Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
_ "" -LJ .. 1 I . — . 1 ' ' ~"~ _ . L . lJuL- » U'J * -i *" -HlTl JJOTTLED , Capsuled , and Cased in the Vineyard in "France—is pronounced the imest brandy imported * Sold by retail merchants from j * s , Sd . each bottle , at three , sixnine and twelve years old ; and at 42 s .,. 50 s ., 60 s ., aud 70 s . each one dozen case , by C . C . HliNSON , the . sole importer , iS , I ' cnchurch-bnildings , t ' cncliurch-street , London . Cash with order . CAUTION . GENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISH--MliNT ( listabJished upwards of 35 rears ,, / A . Bros . SINCLAIR & SON , 8 /^ j 2 \ FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS AND I *" UNEK .. L . Jill yf I ' KATHER . MK . X , ¦ ^ - ^ jpf ^ ss ^ Si , City Road , Finsbury S-rju . ire , opposite tbe Finslnnv > c . Uooi $ t F . C , and 24 , Southgate-road , Downham-road , near the Rosemary IJranch liridge , N . ( No connection with any other establishment ofthe same name . ) Only al the above addresses . livery Funeral at stated charges—See Illustrated Prospectus .
Fat Cheap Watches , Clocks , Gold Chains and yewellery , go to KIBBLES ' , 22 GRACECHURCH STREET ( one door from Lombard-street ) . Gold Watches £ j 15 s . Silver Watches ... ... £ i 5 s . Timepieces from 9 s . 6 d . livery article warranted . Plate , Watches , and Jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free . TRUTH MUST PRI-VAIL . "—Common . Sense . Lamps , Cathy , Cutlery , Brushes , Fcmlcrs and Fire Irons , Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . DTFARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , BLACKMAN STRF . KT , UOROUGII . QFFERS nothing extraordinnir , but RKALLY GDOJI Articles at fair ami reasonable prices . He does not keep an "Immense -Stock , " hut Miilkievitly lar . ue lor am * person to ¦ select from . I Ic does not sell " cheaper than every other house in thc Trade , " but »] ititc as cheap as any . A vjyit will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
TESSELATED CARPETING . ton Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . Four Keet wide , 4 / 3 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN AND 198 , FLEET STKEET E . C .
Wanted in every Home . WHIGHT & MANN'S SEWING MACHINES . UNEQUALLED FOR FAMILY USE . LOCK-STITCH , 5 Guineas . < 0 BM-- ^ _•* , _ ¦ ¦ AU . KRTA" ; ,.,: JAA"L . (* - ? A > i * 1 i . , / - siS 2 A &*<* . l- ( uu \ i [ ctc ( 1 ( mmeas , vK ^ SHEy *_ tifi' TILI -nl'iMM-l tirivv \ " * ' - ' C •* -. "SI it CM ^ J ^ K ^^ . T " - * I Kl . MA ilO . \ . \ A , ;• •¦ „„„ ,. Ma ,,, im , . *•**< Of J * " * ** lidi'iscs all yet i-iti' -xliic ' ei ' . Complete 4 '' ninci : * 14 _ o HOLBORN BARS . LONDON , E . C . BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 2 , . ** , A * 4 , LITTLE 131 UTAIN , { iyS , Elect-street , London . BHANCIIES : < 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . ( . ii ) , Saiichieball-strcc * , Gla . sj * - mv .
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , Ionic , Doric and Corinthian , Emllenuiticiilli / Arranged for Worshipful Master , Senior and y > inior Wardens . 6 s . per set of 3 one-pound Candles . Packing * Cases 6 d . each BRO . GEORGE KENNING S MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 , & 4 , UTTLE 131 UTA 1 N , AND iy 8 , ELEET STKEET E . C .
W . F 1 GES , 80 , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . C , MAN'Ul- 'ACTURER OF Till ; NEW MMS UMBRELLA , Combining * increased shelter with increased streiif *!]] , an elegant shape , antl a convenient walking length . RID J NO AND DRIVING WHIPS , Sec . ' " KENNING'S NEW BALLOT BOX , " ^ ^^^ ' ^ 'IB '^ B ^ Price Thirty Shillings .
DR . J . COLLIS BROWNE ' CHLORODYJVTI :. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE . CHLORODYNE is admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered . CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma . CHLORODYNE effectually checks ami arrests those too often fatal diseases—Dipthcria , Fever , Croup , Ague . CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery . CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy , Hysteria , Palpitation ancl Spasms . CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neural gia , "Rheumatism , Gout , Cancer , Toothache , Meningitis , & c . From Lord FRANCIS CONYNGHAM , Mount Charles , Donegal , nth December , 1868 . " Lord Franc ? - ; Conyngham , who this time last year bought some of Dr . J . Collis Browne's ChloTodyne from Mf . Davenport , and has found it a most wonderful medicine , will be glad to have half a dozen bottles sent at once to the above address . " Earl RUSSET , communicated to the College of Physicians that hc had received a dispatch from Her Majesty's Consul at Manilla , to the effect that Cholera had been raging fearfullv , ancl that the ONLY remedy of any service was CHLORODYNE . "—See Lcmccl , Dec . 1 , 1864 . From W . VEIISAUUS PETTIGRKW , M . D ., Hon . F . R . C . S . England ; Formerl y Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology at St . George's School of Medicine . _ " I have no hesitation in stating , after a fair trial of Chlorodyne , tint I have never met with any medicine so efficacious as an Anti-spasmodic aud Sedative . I have used it in Consumption , Asthma , Diarrhoea , and other diseases , and am most per fectly satisfied with the results . " From Dr . THOMAS SAND-FORD , Passage West , Cork . " I will thank you to send mc a further supply of Chlorodyne . It was the most efficacious remedy I ever used , affording relief inviolent attacks cf Spasms within a minute after being taken . One patient in particular , who had suffered for years with periodical attacks of Spasms ofa most painful nature , and unable to obtain relief from other remedies , such as Opium , & C , finds nothing so prompt and efficacious as Chlorodyne . " From , | . M'GurcoR CROFT , M . D ., M . H . C . P . London , late Staff Surgeon to IJ . M . F . " Sir , —After prescribing Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodync for thc last three years in severe cases of Neural gia and Tic-Doloureaux , I feel that I am in a position to testify to its valuable effects . Reall y , in some cases it acts like a charm , when all other means had failed . Without being asked for this report , I must comr . onward and state my candid opinion that it is a most valuable medicine , and I have recommended several Chemists in this nei ghbourhood not to be without it for prescriptions . " From J . E . GOUI . STCVSE , M . D * ., late Principal Surgeon to the Steamship " Great Eastern . " " I can confidently state that Chlorodync is an admirable Sedative aud Anti-Spasmodic , having used it in Neuralgia , Hysteria , Asthma , and Consumption , with remarkably favourable results . It relieved a fit of Asthma in four minutes , where thc patient had suffered eleven years in a most distressing manner , no previous remedy having had so immediate and beneficial an effect . " From Dr . B . J . BOVI . TOX , and Co ., Horncastle . " Wc have made pretty extensive use of Chlorodync in our practice lately , and look upon it as an excellent direct Sedative and Anti-spasmodic . It seems to allay pain a nd irritation , in whatever organ and from whatever cause . It induces a feeling of comfort and epiictude not obtainable by any other remedy , and it seems to possess this great advantage over all other sedatives , that it leaves no unpleasant after effects . " J . C . UAKicit , Est * ., M . D ., Uidefoid . " It is , without doubt , the most valuable and certain Anodyne wc have . " CAUTION . —BEWARE OF PIRACY * AND IMITATION'S . CAUTION . —Vice-Chancellor Sir W . Page Wood stated that Dr . J . Collis Browne was undoubtedly thc Inventor of CHLORODYNE j that the story of the defendant , Freeman , was deliberately untrue , whicli , he regictted to say , had been sworn to . —See Times , i . -jlh July , 1864 . Sold in Battles at i / ii-, 2 / 1 ; , . j / fi , and 11 / 0 each . None is gcuu ' me without thc words " Dr . j . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Govern ment Stani ]> . Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each Bottle . S OLE M ANUFACTURER—J . T . DAVENPORT , 3 . 9 , Great Russell-street , I "*! oo * i ** -l ** iir-, * . r . nmlon
MASONIC NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES , MADE EXPRESSLY POR THE Craft , Royal Arch , Mark , Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , Knights Templar , Ark Mariners , Rose Croix , and 30 th Degree . Stamped in Relief in Correct Colours , and with Proper Emblems . The Paper is of very SUPERIOR MANUFACTURE , packed in boxes , containing Five Quires , emblematically labelled , Price Three Shillings . ENVELOPES TO MATCH , SIXPENCE PER PACKET . Every Freemason should order a sample , either direct , or through any stationer . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , ° LONDON : —2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET-ST , E . C LIVERPOOL : —2 , MONUMENT-PLACE . GLASGOW : ¦¦ - -10 . sAUCHIEHALL-sT .,
AROMATIC TJNCTURK " () F QUli \ Ol : " _>! N . * I ' ur the pie \ vmicii ol" FKYUR , AliUK , ; m < li . l . . -tsn ! MALARIA . An 1 'nf-iiiiiii-. Remedy . Those who tlurin * - ; ( lie ranip : iiiiii in lhe Crimea , daily i ** : ok . ' small i | uan ! ily ,-pa ^ ed unharmed lmmi " . h ( he Fever and hv ^ eulerv , that thinned lhe ranks . In Halt , ( Juarler , and Pint ] . utile-J Prepared onh * l >\ ' THOMAS WILKINSON , 2-jO , Ki-ecnl Stveel , l . un . ' . an , NX " . May lie li .-nl of all lcadine l'inas in Imlia ami O lank : * . WILKINSON'S IIRONCHIO-TIIORACIC I . OXKXCKS . Prepare *! from the rccci'if if an la . iincnt /' a ; , .-iia . in , e * . | iericnc- li .-. s full' jnslilicil their recoinmentlalian as the 1110-1 :. penly rcnuily in Im ' t . alinn of the'I'limal , Catarrhal I ' oueli-., Hi'iincliili- * , Incipient (' ii »» iimi > tion , S |> iU ' m * of lilonil , tee . To '> uWic > - > e * . * t * -Vn * , *** 'l vocalists they are im , ' iiuabjc , as Ihev inip . ail a 1 Jc . ar ami bean *'! * tone to the \ oice . h ' ree I ' roln opium , anil of an agreeable t . a ^ te In liolUes ol * one uniform si ^ e . WlIJTiMORK ' S STOMACMIC and LIV Eli i' . I . I . S , LViinprifcvi oi' lite h ' . Mrvufs oi" Dntuh-lUm , Turkey RIinl ) arl > , and Jamaica ( Mince v . \ o Pill is MI ediiacious in proinoliiii ; 1 Jiui'stiim , sticii }; ll : einiii ; lhe Sioninch , eorrectiin ; Aciditv , jtivventin-ej or removiu ^ llead-: uhe , ( iiddine ^ , & C , arising ivmu foMivi-ne .-s , Debilitated Stomach , or Torjdd I . iier . They ic-piire no chanije ol' Diet , and the i ) i { i .-. t delicate mav take them witli > aietv . Taken as an adjunct wilh VvtLKlNSON'S SAKSAPAKII . LA wilh the . ; reate--t Mu * ce-s In Untiles , Small , Medium and l . arf ; e . I'rcpaieil only hy THOMAS WILKINSON , ^ 70 , Recent Street , London , ;\ V . May be had vt all leading tirma in India and Cvlvim- ; .
S LEA & P £ H HI JN i > ' SA U CE . I ; JM Tllli "WOKCliSTEKSl-UKE . " ji ) I ' roiiDiineed hy Connoisseurs " TIIK ONI . V noon i ' /'' M . SAUt * ' " ' " ' ts usc improves appetite and diges-* i / I'HWl . ''""* t / iniwtJ ( e WKi . i ., I . onilnn , ancl . sold hy j '^ JIBP '" ' Dealers in Sauces Ihrooehont the ie „ r | , ( .
o . WILLIAMS . MASONIC EMBLEMS Lithographic Artist M . DesigiicdandEngraved KNGllAVEll ON - _ K ~ ok STONE , WOOD , WOOD . 7 Bk !® \ ^ P' ° VELLUAI * 40 , KINGS / ^^ \ CROSSRD . rN nlNNEK ) RirS FLUID MAGNESIA . — ! XJ The Best Kemedy for AC 1 DITV of the I STOMACH , 11 EAKTUUKN , HEADACHE , GOUT , AND INDIGESTION , and ' . lit * best mild apenent for delicate constitutions , especially adapted for LADIES , CHILDHEN , and INFANTS . DINNEFOHD 61 CO ., 172 , New Bond Street , London , and of all Chemists .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
_ "" -LJ .. 1 I . — . 1 ' ' ~"~ _ . L . lJuL- » U'J * -i *" -HlTl JJOTTLED , Capsuled , and Cased in the Vineyard in "France—is pronounced the imest brandy imported * Sold by retail merchants from j * s , Sd . each bottle , at three , sixnine and twelve years old ; and at 42 s .,. 50 s ., 60 s ., aud 70 s . each one dozen case , by C . C . HliNSON , the . sole importer , iS , I ' cnchurch-bnildings , t ' cncliurch-street , London . Cash with order . CAUTION . GENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISH--MliNT ( listabJished upwards of 35 rears ,, / A . Bros . SINCLAIR & SON , 8 /^ j 2 \ FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS AND I *" UNEK .. L . Jill yf I ' KATHER . MK . X , ¦ ^ - ^ jpf ^ ss ^ Si , City Road , Finsbury S-rju . ire , opposite tbe Finslnnv > c . Uooi $ t F . C , and 24 , Southgate-road , Downham-road , near the Rosemary IJranch liridge , N . ( No connection with any other establishment ofthe same name . ) Only al the above addresses . livery Funeral at stated charges—See Illustrated Prospectus .
Fat Cheap Watches , Clocks , Gold Chains and yewellery , go to KIBBLES ' , 22 GRACECHURCH STREET ( one door from Lombard-street ) . Gold Watches £ j 15 s . Silver Watches ... ... £ i 5 s . Timepieces from 9 s . 6 d . livery article warranted . Plate , Watches , and Jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free . TRUTH MUST PRI-VAIL . "—Common . Sense . Lamps , Cathy , Cutlery , Brushes , Fcmlcrs and Fire Irons , Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . DTFARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , BLACKMAN STRF . KT , UOROUGII . QFFERS nothing extraordinnir , but RKALLY GDOJI Articles at fair ami reasonable prices . He does not keep an "Immense -Stock , " hut Miilkievitly lar . ue lor am * person to ¦ select from . I Ic does not sell " cheaper than every other house in thc Trade , " but »] ititc as cheap as any . A vjyit will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
TESSELATED CARPETING . ton Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . Four Keet wide , 4 / 3 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN AND 198 , FLEET STKEET E . C .
Wanted in every Home . WHIGHT & MANN'S SEWING MACHINES . UNEQUALLED FOR FAMILY USE . LOCK-STITCH , 5 Guineas . < 0 BM-- ^ _•* , _ ¦ ¦ AU . KRTA" ; ,.,: JAA"L . (* - ? A > i * 1 i . , / - siS 2 A &*<* . l- ( uu \ i [ ctc ( 1 ( mmeas , vK ^ SHEy *_ tifi' TILI -nl'iMM-l tirivv \ " * ' - ' C •* -. "SI it CM ^ J ^ K ^^ . T " - * I Kl . MA ilO . \ . \ A , ;• •¦ „„„ ,. Ma ,,, im , . *•**< Of J * " * ** lidi'iscs all yet i-iti' -xliic ' ei ' . Complete 4 '' ninci : * 14 _ o HOLBORN BARS . LONDON , E . C . BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 2 , . ** , A * 4 , LITTLE 131 UTAIN , { iyS , Elect-street , London . BHANCIIES : < 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . ( . ii ) , Saiichieball-strcc * , Gla . sj * - mv .
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , Ionic , Doric and Corinthian , Emllenuiticiilli / Arranged for Worshipful Master , Senior and y > inior Wardens . 6 s . per set of 3 one-pound Candles . Packing * Cases 6 d . each BRO . GEORGE KENNING S MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 , & 4 , UTTLE 131 UTA 1 N , AND iy 8 , ELEET STKEET E . C .
W . F 1 GES , 80 , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . C , MAN'Ul- 'ACTURER OF Till ; NEW MMS UMBRELLA , Combining * increased shelter with increased streiif *!]] , an elegant shape , antl a convenient walking length . RID J NO AND DRIVING WHIPS , Sec . ' " KENNING'S NEW BALLOT BOX , " ^ ^^^ ' ^ 'IB '^ B ^ Price Thirty Shillings .
DR . J . COLLIS BROWNE ' CHLORODYJVTI :. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE . CHLORODYNE is admitted by the Profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered . CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma . CHLORODYNE effectually checks ami arrests those too often fatal diseases—Dipthcria , Fever , Croup , Ague . CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery . CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy , Hysteria , Palpitation ancl Spasms . CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neural gia , "Rheumatism , Gout , Cancer , Toothache , Meningitis , & c . From Lord FRANCIS CONYNGHAM , Mount Charles , Donegal , nth December , 1868 . " Lord Franc ? - ; Conyngham , who this time last year bought some of Dr . J . Collis Browne's ChloTodyne from Mf . Davenport , and has found it a most wonderful medicine , will be glad to have half a dozen bottles sent at once to the above address . " Earl RUSSET , communicated to the College of Physicians that hc had received a dispatch from Her Majesty's Consul at Manilla , to the effect that Cholera had been raging fearfullv , ancl that the ONLY remedy of any service was CHLORODYNE . "—See Lcmccl , Dec . 1 , 1864 . From W . VEIISAUUS PETTIGRKW , M . D ., Hon . F . R . C . S . England ; Formerl y Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology at St . George's School of Medicine . _ " I have no hesitation in stating , after a fair trial of Chlorodyne , tint I have never met with any medicine so efficacious as an Anti-spasmodic aud Sedative . I have used it in Consumption , Asthma , Diarrhoea , and other diseases , and am most per fectly satisfied with the results . " From Dr . THOMAS SAND-FORD , Passage West , Cork . " I will thank you to send mc a further supply of Chlorodyne . It was the most efficacious remedy I ever used , affording relief inviolent attacks cf Spasms within a minute after being taken . One patient in particular , who had suffered for years with periodical attacks of Spasms ofa most painful nature , and unable to obtain relief from other remedies , such as Opium , & C , finds nothing so prompt and efficacious as Chlorodyne . " From , | . M'GurcoR CROFT , M . D ., M . H . C . P . London , late Staff Surgeon to IJ . M . F . " Sir , —After prescribing Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodync for thc last three years in severe cases of Neural gia and Tic-Doloureaux , I feel that I am in a position to testify to its valuable effects . Reall y , in some cases it acts like a charm , when all other means had failed . Without being asked for this report , I must comr . onward and state my candid opinion that it is a most valuable medicine , and I have recommended several Chemists in this nei ghbourhood not to be without it for prescriptions . " From J . E . GOUI . STCVSE , M . D * ., late Principal Surgeon to the Steamship " Great Eastern . " " I can confidently state that Chlorodync is an admirable Sedative aud Anti-Spasmodic , having used it in Neuralgia , Hysteria , Asthma , and Consumption , with remarkably favourable results . It relieved a fit of Asthma in four minutes , where thc patient had suffered eleven years in a most distressing manner , no previous remedy having had so immediate and beneficial an effect . " From Dr . B . J . BOVI . TOX , and Co ., Horncastle . " Wc have made pretty extensive use of Chlorodync in our practice lately , and look upon it as an excellent direct Sedative and Anti-spasmodic . It seems to allay pain a nd irritation , in whatever organ and from whatever cause . It induces a feeling of comfort and epiictude not obtainable by any other remedy , and it seems to possess this great advantage over all other sedatives , that it leaves no unpleasant after effects . " J . C . UAKicit , Est * ., M . D ., Uidefoid . " It is , without doubt , the most valuable and certain Anodyne wc have . " CAUTION . —BEWARE OF PIRACY * AND IMITATION'S . CAUTION . —Vice-Chancellor Sir W . Page Wood stated that Dr . J . Collis Browne was undoubtedly thc Inventor of CHLORODYNE j that the story of the defendant , Freeman , was deliberately untrue , whicli , he regictted to say , had been sworn to . —See Times , i . -jlh July , 1864 . Sold in Battles at i / ii-, 2 / 1 ; , . j / fi , and 11 / 0 each . None is gcuu ' me without thc words " Dr . j . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Govern ment Stani ]> . Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each Bottle . S OLE M ANUFACTURER—J . T . DAVENPORT , 3 . 9 , Great Russell-street , I "*! oo * i ** -l ** iir-, * . r . nmlon
MASONIC NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES , MADE EXPRESSLY POR THE Craft , Royal Arch , Mark , Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , Knights Templar , Ark Mariners , Rose Croix , and 30 th Degree . Stamped in Relief in Correct Colours , and with Proper Emblems . The Paper is of very SUPERIOR MANUFACTURE , packed in boxes , containing Five Quires , emblematically labelled , Price Three Shillings . ENVELOPES TO MATCH , SIXPENCE PER PACKET . Every Freemason should order a sample , either direct , or through any stationer . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , ° LONDON : —2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET-ST , E . C LIVERPOOL : —2 , MONUMENT-PLACE . GLASGOW : ¦¦ - -10 . sAUCHIEHALL-sT .,
AROMATIC TJNCTURK " () F QUli \ Ol : " _>! N . * I ' ur the pie \ vmicii ol" FKYUR , AliUK , ; m < li . l . . -tsn ! MALARIA . An 1 'nf-iiiiiii-. Remedy . Those who tlurin * - ; ( lie ranip : iiiiii in lhe Crimea , daily i ** : ok . ' small i | uan ! ily ,-pa ^ ed unharmed lmmi " . h ( he Fever and hv ^ eulerv , that thinned lhe ranks . In Halt , ( Juarler , and Pint ] . utile-J Prepared onh * l >\ ' THOMAS WILKINSON , 2-jO , Ki-ecnl Stveel , l . un . ' . an , NX " . May lie li .-nl of all lcadine l'inas in Imlia ami O lank : * . WILKINSON'S IIRONCHIO-TIIORACIC I . OXKXCKS . Prepare *! from the rccci'if if an la . iincnt /' a ; , .-iia . in , e * . | iericnc- li .-. s full' jnslilicil their recoinmentlalian as the 1110-1 :. penly rcnuily in Im ' t . alinn of the'I'limal , Catarrhal I ' oueli-., Hi'iincliili- * , Incipient (' ii »» iimi > tion , S |> iU ' m * of lilonil , tee . To '> uWic > - > e * . * t * -Vn * , *** 'l vocalists they are im , ' iiuabjc , as Ihev inip . ail a 1 Jc . ar ami bean *'! * tone to the \ oice . h ' ree I ' roln opium , anil of an agreeable t . a ^ te In liolUes ol * one uniform si ^ e . WlIJTiMORK ' S STOMACMIC and LIV Eli i' . I . I . S , LViinprifcvi oi' lite h ' . Mrvufs oi" Dntuh-lUm , Turkey RIinl ) arl > , and Jamaica ( Mince v . \ o Pill is MI ediiacious in proinoliiii ; 1 Jiui'stiim , sticii }; ll : einiii ; lhe Sioninch , eorrectiin ; Aciditv , jtivventin-ej or removiu ^ llead-: uhe , ( iiddine ^ , & C , arising ivmu foMivi-ne .-s , Debilitated Stomach , or Torjdd I . iier . They ic-piire no chanije ol' Diet , and the i ) i { i .-. t delicate mav take them witli > aietv . Taken as an adjunct wilh VvtLKlNSON'S SAKSAPAKII . LA wilh the . ; reate--t Mu * ce-s In Untiles , Small , Medium and l . arf ; e . I'rcpaieil only hy THOMAS WILKINSON , ^ 70 , Recent Street , London , ;\ V . May be had vt all leading tirma in India and Cvlvim- ; .
S LEA & P £ H HI JN i > ' SA U CE . I ; JM Tllli "WOKCliSTEKSl-UKE . " ji ) I ' roiiDiineed hy Connoisseurs " TIIK ONI . V noon i ' /'' M . SAUt * ' " ' " ' ts usc improves appetite and diges-* i / I'HWl . ''""* t / iniwtJ ( e WKi . i ., I . onilnn , ancl . sold hy j '^ JIBP '" ' Dealers in Sauces Ihrooehont the ie „ r | , ( .
o . WILLIAMS . MASONIC EMBLEMS Lithographic Artist M . DesigiicdandEngraved KNGllAVEll ON - _ K ~ ok STONE , WOOD , WOOD . 7 Bk !® \ ^ P' ° VELLUAI * 40 , KINGS / ^^ \ CROSSRD . rN nlNNEK ) RirS FLUID MAGNESIA . — ! XJ The Best Kemedy for AC 1 DITV of the I STOMACH , 11 EAKTUUKN , HEADACHE , GOUT , AND INDIGESTION , and ' . lit * best mild apenent for delicate constitutions , especially adapted for LADIES , CHILDHEN , and INFANTS . DINNEFOHD 61 CO ., 172 , New Bond Street , London , and of all Chemists .