Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Iff UR WTO RE *« COX & Co ., f FlNSUUUV SUIJAKK BUILDINGS , CH 1 SWELL ST ., LONDON , K . C . 1 COX & Co ' s . CATALOG HI * . Showing tlie advantages of their Cash System , Forwarded I ' o ' -t Free . A Four-roomed Mouse furnished complete , / ' io o o A Six-roomed , including Drawing-room , do . z ( r ( i b A Single Parlour do . 500 A Drawing-room , of Italian Walnut , do . 17 60 A Dining-rooom of solid Mahogany do . 15 00 All articles warranted , and of the best woikmansip . A single article ol Furniture nt equally low prices . The only house in thc trade supplying the public direct from the workshops . Carriage paid to anv lir . ilwav Station in thc Kingdom .
IOHN G O S N Ii L L N : CO . 'S J " CI 1 EHHV TOOTH l'ASTK" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth . " AGUA AMAHKI . LA" restores the Human Hair to its pri-tine line , no mailer at what age . "T 01 L 1 CT and NUHSLliV l'OWDLK" beautifully perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR IOHN GOSNKI . L and CO . ' s . AND SKF THAT YOU IIAY 10 XONL OTIIKH than their OKNIIMC Aiticlcs . Sold by all icspcctable Clll'MlSTS and I'KHFUMKUS . Wholesale , Angel Passage , <)? ,, Upper Tliamc--st , London , JM K L LIN * S K XT R A Cl ' LIEP . EG'S FOOD'T '( " ) ' K ' . M- 'ANTS . r PiIE only genuine substitute for Mother ' s Milk , and recommended In lhe hi tlu-i Medic , 1 Aiilhurilic-, as thc I est Fond lev Inlanls and Imaliil-. SOLD AT - , - ; , CHAR IXC' CROSS . () |*| pn :. ili- ' i \ el-on ' s . Mounaienl . KLSTOP . S . CELEBRATED Riding , Hunlin ^ and LumhiiKO Belts . Si / e nl waisl ami I ' . t l . D . Im * _ o-. Inlv senl v . nh older . 'I'he best Inline . Kidin ;; Tionscrs and llreeche :. . Male tin I .. ndeii 01 * elsewhere . N . H . — . Miirnin : ; lrousei * Mil IV , I Wc-l ol haia . laiid Wr .., ] . ELSTOB , 44 , MADDOX-STR LKT , iio . YD STUI : I ; ' 1 * .
CARPETS , MATTING & FLOORCLOTH . r FHE Newly-Invented Solid , Non-failing , IM'ST-PKOOV , IIKAriiU'l-rKlllli * , WATe . K-IM'On ' lr and WASII . M ' . l . i : CAKI'KTS and . MA TI'I . NC ale lhe l ..- ; . | II * Co \ erini :- * exlant lor l . iln . iric :-, llnln -, t > llu 1-, * -a . Xo oil , el so lle . illhv , Chan , and la nnnniiial . I' . illein .. can be had , l ' i , „ Free , and ( ii'oiN Cairiaae lice , ol MI-. SSKS . lllll . US a : CD ., ; 7 and ( , o , IU- ' . MOXT-STKM . I , I'llAI . K I'AK . M KOAD , l . tlAlltl . s , \ * . \\* . I LSI IAIO . NIAI . ( X ... . | i a SI . Andiev . ' s Sliicl , C . iinlnad . a * . | ni , e j . nii , is ; :. Sn ., — Soul nn ] ..-l , ; i- I ' oittai . leil in me her , * , a ' ml I am li . ipj . v t . t inlonn > ou lh ., 1 the Dn t-l ' tool and Wa-h . ilil , * <' :, 1 | , cI- ha \ e .. . i \ . a 1111 : nival s . ilist . ulion . * liie >* U'luiiv la , si'rnliliin " . - . inen-1- In I ,, * « a :-he , l v . illi s ,,., | , . and v . aUa , and , l , i ,-, l „ , ih a chilli . I lane ,, a lound the c , Ionia , lo wear oil , 1 a cw v . lice n ,,,-i u-i , 1 . 1 ain , : ir , \ ,, ul * oaedict , eta aat , To . | . I ' .. Jannia 1 , l * .- | . ' , \ l . SlV . l . MHI . i :. The oriental 1 , Her ol * Mr .. :-a , 1 1 , ] ,-a e , la * -, ¦ a , in ,, > r ,., ; ,,, anil ollicis nl a similar I ! I . * II * . I . * :. T loan all pari- el 1 * . n- laa I . 7 / . 1- u /* ii ; v I ' liiiiiiiini . tl > , / .,. ;¦/ " ;/„ ¦ n . i .-n . ili , ¦ , „ ,, ii :-, i . i ; , „ . j " CnJ-ili I ,, / , ' . ,, *„ . 'ie ; III /; , , lt--, 11 s . " N . ll . —l ' atlcni „ llui :. l he lelnined v . illhn lour da ,., | ,-.,. I Ice — U ' lla- 'e . | il ,
Guaranteed all Cocoa . x ^ gg ^ SCHWEITZER ' S CQCQATfflA , (&> " §& £ $ AA Anli-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder . [ ^" P ^ tf ** I ** - ] Thia niii'iuc i > i : i \ - prcpar . aiinn is prtnioum ' ctl bv Ihc laicultv " Ihe most nutritions - 'crfcctly digestible bcver-Ul tfAfit . jgj a . ae I ' m * I' . RKAK ]* AST , l . UNCI i I ' . OX , nr Si Ji' 1 'l-. K , ,-nnl invaluable I ' m * Invalids and Chihlren . " ' e ^ x Oil : 0 & f f- ^ r 11 is made ins :. aiK * ims : v wilh hoiline water or milk ; heinu ; withont siteal * it sails all palates . XTO ^ S ^ iiV '" * '" packets . at is . (» l .,. ; s ., S ; c . Ily Chemists and Crocers . ( Samples eralis . ) ^ SOA ~ - \ A 2 ' Cocoalin . a a l . a \" : tnille , at Same i'riees . lt is superior to the best Vanilla Chocolate , much cheaper , perfectly Kit - ' - 'el- so - ' o * p ' ropri ' otors : H . ' sCHWEITZER & Co ., 10 , Adam St ., Adelphi , London
NOW READY , PRICE £ 4 / 4 THE PAIR , OR £ 2 / 10 SINGLE . SIZIi * 52 in . BY 2 ( jin . AUTOTYPES or * BRO . SIGISMUND ROSENTHAL ' S CELEBRATED PAINTINGS , Tlie Reception tij'll . R . H . the Prince nf I Pales as Past Grand Master , At Freemasons' Hall , on December ist , iSCiy , containing upwards of 120 figures and Portraits .. The Reception of II . R . I ] , the Prince of IF ales at- the ( Irand Conclave of Kni g hts Templar , Ma ) ' 1 . 3 th , 1 S 70 , containing nearly 100 Figures and Portraits . Sold by BRO . G . KUNMING , 2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , E . C Iii-anches : 198 , Fleet-street , and 2 , I \ Ionument-place , Liverpool .
TROW MESSRS . BORN k Co ., JLXlVJil ^ BERNERS-3 TREET , W ., "Q T A l TOS lk ' l " " : lUL ' ntion to thcir IRON COTTAGE PIANOS , celebrated X A . Jrx . X 0 wKJ ) O r (|] . i ] lv \ r power and beauty . These Pianos are unsurpassed in elegance of design and brilliancy of tone , arc unecjuaUed for the elegance ot" their FOirl A . LL ' cnnstluct ' - •''* '' f () I" t ' musical ellect which they produce . The i ^ Manufacturers pay special attention to the peculiarities of various cli-__ . -r-s p- w , __^ . -, ~; I mates , and construct their instruments accordingly . Persons proceeding $ 0 _ LlAJ-ViL , Ae X JXi > S i lo India and the Colonies are specially invited to inspect these Pianos . j MAN-LTACTOKY : BKULIN * . EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS .
MESSRS . DARLOW & Co . Inientors , Patentees , ami Sole Manufacturer .- * , ol the Oii ;* iiial Skeuasnia Magnetic Appliances , solicit tlie attention o £ tiic 1 'ulilic to their reecntly patentcil anil *_ rreatiy ini ]> ro \ c < l article , MAGNETINE . Which , from its extreme lightness ami perfect flexibility , will eonnneinl itself for Hot Climates , Summer Wear , and for Persons of delicate constitution . As a curaliie agent , the original SKKUASMA appliances have been remarkably successful in thc relief and cure of ailments hitherto deemed almost unapproachable . The new art ' ule , M .-UJN'KTIN' K , whilst possessing an eipial amount of curative propcilics , has the additional aihantages of softness , lightness , aud entire flexibility , combined with a permanent unchangeable MagucUc influence . The most successful cases hitlieila tic ate . I for liming been Spinal , Liver , and Kidney Affections ; also Sciatica , Neiualgia , Dyspepsia , General Debility , and the various foinis of Ncivous , Kheunialic , and Bronchial complaints The Magnctitie substance is encased in Silk , Jean , flannel , an I other soft aiticles , and is made up into appliances to meet the laiintis local ailmenti . It does nol cant . iln auy sharp . cutting mateiial , and cannot by any possibility do injuiv lo the wcaicr . Mcssis . DAKI . OW aiein constant icccipl of Testimonial-, of the cuiat ' uc effects of these gentle , soothing , and litalising appliances for the relief of human suffering . DARLOW & Co ., Inventors . unci Patentees , 435 , West Strand , London , W . C . ( nearly opposite Charing Cress P . ailway Station ) A 1 AMTACTORY , NORTH WOOLWICH KOAD ., J- ; . Illustrated Pamphlets Post Free . ( . ¦ O . M . \ il MCATIONS KI'SrONDHl ) TO WITHOUT ANV CHAKGK WIIATKVKJL Tr . MPOHARY CITY DiiPOT , 29 , l ^ UTingUoii-s-reel , E . C . Al" at ^ S , l'A'iT'itXOS'lT ' K-KO ' . '* . ; and upwards of 150 established Agcals in tlie U 11 its . 1 t Kiii " - iloni . Now ready . Demy 121110 , 208 pages . Handsomely bound in Cloth , price 2 s . 6 d . Post free , 2 s . 8 d . ISRAELITES FOUND Ilf THE ANGLO-SAXONS . The I ' en Tribes supposed to have b .-i-n Lost , traced from tlie Land of their Captivity to their Occupation of the ISLES OF THE SEA , With nn K \ hibition of tin ,:. * . * Trails of Character and National Characteristics assumed to Israel in the liouks of TI i Ji 1 J EH R E W PRO FI j ETS . liv WILLIAM CAKI'KNTKK Autlior of " Scieinia liiblica , " " Si * ri | itiue N ' atitral Histoi-r , " " ( iiiide to the Reading of the Ililile , " " Lectures on liiblical ( Jriticisin and Inlerpreiation , " "A l'oj ) tilar Introduction to the Rible , " " 'I'he liiblical Companion" " Critica liiblica , " " Caleiidariuin l'alestin . e , " "An Introduction ; to the Reading * ami Study of the Lnglish liible , " a id Editor of the Fifth Large Edition of " Calnu-i ' s Diclionary of t ! : * : liible " and of the Abridgment of the same , ftc , ike , & c . Landau : * . Ji „ , is . , . I ; ,.:...,:,,. , UjH , Mcct-sticet , * a 2 , , j ,. i , l . illb liiilain . LiM'ipo . iI ; 2 , Monument-place . A 1 AI * I , I :. * IOJII At Co ., . | j , I ' ateincster Row .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Iff UR WTO RE *« COX & Co ., f FlNSUUUV SUIJAKK BUILDINGS , CH 1 SWELL ST ., LONDON , K . C . 1 COX & Co ' s . CATALOG HI * . Showing tlie advantages of their Cash System , Forwarded I ' o ' -t Free . A Four-roomed Mouse furnished complete , / ' io o o A Six-roomed , including Drawing-room , do . z ( r ( i b A Single Parlour do . 500 A Drawing-room , of Italian Walnut , do . 17 60 A Dining-rooom of solid Mahogany do . 15 00 All articles warranted , and of the best woikmansip . A single article ol Furniture nt equally low prices . The only house in thc trade supplying the public direct from the workshops . Carriage paid to anv lir . ilwav Station in thc Kingdom .
IOHN G O S N Ii L L N : CO . 'S J " CI 1 EHHV TOOTH l'ASTK" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth . " AGUA AMAHKI . LA" restores the Human Hair to its pri-tine line , no mailer at what age . "T 01 L 1 CT and NUHSLliV l'OWDLK" beautifully perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR IOHN GOSNKI . L and CO . ' s . AND SKF THAT YOU IIAY 10 XONL OTIIKH than their OKNIIMC Aiticlcs . Sold by all icspcctable Clll'MlSTS and I'KHFUMKUS . Wholesale , Angel Passage , <)? ,, Upper Tliamc--st , London , JM K L LIN * S K XT R A Cl ' LIEP . EG'S FOOD'T '( " ) ' K ' . M- 'ANTS . r PiIE only genuine substitute for Mother ' s Milk , and recommended In lhe hi tlu-i Medic , 1 Aiilhurilic-, as thc I est Fond lev Inlanls and Imaliil-. SOLD AT - , - ; , CHAR IXC' CROSS . () |*| pn :. ili- ' i \ el-on ' s . Mounaienl . KLSTOP . S . CELEBRATED Riding , Hunlin ^ and LumhiiKO Belts . Si / e nl waisl ami I ' . t l . D . Im * _ o-. Inlv senl v . nh older . 'I'he best Inline . Kidin ;; Tionscrs and llreeche :. . Male tin I .. ndeii 01 * elsewhere . N . H . — . Miirnin : ; lrousei * Mil IV , I Wc-l ol haia . laiid Wr .., ] . ELSTOB , 44 , MADDOX-STR LKT , iio . YD STUI : I ; ' 1 * .
CARPETS , MATTING & FLOORCLOTH . r FHE Newly-Invented Solid , Non-failing , IM'ST-PKOOV , IIKAriiU'l-rKlllli * , WATe . K-IM'On ' lr and WASII . M ' . l . i : CAKI'KTS and . MA TI'I . NC ale lhe l ..- ; . | II * Co \ erini :- * exlant lor l . iln . iric :-, llnln -, t > llu 1-, * -a . Xo oil , el so lle . illhv , Chan , and la nnnniiial . I' . illein .. can be had , l ' i , „ Free , and ( ii'oiN Cairiaae lice , ol MI-. SSKS . lllll . US a : CD ., ; 7 and ( , o , IU- ' . MOXT-STKM . I , I'llAI . K I'AK . M KOAD , l . tlAlltl . s , \ * . \\* . I LSI IAIO . NIAI . ( X ... . | i a SI . Andiev . ' s Sliicl , C . iinlnad . a * . | ni , e j . nii , is ; :. Sn ., — Soul nn ] ..-l , ; i- I ' oittai . leil in me her , * , a ' ml I am li . ipj . v t . t inlonn > ou lh ., 1 the Dn t-l ' tool and Wa-h . ilil , * <' :, 1 | , cI- ha \ e .. . i \ . a 1111 : nival s . ilist . ulion . * liie >* U'luiiv la , si'rnliliin " . - . inen-1- In I ,, * « a :-he , l v . illi s ,,., | , . and v . aUa , and , l , i ,-, l „ , ih a chilli . I lane ,, a lound the c , Ionia , lo wear oil , 1 a cw v . lice n ,,,-i u-i , 1 . 1 ain , : ir , \ ,, ul * oaedict , eta aat , To . | . I ' .. Jannia 1 , l * .- | . ' , \ l . SlV . l . MHI . i :. The oriental 1 , Her ol * Mr .. :-a , 1 1 , ] ,-a e , la * -, ¦ a , in ,, > r ,., ; ,,, anil ollicis nl a similar I ! I . * II * . I . * :. T loan all pari- el 1 * . n- laa I . 7 / . 1- u /* ii ; v I ' liiiiiiiini . tl > , / .,. ;¦/ " ;/„ ¦ n . i .-n . ili , ¦ , „ ,, ii :-, i . i ; , „ . j " CnJ-ili I ,, / , ' . ,, *„ . 'ie ; III /; , , lt--, 11 s . " N . ll . —l ' atlcni „ llui :. l he lelnined v . illhn lour da ,., | ,-.,. I Ice — U ' lla- 'e . | il ,
Guaranteed all Cocoa . x ^ gg ^ SCHWEITZER ' S CQCQATfflA , (&> " §& £ $ AA Anli-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder . [ ^" P ^ tf ** I ** - ] Thia niii'iuc i > i : i \ - prcpar . aiinn is prtnioum ' ctl bv Ihc laicultv " Ihe most nutritions - 'crfcctly digestible bcver-Ul tfAfit . jgj a . ae I ' m * I' . RKAK ]* AST , l . UNCI i I ' . OX , nr Si Ji' 1 'l-. K , ,-nnl invaluable I ' m * Invalids and Chihlren . " ' e ^ x Oil : 0 & f f- ^ r 11 is made ins :. aiK * ims : v wilh hoiline water or milk ; heinu ; withont siteal * it sails all palates . XTO ^ S ^ iiV '" * '" packets . at is . (» l .,. ; s ., S ; c . Ily Chemists and Crocers . ( Samples eralis . ) ^ SOA ~ - \ A 2 ' Cocoalin . a a l . a \" : tnille , at Same i'riees . lt is superior to the best Vanilla Chocolate , much cheaper , perfectly Kit - ' - 'el- so - ' o * p ' ropri ' otors : H . ' sCHWEITZER & Co ., 10 , Adam St ., Adelphi , London
NOW READY , PRICE £ 4 / 4 THE PAIR , OR £ 2 / 10 SINGLE . SIZIi * 52 in . BY 2 ( jin . AUTOTYPES or * BRO . SIGISMUND ROSENTHAL ' S CELEBRATED PAINTINGS , Tlie Reception tij'll . R . H . the Prince nf I Pales as Past Grand Master , At Freemasons' Hall , on December ist , iSCiy , containing upwards of 120 figures and Portraits .. The Reception of II . R . I ] , the Prince of IF ales at- the ( Irand Conclave of Kni g hts Templar , Ma ) ' 1 . 3 th , 1 S 70 , containing nearly 100 Figures and Portraits . Sold by BRO . G . KUNMING , 2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , E . C Iii-anches : 198 , Fleet-street , and 2 , I \ Ionument-place , Liverpool .
TROW MESSRS . BORN k Co ., JLXlVJil ^ BERNERS-3 TREET , W ., "Q T A l TOS lk ' l " " : lUL ' ntion to thcir IRON COTTAGE PIANOS , celebrated X A . Jrx . X 0 wKJ ) O r (|] . i ] lv \ r power and beauty . These Pianos are unsurpassed in elegance of design and brilliancy of tone , arc unecjuaUed for the elegance ot" their FOirl A . LL ' cnnstluct ' - •''* '' f () I" t ' musical ellect which they produce . The i ^ Manufacturers pay special attention to the peculiarities of various cli-__ . -r-s p- w , __^ . -, ~; I mates , and construct their instruments accordingly . Persons proceeding $ 0 _ LlAJ-ViL , Ae X JXi > S i lo India and the Colonies are specially invited to inspect these Pianos . j MAN-LTACTOKY : BKULIN * . EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS .
MESSRS . DARLOW & Co . Inientors , Patentees , ami Sole Manufacturer .- * , ol the Oii ;* iiial Skeuasnia Magnetic Appliances , solicit tlie attention o £ tiic 1 'ulilic to their reecntly patentcil anil *_ rreatiy ini ]> ro \ c < l article , MAGNETINE . Which , from its extreme lightness ami perfect flexibility , will eonnneinl itself for Hot Climates , Summer Wear , and for Persons of delicate constitution . As a curaliie agent , the original SKKUASMA appliances have been remarkably successful in thc relief and cure of ailments hitherto deemed almost unapproachable . The new art ' ule , M .-UJN'KTIN' K , whilst possessing an eipial amount of curative propcilics , has the additional aihantages of softness , lightness , aud entire flexibility , combined with a permanent unchangeable MagucUc influence . The most successful cases hitlieila tic ate . I for liming been Spinal , Liver , and Kidney Affections ; also Sciatica , Neiualgia , Dyspepsia , General Debility , and the various foinis of Ncivous , Kheunialic , and Bronchial complaints The Magnctitie substance is encased in Silk , Jean , flannel , an I other soft aiticles , and is made up into appliances to meet the laiintis local ailmenti . It does nol cant . iln auy sharp . cutting mateiial , and cannot by any possibility do injuiv lo the wcaicr . Mcssis . DAKI . OW aiein constant icccipl of Testimonial-, of the cuiat ' uc effects of these gentle , soothing , and litalising appliances for the relief of human suffering . DARLOW & Co ., Inventors . unci Patentees , 435 , West Strand , London , W . C . ( nearly opposite Charing Cress P . ailway Station ) A 1 AMTACTORY , NORTH WOOLWICH KOAD ., J- ; . Illustrated Pamphlets Post Free . ( . ¦ O . M . \ il MCATIONS KI'SrONDHl ) TO WITHOUT ANV CHAKGK WIIATKVKJL Tr . MPOHARY CITY DiiPOT , 29 , l ^ UTingUoii-s-reel , E . C . Al" at ^ S , l'A'iT'itXOS'lT ' K-KO ' . '* . ; and upwards of 150 established Agcals in tlie U 11 its . 1 t Kiii " - iloni . Now ready . Demy 121110 , 208 pages . Handsomely bound in Cloth , price 2 s . 6 d . Post free , 2 s . 8 d . ISRAELITES FOUND Ilf THE ANGLO-SAXONS . The I ' en Tribes supposed to have b .-i-n Lost , traced from tlie Land of their Captivity to their Occupation of the ISLES OF THE SEA , With nn K \ hibition of tin ,:. * . * Trails of Character and National Characteristics assumed to Israel in the liouks of TI i Ji 1 J EH R E W PRO FI j ETS . liv WILLIAM CAKI'KNTKK Autlior of " Scieinia liiblica , " " Si * ri | itiue N ' atitral Histoi-r , " " ( iiiide to the Reading of the Ililile , " " Lectures on liiblical ( Jriticisin and Inlerpreiation , " "A l'oj ) tilar Introduction to the Rible , " " 'I'he liiblical Companion" " Critica liiblica , " " Caleiidariuin l'alestin . e , " "An Introduction ; to the Reading * ami Study of the Lnglish liible , " a id Editor of the Fifth Large Edition of " Calnu-i ' s Diclionary of t ! : * : liible " and of the Abridgment of the same , ftc , ike , & c . Landau : * . Ji „ , is . , . I ; ,.:...,:,,. , UjH , Mcct-sticet , * a 2 , , j ,. i , l . illb liiilain . LiM'ipo . iI ; 2 , Monument-place . A 1 AI * I , I :. * IOJII At Co ., . | j , I ' ateincster Row .