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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Craft Jflasonrij . FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —This old lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel on the 26 th ult ., when there were present amon _ r others Bros . Clark , VV . M . ; Jordan , S . W . ;
Fromholtz , J . W . ; Carter , P . M ., Ireas . ; W . btuart , P . M ., Sec . ; McMullen , I . G . ; Hudson , W . S . ; Hakim , A . W . S . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., ( . P . M . ; E . Hopwood , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . ; Charles Dairy , P . M . ; Rumball , P . M . ; Morrison , P . M . ; Heaphy ,
P . M . ; Cobham , P . M . ; and Longstaffe , lyler . Ihe visitors were Bros . Hughes , S 7 ; Evans , 172 ; Selman , 3 S 9 ; White , 1107 ; YVilson , 13 G 6 ; Willis , 1449 ; Hudepolil , 16 G 9 ; Rushton , 1 G 77 ; and others . The minutes of the previous mcetingjhaving been read and confirmed , the I . P . M ., by the permission of the VV . M ., raised Bro . Kundry to the Third Degree . Previously to the lodge being closed a petition of a distressed brother of
this lodge to the Board of Benevolence was recommended and signed . It was then suggested by Bros . Dairy and Walls that a club should be established in connection with the lodge for the purpose of erecting Life Governorships of thc Masonic Charities by the payment by the members of a small weekly or monthly sum . The members then adjourned to the banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual toasts followed . " The
Health of thc W . M . " was given by the I . P . M ., and the VV . M . having replied , then proposed "The Health of the Visitors , " coupled with the names of Bros . Hughes , Evans , and Selman , who responded . " The Past Masters , " rep lied to by Bro . Walls ; "The Treasurer and Secretary , " by Bros . Carterand Stuart ; and "The Officers , " by Bros . Jordan and Fromholtz , brought thc proceedings to a conclusion . ———
LION AND LAMB LODGE ( No . 192 ) . —The installation meeting of his old lodge was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday evening last . There were present Bros . 1 . G . Chillingworth , acting W . M . ; 11 . Stevenson , S . VV . ; Barclay Perkins , J . VV . ; Henry Legge , Treas . ; George Abbott , Sec . ; W . Medwin , S . D . ; James Smith , Org . ; Thomas Cohu and W . Williams , Stwds . ; S . Lucas , W . Rickwood , and George
Kenning , P . Ms . ; R . J . Dart , John Cjuy , J . llelphagc , Thomas Barker , Wm . I lobbs , Thomas Aguttcr , T . Barker , and II . Davis . Visitors : J . Lucas , 79 ; T . Tekall , 142 G ; J . Dale , 1 G 13 ; F . Bland , 1 G 13 ; J . Gibbs , 1613 ; S . J . llumfress , 733 ; C . Wickcns , 733 ; F . Dewsbury , 1599 ; N . II . Headon , 142 G ; | . Weston , 1 G 13 ; F . King , 1 G 15 ; VV . W . Westley , iSG ; _ . Dyer , B . Groner , 1 G 13 ; J . R . Foulger , 1 G 13 ; Charles Rcan , W . Whitcly , 252 ; R .
Burleton , 8 Gj ; and C . J . Spurgcon , 1613 . The minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed and the report of the Audit Committee received and adopted . Bro . Rickwood , P . M ., then proceeded to install the W . M . elect , Bro . II . Stevenson , the ceremony being very ably performed . Thc VV . M . then invested his officers . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet , under the presidency of the VV . M ., and a very enjoyable evening was spent .
CREATON LODGE ( No . 1791 ) . —This distinguished lodge held its installation meeting at thc Freemasons' llall on thc 14 th ult . Having a great deal of work to get through , the lodge was called at three o'clock , when the following brethren were present : Bros . R . G . Shute , W . M . ; J . Neilson , I . P . M . ; VV . Williams , j . W . ; E . Thurkle , P . M ., Treas . ; J . J . Cantle , P . M ., Sec ' ; D . Ferrruson , S . D . ; R . II . Rogers , J . D . ; J . B . Colwill , D .
ofC ; E . Austin , l . G . ; J . Kift , Org . ; G . F . Williams and J- J- Johnson , Stwd * . ; J . Williams , P . M . ; I .. Cornclisscn , P . M . ; Cowell Ileklcn , II . M . Cook , C . II . Bull , A . | . Taylor , [ I . D . Henton , H . Kidgley , J . Longden , J . R . Long , C . Rawley Cross , VV . Russell , A . VVolter , 1 _ Purnell , T . Pink , B . Brett , C . Smith , G . Whitaker , W . W . Anderson , A . Solomons , J . Purnell , T . Paulton , and T . Biggs . Visitors : Bros . C . VV . Side , P . M . 1507 ; E . Farwitr , P . M .
1 S 0 ; A . E . Taylor , P . M . 12015 'I . G . Smith , P . M . 194 ; S . Carrington , P . M . 1314 ! ' ' - •' !' . Crowe , W . M . 1 S 2 S ; T . J . Bird , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., VV . M . 1 S 97 ; H . VV . Davey , j . W . 173 ; C . Veal , P . M . SSp ; J . J . Thomas , l . G . 753 ; A . 1 . Beesley , 1 G 92 ; S . Hawkins , 16 95 ; H . Taylor , 1642 ; R . Thorn , 1777 ; W . Oldrey , 1 G 42 ; B . Bell , 1201 ; F . C . Dixie , 453 ; and J . Flood , 1642 . Thc minutes , balance-sheet , and Auditors' report havine
been read and confirmed , Bro . Shute , W . M ., proceeded to pass Bro . 11 . D . Benton to the Second Degree . Bro . Williams , P . M ., then entered the chair , and in a most impressive manner performed thc ceremony of installation for the benefit of Bro . XV . Williams , the VV . M . elect . Bro . Wil-Hams , P . M ., has several times performed this ceremony with great credit to himself , but it must be admitted that on this occasion he even surpassed all his former workings .
After thc board was closed and the new Master saluted , the following officers were invested : Bros . R . G . Shute , I . P . M . ; D . Ferguson , S . W . ; R . H . Rogers , J . W . ; E . Thurkle , P . M ., Treas . ; J . J . Cantle , P . M ., Sec ; E . Austin , S . D . ; J . B . Colwill , J . D . ; G . F . Williams , I . G . ; J . Kift , Org . ; J . J . Johnson , D . of C ; Cowell Helden , W . S . ; C . R . Cross , A . W . S . ; and J . Woodstock , Tyler . The newlyinstalled Master , after the ballot had been taken , initiated
into 1-reemasonry , in a manner showing he was master of the duties he had undertaken , General VV . W . Anderson , Abraham Solomons , and Joseph Purnell , after which Bro . J . Williams , P . M ., delivered the three addresses ; this innovation was made that the three candidates might receive the benefit of this important portion of the installation ceremony . On the W . M . rising for thesecond lime , Bro . Cantle called the attention uf the W . M . and brethren to the very handsome present of a sot of tracing boards made to the
lodge by Bro . I'd Purnell , when Bro . J . Williams , P . M ., proposed , and Bro . D . Ferguson , S . W ., seconded , that the thanks of the lodge be presented to Bro . F . Purnell and entered upon the minutes for his very Handsome and useful present , and they hoped the G . A . O . T . U . would spare him for many years to assist in using them and working the beautiful ceremonies . Bro . V . Purnell acknowledged the compliment in a short but suitable speech . The lodge being closed in perfect harmony the brethren
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant , where a very recherche banquet was prepared for them , to which the brethren did full ( justice . Upon the cloth being cleared the Worshipful Master proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . In proposing "The Health of the Initiate " the Worshipful Master said they had that night been favoured with three ; the first , General Anderson , who had done good suit and service in his country ' s cause , thereby
placing him in the high rank hc now held ; the other two were men engaged in business , and from the attention they had paid to the ceremonies that evening hc felt sure that the lodge had three excellent members added to the list . In responding to thc toast Bro . General Anderson said he had many times wished to be a member of the Order , but circumstances had prevented him ; now the opportunity had occurred and he had been initiated he should do his
best to perform the duties incumbent upon him . Bros . Solomons and Purnell also spoke a few words to the purpose . Bro . Shute , I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the VV . M ., " saying he did so with great pleasure . The W . M . had worked through every office except that of S . W . He was a brother thoroughly qualified to fulfil thc office he had been installed in , and he ( the I . P . M . ) asked the brethren to
join him in wishing him every happiness and many years of good health to meet them in the lodge . In response thc Worshipful Master said his position that night far exceeded his expectations , but the brethren having been pleased to place him as Master of thc lodge he should do his utmost to discharge the duties of his office with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of the members . The next toast he had to propose he was sure
would meet with the approbation of all present , as the manner in which he had been installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . Williams , P . M ., the Installing Master , would meet with thc admiration of all who took any interest in Masonic ceremonies . Bro . Williams having thanked the VV . M . and brethren for their appreciation of his services , " The Visitors " was given by the VV . M ., who said they had many of great
importance in the Craft amongst them that night , and of those he would name Bros . Farwigg , Bird , and Bell . 'The Creaton Lodge always liked to have visitors with them , as their presence expressed that unanimity of feeling that should always exist amongst Masons . Several or thc visiting brethren responded to this toast , expressing the gratification they had felt at seeing a VV . M , so beautifully installed , and be afterwards able to perform
his portion of the work in such an excellent manner . In proposing "Thc Health ofthe P . Ms . " the VV . M . said hc had a very p leasing duty to perform in pinning on thc breast of Bro . Shute , I . P . M ., a Past Master ' s jewel that had been unanimously voted to him by thc lodge , and hoped that hc might live long to wear it . llro . Shute , I . P . M ., thanked the brethren most cordially on behalf of the P . Ms ., and more particularly for thc great honour they had conferred upon him by their presentation
of the handsome jewel that night . " The toast of" The Treasurer and Secretary " was then given , and those officers having replied , the Tyler ' s toast closed thc proceedings . Thc pleasures of thc evening were greatl y enhanced by thc excellent programme of music placed before the brethren , Miss Matilda Roby , Madame Godolphin , Bros . Arthur Thompson , Arthur Thomas , Jas . Kift , and J . Ion Cantle being thc artists .
BOLTON . —Anchor and Hope Loelge ( No . 37 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at thc Swan Hotel . Present : Bros . John Booth , W . M . ; F . VV . Pacey , S . W . ; J . VV . Poyntz , J . VV . ; Rev . J . H . Gibbon , Chap . ; G . P . firockbank , Sec ; J . Hardcastle , S . D . ; VV . H . Lomax , J . D . ; Johnson Mills , D . C ; Jas . Naylor , I . G . ; R . Nightingale , Stwd . ; J . W . Roiley , ' Tyler , Thos . Higson , Asst . Tyler ; VV . Golding , Mather .
Gillibrandand Robinson . Bro . J . Handley , 1012 , was a visitor Thc lodge was opened in due form , and thc minutes of thc proceedings of thc last meeting having becn read and confirmed , lodge proceeded to thc Second Degree , when Bro . Jas . W . Mather was passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft by the VV . M ., thc working tools of the Degree being explained by the S . VV ., Bro . Pacey . Closed to the First Degree . A circular was read from thc Prov . Grand Master
urging the brethren to greater zeal in support of Masonic Charitable Institutions , 'The Secretary announced that lie had attended as a Steward to represent this lodge on the occasion of the festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in London , and that six other Stewards representing lodges in Bolton were present on the
occasion . The thanks of the lodge were awarded to Bro . Brockbank for representing this lodge on the Board of Stewards . " Hearty good Wishes " were expressed by the visiting brother . A portion of the ancient rules and charges having bcen read by the Senior Warden the lodge was closed .
GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 4 S ) . —The last regular meeting under the presidency of Bro . John Moult as VV . M . was held at the Industry Masonic Hall on Monday , the 25 th ult ., when there was a good muster of members and visitors . The lodge was opened by the VV . M ., supported and assisted by the following brethren : Bros . J . G . Smith , I . P . M . ; lohn Wood , P . M . ; R . Whitfield , P . M . ; M . CorbettP . M . Treas .
, , R . F . Cook , P . M . ; J . Beveridge , P . M . ; W . Garbutt , S . W . ; A . Rhagg , JAV . ; W . M . Pybus , Sec ; A . Simp son , as S . D . ; W . Dalrymple , J . D . ; VV . Brown , I . G . ; R . Ferry , Org . ; W . K Raeburn , S . S . ; T . Thompson , J . S . ; Joshua Curry , Tyler ; J . VV . Porter , H . F . Dryden , S . Jopling , W . Whitfield , VV . Stafford , li . L . Russell , ] . Bulmer , John Snowden , R . Tate , R . Brason , C . Case , G . H . Cawthorne , VV . Richardson , C . R . Gourlay , E . Liddell ,
VV . 1 ' . Brown , J . Davison , J . Patterson , W . Richardson , W . F . Carmon , G . G . Davidson , C . McNamara , [ . P . M . 07 ; T . Atkinson , I . G . So ; G . Lawson , P . M . 40 ; ] . C . Lawson , S . W . 424 ; J . E . Reed , J . W . 424 ; II . Nixon , 424 ; W . Smith , 424 ; R . Wilson , 424 ; J . Duckitt , P . M . 4 S 1 ; J . Cook , P . M . 4 S 1 ; J . Spearman , P . M . 4 S 1 VV . Mathieson , 4 S 1 ; M . VVatson , 48 /; R . Waugli , 1 G 2 G
T . Spedding , 11 G 3 ; R . G . Symonds , P . M . 1427 ; j . C . Moore , W . M . 97 ( Freemason ); and others . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed the ballot was taken for Mr . Wm . Richardson who was duly elected and initiated into the mysteries by Bro . John Moult , W . M . The working tools and the charge of the degree were explained by Bro . Adamson Rhagg , J . W . Then followed thc annual election , when Bro .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . Garbutt , S . W ., was chosen as W . M . ; Bro . M . Corbitt was re-elected Treasurer ; Bro . R . Ferry , Org . ; and Bro . J . Curry , lyler . The Finance Committee were also selected . Other formal business was transacted , and after " Hearty good wishes " of the visiting brethren were tendered the proceedings closed . The brethren adjourned for
refreshments and the remainder of the evening was cocupied with the usual Masonic toast list . llro . J . C . Moor , W . M . 97 , responded for ' •The Visitors ; " Bro . W . Richardson replied {?! " , ' . , ? ' •"'' ate ; " Bro . J . Moult replied for "Ihe VV . M . ; " Bro . XV . Garbutt for "The W . M . elect ; " and Bro . j . G . Smith for "The Officers . " Songs and part songs were sung by the musical talent , and the meeting
BOLTON . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 221 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 2 ist ult ., at the Commercial Hotel , at six o ' clock in thc evening , there being present Bros . Edwin Melrose , W . M . ; John Isherwood , I . P . M . ; Peter Bradbury , S . W . ; Chas . Crompton , l . W . ; James Walker , S . D . ; J . R . Haslam , Org . ; W . Siddorn , I . G . ; VV . Higson , Tyler ; Cuerden
and Briscoe , Stwds . ; G . Ferguson , P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of Wks . ; T . W . Morris , P . M . ; Jabez Boothroyd , P . M . ; Swarbrick , Forrest , Bradley , Crompton ; and Bro . A . Wild , 37 , a visitor . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed . Bro . William Crompton was raised to the Degree of Master Mason by the I . P . M ., Bro . Isherwood , the
traditional history beinff delivered by Bro . Boothroyd , P . M ., who also explained the working tools of the Degree . Lodge being lowered , Bro . Morris , P . M ., Charity representative , addressed the brethren advocating the claims of the East Lancashire Benevolent Institution upon the brethren , his remarks being supplemented b y Bros . Geo . Ferguson , P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of Wks ., who impressed upon thc brethren the necessity of systematic Masonic
Benevolence in support of the Charities , especially their own local institution . The officers undertook to bring the matter under the immediate personal notice of every brother of the lodge and also to canvass for contributions and report at a subsequent meeting . " Hearty good Wishes " were expressed by the visitor , and a portion of the ancient charges having been read by the Senior Warden , the lodge closed in p ; ace and harmony .
CHORLEY . —Ellesmere Lodge ( No . 730 ) . —A meeting of emergency of this lodge was held in tl \ c Masonic Rooms , Town Hall , on Saturday , the ist inst ., thc following brethren being present : Bros . Irving , W . M . ; P . Yates , I . P . M . ; James Corbitt , P . M . 1032 , as S . W . j J . B . Whitncll , P . M . 730 , as J . W . ; fames Lawrence , P . M . 730 and 1032 , Prov . S . G . W . ( Mark )' ; I . M . Kerr . P . M .. Prov .
G . Stwd . West Lane . ; VV . Blacl-lcdge , P . M . 2 SG ; A . Hall , P . M . 1032 ; James Brindle , S . D . ; L . Eceles , J . D . ; Geo . Tootcll , l . G . ; John Bradshaw , Sec ; Thos . Sharpies , J . Willis , Joseph Smith , T . F . Jackson , and Geo . Yates . Thc meeting being one of emergency the only business was the initiation of Mr . John Lawrence , who is shoitly returning to sea . The ballot being unanimous in his favour
he was duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by his uncle , our esteemed Bro . Jas Lawrence , in his usual able and impressive manner , the W . M . having vacated the chair in order that thc nephew might be admitted and initiated into the Craft b y his kinsman , who is an ornament to Masonry in thc district . The lodge was then closed and thc brethren retired for a short time for refresh ment and then separated .
DERBY . —Aboretum Lodge ( No . 731 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , on the 13 th ult . Lodge was opened by the W . M ., the following brethren being present : Bros . J . Bland , VV . M . ; George 9 j \ . '; , d * C- Webster , S . W . ; J . Copestick , J . W . ; VV . Whittaker , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Cooper , P . M ., Sec . ; Edgar Home , S . D . ; J . VV . Brigg , Org . ; E . Holden , lyler ; I . Walker and S . Taylor , Stwds . ; I . Smith , P . M . ; G . T . Wright , P . M . ; T . R . Gee , P . M . ; Thomks Cox P . M . ; J . Brown , P . M . ; J . Taylor , P . M . ; 1 . loncs ,
W . I-onnan , J . Melrose , Thomas Day , L . J . Greensmith , J . Ascott , F . Rail , VV . Knight , F . Safe , XV . XV . Haywood , G . Sutherland , and T . E . Yeomans , VV . M . 50 G . Visitors : Bros . C . D . Hart , VV . M . 10 S 5 ; J . D . Wragg , S . D . 17 . 9 ; I . H . Clarke I . G . 253 ; A . J . Waller , l . W . S 02 ; and IL J- Poole , Belfast , 609 . The Chaplain , I . D ., D . of C , and I . G . were unable to be present througb illness and other causes .
1 he minutes of the last regular lodge having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . E . II . Clayc , who was elected , and subsequently initiated by the VV . M ., ably assisted by his officers . The | . VV . gave the charge to the new initiate . On the ballot being taken for thc W . M . for the ensuing year the S . W ., Bra . C . Webster , was unanimously elected , and briefly thanked the brethren for the
honour they had conferred upon him . The Treasurer , Bro . Whittaker , P . M ., was re-elected , as also was the Tyler , Bro . E . Holden . Bro . VV . Todd , of the St . George's Lodge , Doncaster , was proposed as a joining member . A small committee , to whom was to be left the selection of a suitable iewel for presentation tothe retiring W . M ., whose year had been such a successful one , having been appointed
Hearty good wishes" were given by the visitors and tbe lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards met in the lower hall for refreshment , and after thanks had been returned the W . M . gave the usual toasts . To that of the " Prov . Grand Lodge , " W . Bros . John Smith , P . G . S . W . ; and VV . Whittaker , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., suitably responded ; after which that of "The
W . M . " was proposed by the S . VV ., who regretted it was the last time Bro . Bland would preside over them . He wished him the best of health , and would bear testimony that his working had been beyond all praise . " The Initiate" was cordially welcomed by the brethren , and a suitable response having been made , " The Past Masters of the lodge" was honoured , and acknowledged bv Bros . T . R .
Gee and G . Cay . Bro . G . T . Wright then proposed "The W . M . elect , Bro . C . Webster , " which was most heartily received . He believed they had put the right man in the right place ; he had watched his progress from the first , and trusted he would have a good year . The W . M . elect in response thanked the brethren very sincerely for the honour conferred upon him , and assured them that everything possible would be done by him to make them happy and prosperous . Bros . Poole , of Belfast , and Hart , VV . M .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Craft Jflasonrij . FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —This old lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel on the 26 th ult ., when there were present amon _ r others Bros . Clark , VV . M . ; Jordan , S . W . ;
Fromholtz , J . W . ; Carter , P . M ., Ireas . ; W . btuart , P . M ., Sec . ; McMullen , I . G . ; Hudson , W . S . ; Hakim , A . W . S . ; T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., ( . P . M . ; E . Hopwood , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . ; Charles Dairy , P . M . ; Rumball , P . M . ; Morrison , P . M . ; Heaphy ,
P . M . ; Cobham , P . M . ; and Longstaffe , lyler . Ihe visitors were Bros . Hughes , S 7 ; Evans , 172 ; Selman , 3 S 9 ; White , 1107 ; YVilson , 13 G 6 ; Willis , 1449 ; Hudepolil , 16 G 9 ; Rushton , 1 G 77 ; and others . The minutes of the previous mcetingjhaving been read and confirmed , the I . P . M ., by the permission of the VV . M ., raised Bro . Kundry to the Third Degree . Previously to the lodge being closed a petition of a distressed brother of
this lodge to the Board of Benevolence was recommended and signed . It was then suggested by Bros . Dairy and Walls that a club should be established in connection with the lodge for the purpose of erecting Life Governorships of thc Masonic Charities by the payment by the members of a small weekly or monthly sum . The members then adjourned to the banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual toasts followed . " The
Health of thc W . M . " was given by the I . P . M ., and the VV . M . having replied , then proposed "The Health of the Visitors , " coupled with the names of Bros . Hughes , Evans , and Selman , who responded . " The Past Masters , " rep lied to by Bro . Walls ; "The Treasurer and Secretary , " by Bros . Carterand Stuart ; and "The Officers , " by Bros . Jordan and Fromholtz , brought thc proceedings to a conclusion . ———
LION AND LAMB LODGE ( No . 192 ) . —The installation meeting of his old lodge was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday evening last . There were present Bros . 1 . G . Chillingworth , acting W . M . ; 11 . Stevenson , S . VV . ; Barclay Perkins , J . VV . ; Henry Legge , Treas . ; George Abbott , Sec . ; W . Medwin , S . D . ; James Smith , Org . ; Thomas Cohu and W . Williams , Stwds . ; S . Lucas , W . Rickwood , and George
Kenning , P . Ms . ; R . J . Dart , John Cjuy , J . llelphagc , Thomas Barker , Wm . I lobbs , Thomas Aguttcr , T . Barker , and II . Davis . Visitors : J . Lucas , 79 ; T . Tekall , 142 G ; J . Dale , 1 G 13 ; F . Bland , 1 G 13 ; J . Gibbs , 1613 ; S . J . llumfress , 733 ; C . Wickcns , 733 ; F . Dewsbury , 1599 ; N . II . Headon , 142 G ; | . Weston , 1 G 13 ; F . King , 1 G 15 ; VV . W . Westley , iSG ; _ . Dyer , B . Groner , 1 G 13 ; J . R . Foulger , 1 G 13 ; Charles Rcan , W . Whitcly , 252 ; R .
Burleton , 8 Gj ; and C . J . Spurgcon , 1613 . The minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed and the report of the Audit Committee received and adopted . Bro . Rickwood , P . M ., then proceeded to install the W . M . elect , Bro . II . Stevenson , the ceremony being very ably performed . Thc VV . M . then invested his officers . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet , under the presidency of the VV . M ., and a very enjoyable evening was spent .
CREATON LODGE ( No . 1791 ) . —This distinguished lodge held its installation meeting at thc Freemasons' llall on thc 14 th ult . Having a great deal of work to get through , the lodge was called at three o'clock , when the following brethren were present : Bros . R . G . Shute , W . M . ; J . Neilson , I . P . M . ; VV . Williams , j . W . ; E . Thurkle , P . M ., Treas . ; J . J . Cantle , P . M ., Sec ' ; D . Ferrruson , S . D . ; R . II . Rogers , J . D . ; J . B . Colwill , D .
ofC ; E . Austin , l . G . ; J . Kift , Org . ; G . F . Williams and J- J- Johnson , Stwd * . ; J . Williams , P . M . ; I .. Cornclisscn , P . M . ; Cowell Ileklcn , II . M . Cook , C . II . Bull , A . | . Taylor , [ I . D . Henton , H . Kidgley , J . Longden , J . R . Long , C . Rawley Cross , VV . Russell , A . VVolter , 1 _ Purnell , T . Pink , B . Brett , C . Smith , G . Whitaker , W . W . Anderson , A . Solomons , J . Purnell , T . Paulton , and T . Biggs . Visitors : Bros . C . VV . Side , P . M . 1507 ; E . Farwitr , P . M .
1 S 0 ; A . E . Taylor , P . M . 12015 'I . G . Smith , P . M . 194 ; S . Carrington , P . M . 1314 ! ' ' - •' !' . Crowe , W . M . 1 S 2 S ; T . J . Bird , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., VV . M . 1 S 97 ; H . VV . Davey , j . W . 173 ; C . Veal , P . M . SSp ; J . J . Thomas , l . G . 753 ; A . 1 . Beesley , 1 G 92 ; S . Hawkins , 16 95 ; H . Taylor , 1642 ; R . Thorn , 1777 ; W . Oldrey , 1 G 42 ; B . Bell , 1201 ; F . C . Dixie , 453 ; and J . Flood , 1642 . Thc minutes , balance-sheet , and Auditors' report havine
been read and confirmed , Bro . Shute , W . M ., proceeded to pass Bro . 11 . D . Benton to the Second Degree . Bro . Williams , P . M ., then entered the chair , and in a most impressive manner performed thc ceremony of installation for the benefit of Bro . XV . Williams , the VV . M . elect . Bro . Wil-Hams , P . M ., has several times performed this ceremony with great credit to himself , but it must be admitted that on this occasion he even surpassed all his former workings .
After thc board was closed and the new Master saluted , the following officers were invested : Bros . R . G . Shute , I . P . M . ; D . Ferguson , S . W . ; R . H . Rogers , J . W . ; E . Thurkle , P . M ., Treas . ; J . J . Cantle , P . M ., Sec ; E . Austin , S . D . ; J . B . Colwill , J . D . ; G . F . Williams , I . G . ; J . Kift , Org . ; J . J . Johnson , D . of C ; Cowell Helden , W . S . ; C . R . Cross , A . W . S . ; and J . Woodstock , Tyler . The newlyinstalled Master , after the ballot had been taken , initiated
into 1-reemasonry , in a manner showing he was master of the duties he had undertaken , General VV . W . Anderson , Abraham Solomons , and Joseph Purnell , after which Bro . J . Williams , P . M ., delivered the three addresses ; this innovation was made that the three candidates might receive the benefit of this important portion of the installation ceremony . On the W . M . rising for thesecond lime , Bro . Cantle called the attention uf the W . M . and brethren to the very handsome present of a sot of tracing boards made to the
lodge by Bro . I'd Purnell , when Bro . J . Williams , P . M ., proposed , and Bro . D . Ferguson , S . W ., seconded , that the thanks of the lodge be presented to Bro . F . Purnell and entered upon the minutes for his very Handsome and useful present , and they hoped the G . A . O . T . U . would spare him for many years to assist in using them and working the beautiful ceremonies . Bro . V . Purnell acknowledged the compliment in a short but suitable speech . The lodge being closed in perfect harmony the brethren
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant , where a very recherche banquet was prepared for them , to which the brethren did full ( justice . Upon the cloth being cleared the Worshipful Master proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . In proposing "The Health of the Initiate " the Worshipful Master said they had that night been favoured with three ; the first , General Anderson , who had done good suit and service in his country ' s cause , thereby
placing him in the high rank hc now held ; the other two were men engaged in business , and from the attention they had paid to the ceremonies that evening hc felt sure that the lodge had three excellent members added to the list . In responding to thc toast Bro . General Anderson said he had many times wished to be a member of the Order , but circumstances had prevented him ; now the opportunity had occurred and he had been initiated he should do his
best to perform the duties incumbent upon him . Bros . Solomons and Purnell also spoke a few words to the purpose . Bro . Shute , I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the VV . M ., " saying he did so with great pleasure . The W . M . had worked through every office except that of S . W . He was a brother thoroughly qualified to fulfil thc office he had been installed in , and he ( the I . P . M . ) asked the brethren to
join him in wishing him every happiness and many years of good health to meet them in the lodge . In response thc Worshipful Master said his position that night far exceeded his expectations , but the brethren having been pleased to place him as Master of thc lodge he should do his utmost to discharge the duties of his office with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of the members . The next toast he had to propose he was sure
would meet with the approbation of all present , as the manner in which he had been installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . Williams , P . M ., the Installing Master , would meet with thc admiration of all who took any interest in Masonic ceremonies . Bro . Williams having thanked the VV . M . and brethren for their appreciation of his services , " The Visitors " was given by the VV . M ., who said they had many of great
importance in the Craft amongst them that night , and of those he would name Bros . Farwigg , Bird , and Bell . 'The Creaton Lodge always liked to have visitors with them , as their presence expressed that unanimity of feeling that should always exist amongst Masons . Several or thc visiting brethren responded to this toast , expressing the gratification they had felt at seeing a VV . M , so beautifully installed , and be afterwards able to perform
his portion of the work in such an excellent manner . In proposing "Thc Health ofthe P . Ms . " the VV . M . said hc had a very p leasing duty to perform in pinning on thc breast of Bro . Shute , I . P . M ., a Past Master ' s jewel that had been unanimously voted to him by thc lodge , and hoped that hc might live long to wear it . llro . Shute , I . P . M ., thanked the brethren most cordially on behalf of the P . Ms ., and more particularly for thc great honour they had conferred upon him by their presentation
of the handsome jewel that night . " The toast of" The Treasurer and Secretary " was then given , and those officers having replied , the Tyler ' s toast closed thc proceedings . Thc pleasures of thc evening were greatl y enhanced by thc excellent programme of music placed before the brethren , Miss Matilda Roby , Madame Godolphin , Bros . Arthur Thompson , Arthur Thomas , Jas . Kift , and J . Ion Cantle being thc artists .
BOLTON . —Anchor and Hope Loelge ( No . 37 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at thc Swan Hotel . Present : Bros . John Booth , W . M . ; F . VV . Pacey , S . W . ; J . VV . Poyntz , J . VV . ; Rev . J . H . Gibbon , Chap . ; G . P . firockbank , Sec ; J . Hardcastle , S . D . ; VV . H . Lomax , J . D . ; Johnson Mills , D . C ; Jas . Naylor , I . G . ; R . Nightingale , Stwd . ; J . W . Roiley , ' Tyler , Thos . Higson , Asst . Tyler ; VV . Golding , Mather .
Gillibrandand Robinson . Bro . J . Handley , 1012 , was a visitor Thc lodge was opened in due form , and thc minutes of thc proceedings of thc last meeting having becn read and confirmed , lodge proceeded to thc Second Degree , when Bro . Jas . W . Mather was passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft by the VV . M ., thc working tools of the Degree being explained by the S . VV ., Bro . Pacey . Closed to the First Degree . A circular was read from thc Prov . Grand Master
urging the brethren to greater zeal in support of Masonic Charitable Institutions , 'The Secretary announced that lie had attended as a Steward to represent this lodge on the occasion of the festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in London , and that six other Stewards representing lodges in Bolton were present on the
occasion . The thanks of the lodge were awarded to Bro . Brockbank for representing this lodge on the Board of Stewards . " Hearty good Wishes " were expressed by the visiting brother . A portion of the ancient rules and charges having bcen read by the Senior Warden the lodge was closed .
GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 4 S ) . —The last regular meeting under the presidency of Bro . John Moult as VV . M . was held at the Industry Masonic Hall on Monday , the 25 th ult ., when there was a good muster of members and visitors . The lodge was opened by the VV . M ., supported and assisted by the following brethren : Bros . J . G . Smith , I . P . M . ; lohn Wood , P . M . ; R . Whitfield , P . M . ; M . CorbettP . M . Treas .
, , R . F . Cook , P . M . ; J . Beveridge , P . M . ; W . Garbutt , S . W . ; A . Rhagg , JAV . ; W . M . Pybus , Sec ; A . Simp son , as S . D . ; W . Dalrymple , J . D . ; VV . Brown , I . G . ; R . Ferry , Org . ; W . K Raeburn , S . S . ; T . Thompson , J . S . ; Joshua Curry , Tyler ; J . VV . Porter , H . F . Dryden , S . Jopling , W . Whitfield , VV . Stafford , li . L . Russell , ] . Bulmer , John Snowden , R . Tate , R . Brason , C . Case , G . H . Cawthorne , VV . Richardson , C . R . Gourlay , E . Liddell ,
VV . 1 ' . Brown , J . Davison , J . Patterson , W . Richardson , W . F . Carmon , G . G . Davidson , C . McNamara , [ . P . M . 07 ; T . Atkinson , I . G . So ; G . Lawson , P . M . 40 ; ] . C . Lawson , S . W . 424 ; J . E . Reed , J . W . 424 ; II . Nixon , 424 ; W . Smith , 424 ; R . Wilson , 424 ; J . Duckitt , P . M . 4 S 1 ; J . Cook , P . M . 4 S 1 ; J . Spearman , P . M . 4 S 1 VV . Mathieson , 4 S 1 ; M . VVatson , 48 /; R . Waugli , 1 G 2 G
T . Spedding , 11 G 3 ; R . G . Symonds , P . M . 1427 ; j . C . Moore , W . M . 97 ( Freemason ); and others . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed the ballot was taken for Mr . Wm . Richardson who was duly elected and initiated into the mysteries by Bro . John Moult , W . M . The working tools and the charge of the degree were explained by Bro . Adamson Rhagg , J . W . Then followed thc annual election , when Bro .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . Garbutt , S . W ., was chosen as W . M . ; Bro . M . Corbitt was re-elected Treasurer ; Bro . R . Ferry , Org . ; and Bro . J . Curry , lyler . The Finance Committee were also selected . Other formal business was transacted , and after " Hearty good wishes " of the visiting brethren were tendered the proceedings closed . The brethren adjourned for
refreshments and the remainder of the evening was cocupied with the usual Masonic toast list . llro . J . C . Moor , W . M . 97 , responded for ' •The Visitors ; " Bro . W . Richardson replied {?! " , ' . , ? ' •"'' ate ; " Bro . J . Moult replied for "Ihe VV . M . ; " Bro . XV . Garbutt for "The W . M . elect ; " and Bro . j . G . Smith for "The Officers . " Songs and part songs were sung by the musical talent , and the meeting
BOLTON . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 221 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 2 ist ult ., at the Commercial Hotel , at six o ' clock in thc evening , there being present Bros . Edwin Melrose , W . M . ; John Isherwood , I . P . M . ; Peter Bradbury , S . W . ; Chas . Crompton , l . W . ; James Walker , S . D . ; J . R . Haslam , Org . ; W . Siddorn , I . G . ; VV . Higson , Tyler ; Cuerden
and Briscoe , Stwds . ; G . Ferguson , P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of Wks . ; T . W . Morris , P . M . ; Jabez Boothroyd , P . M . ; Swarbrick , Forrest , Bradley , Crompton ; and Bro . A . Wild , 37 , a visitor . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed . Bro . William Crompton was raised to the Degree of Master Mason by the I . P . M ., Bro . Isherwood , the
traditional history beinff delivered by Bro . Boothroyd , P . M ., who also explained the working tools of the Degree . Lodge being lowered , Bro . Morris , P . M ., Charity representative , addressed the brethren advocating the claims of the East Lancashire Benevolent Institution upon the brethren , his remarks being supplemented b y Bros . Geo . Ferguson , P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of Wks ., who impressed upon thc brethren the necessity of systematic Masonic
Benevolence in support of the Charities , especially their own local institution . The officers undertook to bring the matter under the immediate personal notice of every brother of the lodge and also to canvass for contributions and report at a subsequent meeting . " Hearty good Wishes " were expressed by the visitor , and a portion of the ancient charges having been read by the Senior Warden , the lodge closed in p ; ace and harmony .
CHORLEY . —Ellesmere Lodge ( No . 730 ) . —A meeting of emergency of this lodge was held in tl \ c Masonic Rooms , Town Hall , on Saturday , the ist inst ., thc following brethren being present : Bros . Irving , W . M . ; P . Yates , I . P . M . ; James Corbitt , P . M . 1032 , as S . W . j J . B . Whitncll , P . M . 730 , as J . W . ; fames Lawrence , P . M . 730 and 1032 , Prov . S . G . W . ( Mark )' ; I . M . Kerr . P . M .. Prov .
G . Stwd . West Lane . ; VV . Blacl-lcdge , P . M . 2 SG ; A . Hall , P . M . 1032 ; James Brindle , S . D . ; L . Eceles , J . D . ; Geo . Tootcll , l . G . ; John Bradshaw , Sec ; Thos . Sharpies , J . Willis , Joseph Smith , T . F . Jackson , and Geo . Yates . Thc meeting being one of emergency the only business was the initiation of Mr . John Lawrence , who is shoitly returning to sea . The ballot being unanimous in his favour
he was duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by his uncle , our esteemed Bro . Jas Lawrence , in his usual able and impressive manner , the W . M . having vacated the chair in order that thc nephew might be admitted and initiated into the Craft b y his kinsman , who is an ornament to Masonry in thc district . The lodge was then closed and thc brethren retired for a short time for refresh ment and then separated .
DERBY . —Aboretum Lodge ( No . 731 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , on the 13 th ult . Lodge was opened by the W . M ., the following brethren being present : Bros . J . Bland , VV . M . ; George 9 j \ . '; , d * C- Webster , S . W . ; J . Copestick , J . W . ; VV . Whittaker , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Cooper , P . M ., Sec . ; Edgar Home , S . D . ; J . VV . Brigg , Org . ; E . Holden , lyler ; I . Walker and S . Taylor , Stwds . ; I . Smith , P . M . ; G . T . Wright , P . M . ; T . R . Gee , P . M . ; Thomks Cox P . M . ; J . Brown , P . M . ; J . Taylor , P . M . ; 1 . loncs ,
W . I-onnan , J . Melrose , Thomas Day , L . J . Greensmith , J . Ascott , F . Rail , VV . Knight , F . Safe , XV . XV . Haywood , G . Sutherland , and T . E . Yeomans , VV . M . 50 G . Visitors : Bros . C . D . Hart , VV . M . 10 S 5 ; J . D . Wragg , S . D . 17 . 9 ; I . H . Clarke I . G . 253 ; A . J . Waller , l . W . S 02 ; and IL J- Poole , Belfast , 609 . The Chaplain , I . D ., D . of C , and I . G . were unable to be present througb illness and other causes .
1 he minutes of the last regular lodge having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . E . II . Clayc , who was elected , and subsequently initiated by the VV . M ., ably assisted by his officers . The | . VV . gave the charge to the new initiate . On the ballot being taken for thc W . M . for the ensuing year the S . W ., Bra . C . Webster , was unanimously elected , and briefly thanked the brethren for the
honour they had conferred upon him . The Treasurer , Bro . Whittaker , P . M ., was re-elected , as also was the Tyler , Bro . E . Holden . Bro . VV . Todd , of the St . George's Lodge , Doncaster , was proposed as a joining member . A small committee , to whom was to be left the selection of a suitable iewel for presentation tothe retiring W . M ., whose year had been such a successful one , having been appointed
Hearty good wishes" were given by the visitors and tbe lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards met in the lower hall for refreshment , and after thanks had been returned the W . M . gave the usual toasts . To that of the " Prov . Grand Lodge , " W . Bros . John Smith , P . G . S . W . ; and VV . Whittaker , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., suitably responded ; after which that of "The
W . M . " was proposed by the S . VV ., who regretted it was the last time Bro . Bland would preside over them . He wished him the best of health , and would bear testimony that his working had been beyond all praise . " The Initiate" was cordially welcomed by the brethren , and a suitable response having been made , " The Past Masters of the lodge" was honoured , and acknowledged bv Bros . T . R .
Gee and G . Cay . Bro . G . T . Wright then proposed "The W . M . elect , Bro . C . Webster , " which was most heartily received . He believed they had put the right man in the right place ; he had watched his progress from the first , and trusted he would have a good year . The W . M . elect in response thanked the brethren very sincerely for the honour conferred upon him , and assured them that everything possible would be done by him to make them happy and prosperous . Bros . Poole , of Belfast , and Hart , VV . M .