Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC ORPHAN BOYS' SCHOOL, DUBLIN. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
MELTON MOWBRAY . —Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , March 28 th . Pro . J . T . Fast , W . M . ; J . E . Bright , S . W . < Bernard , Sec ; AV . Leadbeater , I . G . ; Rev . W . Langley , P . M . ; together with several members ancl visitors . Amongst the latter were Bro . AVright , of the Arboretum Lodge , Derby ; Bro . Smith , Manchester ;
and Bro . Taylor , Leicester . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting , and one of the brethren of the lodge offered his services as Steward at the next Festival of the Girls' School . A new banner ( supplied by Bro . George Kenning , reflecting great credit upon his establishment ) has been lately added to the lodge furniture , which is now complete .
LIVERPOOL . —Pembroke Lodge , No . 1299 . —On Thursday , the 16 th ultimo , the brethren of this lodge—one of the youngest but most promising lodges in the province of West Lancashire — assembled at West Derby Hotel , West Derby , near Liverpool , for the purpose of installing the Worshipful Master-elect , and for other business . This was the anniversary day of the consecration of the
lodge , and it is most creditable to the zeal and unanimity of the brethren connected with the " Pembroke " that the necessary cost of furnishing the lodge ( carried out with the greatest taste by Bro . Joseph Wood ) has been nearly defrayed during the first year . Bro . "VV . Crane , W . M ., opened the lodge in the first degree , and after the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , the
lodge was opened in the second degree . Afterwards Bro . William Vines , as the W . M .-elect , was presented to Bro . T . Marsh , A . P . G . D . C and P . G . S . B ., by Bro . Hamer , P . G . T ., and Bro . W . Crane , AV . M ., P . M . 249 , for installation . The ancient rites having been read , Bro . Vines was duly installed W . M . in a highly impressive manner . The brethren having saluted in the three
degrees , the W . M . appointed the following officers ; Bros . j . Sallars , S . AV . ; J . Clegg , J . AV . ; Clayton , Treas . ; P . Macmuldrow , Sec ; AV . Jones , S . D . ; AV . Wilson , J . D . ; W . Cotter , I . G . ; J . Cook , D . C ; J . W . Kelly , Steward ; and J . Robinson , Tyler . Bro . Marsh gave the address to the officers , and Bro . Hamer addressed the brethren . Amongst the visitors were Bros . A . C . Mott ,
P . G . D . ; J . Jones , S . AV . 216 ; James Ridley , P . M . 321 ( Ireland ) ; Dr . Speer , 1094 ; Pickup , 1094 ; AV . J . Lunt , P . M . 823 ; & c . Bros . Thomas and Ogle were elected joining members , and the lodge was then closed in due form . An excellent banquet was afterwards provided by Bro . ' Rawlinson , of the AVest Derby Hotel , to which about forty brethren sat down . After the removal of the cloth ,
the AV . M . proposed the loyal toasts in short and happy terms . He also proposed " Our Masonic Rulers , Supreme and Subordinate , " lo which Bro . Mott replied , remarking that he was proud to be in a position to do so . They had a nobleman at their head who had shown an « nusual amount of interest in the Craft ; and he ( Bro . Mott ) thought that during his temporary absence across
the Atlantic , the Earl of Carnarvon , as his Deputy , was " the right man in the right place . " In their own province they had a Grand Master who had served his apprenticeship in a similar capacity for several years , and a more genial and more noble man than the Deputy Provincial Grand Master did not exist . At the last meeting of thc Provincial Grand Lodge vessels were wanted for
consecration , and Bro . Lord Skelmersdale at once said he would defray thecost , amounting to about / 'So . ( Cheers . ) Referring to a recent visit to a lodge at Kirby-Lonsdale , Bro . Mott said he was very much struck with the quantity of purple there , and he expressed a hope that before long the same free distribution would be seen in the province of AA ' cst Lancashire . ( Hear , hear . ) He expressed great
pleasure at hearing of thc prosperity of the Pembroke Lodge , No . 1299 , although it had only been in existence a year . He was glad to say lhat No . 1345 had been consecrated the other day , which showed that Masonry was increasing very much . lie also referred to the satisfactory nature of the report about to be issued , and said he was proud to know that that lodge , though comparatively new ,
had contributed its full share towards the educational institution for children . ( Cheers . ) The claims of that institution were very great , and he trusted the brethren would put their shoulders to thc wheel . He congratulated the brethren of the Pembroke Lodge at having placed in the chair a brother who was so eminently qualified to fulfil the duties by his large experience and genial disposition .
—Bro . Crane , I . P . M ., in proposing "The Health of the AV . M ., " said the selection was one which would do credit to Masonry generally , and prove highly satisfactory to the brethren of that lodge in particular . Bro . Vines was known to most of them as an excellent Mason , and he gratefully acknowledged the good service he had rendered to him ( Iho . Craine ) during his year of ofiice , never having
been absent from a single meeting . ( The toast was drunk witli much enthusiasm . )—In acknowledging the compliment , the W . M . lhanked the brethren very sincerely for having placed him in the chair . In taking that position , he said , the lodge had been very much indebted to Bro . Crane for the efficiency he had displayed during his year of office , making it one of the most promising in that
province . He ( Bro . Vines ) assured the brethren that he would do his best for the interests of the lodge , so far as his time and circumstances would permit . The W . M . said he proposed with much pleasure "The Health of their esteemed and worthy P . M ., Bro . Crane . " It was the intention of the lodge to present him with an address , but as it was not completed to his ( Bro . Vines' ) satisfaction , he had resolved lo postpone its presentation till next
meeting , if that met with their approval . ( Hear . ) No lodge could possibly have prospered more than No . 1299 had done under Bro . Crane . They had spent something like L " iyj , and he was happy to say they had now only owed about , £ 16 . ( A Brother * . That is in addition to the . £ 137 , AVorshipful Master . ) The lodge ought to be proud at having had such a Master during thc past year , and he hoped Bro . Crane would be spared to see the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Pembroke Lodge rank second to none in the province . ( Applause . )—After the toast had been drunk with true Masonic cordiality , Bro . Crane said he hardly knew how to thank the brethren for their very flattering terms of approval . The financial position of the lodge was not due to his exertions alone , but was largely due to the cordial help he had received from the officers and brethren
generally . He never entered with more pleasure upon the duties of any office than the Master of that lodge , after the S . W . ( Bro . Sellars ) had represented that West Derby was desirous of having a lodge ; and he assured them it gave him the greatest delight to see that up to that time it had been successful , and bade fair to be one of the most prosperous in the province . He had received
the most hearty support from all the brethren , for which he must express his gratitude ; and he trusted it would be an incentive to him to continue to work for the interests of the lodge , Masonry in general , and all his fellow-men . ( Hear , hear . )—The toast of "The Visiting Brethren , " proposed by the W . M ., was acknowledged by Bros . Mott , Baker , J . Jones , Ridley , Speer , T . Dodgson ( AV . M .
Lodge of Furness , No . 995 ) , and Worthington . —The W . M . said it was well known , however good the captain , a ship could not be well navigated without excellent officers , and therefore , in proposing "The Health of the Officebearers " in that lodge , he expressed his belief that the lodge would be carried on prosperously and efficiently during the coming year . —The S . W . ( Bro . Sellars ) thanked the W . M . and brethren for their kindness , and
assured them that he and his brother officers would heartily unite in promoting the interests of the Pembroke Lodge . — " The Newly-admitted Brethren " was acknowledged by [ Bro . Thomas , and the toast of " Bro . Rawlinson , their host , " was also proposed by the W . M . A very pleasant evening ' s entertainment was greatly enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . D . Saunders , J . Jones , J . Buslield , E . Hughes , Fisher , & c .
Royal Arch.
CONSECRATION OF THE ROYAL MIDDLESEX CHAPTER , No . 1194 . This new chapter was consecrated at the Northumberland Arms Hotel , Isleworth , Middlesex , on Saturday , the 25 th . ultimo , by E . Comp . John Hervey , G . S . E ., assisted by Comp . James Brett ,
P . _ ., as J . ; Comp . John Boyd , P . Z ., filling the chair of H ., and Comp . R . Wentworth Little , P . Z ., officiating as Director of Ceremonies . The chapter having been duly opened by the Principals the companions were admitted , and the beautiful rite of consecration was then administered by the presiding officer . At the conclusion of this
important ceremony , Comp . F . AValters , P . Z ., presented Comps . Colonel Burdett , W . Roebuck , C . E ., and G . Cattel , the Principals-designate , for installation in the chair of J ., and they were installed accordingly by Comp . Little . Comp . Cattel having retired , Comps . Burdett and Roebuck were advanced to the rank of H . by Comp . Brett , and the supreme dignity of Z . was then conferred upon Col . Burdett by Comp . Hervey—the whole of the ceremonies being most ably and impressively rendered by the
Installing Principals . Upon the readmission of the Companions , the M . E . Z . proposed , and it was duly seconded and carried unanimously , that Comps . Hervey and Brett be elected honorary members , in appreciation of their valuable services , and a vote of thanks for the same was also voted .
The names of eight brethren for exaltation and five companions for joining were then proposed by Comps . Roebuck and Little , the latter companion having been previously chosen and invested as Scribe E .
The chapter was then closed , and thc Companions sat down to dinner , after which the usual loyal and R . A . toasts were proposed by the M . E . Z . Comps . J . Boyd , Z . 145 , and C . Horsley , P . J . 28 , responded eloquently for the visitors . The health of the Consecrating Principal was exceedingly well received , and Comp . Hervey expressed his
acknowledgements in felicitous terms , and then proposed the "M . E . Z ., " for which Col . Burdett returned thanks . Various other toasts were given , including the " Founders , " represented by Comps . G . Kenning and D . D . Beck , and the last toast having been proposed by the Janitor , Comp . Gilbert , the Companions separated .
The installation of thc M . E . Grand Superintendent , Lieut .-Colonel N . Lc Gendre Starkie , took place in the Town-hall , Bury , on March 30 th , at 2 p . m ., which was numerously attended by the Provincial Grand Officers and companions from the neighbouring towns . Comp . Henry Muggeridge , PastGrand
Standard-Bearer of England , having kindly come down from London , performed the ceremony in his usual true Masonic manner , installing Lieut .-Colonel N . Le Gendre Starkie as M . E . Provincial Grand Superintendent , Comp . John M . Wike as and , and Comp . W . Birch as 3 rd Provincial Grand Principal . The rest of the Grand Officers being appointed and invested , Comp . Henry Muggeridge delivered an
Royal Arch.
appropriate address to the companions present , which was listened to with marked attention . The roll of chapters being then called over , the Grand Chapter was closed and officers retired . The chapter was finally closed at . 4 p . m . by Comp . Henry Muggeridge , when the brethren , about sixty in number , partook of a first-class
banquet , under the presidency of M . E . Provincial Grand Superintendent , Lieut .-Colonel N . Le Gendre Starkie , at the Derby Hotel , provided and superintended personally by Bro . William Handley , W . M . 1012 , in that style for which this hotel is famed . During the evening Comp . Henry Muggeridge
gave ' * The Balaclava Charge , " by Tennyson , which was received with great pleasure . The musical arrangements were ably conducted and performed by Comps . Bailey and Dumville and Bros . Edmondson and Bro . Wroe , accompanied by Comp . Thos . Law , Provincial Grand Organist , and a very interesting meeting was concluded at 10 p . m .
MELTON MOWBRAY . —De Mowbray Chapter , No . 1130 . —The regular Quarterly Communication of this chapter was held on the gth ult . Present : Comps . Newcome , M . E . Z . ; E . J . Orford , H . ; Douglas , J . ; Langley , P . Z ., Treasurer ; Adcock , Scribe E . ; J . J . Fast , P . S . ; J . E . Bright , A . Soj . ; J . C Duncombe , A . Soj . ; Markham , Leadbeater , Johnson , Chester , Newcombe , Selby , & c .
Bro . Bugg , of the Hundred of Elloe Lodge , Spalding , was balloted for , elected , and exalted by E . Companion Langley , at the desire of the M . E . Z . The lectures were given by Comps . Douglas , Orford and Langley , the whole of the work being very correctly rendered . The following companions were then elected to office for the ensuing
year : Orford M . E . Z . ; Douglas , H . ; Fast , J . ; H . Dean , P . S . They will be installed at Leicester at a Provincial Grand Chapter which the P . G . Supt . of Leicestershire is about to hold to instal the Principals of all the chapters in the province . There are three or four names down for the next meeting , in June , which will be the second anniversary of this flourishing chapter .
Masonic Orphan Boys' School, Dublin.
We have great pleasure in giving publicity to the following letter : — Freemasons' Hall , Dublin , April , 1871 . Dear Sir and Brother , —I beg to bring the Masonic Orphan Boys' School under your consideration . Although the Institution has been so recently established , we are now creditably maintaining and educating eleven orphans ,
sons of our departed brethren . At our first general meeting a resolution was adopted that we should not cease our efforts until a sum had been collected sufficient to justify the formation of a suitable Orphanage , such as the Female Orphan School , and we have the great satisfaction of informing you that we have been enabled , through the liberality of the brethren , to
invest in good securities the sum of ,-64 , 300 ; and so soon as the invested sum shall have reached , £ 5 , , we purpose forthwith to take steps for the immediate opening of an independent Institution . At our last election twelve most truly deserving applicants for admission presented themselves . Our funds only admitted of our electing one . I therefore now most earnestly appeal to you to assist to place us in a position to announce that another election
will be held during the course of the ensuing autumn . A Vice-President's fee is , £ 30 , a Life Governor's donation is , £ 10 , and the Annual Governor's subscription £ 1 ; but any sum will be most thankfully received , and trusting that I shall be favoured with permission to add your name to the list of subscribers , have the honour to remain , yours fraternally , A MAXWELL HARTE . Assist . Sec .
HOLLOAVAY ! S PILLS . —Comfort for the afflicted . — When the blood becomes impure through breathing foul air , or through the imperfect performance of any bodily function , the greatest benefit will be derived from these pills , whose purifying , alterative , and tonic virtues are too well known to need any commendation here . After taking a few doses , a marked amendment will be felt from day to
day ; the appetite will grow better , the stomach stronger , the liver wholesomely active , and the bowels naturally regular . While taking these pills there is no danger of catching cold , nor are any , save the simplest , precautions ( plainly set forth in the directions for use ) necessary for securing the full beneficial results desirable from this wellknown world-esteemed medicine . —[ Advt . ]
CROSBY ' S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXER . —Opiates Narcotics , and Squills are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . ^ Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momenta * -- / relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points to Crosby's Balsamic Cough Elixer , as thc true remedy . —Select Testimonial . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author of the " Anti-Lancet , " says : " I have
repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough . Pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of pulmonary consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a _ most valuable adjunct loan otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " —This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allavs the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the
constitution Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsy , and all affections of the throad and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers in bottles at is . od ., 4 s . 6 d . and us each , and wholesale by JAS . M . CKOSUV , Chemist , Scarborough . *„* Invalids should read Crosby's Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained gratis of any respectable Chemist . —[ Advt .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
MELTON MOWBRAY . —Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , March 28 th . Pro . J . T . Fast , W . M . ; J . E . Bright , S . W . < Bernard , Sec ; AV . Leadbeater , I . G . ; Rev . W . Langley , P . M . ; together with several members ancl visitors . Amongst the latter were Bro . AVright , of the Arboretum Lodge , Derby ; Bro . Smith , Manchester ;
and Bro . Taylor , Leicester . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting , and one of the brethren of the lodge offered his services as Steward at the next Festival of the Girls' School . A new banner ( supplied by Bro . George Kenning , reflecting great credit upon his establishment ) has been lately added to the lodge furniture , which is now complete .
LIVERPOOL . —Pembroke Lodge , No . 1299 . —On Thursday , the 16 th ultimo , the brethren of this lodge—one of the youngest but most promising lodges in the province of West Lancashire — assembled at West Derby Hotel , West Derby , near Liverpool , for the purpose of installing the Worshipful Master-elect , and for other business . This was the anniversary day of the consecration of the
lodge , and it is most creditable to the zeal and unanimity of the brethren connected with the " Pembroke " that the necessary cost of furnishing the lodge ( carried out with the greatest taste by Bro . Joseph Wood ) has been nearly defrayed during the first year . Bro . "VV . Crane , W . M ., opened the lodge in the first degree , and after the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , the
lodge was opened in the second degree . Afterwards Bro . William Vines , as the W . M .-elect , was presented to Bro . T . Marsh , A . P . G . D . C and P . G . S . B ., by Bro . Hamer , P . G . T ., and Bro . W . Crane , AV . M ., P . M . 249 , for installation . The ancient rites having been read , Bro . Vines was duly installed W . M . in a highly impressive manner . The brethren having saluted in the three
degrees , the W . M . appointed the following officers ; Bros . j . Sallars , S . AV . ; J . Clegg , J . AV . ; Clayton , Treas . ; P . Macmuldrow , Sec ; AV . Jones , S . D . ; AV . Wilson , J . D . ; W . Cotter , I . G . ; J . Cook , D . C ; J . W . Kelly , Steward ; and J . Robinson , Tyler . Bro . Marsh gave the address to the officers , and Bro . Hamer addressed the brethren . Amongst the visitors were Bros . A . C . Mott ,
P . G . D . ; J . Jones , S . AV . 216 ; James Ridley , P . M . 321 ( Ireland ) ; Dr . Speer , 1094 ; Pickup , 1094 ; AV . J . Lunt , P . M . 823 ; & c . Bros . Thomas and Ogle were elected joining members , and the lodge was then closed in due form . An excellent banquet was afterwards provided by Bro . ' Rawlinson , of the AVest Derby Hotel , to which about forty brethren sat down . After the removal of the cloth ,
the AV . M . proposed the loyal toasts in short and happy terms . He also proposed " Our Masonic Rulers , Supreme and Subordinate , " lo which Bro . Mott replied , remarking that he was proud to be in a position to do so . They had a nobleman at their head who had shown an « nusual amount of interest in the Craft ; and he ( Bro . Mott ) thought that during his temporary absence across
the Atlantic , the Earl of Carnarvon , as his Deputy , was " the right man in the right place . " In their own province they had a Grand Master who had served his apprenticeship in a similar capacity for several years , and a more genial and more noble man than the Deputy Provincial Grand Master did not exist . At the last meeting of thc Provincial Grand Lodge vessels were wanted for
consecration , and Bro . Lord Skelmersdale at once said he would defray thecost , amounting to about / 'So . ( Cheers . ) Referring to a recent visit to a lodge at Kirby-Lonsdale , Bro . Mott said he was very much struck with the quantity of purple there , and he expressed a hope that before long the same free distribution would be seen in the province of AA ' cst Lancashire . ( Hear , hear . ) He expressed great
pleasure at hearing of thc prosperity of the Pembroke Lodge , No . 1299 , although it had only been in existence a year . He was glad to say lhat No . 1345 had been consecrated the other day , which showed that Masonry was increasing very much . lie also referred to the satisfactory nature of the report about to be issued , and said he was proud to know that that lodge , though comparatively new ,
had contributed its full share towards the educational institution for children . ( Cheers . ) The claims of that institution were very great , and he trusted the brethren would put their shoulders to thc wheel . He congratulated the brethren of the Pembroke Lodge at having placed in the chair a brother who was so eminently qualified to fulfil the duties by his large experience and genial disposition .
—Bro . Crane , I . P . M ., in proposing "The Health of the AV . M ., " said the selection was one which would do credit to Masonry generally , and prove highly satisfactory to the brethren of that lodge in particular . Bro . Vines was known to most of them as an excellent Mason , and he gratefully acknowledged the good service he had rendered to him ( Iho . Craine ) during his year of ofiice , never having
been absent from a single meeting . ( The toast was drunk witli much enthusiasm . )—In acknowledging the compliment , the W . M . lhanked the brethren very sincerely for having placed him in the chair . In taking that position , he said , the lodge had been very much indebted to Bro . Crane for the efficiency he had displayed during his year of office , making it one of the most promising in that
province . He ( Bro . Vines ) assured the brethren that he would do his best for the interests of the lodge , so far as his time and circumstances would permit . The W . M . said he proposed with much pleasure "The Health of their esteemed and worthy P . M ., Bro . Crane . " It was the intention of the lodge to present him with an address , but as it was not completed to his ( Bro . Vines' ) satisfaction , he had resolved lo postpone its presentation till next
meeting , if that met with their approval . ( Hear . ) No lodge could possibly have prospered more than No . 1299 had done under Bro . Crane . They had spent something like L " iyj , and he was happy to say they had now only owed about , £ 16 . ( A Brother * . That is in addition to the . £ 137 , AVorshipful Master . ) The lodge ought to be proud at having had such a Master during thc past year , and he hoped Bro . Crane would be spared to see the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Pembroke Lodge rank second to none in the province . ( Applause . )—After the toast had been drunk with true Masonic cordiality , Bro . Crane said he hardly knew how to thank the brethren for their very flattering terms of approval . The financial position of the lodge was not due to his exertions alone , but was largely due to the cordial help he had received from the officers and brethren
generally . He never entered with more pleasure upon the duties of any office than the Master of that lodge , after the S . W . ( Bro . Sellars ) had represented that West Derby was desirous of having a lodge ; and he assured them it gave him the greatest delight to see that up to that time it had been successful , and bade fair to be one of the most prosperous in the province . He had received
the most hearty support from all the brethren , for which he must express his gratitude ; and he trusted it would be an incentive to him to continue to work for the interests of the lodge , Masonry in general , and all his fellow-men . ( Hear , hear . )—The toast of "The Visiting Brethren , " proposed by the W . M ., was acknowledged by Bros . Mott , Baker , J . Jones , Ridley , Speer , T . Dodgson ( AV . M .
Lodge of Furness , No . 995 ) , and Worthington . —The W . M . said it was well known , however good the captain , a ship could not be well navigated without excellent officers , and therefore , in proposing "The Health of the Officebearers " in that lodge , he expressed his belief that the lodge would be carried on prosperously and efficiently during the coming year . —The S . W . ( Bro . Sellars ) thanked the W . M . and brethren for their kindness , and
assured them that he and his brother officers would heartily unite in promoting the interests of the Pembroke Lodge . — " The Newly-admitted Brethren " was acknowledged by [ Bro . Thomas , and the toast of " Bro . Rawlinson , their host , " was also proposed by the W . M . A very pleasant evening ' s entertainment was greatly enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . D . Saunders , J . Jones , J . Buslield , E . Hughes , Fisher , & c .
Royal Arch.
CONSECRATION OF THE ROYAL MIDDLESEX CHAPTER , No . 1194 . This new chapter was consecrated at the Northumberland Arms Hotel , Isleworth , Middlesex , on Saturday , the 25 th . ultimo , by E . Comp . John Hervey , G . S . E ., assisted by Comp . James Brett ,
P . _ ., as J . ; Comp . John Boyd , P . Z ., filling the chair of H ., and Comp . R . Wentworth Little , P . Z ., officiating as Director of Ceremonies . The chapter having been duly opened by the Principals the companions were admitted , and the beautiful rite of consecration was then administered by the presiding officer . At the conclusion of this
important ceremony , Comp . F . AValters , P . Z ., presented Comps . Colonel Burdett , W . Roebuck , C . E ., and G . Cattel , the Principals-designate , for installation in the chair of J ., and they were installed accordingly by Comp . Little . Comp . Cattel having retired , Comps . Burdett and Roebuck were advanced to the rank of H . by Comp . Brett , and the supreme dignity of Z . was then conferred upon Col . Burdett by Comp . Hervey—the whole of the ceremonies being most ably and impressively rendered by the
Installing Principals . Upon the readmission of the Companions , the M . E . Z . proposed , and it was duly seconded and carried unanimously , that Comps . Hervey and Brett be elected honorary members , in appreciation of their valuable services , and a vote of thanks for the same was also voted .
The names of eight brethren for exaltation and five companions for joining were then proposed by Comps . Roebuck and Little , the latter companion having been previously chosen and invested as Scribe E .
The chapter was then closed , and thc Companions sat down to dinner , after which the usual loyal and R . A . toasts were proposed by the M . E . Z . Comps . J . Boyd , Z . 145 , and C . Horsley , P . J . 28 , responded eloquently for the visitors . The health of the Consecrating Principal was exceedingly well received , and Comp . Hervey expressed his
acknowledgements in felicitous terms , and then proposed the "M . E . Z ., " for which Col . Burdett returned thanks . Various other toasts were given , including the " Founders , " represented by Comps . G . Kenning and D . D . Beck , and the last toast having been proposed by the Janitor , Comp . Gilbert , the Companions separated .
The installation of thc M . E . Grand Superintendent , Lieut .-Colonel N . Lc Gendre Starkie , took place in the Town-hall , Bury , on March 30 th , at 2 p . m ., which was numerously attended by the Provincial Grand Officers and companions from the neighbouring towns . Comp . Henry Muggeridge , PastGrand
Standard-Bearer of England , having kindly come down from London , performed the ceremony in his usual true Masonic manner , installing Lieut .-Colonel N . Le Gendre Starkie as M . E . Provincial Grand Superintendent , Comp . John M . Wike as and , and Comp . W . Birch as 3 rd Provincial Grand Principal . The rest of the Grand Officers being appointed and invested , Comp . Henry Muggeridge delivered an
Royal Arch.
appropriate address to the companions present , which was listened to with marked attention . The roll of chapters being then called over , the Grand Chapter was closed and officers retired . The chapter was finally closed at . 4 p . m . by Comp . Henry Muggeridge , when the brethren , about sixty in number , partook of a first-class
banquet , under the presidency of M . E . Provincial Grand Superintendent , Lieut .-Colonel N . Le Gendre Starkie , at the Derby Hotel , provided and superintended personally by Bro . William Handley , W . M . 1012 , in that style for which this hotel is famed . During the evening Comp . Henry Muggeridge
gave ' * The Balaclava Charge , " by Tennyson , which was received with great pleasure . The musical arrangements were ably conducted and performed by Comps . Bailey and Dumville and Bros . Edmondson and Bro . Wroe , accompanied by Comp . Thos . Law , Provincial Grand Organist , and a very interesting meeting was concluded at 10 p . m .
MELTON MOWBRAY . —De Mowbray Chapter , No . 1130 . —The regular Quarterly Communication of this chapter was held on the gth ult . Present : Comps . Newcome , M . E . Z . ; E . J . Orford , H . ; Douglas , J . ; Langley , P . Z ., Treasurer ; Adcock , Scribe E . ; J . J . Fast , P . S . ; J . E . Bright , A . Soj . ; J . C Duncombe , A . Soj . ; Markham , Leadbeater , Johnson , Chester , Newcombe , Selby , & c .
Bro . Bugg , of the Hundred of Elloe Lodge , Spalding , was balloted for , elected , and exalted by E . Companion Langley , at the desire of the M . E . Z . The lectures were given by Comps . Douglas , Orford and Langley , the whole of the work being very correctly rendered . The following companions were then elected to office for the ensuing
year : Orford M . E . Z . ; Douglas , H . ; Fast , J . ; H . Dean , P . S . They will be installed at Leicester at a Provincial Grand Chapter which the P . G . Supt . of Leicestershire is about to hold to instal the Principals of all the chapters in the province . There are three or four names down for the next meeting , in June , which will be the second anniversary of this flourishing chapter .
Masonic Orphan Boys' School, Dublin.
We have great pleasure in giving publicity to the following letter : — Freemasons' Hall , Dublin , April , 1871 . Dear Sir and Brother , —I beg to bring the Masonic Orphan Boys' School under your consideration . Although the Institution has been so recently established , we are now creditably maintaining and educating eleven orphans ,
sons of our departed brethren . At our first general meeting a resolution was adopted that we should not cease our efforts until a sum had been collected sufficient to justify the formation of a suitable Orphanage , such as the Female Orphan School , and we have the great satisfaction of informing you that we have been enabled , through the liberality of the brethren , to
invest in good securities the sum of ,-64 , 300 ; and so soon as the invested sum shall have reached , £ 5 , , we purpose forthwith to take steps for the immediate opening of an independent Institution . At our last election twelve most truly deserving applicants for admission presented themselves . Our funds only admitted of our electing one . I therefore now most earnestly appeal to you to assist to place us in a position to announce that another election
will be held during the course of the ensuing autumn . A Vice-President's fee is , £ 30 , a Life Governor's donation is , £ 10 , and the Annual Governor's subscription £ 1 ; but any sum will be most thankfully received , and trusting that I shall be favoured with permission to add your name to the list of subscribers , have the honour to remain , yours fraternally , A MAXWELL HARTE . Assist . Sec .
HOLLOAVAY ! S PILLS . —Comfort for the afflicted . — When the blood becomes impure through breathing foul air , or through the imperfect performance of any bodily function , the greatest benefit will be derived from these pills , whose purifying , alterative , and tonic virtues are too well known to need any commendation here . After taking a few doses , a marked amendment will be felt from day to
day ; the appetite will grow better , the stomach stronger , the liver wholesomely active , and the bowels naturally regular . While taking these pills there is no danger of catching cold , nor are any , save the simplest , precautions ( plainly set forth in the directions for use ) necessary for securing the full beneficial results desirable from this wellknown world-esteemed medicine . —[ Advt . ]
CROSBY ' S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXER . —Opiates Narcotics , and Squills are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . ^ Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momenta * -- / relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points to Crosby's Balsamic Cough Elixer , as thc true remedy . —Select Testimonial . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author of the " Anti-Lancet , " says : " I have
repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough . Pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of pulmonary consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a _ most valuable adjunct loan otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " —This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allavs the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the
constitution Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsy , and all affections of the throad and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers in bottles at is . od ., 4 s . 6 d . and us each , and wholesale by JAS . M . CKOSUV , Chemist , Scarborough . *„* Invalids should read Crosby's Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained gratis of any respectable Chemist . —[ Advt .