D . ; VV . Keate , I . G . ; and C N . Spottiswoode , Tyler . An unanimous vote of a Past Master's jewel , to be presented to the retiring VV . M ., Bro . G . H . Whymark , closed the business of the evening .
The brethren then proceeded to the supper room , where full justice was done to an excellent banquet , supplied by Bro . J . Rambert , Hiogo Hotel . The VV . M . proposed the opening toast , "The Queen and the Craft , " which , he said , he was sure all present would drink with enthusiasm .
In submitting the toast of "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " the VV . M . said that he regretted to see from recent telegrams that his Royal Highness ' s health was not of the best , and hoped that better news would soon be forthcoming .
The W . M . then gave the toast of "The Officers , Present and Past , of the United Grand Lodge of England , and the District Grand Lodge of Japan , " which was responded to in suitable terms by Bros . R . Hughes , P . A . G . D . C , P . D . D . G . M ., and T . C . Thornicraft ,
D . D . G . M . After the toast of "Our Sister Lodge , the Hiogo and Osaka , No . 49 S ( S . C ) , " proposed by the VV . M ., and responded to by Bro . C . E . Stephens , R . W . M ., Bro . Whymark , I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the VV . M ., " saying that having been initiated in the lodge a few months prior to Bro . Abrahams , he had watched him through ,
either acting or otherwise , nearly every office except the honourable-one to which he had been elected and installed by the unanimous vote of the brethren that evening , and that while W . M . of the lodge he had found in Bro . Abrahams a hard-working officer , a thorough supporter , and , above all , a sincere friend , and that from such a man none need fear that the prestige of the lodge would not be
upheld . The W . M ., in responding , said that it would be his object to endeavour to justify the choice the brethren had made , and hoped that at the end of his year of office he would be able to say that the lodge had prospered , and that the work had been well done . After thetoastof " The Initiate , " proposed by the I . P . M .,
and responded to by Bro . J . L . Thompson , Bro . R . H . Cook , P . M ., P . Z ., D . G . D ., proposed "The I . P . M . and the Out-going Officers , " saying that that evening had proved beyond anything he could say how well the work had been done during the past year , as it was but an instance of what any brother who had been present at their meetings could recall . He said that strict attention to the
ceremony and ritual of Freemasonry was essential to the well-being of the Craft in general , and one ' s own lodge in particular ; that the l . P . M . had always been particular 011 that point , and had insisted upon the same strict attention in his officers , hence he had been successful . The I . P . M ., in responding , said that he owed much of what he might be excused for saying had been a fairly
successful year to the hearty support he had received from his officers ; he need not particularise any , when all had been so good , but he could not refrain from mentioning Bro . Abraham , S . W , and Bro . J . Palmer , J . W . As they all knew " unity is strength , " and a lodge were everyone worked with such a will and unison as they had done in the
Rising Sun was bound to go ahead . The other usual toasts having been given and responded to , interspersed with some capital songs , the proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to Bro . H . J . Pearce , who had kindly presided at the organ during the ceremony , and had contributed largely towards the enjoyment of the evening .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
PROPOSED C OMPROMISE OR PENSION INDEMNITY ; FUND . Scheme for raising a fund of £ 2500 in lieu of granting a Retiring Allowance to Bro . FREDERICK BI . VCKES , Secretary R . M . I , for Boys . The following is an estimate of the amount to be contributed by each Province at the rate of 5 s . per Lodge for 10 years , commuted as set forth below .
Mnit . ANn AMI SoiiTurcux No . of r > s . per Lodge Commuted at PUOVINCTKS . Ludtfes per Annum 10 Yrs . ' Pui-ehse
Bedford 5 £ ' 5 £ . 12 10 Berks 13 3 5 32 10 Bucks n 2 15 27 10 Bristol 9 25 22 10 Cambridge 6 1 10 15 o Channel Islands 12 30 30 o Cornwall 30 7 10 75 o
Devon 52 13 0 130 o Dorset 13 35 32 io Essex 2 S 70 70 o Gloucester 14 3 10 35 o Hants & Isle of Wight ... 47 11 15 117 10 Hereford 5 15 12 10 Herts 17 4 5 42 10
Kent 5 S 14 10 145 o Middlesex 40 10 o 100 o Monmouth 10 2 to 25 o Norfolk 17 45 42 10 Northampton & Hunts ... 11 2 15 27 10 Oxford 10 2 10 25 o Somerset 25 0 5 62 10
Suffolk 21 55 52 10 Surrey 34 S 10 S 5 o Sussex 27 6 15 G 7 10 Warwick 31 7 15 77 10 Wilts 11 2 15 27 10 Worcester ... 12 30 30 o South Wales—East ... iG 40 40 o South Wales—West ... 10 2 10 2 ^ 0
T ° tals 595 £ 148 15 £ 1487 10 . NOUTHKUX PitoviNH-. s . No . ol ! " is . per l . odj ; e Commuted at Lodsres per Annum 1 ( 1 Vi's ' . Purelise Northumberland
22 £ 5 10 £ 53 o Cumberland & Westmrlnd 22 5 10 55 o Durham .. ... ^ ... 32 So So o Yorkshire—North & East 30 7 10 75 o Yorkshire—West 74 iS 10 185 0 Lancashire—East 100 25 0 250 0 Lancashire—West ... 97 24 ; 242 10
Cheshire 41 10 5 102 10 P , . y , 22 5 10 55 o Nottingham H 3 I 0 35 o Lincoln 23 5 15 57 10 Leicester & Rutland ... 12 30 30 o Shropshire n 2 15 27 10 Stafford ... ... ... 29 7 5 7- 10 North Wales 18 410 45 o
Totals ... 547 136 15 1367 10 Midland and Southern Provinces 595 , 8 15 1487 10 Isle of Man 7 1 j ^ 17 i 0 Provinces—Grand Totals 1 149 \ £ 28 7 5 £ 2871 10 London ( say ) 3 60 | £ 90 o I £ 900 o
N . B . —In the event of a larger sum than £ 2500 being raised the balance to be handed over as a Donation to the R . M . I , for Boys .
Obituary .
BRO . W . D . KEEBLE , I . P . M . 913 . Sympathy , friendship , and brotherly love attracted a rare gathering of the friends and brethren of the late lamented Bro . W . D . Keeble , l . P . M . 913 , to his grave side in Charlton Cemetery on Monday , the 27 th ult . Bro . Keeble was a victim of the prevailing epidemic ; he was taken ill on the Monday previous to his death ,
and died on the following Thursday . The funeral service was performed by the Rev . J . W . Horsley ( of Holy Trinity , Woolwich ) and the Rev . R . Jamblin ( rector of Wilmington ) , Chap . 913 , P . P . G . C . Among the immense gathering present we noticed Bros . C . Coupland , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W . ; A . Penfold , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; T . D . Hayes , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D .: E . Denton ,
P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; H . J . Butter , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ; W . T . Vincent , P . M . ; H . Mason , P . M . ; E . Palmer , P . M . ; C . H . Lawson , P . M . ; F . Barr , P . M . ; C Jolly , P . M . ( Hon . ); VV . Busbridge , J . W . ; W . Sanders , S . D . ; J . Mitchell , D . K . Somers , J . Farrier , W . A . Fenn , J . O . Cook , E . Morris , W . H . ' Pryce , J . J . Collins , J . Turton ,
E . M . Taylor , W . Stratton , Sedgley , and F . Tyler , all of 913 ; H . Syer , P . M . 13 ; F . Nicholls , P . M . 706 ; G . Mitchell , P . M . 615 ; Captain Deeves , P . M ., and W . Musghin , of 1536 ; W . Webber , W . M ., and S . Southgate , S . W ., of 700 ; and others . The deceased was universally loved and respected .
BRO . H . BARRETT , 913 . The remains of the ' late Bro . H . Barrett , of the Pattison Lodge , No . 913 , were deposited in their last resting place in old Plumstead Churchyard , on Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., in the presence of a large number of mourning friends and brethren of the Order . Deceased
was a director of the Kent Reliance Building Society ; the whole of his brother directors attended . There were a number of magnificent wreaths sent from far and near , and at the conclusion of the funeral service the brethren dropped their sprigs of acacia into the grave and departed , sorry to have lost so good a friend and brother .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Earl of Kingston , I . G ., he reminded the brethren of his Masonic antecedents . His ancestor , James , fourth Baron Kingston , was first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1729 , having been previously installed Grand Master of England on December 27 th , 172 S . The first Earl of Kingston again was Grand Master of _ Ireland in 17 C 1 , and the late Earl had nobly bequeathed £ 500 to the
Masonic Orphan Boys' School . He had also been a member of the Abbey Lodge . So that from the traditions of his house , as well as from his high personal qualities , the brethren might reasonably predict a useful future in the Craft for our distinguished brother installed that evening in the junior lodge office of Inner Guard . " Provincial Grand Lodge Officers" was responded to by
the Prov . G . Treasurer and Prov . G . Secretary ; and " Visiting Brethren " by Bros . P . Carter and A . Harrison , respectively representing English and Irish lodges . "The Health of Bro . Parke , P . P . S . G . W . " was separately honoured , with a request that he would convey the good wishes of the brethren to his gallant son , Bro . T . H . Parke , the celebrated sharer of the dangers of recent African
exp loration with the illustrious Stanley . The name of Bro . Surgeon Tom Parke was received with tremendous cheering , and responded to by his respected father , an old Prince Mason . "The Father of the Abbey Lodge , Bro . Major Kirkwood , " also a Prince Mason , was proposed , who in turn gave " The
Health of the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Dr . Clarke , 30 , their Presiding Officer , " of whom he spoke in complimentary terms . "The Newly-initiated Brother , " and other toasts having been given , much good music rendered , and a respectable collection taken up for Masonic Charity , "Auld Lang Syne" was sung , and the brethren departed .
MONAGHAN . Monaghan Lodge ( No . 351 ) . —The annual installation dinner of this lodge was held on the 7 th ult . 'The following are the officers for the ensuing- j > ear : Bros . T . VVilson , W . M . ; R . T . Bustard , S . W . ; James Mitchell , J . W . ; J . Barbour , S . D . ; D . Ross , J . D . ; R . Hanna , ' Treas . ; J . J . Bryans , Sec ; Ven . Arch . B . R . Young ,
Chap . ; J . J . Bryans , I . P . M . The customary Masonic toasts were heartily honoured and responded to by the W . M . and officers ; Bros . Johnstone , Dr . Bryans , and Breakey , P . J . G . W ., & c , and during the evening some splendid songs were sung by Bros . Alderdice , Johnstone , Breakey , Keown , and others . 'The Installing ' Master , Bro . Patterson , P . M ., P . K ., P . P .,
received quite an ovation . He is one of the good old stock of Masons who in days gone by guarded our ancient land marks when it was harder to do than now . Well do I remember my visit to him . I found him in his parlour , his Masonic library open , and the old gentleman with Mackey's "Cyclopaedia" open on the table beside him .
He showed me with pleasure his case of jewels , which would make any Mason proud , and all of them presentations , and offered to lend me any 0 ! his Masonic books , and he has some rare works . It is the example of old Masons like this that make Masonry worth living for , and it is his influence that has brought Masonry to its pure working and exalted position in Monaghan .
Australia .
The Quarterly Communication of the above Grand Lodge was held on Monday , December 16 th , 188 9 , in the Freemasons' Hall , Collins-street , Melbourne . Bro . Sir W . J . Clarke , Bart ., M . W . G . M ., presided , supported by Bros . G . S . Coppin , P . G . M . ; A . G . M'Combe , P . G . M . ; G . Baker , D . G . M . ; and several other Present and Past
Grand Officers . The general attendance was only limited , which may be attributed to the inconvenient hour—4 p . m . —but hereafter it is understood that the M . W . G . M . will order the Grand Lodge to be summoned for seven o ' clock .
The minutes of the September Communication having been read and confirmed , the roll of lodges was called , about half of the 147 being responded to . On the motion of Bro . J J AMES , P . D . G . M ., seconded by Bro . A . AITKEX , S . G . W ., the M . W . Grand Master was nominated for re-election for the
second time . Bro . Angell Ellis , P . D . G . M ., was also nominated for re-election as Grand Treasurer . Communications were read from the Grand Lodges of Canada , South Australia , Massachusetts , and Arkansas , extending recognition to the United Grand
Lodge of Victoria as one of the Sovereign Grand Lodges of the world ; likewise a letter of congratulation from Bro . Sir Henry Morland , K . C . M . G ., M . W . Grand Master of all Scottish Freemasonry in India . The reports of the Board of Benevolence and Board of General Purposes were received and adopted ; also
the report of the committee for compiling the " Book of Constitutions . " The final consideration of the latter was ordered to stand over till a special communication , to be held on the 27 th ult . The Grand Treasurer ' s balance sheet for the past quarter was adopted . Several notices of motion then came up , the first of
which , by Bro . R . Kilpatrick , W . M . 134 , referring to an addition to the committee for establishing uniformity of working , was adopted with some amendment . Bro . 'THOMAS SMITH , P . S . G . W ., moved— - "That detailed particulars be given and printed concerning the distribution of the funds of the Board of Benevolence as the expenditure in the past appears to be
excessive . " A long and angry discussion ensued , at the conclusion of which the motion was defeated by a large majority . Bro . SMITH also moved , in accordance with notice of motion— " That the M . W . Grand Master be respectfully requested to confer Past Grand Rank on five members of the late Victorian Constitution , five members of the
late Provincial Grand Lodge ( I . G ) , five members of the late District Grand Lodge ( S . G ) , and 15 members of the late District Grand Lodge ( E . C . ); the respective brethren to be selected and recommended by the Grand Lodges to which they belonged . " The motion was agreed to unanimously . Bro . W . B . EDWARDS , G . D . C , moved— " That the
Office of Grand Herald be added to the list of officers appointed by the Grand Master . " The word " Trumpeter " having been substituted , the motion , as amended , was adopted . On the motion of Bro . S . FRANKLIN , P . D . G . M ., it was agreed that the Grand Treasurer be a member of the Board of General Purposes . The Grand Lodge was then closed .
Japan .
KOBE . Rising Sun Lodge ( No . 1401 , E . C ) . —The annual installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Wednesday , November 27 th , 1 SS 9 . There was a large attendance of members of the lodge , together with a number of visitors from the Hiogo and Osaka , No . 4 gS ( S . C . ) , and other lodges , great interest being taken in
the installation of Bro . Laurence L . Abraham as W . M . for the ensuing year . The chair was taken by the VV . M ., Bro . Geo . H . Whymark , supported by the following Past Masters and officers of the lodge : Bros . R . Hughes , P . A . G . D . C , P . D . D . G . M . ; T . C . Thornicraft , D . D . G . M . ; M . Fitzgerald , D . S . G . W . ; J . VV . Beauchamp , P . D . S . G . W . ; ~ R . Home Cook , D . G . D . ; C . W . Dimock , P . M . ;
L . D . Abraham , S . W ., VV . M . elect ; Jume Palmer , J . W . ; A . M . Delf , Sec ; F . J . Barden , S . D . ; William Kerr , J . D . ; and A . Drewell , I . G . Amongother brethren present were Bros . J . M . Mur , P . M . ( S . C ); J . C . May , P . M . ( S . C ); J . VV . Gray , P . M . P . Z . ; Alf . Woolley , P . M ., P . D . G . D . C ( South China ); Thos . Larkin , P . M . ; C . E . Stephens , R . VV . M . 49 S ( S . C . ); F . H . Hunter , S . W ., and
R . W . M . elect 4 gS ( S . C . ) ; and others . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last regular and emergency meetings were read and confirmed , after which a ballot was taken for Mr . John Lee Thompson , as a candidate for initiation , which proving satisfactory , he was initiated by the W . M . This business having been concluded , Bro . Abraham was impressively installed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Whymark , after which the officers for
the ensuing year were appointed and invested as follows : Bros . G . H . Whymark , I . P . M . ; J . Palmer , S . W . ; A . M . Delf , J . W . ; R . Home Cook , P . M ., P . Z ., Treas . ; A . Drewell , Hon . Sec ; F . J . Barden , S . D . ; VV . Kerr , J . D . ; VV . Keate , I . G . ; and C N . Spottiswoode , Tyler . An unanimous vote of a Past Master's jewel , to be presented to the retiring VV . M ., Bro . G . H . Whymark , closed the business of the evening .
The brethren then proceeded to the supper room , where full justice was done to an excellent banquet , supplied by Bro . J . Rambert , Hiogo Hotel . The VV . M . proposed the opening toast , "The Queen and the Craft , " which , he said , he was sure all present would drink with enthusiasm .
In submitting the toast of "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " the VV . M . said that he regretted to see from recent telegrams that his Royal Highness ' s health was not of the best , and hoped that better news would soon be forthcoming .
The W . M . then gave the toast of "The Officers , Present and Past , of the United Grand Lodge of England , and the District Grand Lodge of Japan , " which was responded to in suitable terms by Bros . R . Hughes , P . A . G . D . C , P . D . D . G . M ., and T . C . Thornicraft ,
D . D . G . M . After the toast of "Our Sister Lodge , the Hiogo and Osaka , No . 49 S ( S . C ) , " proposed by the VV . M ., and responded to by Bro . C . E . Stephens , R . W . M ., Bro . Whymark , I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the VV . M ., " saying that having been initiated in the lodge a few months prior to Bro . Abrahams , he had watched him through ,
either acting or otherwise , nearly every office except the honourable-one to which he had been elected and installed by the unanimous vote of the brethren that evening , and that while W . M . of the lodge he had found in Bro . Abrahams a hard-working officer , a thorough supporter , and , above all , a sincere friend , and that from such a man none need fear that the prestige of the lodge would not be
upheld . The W . M ., in responding , said that it would be his object to endeavour to justify the choice the brethren had made , and hoped that at the end of his year of office he would be able to say that the lodge had prospered , and that the work had been well done . After thetoastof " The Initiate , " proposed by the I . P . M .,
and responded to by Bro . J . L . Thompson , Bro . R . H . Cook , P . M ., P . Z ., D . G . D ., proposed "The I . P . M . and the Out-going Officers , " saying that that evening had proved beyond anything he could say how well the work had been done during the past year , as it was but an instance of what any brother who had been present at their meetings could recall . He said that strict attention to the
ceremony and ritual of Freemasonry was essential to the well-being of the Craft in general , and one ' s own lodge in particular ; that the l . P . M . had always been particular 011 that point , and had insisted upon the same strict attention in his officers , hence he had been successful . The I . P . M ., in responding , said that he owed much of what he might be excused for saying had been a fairly
successful year to the hearty support he had received from his officers ; he need not particularise any , when all had been so good , but he could not refrain from mentioning Bro . Abraham , S . W , and Bro . J . Palmer , J . W . As they all knew " unity is strength , " and a lodge were everyone worked with such a will and unison as they had done in the
Rising Sun was bound to go ahead . The other usual toasts having been given and responded to , interspersed with some capital songs , the proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to Bro . H . J . Pearce , who had kindly presided at the organ during the ceremony , and had contributed largely towards the enjoyment of the evening .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
PROPOSED C OMPROMISE OR PENSION INDEMNITY ; FUND . Scheme for raising a fund of £ 2500 in lieu of granting a Retiring Allowance to Bro . FREDERICK BI . VCKES , Secretary R . M . I , for Boys . The following is an estimate of the amount to be contributed by each Province at the rate of 5 s . per Lodge for 10 years , commuted as set forth below .
Mnit . ANn AMI SoiiTurcux No . of r > s . per Lodge Commuted at PUOVINCTKS . Ludtfes per Annum 10 Yrs . ' Pui-ehse
Bedford 5 £ ' 5 £ . 12 10 Berks 13 3 5 32 10 Bucks n 2 15 27 10 Bristol 9 25 22 10 Cambridge 6 1 10 15 o Channel Islands 12 30 30 o Cornwall 30 7 10 75 o
Devon 52 13 0 130 o Dorset 13 35 32 io Essex 2 S 70 70 o Gloucester 14 3 10 35 o Hants & Isle of Wight ... 47 11 15 117 10 Hereford 5 15 12 10 Herts 17 4 5 42 10
Kent 5 S 14 10 145 o Middlesex 40 10 o 100 o Monmouth 10 2 to 25 o Norfolk 17 45 42 10 Northampton & Hunts ... 11 2 15 27 10 Oxford 10 2 10 25 o Somerset 25 0 5 62 10
Suffolk 21 55 52 10 Surrey 34 S 10 S 5 o Sussex 27 6 15 G 7 10 Warwick 31 7 15 77 10 Wilts 11 2 15 27 10 Worcester ... 12 30 30 o South Wales—East ... iG 40 40 o South Wales—West ... 10 2 10 2 ^ 0
T ° tals 595 £ 148 15 £ 1487 10 . NOUTHKUX PitoviNH-. s . No . ol ! " is . per l . odj ; e Commuted at Lodsres per Annum 1 ( 1 Vi's ' . Purelise Northumberland
22 £ 5 10 £ 53 o Cumberland & Westmrlnd 22 5 10 55 o Durham .. ... ^ ... 32 So So o Yorkshire—North & East 30 7 10 75 o Yorkshire—West 74 iS 10 185 0 Lancashire—East 100 25 0 250 0 Lancashire—West ... 97 24 ; 242 10
Cheshire 41 10 5 102 10 P , . y , 22 5 10 55 o Nottingham H 3 I 0 35 o Lincoln 23 5 15 57 10 Leicester & Rutland ... 12 30 30 o Shropshire n 2 15 27 10 Stafford ... ... ... 29 7 5 7- 10 North Wales 18 410 45 o
Totals ... 547 136 15 1367 10 Midland and Southern Provinces 595 , 8 15 1487 10 Isle of Man 7 1 j ^ 17 i 0 Provinces—Grand Totals 1 149 \ £ 28 7 5 £ 2871 10 London ( say ) 3 60 | £ 90 o I £ 900 o
N . B . —In the event of a larger sum than £ 2500 being raised the balance to be handed over as a Donation to the R . M . I , for Boys .
Obituary .
BRO . W . D . KEEBLE , I . P . M . 913 . Sympathy , friendship , and brotherly love attracted a rare gathering of the friends and brethren of the late lamented Bro . W . D . Keeble , l . P . M . 913 , to his grave side in Charlton Cemetery on Monday , the 27 th ult . Bro . Keeble was a victim of the prevailing epidemic ; he was taken ill on the Monday previous to his death ,
and died on the following Thursday . The funeral service was performed by the Rev . J . W . Horsley ( of Holy Trinity , Woolwich ) and the Rev . R . Jamblin ( rector of Wilmington ) , Chap . 913 , P . P . G . C . Among the immense gathering present we noticed Bros . C . Coupland , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W . ; A . Penfold , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; T . D . Hayes , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D .: E . Denton ,
P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; H . J . Butter , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ; W . T . Vincent , P . M . ; H . Mason , P . M . ; E . Palmer , P . M . ; C . H . Lawson , P . M . ; F . Barr , P . M . ; C Jolly , P . M . ( Hon . ); VV . Busbridge , J . W . ; W . Sanders , S . D . ; J . Mitchell , D . K . Somers , J . Farrier , W . A . Fenn , J . O . Cook , E . Morris , W . H . ' Pryce , J . J . Collins , J . Turton ,
E . M . Taylor , W . Stratton , Sedgley , and F . Tyler , all of 913 ; H . Syer , P . M . 13 ; F . Nicholls , P . M . 706 ; G . Mitchell , P . M . 615 ; Captain Deeves , P . M ., and W . Musghin , of 1536 ; W . Webber , W . M ., and S . Southgate , S . W ., of 700 ; and others . The deceased was universally loved and respected .
BRO . H . BARRETT , 913 . The remains of the ' late Bro . H . Barrett , of the Pattison Lodge , No . 913 , were deposited in their last resting place in old Plumstead Churchyard , on Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., in the presence of a large number of mourning friends and brethren of the Order . Deceased
was a director of the Kent Reliance Building Society ; the whole of his brother directors attended . There were a number of magnificent wreaths sent from far and near , and at the conclusion of the funeral service the brethren dropped their sprigs of acacia into the grave and departed , sorry to have lost so good a friend and brother .