Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Dr . VV . A . Dingle , of Finsbury-square , has been appointed acting surgeon to the 2 nd 'Tower Hamlets Engineers , ot which Colonel Sir Alfred Kirby is the commandant .
A handsome organ has been provided for Lodge Nyanza , No . 1197 , at llminster , in the Province of Somerset . Comp . Dr . Chas . Gore-Ring , P . G . H ., was installed Z . of the Greta Royal Arch Chapter , 1073 , Keswick , on Wednesday , the 29 th ult . ; Comps . J . Hall , II . ; and Rev . J . N . Hoare , J .
On Thursday , the 30 th ult ., Bro . H . S . Foster , F . R . G . S ., M . S . B . L ., L . C . C , and Mrs . Foster held a conversazione at the Horns , Kennington , which was attended by a large number of his constituents and friends . Bros . Lord Halsbury ( Lord Chancellor ) , Lord Ashbourne ( Lord Chancellor of Ireland ) , Sir M . K . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., and Lord George Hamilton attended the Cabinet Council held at the Prime Minister ' s residence in Arlingtonstreet , on Wednesday .
Competent officers and proper conduct on the part of the members during all of the ceremonies of a lodge will cause the initiate to become a zealous member of the Fraternity . There is on the other hand no surer way to destroy interest than to have members who are careless and indifferent in the principal chairs .
Bro . the Lord Mayor and the Lady Mayoress entertained Bros . J . L . Toole and Henry living at luncheon , in the private apartments of the Mansion House , on Monday last , when a number of his lordship ' s friends were invited to bid farewell to Bro . Toole previous to his departure for Australia .
Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon has agreed to the request of the Council of the British Archaeological Association to preside at the 47 th annual congress at Oxford in July next . 'This is the second time his lordship has acted in this capacity , the first having been in 1850 , when the congress met at Newbury .
Bro . the Marquis of Hartington , who has been staying at Devonshire House , was to start for Egypt on Thursday , it being considered that a sea voyage will greatly improve his lordship ' s health . He will take the opportunity of visiting Tel-el-Kebir , and may possibly make a trip up the Nile . His return to town is not expected till after the Easter holidays .
LODGE FORTITUDE , No . 64 . —This Provincial Officers ' lodge was held on Friday , the 31 st ult , at the Oueen's Hotel , Manchester , Bro . Peter Royle , M . D ., P . P . S . G . D ., the W . M ., in the chair . The election of VV . M . for the ensuing year was proceeded with , and Bro . ) . VV . Taylor , P . M . 221 , P . P . S . G . D ., the Secretary of the lodge , was elected , Bro . John Halliwell , P . P . G . D ., being re-elected Treasurer .
The Freemasons of Otley have for several years past held a ball at Otley in aid of the Masonic Charities , and last Friday week- another enjoyable gathering took place in the Mechanics' Hall , which was luxuriously furnished and decorated for the occasion . 'There was a large and fashionable attendance . Mr . H . Fall ' s band occupied the orchestra , and the refreshment department was efficientl y administered by Bro . M . Haydeii .
A very successful concert and entertainment was given at the Westminster Town Hall on 'Thursday , the 30 th ult ., in aid of the funds of the Albert Institute ( Baths and Washhouses ) , Christ Church , Southwark . An excellent and varied programme had been prepared , and there was a very
full audience , who heartily applauded the artistes , vocal , instrumental , and dramatic , who gave their services to this deserving institution . The result proved most satisfactory , the net proceeds , amounting to £ 55 , having been handed over to the institute for its Endowment Fund .
The remains of the late Bro . T . VV . Headon , of Fenchurch-street , only brother of Bro . N . B . Headon , C . C . were interred in the Forest Gate Cemetery a few days since in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and city friends . Bro . Headon , who was 50 years of age , died from
bronchitis , after a brief illness , the sad event having been hastened no doubt by the death from the same disease of his wife on the Tuesday previous . Our late brother was a ship and insurance broker , and the business will be carried on by Mr . C . VV . Reynolds for the benefit of the four daughters whom Bro . Headon has left .
'The Ubique Lodge , No . 17 S 9 , of which Bro . VV . R . Arnold is W . M ., will hold a regular meeting at the Cafe Royal , Air-street , Regent-street , VV ., on Monday next , the loth inst ., at 4 o'clock p . m ., when the following business is to be transacted : 'To ballot for , as joining members—Bros . Major-General A . H . W . Williams , Royal Artillery , Coml mandingthe Woolwich District ; Lieutenant-Colonel C . H .
Spragge , R . A . ; Lieutenants VV . ' Shipman and VV . Fairey , and Master Gunners W . Robson and A . Betenson ; to ballot for , and , if approved , initiate—Lieutenant H . Coningham , R . A . ; Sergeant-Major J . Carnaghan , R . H . A . ; and Quartermaster-Sergeant G . VV . Cooper , R . A . ; to pass—Bros . Major R . H . Murdoch , R . A . ; Captains T . Y . Osmond , S . VV . Lane , and Lieutenant J . B . H . Askwith ,
R . H . A . ; and to raise—Bros Captain W . V . Fabcr , Lieutenants R . J . VVilson , M . [ . Long , R . Mark , and Sergeant-Major George Allen . " 'The election of VV . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler will also take place . It is understood that petitions will shortl y be put forward for the grant of charters of constitution to form a Royal Arch Chapter and Mark lodge in connection with the above-named lod ° -e .
Among the latest houses supplied with Austin ' s Sanitary Cylinders , are those of Peers , Judges , Doctors , & c 'They are used in Hospitals , Clubs , Hotels . Names will be given on application and Testimonials sent . 'They are odourless , non-poisonous , and Cheap ( a Cylinder lasts a year ) . Used for all household disinfecting purposes , waterclosets ( being automatic in action no attention required ) , for ozonizing baths , & c Prices : is ., 2 s . 6 d ., 5 s ., gs ., and iSs ! A . S . Cylinder Company , 1 S 1 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Can be obtained of all Chemists .
Masonic And General Tidings
The monthly meeting of the Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , will take place at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday next , the 12 th instant , at 4 p . m . The 51 st annual ball of the Old Concord Lodge , No . 172 , will be held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Wednesday , the 12 th inst .
The Prince of Wales , accompanied by Bro . Sir Francis Knollys , left Marlborough House for Sandringham on Monday . Bros . Lord Henry Thynne and Lord George Hamilton were among those who attended the obsequies of Lord William Thynne , which took place at Datchet on Tuesday .
Bro . John Aird , M . P ., has promised to preside on the 2 Gth March at the seventh anniversary festival of the Royal Albert Orphan Asylum for Destitute Boys and Girls . By command of the Queen , the Prince of Wales will hold a Levee at St . James' Palace , on Friday , the 21 st inst ., when presentations to his Royal Highness will be considered equivalent to presentations to Her Majesty .
Bro . Lord and Lady Fitzhardmge returned to Berkeley Castle , after a few days' stay in London , on the 31 st ult ., having been the guests the preyious evening of the Misses Ponsonby at their residence in Wilton Crescent . Bro . the Earl of Zetland held his first Levee as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in Dublin , on Tuesday last , when noblemen and gentlemen from all parts of the country
attended for the purpose of paying their respects to his Excellency . It is said that blue is to the Mason a symbol of universal friendship and benevolence . As it is the colour of the vault of heaven , which embraces and covers the whole globe , we are reminded that in the breast of every brother these virtues should be equally as extensive .
The result of the ball organised by the Snow Hill Division of the City Police , and recently held at the Holborn Town Hall , is that a cheque for close on £ g 5 has forwarded by the Commissioner , Sir James Fraser , to the Treasurer of the Morley House Seaside Convalescent Home .
I he installation meeting of the Wellington Lodge , No . 341 , Rye , Sussex , was held on Wednesday , the 5 th inst ., at the Cinque Ports Arms Hotel , when Bro . Lieut .-Col . Arthur Montajue Brookfield , M . P ., for the Eastern Division of Sussex , was duly installed in the chair of K . S . by Bro . J . Molyneux Jenkins , the retiring Master . The Provincial Grand Secretary and other brethren in the province were present at the lodge and the banquet which followed .
In a lodge minute of June 20 th , 1754 , it is stated that a Bro . Cryer was " hauled over the coals , " and that the members agreed that he " should not at any time hereafter have any vote in any matter , cause , or thing whatever , for it was thought the said Bro . Cryer behaved extremely ill , and absolutely broke through the laws in refusing to pay one bottle of wine for entering into the holy state of matrimony . "
A meeting of the General Committee for raising a memorial in London to the late Lord Napier of Magdala , was held at the Mansion House on Monday , under the presidency of Bro . Lord Mayor Sir H . A . Isaacs , when an Executive Committee , consisting of his lordship , Lord Alcester , Sir R . N . Fowler , Bart ., M . P ., and others , was appointed for the purpose of considering the form the memorial should take .
In connection with the allegations made against the management of the St . John ' s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin , the Duke of Newcastle , as President , has issued a circular giving details of the vindication of the Institution , and the result has been thata grant which had been withheld by the Hospital Saturday Fund pending the inquiry was voted by a large majority . The amount paid over was £ 59 iGs .
On behalf of the Mark Masonic Charities , the Mark Masons of the Uiree Towns announce their third annual ball to be held in Plymouth Guildhall , on Wednesday next , the 12 th inst . 'The ball will be under the patronage of the Mayor of Plymouth ( Bro . H . J . Waring ) , himseif an old Freemason , and as attendance is not , of course , limited to Mark Masons only , it is hoped that the brethren of the Craft will be present in large numbers , and thus help to make the ball a success .
'The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire was held on the aSth ult ., in Dundee , Bro . James Berry , Provincial Grand Master , presiding . Gratifying reports were received from the various lodges as to what was being done in the provinces for the forthcoming grand bazaar to be held in Edinburgh . The proposal to join
Forfarshire and Kincardineshire into one was discussed , but it was ultimately agreed , on the suggestion of the Prov . G . Master , to delay the consideration of the subject for three months . 'The Prov . G . 'Treasurer reported that this year he had a balance in his favour of £ 5 13 s . Office bearers were elected for the year , the most of them being re-elected .
A CARGO OK CATS . — There has just arrived from Alexandria at Liverpool , by the steamer Pharos , a consignment of nearly 20 tons of cats , numbering iSo , ooo feline species , taken out of an ancient subterranean cats ' cemetery , discovered about 100 miles from Cairo by an Egyptian fellah , who accidentally fell into this cats ' cemetery , which he found completely filled with cats , every one of which had been separately embalmed and dressed in
cloth , after the manner of Egyptian mummies , and all laid out in rows . Specimens of these have been taken b y Mr . Moore , Curator of the Liverpool Museum , where they can be seen . In ancient times the Egyptian cat was buried with all honours , but those consigned to Messrs . Levington and Co ., of Liverpool , after being purchased in Egypt at £ •3 ' 3 s . gd . per ton , will be used in this country as manure . 'The Curator of the Liverpool Museum fixes the date of their interment 2000 years before Christ .
THE UNEMPLOYED IN EAST LONDON . —At a time when much thought is being- given to this matter , a practical suggestion may be of service . Last year more than £ 300 , 000 worth of foreign matches were purchased by inconsiderate consumers in this country , to the great injury
of our own working people , so true is it that " evil is wrought by want of thought as well as want of heart . " If all consumers would purchase Bryant and May ' s Matches , that firm would be enabled to pay £ 1000 a week more in wages . —ADVT .
Masonic And General Tidings
The installation meeting of the Crcaton Lodge , No . 1791 , will take place at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday next , the 13 th inst ., at 3 . 30 p . m . punctually . Bros . Gabriel Lindo and Alfred Brookman have been elected corporate Chairmen on the Officers' and Clerks' and Epping Forest Committees respectively .
The Marquis of Salisbury , who has entirely recovered from his recent illness , completed his 60 th year on Monday , having been born on the 3 rd February , 1 S 30 . Prince Albert Victor of Wales visited the Khyber Pass on Friday last , and subsequently presented the medals forthe Black Mountain Expedition to the men of the Khyber Rifles who took part in it .
Bro . the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon have been staying in town for the last few days preparatory to starting for the Riviera . His lordship has had a slight attack of gout , but is now recovered . The Keystone , in a humorous mood , recently exclaimed : " Have the ne plus ultra degrees really been discovered , and are there no more beyond ? Happy day 1 The limit has at last been reached , the ultima thule in Masonry . There should be a general celebration in the Craft around the globe . The degree mill has ground its last grind !''
lhe first conversazione and dance in connection with the Fairfield Lodge , was held in the Jubilee Room of the National Schools , Long Eaton , on Wednesday , the 22 nd ult . The room was beautifully decorated and adorned with plants and lace , kindly lent by Bros . J . Orchard and J . E . Fletcher . Much of the success of the evening is due to Bro . Williams , Secretary .
The anthem , specially composed by Bro . Alfred J . Caldicott , for the installation of the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House on Tuesday next , will be sung by Bro . Ben Davies , Charles Chilley , Herbert Thorndike , James A . Brown , VV . A . Barrett , and other brethren , under the direction of the composer , who is Organist of Drury Lane Lodge .
The first meeting of the Albert Victor Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , St . Saviour-gate . York , Bro . the Dean of York , Worshipful Master , presiding . The members met at 6 p . m ., and dined together , after which the lodge was opened and two initiations took place . At 9 . 30 the lodge was closed , and the brethren separated .
Some 30 annuitants of the Cabdnvers Benevolent Association , with their wives , assembled in St . James's Hall , on the 31 st ult ., and there , under the presidency of Bro . John Aird , M . P ., enjoyed an excellent dinner , and after that as excellent a programme of music Bro . Aird
gave an account of the progress of the institution and expressed a hope that it would go on receiving more and more support , especially among the cabrivers themselves , of whom only a very moderate proportion gave it their sympathy and subscriptions .
The restoration of the choir , lantern tower , and transepts of Peterborough Cathedral having been completed , the Dean and Chapter are now in want of funds to furnish the choir . Several stalls have been promised by honorary canons , and as a memorial of the Masonic ceremony which
took place on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the central tower , a fund has been opened by the St . Peter's Lodge to present two stalls on behalf of the Freemasons of England . The restoration committee have decided to issue another appeal for funds to proceed with the work .
The new lodge Acacia held its first and introductory social meeting of members and friends at the Masonic Hall , Darley-street , Bradford , on Thursday evening , the 30 th ult . About 50 were present . After a substantial tea , a capital programme of songs and recitations was rendered
by several of the members and their friends , and a most enjoyable evening was spent . The lodge was formed in the autumn of last year , and differs only from the other lodges in the town and district in this re-pect—that no intoxicants whatever are permitted to be consumed at the meetings .
On the 27 th ult ., the funeral of Bro . William Brignal , sen ., took place at St . Cuthbert ' s Cemetery , Durham . 'The deceased , shortly before his death , had gone to reside at Gosforth , where he died on the 23 rd ult . Several beautiful wreaths were placed on the coffin . The funeral was very largely attended by the Freemasons of the city and county , the deceased liaving been a prominent
member . Bro . Sir Hedworth Williamson , Prov . Grand Master , was represented by Bro . W . Logan . Sir Hedworth also sent a letter of sympathy with the relatives of the deceased , who had been prominently connected with Durham Freemasonry for well nigh half a century . The funeral service was read by the Rev . C . H . Fleetwood . Deceased was at one time the leading lawyer in Durham .
'The brethren of Dawlish have formed themselves into a . building company for the purpose of erecting a Masonic Hall , where they can meet in comfort at their own convenience . A site has been obtained on the Barton estate facing the main road from the Strand to the old Dawlish Church . The structure will comprise on the ground floor an entrance lobby , reception or banqueting room , Tylers' room ,
and lavatories , with a bold staircase leading to the Masonic Hall , which is practically situated on the first floor . It measures 33 feet in length by 22 feet in width , and has an open timbered roof with a good system of ventilation . It is intended to locate a caretaker's residence at the rear , which is rather a novelty in Masonic architecture . The elevation is of classic design of white Devon brick , with the
arches and other ornamental work of fine red Berkshire brick . Mr . G . Soudan Bridgman is the architect , and the lowest tender was that of Mr . VV . J . Hatcher for the sum of £ 614 . The work will be completed by August next . Bro . G . B . Avant , P . A . G . S ., is the W . M . of the Salem Lodge , No . 1443 , which is located at Dawlish , and will occupy the new hall .
HUI . LOWAY ' S PILLS . —The sudden changes and pervading dampness sorely impede the vital functions and conduce to ill-health . The remedies for these diseases lie in some purifying medicine like these Pills , which is competent to grapple with the mischief at its source , and stamp it out without fretting the nerves or
weakening the system . Holloway's Pills extract from the blood all noxious matters , regulate the action of every disordered organ , stimulate the livcrand kidneys , and relax the bowe s . In curing chest complaints these Pills are remarkably cll ' ective , especially when aided by friction of the Ointment on its wall . The double treatment will insure a certain , steady , and beneficent progress , and sound health will soon be re-established .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Dr . VV . A . Dingle , of Finsbury-square , has been appointed acting surgeon to the 2 nd 'Tower Hamlets Engineers , ot which Colonel Sir Alfred Kirby is the commandant .
A handsome organ has been provided for Lodge Nyanza , No . 1197 , at llminster , in the Province of Somerset . Comp . Dr . Chas . Gore-Ring , P . G . H ., was installed Z . of the Greta Royal Arch Chapter , 1073 , Keswick , on Wednesday , the 29 th ult . ; Comps . J . Hall , II . ; and Rev . J . N . Hoare , J .
On Thursday , the 30 th ult ., Bro . H . S . Foster , F . R . G . S ., M . S . B . L ., L . C . C , and Mrs . Foster held a conversazione at the Horns , Kennington , which was attended by a large number of his constituents and friends . Bros . Lord Halsbury ( Lord Chancellor ) , Lord Ashbourne ( Lord Chancellor of Ireland ) , Sir M . K . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., and Lord George Hamilton attended the Cabinet Council held at the Prime Minister ' s residence in Arlingtonstreet , on Wednesday .
Competent officers and proper conduct on the part of the members during all of the ceremonies of a lodge will cause the initiate to become a zealous member of the Fraternity . There is on the other hand no surer way to destroy interest than to have members who are careless and indifferent in the principal chairs .
Bro . the Lord Mayor and the Lady Mayoress entertained Bros . J . L . Toole and Henry living at luncheon , in the private apartments of the Mansion House , on Monday last , when a number of his lordship ' s friends were invited to bid farewell to Bro . Toole previous to his departure for Australia .
Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon has agreed to the request of the Council of the British Archaeological Association to preside at the 47 th annual congress at Oxford in July next . 'This is the second time his lordship has acted in this capacity , the first having been in 1850 , when the congress met at Newbury .
Bro . the Marquis of Hartington , who has been staying at Devonshire House , was to start for Egypt on Thursday , it being considered that a sea voyage will greatly improve his lordship ' s health . He will take the opportunity of visiting Tel-el-Kebir , and may possibly make a trip up the Nile . His return to town is not expected till after the Easter holidays .
LODGE FORTITUDE , No . 64 . —This Provincial Officers ' lodge was held on Friday , the 31 st ult , at the Oueen's Hotel , Manchester , Bro . Peter Royle , M . D ., P . P . S . G . D ., the W . M ., in the chair . The election of VV . M . for the ensuing year was proceeded with , and Bro . ) . VV . Taylor , P . M . 221 , P . P . S . G . D ., the Secretary of the lodge , was elected , Bro . John Halliwell , P . P . G . D ., being re-elected Treasurer .
The Freemasons of Otley have for several years past held a ball at Otley in aid of the Masonic Charities , and last Friday week- another enjoyable gathering took place in the Mechanics' Hall , which was luxuriously furnished and decorated for the occasion . 'There was a large and fashionable attendance . Mr . H . Fall ' s band occupied the orchestra , and the refreshment department was efficientl y administered by Bro . M . Haydeii .
A very successful concert and entertainment was given at the Westminster Town Hall on 'Thursday , the 30 th ult ., in aid of the funds of the Albert Institute ( Baths and Washhouses ) , Christ Church , Southwark . An excellent and varied programme had been prepared , and there was a very
full audience , who heartily applauded the artistes , vocal , instrumental , and dramatic , who gave their services to this deserving institution . The result proved most satisfactory , the net proceeds , amounting to £ 55 , having been handed over to the institute for its Endowment Fund .
The remains of the late Bro . T . VV . Headon , of Fenchurch-street , only brother of Bro . N . B . Headon , C . C . were interred in the Forest Gate Cemetery a few days since in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and city friends . Bro . Headon , who was 50 years of age , died from
bronchitis , after a brief illness , the sad event having been hastened no doubt by the death from the same disease of his wife on the Tuesday previous . Our late brother was a ship and insurance broker , and the business will be carried on by Mr . C . VV . Reynolds for the benefit of the four daughters whom Bro . Headon has left .
'The Ubique Lodge , No . 17 S 9 , of which Bro . VV . R . Arnold is W . M ., will hold a regular meeting at the Cafe Royal , Air-street , Regent-street , VV ., on Monday next , the loth inst ., at 4 o'clock p . m ., when the following business is to be transacted : 'To ballot for , as joining members—Bros . Major-General A . H . W . Williams , Royal Artillery , Coml mandingthe Woolwich District ; Lieutenant-Colonel C . H .
Spragge , R . A . ; Lieutenants VV . ' Shipman and VV . Fairey , and Master Gunners W . Robson and A . Betenson ; to ballot for , and , if approved , initiate—Lieutenant H . Coningham , R . A . ; Sergeant-Major J . Carnaghan , R . H . A . ; and Quartermaster-Sergeant G . VV . Cooper , R . A . ; to pass—Bros . Major R . H . Murdoch , R . A . ; Captains T . Y . Osmond , S . VV . Lane , and Lieutenant J . B . H . Askwith ,
R . H . A . ; and to raise—Bros Captain W . V . Fabcr , Lieutenants R . J . VVilson , M . [ . Long , R . Mark , and Sergeant-Major George Allen . " 'The election of VV . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler will also take place . It is understood that petitions will shortl y be put forward for the grant of charters of constitution to form a Royal Arch Chapter and Mark lodge in connection with the above-named lod ° -e .
Among the latest houses supplied with Austin ' s Sanitary Cylinders , are those of Peers , Judges , Doctors , & c 'They are used in Hospitals , Clubs , Hotels . Names will be given on application and Testimonials sent . 'They are odourless , non-poisonous , and Cheap ( a Cylinder lasts a year ) . Used for all household disinfecting purposes , waterclosets ( being automatic in action no attention required ) , for ozonizing baths , & c Prices : is ., 2 s . 6 d ., 5 s ., gs ., and iSs ! A . S . Cylinder Company , 1 S 1 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Can be obtained of all Chemists .
Masonic And General Tidings
The monthly meeting of the Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , will take place at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday next , the 12 th instant , at 4 p . m . The 51 st annual ball of the Old Concord Lodge , No . 172 , will be held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Wednesday , the 12 th inst .
The Prince of Wales , accompanied by Bro . Sir Francis Knollys , left Marlborough House for Sandringham on Monday . Bros . Lord Henry Thynne and Lord George Hamilton were among those who attended the obsequies of Lord William Thynne , which took place at Datchet on Tuesday .
Bro . John Aird , M . P ., has promised to preside on the 2 Gth March at the seventh anniversary festival of the Royal Albert Orphan Asylum for Destitute Boys and Girls . By command of the Queen , the Prince of Wales will hold a Levee at St . James' Palace , on Friday , the 21 st inst ., when presentations to his Royal Highness will be considered equivalent to presentations to Her Majesty .
Bro . Lord and Lady Fitzhardmge returned to Berkeley Castle , after a few days' stay in London , on the 31 st ult ., having been the guests the preyious evening of the Misses Ponsonby at their residence in Wilton Crescent . Bro . the Earl of Zetland held his first Levee as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in Dublin , on Tuesday last , when noblemen and gentlemen from all parts of the country
attended for the purpose of paying their respects to his Excellency . It is said that blue is to the Mason a symbol of universal friendship and benevolence . As it is the colour of the vault of heaven , which embraces and covers the whole globe , we are reminded that in the breast of every brother these virtues should be equally as extensive .
The result of the ball organised by the Snow Hill Division of the City Police , and recently held at the Holborn Town Hall , is that a cheque for close on £ g 5 has forwarded by the Commissioner , Sir James Fraser , to the Treasurer of the Morley House Seaside Convalescent Home .
I he installation meeting of the Wellington Lodge , No . 341 , Rye , Sussex , was held on Wednesday , the 5 th inst ., at the Cinque Ports Arms Hotel , when Bro . Lieut .-Col . Arthur Montajue Brookfield , M . P ., for the Eastern Division of Sussex , was duly installed in the chair of K . S . by Bro . J . Molyneux Jenkins , the retiring Master . The Provincial Grand Secretary and other brethren in the province were present at the lodge and the banquet which followed .
In a lodge minute of June 20 th , 1754 , it is stated that a Bro . Cryer was " hauled over the coals , " and that the members agreed that he " should not at any time hereafter have any vote in any matter , cause , or thing whatever , for it was thought the said Bro . Cryer behaved extremely ill , and absolutely broke through the laws in refusing to pay one bottle of wine for entering into the holy state of matrimony . "
A meeting of the General Committee for raising a memorial in London to the late Lord Napier of Magdala , was held at the Mansion House on Monday , under the presidency of Bro . Lord Mayor Sir H . A . Isaacs , when an Executive Committee , consisting of his lordship , Lord Alcester , Sir R . N . Fowler , Bart ., M . P ., and others , was appointed for the purpose of considering the form the memorial should take .
In connection with the allegations made against the management of the St . John ' s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin , the Duke of Newcastle , as President , has issued a circular giving details of the vindication of the Institution , and the result has been thata grant which had been withheld by the Hospital Saturday Fund pending the inquiry was voted by a large majority . The amount paid over was £ 59 iGs .
On behalf of the Mark Masonic Charities , the Mark Masons of the Uiree Towns announce their third annual ball to be held in Plymouth Guildhall , on Wednesday next , the 12 th inst . 'The ball will be under the patronage of the Mayor of Plymouth ( Bro . H . J . Waring ) , himseif an old Freemason , and as attendance is not , of course , limited to Mark Masons only , it is hoped that the brethren of the Craft will be present in large numbers , and thus help to make the ball a success .
'The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire was held on the aSth ult ., in Dundee , Bro . James Berry , Provincial Grand Master , presiding . Gratifying reports were received from the various lodges as to what was being done in the provinces for the forthcoming grand bazaar to be held in Edinburgh . The proposal to join
Forfarshire and Kincardineshire into one was discussed , but it was ultimately agreed , on the suggestion of the Prov . G . Master , to delay the consideration of the subject for three months . 'The Prov . G . 'Treasurer reported that this year he had a balance in his favour of £ 5 13 s . Office bearers were elected for the year , the most of them being re-elected .
A CARGO OK CATS . — There has just arrived from Alexandria at Liverpool , by the steamer Pharos , a consignment of nearly 20 tons of cats , numbering iSo , ooo feline species , taken out of an ancient subterranean cats ' cemetery , discovered about 100 miles from Cairo by an Egyptian fellah , who accidentally fell into this cats ' cemetery , which he found completely filled with cats , every one of which had been separately embalmed and dressed in
cloth , after the manner of Egyptian mummies , and all laid out in rows . Specimens of these have been taken b y Mr . Moore , Curator of the Liverpool Museum , where they can be seen . In ancient times the Egyptian cat was buried with all honours , but those consigned to Messrs . Levington and Co ., of Liverpool , after being purchased in Egypt at £ •3 ' 3 s . gd . per ton , will be used in this country as manure . 'The Curator of the Liverpool Museum fixes the date of their interment 2000 years before Christ .
THE UNEMPLOYED IN EAST LONDON . —At a time when much thought is being- given to this matter , a practical suggestion may be of service . Last year more than £ 300 , 000 worth of foreign matches were purchased by inconsiderate consumers in this country , to the great injury
of our own working people , so true is it that " evil is wrought by want of thought as well as want of heart . " If all consumers would purchase Bryant and May ' s Matches , that firm would be enabled to pay £ 1000 a week more in wages . —ADVT .
Masonic And General Tidings
The installation meeting of the Crcaton Lodge , No . 1791 , will take place at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday next , the 13 th inst ., at 3 . 30 p . m . punctually . Bros . Gabriel Lindo and Alfred Brookman have been elected corporate Chairmen on the Officers' and Clerks' and Epping Forest Committees respectively .
The Marquis of Salisbury , who has entirely recovered from his recent illness , completed his 60 th year on Monday , having been born on the 3 rd February , 1 S 30 . Prince Albert Victor of Wales visited the Khyber Pass on Friday last , and subsequently presented the medals forthe Black Mountain Expedition to the men of the Khyber Rifles who took part in it .
Bro . the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon have been staying in town for the last few days preparatory to starting for the Riviera . His lordship has had a slight attack of gout , but is now recovered . The Keystone , in a humorous mood , recently exclaimed : " Have the ne plus ultra degrees really been discovered , and are there no more beyond ? Happy day 1 The limit has at last been reached , the ultima thule in Masonry . There should be a general celebration in the Craft around the globe . The degree mill has ground its last grind !''
lhe first conversazione and dance in connection with the Fairfield Lodge , was held in the Jubilee Room of the National Schools , Long Eaton , on Wednesday , the 22 nd ult . The room was beautifully decorated and adorned with plants and lace , kindly lent by Bros . J . Orchard and J . E . Fletcher . Much of the success of the evening is due to Bro . Williams , Secretary .
The anthem , specially composed by Bro . Alfred J . Caldicott , for the installation of the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House on Tuesday next , will be sung by Bro . Ben Davies , Charles Chilley , Herbert Thorndike , James A . Brown , VV . A . Barrett , and other brethren , under the direction of the composer , who is Organist of Drury Lane Lodge .
The first meeting of the Albert Victor Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , St . Saviour-gate . York , Bro . the Dean of York , Worshipful Master , presiding . The members met at 6 p . m ., and dined together , after which the lodge was opened and two initiations took place . At 9 . 30 the lodge was closed , and the brethren separated .
Some 30 annuitants of the Cabdnvers Benevolent Association , with their wives , assembled in St . James's Hall , on the 31 st ult ., and there , under the presidency of Bro . John Aird , M . P ., enjoyed an excellent dinner , and after that as excellent a programme of music Bro . Aird
gave an account of the progress of the institution and expressed a hope that it would go on receiving more and more support , especially among the cabrivers themselves , of whom only a very moderate proportion gave it their sympathy and subscriptions .
The restoration of the choir , lantern tower , and transepts of Peterborough Cathedral having been completed , the Dean and Chapter are now in want of funds to furnish the choir . Several stalls have been promised by honorary canons , and as a memorial of the Masonic ceremony which
took place on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the central tower , a fund has been opened by the St . Peter's Lodge to present two stalls on behalf of the Freemasons of England . The restoration committee have decided to issue another appeal for funds to proceed with the work .
The new lodge Acacia held its first and introductory social meeting of members and friends at the Masonic Hall , Darley-street , Bradford , on Thursday evening , the 30 th ult . About 50 were present . After a substantial tea , a capital programme of songs and recitations was rendered
by several of the members and their friends , and a most enjoyable evening was spent . The lodge was formed in the autumn of last year , and differs only from the other lodges in the town and district in this re-pect—that no intoxicants whatever are permitted to be consumed at the meetings .
On the 27 th ult ., the funeral of Bro . William Brignal , sen ., took place at St . Cuthbert ' s Cemetery , Durham . 'The deceased , shortly before his death , had gone to reside at Gosforth , where he died on the 23 rd ult . Several beautiful wreaths were placed on the coffin . The funeral was very largely attended by the Freemasons of the city and county , the deceased liaving been a prominent
member . Bro . Sir Hedworth Williamson , Prov . Grand Master , was represented by Bro . W . Logan . Sir Hedworth also sent a letter of sympathy with the relatives of the deceased , who had been prominently connected with Durham Freemasonry for well nigh half a century . The funeral service was read by the Rev . C . H . Fleetwood . Deceased was at one time the leading lawyer in Durham .
'The brethren of Dawlish have formed themselves into a . building company for the purpose of erecting a Masonic Hall , where they can meet in comfort at their own convenience . A site has been obtained on the Barton estate facing the main road from the Strand to the old Dawlish Church . The structure will comprise on the ground floor an entrance lobby , reception or banqueting room , Tylers' room ,
and lavatories , with a bold staircase leading to the Masonic Hall , which is practically situated on the first floor . It measures 33 feet in length by 22 feet in width , and has an open timbered roof with a good system of ventilation . It is intended to locate a caretaker's residence at the rear , which is rather a novelty in Masonic architecture . The elevation is of classic design of white Devon brick , with the
arches and other ornamental work of fine red Berkshire brick . Mr . G . Soudan Bridgman is the architect , and the lowest tender was that of Mr . VV . J . Hatcher for the sum of £ 614 . The work will be completed by August next . Bro . G . B . Avant , P . A . G . S ., is the W . M . of the Salem Lodge , No . 1443 , which is located at Dawlish , and will occupy the new hall .
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