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Grand Chapter Of Pennsylvania.
me last year , ancl desirous of doing so before your next annual meeting . As a fact , however , I have found it a most difficult subject to write about , as so little is discoverable of its earl y history . " When the degree first took it rise I know not
as yet , but am continuing my researches , and may be able to elucidate the point . I mi ght write a great deal on the subject , but ctd bono ? A great deal would be purely apochryphal , and so is better left unsaid than written . " It seems to have been the custom i in fact
was ) of the ' Grand Lodge according to the old Constitutions ' ( called the ' Ancients ') to confer the P . M . degree in a Craft Lodge to candidates for Royal Arch Alasonry . No separate Chapters or warrants were required to work the Royal Arch Degree under the 'Ancients , ' and it seems to
me most probable that the ' Installation Ceremony ' originated with that body , at least , became prominent , and a separate degree under their management . If so , it is not older than , say about 120 years . The Grand Lodge of the
' Ancients' was not actually formed , and no regular records kept , until after A . D . 17 _* jo . Theminutesstillexist , andcommenced A . D . 17 /; 8 . The Grand Lodge of England is the custodian thereof .
" Whether the regular Grand Lodge , or in other words , the Grand Lodge whicli was formed A . D . 1717 , had a knowledge of the degree so early as 1750 , 1 cannot yet say positively , although there does appear evidence that a ceremony of some sort was observed at the installation of a
W . M . of a Lodge . In the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England , published A . D . 1738 , there is an engraving of the 47 th Problem of Euclid , which is the Jewel of the P . AI . degree . Under the ' Aloderns' ( so-called in the Grand Lodge of 17 1 /) separate warrants
were required to work the ' Royal Arch , ' as that degree was not actually recognised until the Union of 1813 . ( It virtually was , however , as the leading members of Grand Lodge , from the Grand M ? ster downwards , were the officers of the Grand Chapter . ) Their first R . A .
Constitution was published A . D . 1778 , and second edition 1782 , both of which I have . The use of substitutes , or any law requiring a certain number to be exalted , was unknown . Since the 'Union of A . D . 1813 , ' the Past Alaster ' s Degree has been conferred en the elected Alaster
of a lodge , and 00 such alone . Hence all Past Alasters in England , have actually served the office of Alaster of a Lodge for a period of twelve months . The only pre-quisite , Alasonically , for R . A . Alasony , being twelve months a member of the third degree . Until recently , in Scotland , tlie system of
Capitular Freemasonry prevailing in the United States was adopted , but at the Grand Lodge held the 5 th February last , it was decided to return to the old English system , and hence the Grand Chapter of Scotland has retired from the control of the Past Master ' s Degree , and left it entirel y in the hands of the Grand Lodge .
" The following are the terms of the agreement : " 1 . That the Grand Lodge shall recognise a ceremonial or degree to be conferred on Alasters of Lodges on their taking the chair at a lodge similar to that conferred in England and Ireland . " 2 . That a register shall be kept by the Grand Clerk of Installed Masters , and he shall record
the name of every Installed Alaster therein , and furnish a diploma upon certificate being sent , signed by three recorded Installed Alasters , that the ceremonial or degree has been duly conferred . The fee for registration and diploma to be 2 s . fjd . " , 3 . That this ceremonial or degree shall under
no circumstances whatever be conferred on anyone except the actual Alaster of a lodge , or one who produces a certificate from the lodge that he has occupied a chair as duly elected Alaster . " 4 . That with the view of carrying out these
resolutions , three or more Masters of lodges or Past Masters , to be selected by the Grand Lodge , shall procure themselves duly installed by three or more English or Irish Installed Alasters , and shall thereupon adjust the Ritual to be used in future .
" 5 . That thereafter the said Installed Alasters shall duly install three or more Past Alasters in the cities of Glasgow , Aberdeen , Dundee , Perth ,
Grand Chapter Of Pennsylvania.
& c , and in any of the larger towns , the brethren in which may desire it . " 6 . That the ceremonial or degree shall only be conferred when three or more Installed Alasters are present , and any lodge having that number of Installed Alasters present at a
meeting may confer the ceremonial or degree upon its Master j—but in the event of any lodge not having a sufficient number of Installed Alasters , it shall be competent to the Masters of that Lodge to procure himself duly installed at any lodge having- three Installed Alasters , provided he
produce evidence to the satisfaction of these Installed Alasters that he is a bona fide Alaster of a lodge . " In Ireland , the Past Alaster ' s Degree is also confined ( or supposed to be ) to the Alasters elect of Craft Lodges , and a ceremony of some sort is
worked , as in England , and as it is to be now in Scotland . The ceremony itself is most interesting and rather length }* . The charges to the officers are valuable , if only followed , as they should be , and altogether an installation according to the English Ritual is most imposing .
" In Ireland there is much irregularity as to the installation ceremony , but the three countries now agree in liavicg a distinct ceremony or degree for the W . AL elect ofa Craft Lodge , and more correctly speaking , it should be termed the
Installation Alaster ' s Degree , rather than the Past Alaster ' s . " With every respect and good wishes to you , AI . E . G . II . P . and the G . Chapter , believe me , fraternally and faithfully yours , "WILLIAM J AMES HUHIIAN . "
Freemasonry In Egypt.
To lhe Editor if The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — I have much pleasure in handing you herewith particulars of the presentation of an address to the Khedive , which I have no doubt
will be found interesting . The step just taken and its result cannot be looked upon with too much importance , considering the position of Freemasonry of late in this country , particularly in relation to the natives and their ruler , as it must now srive more confidence both to those
who are already Alasons and those who have a desire to join the Fraternity . The Khedive Ismail during his reign has done wonders in improving his country and the condition of its inhabitants . The connection of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales wilh Freemasonry has undoubted !} ' given H . H . the Khedive a more
favourable opinion of our order . AVe have now a further proof of the worth of this enlightened Prince Ismail Pasha , and we trust he and his people will continue and prosper . — lam . Sir and Brother , Yours Fraternally , J * C . AIILHOUXE , P . AI . St . John ' s Lodge , No . 99 .
Presentation to H . H . the Khedive by the District Grand Lodge of Egypt of an Address of Congratulation on the occasion of the Marriage ol'H . Ii . the Hereditary Prince Tanfik Pasha . The address was surrounded by an illuminated
border in the following style : —In the centre of the upper patt the initial " I . " ( Ishmail ) was inscribed in a medallion surmounted by a viceregal crown . On either side of the medallion a cornucopia ( emblem of plenty ) , from which dropped fruits and flowers of the country joined
under the medallion , and were fastened by a pair of scales ( justice ); while a sprig of laurel and oak leaves filled the space between the medallion and cornucopias . The two sides of the address were ornamented with fruits and flowers , symbolical of joy and happiness , fastened to mahogany
coloured poles , which were surrounded by ears of corn and a cotton plant , over which bees and butterflies were gathered . The centre of the poles was ornamented by large cameos , in which arts and sciences were beautifully designed . In the lower portion of the address a large landscape ,
in which the progress and civilization of Egypt were skilfully represented , occupied the central part , supported ou either side by a statue of Isis and one of Osiris . This portion of the _ border was enclosed in a gilded scroll , which joined at the gilded ends , supporting the sides .
Freemasonry In Egypt.
The Address was as follows : — A . Son Altesse Ismail Pasha , Khedive d'E gypte . Altesse , *—¦ La Grande Loge Provinciale des Macons Anciens , Libres et Acceptes d'Angleterre pour 1 'Egypte se permet d' ofr'rir a votre altesse les
felicitations les plus sinceres pour liiereux mariage de Son Altesse Ie Prince Hcritier En felicitant votre altesse des liens qu ' elle vient de reserrer en son auguste famille—liens qui raffermissent Ia securite de 1 'Egyptecette Grand Loge s ' empresse d ' otfrir en cette
occasion solonelle ses plus vif remerciments i votre altesse pour la civilisation qu ' elle a repandue en Egypte , et addresse des vu : ux sinceres au Tres Haut quil , Lui plaise d ' accorder a votre altesse une vie longue , prospere et heureuse , pour
qu ' elle puisse accomplia l ' ocuvre re regeneration , si dignement commence et poursuivie . Au Caire , Ie 16 me jour de Decembre , 1872 . ( Signed . ) Le Lieut . G . M ., Prov . G . AL , Prov . p . int . RALPH BORG .
Le xer G . Surv . Prov ., E . W . T . TINNEY , Le G . Tres . Prov ., E . T . ROGERS , Le 2 eme G . Surv . Prov ., J C . AIILDOURNF . Le G . Sec . Prov . p . int . W . B . BROi' ( -ir .
Seal of the Dist . Grand Lodge for Egypt . His Highness having received at Abdeen on the 19 th of February , 187 , 3 , at 11 . 30 a . m ., the deputation consisting of the District Grand Lodge Officers who signed the address , the address was
read over by the D . and acting D . G . M ., when H . H . replied , thanking in warm terms the English'Freemasons for the address . His Highness expressed himself highly gratified with the expressions contained therein , and indeed appeared very well pleased . Bro . Borg then said : — Monseigneur ,
En remettant I ' addresse dela Grand Loge Prov ., que votre altesse me permette de lui remercier de la nouvelle preuve de progre . s et de civilisation qu ' elle donne au monde entier . La Alaijonnerie , jusqu ' vut ici proscrite et cachee en Egypte , par cause de sa devise progressiste se
releveujourdhui sous les auspices de votre altesse , est fiere dtt rang quelle accorde en son royaumc elle pent se declarer regeneree , grace au patronage dont votre altesse 1 'entouru en reconnaissant son existence legale . Au nom de cette institution constitute en Egypte , ainsi
au nom de la Maconnerie repandue sur les deux hemispheres , je remercie votre altesse de l'insigne faveur qu ' elle lui accorde . Je sin ' s certain , Monseigneur , que j ' exprime aussi les sentiments de mes collogues en assurant votre altesse que nous nous sentons tiers et hereux d'avoir etc choises
par le Grand Loge Prov . a remettre a votre altesse son adresse de felicitation et de remerciments . His Highness answered that he knew Freemasonry to be a beneficent society , was glad to receive such proofs of its friendship towards the work he has so much at heart , and said if there
was anything in his power he could do for the benefit of Freemasonry it would be willingly accorded and afford extreme pleasure . His Highness then entered into general conversation with thc members of the deputation who , after wards withdrew , exceedingly satisfied with thc very cordial reception they had received .
The Consecration of the Campbell Lodge , No . 141 . 5 , will take place at the Greyhound Hotel , Hampton Court , this day ( Saturday ) at 4 n . m .
" More than a year ago one of my children was attacked with bronchitis , anil , after a long illness , . vas given up by all physicians as ' past cure . ' 1 was then induced to try your Vegetable . ' ain Killer , and from the time I began the use of it the child rapidly got better , and it is now strong and healthy . — J WINSTASLIV , IO . Whittle-st ,, Liverpool , 1861 * . —To Perry Davis & Son . "
RHEUMATISM , Neuralgia , S-usm , Clout , Deafness , Head and 1 'ootli Ache , Paralysis , Nervous Debility , Muscular and Functional Maladies , howeM-v Wna-lo ** ,. lo oilier remedies , suecdily yield to l- ' uhermaclier ' s Improved I ' atent Chain Hand . Batteries , and Accessories , from 33 . and upwards . Authentic ;! ted proofs ol unparalleled efficacy are niven in the Pamphlet , "Galvanism Nature ' s Chief Restorer of Impaired Vital fcncrj * y , ' post free on application to J . I .. I ' ulvcrmacher ' s Galvanic Establishment , tOS , Keeent Street , London , \ V ., where Pamphlet and lull Price Listcan be obtained , post free , _
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Chapter Of Pennsylvania.
me last year , ancl desirous of doing so before your next annual meeting . As a fact , however , I have found it a most difficult subject to write about , as so little is discoverable of its earl y history . " When the degree first took it rise I know not
as yet , but am continuing my researches , and may be able to elucidate the point . I mi ght write a great deal on the subject , but ctd bono ? A great deal would be purely apochryphal , and so is better left unsaid than written . " It seems to have been the custom i in fact
was ) of the ' Grand Lodge according to the old Constitutions ' ( called the ' Ancients ') to confer the P . M . degree in a Craft Lodge to candidates for Royal Arch Alasonry . No separate Chapters or warrants were required to work the Royal Arch Degree under the 'Ancients , ' and it seems to
me most probable that the ' Installation Ceremony ' originated with that body , at least , became prominent , and a separate degree under their management . If so , it is not older than , say about 120 years . The Grand Lodge of the
' Ancients' was not actually formed , and no regular records kept , until after A . D . 17 _* jo . Theminutesstillexist , andcommenced A . D . 17 /; 8 . The Grand Lodge of England is the custodian thereof .
" Whether the regular Grand Lodge , or in other words , the Grand Lodge whicli was formed A . D . 1717 , had a knowledge of the degree so early as 1750 , 1 cannot yet say positively , although there does appear evidence that a ceremony of some sort was observed at the installation of a
W . M . of a Lodge . In the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England , published A . D . 1738 , there is an engraving of the 47 th Problem of Euclid , which is the Jewel of the P . AI . degree . Under the ' Aloderns' ( so-called in the Grand Lodge of 17 1 /) separate warrants
were required to work the ' Royal Arch , ' as that degree was not actually recognised until the Union of 1813 . ( It virtually was , however , as the leading members of Grand Lodge , from the Grand M ? ster downwards , were the officers of the Grand Chapter . ) Their first R . A .
Constitution was published A . D . 1778 , and second edition 1782 , both of which I have . The use of substitutes , or any law requiring a certain number to be exalted , was unknown . Since the 'Union of A . D . 1813 , ' the Past Alaster ' s Degree has been conferred en the elected Alaster
of a lodge , and 00 such alone . Hence all Past Alasters in England , have actually served the office of Alaster of a Lodge for a period of twelve months . The only pre-quisite , Alasonically , for R . A . Alasony , being twelve months a member of the third degree . Until recently , in Scotland , tlie system of
Capitular Freemasonry prevailing in the United States was adopted , but at the Grand Lodge held the 5 th February last , it was decided to return to the old English system , and hence the Grand Chapter of Scotland has retired from the control of the Past Master ' s Degree , and left it entirel y in the hands of the Grand Lodge .
" The following are the terms of the agreement : " 1 . That the Grand Lodge shall recognise a ceremonial or degree to be conferred on Alasters of Lodges on their taking the chair at a lodge similar to that conferred in England and Ireland . " 2 . That a register shall be kept by the Grand Clerk of Installed Masters , and he shall record
the name of every Installed Alaster therein , and furnish a diploma upon certificate being sent , signed by three recorded Installed Alasters , that the ceremonial or degree has been duly conferred . The fee for registration and diploma to be 2 s . fjd . " , 3 . That this ceremonial or degree shall under
no circumstances whatever be conferred on anyone except the actual Alaster of a lodge , or one who produces a certificate from the lodge that he has occupied a chair as duly elected Alaster . " 4 . That with the view of carrying out these
resolutions , three or more Masters of lodges or Past Masters , to be selected by the Grand Lodge , shall procure themselves duly installed by three or more English or Irish Installed Alasters , and shall thereupon adjust the Ritual to be used in future .
" 5 . That thereafter the said Installed Alasters shall duly install three or more Past Alasters in the cities of Glasgow , Aberdeen , Dundee , Perth ,
Grand Chapter Of Pennsylvania.
& c , and in any of the larger towns , the brethren in which may desire it . " 6 . That the ceremonial or degree shall only be conferred when three or more Installed Alasters are present , and any lodge having that number of Installed Alasters present at a
meeting may confer the ceremonial or degree upon its Master j—but in the event of any lodge not having a sufficient number of Installed Alasters , it shall be competent to the Masters of that Lodge to procure himself duly installed at any lodge having- three Installed Alasters , provided he
produce evidence to the satisfaction of these Installed Alasters that he is a bona fide Alaster of a lodge . " In Ireland , the Past Alaster ' s Degree is also confined ( or supposed to be ) to the Alasters elect of Craft Lodges , and a ceremony of some sort is
worked , as in England , and as it is to be now in Scotland . The ceremony itself is most interesting and rather length }* . The charges to the officers are valuable , if only followed , as they should be , and altogether an installation according to the English Ritual is most imposing .
" In Ireland there is much irregularity as to the installation ceremony , but the three countries now agree in liavicg a distinct ceremony or degree for the W . AL elect ofa Craft Lodge , and more correctly speaking , it should be termed the
Installation Alaster ' s Degree , rather than the Past Alaster ' s . " With every respect and good wishes to you , AI . E . G . II . P . and the G . Chapter , believe me , fraternally and faithfully yours , "WILLIAM J AMES HUHIIAN . "
Freemasonry In Egypt.
To lhe Editor if The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — I have much pleasure in handing you herewith particulars of the presentation of an address to the Khedive , which I have no doubt
will be found interesting . The step just taken and its result cannot be looked upon with too much importance , considering the position of Freemasonry of late in this country , particularly in relation to the natives and their ruler , as it must now srive more confidence both to those
who are already Alasons and those who have a desire to join the Fraternity . The Khedive Ismail during his reign has done wonders in improving his country and the condition of its inhabitants . The connection of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales wilh Freemasonry has undoubted !} ' given H . H . the Khedive a more
favourable opinion of our order . AVe have now a further proof of the worth of this enlightened Prince Ismail Pasha , and we trust he and his people will continue and prosper . — lam . Sir and Brother , Yours Fraternally , J * C . AIILHOUXE , P . AI . St . John ' s Lodge , No . 99 .
Presentation to H . H . the Khedive by the District Grand Lodge of Egypt of an Address of Congratulation on the occasion of the Marriage ol'H . Ii . the Hereditary Prince Tanfik Pasha . The address was surrounded by an illuminated
border in the following style : —In the centre of the upper patt the initial " I . " ( Ishmail ) was inscribed in a medallion surmounted by a viceregal crown . On either side of the medallion a cornucopia ( emblem of plenty ) , from which dropped fruits and flowers of the country joined
under the medallion , and were fastened by a pair of scales ( justice ); while a sprig of laurel and oak leaves filled the space between the medallion and cornucopias . The two sides of the address were ornamented with fruits and flowers , symbolical of joy and happiness , fastened to mahogany
coloured poles , which were surrounded by ears of corn and a cotton plant , over which bees and butterflies were gathered . The centre of the poles was ornamented by large cameos , in which arts and sciences were beautifully designed . In the lower portion of the address a large landscape ,
in which the progress and civilization of Egypt were skilfully represented , occupied the central part , supported ou either side by a statue of Isis and one of Osiris . This portion of the _ border was enclosed in a gilded scroll , which joined at the gilded ends , supporting the sides .
Freemasonry In Egypt.
The Address was as follows : — A . Son Altesse Ismail Pasha , Khedive d'E gypte . Altesse , *—¦ La Grande Loge Provinciale des Macons Anciens , Libres et Acceptes d'Angleterre pour 1 'Egypte se permet d' ofr'rir a votre altesse les
felicitations les plus sinceres pour liiereux mariage de Son Altesse Ie Prince Hcritier En felicitant votre altesse des liens qu ' elle vient de reserrer en son auguste famille—liens qui raffermissent Ia securite de 1 'Egyptecette Grand Loge s ' empresse d ' otfrir en cette
occasion solonelle ses plus vif remerciments i votre altesse pour la civilisation qu ' elle a repandue en Egypte , et addresse des vu : ux sinceres au Tres Haut quil , Lui plaise d ' accorder a votre altesse une vie longue , prospere et heureuse , pour
qu ' elle puisse accomplia l ' ocuvre re regeneration , si dignement commence et poursuivie . Au Caire , Ie 16 me jour de Decembre , 1872 . ( Signed . ) Le Lieut . G . M ., Prov . G . AL , Prov . p . int . RALPH BORG .
Le xer G . Surv . Prov ., E . W . T . TINNEY , Le G . Tres . Prov ., E . T . ROGERS , Le 2 eme G . Surv . Prov ., J C . AIILDOURNF . Le G . Sec . Prov . p . int . W . B . BROi' ( -ir .
Seal of the Dist . Grand Lodge for Egypt . His Highness having received at Abdeen on the 19 th of February , 187 , 3 , at 11 . 30 a . m ., the deputation consisting of the District Grand Lodge Officers who signed the address , the address was
read over by the D . and acting D . G . M ., when H . H . replied , thanking in warm terms the English'Freemasons for the address . His Highness expressed himself highly gratified with the expressions contained therein , and indeed appeared very well pleased . Bro . Borg then said : — Monseigneur ,
En remettant I ' addresse dela Grand Loge Prov ., que votre altesse me permette de lui remercier de la nouvelle preuve de progre . s et de civilisation qu ' elle donne au monde entier . La Alaijonnerie , jusqu ' vut ici proscrite et cachee en Egypte , par cause de sa devise progressiste se
releveujourdhui sous les auspices de votre altesse , est fiere dtt rang quelle accorde en son royaumc elle pent se declarer regeneree , grace au patronage dont votre altesse 1 'entouru en reconnaissant son existence legale . Au nom de cette institution constitute en Egypte , ainsi
au nom de la Maconnerie repandue sur les deux hemispheres , je remercie votre altesse de l'insigne faveur qu ' elle lui accorde . Je sin ' s certain , Monseigneur , que j ' exprime aussi les sentiments de mes collogues en assurant votre altesse que nous nous sentons tiers et hereux d'avoir etc choises
par le Grand Loge Prov . a remettre a votre altesse son adresse de felicitation et de remerciments . His Highness answered that he knew Freemasonry to be a beneficent society , was glad to receive such proofs of its friendship towards the work he has so much at heart , and said if there
was anything in his power he could do for the benefit of Freemasonry it would be willingly accorded and afford extreme pleasure . His Highness then entered into general conversation with thc members of the deputation who , after wards withdrew , exceedingly satisfied with thc very cordial reception they had received .
The Consecration of the Campbell Lodge , No . 141 . 5 , will take place at the Greyhound Hotel , Hampton Court , this day ( Saturday ) at 4 n . m .
" More than a year ago one of my children was attacked with bronchitis , anil , after a long illness , . vas given up by all physicians as ' past cure . ' 1 was then induced to try your Vegetable . ' ain Killer , and from the time I began the use of it the child rapidly got better , and it is now strong and healthy . — J WINSTASLIV , IO . Whittle-st ,, Liverpool , 1861 * . —To Perry Davis & Son . "
RHEUMATISM , Neuralgia , S-usm , Clout , Deafness , Head and 1 'ootli Ache , Paralysis , Nervous Debility , Muscular and Functional Maladies , howeM-v Wna-lo ** ,. lo oilier remedies , suecdily yield to l- ' uhermaclier ' s Improved I ' atent Chain Hand . Batteries , and Accessories , from 33 . and upwards . Authentic ;! ted proofs ol unparalleled efficacy are niven in the Pamphlet , "Galvanism Nature ' s Chief Restorer of Impaired Vital fcncrj * y , ' post free on application to J . I .. I ' ulvcrmacher ' s Galvanic Establishment , tOS , Keeent Street , London , \ V ., where Pamphlet and lull Price Listcan be obtained , post free , _