Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article BIRTH. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Public Amusements. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article LIVERPOOL THEATRES, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance .
Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7-s . 61 I . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . oil . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . Od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains . The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual
subscription , ios . ( pavable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c ., to be addressed to Hie Editor , IQ 8 . Fleet-street , E . G . I -The Editor will pav careful attention to all MSS . entrusted toliim , But cannot undertake to return them unlessaccompanicd hypostatic -tamns .
COATES . —At No . 5 , Coxon Street , Sundeilandi on the ist . inst ., the wife of faro . Jas . II . Coates , W . M . Williamson Lodge , No . 949 , of a son . DEATH . BUCHAN . —On 23 rd ult ., at 27 Keiifew-strcct , Glasgow Andrew WaiMell , aged 18 months , youngest son of 15 ro . W . P . Buchan .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
The following comumcations stand over : — "Additional Notes , " by Emra Holmes ; "A Point of Masonic History '" by a Masonic Student ; Letters from D . O . S . nnd . Beta ; Dis . G . Lodgeof Bengal ; Kcpovts of Lodge 22 S , 478 ; Huyshe Chapter Hose Croix .
Public Amusements.
Public Amusements .
Royal Polytechnic . Great Programme for Christinas . 1 . The History of a PLUM PUDDING , with striking experiments hv Professor Gardner . 2 . A Christmas -iale ; or , MOW ( ANE' CO . XOUEST KAMI THR BELL : an Illustrated Poem , with remarkable ellects . a . The " ZOO" AT THK "POLY , " an anecdotal discourse about the Zoological Gardens , liv Mr . | . I .. King , villi Photoeraphs bv Mr . Vork . j . The THliEK ROSES ; or , the Invisible illr
Prince in a New Light : a fain * tale , musically narrated by . George Buckland , assisted bv ' . Miss Alice Barth , . Miss I ' nlham , and Missl . ilie Uartlell . - " . * l ' lic WHITE LADY OF A VEN EL , thc new ? nd beautiful Ghost Illusion . ( 1 . New ( 1 IARAC 1 KR ENTERTAINMENT , bv Mr . Percv Vere . 7- 'I'he wonilcrlnl SWIMMING FEATS of Man-nis Uilihero in lhe Great Tank . 8 . The MAGIC TUB , full of 'Joys , 10 be ili .-lribnlcil on .---ccilieil o : casions , lo good Children . Many oilier Entertainment , ' . Open dai ' v , at 11 and 1 . Admission , is .
Madame Tussaud ' s Exhibition . On view a Magnilifcnt Marriai'c Groupol II . K . H II IK PRINCESS LOUISE and tlie MAKOUIS OF l . OKNK , also a new portrait Model of DR . LI YING . VIONE , ilie ureal AFRICAN EXPLORER ; THE "CLAIMANT " , SIR ROGER TICIIBORN ; HUDSON , tlie ' RAILWAY KINO 1 " and ll . R . II , THE PRINCE OF WALES , in llie Kobe- * ol ill . * Order i , l th , Garter . Open from io a . m . to 10 p . u * ,. Admission ss ., Children under 10 , 0 , 1 . Extra Rooms 0 , 1 .
Liverpool Theatres, &C.
Week ending March 15 . ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE , I . ime-sln-el .-Lessee Bro . E . Sakcr . . Mr . and . Mrs . Harm . ** Williams in " The Fairy Circle " and other piece--.
ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE , Great Cli . lllollc-stiecl . — Lessee , Mr . II . Leslie ; Manager , Mr . Arthur Garner . Mr Barry Sullivan in " llauilel , " * ' lhe Gamester , " " Maebelli , " Sec * PRINCE OF WALKS THEATRE , Clayl » n- > , | n * ivc . —l . cssccr Mr . Sefton Parry . " Ruinpesiilt .-kiiis , " ami " Vesta's Temple . "
THEATRE KOYAL Williamson-square . —Lessee , Bio . De Freecc . Byron ' s burlesque , "La Sonnamliula , " and Miscellaneous Entertainment . ST . JAMES'S HALL , Lime-street . —Proprietor , Bro . S . Hague , Special Artistes ami Programme . CIRCUS , William Brown-slreci . —llolden's Comic Manni , kins , wilh Pantomime of" lleautv ami ihe Beast . "
NEW STAR MUSIC HALL , Wilil .-imsc-n-s ** ii * . rc . —Manager , Bro . Saunilcis . Opera , ami Special Mi-icellaiieous Altrae lions . N FAVSOME'S CIRCUS , Whiteeliaptl . — Proprietor , Mr . James Newsome . Special Equestrian and Gymnastic Entertainment .
ROTUNDA THEATRE ami . MUSIC * HALL . —Proprietor , Mr | D . Grannell . Christmas Pantomime , " Babes in thc Wood , ' aud Miscellaneous Entertainments . QUEEN'S HALL , Bnld-strcct . —Lamb's Roval Diorama ol Scotland , with the Original Scottish Minstrels . WELLINGTON HALL , Camden-strect .-Dr , Lorry ' s Diorama of Ireland and Irish Minstrels .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , MARCH 8 , 187 , 3 .
United Grand Lodge.
The Quarterl y Communication to Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , the Rev . John Huyshe , Provincial Grand Master for Devon , on the throne . The Grand Master was
not present , owing * to his being suddenly called away to Cannes , on account of an accident having happened there last Sunday to his eldest son , the Earl De Grey . The circumstance , it will be
seen below , was mentioned to Grand Lodge by the acting Grand Master , and a profound feeling of sympathy with his lordship was manifested by the brethren present . Grand Lodge was very
numerously attended , and the circumstance that this was the night for the election of the Grand Master , perhaps drew more brethren together than would have otherwise been the case .
Nevertheless , a heavy paper of business presented attractions which partly might account for so large a concourse , although there were
not so many brethren of great distinction in the number as attended at the great festival , held last week . Lord Tenterden , who has been most assiduous in his duties as S . W .. since he was
appointed , occupied the chair assigned to his rank , Col . jBurdett ' acted as Deputy Grand Master , and Col . Brownrigg as Past Gi and Master . The other oflicers were iu their places , and a large
body of Past Grand Ollicers were on the dais . The regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business were read by the Grayd Secretary , after which the same worthy nllicinl read the minutes of last
Quarterly Communication , which were put and c * . in * it > u unanimously . The Acting ( irand Master then said , brethren , I rise under peculiar circumstances to address
you to-day . Most deeply do 1 regret the absence of our Most Worshi pful Grand Master , but above all things I regret the cause of that absence . I regret most deeply that the son of the Most
Worshipful ( irand Alaster should have met with a very serious accident abroad , and lhat lhat requires his presence where his son now lies . I have the satisfaction of being able to tell you
on the very best authority , the information of the Senior Warden of Kngland , that a telegraphic message has been received from Cannes , which declares that the serious accident , which it was
believed to be , and which I believe it i . s , at present , is not so serious as it was supposed to have been . The Senior Grand Warden informs me that he has good reason for supposing that the
misfortune which has befallen oui Grand Master , though it has deprived us of his presence , will not turn out to be what we had at first conjectured so disastrous . Having thus spoken
briefly on that point , I wish lo tell you that Ihe next subject we have to consider is the election oC Grand Master for the year . ( Cheers . ) Bro . 1 '' . A . Philbrick , P . M . J 8 : —Most
Worshi pful Acting Grand Master , the nomination of Grand Master which has been read b y the Grand Secretary , and which I had the honour to make at the Quarterl y Communication in December , I now rise to follow up . . I ' rise to
United Grand Lodge.
propose tiiat the Most the Honourable Marquess of Ripon be re-elected Grand Master of our Order during the ensuing year . ( Hear , hear . ) The nomination which was made received the
entire approval of this Grand Lodge , faithfully reflecting the sentiments of the Craft at large ; and if anything were wanting- to call forth an expression on thc part of Grand Lodge towards the
distinguished nobleman who occupies the throne of our Order , it was the reception whicli the announcement which your Most Worship ful Acting Grand Master has just made , and the
sympathy which was elicited under the present painful circumstances which deprive Grand Lodge of the advantage of thc presence of the Grand Master of England upon this occasion .
( Hear , hear . ) For some years now the Marquess of Ripon has presided over our Order . During the period he has so presided the progress of the Craft has been one of continued prosperity
and success . At no time , I may venture to say , his thc Craft stood higher in the estimation of the country , or of the public at large . At no time has it been more united in loyalty to its
head , or devotion to the great principles of the Order ; and in calling our Grand Master again to preside over and administer our affairs , if judged by the standard of the past , the rough
standard of success , we may pronounce his administration to have been a complete one ; if judged by his own conduct on lhe throne , all who have been present in Grand Lodge can bear witness to the
fairness and impartiality with which he has borne himself on all occasions ; to the unvarying courtesey and ability which he brings to thc discharge of the important duties of his office , and to those
qualities winch have endeared the name ofthe Marquess of Ripon to every Mason throughout the length and breadth of the land . Therefore it is Most Worshipful Acting Grand Master , I
venture lo propose that thc Most Honourable the Marquess of Kipon be re-elected to the throne of the < ) rder ; and I am sure that in so doing by acclamation this Grand Lotlge will , as I said
before , but faithfully reflect the sentiments of every Mason throughout the country ; it will do itself in honour , for wc arc proud that the chief position an our Order should be filled by a
nobleman so eminent and exalted in himself , so thorough an example of all the princi p les of Masonry , antl I think I may venture without ostentation , to add that our Grand Master may fairly
congratulate himself ou the position the Craft has usurped under his most successful sway . ( Cheers . ) Bro . J . A . Rucker : —In rising to second this
proposition , I venture to think , with the brother who made it , that it will be received with acclamation . In the ordinary course of our business 1 believe it requires a seconder ; but it is hardly
necessary for me to use any words in expressing my approbation of the terms in whicli one brother has proposed this resolution to you , the
members ot this Grand Lodge ; but I do think this , that nobod y can stand up , as I am doing , to second this and sit down with satisfaction to
himself and to you without expressing our deep sympathy with the Most Worshipful Grand Master at the calamity that has befallen him . I am quite sure that every one of us has received with the greatest satisfaction the intelligence that
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance .
Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7-s . 61 I . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . oil . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . Od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains . The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual
subscription , ios . ( pavable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c ., to be addressed to Hie Editor , IQ 8 . Fleet-street , E . G . I -The Editor will pav careful attention to all MSS . entrusted toliim , But cannot undertake to return them unlessaccompanicd hypostatic -tamns .
COATES . —At No . 5 , Coxon Street , Sundeilandi on the ist . inst ., the wife of faro . Jas . II . Coates , W . M . Williamson Lodge , No . 949 , of a son . DEATH . BUCHAN . —On 23 rd ult ., at 27 Keiifew-strcct , Glasgow Andrew WaiMell , aged 18 months , youngest son of 15 ro . W . P . Buchan .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
The following comumcations stand over : — "Additional Notes , " by Emra Holmes ; "A Point of Masonic History '" by a Masonic Student ; Letters from D . O . S . nnd . Beta ; Dis . G . Lodgeof Bengal ; Kcpovts of Lodge 22 S , 478 ; Huyshe Chapter Hose Croix .
Public Amusements.
Public Amusements .
Royal Polytechnic . Great Programme for Christinas . 1 . The History of a PLUM PUDDING , with striking experiments hv Professor Gardner . 2 . A Christmas -iale ; or , MOW ( ANE' CO . XOUEST KAMI THR BELL : an Illustrated Poem , with remarkable ellects . a . The " ZOO" AT THK "POLY , " an anecdotal discourse about the Zoological Gardens , liv Mr . | . I .. King , villi Photoeraphs bv Mr . Vork . j . The THliEK ROSES ; or , the Invisible illr
Prince in a New Light : a fain * tale , musically narrated by . George Buckland , assisted bv ' . Miss Alice Barth , . Miss I ' nlham , and Missl . ilie Uartlell . - " . * l ' lic WHITE LADY OF A VEN EL , thc new ? nd beautiful Ghost Illusion . ( 1 . New ( 1 IARAC 1 KR ENTERTAINMENT , bv Mr . Percv Vere . 7- 'I'he wonilcrlnl SWIMMING FEATS of Man-nis Uilihero in lhe Great Tank . 8 . The MAGIC TUB , full of 'Joys , 10 be ili .-lribnlcil on .---ccilieil o : casions , lo good Children . Many oilier Entertainment , ' . Open dai ' v , at 11 and 1 . Admission , is .
Madame Tussaud ' s Exhibition . On view a Magnilifcnt Marriai'c Groupol II . K . H II IK PRINCESS LOUISE and tlie MAKOUIS OF l . OKNK , also a new portrait Model of DR . LI YING . VIONE , ilie ureal AFRICAN EXPLORER ; THE "CLAIMANT " , SIR ROGER TICIIBORN ; HUDSON , tlie ' RAILWAY KINO 1 " and ll . R . II , THE PRINCE OF WALES , in llie Kobe- * ol ill . * Order i , l th , Garter . Open from io a . m . to 10 p . u * ,. Admission ss ., Children under 10 , 0 , 1 . Extra Rooms 0 , 1 .
Liverpool Theatres, &C.
Week ending March 15 . ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE , I . ime-sln-el .-Lessee Bro . E . Sakcr . . Mr . and . Mrs . Harm . ** Williams in " The Fairy Circle " and other piece--.
ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE , Great Cli . lllollc-stiecl . — Lessee , Mr . II . Leslie ; Manager , Mr . Arthur Garner . Mr Barry Sullivan in " llauilel , " * ' lhe Gamester , " " Maebelli , " Sec * PRINCE OF WALKS THEATRE , Clayl » n- > , | n * ivc . —l . cssccr Mr . Sefton Parry . " Ruinpesiilt .-kiiis , " ami " Vesta's Temple . "
THEATRE KOYAL Williamson-square . —Lessee , Bio . De Freecc . Byron ' s burlesque , "La Sonnamliula , " and Miscellaneous Entertainment . ST . JAMES'S HALL , Lime-street . —Proprietor , Bro . S . Hague , Special Artistes ami Programme . CIRCUS , William Brown-slreci . —llolden's Comic Manni , kins , wilh Pantomime of" lleautv ami ihe Beast . "
NEW STAR MUSIC HALL , Wilil .-imsc-n-s ** ii * . rc . —Manager , Bro . Saunilcis . Opera , ami Special Mi-icellaiieous Altrae lions . N FAVSOME'S CIRCUS , Whiteeliaptl . — Proprietor , Mr . James Newsome . Special Equestrian and Gymnastic Entertainment .
ROTUNDA THEATRE ami . MUSIC * HALL . —Proprietor , Mr | D . Grannell . Christmas Pantomime , " Babes in thc Wood , ' aud Miscellaneous Entertainments . QUEEN'S HALL , Bnld-strcct . —Lamb's Roval Diorama ol Scotland , with the Original Scottish Minstrels . WELLINGTON HALL , Camden-strect .-Dr , Lorry ' s Diorama of Ireland and Irish Minstrels .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , MARCH 8 , 187 , 3 .
United Grand Lodge.
The Quarterl y Communication to Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , the Rev . John Huyshe , Provincial Grand Master for Devon , on the throne . The Grand Master was
not present , owing * to his being suddenly called away to Cannes , on account of an accident having happened there last Sunday to his eldest son , the Earl De Grey . The circumstance , it will be
seen below , was mentioned to Grand Lodge by the acting Grand Master , and a profound feeling of sympathy with his lordship was manifested by the brethren present . Grand Lodge was very
numerously attended , and the circumstance that this was the night for the election of the Grand Master , perhaps drew more brethren together than would have otherwise been the case .
Nevertheless , a heavy paper of business presented attractions which partly might account for so large a concourse , although there were
not so many brethren of great distinction in the number as attended at the great festival , held last week . Lord Tenterden , who has been most assiduous in his duties as S . W .. since he was
appointed , occupied the chair assigned to his rank , Col . jBurdett ' acted as Deputy Grand Master , and Col . Brownrigg as Past Gi and Master . The other oflicers were iu their places , and a large
body of Past Grand Ollicers were on the dais . The regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business were read by the Grayd Secretary , after which the same worthy nllicinl read the minutes of last
Quarterly Communication , which were put and c * . in * it > u unanimously . The Acting ( irand Master then said , brethren , I rise under peculiar circumstances to address
you to-day . Most deeply do 1 regret the absence of our Most Worshi pful Grand Master , but above all things I regret the cause of that absence . I regret most deeply that the son of the Most
Worshipful ( irand Alaster should have met with a very serious accident abroad , and lhat lhat requires his presence where his son now lies . I have the satisfaction of being able to tell you
on the very best authority , the information of the Senior Warden of Kngland , that a telegraphic message has been received from Cannes , which declares that the serious accident , which it was
believed to be , and which I believe it i . s , at present , is not so serious as it was supposed to have been . The Senior Grand Warden informs me that he has good reason for supposing that the
misfortune which has befallen oui Grand Master , though it has deprived us of his presence , will not turn out to be what we had at first conjectured so disastrous . Having thus spoken
briefly on that point , I wish lo tell you that Ihe next subject we have to consider is the election oC Grand Master for the year . ( Cheers . ) Bro . 1 '' . A . Philbrick , P . M . J 8 : —Most
Worshi pful Acting Grand Master , the nomination of Grand Master which has been read b y the Grand Secretary , and which I had the honour to make at the Quarterl y Communication in December , I now rise to follow up . . I ' rise to
United Grand Lodge.
propose tiiat the Most the Honourable Marquess of Ripon be re-elected Grand Master of our Order during the ensuing year . ( Hear , hear . ) The nomination which was made received the
entire approval of this Grand Lodge , faithfully reflecting the sentiments of the Craft at large ; and if anything were wanting- to call forth an expression on thc part of Grand Lodge towards the
distinguished nobleman who occupies the throne of our Order , it was the reception whicli the announcement which your Most Worship ful Acting Grand Master has just made , and the
sympathy which was elicited under the present painful circumstances which deprive Grand Lodge of the advantage of thc presence of the Grand Master of England upon this occasion .
( Hear , hear . ) For some years now the Marquess of Ripon has presided over our Order . During the period he has so presided the progress of the Craft has been one of continued prosperity
and success . At no time , I may venture to say , his thc Craft stood higher in the estimation of the country , or of the public at large . At no time has it been more united in loyalty to its
head , or devotion to the great principles of the Order ; and in calling our Grand Master again to preside over and administer our affairs , if judged by the standard of the past , the rough
standard of success , we may pronounce his administration to have been a complete one ; if judged by his own conduct on lhe throne , all who have been present in Grand Lodge can bear witness to the
fairness and impartiality with which he has borne himself on all occasions ; to the unvarying courtesey and ability which he brings to thc discharge of the important duties of his office , and to those
qualities winch have endeared the name ofthe Marquess of Ripon to every Mason throughout the length and breadth of the land . Therefore it is Most Worshipful Acting Grand Master , I
venture lo propose that thc Most Honourable the Marquess of Kipon be re-elected to the throne of the < ) rder ; and I am sure that in so doing by acclamation this Grand Lotlge will , as I said
before , but faithfully reflect the sentiments of every Mason throughout the country ; it will do itself in honour , for wc arc proud that the chief position an our Order should be filled by a
nobleman so eminent and exalted in himself , so thorough an example of all the princi p les of Masonry , antl I think I may venture without ostentation , to add that our Grand Master may fairly
congratulate himself ou the position the Craft has usurped under his most successful sway . ( Cheers . ) Bro . J . A . Rucker : —In rising to second this
proposition , I venture to think , with the brother who made it , that it will be received with acclamation . In the ordinary course of our business 1 believe it requires a seconder ; but it is hardly
necessary for me to use any words in expressing my approbation of the terms in whicli one brother has proposed this resolution to you , the
members ot this Grand Lodge ; but I do think this , that nobod y can stand up , as I am doing , to second this and sit down with satisfaction to
himself and to you without expressing our deep sympathy with the Most Worshipful Grand Master at the calamity that has befallen him . I am quite sure that every one of us has received with the greatest satisfaction the intelligence that