Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GANN , JONES & Co ., TAILORS , SHIRT MAKERS , HOSIERS , AND OUTFITTERS , Retail Depot , 171 , FENCHURCH-ST , Wholesale and Commission , 21 , BURY-ST ., LONDON , E . C . CLOTHING . —As Tailors , Gann , Jones & Co . mak FLA . NNEL SHIRTS . —Gann , Jones & Co . supp ly , a Silk Hosiery , Fleecy Hosiery , Children's Hosiery , Foetfirst-class Suits in Diagonals , Tweeds , and Scotch Tweeds following prices , Flannel Shirts , warranted thoroughly ! ball Suits . Clubs supplied at Wholesale Rates , at 40 / 50 / and 60 / per Suit . shrunk . Quality A , Three for 24 / ; quality B , Three for 27 /; quality C , Three for 30 / ; other makes and COLLARS AND WRISTS BANDS—As ' CoIIar Manu-DRESS SUITS . —As Tailors , Gann , Jones & Co . qualities at 5 / 6 6 / 6 and 7 / 6 each . faefcurers , Gann , Jones & Co . can supply really good supply Black Superfine Frock or Dress Suits at 5 8 / 6 * 1 / 68 / Linen Collars at 6 / 6 7 / 6 and 8 / 6 per doz . Linen Fronts and 75 / per Suit . ' DRESS SHIRTS . —Gann , Jones & Co . have always in with Collars , 1 / each ; Linen Wristbands , qd . and r / stock very choice designs at 6 / 6 7 / 6 8 / 6 and 10 / 6 each , per pair . OVERCOATS . —As Tailors , Gann , Jones & Co . make a ' * in addition keep a good and select variety of warm and durable Garments , in Frock and Chesterfield F ' . * Embroidered Fronts , & c , and make Dress or OUTFI 1 S . —As Outfitters , Gann Jones & Co . supply Styles in Witney * Beavers Iiisli Frieze & c- at all prices , ordinary Shirts to order at onc day ' s notice , when ncccs- Outfits for alt climates from . £ 3 . For full particulars of sary . Outfits for all classes , see thc " Outfitter , " published by TROUSERS . —As Tailors , Gann , Jones & Co . have Gann , Jones & Co ., and forwarded on application , always in stock a capital assortment of shrunk Tweeds , UNDERCLOTHING . —As Hosiers , Gann , Jones & Angolas , and Cheviots in three qualities , the fit and wear Co . supply Lamb's Wool Pants and Drawers at 2 / 9 POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS . —Prices 6 d . nd . r / . guaranteed . A quality , 15 / 6 per pair ; B quality , ij / 6 3 / 6 and 4 / 6 per pair . Silk ditto , 3 / 3 / 6 and 4 / each . per pair ; C quality , 19 / per pair . Also a variety of Lambswool Vests , White and Shetland , 2 / 9 -j / 6 and ijoods at other prices . 4 / 6 each . BRACES . —Prices 1 / 1 / 6 and 2 per pair . Warm Merino Pants , 3 / 6 4 / 6 and 5 / 6 per pair . SCARFS —Price-- and -. / rt All Shine--SHIRTS . —As Shirt Manufacturers , Gann , Jones & Warm Merino Vests , 3 / 6 4 / 6 and / 6 each . SL , AlU S * ' rlccs '' a , ul - * AU bha l" * " Co . keep ready made in all sizes , or make to measure , Stout and Strong Cotton Pants and Drawers , 3 / 64 / 6 5 / 6 GLOVES . —Gann , Jones & Co . keep Ladies ' , Gentletheir perfect-fitting " Imperial" Long--. loth Shirts in six and 6 / 6 per pair . ' " men ' s , and Children ' s Gloves , in Kid , Cloth , Driving , & c . qualities . No . r , Six for 27 /; No . 2 , Six for 30 /; No . 3 , Warm and Serviceable Lambswool Half Hose , 1 / 1 / 3 all sizes . Six for 33 / ; No . 4 , Six for 36 /; No . 3 , Six for 39 / ; No . and 1 / 6 per pair . ' RUGS . —Prices 6 / 6 to 45 / . Ditto Mauds , 17 / 6 050 / . 6 , Six for 42 / . Thc fit , wear , and work of every shirt Ditto Merino ditto , r / 1 / 3 and 1 / 6 per pair , guatantced . Stout Cotton ditto , <*¦<) . 1 / 1 / 3 per pair . TRUNKS . —Prices 6 / 6 to So / ; all Varieties .
Will be published in April , Price Sixpence . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , % IflontMg gigcst of | rccin ; isonri ) in all its $ randies . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS . W . VIXER ] 3 i : noLii :, M . D ., ROIIHRT WENTWORTH LITTLE , ,-30 ° / Yuthor of the " Footsteeps of Masonry , or P . M . 975 , P . M . and Treasurer 129 . 3 , Secre-Freemasonry in Relation to Authentic His tary 7 78 , 862 , Honorary Member of many tory . " Lodges and Chapters ; P . Z . 177 , 97 - ; , S . E , WM . CARI'E XTJJR , P . M . it P . Z . " 94- Prov . Grand Secretary and Prov . Grand Author of " Freemasonry and Israelitism , " Scribe E ., Middlesex ; Secretary , Royal Ma"Aids to Study , " "The Israelites fuund in sonic Institution for Girls , the Anglo-Saxons , " Scientia Biblica , " "Scrip- KENNETH R . II . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . turc Natural History , " etc ., etc ., etc . Author of " A Century of Freemasonry , " EMRA HOLMES , 31 " "Papers on Masonry , " " Lessing * and Frecl ' . M . 531 , Hartlepool ; P . M AI , ; P . Soj . St . masonry , " " I'he Hermetic Cross of Praise , " Luke ' s Chapter , Ipswich ; M . C . British Union ike . Lodge , No . 114 ; P . P . G . A . D . C . and Prov . G . ; J . C . PARKINSON , P . M ., P . Z . Registrar , Suffolk . ; P . P . G . Almoner Knights Author of " Places and People , " " Thc Ocean Templar , Northumberland ; P . P . G . Registrar Telegraph to India , " etc ., etc . and Prov . 2 nd Grand Captain , Suffolk and 13 . MURRAY I / YON , Cambridge Grand Provost of England ( Uni- I One of the Grand Stewards in the Grand ted Orders of the Temple and Hospital ) , , Lodge of Scotland ; Provincial Grand Senior Eminent Commander ofthe Prudence En- Warden of Ayrshire ; Honorary Correspondcampment ; Prov . Grand Banner Bearer , Royal ; ing Member of tlie " Verein Deutscher Frci-Order of Scotland ; G . I . I . C . , 31 ° A . and A maurer , " and of the Rosicrucian Society of Rite , and Author of the " Notes on the ' ¦ England ; Historian of Mother Kilwinning , United Orders of the Temple and Hospital . " and of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s W . M . J AMES HUCIIAN , P . M ., Chapel ) , etc ., etc . Author of tbe " History of P . Prov . Grand Secretary , Cornwall thc Lodge of Edinburgh , " " Freemasonry in J . DANIEL MOORE , M . J ) ., F . L . S . Scotland , " etc ., etc . P . M . 1051 and 2 S 1 . Past Grantl Sword Bearer ( CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . of England . P . P . G . S . of W ., West Lanea- A Member of the Masonic Archaeological shire ; P . Z ., 1051 ; Grand Standard Bearer of Institute of Kngland , Past Master—Lotlge thc Supreme Grand Chapter of England ; Prov . Edinburgh Caledonian , No . 392 ; Member Grand H . West Lancashire ; W . M . Moore of Lodges Nos . 36 , 48 , 75 , 97 , 151 , 178 , 225 , Mark Lodge ; Prov . Grand Supt . of Works for 226 , 3 < j 2 , 404 , 407 , 409 , & c , S . C . ; Member Lancashire ; E . C . Prince of Peace Encamp- of Royal Arch Chapters , Nos , J , 14 , 97 , , ment of Knights Templar ; Grand Standard & c . ; Members of thc Orderof Hi gh Priest-Bearer of the Grand Conclave of England ; hood ; Knight of Sword ; Knight of the Knight of Malta ; M . P . S . Red Rose Conclave East ; Knight of the West ; Kni ght ofthe j and lntendant General for N . Lancashire of Religious and Military Order of Kni ghts the Red Cross Order ; Member ' of the Order Templar ; Member ofthe Royal Order of 1 of High Priesthood ; Commander of Royal of Scotland ; and Knight of the Red Cross of ' - Ark Mariners ; Member Rosicrucian Society Rome and Constantine , English Constitution , of England ; Hon . Member London Author of" Freemasonry in relation to Civil Literary Union & c . Author of Lectures on j Authority , '' " Freemasonry and its jurispru"Thc Tassels of the Lodge , " " The Ballot in ; deuce , " " Origin of Masonry , " etc . £ our Lodges , " " The Past Masters Jewel" ccc j Du . WOODMAN , P . M ., P . Z ., t J . G . FINDEL , ! Editor of the " Rosicrucian . " Editor of "Die Bauhiitte , " Liep / . ig , etc ., etc . * HI ' IIKKT , REV . A . F . A . WOODIORD , M . J ., Editor of' * La Chaine d' Union , " Paris . P . Grantl Chaplain , P . Prov . S . G . W . of York- C . G . F ' . K . syrn , ¦ shire . Editor of the reprint of the Sloane Author of " Encyclopedia Mtlropolitana , " manuscript 3329 . etc ., etc . , OITKES : —London , 198 , Meet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place ; Dublin , Giafton-street ; Glasgow , 19 , Sauchiehall-strcct , '
OUTFITS FOR INDIA . l-pHE attention of thc Nobility and Gentry - *¦ about to visit India nnd the Colonics , also those arriving * in England , is respectfully directed to S . S . DOW , ( FROM STONE ' , OXI- 'ORJJ-ST ) . Riding Belt , Elastic Stocking and Knee-Cap Manufacturer , 20 a , Hyde Park Place , W < ( NEAR THE MARBLE AUCH ) . Belts madeto measure or pattern in a very superior manner
THE JEWISH WORLD . I ' liblM-cd Kvcrv Fvulav . PRICE ONE PENNY . Oflice : S , South-street , Kinsbury , London K . C , ' QLl- T COINS FOR SALirCHEATTGold , Silver , and Copper , iu Cireek , Rummi , K ; irly Uritish , Kng-Ii .-, !) , Scotch , etc . ... j . ts I ree . Apply —\\\ luii . i . i . sTox , London IIOIIM . * -, Dewsbury-
URO . JMOSJiS MAWSON , Tea Dealer and Family Grocer , 3 , KANK-. A- ' II PLACE , ( Opposite Adelphi Hotel ) , LIVERPOOL . TKAS , COI ** l * 'l * * . l * :. S . SUC'ARS , & c ., lit lowest Cash Prices , dessert l * - rni ( . la ^ s . Mu ^ i * a ( e | s , French I'iums , Almonds , & c . A lihcral discount allowed I ' or Cash to Families ami I lotcl-kecpers .
I'HE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMUMUJ STHKKT , LONDON , E . C . TI-RMS . £ a . d Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... ... J 3 o Anuiirtl SubMiiptinn ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 o - \ lcmbci _ - - residing aud carry . iii ; cii hus ' iucss al a dibtrtnet ! of tittv miles and upwards dom London , Merchanl-(' ajitains , nnd Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) 1 1 o 'i'he loom is well . supplied with newspapers , telegrams , a tut hooks ot" ret ' eretue . It iucliu-es a Post-oil ice , Poste KeManle , 'Jeletiraph-ollice , Keadin ^ and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories . &(' . j also coming machines for the use of Subscribers , itro . \ OltX H . YUUXGUUSUAXD , P . M ., VX , V K . C , IM'J . G . W .. & e . ( Manager .
j 1 ' - £ t THE BIRKBECK Is the only Building Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds ONE MILLION' ! IIoiu to Purchase a House for Tivo Guineas per Month , With immediate possession and no Kent to pav . Apply at thc Oflice of the UlRKUl-XK BUILDING SOClIiTY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildinps , Chancery-lane . ]] oiu to purchase a Plot of Land fur Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possespion , either forilnildingoTGardenmij purposes , apply at the Ollice 01 the UIKKUIXK KRKKIIOLD LAND SOCIKTY , 29 & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . J ] oiu to Invest Money irith safely at £ 4 per cent Interest , Apply lo the Oih ' ce ofthe JJIKKISliCK JJAN'K . All sums under £ 50 repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Hankers . Cheque Hooks ¦ supplied . Oflice hours J ' iMin JO till 4 daily , on Mondays from JO liJJ 9 , and 011 Saturdays trom 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Tost-free on application to 1 ' IUNCIS KAVEXSCKOM * , Manager .
¦ , ' Now Heady , Post 1 ' ivc 1 / 7 . THE MARK MASONS'SONG Dedicated \ , y permission tu the Right lion , tlie Earl Percy , M . P ., 30 " , Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Northumberland , MoLt Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England . Words by Liro . 'I ' . Burdett , Yeoman , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed hy Bro . Henry l ' aiker , Original Mark Lodge No . London , George Kenning , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , an 4 IIJO , i- 'l . et-bt . Liverpool , 2 , Monument I'luce . Glasgow , 19 , Sauchichall-st .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GANN , JONES & Co ., TAILORS , SHIRT MAKERS , HOSIERS , AND OUTFITTERS , Retail Depot , 171 , FENCHURCH-ST , Wholesale and Commission , 21 , BURY-ST ., LONDON , E . C . CLOTHING . —As Tailors , Gann , Jones & Co . mak FLA . NNEL SHIRTS . —Gann , Jones & Co . supp ly , a Silk Hosiery , Fleecy Hosiery , Children's Hosiery , Foetfirst-class Suits in Diagonals , Tweeds , and Scotch Tweeds following prices , Flannel Shirts , warranted thoroughly ! ball Suits . Clubs supplied at Wholesale Rates , at 40 / 50 / and 60 / per Suit . shrunk . Quality A , Three for 24 / ; quality B , Three for 27 /; quality C , Three for 30 / ; other makes and COLLARS AND WRISTS BANDS—As ' CoIIar Manu-DRESS SUITS . —As Tailors , Gann , Jones & Co . qualities at 5 / 6 6 / 6 and 7 / 6 each . faefcurers , Gann , Jones & Co . can supply really good supply Black Superfine Frock or Dress Suits at 5 8 / 6 * 1 / 68 / Linen Collars at 6 / 6 7 / 6 and 8 / 6 per doz . Linen Fronts and 75 / per Suit . ' DRESS SHIRTS . —Gann , Jones & Co . have always in with Collars , 1 / each ; Linen Wristbands , qd . and r / stock very choice designs at 6 / 6 7 / 6 8 / 6 and 10 / 6 each , per pair . OVERCOATS . —As Tailors , Gann , Jones & Co . make a ' * in addition keep a good and select variety of warm and durable Garments , in Frock and Chesterfield F ' . * Embroidered Fronts , & c , and make Dress or OUTFI 1 S . —As Outfitters , Gann Jones & Co . supply Styles in Witney * Beavers Iiisli Frieze & c- at all prices , ordinary Shirts to order at onc day ' s notice , when ncccs- Outfits for alt climates from . £ 3 . For full particulars of sary . Outfits for all classes , see thc " Outfitter , " published by TROUSERS . —As Tailors , Gann , Jones & Co . have Gann , Jones & Co ., and forwarded on application , always in stock a capital assortment of shrunk Tweeds , UNDERCLOTHING . —As Hosiers , Gann , Jones & Angolas , and Cheviots in three qualities , the fit and wear Co . supply Lamb's Wool Pants and Drawers at 2 / 9 POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS . —Prices 6 d . nd . r / . guaranteed . A quality , 15 / 6 per pair ; B quality , ij / 6 3 / 6 and 4 / 6 per pair . Silk ditto , 3 / 3 / 6 and 4 / each . per pair ; C quality , 19 / per pair . Also a variety of Lambswool Vests , White and Shetland , 2 / 9 -j / 6 and ijoods at other prices . 4 / 6 each . BRACES . —Prices 1 / 1 / 6 and 2 per pair . Warm Merino Pants , 3 / 6 4 / 6 and 5 / 6 per pair . SCARFS —Price-- and -. / rt All Shine--SHIRTS . —As Shirt Manufacturers , Gann , Jones & Warm Merino Vests , 3 / 6 4 / 6 and / 6 each . SL , AlU S * ' rlccs '' a , ul - * AU bha l" * " Co . keep ready made in all sizes , or make to measure , Stout and Strong Cotton Pants and Drawers , 3 / 64 / 6 5 / 6 GLOVES . —Gann , Jones & Co . keep Ladies ' , Gentletheir perfect-fitting " Imperial" Long--. loth Shirts in six and 6 / 6 per pair . ' " men ' s , and Children ' s Gloves , in Kid , Cloth , Driving , & c . qualities . No . r , Six for 27 /; No . 2 , Six for 30 /; No . 3 , Warm and Serviceable Lambswool Half Hose , 1 / 1 / 3 all sizes . Six for 33 / ; No . 4 , Six for 36 /; No . 3 , Six for 39 / ; No . and 1 / 6 per pair . ' RUGS . —Prices 6 / 6 to 45 / . Ditto Mauds , 17 / 6 050 / . 6 , Six for 42 / . Thc fit , wear , and work of every shirt Ditto Merino ditto , r / 1 / 3 and 1 / 6 per pair , guatantced . Stout Cotton ditto , <*¦<) . 1 / 1 / 3 per pair . TRUNKS . —Prices 6 / 6 to So / ; all Varieties .
Will be published in April , Price Sixpence . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE , % IflontMg gigcst of | rccin ; isonri ) in all its $ randies . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS . W . VIXER ] 3 i : noLii :, M . D ., ROIIHRT WENTWORTH LITTLE , ,-30 ° / Yuthor of the " Footsteeps of Masonry , or P . M . 975 , P . M . and Treasurer 129 . 3 , Secre-Freemasonry in Relation to Authentic His tary 7 78 , 862 , Honorary Member of many tory . " Lodges and Chapters ; P . Z . 177 , 97 - ; , S . E , WM . CARI'E XTJJR , P . M . it P . Z . " 94- Prov . Grand Secretary and Prov . Grand Author of " Freemasonry and Israelitism , " Scribe E ., Middlesex ; Secretary , Royal Ma"Aids to Study , " "The Israelites fuund in sonic Institution for Girls , the Anglo-Saxons , " Scientia Biblica , " "Scrip- KENNETH R . II . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . turc Natural History , " etc ., etc ., etc . Author of " A Century of Freemasonry , " EMRA HOLMES , 31 " "Papers on Masonry , " " Lessing * and Frecl ' . M . 531 , Hartlepool ; P . M AI , ; P . Soj . St . masonry , " " I'he Hermetic Cross of Praise , " Luke ' s Chapter , Ipswich ; M . C . British Union ike . Lodge , No . 114 ; P . P . G . A . D . C . and Prov . G . ; J . C . PARKINSON , P . M ., P . Z . Registrar , Suffolk . ; P . P . G . Almoner Knights Author of " Places and People , " " Thc Ocean Templar , Northumberland ; P . P . G . Registrar Telegraph to India , " etc ., etc . and Prov . 2 nd Grand Captain , Suffolk and 13 . MURRAY I / YON , Cambridge Grand Provost of England ( Uni- I One of the Grand Stewards in the Grand ted Orders of the Temple and Hospital ) , , Lodge of Scotland ; Provincial Grand Senior Eminent Commander ofthe Prudence En- Warden of Ayrshire ; Honorary Correspondcampment ; Prov . Grand Banner Bearer , Royal ; ing Member of tlie " Verein Deutscher Frci-Order of Scotland ; G . I . I . C . , 31 ° A . and A maurer , " and of the Rosicrucian Society of Rite , and Author of the " Notes on the ' ¦ England ; Historian of Mother Kilwinning , United Orders of the Temple and Hospital . " and of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s W . M . J AMES HUCIIAN , P . M ., Chapel ) , etc ., etc . Author of tbe " History of P . Prov . Grand Secretary , Cornwall thc Lodge of Edinburgh , " " Freemasonry in J . DANIEL MOORE , M . J ) ., F . L . S . Scotland , " etc ., etc . P . M . 1051 and 2 S 1 . Past Grantl Sword Bearer ( CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . of England . P . P . G . S . of W ., West Lanea- A Member of the Masonic Archaeological shire ; P . Z ., 1051 ; Grand Standard Bearer of Institute of Kngland , Past Master—Lotlge thc Supreme Grand Chapter of England ; Prov . Edinburgh Caledonian , No . 392 ; Member Grand H . West Lancashire ; W . M . Moore of Lodges Nos . 36 , 48 , 75 , 97 , 151 , 178 , 225 , Mark Lodge ; Prov . Grand Supt . of Works for 226 , 3 < j 2 , 404 , 407 , 409 , & c , S . C . ; Member Lancashire ; E . C . Prince of Peace Encamp- of Royal Arch Chapters , Nos , J , 14 , 97 , , ment of Knights Templar ; Grand Standard & c . ; Members of thc Orderof Hi gh Priest-Bearer of the Grand Conclave of England ; hood ; Knight of Sword ; Knight of the Knight of Malta ; M . P . S . Red Rose Conclave East ; Knight of the West ; Kni ght ofthe j and lntendant General for N . Lancashire of Religious and Military Order of Kni ghts the Red Cross Order ; Member ' of the Order Templar ; Member ofthe Royal Order of 1 of High Priesthood ; Commander of Royal of Scotland ; and Knight of the Red Cross of ' - Ark Mariners ; Member Rosicrucian Society Rome and Constantine , English Constitution , of England ; Hon . Member London Author of" Freemasonry in relation to Civil Literary Union & c . Author of Lectures on j Authority , '' " Freemasonry and its jurispru"Thc Tassels of the Lodge , " " The Ballot in ; deuce , " " Origin of Masonry , " etc . £ our Lodges , " " The Past Masters Jewel" ccc j Du . WOODMAN , P . M ., P . Z ., t J . G . FINDEL , ! Editor of the " Rosicrucian . " Editor of "Die Bauhiitte , " Liep / . ig , etc ., etc . * HI ' IIKKT , REV . A . F . A . WOODIORD , M . J ., Editor of' * La Chaine d' Union , " Paris . P . Grantl Chaplain , P . Prov . S . G . W . of York- C . G . F ' . K . syrn , ¦ shire . Editor of the reprint of the Sloane Author of " Encyclopedia Mtlropolitana , " manuscript 3329 . etc ., etc . , OITKES : —London , 198 , Meet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place ; Dublin , Giafton-street ; Glasgow , 19 , Sauchiehall-strcct , '
OUTFITS FOR INDIA . l-pHE attention of thc Nobility and Gentry - *¦ about to visit India nnd the Colonics , also those arriving * in England , is respectfully directed to S . S . DOW , ( FROM STONE ' , OXI- 'ORJJ-ST ) . Riding Belt , Elastic Stocking and Knee-Cap Manufacturer , 20 a , Hyde Park Place , W < ( NEAR THE MARBLE AUCH ) . Belts madeto measure or pattern in a very superior manner
THE JEWISH WORLD . I ' liblM-cd Kvcrv Fvulav . PRICE ONE PENNY . Oflice : S , South-street , Kinsbury , London K . C , ' QLl- T COINS FOR SALirCHEATTGold , Silver , and Copper , iu Cireek , Rummi , K ; irly Uritish , Kng-Ii .-, !) , Scotch , etc . ... j . ts I ree . Apply —\\\ luii . i . i . sTox , London IIOIIM . * -, Dewsbury-
URO . JMOSJiS MAWSON , Tea Dealer and Family Grocer , 3 , KANK-. A- ' II PLACE , ( Opposite Adelphi Hotel ) , LIVERPOOL . TKAS , COI ** l * 'l * * . l * :. S . SUC'ARS , & c ., lit lowest Cash Prices , dessert l * - rni ( . la ^ s . Mu ^ i * a ( e | s , French I'iums , Almonds , & c . A lihcral discount allowed I ' or Cash to Families ami I lotcl-kecpers .
I'HE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMUMUJ STHKKT , LONDON , E . C . TI-RMS . £ a . d Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... ... J 3 o Anuiirtl SubMiiptinn ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 o - \ lcmbci _ - - residing aud carry . iii ; cii hus ' iucss al a dibtrtnet ! of tittv miles and upwards dom London , Merchanl-(' ajitains , nnd Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) 1 1 o 'i'he loom is well . supplied with newspapers , telegrams , a tut hooks ot" ret ' eretue . It iucliu-es a Post-oil ice , Poste KeManle , 'Jeletiraph-ollice , Keadin ^ and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories . &(' . j also coming machines for the use of Subscribers , itro . \ OltX H . YUUXGUUSUAXD , P . M ., VX , V K . C , IM'J . G . W .. & e . ( Manager .
j 1 ' - £ t THE BIRKBECK Is the only Building Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds ONE MILLION' ! IIoiu to Purchase a House for Tivo Guineas per Month , With immediate possession and no Kent to pav . Apply at thc Oflice of the UlRKUl-XK BUILDING SOClIiTY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildinps , Chancery-lane . ]] oiu to purchase a Plot of Land fur Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possespion , either forilnildingoTGardenmij purposes , apply at the Ollice 01 the UIKKUIXK KRKKIIOLD LAND SOCIKTY , 29 & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . J ] oiu to Invest Money irith safely at £ 4 per cent Interest , Apply lo the Oih ' ce ofthe JJIKKISliCK JJAN'K . All sums under £ 50 repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Hankers . Cheque Hooks ¦ supplied . Oflice hours J ' iMin JO till 4 daily , on Mondays from JO liJJ 9 , and 011 Saturdays trom 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Tost-free on application to 1 ' IUNCIS KAVEXSCKOM * , Manager .
¦ , ' Now Heady , Post 1 ' ivc 1 / 7 . THE MARK MASONS'SONG Dedicated \ , y permission tu the Right lion , tlie Earl Percy , M . P ., 30 " , Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Northumberland , MoLt Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England . Words by Liro . 'I ' . Burdett , Yeoman , Original Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed hy Bro . Henry l ' aiker , Original Mark Lodge No . London , George Kenning , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , an 4 IIJO , i- 'l . et-bt . Liverpool , 2 , Monument I'luce . Glasgow , 19 , Sauchichall-st .