Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ioSs , responded for " The Visitors ; " and " The Officers " and Tyler ' s toasts brought another happy meeting to a close . LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The montnly meeting of this lodge was held on the 3 rdinst ., in the Masonic Rooms , Athcnxum . There was only a moderate attendance . Bro . J . H . Irwin occupied the chair
of K . S ., supported by Bros . Aldous , I . P . M . ; Captain Turner , S . W . ; A . Kershaw , J . W . ; H . Longman , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works , Sec ; W . Drinkall , S . D . ; B . Greyson , as J . D . ; and R . Stanton , as I . G . The lodge having been opened with the usual formalities and the minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . VVilliam Capstick , and proving unanimous he was admitted and initiated into the
mysteries of the Craft , the working of the degree being gone through in an impressive and admirable manner by the W . M ., who also delivered the charge to the initiate . The working tools were given by Bro . Kershaw , J . VV . Communications were read from Grand Lodge , after which the proclamations were made , eliciting " Hearty good wishes" from thc visiting brethren , and the lodge was closed in accordance with ancient custom .
BATTLE . —Abbey Lodge ( No . 11 S 4 ) . —The brethren of thc above lodge met at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , 21 st ult ., when Bro . A . D . Womersley , W . M ., Presided , supported by Bros . J . li . Sargent , I . P . M . ; B . I . Thorpe , P . P . G . S . D ., P . M ., S . VV . ; J . F . Richardson , J . VV . ; R . Hughes , Sec . ; B . Tree , acting S . D . ; C . Armtrone , I . D . ; 1 . Fielding , Org . ; W . C . Till , acting l . G . ;
Jesson , Tyler ; Bros . W . Lamborn , P . P . G . P ., P . M . ; C . Martin , T . J . Waldcr , VV . T . Jordan , R . Davidson , H . Foster , W . A . Raper , Major Robertson , J . M . Farr , P . P . G . S . B . Essex . Visitor : Bro . F . Duke , 40 . The minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed and the bye-laws read . There being no business the lodge was closed .
ECCLES . —Victoria Lodge ( 1345 ) . —The installation meeting was held and St . John ' s Festival celebrated at the Cross Keys Hotel on Thursday , 22 nd ult . A goodly number of brethren , whose names wc have been unable to procure , put in an appearance on the occasion . The Installing Master was Bro . Benjamin Taylor , P . M . of this lodge , and 935 , P . P . G . Treas ., whose
ability has long becn recognised and thoroughl y appreciated in and around Manchester b y members of the Craft . Bro . Taylor ' s performance on this occasion was no exception to the rule of " always well done , " and in due course Bro . VV . J . Chadwick , VV . M . elect , was installed into thc chair of K . S . with all proper rite and ceremony . 'The following brethren were invested officers for the year :
Bros . J . Pearson , S . VV . ; VV . Hall , J . W . ; Benjamin Iaylor , Treas . ; C . T . Hibbert , Sec ; H . Heath , S . D . ; J . VV . Ogden , J . D . ; C . A . Sumner , I . G . ; A . Taylor , Org . ; E . O . Stuart and II . Rowlands , Stewards . After the addresses had been dclivcccd and some further business transacted the lodge was closed . Thc brethren subsequently celebrated thc Festival of St .
John with a banquet , thc preparation and serving of wliich fairly eclipsed all the host's ( Bro . Pearson ) previous efforts . 'Tne usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , Bro . James Andrew , P . G . D . C , replying on behalf of the Prov . Grand Officers of West Lancashire , and Bro . Richd . Timperley , P . P . G . S . D ., on behalf of East Lancashire . The toast of " The Masonic Charities" was proposed and
warmly commented upon by Bro . Benjamin Taylor and responded to by Bro . Charles Haywood , P . G . SAV . Bro . Wm . Corncr . jun ., I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the VV . M ., " and in doing so remarked that hc was glad to see his friend Bro . Chadwick placed in the chair of K . S ., as he knew him to be a good man and Mason , and at the end of his year it would be found hc was well worthy of their
confidence , and that the lodge had prospered under his presidency , and thc charitable institutions , which they all had S 3 much at heart , had received his support . The Worshipful Master returned thanks to Bro . Corner for his kind remarks , and to thc brethren for so heartily drinking his health . Hc said he would have preferred to have gone less quickly to thc position hc now occupied ; but since he wan there by thc wish of his brethren , he would do
his utmost to merit their confidence . Before sitting down the VV . M . proposed in eulogistic terms " 'The Health of Bro . Wm . Corner , jun ., I . P . St ., " and presented him in thc name of the brethren with a handsome P . M . 's iS-carat gold jewel , manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , 47 , Bridge-street . Bra . Corner returned thanks in suitable terms , and other toasts were proposed and responded to , a pleasant evening being spent by thc brethren .
SUNDERLAND . —Fenwick Lodge ( No . 1389 ) . —Thc regular meeting of this lodge took place recently in the Masonic Hall , Park-terrace . Thc W . M ., Bro . T . Pinkney , opened the lodge in due form , and was supported by Bros . M . Douglas , P . P . G . D ,, acting as I . P . M . ; R . Hudson , Prov . G . Sec . ; J . C . Moor , VV . M . 97 ; J . Nelson , VV . M . So ; C . McNamara , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; M ,
Frampton , Prov . G . S . B . ; R . Kinmond , | Prov . G . Purst . ; VV . Beattie , P . M . ; A . T . Munroe , P . P . G . S . B . ; and others . Bro . Sparks , who had been initiated into Masonry on thc last regular meeting , was passed to the degree of a F . C . by the W . M ., Bro . T . Pinkney . " Hearty good wishes " having b . en expressed the lodge was closed . The brethren
afterwards adjourned to refreshment , at which Bro . Pinkney presided , and was supported by thc Prov . Grand Sec , Bro . Hudson , and others . The loyal and Masonic toasts having been prop-sod , the W . M . proposed the toast of " The R . W . Provincial Grand Master , the Marquess of Londonderry , " coupled with the name of Bro . Hudson , Prov . G . Sec Bro . Hudson in reply said : I thank ycu for the kindly
way in which you have spoken of the Provincial Grand Master and Oilicers of the Provincial Grand Lodge . I believe our Grand Master is anxious to do his duty and he will not shirk any work which falls to his lot . We have a consecration of a new lodge at Crook on the 5 th March , and he has expressed his anxiety and willingness to perform
the work himself . With one exception he has always performed all the work himself , and he desires me from time to time to report to him the proceedings of all the lodges in the province , and I hope I do it impartially . Since last lodge meeting most of us have had the opportunity of joining in thc Grand Lodge at Durham , under auspices which the present
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
generation may not see again . The occasion of the visit of His Royal Highness the Duke of Albany was a memorable one , and one that will be remembered with gratification by us all ; not the least important part of it was that assembly of ours in the ancient pile at Durham , and the
sermon of Bro . Tristram . I desire you to consider it carefully ; it will well repay your perusal . On behalf of the Provincial Grand Master and Officers I have pleasure in responding to the toast . Other toasts were afterwards given .
HAMPTON . —Hemming Lodge ( No . 1512 ) . — A meeting of this lodge was held on the 21 st ult ., at the Lion Hotel . Among those present were Bros . T . Moody , W . M . ; Davey , S . VV . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., acting J . W . ; W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middx ., Sec . ; Spearing , S . D . ; H . Hollands , I . G . ; J . C . Jessett , P . M ., W . S . ; I .. Eales , A . W . S . ; Hiscox , I . P . M . ; and others .
Bro . F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middx ., was a visitor . Apologies for absence were read from Bros . 1-3 . Hopwood , P . M . ; T . VV . Ockenden , P . M . ; H . Jones , J . VV . ; H . Wheatley , and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having becn read and confirmed , Mr . Gregoire Kundury was impressively initiated into Craft mysteries by the W . M . No other
business presenting itself the members adjourned to the banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the customary toasts followed . Bro . Wall responded upon behalf of " Thc Provincial Grand Officers . " "The Health of the W . M . was warmly proposed by the I . P . M . Bro . Moody having
responded , then gave " The initiate . " This toast having been drunk with acclamation , Bro . Kundury briefly replied . Bro . F . Walters acknowledged " The Health of the Visitor . " Bro . Hiscox replied upon behalf of "The Past Masters , " and Bros . Davey , Spearing , Jessett , and Eales responded to the toast of "The Officers . " The proceedings then terminated .
LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 26 th ult ., at thc Masonic Hall , Hope-street , but the attendance was not so large as usual , only about 50 being present . The lodge was opened by thc VV . M ., Bro . J . L . Shrapnell , and amongst those who gave him official support during the afternoon were Bros . VV . Savage , I . P . M . ; R . Burgess , S . VV . ; J . M . Boyd , J . VV . ; J . B . Mackenzie , P . G . S . D ., 'Treas . ; O . VV . Sanderson ,
S . D . ; J . Orr Marples , I . G . ; H . Round , S . S . ; E . H . Allen , A . S . ; and VV . H . Ball , Tyler . The attendance of members embraced Bros . 'Tudor Rogers , J . H . Light , J . Galloway , VV . C . Fane , D . Fleming , E . Graham , L . Hughes , T . Irvine , H . Fineberg ; , J . Fineberg , VV . Briscall , W . Mildyard , A . Beddoc , G . E . Carroll , J . Rawsthornc , J . Chambers , D . A . Wood , J . Ballard , A . Hines , P . M . 1052 ; B .
Hughes , J . B . Macphcrson , D . Gumming , Eaton Batty , I Jacobs , W . E . Stone , E . Brammall , I'd J . Stimson , and Owen Dacroy . On the list of visitors were Bros . J . VV . Wcmslcy , 292 ; J . Sillitoe , P . M . 605 ; R . Robertson , 7 S 6 ; F . II . Rainbow , 1393 ; R . Courtneidge , 4 S 1 ; D . Marshall , S . W . 175 6 ; P . Macmuldron , P . P . G . S . D . ; and J . Busfield , 21 O .
After thc minutes of thc previous meeting and two emergencies held during thc month had becn confirmed , Bros . Harris , Fineberg , Dr . Irvine , and VV . Briscall were passed , and Bro . John Galloway raised , the work being admirably performed by the W . M . and his principal ofiicers . At the conclusion of business thc brethcen adjourned to dinner served in the banqueting-room , and in the course of thc evening a most enjoyable musical programme was given
by Bros . Eaton Batty , J . Busfield , A , Beddoc , VV . E . Stone , J . B . Macphcrson , VV . Savage , and F . J . Stimson , the accompaniments being admirably played b y Bro . Burgess . During the proceedings Bro . Savage , I . P . M ., on behalf of Bro . J . Fineberg , presented Bro . Mackenzie with a valuable Past Master ' s jewel as a mark of the esteem cherished for him by Bro . Fineberg . The pleasing personal compliment was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Mackenzie .
MANCHESTER . —Avon Lodge ( No . 1633 ) . — Thc annual monthly meeting was held at the Denmark Hotel , Greenheys , on the 27 th ult . The minutes of the previous meeting having becn read and confirmed , the next business was the conferring the concluding portion of thc Second Degree ( he having previously taken the first portion in thc Enoch Lodge , No . 11 ) and raising to thc
1 bird Bro . I-rcdenck Michael Maccabc ( one of the Two Macs ) , who has made such a signal success in the pantomime " Jack and Jill , " at thc Princes Theatre , and Bio . Maccabc having been completed a Fellow Craft , Bro . Wm . Bostock , P . M . ( by permission of the VV . M . ) , took the chair and raised him / to . the Sublime Degree of a M . M ., with that precision and imprcssiveness for which hc has achieved
a reputation . Bro . S . D . . Mckellen , P . M ., presented thc working tools . The following brethren were present : Bros . Wm . Byway , VV . M . ; A . T . Forrest , S . VV . ; VV . Craven , ] . VV . j A . B . Whittaker , P . M ., Treas . ; Charles Swinn , Sec ; VV . Lyon , S . D . ; W . T . Allitt , J . D . ; Jas . Boylan , l . G . ; Geo . Burrows , Tyler ; Wm . Bostock , P . M . ; Thos . Cavanah , P . M . ; VV . H . Leigh , P . M . ; Geo . McFarlane ,
P . M . ; . J . H . Squirrell , Henry Owen , W . F . Farrington , and Driver . Visitors : Bros . I ' . M . Maccabc , u ; Michael Frulier , 1993 ; II . Ditchficld , 1009 ; R . Evans , 993 ; Robt . Dottie , P . M . 11 G 1 ; Arthur Ricketts , 1609 ; VV . 11 . Peak , P . M . 993 ; and R . R . Lisenden , J . VV . 317 ( Freemason ) . The lodge was at this stage lowered and called off , the brethren adjourning for tea , after wliich they resumed
labour , Bro . George McFarlane , P . M ., presiding , when Bro . Driver ( who had previousl y been interrogated ) was then admitted and passed to the Second Degree . The working tools were presented and explained at length to the candidate by Bro . A . B . Whittaker , P . M ., who also delivered the charge . Some discussion took place concerning Bro . Owen ' s notice of motion to revise thc bye-laws
and eventually a Committee was appointed to consider the matter , and after " Hearty good wishes . " had been expressed the lodge was closed . On the Friday following , a lodge of emergency was held , for the purpose of initiating Mr . Joseph Maccabe ( the youngest of the Two Macs ) . Most of thc officers were
present , and several visitors , including Bros . John Roberts , P . M . 204 , Prov . G . D . of C . East Lanes . ; John Fallowes , P . M . 993 ; Alf red Lewtas , 15 SS ; Samuel ' Ayland , 1134 ; Arthur Ricketts , 1609 ; F . M . Maccabe , 1 G 33 ; and T . F . Doyle , 1 G 09 . The lodge having been opened in thc usual manner , and the minutes of thc previous meeting read and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
confirmed , Bro . Wm . Bostock took the chair of K . S ., and initiated the candidate into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . The lodge was then closed and a social halfhour spent by the brethren . "The Health of the Initiate " was proposed and suitably acknowledged .
LOUGHBOROUGH LODGE ( No . 22 ) . —Tho usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , 3 rd inst ., at Bro . McDiarmaid ' s , the Cambria Hotel , Cambria-road , Loughborough Junction , when there were present Bros . Banks , VV . M . ; Westley , S . W . ; Warren , J . VV . ; Sherring , S . D . ; Salmer , J . D . ; Perkins , I . G . ; also Bros . Johnson , Preceptor ; Hook ,
Boyce , and others . After preliminaries the rirst Section of the First Lecture was worked by Bro . Westley , assisted by the brethren . The VV . M . then very ably rehearsed the ceremonies of initiation and passing , with Bro . Hook as candidate in the First Degree and Bro . Boyce in Second Degree . Bro . Westley was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . After "hearty good wishes " the lodge was closed .
FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 J . —This lodge held its weekly meeting on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Queen Anne ' s Restaurant , Queen Anne's-gate , under the presidentship of Bro . Swain , VV . M ., assisted by Bros . Mount , S . VV . ; Mason , J . VV . ; Hunt , Preceptor ( pro . tem . ); Dutton , S . D . ; C . Tayler , J . D . ; Chretien , l . G . ; Bassington , Treas . ; Cross , Sec . ; Cobham , Dairy , Bull ,
Woods , Orpe , Forscutt , Bond , Skinner , Collens , Stroud , Balchin , and Power . . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . Forscutt having offered himself a candidate for thc Second Degree was duly examined and entrusted . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree and the ceremony of passing rehearsed in a very efficient manner . Bro . Orpe answered the questions for the Third
Degree . Lodge was opened in the Third Degree and the ceremony of raising rehearsed by the W . M . in his usual fluent and impressive way . Lodge was resumed to the First Degree . The S . W . was unanimously elected VV . M . for the next meeting . Lodge was closed in perfect harmony . At a meeting of the Faith Masonic Charities Association held afterwards the ballot proved in favour of Bro . Bassington . ¦
STAR LODGE ( No . 1275 ) . —This very strong and prosperous lodge , held at the Five Bells , New Cross , was on Staturday , thc 23 rd ult ., thc scene of a large gathering of brethren assembled to hear Bro . J . Terry , P . P . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , & c , the esteemed Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , rehearse
thc consecration and installation ceremonies . Some 130 brethren were present , including Bros . Waterman , P . M . ; Medcalf , P . M . ; Catterson , P . M . ; Penney , P . M . ; Lover , P . M . ; Andrews , P . M ., Preceptor ; Grammar , P . M . ; Belliss , VV . M . ; Lineker , W . M . ; Youngman , VV . M . ; and others .
The lodge was opened precisely at seven p . m . by Bros . Terry , as VV . M . ; Youngman , S . W . ; Waterman , J . W . ; Skudder , S . D . ; Beavis , J . D . ; and Thomas , l . G . lt is needless to state Bro . Terry's rendering of the ceremonies was , as usual , perfect , and elicited the warm applause of all present . A most cordial vote of thanks was tendered and ordered to be recorded on the minutes , and Bro . Terry
in acknowledging thc same expressed the great pleasure he felt in at any time visiting thc Star Lodge , where he was always received with so much warmth and fraternal good feeling . Hc could not help congratulating thc lodge on thc admirable arrangements made for thc convenience and comfort of thc brethren , also the good order that had been maintained during thc rehearsal of the ceremonies .
Several new members were enrolled , and " Hearty good wishes " having bcen tendered , thc lodge was closed , and some of the brethren adjourned to the adjoining room and partook with Bro . Terry of an excellent cold collation , laid out by . Bro . Bear , P . M ., the esteemed host , in a very gratifying manner , and thoroughly enjoyed by all present . The chair was occupied by Bro . Andrews , the Preceptor of
the lodge . The toast of " Bro . Terry " was enthusiastically received and happily responded to . "The Chairman" and "The Vice-Chairman" were also duly honoured , as was " Bro . Walter Martin , the much-respected Secretary , " who received most hearty and well-deserved applause . Thus another grand night in the annals of thc Star Lodge passed away , leaving happy remembrances with all those present . The floral and other decorations were
superintended by Bro . Andrews , in his usual tasty style , while the whole of the arrangements were under thc direction of the Secretary , Bro . Walter Martin , who was ably and kindly assisted by Bro . Wm . Eaton , a member always ready to do his best for the benefit of the Star Lodge . We might state this lodge of instruction has through its association , which is just fifteen months old , contributed largely to the Charities during that time , some 400 guineas having been subscribed .
ROYAL ARTHUR LODGE ( No . 1360 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Prince of Wales Hotel , Wimbledon , on the 28 th ult . Present : Bros . G . King , P . M . and P . Z ., as W . M . ; J . Squire , P . M ., P . G . £ * £ •Sur , , - •S . VV . ; T . Tavlor , P . M ., J . W . ; J . Walton , S . D . ; Horn , J . D . ; J . Rofiey , I . G . ; W . II . Wingfield , . _ .: ' \ . _ cc , P . M . ; J . VV . Squire , J . O . Carter , O Conncil , Sibley , Johnson , Lomath , Ollerhead , E .
btanden , G . Cranmcr , Chapman , T . Laws , P . M . ; Hullett , Shelly , James , and Pool . Lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . E . Standen was presented to Bro . King , to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . Lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . E . Standen duly installed
according to ancient custom . The VV . M . having been saluted in the usual form , hc appointed and invested his officers , and the addresses , & c , having been given , lodge was resumed down to thc First Degree . Bros . G . Cranmer , J . Lomath , and Chapman were elected members . A cordial vote of thanks , to be recorded on the minutes , was passed to Bro . King , P . M ., for the very excellent and efficient manner hc had worked thc ceremony of installs-
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ioSs , responded for " The Visitors ; " and " The Officers " and Tyler ' s toasts brought another happy meeting to a close . LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The montnly meeting of this lodge was held on the 3 rdinst ., in the Masonic Rooms , Athcnxum . There was only a moderate attendance . Bro . J . H . Irwin occupied the chair
of K . S ., supported by Bros . Aldous , I . P . M . ; Captain Turner , S . W . ; A . Kershaw , J . W . ; H . Longman , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works , Sec ; W . Drinkall , S . D . ; B . Greyson , as J . D . ; and R . Stanton , as I . G . The lodge having been opened with the usual formalities and the minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . VVilliam Capstick , and proving unanimous he was admitted and initiated into the
mysteries of the Craft , the working of the degree being gone through in an impressive and admirable manner by the W . M ., who also delivered the charge to the initiate . The working tools were given by Bro . Kershaw , J . VV . Communications were read from Grand Lodge , after which the proclamations were made , eliciting " Hearty good wishes" from thc visiting brethren , and the lodge was closed in accordance with ancient custom .
BATTLE . —Abbey Lodge ( No . 11 S 4 ) . —The brethren of thc above lodge met at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , 21 st ult ., when Bro . A . D . Womersley , W . M ., Presided , supported by Bros . J . li . Sargent , I . P . M . ; B . I . Thorpe , P . P . G . S . D ., P . M ., S . VV . ; J . F . Richardson , J . VV . ; R . Hughes , Sec . ; B . Tree , acting S . D . ; C . Armtrone , I . D . ; 1 . Fielding , Org . ; W . C . Till , acting l . G . ;
Jesson , Tyler ; Bros . W . Lamborn , P . P . G . P ., P . M . ; C . Martin , T . J . Waldcr , VV . T . Jordan , R . Davidson , H . Foster , W . A . Raper , Major Robertson , J . M . Farr , P . P . G . S . B . Essex . Visitor : Bro . F . Duke , 40 . The minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed and the bye-laws read . There being no business the lodge was closed .
ECCLES . —Victoria Lodge ( 1345 ) . —The installation meeting was held and St . John ' s Festival celebrated at the Cross Keys Hotel on Thursday , 22 nd ult . A goodly number of brethren , whose names wc have been unable to procure , put in an appearance on the occasion . The Installing Master was Bro . Benjamin Taylor , P . M . of this lodge , and 935 , P . P . G . Treas ., whose
ability has long becn recognised and thoroughl y appreciated in and around Manchester b y members of the Craft . Bro . Taylor ' s performance on this occasion was no exception to the rule of " always well done , " and in due course Bro . VV . J . Chadwick , VV . M . elect , was installed into thc chair of K . S . with all proper rite and ceremony . 'The following brethren were invested officers for the year :
Bros . J . Pearson , S . VV . ; VV . Hall , J . W . ; Benjamin Iaylor , Treas . ; C . T . Hibbert , Sec ; H . Heath , S . D . ; J . VV . Ogden , J . D . ; C . A . Sumner , I . G . ; A . Taylor , Org . ; E . O . Stuart and II . Rowlands , Stewards . After the addresses had been dclivcccd and some further business transacted the lodge was closed . Thc brethren subsequently celebrated thc Festival of St .
John with a banquet , thc preparation and serving of wliich fairly eclipsed all the host's ( Bro . Pearson ) previous efforts . 'Tne usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , Bro . James Andrew , P . G . D . C , replying on behalf of the Prov . Grand Officers of West Lancashire , and Bro . Richd . Timperley , P . P . G . S . D ., on behalf of East Lancashire . The toast of " The Masonic Charities" was proposed and
warmly commented upon by Bro . Benjamin Taylor and responded to by Bro . Charles Haywood , P . G . SAV . Bro . Wm . Corncr . jun ., I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the VV . M ., " and in doing so remarked that hc was glad to see his friend Bro . Chadwick placed in the chair of K . S ., as he knew him to be a good man and Mason , and at the end of his year it would be found hc was well worthy of their
confidence , and that the lodge had prospered under his presidency , and thc charitable institutions , which they all had S 3 much at heart , had received his support . The Worshipful Master returned thanks to Bro . Corner for his kind remarks , and to thc brethren for so heartily drinking his health . Hc said he would have preferred to have gone less quickly to thc position hc now occupied ; but since he wan there by thc wish of his brethren , he would do
his utmost to merit their confidence . Before sitting down the VV . M . proposed in eulogistic terms " 'The Health of Bro . Wm . Corner , jun ., I . P . St ., " and presented him in thc name of the brethren with a handsome P . M . 's iS-carat gold jewel , manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , 47 , Bridge-street . Bra . Corner returned thanks in suitable terms , and other toasts were proposed and responded to , a pleasant evening being spent by thc brethren .
SUNDERLAND . —Fenwick Lodge ( No . 1389 ) . —Thc regular meeting of this lodge took place recently in the Masonic Hall , Park-terrace . Thc W . M ., Bro . T . Pinkney , opened the lodge in due form , and was supported by Bros . M . Douglas , P . P . G . D ,, acting as I . P . M . ; R . Hudson , Prov . G . Sec . ; J . C . Moor , VV . M . 97 ; J . Nelson , VV . M . So ; C . McNamara , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; M ,
Frampton , Prov . G . S . B . ; R . Kinmond , | Prov . G . Purst . ; VV . Beattie , P . M . ; A . T . Munroe , P . P . G . S . B . ; and others . Bro . Sparks , who had been initiated into Masonry on thc last regular meeting , was passed to the degree of a F . C . by the W . M ., Bro . T . Pinkney . " Hearty good wishes " having b . en expressed the lodge was closed . The brethren
afterwards adjourned to refreshment , at which Bro . Pinkney presided , and was supported by thc Prov . Grand Sec , Bro . Hudson , and others . The loyal and Masonic toasts having been prop-sod , the W . M . proposed the toast of " The R . W . Provincial Grand Master , the Marquess of Londonderry , " coupled with the name of Bro . Hudson , Prov . G . Sec Bro . Hudson in reply said : I thank ycu for the kindly
way in which you have spoken of the Provincial Grand Master and Oilicers of the Provincial Grand Lodge . I believe our Grand Master is anxious to do his duty and he will not shirk any work which falls to his lot . We have a consecration of a new lodge at Crook on the 5 th March , and he has expressed his anxiety and willingness to perform
the work himself . With one exception he has always performed all the work himself , and he desires me from time to time to report to him the proceedings of all the lodges in the province , and I hope I do it impartially . Since last lodge meeting most of us have had the opportunity of joining in thc Grand Lodge at Durham , under auspices which the present
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
generation may not see again . The occasion of the visit of His Royal Highness the Duke of Albany was a memorable one , and one that will be remembered with gratification by us all ; not the least important part of it was that assembly of ours in the ancient pile at Durham , and the
sermon of Bro . Tristram . I desire you to consider it carefully ; it will well repay your perusal . On behalf of the Provincial Grand Master and Officers I have pleasure in responding to the toast . Other toasts were afterwards given .
HAMPTON . —Hemming Lodge ( No . 1512 ) . — A meeting of this lodge was held on the 21 st ult ., at the Lion Hotel . Among those present were Bros . T . Moody , W . M . ; Davey , S . VV . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., acting J . W . ; W . Hammond , P . P . G . D . Middx ., Sec . ; Spearing , S . D . ; H . Hollands , I . G . ; J . C . Jessett , P . M ., W . S . ; I .. Eales , A . W . S . ; Hiscox , I . P . M . ; and others .
Bro . F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middx ., was a visitor . Apologies for absence were read from Bros . 1-3 . Hopwood , P . M . ; T . VV . Ockenden , P . M . ; H . Jones , J . VV . ; H . Wheatley , and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having becn read and confirmed , Mr . Gregoire Kundury was impressively initiated into Craft mysteries by the W . M . No other
business presenting itself the members adjourned to the banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the customary toasts followed . Bro . Wall responded upon behalf of " Thc Provincial Grand Officers . " "The Health of the W . M . was warmly proposed by the I . P . M . Bro . Moody having
responded , then gave " The initiate . " This toast having been drunk with acclamation , Bro . Kundury briefly replied . Bro . F . Walters acknowledged " The Health of the Visitor . " Bro . Hiscox replied upon behalf of "The Past Masters , " and Bros . Davey , Spearing , Jessett , and Eales responded to the toast of "The Officers . " The proceedings then terminated .
LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 26 th ult ., at thc Masonic Hall , Hope-street , but the attendance was not so large as usual , only about 50 being present . The lodge was opened by thc VV . M ., Bro . J . L . Shrapnell , and amongst those who gave him official support during the afternoon were Bros . VV . Savage , I . P . M . ; R . Burgess , S . VV . ; J . M . Boyd , J . VV . ; J . B . Mackenzie , P . G . S . D ., 'Treas . ; O . VV . Sanderson ,
S . D . ; J . Orr Marples , I . G . ; H . Round , S . S . ; E . H . Allen , A . S . ; and VV . H . Ball , Tyler . The attendance of members embraced Bros . 'Tudor Rogers , J . H . Light , J . Galloway , VV . C . Fane , D . Fleming , E . Graham , L . Hughes , T . Irvine , H . Fineberg ; , J . Fineberg , VV . Briscall , W . Mildyard , A . Beddoc , G . E . Carroll , J . Rawsthornc , J . Chambers , D . A . Wood , J . Ballard , A . Hines , P . M . 1052 ; B .
Hughes , J . B . Macphcrson , D . Gumming , Eaton Batty , I Jacobs , W . E . Stone , E . Brammall , I'd J . Stimson , and Owen Dacroy . On the list of visitors were Bros . J . VV . Wcmslcy , 292 ; J . Sillitoe , P . M . 605 ; R . Robertson , 7 S 6 ; F . II . Rainbow , 1393 ; R . Courtneidge , 4 S 1 ; D . Marshall , S . W . 175 6 ; P . Macmuldron , P . P . G . S . D . ; and J . Busfield , 21 O .
After thc minutes of thc previous meeting and two emergencies held during thc month had becn confirmed , Bros . Harris , Fineberg , Dr . Irvine , and VV . Briscall were passed , and Bro . John Galloway raised , the work being admirably performed by the W . M . and his principal ofiicers . At the conclusion of business thc brethcen adjourned to dinner served in the banqueting-room , and in the course of thc evening a most enjoyable musical programme was given
by Bros . Eaton Batty , J . Busfield , A , Beddoc , VV . E . Stone , J . B . Macphcrson , VV . Savage , and F . J . Stimson , the accompaniments being admirably played b y Bro . Burgess . During the proceedings Bro . Savage , I . P . M ., on behalf of Bro . J . Fineberg , presented Bro . Mackenzie with a valuable Past Master ' s jewel as a mark of the esteem cherished for him by Bro . Fineberg . The pleasing personal compliment was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Mackenzie .
MANCHESTER . —Avon Lodge ( No . 1633 ) . — Thc annual monthly meeting was held at the Denmark Hotel , Greenheys , on the 27 th ult . The minutes of the previous meeting having becn read and confirmed , the next business was the conferring the concluding portion of thc Second Degree ( he having previously taken the first portion in thc Enoch Lodge , No . 11 ) and raising to thc
1 bird Bro . I-rcdenck Michael Maccabc ( one of the Two Macs ) , who has made such a signal success in the pantomime " Jack and Jill , " at thc Princes Theatre , and Bio . Maccabc having been completed a Fellow Craft , Bro . Wm . Bostock , P . M . ( by permission of the VV . M . ) , took the chair and raised him / to . the Sublime Degree of a M . M ., with that precision and imprcssiveness for which hc has achieved
a reputation . Bro . S . D . . Mckellen , P . M ., presented thc working tools . The following brethren were present : Bros . Wm . Byway , VV . M . ; A . T . Forrest , S . VV . ; VV . Craven , ] . VV . j A . B . Whittaker , P . M ., Treas . ; Charles Swinn , Sec ; VV . Lyon , S . D . ; W . T . Allitt , J . D . ; Jas . Boylan , l . G . ; Geo . Burrows , Tyler ; Wm . Bostock , P . M . ; Thos . Cavanah , P . M . ; VV . H . Leigh , P . M . ; Geo . McFarlane ,
P . M . ; . J . H . Squirrell , Henry Owen , W . F . Farrington , and Driver . Visitors : Bros . I ' . M . Maccabc , u ; Michael Frulier , 1993 ; II . Ditchficld , 1009 ; R . Evans , 993 ; Robt . Dottie , P . M . 11 G 1 ; Arthur Ricketts , 1609 ; VV . 11 . Peak , P . M . 993 ; and R . R . Lisenden , J . VV . 317 ( Freemason ) . The lodge was at this stage lowered and called off , the brethren adjourning for tea , after wliich they resumed
labour , Bro . George McFarlane , P . M ., presiding , when Bro . Driver ( who had previousl y been interrogated ) was then admitted and passed to the Second Degree . The working tools were presented and explained at length to the candidate by Bro . A . B . Whittaker , P . M ., who also delivered the charge . Some discussion took place concerning Bro . Owen ' s notice of motion to revise thc bye-laws
and eventually a Committee was appointed to consider the matter , and after " Hearty good wishes . " had been expressed the lodge was closed . On the Friday following , a lodge of emergency was held , for the purpose of initiating Mr . Joseph Maccabe ( the youngest of the Two Macs ) . Most of thc officers were
present , and several visitors , including Bros . John Roberts , P . M . 204 , Prov . G . D . of C . East Lanes . ; John Fallowes , P . M . 993 ; Alf red Lewtas , 15 SS ; Samuel ' Ayland , 1134 ; Arthur Ricketts , 1609 ; F . M . Maccabe , 1 G 33 ; and T . F . Doyle , 1 G 09 . The lodge having been opened in thc usual manner , and the minutes of thc previous meeting read and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
confirmed , Bro . Wm . Bostock took the chair of K . S ., and initiated the candidate into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . The lodge was then closed and a social halfhour spent by the brethren . "The Health of the Initiate " was proposed and suitably acknowledged .
LOUGHBOROUGH LODGE ( No . 22 ) . —Tho usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , 3 rd inst ., at Bro . McDiarmaid ' s , the Cambria Hotel , Cambria-road , Loughborough Junction , when there were present Bros . Banks , VV . M . ; Westley , S . W . ; Warren , J . VV . ; Sherring , S . D . ; Salmer , J . D . ; Perkins , I . G . ; also Bros . Johnson , Preceptor ; Hook ,
Boyce , and others . After preliminaries the rirst Section of the First Lecture was worked by Bro . Westley , assisted by the brethren . The VV . M . then very ably rehearsed the ceremonies of initiation and passing , with Bro . Hook as candidate in the First Degree and Bro . Boyce in Second Degree . Bro . Westley was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . After "hearty good wishes " the lodge was closed .
FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 J . —This lodge held its weekly meeting on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Queen Anne ' s Restaurant , Queen Anne's-gate , under the presidentship of Bro . Swain , VV . M ., assisted by Bros . Mount , S . VV . ; Mason , J . VV . ; Hunt , Preceptor ( pro . tem . ); Dutton , S . D . ; C . Tayler , J . D . ; Chretien , l . G . ; Bassington , Treas . ; Cross , Sec . ; Cobham , Dairy , Bull ,
Woods , Orpe , Forscutt , Bond , Skinner , Collens , Stroud , Balchin , and Power . . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . Forscutt having offered himself a candidate for thc Second Degree was duly examined and entrusted . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree and the ceremony of passing rehearsed in a very efficient manner . Bro . Orpe answered the questions for the Third
Degree . Lodge was opened in the Third Degree and the ceremony of raising rehearsed by the W . M . in his usual fluent and impressive way . Lodge was resumed to the First Degree . The S . W . was unanimously elected VV . M . for the next meeting . Lodge was closed in perfect harmony . At a meeting of the Faith Masonic Charities Association held afterwards the ballot proved in favour of Bro . Bassington . ¦
STAR LODGE ( No . 1275 ) . —This very strong and prosperous lodge , held at the Five Bells , New Cross , was on Staturday , thc 23 rd ult ., thc scene of a large gathering of brethren assembled to hear Bro . J . Terry , P . P . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , & c , the esteemed Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , rehearse
thc consecration and installation ceremonies . Some 130 brethren were present , including Bros . Waterman , P . M . ; Medcalf , P . M . ; Catterson , P . M . ; Penney , P . M . ; Lover , P . M . ; Andrews , P . M ., Preceptor ; Grammar , P . M . ; Belliss , VV . M . ; Lineker , W . M . ; Youngman , VV . M . ; and others .
The lodge was opened precisely at seven p . m . by Bros . Terry , as VV . M . ; Youngman , S . W . ; Waterman , J . W . ; Skudder , S . D . ; Beavis , J . D . ; and Thomas , l . G . lt is needless to state Bro . Terry's rendering of the ceremonies was , as usual , perfect , and elicited the warm applause of all present . A most cordial vote of thanks was tendered and ordered to be recorded on the minutes , and Bro . Terry
in acknowledging thc same expressed the great pleasure he felt in at any time visiting thc Star Lodge , where he was always received with so much warmth and fraternal good feeling . Hc could not help congratulating thc lodge on thc admirable arrangements made for thc convenience and comfort of thc brethren , also the good order that had been maintained during thc rehearsal of the ceremonies .
Several new members were enrolled , and " Hearty good wishes " having bcen tendered , thc lodge was closed , and some of the brethren adjourned to the adjoining room and partook with Bro . Terry of an excellent cold collation , laid out by . Bro . Bear , P . M ., the esteemed host , in a very gratifying manner , and thoroughly enjoyed by all present . The chair was occupied by Bro . Andrews , the Preceptor of
the lodge . The toast of " Bro . Terry " was enthusiastically received and happily responded to . "The Chairman" and "The Vice-Chairman" were also duly honoured , as was " Bro . Walter Martin , the much-respected Secretary , " who received most hearty and well-deserved applause . Thus another grand night in the annals of thc Star Lodge passed away , leaving happy remembrances with all those present . The floral and other decorations were
superintended by Bro . Andrews , in his usual tasty style , while the whole of the arrangements were under thc direction of the Secretary , Bro . Walter Martin , who was ably and kindly assisted by Bro . Wm . Eaton , a member always ready to do his best for the benefit of the Star Lodge . We might state this lodge of instruction has through its association , which is just fifteen months old , contributed largely to the Charities during that time , some 400 guineas having been subscribed .
ROYAL ARTHUR LODGE ( No . 1360 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Prince of Wales Hotel , Wimbledon , on the 28 th ult . Present : Bros . G . King , P . M . and P . Z ., as W . M . ; J . Squire , P . M ., P . G . £ * £ •Sur , , - •S . VV . ; T . Tavlor , P . M ., J . W . ; J . Walton , S . D . ; Horn , J . D . ; J . Rofiey , I . G . ; W . II . Wingfield , . _ .: ' \ . _ cc , P . M . ; J . VV . Squire , J . O . Carter , O Conncil , Sibley , Johnson , Lomath , Ollerhead , E .
btanden , G . Cranmcr , Chapman , T . Laws , P . M . ; Hullett , Shelly , James , and Pool . Lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . E . Standen was presented to Bro . King , to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . Lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . E . Standen duly installed
according to ancient custom . The VV . M . having been saluted in the usual form , hc appointed and invested his officers , and the addresses , & c , having been given , lodge was resumed down to thc First Degree . Bros . G . Cranmer , J . Lomath , and Chapman were elected members . A cordial vote of thanks , to be recorded on the minutes , was passed to Bro . King , P . M ., for the very excellent and efficient manner hc had worked thc ceremony of installs-