Article Lodges and Chapters of Instruction. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Lodges and Chapters of Instruction. Page 2 of 2 Article Red Cross of Rome and Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Rome and Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Order of the Secret Monitor. Page 1 of 1 Article ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT. Page 1 of 3 →
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Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Hill , W . Present : Bros . W . J . Mason , W . M . ; H . H . Burringtdn , S . W . ; J . Bartlett , J . W . ; G . Davis , P . M ., Preceptor ; H . Armfield , Sec , { pro tew . ) ; G . Gardner , S . D . ; A . F . Scholding , J . D . ; R . H . Broom , I . G . ; E . Rogers , P . M ., G . S . ; F . L . Chandler , P . M . ; W . R . Hatton , J . C . Conway , G . Inglish , P . Monson , and J . T . Haly . Bro . J . Wilson was a visitor .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . J . T . Haly being the candidate . The W . M . then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Bro . A . F . Scholding , and the lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro . J . T . Haly having answered the questions leading to the Third Degree , was duly
entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed , Bro . J . T . Haly being the candidate . The lodge was resumed in the First Degree . Bro . James Wilson , 1238 , was elected a member . The S . W ., Bro . H . H . Burrington , was elected W . M . for the 14 th instant—the next meeting being officers' night , and appointed his officers in rotation . After " Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
KENSINGTON LODGE ( No . 1767 ) . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Scarsdale Arms Hotel , Edwardes-square , Kensington , when there were present Bros . W . Hillier , W . M . ; E . E . Geflowski , J . W . ; George Read , P . M ., Precrptor ; R . H . Williams , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . Middx ., Treas . ; F . Craggs , Sec . ; G . Swann ,
S . D . ; W . T . Marsh , J . D . ; C G . Hatt , I . G . ; J . Sims , P . M . ; C . E . Betts , S . Sidders , W . Dresden , A . Norman , W . M . 1767 ; and W . B . Neville . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro . Betts offered himself
as a candidate for raising , and was examined and entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony rehearsed in an excellent manner , inclusive of the traditional history . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Geflowski was elected W . M . for the next meeting . Bro . Norman was elected a joining member , and the lodge was closed .
CREATON LODGE ( No . 1791 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Goldhawk-road , Shepherd ' s Bush , W . Present : Bros . E . Fox , W . M . ; E . Austin , P . M ., Treas ., S . W . ; A . Love , J . W . ; John Davies , W . M . 169 , Preceptor ; J . Sims , P . M ., Deputy Preceptor ; W . H . Chalfont , P . M ., Sec ; W . Jennings , S . D . ; H . Cotton , J . D . ; J . Arnott ,
I . G . ; L . Cox , G . Higginson , F . Woodard , W . Hillier , R . N . Larter , T . J . Head , F . West , Sansom , and Gilbert , W . M . 1 S 2 S . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Hillier candidate . The ceremony of passing was to be rehearsed . Bro .
Higginson answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony completed . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Austin , W . M . 1791 , was elected W . M . for the next meeting . A vote of thanks was recorded to the W . M-., Bro . Fox , for his excellent working of the duties of the chair for the first time in this lodge of instruction . The lodge was then closed .
ST . AMBROSE LODGE ( No . iSqi ) . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 2 ( 3 th ult ., at the Baron ' s Court Hotel , West Kensington . Present : Bros . L . Nathan , W . M . ; Joseph Cox , S . W . ; J . H . Morrish , J . W . ; Jesse Collings , P . M ., Preceptor ; F . Craggs , Sec . ; J . Matherell , S . D . ; R . Ambler , J . D . ; C . Barber , I . G . ; W . E . Macey , and others .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation wasrehearsed . The ist . 2 nd , and 3 rd Sections of the Lecture were worked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Cox was elected W . M . for the next meeting . A vote of thank's was passed to Bro . Nathan for the manner in which he had conducted the duties of W . M . for the first time , and the lodge was then closed .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 2012 ) . —A meeting was held on Saturday , the 1 st inst ., at the Windsor Castle Hotel , King-street , Hammersmith . Present : Bros . J . Cox , W . M . ; F . Dusterwald , S . W . ; Willcox , J . W .: J . Sims , P . M ., Deputy Preceptor ; J . Brown , Sec . ; W . Hillier , S . D . ; A . Williams , J . D . ; " W . Pine , I . G . ; M . Speigel , P . M . ; F . Craggs , and E . J . Hiscock . Visitor : Bro . Mason . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes
of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . 1 he W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Mason acting as candidate The W . M gave the charge to the candidate . The 2 nd Section of the Lecture was worked by the brethren , under the direction of the Deputy Preceptor , Bro . J . Sims , P . M . After "Hearty good wishes" the lodge was closed . To-morrow ( Saturday ) , the installation ceremony will be rehearsed . All members are invited to attend .
MANCHESTER . — STARKIE INSTALLED MASTERS ' LODGE . —A meeting of the above lodge , which is held under the warrant of St . " George Lodge , No 1170 , was held on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., at Freemasons' Hali , Cooper-street , when there were present Bros . A . H . Jefferis , W . M . ; A . Pembertnn , acting S . W .: G . Hunt , acting J . W . ; E . W . Irving . Treas . ; A . H . Williams , Sec . ; and about 30 other
Past Masters . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken lor 14 joining members , which proved satisfactory . A discussion arose , which f ventually proved very profitable to all present , on the subject of the installation ceremony ( Emulation working ) , which
it is the desire of the members of this lodge to carry out as far as possible . Bro . A . H . Jefferis , P . P . D . G . D . C , displayed great ability in the chair , and showed how well adapted he is for presiding over such an assembly . Bro . Henry Thomas , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., was elected to take the chair at the next regular meeting .
HORNSEY CHAPTER ( No . 800 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Porchester Hotel , Leinster-place , Cleveland Gardens , Paddington , W ., when there were present Comps . John Davies , J . elect 733 , M . E . Z . ; George March , H . ' elect 733 , H . ; W . H . Chalfont , J . elect 733 , J . ; J . Davies , Treas . ; H . Dehane , P-Z . 8 90 , S . E . ; J . Crut ' tenden , 779 , P . S . ; W . H .
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Dean , P . Z . 77 , 417 , P . P . G . R . Dorset ; and J . Smith , P . S . S 90 . _ ; The chapter was opened , and the minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Dean being the candidate .. A letter was read from Comp . T . C . Edmonds , thanking
the companions for their sympathy and kind feeling towards him during his illness . Comp . Dean was heartily welcomed back to the chapter of improvement , and congratulated upon his restoration to health and strength , and was elected . M . E . Z . for the ensuing two weeks , the officers to be in rotation . After " Hearty good wishes , " the chapter was closed .
STAR CHAPTER ( No . 1275 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this chapter was held on Friday , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Stirling Castle , Church-street , Camberwell , S . E ., when there were present Comps . G . L . Moore , M . E . Z . ; Grummant , P . Z ., H . ; Hill , J . ; F . Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor ; Voisey , P . Z ., Treas .- ; C H . Stone , S . E . ; Osterstock , S . N . ; G . Powell , P . Z ., P . S . ; Fleck , Addington , Goodwin , and H . Martin .
A conclave of Third Principals was formed , and the installation ceremony was rehearsed . The companions were admitted , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , with Comp . Goodwin as a candidate . Comp . Goodwin , of the Lewis Chapter , was elected a member . Comp . Grummant was elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting . It was resolved to have the annual meeting and supper on the 2 Sth inst .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
Red Cross of Rome and Constantine .
Premier Conclave . —A meeting of this conclave took place at 16 a , Great Queen-street , on Monday , the 3 rd inst . Sir Knight Wm . Lake , M . P . S ., presided , and was supported by the following members : Sir Knights Capt . T . C Walls , P . S . ; Thos . Cubitt , P . S ., Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , P . S . '; H . H . Shirley , P . S . ; H . J . Lardner , P . S . ; John Mason , P . S ., Recorder ; Nelson Prower ,
H . C Heard , E . H . Thiellay , P . S . ; C . E . Keyser , P . S . ; J . Pakes , P . S . ; and others . The conclave being opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed . Sir Knight H . H . Shirley , P . S ., then assumed the chair , and installed Bro . Whittington into the Order in a very impressive manner , the beauties of the ritual being fully shown by his admirable working . Sir
Knights Heard and Nelson Prower were unanimously elected to the positions of M . P . S . and V . E . respectively . Other business having been transacted , the conclave was closed , and a banquet was held at Freemasons' Tavern , where the members were joined by the sir knights attending the Grand Imperial Conclave . The first toast , that of " The Queen and Christian
Masonry , " having been honoured , Sir Knight W . Lake , M . P . S ., gave "The Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign and the Grand Viceroy , Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., " who , he said , had ruled over the Order for a number of years , but , unfortunately , was not with them that evening .- The Grand Viceroy , Baron de Ferrieres , took Masonry seriously in the sense of doing his duty in all
the offices to which he was appointed , and the manner in which he had performed those duties had called forth the prai-e of all who had had the benefit of his services . They had in him a very excellent officer , and were more than fortunate in having him as the second in command in the Grand Conclave . Sir Knight Baron de Ferrieres , M . E . Grand Viceroy , in
reply , said Masons were always loyal , and he was sure the sir knights present had drunk the health of the Grand Sovereign with great cordiality . He thanked them for the honour again conferred upon him , and assured them it had always been a great pleasure to join them . The M . P . S ., in proposing "The Grand Council , " said the Order was capable of great extension , and he could only
wish that the Grand Council had more heavy duties to perform , in which case they would no doubt be equal to the occasion . They wanted some little revival of the Order . There was no question that as regards the ritual and organisation they ought to stand at least on a par with many degrees that had made much greater advances of late , and hebelieved that if some regular meetings of the Grand
Council could be organised , some good would result . There was some sign of a revival , and if the most active sir knights would think over the matter and take action , very good results would follow . They had with them Sir Knight Woodman who , he believed , was closely associated with the late Sir Knight Wentworth Little in the days when that
energetic and able brother worked so hard in the resuscitation of the Order . Sir Knight W . R . Woodman , G . Treas ., responded , and said he was proud to be surrounded by so many Grand Officers whom he knew , and who mutually respected each other .
Sir Knight C . F . Hogard , G . Recorder , also responded , and said that so long as the Grand Sovereign reposed confidence in him he should continue to discharge his duties , as in the past , to the satisfaction of the Order . If the ccnclaves would work as well as the Premier , and as some in Kent , and a few others , they would do well and the Order would progress .
" The Grand Senate" was next given from the chair , and replied to by Sir Knight Lardner . In giving "The Health of the M . P . S ., " Sir Knight Lardner , P . S ., said they ought to feel extremely grateful to Sir Knight Lake for the kind and genial manner in which he had discharged his duties . Sir Knight Wm . Lake , M . P . S ., said that was not the
first time he had had to thank Sir Knight Lardner for kind expressions used towards him . It was very good of Sir Knight Lardner not to mention his shortcomings in connection with the chair of that conclave . He went into that chair with the full intention of carrying out the duties required of him to the best of his ability , but circumstances were somewhat against him . However , they had treated
his shortcomings with much consideration . He had endeavoured to preside in as friendly and fraternal a manner as he knew how , and had thoroughly enjoyed the companionship of the members , which included some of his oldest London Masonic friends . He trusted he should still be privileged to do some service for the conclave and the Order generally .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
Sir Knight Cobham having replied for "The Visitors , " "The P . S . ' s" was cordially given by the M . P . S ., who referred to the work done by Sir Knight Shirley in the conclave . Sir Knight Shirley had fully exemplified the beauties of the ritual of the Order that night , and they had all enjoyed the treat . Sir Knight Capt . T . C . Walls , P . S ., said the P . S . ' s were
a very powerful body , as they had had eight present that evening , and had it not been for them the conclave would not occupy the high position it did . Referring to the origin and history of the Order , he hoped to read a paper on the subject at a future time . Sir Knight H . H . Shirley , P . S ., thanked the M . P . S . for the very kind , amiable , and genial terms in which he had
spoken of his services . Although he passed the chair four years ago , and might with some propriety retire from office , he had taken trouble to master the ritual of the Order , and had made a conscientious endeavour to perform it whenever called upon , and should not , therefore , let it slip into obscurity , it was a reprehensible thing for a brother to fill all the offices and attain the position of the chair , and after receiving the jewel unfortunately resign . That custom
did not prevail in their conclave , for on the present occasion they had seen eight P . S . ' s present . Sir Knights Walls and Lardner were entitled to the highest honour for their active part . His only regret was that during the man ) ' years of his connection with the conclave he had been unable to bring any members into it . Sir Knight Cubitt replied for "The Treasurer , Recorder , and Officers , " and the Sentinel ' s toast closed the proceedings .
Order Of The Secret Monitor.
Order of the Secret Monitor .
Zachane Conclave ( No . p ) . —A meeting - of this conclave was held on the 21 st ult ., at the Holborn Restaurant . Present : Bros . H . W . Kiallmark , S . R . ; C . M . Jessop , C . ; Belgrave Ninnis , P . S . R ., as G . ; W . C Canton , Stwd . ; VV . A . Ellis , Org . ; VVm . Thomas , V . D . ; G . D . P . Thomas , Guarder ; Wm . Amor , Sentinel ; and VV . J . Spratling , G . R .
Bros . C . M . Jessop , Wm . I nomas , W . C Canton , and W . A . Ellis were admitted Princes of the Order . Bro . William Thomas was nominated for the office of Grand Steward . The Secretary read telegrams and letters from brethren regretting that , through illness , they were unable to be present . It was with great regret that he announced
the death of a most zealous and worthy Mason , Bro . Gerwith , on 29 th December last . A vote of condolence was unanimously passed . The brethren adjourned for dinner , when the usual toasts were proposed and responded to . Bro . Ellis , the Organist , presided at the piano .
Annual Festival Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
I he annual festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement was held on the 28 th ult ., at Freemasons ' Hall , Bro . Thomas Fenn presiding . Some 400 brethren were present , the largest number ever known at these gatherings . The Second Lecture was worked , the brethren who
assisted Bro . Fenn beingist Section b y Bro . H . Pritchard , P . M . 1415 . 2 nd „ „ J . J . Black , P . M ., Sec . 1564 . 3 rd „ „ G . W . Bullen , J . D . 1768 . 4 th ,, „ R . C . Sudlow , P . M . 26 3 , 1965 . 5 th „ „ W . P . Reynolds , S . W . 7 .
The work was magnificently performed , and after a vote of thanks had been unanimously passed to the working officers , and Bro . FENN had replied , 95 new members were proposed and seconded for the ballot of the following weekly meeting . Lodge was then closed in the Three Degrees .
The Lord Mayor was to have presided at the supper which followed at Freemasons' Tavern , but as his lordship had not recovered from his recent illness , his place was taken by Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W . The usual toasts followed the supper . The CHAIRMAN , in giving " The Queen and the
Craft , " said her Majesty was the best Queen that ever ruled the nation , and the Craft was the best Craft that ever ruled the workmen ; and in giving " The M . W . G . M ., " he said of the Prince of Wales that never had a leader had more devoted followers , and never had followers had a better leader .
I he CHAIRMAN , in proposing the next toast , " The Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon ; the Dep . Grand Master , the Earl of Lathom ; and the rest of the Grand Officers of England , Present and Past , " said he did not think that on an occasion like that on which they were assembled , among brethren perhaps
the most grand and distinguished , it was necessary to expatiate on what ought to be the attributes of a good Grand Officer , or upon the manner in which the Grand Officers carried out their duties ; he would rather presume that the brethren knew them , and knew them well . At any rate , they were surrounded that night
by some of the best known and the most capable and , he might fairly say , the most highly esteemed of the Grand Officers . He connected the toast with the name of Bro . the Rev . Dr . Sedgwick , a Grand Chaplain for upwards of a quarter of a century . Bro . the Rev . Dr . J SEDGWICK , P . G . C . ( appointed in 1865 ) , responding , said he felt quite proud at being
called on to respond . He was sorry to say it was for no merits of his own , Masonic or private , that the Chairman had alluded to him or his doings so favourably . A quarter of a century he had been Grand Chaplain . He thanked the Chairman with great pleasure , and most heartily , feeling that Masons could have had no better officers than the Pro Grand
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Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Hill , W . Present : Bros . W . J . Mason , W . M . ; H . H . Burringtdn , S . W . ; J . Bartlett , J . W . ; G . Davis , P . M ., Preceptor ; H . Armfield , Sec , { pro tew . ) ; G . Gardner , S . D . ; A . F . Scholding , J . D . ; R . H . Broom , I . G . ; E . Rogers , P . M ., G . S . ; F . L . Chandler , P . M . ; W . R . Hatton , J . C . Conway , G . Inglish , P . Monson , and J . T . Haly . Bro . J . Wilson was a visitor .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . J . T . Haly being the candidate . The W . M . then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Bro . A . F . Scholding , and the lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro . J . T . Haly having answered the questions leading to the Third Degree , was duly
entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed , Bro . J . T . Haly being the candidate . The lodge was resumed in the First Degree . Bro . James Wilson , 1238 , was elected a member . The S . W ., Bro . H . H . Burrington , was elected W . M . for the 14 th instant—the next meeting being officers' night , and appointed his officers in rotation . After " Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
KENSINGTON LODGE ( No . 1767 ) . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Scarsdale Arms Hotel , Edwardes-square , Kensington , when there were present Bros . W . Hillier , W . M . ; E . E . Geflowski , J . W . ; George Read , P . M ., Precrptor ; R . H . Williams , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . Middx ., Treas . ; F . Craggs , Sec . ; G . Swann ,
S . D . ; W . T . Marsh , J . D . ; C G . Hatt , I . G . ; J . Sims , P . M . ; C . E . Betts , S . Sidders , W . Dresden , A . Norman , W . M . 1767 ; and W . B . Neville . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro . Betts offered himself
as a candidate for raising , and was examined and entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony rehearsed in an excellent manner , inclusive of the traditional history . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Geflowski was elected W . M . for the next meeting . Bro . Norman was elected a joining member , and the lodge was closed .
CREATON LODGE ( No . 1791 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Goldhawk-road , Shepherd ' s Bush , W . Present : Bros . E . Fox , W . M . ; E . Austin , P . M ., Treas ., S . W . ; A . Love , J . W . ; John Davies , W . M . 169 , Preceptor ; J . Sims , P . M ., Deputy Preceptor ; W . H . Chalfont , P . M ., Sec ; W . Jennings , S . D . ; H . Cotton , J . D . ; J . Arnott ,
I . G . ; L . Cox , G . Higginson , F . Woodard , W . Hillier , R . N . Larter , T . J . Head , F . West , Sansom , and Gilbert , W . M . 1 S 2 S . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Hillier candidate . The ceremony of passing was to be rehearsed . Bro .
Higginson answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony completed . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Austin , W . M . 1791 , was elected W . M . for the next meeting . A vote of thanks was recorded to the W . M-., Bro . Fox , for his excellent working of the duties of the chair for the first time in this lodge of instruction . The lodge was then closed .
ST . AMBROSE LODGE ( No . iSqi ) . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 2 ( 3 th ult ., at the Baron ' s Court Hotel , West Kensington . Present : Bros . L . Nathan , W . M . ; Joseph Cox , S . W . ; J . H . Morrish , J . W . ; Jesse Collings , P . M ., Preceptor ; F . Craggs , Sec . ; J . Matherell , S . D . ; R . Ambler , J . D . ; C . Barber , I . G . ; W . E . Macey , and others .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation wasrehearsed . The ist . 2 nd , and 3 rd Sections of the Lecture were worked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Cox was elected W . M . for the next meeting . A vote of thank's was passed to Bro . Nathan for the manner in which he had conducted the duties of W . M . for the first time , and the lodge was then closed .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 2012 ) . —A meeting was held on Saturday , the 1 st inst ., at the Windsor Castle Hotel , King-street , Hammersmith . Present : Bros . J . Cox , W . M . ; F . Dusterwald , S . W . ; Willcox , J . W .: J . Sims , P . M ., Deputy Preceptor ; J . Brown , Sec . ; W . Hillier , S . D . ; A . Williams , J . D . ; " W . Pine , I . G . ; M . Speigel , P . M . ; F . Craggs , and E . J . Hiscock . Visitor : Bro . Mason . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes
of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . 1 he W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Mason acting as candidate The W . M gave the charge to the candidate . The 2 nd Section of the Lecture was worked by the brethren , under the direction of the Deputy Preceptor , Bro . J . Sims , P . M . After "Hearty good wishes" the lodge was closed . To-morrow ( Saturday ) , the installation ceremony will be rehearsed . All members are invited to attend .
MANCHESTER . — STARKIE INSTALLED MASTERS ' LODGE . —A meeting of the above lodge , which is held under the warrant of St . " George Lodge , No 1170 , was held on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., at Freemasons' Hali , Cooper-street , when there were present Bros . A . H . Jefferis , W . M . ; A . Pembertnn , acting S . W .: G . Hunt , acting J . W . ; E . W . Irving . Treas . ; A . H . Williams , Sec . ; and about 30 other
Past Masters . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken lor 14 joining members , which proved satisfactory . A discussion arose , which f ventually proved very profitable to all present , on the subject of the installation ceremony ( Emulation working ) , which
it is the desire of the members of this lodge to carry out as far as possible . Bro . A . H . Jefferis , P . P . D . G . D . C , displayed great ability in the chair , and showed how well adapted he is for presiding over such an assembly . Bro . Henry Thomas , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., was elected to take the chair at the next regular meeting .
HORNSEY CHAPTER ( No . 800 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Porchester Hotel , Leinster-place , Cleveland Gardens , Paddington , W ., when there were present Comps . John Davies , J . elect 733 , M . E . Z . ; George March , H . ' elect 733 , H . ; W . H . Chalfont , J . elect 733 , J . ; J . Davies , Treas . ; H . Dehane , P-Z . 8 90 , S . E . ; J . Crut ' tenden , 779 , P . S . ; W . H .
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Dean , P . Z . 77 , 417 , P . P . G . R . Dorset ; and J . Smith , P . S . S 90 . _ ; The chapter was opened , and the minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Dean being the candidate .. A letter was read from Comp . T . C . Edmonds , thanking
the companions for their sympathy and kind feeling towards him during his illness . Comp . Dean was heartily welcomed back to the chapter of improvement , and congratulated upon his restoration to health and strength , and was elected . M . E . Z . for the ensuing two weeks , the officers to be in rotation . After " Hearty good wishes , " the chapter was closed .
STAR CHAPTER ( No . 1275 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this chapter was held on Friday , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Stirling Castle , Church-street , Camberwell , S . E ., when there were present Comps . G . L . Moore , M . E . Z . ; Grummant , P . Z ., H . ; Hill , J . ; F . Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor ; Voisey , P . Z ., Treas .- ; C H . Stone , S . E . ; Osterstock , S . N . ; G . Powell , P . Z ., P . S . ; Fleck , Addington , Goodwin , and H . Martin .
A conclave of Third Principals was formed , and the installation ceremony was rehearsed . The companions were admitted , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , with Comp . Goodwin as a candidate . Comp . Goodwin , of the Lewis Chapter , was elected a member . Comp . Grummant was elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting . It was resolved to have the annual meeting and supper on the 2 Sth inst .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
Red Cross of Rome and Constantine .
Premier Conclave . —A meeting of this conclave took place at 16 a , Great Queen-street , on Monday , the 3 rd inst . Sir Knight Wm . Lake , M . P . S ., presided , and was supported by the following members : Sir Knights Capt . T . C Walls , P . S . ; Thos . Cubitt , P . S ., Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , P . S . '; H . H . Shirley , P . S . ; H . J . Lardner , P . S . ; John Mason , P . S ., Recorder ; Nelson Prower ,
H . C Heard , E . H . Thiellay , P . S . ; C . E . Keyser , P . S . ; J . Pakes , P . S . ; and others . The conclave being opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed . Sir Knight H . H . Shirley , P . S ., then assumed the chair , and installed Bro . Whittington into the Order in a very impressive manner , the beauties of the ritual being fully shown by his admirable working . Sir
Knights Heard and Nelson Prower were unanimously elected to the positions of M . P . S . and V . E . respectively . Other business having been transacted , the conclave was closed , and a banquet was held at Freemasons' Tavern , where the members were joined by the sir knights attending the Grand Imperial Conclave . The first toast , that of " The Queen and Christian
Masonry , " having been honoured , Sir Knight W . Lake , M . P . S ., gave "The Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign and the Grand Viceroy , Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., " who , he said , had ruled over the Order for a number of years , but , unfortunately , was not with them that evening .- The Grand Viceroy , Baron de Ferrieres , took Masonry seriously in the sense of doing his duty in all
the offices to which he was appointed , and the manner in which he had performed those duties had called forth the prai-e of all who had had the benefit of his services . They had in him a very excellent officer , and were more than fortunate in having him as the second in command in the Grand Conclave . Sir Knight Baron de Ferrieres , M . E . Grand Viceroy , in
reply , said Masons were always loyal , and he was sure the sir knights present had drunk the health of the Grand Sovereign with great cordiality . He thanked them for the honour again conferred upon him , and assured them it had always been a great pleasure to join them . The M . P . S ., in proposing "The Grand Council , " said the Order was capable of great extension , and he could only
wish that the Grand Council had more heavy duties to perform , in which case they would no doubt be equal to the occasion . They wanted some little revival of the Order . There was no question that as regards the ritual and organisation they ought to stand at least on a par with many degrees that had made much greater advances of late , and hebelieved that if some regular meetings of the Grand
Council could be organised , some good would result . There was some sign of a revival , and if the most active sir knights would think over the matter and take action , very good results would follow . They had with them Sir Knight Woodman who , he believed , was closely associated with the late Sir Knight Wentworth Little in the days when that
energetic and able brother worked so hard in the resuscitation of the Order . Sir Knight W . R . Woodman , G . Treas ., responded , and said he was proud to be surrounded by so many Grand Officers whom he knew , and who mutually respected each other .
Sir Knight C . F . Hogard , G . Recorder , also responded , and said that so long as the Grand Sovereign reposed confidence in him he should continue to discharge his duties , as in the past , to the satisfaction of the Order . If the ccnclaves would work as well as the Premier , and as some in Kent , and a few others , they would do well and the Order would progress .
" The Grand Senate" was next given from the chair , and replied to by Sir Knight Lardner . In giving "The Health of the M . P . S ., " Sir Knight Lardner , P . S ., said they ought to feel extremely grateful to Sir Knight Lake for the kind and genial manner in which he had discharged his duties . Sir Knight Wm . Lake , M . P . S ., said that was not the
first time he had had to thank Sir Knight Lardner for kind expressions used towards him . It was very good of Sir Knight Lardner not to mention his shortcomings in connection with the chair of that conclave . He went into that chair with the full intention of carrying out the duties required of him to the best of his ability , but circumstances were somewhat against him . However , they had treated
his shortcomings with much consideration . He had endeavoured to preside in as friendly and fraternal a manner as he knew how , and had thoroughly enjoyed the companionship of the members , which included some of his oldest London Masonic friends . He trusted he should still be privileged to do some service for the conclave and the Order generally .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
Sir Knight Cobham having replied for "The Visitors , " "The P . S . ' s" was cordially given by the M . P . S ., who referred to the work done by Sir Knight Shirley in the conclave . Sir Knight Shirley had fully exemplified the beauties of the ritual of the Order that night , and they had all enjoyed the treat . Sir Knight Capt . T . C . Walls , P . S ., said the P . S . ' s were
a very powerful body , as they had had eight present that evening , and had it not been for them the conclave would not occupy the high position it did . Referring to the origin and history of the Order , he hoped to read a paper on the subject at a future time . Sir Knight H . H . Shirley , P . S ., thanked the M . P . S . for the very kind , amiable , and genial terms in which he had
spoken of his services . Although he passed the chair four years ago , and might with some propriety retire from office , he had taken trouble to master the ritual of the Order , and had made a conscientious endeavour to perform it whenever called upon , and should not , therefore , let it slip into obscurity , it was a reprehensible thing for a brother to fill all the offices and attain the position of the chair , and after receiving the jewel unfortunately resign . That custom
did not prevail in their conclave , for on the present occasion they had seen eight P . S . ' s present . Sir Knights Walls and Lardner were entitled to the highest honour for their active part . His only regret was that during the man ) ' years of his connection with the conclave he had been unable to bring any members into it . Sir Knight Cubitt replied for "The Treasurer , Recorder , and Officers , " and the Sentinel ' s toast closed the proceedings .
Order Of The Secret Monitor.
Order of the Secret Monitor .
Zachane Conclave ( No . p ) . —A meeting - of this conclave was held on the 21 st ult ., at the Holborn Restaurant . Present : Bros . H . W . Kiallmark , S . R . ; C . M . Jessop , C . ; Belgrave Ninnis , P . S . R ., as G . ; W . C Canton , Stwd . ; VV . A . Ellis , Org . ; VVm . Thomas , V . D . ; G . D . P . Thomas , Guarder ; Wm . Amor , Sentinel ; and VV . J . Spratling , G . R .
Bros . C . M . Jessop , Wm . I nomas , W . C Canton , and W . A . Ellis were admitted Princes of the Order . Bro . William Thomas was nominated for the office of Grand Steward . The Secretary read telegrams and letters from brethren regretting that , through illness , they were unable to be present . It was with great regret that he announced
the death of a most zealous and worthy Mason , Bro . Gerwith , on 29 th December last . A vote of condolence was unanimously passed . The brethren adjourned for dinner , when the usual toasts were proposed and responded to . Bro . Ellis , the Organist , presided at the piano .
Annual Festival Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
I he annual festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement was held on the 28 th ult ., at Freemasons ' Hall , Bro . Thomas Fenn presiding . Some 400 brethren were present , the largest number ever known at these gatherings . The Second Lecture was worked , the brethren who
assisted Bro . Fenn beingist Section b y Bro . H . Pritchard , P . M . 1415 . 2 nd „ „ J . J . Black , P . M ., Sec . 1564 . 3 rd „ „ G . W . Bullen , J . D . 1768 . 4 th ,, „ R . C . Sudlow , P . M . 26 3 , 1965 . 5 th „ „ W . P . Reynolds , S . W . 7 .
The work was magnificently performed , and after a vote of thanks had been unanimously passed to the working officers , and Bro . FENN had replied , 95 new members were proposed and seconded for the ballot of the following weekly meeting . Lodge was then closed in the Three Degrees .
The Lord Mayor was to have presided at the supper which followed at Freemasons' Tavern , but as his lordship had not recovered from his recent illness , his place was taken by Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W . The usual toasts followed the supper . The CHAIRMAN , in giving " The Queen and the
Craft , " said her Majesty was the best Queen that ever ruled the nation , and the Craft was the best Craft that ever ruled the workmen ; and in giving " The M . W . G . M ., " he said of the Prince of Wales that never had a leader had more devoted followers , and never had followers had a better leader .
I he CHAIRMAN , in proposing the next toast , " The Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon ; the Dep . Grand Master , the Earl of Lathom ; and the rest of the Grand Officers of England , Present and Past , " said he did not think that on an occasion like that on which they were assembled , among brethren perhaps
the most grand and distinguished , it was necessary to expatiate on what ought to be the attributes of a good Grand Officer , or upon the manner in which the Grand Officers carried out their duties ; he would rather presume that the brethren knew them , and knew them well . At any rate , they were surrounded that night
by some of the best known and the most capable and , he might fairly say , the most highly esteemed of the Grand Officers . He connected the toast with the name of Bro . the Rev . Dr . Sedgwick , a Grand Chaplain for upwards of a quarter of a century . Bro . the Rev . Dr . J SEDGWICK , P . G . C . ( appointed in 1865 ) , responding , said he felt quite proud at being
called on to respond . He was sorry to say it was for no merits of his own , Masonic or private , that the Chairman had alluded to him or his doings so favourably . A quarter of a century he had been Grand Chaplain . He thanked the Chairman with great pleasure , and most heartily , feeling that Masons could have had no better officers than the Pro Grand