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Attendance Of Past Masters.
apathy of their Past Masters , but they are exceptional cases , and it would be absurd on the face of it to enact a law or regulation that would annoy one or two hundred brethren who in their day had done good work just for the sake of keeping two or three ,
or it may be half-a-dozen , of their number up to the mark . In Freemasonry especially , we do not want to be troubled with a multitude of laws , and rules and regulations , so that whichever way we turn we are confronted , as it were , by a sign-post covered
with full instructions as to what we must and what we must not do if we follow that particular path or road . We have our Book of Constitutions , which is framed for the conduct of the Craft generally , and the bye-laws which regulate the conduct of our lodges , and anything beyond these is superfluous and annoying .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
The Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , when the following companions were present : Comps . Rev . H . Adair Pickard , G . Supt . Oxon , as M . E . G . Z . ; Col . R . Townley Caldwell , G . Supt . Cambridge , as G . H . ; Rev . C . W . Spencer Stanhope , G . Supt . Cheshire , as G . J . ; Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S . E . ; Sir Robert N . Fowler , as G . S . N . ; Robert Grey , President of Committee of General Purposes ; Sir Bruce M . Seton , G . P . Soj . ; James
Glaisher , as G . ist A . Soj . ; Rev . Thos . Robinson , as G . 2 nd A . Soj . ; Frank Richardson , Dr . Jabez Hogg , G . S . 13 . ; C . Belton , P . G . Std . Br . ; R . G . Venables , G . 3 rdStd . Br . ; George H . Haydon , G . 4 th Std . Br . ; Eugene Monteuuis , Dep . G . D . C . ; Henry Garrod , A . G . D . C . ; A . Pendlebury , A . G . S . E . ; Baron de Ferrieres , P . A . G . S . ; Thomas Fenn , P . P . B . G . P . ; T . B . Purchas , P . G . S . B . ; C . F . Matier , P . Dep . G . D . C ; Brackstone Baker , E . J . Barron , P . G . Std . Br . ; Dr . VV . R . Woodman , P . G . D . C . ; Charles H . Driver , P . G . Std . Br . ; F . Sumner Knyvett , W . M . Bywater , P . G . Std . Br . ; J . E .
LeFeuvre , P . G . S . B . ; Herbert J . Adams , P . Dep . G . D . C ; Fred . West , P . A . G . S . ; Charles Frederick Hogard , P . D . G . D . C ; Ralph Gooding , M . D ., P . A . G . S . ; J . M . Case , P . G . D . C ; C . Harding , P . G . Std . Br . ; E . H . Baylis , P . G . S . B . ; W . Edward Stewart , P . G . S . B . ; Henry J . P . Dumas , P . G . S . B . ; E . Mallett , P . Z . 1623 ; Albert Lucking , P . Z . 1000 , P . G . D . Essex ; F . Hilton , P . Z . 1275 ; J . G . Garson , J . 1691 ; J . Hayward Bellyse , P . Z . 321 ; Arthur Betts , J . 1624 ; L . G . Gordon Robbins , P . Z . 10 ; George A . Ames , Z . 2 ; T . Durtnall , Z . 1614 ; E .
St . Clair , J . 2060 ; William Dodd , P . Z . 1194 ; Adolphus Clark , P . Z . 1524 ; J . Wilson , P . Z . 1365 ; D . Legg , J . 1365 ; J . K . R . Cama , Z . 2202 , E . W . Stanton , P . Z . 1 S 1 ; G . S . Recknell , P . Z . 73 ; H . Massey , P . Z . 619 , P . Z ., and Z . 192 S ; A . Berry , H . 1524 ; W . G . A . Gilbert , Z . 257 ; J . Henry Hoit , J . 1524 ; George L . Wingate , P . Z . 1423 , P . P . G . S . ; Henry Wright , Z . 1617 ; E . A . Bamber , J . 1615 ; Frederick Thomas Rushton , Z . 771 ; Lennox Browne , Z . 210 S ; Carl T . Fleck , J . 1275 ; and H . Sadler , Grand Janitor .
The following Report of the Committee of General Purposes was taken as read , and ordered to be received and entered on the minutes , on the motion of Comp . ROBERT GREY , seconded by Comp . FRANK RICHARDSON . To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 16 th October , 188 9 , to the 14 th January , 1890 , both inclusive ,
which they find to be as follows : To Balance , Grand Chapter £ 150 S 4 < By Disbursements during the „ , j Unappropriated | Quarter ^ 299 16 10 Account ... 190 iS 1 i „ Balance 239 12 0 ,, Subsequent Receipts ... 3 S 6 14 o j „ „ Unappropriated ; Account ... iSS 11 7 £ 72 S o 5 £ 72 S o 5
which balances are in the Bank of England , Western Branch . The Committee have likewise to report that they have received the following petitions : ist . From Comps . Harry James Sparks , as Z . ; William Smith , as H . ; John Upchurch Martin , as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Sondes Lodge , No . 99 6 , East Dereham , to be called the Harry Sparks Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , East Dereham , in the county of Suffolk .
2 nd . From Comps . Sir Hedworth Williamson , Bart ., D . L ., Grand Superintendent for Durham , as Z . ; Robert Shadforth , as H . ; George Washington Bain , as J . ; and nine others for a chapter to be attached to the Williamson Lodge , No . 949 , Monkwearmouth , to be called the Williamson Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , No . 6 , North Bridge-street , Monkwearmouth , in the county of Durham .
3 rd . From Comps . Thomas Preston , as Z . ; Henry Croasdale , as H . ; George Handel Openshaw , and 11 others for a chapter to be attached to the Fidelit y Lodge , No . 26 9 , Blackburn , to be called the Fidelity Chapter , and to meet at the Old Bull Hotel , Blackburn , in the Eastern Division of Lancashire . 4 th . From Comps . Carl Theodor Fleck , as Z . ; Charles Meierhoff , as H . ; James Cooper , as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Old Concord Lodge , No . 172 , London , to be called the Old Concord Chapter , and to meet at the Holborn Restaurant , High Holborn , London .
5 th . From Comps . Adolphus Clark , as Z . ; James John Woolley , as H . ; Herbert Charles Lambert , as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Anglo-American Lodge , No . 2191 , to be called the Anglo-American Chapter , and to meet at the Holborn Restaurant , High Holborn , London . The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted .
The Committee have likewise to report that they have received a Memorial from the Grand Chapter of New South Wales , reporting that they were regularly established on the 30 th September , 1889 , and asking recognition by the Grand Chapter of England , and that fraternal communication may be established between the two Grand Chapters .
The Committee recommend that inasmuch as the Grand Lodge of New South Wales has been duly acknowledged by the Grand Lodge of England , the Grand Chapter of New South Wales be also recognised . The Committee have received memorials , with extracts of minutes , on the removal of the following chapters : — The Alexandra Chapter , No . 993 , from the Midway Hotel , Levenshulme , to the Freemasons' Hall , Manchester .
The Grand Master ' s Chapter , No . i , from Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , to the Hotel Victoria , Northumberland-avenue , Charing Cross . The Committee being satisfied of the reasonableness of these requests , recommend that the removals of the above-named chapters be sanctioned . ( Signed ) ROBERT GREY , President .
Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ., 15 th January , 1890 . Grand Chapter approved of the above recommendations , on the motion of Comp . ROBERT GREY , seconded b y Comp . F . RICHARDSON , and the companions afterwards closed Grand Chapter .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT . The Quarterly Court of Subscribers to this Institution was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , C . C ., Past G . Treasurer , occupied the chair . There were also present Bros . Robert Grey , H . A . Hunt , F . Richardson , C . Hammerton , C . H . Webb , H . Massey , Henry Smith , D . P . G-M . West Yorkshire ; Stanley J . Attenborough , J . Bodenham , E . M . Money , J . K . R . Cama , J . M . McLeod , and F . R . W . Hedges ( Secretary ) , and others .
After the reading and verification of the minutes of the Quarterly Court of October 25 th , Bro . HEDGES read a letter from Bro . J . A . Rucker , P . G . D ., expressing his wish to retire , on account of ill-health , from his trusteeship of the General Fund of the Institution .
Bro . ROBERT GREY , P . G . D ., President of the Board of Benevolence , in moving that Bro . Rucker ' s resignation be accepted with regret , said he thought it would meet the wishes of the brethren if the Secretary were to write a letter to Bro . Rucker , acknowledging the many services Bro . Rucker had rendered to the
Institution for many years past , and expressing the brethren s very great regret that the state of Bro . Rucker ' s health necessitated his tendering his resignation . Bro . HENRY SMITH seconded the motion , which was put and carried nem . con . Bro . ROBERT GREY said he was sure the Secretary would put the letter in such terms as would be acceptable to Bro . Rucker and satisfactory to the Court .
Bro . C . H . WEBB , V . P ., moved that the name of one girl be omitted from the list of candidates for the April Election , and said he thought the case should receive serious consideration , for several reasons . The case had been recommended b y the Petitions Committee by the narrowest majority . When first considered by that Committee it was decided not to recommend it ; but , after some further correspondence , by the casting vote of the Chairman of the Committee the General
Committee recommended it to place it on the list . In this case there were seven children of the deceased brother , but some were grown up . The father was described as a " gentleman . " When the mother died , ^ 6000 capitalised was left for the children , who were now all living together ; one acting as housekeeper of the family ; the others were of an age which should justify them in seeking to obtain their living . The invested £ 6000 brought in £ igo a year , which in the provinces was equal to ^ 300 or ^ 350 in London .
Therefore he thought the case was such as ought not to come forward for this Institution . The father did not appear to have done anything for the Institutions . Whatever his resources were there were , £ 6000 invested , and those who were possessed of property should not be allowed to drive their children into the Masonic Schools . It was disgraceful to parents who occupied that position . If this case was elected a stronger and much more deserving case would be kept out , and if the brethren supported such cases they encouraged similar cases to come on .
Bro . MONEY , in seconding the motion , said it was shown to the Enquiry Committee that two or three of the girls of this family were over 20 years of age . If they were not working they had had a good education and they ought to teach the younger children and not come for charity . The object of the Committee was not to have too large a list of candidates .
Bro . HEDGES said he communicated with the brother who brought forward the case after Bro . Webb gave notice to the General Committee , and that brother telegraphed back— " No further information . Was afraid the income would be fatal . " The father of the child was initiated in Warwickshire , and joined a lodge in Berks and Bucks .
Bro . HENRY SMITH said that the qualifications of the father and of the child being correct the General Committee could not help putting the child on ; but it was for the Quarterly Court to say whether or not it should be kept on . Bro . ATTENBOROUGH , in supporting the motion , said the reason he acted as he did on the Committee was that there were a large number of children who were totally dependent on their parents or on one parent , who had no income whatever .
In one case there were ten children dependent on one woman ; and when they considered this case , where they were able to support themselves he thought it ought not to be put on . Bro . Richardson on that occasion in giving his casting vote pointed out that cases which nearly approached this case had been accepted , and he did not think he would be justified in giving his casting vote against it . He thought they would be amply justified in opposing the case .
It was then decided that this name , together with one other , be omitted , and the list of candidates for election next April was declared to be 43 , while the vacancies will be 2 r .
Bro . C . HAMMERTON , P . G . S . B ., brought forward the following motion as Chairman of the Centenary Committee : " Any lodge , chapter , or society having contributed upon the list of a Steward at the Centenary Festival of the Institution shall , in recognition thereof , be entitled , on payment of the sum of £ 12 to cover the cost , to place ( under the superintendence of the architect of the Institution ) a memorial in one of the lights of the windows or on the wall framing of the
Centenary Hall . And shall be further entitled , in respect of the same , to two votes in perpetuity , or to four votes in perpetuity , should the lodge , chapter , or society be a Vice-President of the Institution prior to the time of such payment . The right to place a memorial under this resolution shall cease at such time as the Centenary Committee by resolution shall determine . " He said there was a desirability in having windows decorated with coats of arms from different lodges ,
as they would materially assist the beauty of the building . The hall itself , no doubt , when finished , would look very handsome , but painted windows would add to the effect . What was worth doing at all was worth doing well , and putting these windows in at such a cost would be a very moderate way of finishing it off . Many lodges had already intimated their desire to put in windows , but he wished now to alter his proposition as printed , because as it now read it excluded some lodges
which he was of opinion should be included . A letter had been received , which stated that it precluded some coming in because the money did not come out of the lodge on to the centenary list , one lodge sending something like ^ " 300 contributed by the members of the lodge , and not by the lodge , so that it would exclude them . Bro . Hammerton then altered his motion to the following form : " Any lodge , chapter , or society having been represented by a Steward at the
Centenary Festival of the Institution shall , in recognition thereof , be entitled , at the discretion of the Centenary Committee , on the payment of the sum of £ 13 for each memorial li ght to cover the cost , to place ( under the superintendence of the architect of the Institution ) a memorial in one or more of the li ghts of the windows or on the wall-framing of the Centenary Hall . And shall be further
entitled , in respect of the same , to two votes in perpetuity for each sum of £ 13 so paid , or to four votes in perpetuity , should the lodge , chapter , or society be a Vice-President of the Institution prior to the time of such payment . The right to place a memorial under this resolution shall cease at such time as the Centenary Committee , by resolution , shall determine . "
Bro . L . H . WEBB seconded the motion . He thought the proposition quite correct . It would not prevent the completion of the work or the opening of the hall when finished , which he hoped would happen at no distant period . It would enable every lodge to ' contribute . In answer to questions , Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON said if they had more applications than space , the Committee would have to decide when to stop . If there was a lodge which had never contributed a penny piece , it ought to stand out . Bro . HENRY SMITH , in supporting the resolution , said the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire would be one of those bodies which would have been
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Attendance Of Past Masters.
apathy of their Past Masters , but they are exceptional cases , and it would be absurd on the face of it to enact a law or regulation that would annoy one or two hundred brethren who in their day had done good work just for the sake of keeping two or three ,
or it may be half-a-dozen , of their number up to the mark . In Freemasonry especially , we do not want to be troubled with a multitude of laws , and rules and regulations , so that whichever way we turn we are confronted , as it were , by a sign-post covered
with full instructions as to what we must and what we must not do if we follow that particular path or road . We have our Book of Constitutions , which is framed for the conduct of the Craft generally , and the bye-laws which regulate the conduct of our lodges , and anything beyond these is superfluous and annoying .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
The Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , when the following companions were present : Comps . Rev . H . Adair Pickard , G . Supt . Oxon , as M . E . G . Z . ; Col . R . Townley Caldwell , G . Supt . Cambridge , as G . H . ; Rev . C . W . Spencer Stanhope , G . Supt . Cheshire , as G . J . ; Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S . E . ; Sir Robert N . Fowler , as G . S . N . ; Robert Grey , President of Committee of General Purposes ; Sir Bruce M . Seton , G . P . Soj . ; James
Glaisher , as G . ist A . Soj . ; Rev . Thos . Robinson , as G . 2 nd A . Soj . ; Frank Richardson , Dr . Jabez Hogg , G . S . 13 . ; C . Belton , P . G . Std . Br . ; R . G . Venables , G . 3 rdStd . Br . ; George H . Haydon , G . 4 th Std . Br . ; Eugene Monteuuis , Dep . G . D . C . ; Henry Garrod , A . G . D . C . ; A . Pendlebury , A . G . S . E . ; Baron de Ferrieres , P . A . G . S . ; Thomas Fenn , P . P . B . G . P . ; T . B . Purchas , P . G . S . B . ; C . F . Matier , P . Dep . G . D . C ; Brackstone Baker , E . J . Barron , P . G . Std . Br . ; Dr . VV . R . Woodman , P . G . D . C . ; Charles H . Driver , P . G . Std . Br . ; F . Sumner Knyvett , W . M . Bywater , P . G . Std . Br . ; J . E .
LeFeuvre , P . G . S . B . ; Herbert J . Adams , P . Dep . G . D . C ; Fred . West , P . A . G . S . ; Charles Frederick Hogard , P . D . G . D . C ; Ralph Gooding , M . D ., P . A . G . S . ; J . M . Case , P . G . D . C ; C . Harding , P . G . Std . Br . ; E . H . Baylis , P . G . S . B . ; W . Edward Stewart , P . G . S . B . ; Henry J . P . Dumas , P . G . S . B . ; E . Mallett , P . Z . 1623 ; Albert Lucking , P . Z . 1000 , P . G . D . Essex ; F . Hilton , P . Z . 1275 ; J . G . Garson , J . 1691 ; J . Hayward Bellyse , P . Z . 321 ; Arthur Betts , J . 1624 ; L . G . Gordon Robbins , P . Z . 10 ; George A . Ames , Z . 2 ; T . Durtnall , Z . 1614 ; E .
St . Clair , J . 2060 ; William Dodd , P . Z . 1194 ; Adolphus Clark , P . Z . 1524 ; J . Wilson , P . Z . 1365 ; D . Legg , J . 1365 ; J . K . R . Cama , Z . 2202 , E . W . Stanton , P . Z . 1 S 1 ; G . S . Recknell , P . Z . 73 ; H . Massey , P . Z . 619 , P . Z ., and Z . 192 S ; A . Berry , H . 1524 ; W . G . A . Gilbert , Z . 257 ; J . Henry Hoit , J . 1524 ; George L . Wingate , P . Z . 1423 , P . P . G . S . ; Henry Wright , Z . 1617 ; E . A . Bamber , J . 1615 ; Frederick Thomas Rushton , Z . 771 ; Lennox Browne , Z . 210 S ; Carl T . Fleck , J . 1275 ; and H . Sadler , Grand Janitor .
The following Report of the Committee of General Purposes was taken as read , and ordered to be received and entered on the minutes , on the motion of Comp . ROBERT GREY , seconded by Comp . FRANK RICHARDSON . To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 16 th October , 188 9 , to the 14 th January , 1890 , both inclusive ,
which they find to be as follows : To Balance , Grand Chapter £ 150 S 4 < By Disbursements during the „ , j Unappropriated | Quarter ^ 299 16 10 Account ... 190 iS 1 i „ Balance 239 12 0 ,, Subsequent Receipts ... 3 S 6 14 o j „ „ Unappropriated ; Account ... iSS 11 7 £ 72 S o 5 £ 72 S o 5
which balances are in the Bank of England , Western Branch . The Committee have likewise to report that they have received the following petitions : ist . From Comps . Harry James Sparks , as Z . ; William Smith , as H . ; John Upchurch Martin , as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Sondes Lodge , No . 99 6 , East Dereham , to be called the Harry Sparks Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , East Dereham , in the county of Suffolk .
2 nd . From Comps . Sir Hedworth Williamson , Bart ., D . L ., Grand Superintendent for Durham , as Z . ; Robert Shadforth , as H . ; George Washington Bain , as J . ; and nine others for a chapter to be attached to the Williamson Lodge , No . 949 , Monkwearmouth , to be called the Williamson Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , No . 6 , North Bridge-street , Monkwearmouth , in the county of Durham .
3 rd . From Comps . Thomas Preston , as Z . ; Henry Croasdale , as H . ; George Handel Openshaw , and 11 others for a chapter to be attached to the Fidelit y Lodge , No . 26 9 , Blackburn , to be called the Fidelity Chapter , and to meet at the Old Bull Hotel , Blackburn , in the Eastern Division of Lancashire . 4 th . From Comps . Carl Theodor Fleck , as Z . ; Charles Meierhoff , as H . ; James Cooper , as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Old Concord Lodge , No . 172 , London , to be called the Old Concord Chapter , and to meet at the Holborn Restaurant , High Holborn , London .
5 th . From Comps . Adolphus Clark , as Z . ; James John Woolley , as H . ; Herbert Charles Lambert , as J . ; and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Anglo-American Lodge , No . 2191 , to be called the Anglo-American Chapter , and to meet at the Holborn Restaurant , High Holborn , London . The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted .
The Committee have likewise to report that they have received a Memorial from the Grand Chapter of New South Wales , reporting that they were regularly established on the 30 th September , 1889 , and asking recognition by the Grand Chapter of England , and that fraternal communication may be established between the two Grand Chapters .
The Committee recommend that inasmuch as the Grand Lodge of New South Wales has been duly acknowledged by the Grand Lodge of England , the Grand Chapter of New South Wales be also recognised . The Committee have received memorials , with extracts of minutes , on the removal of the following chapters : — The Alexandra Chapter , No . 993 , from the Midway Hotel , Levenshulme , to the Freemasons' Hall , Manchester .
The Grand Master ' s Chapter , No . i , from Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , to the Hotel Victoria , Northumberland-avenue , Charing Cross . The Committee being satisfied of the reasonableness of these requests , recommend that the removals of the above-named chapters be sanctioned . ( Signed ) ROBERT GREY , President .
Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ., 15 th January , 1890 . Grand Chapter approved of the above recommendations , on the motion of Comp . ROBERT GREY , seconded b y Comp . F . RICHARDSON , and the companions afterwards closed Grand Chapter .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT . The Quarterly Court of Subscribers to this Institution was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , C . C ., Past G . Treasurer , occupied the chair . There were also present Bros . Robert Grey , H . A . Hunt , F . Richardson , C . Hammerton , C . H . Webb , H . Massey , Henry Smith , D . P . G-M . West Yorkshire ; Stanley J . Attenborough , J . Bodenham , E . M . Money , J . K . R . Cama , J . M . McLeod , and F . R . W . Hedges ( Secretary ) , and others .
After the reading and verification of the minutes of the Quarterly Court of October 25 th , Bro . HEDGES read a letter from Bro . J . A . Rucker , P . G . D ., expressing his wish to retire , on account of ill-health , from his trusteeship of the General Fund of the Institution .
Bro . ROBERT GREY , P . G . D ., President of the Board of Benevolence , in moving that Bro . Rucker ' s resignation be accepted with regret , said he thought it would meet the wishes of the brethren if the Secretary were to write a letter to Bro . Rucker , acknowledging the many services Bro . Rucker had rendered to the
Institution for many years past , and expressing the brethren s very great regret that the state of Bro . Rucker ' s health necessitated his tendering his resignation . Bro . HENRY SMITH seconded the motion , which was put and carried nem . con . Bro . ROBERT GREY said he was sure the Secretary would put the letter in such terms as would be acceptable to Bro . Rucker and satisfactory to the Court .
Bro . C . H . WEBB , V . P ., moved that the name of one girl be omitted from the list of candidates for the April Election , and said he thought the case should receive serious consideration , for several reasons . The case had been recommended b y the Petitions Committee by the narrowest majority . When first considered by that Committee it was decided not to recommend it ; but , after some further correspondence , by the casting vote of the Chairman of the Committee the General
Committee recommended it to place it on the list . In this case there were seven children of the deceased brother , but some were grown up . The father was described as a " gentleman . " When the mother died , ^ 6000 capitalised was left for the children , who were now all living together ; one acting as housekeeper of the family ; the others were of an age which should justify them in seeking to obtain their living . The invested £ 6000 brought in £ igo a year , which in the provinces was equal to ^ 300 or ^ 350 in London .
Therefore he thought the case was such as ought not to come forward for this Institution . The father did not appear to have done anything for the Institutions . Whatever his resources were there were , £ 6000 invested , and those who were possessed of property should not be allowed to drive their children into the Masonic Schools . It was disgraceful to parents who occupied that position . If this case was elected a stronger and much more deserving case would be kept out , and if the brethren supported such cases they encouraged similar cases to come on .
Bro . MONEY , in seconding the motion , said it was shown to the Enquiry Committee that two or three of the girls of this family were over 20 years of age . If they were not working they had had a good education and they ought to teach the younger children and not come for charity . The object of the Committee was not to have too large a list of candidates .
Bro . HEDGES said he communicated with the brother who brought forward the case after Bro . Webb gave notice to the General Committee , and that brother telegraphed back— " No further information . Was afraid the income would be fatal . " The father of the child was initiated in Warwickshire , and joined a lodge in Berks and Bucks .
Bro . HENRY SMITH said that the qualifications of the father and of the child being correct the General Committee could not help putting the child on ; but it was for the Quarterly Court to say whether or not it should be kept on . Bro . ATTENBOROUGH , in supporting the motion , said the reason he acted as he did on the Committee was that there were a large number of children who were totally dependent on their parents or on one parent , who had no income whatever .
In one case there were ten children dependent on one woman ; and when they considered this case , where they were able to support themselves he thought it ought not to be put on . Bro . Richardson on that occasion in giving his casting vote pointed out that cases which nearly approached this case had been accepted , and he did not think he would be justified in giving his casting vote against it . He thought they would be amply justified in opposing the case .
It was then decided that this name , together with one other , be omitted , and the list of candidates for election next April was declared to be 43 , while the vacancies will be 2 r .
Bro . C . HAMMERTON , P . G . S . B ., brought forward the following motion as Chairman of the Centenary Committee : " Any lodge , chapter , or society having contributed upon the list of a Steward at the Centenary Festival of the Institution shall , in recognition thereof , be entitled , on payment of the sum of £ 12 to cover the cost , to place ( under the superintendence of the architect of the Institution ) a memorial in one of the lights of the windows or on the wall framing of the
Centenary Hall . And shall be further entitled , in respect of the same , to two votes in perpetuity , or to four votes in perpetuity , should the lodge , chapter , or society be a Vice-President of the Institution prior to the time of such payment . The right to place a memorial under this resolution shall cease at such time as the Centenary Committee by resolution shall determine . " He said there was a desirability in having windows decorated with coats of arms from different lodges ,
as they would materially assist the beauty of the building . The hall itself , no doubt , when finished , would look very handsome , but painted windows would add to the effect . What was worth doing at all was worth doing well , and putting these windows in at such a cost would be a very moderate way of finishing it off . Many lodges had already intimated their desire to put in windows , but he wished now to alter his proposition as printed , because as it now read it excluded some lodges
which he was of opinion should be included . A letter had been received , which stated that it precluded some coming in because the money did not come out of the lodge on to the centenary list , one lodge sending something like ^ " 300 contributed by the members of the lodge , and not by the lodge , so that it would exclude them . Bro . Hammerton then altered his motion to the following form : " Any lodge , chapter , or society having been represented by a Steward at the
Centenary Festival of the Institution shall , in recognition thereof , be entitled , at the discretion of the Centenary Committee , on the payment of the sum of £ 13 for each memorial li ght to cover the cost , to place ( under the superintendence of the architect of the Institution ) a memorial in one or more of the li ghts of the windows or on the wall-framing of the Centenary Hall . And shall be further
entitled , in respect of the same , to two votes in perpetuity for each sum of £ 13 so paid , or to four votes in perpetuity , should the lodge , chapter , or society be a Vice-President of the Institution prior to the time of such payment . The right to place a memorial under this resolution shall cease at such time as the Centenary Committee , by resolution , shall determine . "
Bro . L . H . WEBB seconded the motion . He thought the proposition quite correct . It would not prevent the completion of the work or the opening of the hall when finished , which he hoped would happen at no distant period . It would enable every lodge to ' contribute . In answer to questions , Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON said if they had more applications than space , the Committee would have to decide when to stop . If there was a lodge which had never contributed a penny piece , it ought to stand out . Bro . HENRY SMITH , in supporting the resolution , said the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire would be one of those bodies which would have been